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![[File:Item Full Furniture Coin.png|80px|link=Furniture Box]]
![[File:Item Full Furniture Coin.png|80px|link=Furniture Box]]
|Furniture coins are required to buy almost every piece of Furniture (some being free).
|Furniture coins are required to buy almost every piece of Furniture (some being free).
*Furniture coins are capped at '''300,000'''.  
*Furniture coins are capped at '''350 000'''.  
![[File:Item Full Furniture Box (Small).png|80px|link=Furniture Box]][[File:Item Full Furniture Box (Medium).png|80px|link=Furniture Box]][[File:Item Full Furniture Box (Large).png|80px|link=Furniture Box]]
![[File:Item Full Furniture Box (Small).png|80px|link=Furniture Box]][[File:Item Full Furniture Box (Medium).png|80px|link=Furniture Box]][[File:Item Full Furniture Box (Large).png|80px|link=Furniture Box]]

Revision as of 20:44, 8 October 2024

Home Port Portal
Military Record · Friendly Fleet · Library · Inventory · Furniture · Quests · Shop
SortieButton.png ExercicesButton.png ExpeditionButton.png

Port ringmenu Fleet.png · Port ringmenu Supply.png · Port ringmenu Refit.png · Port ringmenu Docks.png · Port ringmenu Build.png · Port ringmenu Improve.png

The default office
A decorated office

Furniture are cosmetic items, only uses to decorate the main menu "office".

As of the 2024/09/24 update, there are 616 pieces of furniture, which come in five types depending on their office location, only one of each can be set-upped at once:

  • Wallpaper (x106),
  • Flooring (x89),
  • Chair+Desk (x103),
  • Windows+Curtains (x94),
  • Decoration (x143),
  • Furniture+Shelf (x81).

Most furniture are only static elements, but some also have "special features", such as:

  • Animations,
  • Asset variations depending on the Secretary, the time of day, or the season.
  • Port BGM,
  • Interactive elements.

Most furniture are available in the shop, with the variety accessible at any given time being affected by the season, with both new and old ones being available depending on the current update.

  • Additionally, some Quests and commemorative/seasonal events (such as anniversaries) also reward some furniture.

Purchasing Furniture

Furniture shop screen

The Furniture catalog can be accessed via "アイテム" (item) button on the main screen (4th button on top from the left) then choosing アイテム屋 (the third option down on the left side) once on the item screen.

Item Full Furniture Coin.png Furniture coins are required to buy almost every piece of Furniture (some being free).
  • Furniture coins are capped at 350 000.
Item Icon Furniture Box (Small).pngItem Full Furniture Box (Medium).pngItem Full Furniture Box (Large).png Furniture Boxes are the only source of Furniture coins
  • They come in three sizes, giving more coins in bigger sizes.
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png Furniture Fairy are used to purchase certain furniture or to decrease the coin cost of some other furniture.

Using Furniture

Furniture menu screen
A furniture's info card, featuring a background music.

Clicking on the "Furniture" button on the main screen will open the furniture menu where office furniture can be selected.

  • Furniture are divided like the shop menu.
  • It is possible to select any possessed furniture from those tabs.
  • A button additionally redirects to the furniture shop.
  • A small blue arrow button at the bottom right corner allows a preview of the entire office without the Secretary or any UI.

In the main screen, the Port button (big top left circle) will hide the interface, giving a view of the room with the Secretary.


Regardless of the furniture used, all Admiral offices will share a same background, the "Naval Base".

  • The "Naval Base" has 5 modes depending on the time of day (based on the computer time).
  • It also comes in 9 shapes, depending on the 9 window topologies.

Only 2 windows will affect it:

  • The "Fireworks Window" will trigger fireworks at night.
  • The "Windowless Room" (window) will just remove any window, therefore hiding the background.

Furniture Changing BGM

The song "Home Port" is the current BGM, as seen in the Home Port screen.

Some furniture comes with different BGM that will replace the base office's BGM.

  • This is shown with the "Furniture BGM Fairy": Furniture BGM Fairy

For example, the furniture "Wisteria and Water Surface Flooring" will play the BGM "Rain, Alcohol, and Ship Girls" when on the main screen.

  • Only few furniture mention the BGM's title in their description.

BGM that comes with special furniture has priority over the one set by Jukebox. The song of the latest furniture will override that from all other furniture until the furniture is removed from the office

  • Once the latest furniture that has BGM is removed, the music will change back to the default one set by the Jukebox.

To check the current port BGM, go to the Military Record menu and look at the BGM field (bottom right).


Confirmation box
A track is being played

The "Jukebox" (ジュークボックス) is a furniture that allows to change the main menu BGM at the cost of furniture coins.

  • In order to function, it must be setupped in the office, with no other furniture also changing BGM.
Jukebox pop-up track list

There are two versions of it, having the same function and just a different office location:

  • The base Jukebox (Chair+Desk),
  • The Jukebox Kai (Furniture+Shelf).

Once installed, clicking on it will open the track list menu.

  • If a girl is blocking its access, it is always possible to switch her position.

Select the song wanted from the list and choose the left option to play a 30 s preview of it.

  • Only tracks with the mention "Can be set as homeport BGM" (母港BGM設定可能) can be set as the homeport's BGM.
  • The button on the top right corner needs to be clicked on as the track is being played to confirm the change.
    • Clicking the "X" button will cancel it and will not refund the coins.
    • After the new BGM is set, the Jukebox can be removed from the office, the default song will remain until it is set to a new one using the Jukebox.

Music List

Furniture BGM
Title Furniture Notes
Japanese English
母港 Home Port - By default for all furniture
  • Radio Window
  • Radio and High-class Craftsman Windows
Changes any BGM to this
艦娘のお菓子作り Kanmusu's Sweets Making
  • Candy-making Wallpaper
  • Chocolate Kitchen
  • Café Table Set
  • KanColle Xmas Cookie Making
  • Chocolate Cake and Tea Set
  • Ship Girl Handmade Chocolates in Progress
桃の節句と艦娘 Hinamatsuri and Ship Girls
  • Hinamatsuri Wallpaper
  • Gorgeous Hina-ningyou Four-step Stand
  • Coast Defense Ships Hina Doll Decoration
  • Peach Festival Window
  • "Nagato" and "Mutsu" Hina Dolls
粉雪の降る夜 A Night of Powdery Snow
  • Christmas Brick Wall
  • Tricolor Tree
  • Winter Stained Glass
梅雨明けの白露 White Dew After the Rainy Season Shiratsuyu Custom-made Wallboard
聖夜の母港 Holy Night at the Homeport
  • Xmas Tree Pattern Red Wall
  • Taylor-made Snow Pattern Carpet
  • Turkey Feast
  • Turkey Dinner
  • Reindeer-style Xmas Window
  • Northern Camouflage Paulownia Chest of Drawers
迎春の鎮守府 New Year Greetings from the Naval Base
  • Checkered Pattern Choja Tatami
  • New Year's Soba
  • Naval Base New Year Decorations
  • New Year Hanging Scroll 2015
  • "Advancing Day by Day" Hanging Scroll
  • "Yubari New Year's Greeting" Hanging Scroll
  • Year of the Ox Naval Base New Year Decorations
  • Kadomatsu
  • New Year Calligraphy Contest 2018
雨とお酒と艦娘 Rain, Alcohol, and Ship Girls
  • Wisteria and Water Surface Flooring
  • Desk for Two to Enjoy the Rainy Season
  • Naval Base Counter Bar
  • Ship Girls' Umbrella Stand
水着の出撃 Swimsuit Sortie Wavefront Sandy Beach Floor
秋の鎮守府 Autumn Naval Base
  • Autumn Rugs and Bamboo Flooring
  • Saury Dinner Table
  • Autumnal Vibes Window
節分の鎮守府 Setsubun at the Naval Base
  • Adults' Setsubun Set
  • Ehomaki Kitchen
  • Children's Setsubun Set
  • Setsubun "Bean Throwing" Set
  • Setsubun Japanese Chest of Drawers
  • Setsubun Bean-throwing Practice Se
冬の抜錨 Winter Anchor
  • White and Blue Tree
  • Winter Decorations
浜辺の艦娘 Ship Girls on the Beach
  • Naval Base Beach Tea House
  • Beach Tea House Window
  • Mysterious Summer Operation Map
鎮守府の秋祭り Naval Base Autumn Festival
  • Naval Base Autumn Festival Food Stall
  • Shooting Gallery at the Naval Base Autumn Festival
  • Admiral and Secretary's Wooden Desk (the radio can switches the BGM with "Home Port")
艦娘と提督の食卓 Kanmusume and Admiral's Dining Table
  • Admiral's Dining Table
  • Early Spring Window
睦月型駆逐艦の戦い Battle of the Mutsuki-class destroyers Satsuki's Desk
冬の艦隊 Winter Fleet
  • Admiral and Kanmusu Relaxation Set
  • Winter Northern Seas Map
長波、駆ける Long Waves, Running Mainstay of Mainstay Setsubun Festival
雨音の鎮守府 The Sound of Rain at the Navy Base
  • Teru Teru Bouzu Window
  • Rainy Season Green Curtain Window
  • Custom-made Hydrangea Stained Window
  • Hydrangea Japanese Chest of Drawers
祈り Prayer
  • Fine Wooden Blinds Window
  • New Year Greetings! Yahagi of the 2nd Fleet Hanging Scroll
眼下の伊号 The I-go Below Submarine Squadron Window
Valentine's Sea Valentine's Sea Valentine Window
武蔵の帰投 Musashi's return
  • "Thank You" Hanging Scroll
  • Musashi Hanging Scroll
  • "Musashi" Model and Paulownia Chest of Drawers
第五戦隊の出撃 Sortie of the 5th Squadron "2500000 Thanks" Hanging Scroll
海峡へ To the Strai 1YB Third Unit Hanging Scroll
海上護衛戦 Maritime Escort Warfare "Etorofu-class Coastal Defense Ship" Hanging Scroll
索敵機、発艦始め! Spotter Planes, Begin Departure! Zuiun Flag
友軍艦隊、反撃開始! Friendly Fleet Launches Counterattack! "Maya's Shield" Hanging Scroll
鎮守府秋刀魚祭り改三 Naval Base Saury Festival Kai San Type 18 Big Catch Flag
暁の水平線に(inst.ver) On the Dawn's Horizon (inst.ver) Type 19 Big Catch Flag
特型駆逐艦 Special Type destroyer Special Type II Wooden Relief
加賀岬 Kaga Cape "Kaga Cape" Hanging Scroll
頌春令和の海 Sea of the Reiwa New Year New Year's Hanging Scroll Heading Towards the 8th Anniversary
連合艦隊の出撃 Combined Fleet's Sortie
  • Kure "Yamato" Gratitude Hanging Scroll
  • "11th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll
根室沖の輝き Glimmer of the Coast of Nemuro Type 21 Big Catch Flag
新しい年の護り New Year's Talisman Take Flight! New Year's 5th Carrier Division Hanging Scroll
未来(いま) This Moment (Now) Type 22 Big Catch Flag
艦隊10周年の抜錨 Sallying Out for the Fleet's 10th Anniversary
  • "10th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll
  • Type 23 Big Catch Flag
ももちと新しき朝 Momochi and a New Morning Happy New Year! No. 101 Hanging Scroll
海に吹く碧の風 Blue Wind Blowing on the Sea Coastal Defense Ship's May Decoration
抜錨!鵜来型海防艦 Weigh anchor! Ukuru-class Coastal Defense Ship Inagi's Personal Belongings Shelf
連合艦隊旗艦 Combined Fleet Flagship "Nagato" Model and Paulownia Chest of Drawers
加賀岬改 Kaga Cape Kai "Kaga" Model and Paulownia Chest of Drawers
雨とお酒と艦娘(第二夜) Rain, Alcohol, and Ship Girls (2nd Night) Sake & Whisky Shelf
師走の鎮守府 December at the Naval Base Naval Base Cleaning Tools
Jukebox Available Tracks
Position Japanese English Jukebox Note Price Notes
01 母港 Home Port Can be set as homeport BGM 100 Default HQ Main Screen BGM
02 武蔵の帰投 Musashi's return Can be set as homeport BGM 1000 2015/03/13
03 桃の節句と艦娘 Hinamatsuri and Ship Girls Can be set as homeport BGM 1000 2015/03/13
04 北大西洋の風 Wind of the North Atlantic Can be set as homeport BGM 1500
05 噴式の胎動 Birth of the Jets Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
06 連合艦隊の出撃 Combined Fleet's Sortie Can be set as homeport BGM 1000 Fall 2014 Event
07 加賀岬 Kaga Cape New music showcase 1000 2015/07/17
08 加賀岬改 Kaga Cape Kai Homeport-stype BGM version 1000
09 Valentine's Sea Valentine's Sea Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
10 艦娘のお菓子作り Kanmusu's Sweets Making Can be set as homeport BGM 1000 2015/03/13
11 村雨と峯雲の出撃 Murasame and Minegumo's Sortie Can be set as homeport BGM 1500
11 瑞雲の空 The Sky of Zuiun Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
12 提督との絆 Our Bond with the Admiral Long version listen 700 2015/07/17, Vocal Collection Vol.2
13 雨とお酒と艦娘(第二夜) Rain, Alcohol, and Ship Girls (2nd Night) Can be set as homeport BGM 1500
14 暁の水平線に On the Dawn's Horizon Long version listen 700 2015/07/17, Vocal Collection Vol.1
15 鎮守府の朝 Morning at the Naval Base Long version listen 700 2015/07/17, Vocal Collection Vol.1
16 華の二水戦 The Splendid Second Torpedo Squadron Long version listen 700 2015/07/17, Vocal Collection Vol.2
17 士魂の護り Shikon's Defense Can be set as homeport BGM 1000 2015/03/13, "Shikon"
18 二水戦の航跡 Wake of the Second Torpedo Squadron Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
19 月夜海 Moonlit Sea Short version trial 1000
20 頌春令和の海 Sea of the Reiwa New Year Can be set as homeport BGM 1500
21 艦娘と提督の食卓 Kanmusume and Admiral's Dining Table Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
22 地中海の潮風 A Sea Breeze in the Mediterranean Sea Can be set as homeport BGM 1500
23 月夜海 涼月mode Moonlit Sea Suzutsuki mode Suzutsuki solo mode 1000
24 トラック目指して Heading for Truk Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
25 に立つ波 Waves in the Offing Can be set as homeport BGM 1500
26 海原へ Into the Ocean Can be set as homeport BGM 1500
27 戸の盾 Shield of Hachinohe Can be set as homeport BGM 2000
28 根室沖の輝き Glimmer of the Coast of Nemuro Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
29 抜錨!鵜来型海防艦 Weigh anchor! Ukuru-class Coastal Defense Ship Can be set as homeport BGM 1500
30 梅雨明けの白露 The Glistening Dew After The Rainy Season Can be set as homeport BGM 1500
31 雪風の奇跡 The Miracle of Yukikaze Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
32 ペデスタル作戦 Operation Pedestal Can be set as homeport BGM 1500
33 八駆の迎撃 DesDiv 8's Interception BGM version 1000
34 連合艦隊旗艦 Combined Fleet Flagship Can be set as homeport BGM 1000 4-5 & 5-5
35 艦隊10周年の抜錨 Sallying Out for the Fleet's 10th Anniversary Can be set as homeport BGM 1500
36 夜の祈り Night Prayer Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
37 眼下の伊号 The I-go Below Can be set as homeport BGM 1500
38 長波、駆ける Naganami, Running Forth Can be set as homeport BGM 1500
39 師走の鎮守府 December at the Naval Base Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
40 祈り Prayer Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
41 令和桃の節句 Reiwa's Doll Festival Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
42 海上護衛戦 Maritime Escort Warfare Can be set as homeport BGM 1000 1-5
43 特型駆逐艦 Special Type destroyer Can be set as homeport BGM 1000 2015/03/13
44 新しい年の護り New Year's Talisman Can be set as homeport BGM 2024
45 迎春の鎮守府 New Years at the Naval Base Can be set as homeport BGM 1000 2014/12/26
46 節分の鎮守府 Setsubun at the Naval Base Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
47 浜辺の艦娘 Ship Girls on the Beach Can be set as homeport BGM 1000 2015/07/17
48 水着の出撃 Swimsuit Sortie Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
49 鎮守府秋刀魚祭り改 Naval Base Saury Festival Kai Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
50 鎮守府秋刀魚祭り改三 Naval Base Saury Festival Kai San Can be set as homeport BGM 1500
51 Fleet Halloween Pumpkin Fleet Halloween Pumpkin Can be set as homeport BGM 1500
52 Trick or Fleet! Trick or Fleet! Can be set as homeport BGM 1500
53 清霜の朝 Kiyoshimo's Morning Can be set as homeport BGM 1500
54 佐世保の時雨 Shigure of Sasebo BGM version 1000
55 遥かなるウルシー泊地 The Distant Ulithi Anchorage Can be set as homeport BGM 2000
55 西村艦隊の戦い Battles of the Nishimura Fleet Can be set as homeport BGM 2000
56 加賀の征く海 Kaga, Conquering the Sea Can be set as homeport BGM 2000
57 聖夜の母港 Home Port on Christmas Eve Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
58 粉雪の降る夜 A Night of Powdery Snow Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
59 冬の艦隊 Winter Fleet Can be set as homeport BGM 1000 3-5, 2014/12/12
60 ももちと新しき朝 Momochi and a New Morning Can be set as homeport BGM 2000
61 海に吹く碧の風 Blue Wind Blowing on the Sea Can be set as homeport BGM 2000
62 雨音の鎮守府 The Sound of Rain at the Navy Base Can be set as homeport BGM 1000 2015/06/12
63 雨とお酒と艦娘 Rain, Alcohol, and Ship Girls Can be set as homeport BGM 1000 2015/06/12
64 明石の工廠 Akashi's Armory Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
65 鎮守府の秋祭り Naval Base Autumn Festival Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
66 秋雲の描くスケッチ A Sketch Akigumo Drew Can be set as homeport BGM 2000
67 秋月の空 Sky of the Autumn Moon Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
68 艦娘音頭 The Shipgirl Festival Dance Can be set as homeport BGM 1000
69 未来(いま) This Moment (Now) Can be set as homeport BGM 2000
Jukebox Removed Tracks
Position Japanese English Jukebox Note Price Notes
冬の抜錨 Winter Anchor Can be set as homeport BGM 1000 Christmas 2013 Event

Removed 2014/12/01

索敵機、発艦始め! Spotter Planes, Begin Departure! Can be set as homeport BGM 1000 Spring 2014 Event (Same as event name)

Removed 2014/12/12

  • See Music for more details.

Furniture List

Page Top

Here are listed all the furniture released in the game.

  • Do note that most furniture are only available via the shop, and only at certain periods.
  • Several ones are also more exclusive, being quests or event rewards, or even just "log-in" rewards.

See also