Introduction Play
Buon giorno! I'm a Marcello-class foreign submarine! Mi chiamo Comandante Cappellini! Just call me Cappellini! Nice to meet you!
Buon giorno!あたい、マルチェロ級外洋型潜水艦だお!Mi chiamo Comandante Cappellini!カッペリーニでいいお。よっろしく!
Introduction Play
Buon giorno! I'm a Marcello-class foreign submarine! Comandante Cappellini! Ammiraglio, I'm doing well today!
Buon giorno!マルチェロ級外洋型潜水艦だお!Comandante Cappellini! Ammiraglio, あたいは今日も元気さ!
Introduction Play
Guten tag! I'm the Marcello-class foreign submarine, Cappellini! No, wait, my name is UIT-24! I'm a transport submarine now! I'm going to the Far East, to Japan! I'll do my best!
Guten tag! あたい、マルチェロ級外洋型潜水艦カッペリーニ!じゃなかった、今の名前はUIT-24だ。今は輸送潜水艦なんだー。極東、日本までいくおー。頑張るぜー!
Introduction Play
I'm the Marcello-class foreign submarine, Cappellini! Wait, no, what was it again? Oh, right, I-class! Right now, I'm an I-class submarine, I-503! I'm still doing my best! I'm doing it, I'm fighting!
あたい、マルチェロ級外洋型潜水艦、カッペリーニ…じゃなかった! なんだっけ~! そうだ、伊号! 今は伊号潜水艦、伊503だお!まだまだ頑張るぜ! やるぜ~、戦うぜ~!
Library Play
I'm the Marcello-class foreign submarine, Comandante Cappellini! Well, I've had plenty of adventures and experiences. A buncha stuff happened, and I got renamed to UIT-24 and sent to the Far East. In the end, I became I-503 in Japan. I'm an I-class submarine now! Remember me as the submarine that ran around in those dark times!
あたい、マルチェロ級外洋型潜水艦、Comandante Cappellini! まあ、冒険と経験は豊富だお!色々あってUIT24って名前になって極東へ。 最後は日本で、伊503になったんだ!伊号潜水艦だお! あの苛烈な時代を駆け抜けた潜水艦、あたいのことも覚えておいてな!
Secretary 1 Play
Ammiraglio, I'm ready to go!
Ammiraglio, あたい、行けちゃうお!
Secretary 1 Play
Admiral, seems like there's a lot going on. Oh well!
Admiral! なんだかいろいろ、あるよねー。ま、いっか!
Secretary 1 Play
Admiral, I've taken a liking to this place!
Secretary 2 Play
Well, it'll work out somehow. It's all worked out so far!
Secretary 3 Play
By the way, I actually like gunfights more than torpedo fights. Because I can trust 'em more, you know. Well, HQ always scolds me for getting into danger. But I think it's fine.
あー、あたいね。意外と魚雷より、砲戦が好きなんだ。だって信頼できんじゃん? その方がさ!ま、あんまあぶねーことすんなって、司令部からはいっつも怒られるんだけどね。いいじゃんなー別に。
Secretary 3 Play
So yeah, when I was still Cappellini, I fought enemies, but once the battle is over, you know, I wanted to rescue as many survivors as I could! Well, I got told to knock it off. Then a lotta stuff happened, and now I'm one of those "transport submarines". But I'm sure I can manage!
Secretary 3 Play
Well, there was this and that, and now I'm here! This is a good place though! I like it, think it'd be nice to stay... Eh? I can? Yay! Then I'll work here for a bit! Thank you, ammiraglio! Oh right, "Admiral"!
まあ、そんで流れ流れてついて、今はここよ、ここ。でも、ここはいいとこ! あたい、気に入ったから、ずっと住んでようかなーって…え、いいの!? やったぜ! ならちょいっとばかし働いちゃうお! ありがと、ammiraglio…あ、提督か。
Idle Play
Thinking about it, I experienced a lot. We almost got into a diplomatic incident one time. I managed to take care of it with smarts, courage, and using the night as cover. It was exhilarating at that time. Eh? It caused everyone trouble? Really? I'm sorry about that. I was also, well, desperate.
そーな、いろいろ経験したなー。ある時なんか、外交問題にもなりかけたんだお。知恵と勇気と夜を使って、乗り切ったんだ。あんときは痛快だったさー…え、周りは大変だった? マジかー、そいつはすまねえ。あたいもまあ、必死だったのさ。
Secretary Married Play
Oh, Admiral, you don't look like you're doing so hot. Alright, I'll just have to make you my secret ultimate "Cappellini"! I got my hands on some nice cans of tomatoes and olive oil. You're about to taste the most amazing flavors! Have a seat!
あれ?提督、あんま元気ないの? じゃあ仕方ない! あたいが必殺技の超絶美味しいカッパリーニ作ってあげるお! いいトマト缶とオリーブオイル手に入ったんだ! 最高の味食わせるぜ! 座っとき!
Wedding Play
Ammiraglio-sorry, Admiral, did you ask for me? Just so you know, "Cappellini" isn't the same kind of noodle as udon, somen, or soba... oh, now's not the time? Eh? You want to marry me? Really? Wooow, I did want to live here permanently. Okay, for real then! Yeah, this is exactly what I wanted! Yay!
Ammiraglio, じゃねえし、提督さんよ!あたいを呼んだかーい? カッペリーニはうどんでもそうめんでもそばでもないぜ!って、ああ、そうじゃない? えっ、あたいと結婚したいの!?マジで? はー、あたい、ここで永住したかったんだー。いいぜ、マジで! ああ、ガチで望むところだお!やったー!
Looking At Scores Play
Information, huh? Wait a sec, I'll get it! This is it, right?
Joining A Fleet Play
Marcello-class foreign submarine, Comandante Cappellini, sortieing! Now then, time to throw both my friends and enemies for a loop!
マルチェロ級外洋型潜水艦、Comandante Cappellini, 出撃だお!さあ、敵も味方もかき回すぜ!
Joining A Fleet Play
Germany Navy Transport Submarine UIT-24, leaving port! Now then, will everything go smoothly? I'll give it a go!
ドイツ海軍輸送潜水艦UIT-24, 出航だお! さあ、無事に物事、進むかな? やったるぜ!
Joining A Fleet Play
Adopted submarine I-503, sortieing! I've taken a liking to this place! Actually, this is the only place I've got! I'll give it a go, leave it to me!
摂取潜水艦、伊号503, 出撃するお! ここ、気に入ってんだ! つか、ここしかねえし! 任せとけ、やったるぜー!
Equipment 1 Play
Grazie! Thank you!
Grazie! ありがてぇ!
Equipment 2 Play
Ohhhhh, I get it now. Well well, what's next?
Equipment 2 Play
AQUILA III? What's with that call sign? I don't recognize it![1]
AQUILA III? なにそのコールサイン! 知らねーし!
Equipment 3[2] Play
Grazie! Yay!
Grazie! やっとー!
Supply Play
Grazie! This really helps!
Grazie! すっごい助かるお!
Docking Minor Play
What's this for, it was noth- ow, that hurt!
Docking Major Play
This is bad, this is bad! Really bad!
Construction Play
Oh my, a new ally!
Returning From Sortie Play
Everyone, grazie! The fleet is here!
Starting A Sortie Play
Ammiraglio! Huh? Oh, don't be so strict about things! I'm weighing anchor! Here I go!
Ammiraglio! あ? あ、堅ぇこと言うなって! あたい抜錨するお! いくぜー!
Starting A Sortie Play
Ammiraglio! Or should I say, Admiral! I-503, weighing anchor, departing~!
Ammiraglio! じゃなかった、提督さんよ! 伊号503、抜錨つるお、出発じゃー!
Battle Start Play
Ammiraglio! We found the enemy! Well, once in a while I'll do it the normal way, with torpedoes, torpedoes!
Ammiraglio! 敵さん見つけたぜ! まぁ、たまには正攻法で、魚雷でやっか! 魚雷で!
Battle Start Play
Admiral! This is bad, it's the enemy! I'm just a transport submarine right now! Oh no~!
Admiral! やべぇ!敵さんだ! あたい、今輸送潜水艦やかんなー! やべぇってぇ!
Battle Start Play
Ammiraglio! Shoot, Admiral! I found the enemy! We can just wipe them out, right?
Ammiraglio! アカン! 提督さんよ! 敵さん見つけた! やっちまっていいんだの!
Attack Play
I got this!
Secondary Attack Play
I see you, I see you, I'll get you!
Night Battle Play
Night, huh? I want to make tomato pasta, eat it, and sleep... wait, not now, gotta do this!
MVP Play
I'm the one getting commended? That's pretty rare. Well, I'll just say grazie. How about we make some pasta and have a drink? Sure! Let's do it!
あたいを褒めてくれるのかい? 珍しいこともあるお。まぁ、素直にgrazie。今日はパスタでも茹でて、美味しく一杯やるかい? いいよ、やっちゃおうぜ!
Minor Damage 1 Play
Wow! That surprised me!
Minor Damage 2 Play
Woah-woah-woah, close one!
Minor Damage 2 Play
Oh no! Crash dive! Wait, why backwards? I guess that'll do!?
やば!急速先行!ってなんで後ろ向き!? いいけどさ!
Major Damage Play
Woaaaaah, woooooooooah! That was really dangerous! Emergency ascent! Huh? Ah, we can do it? Thank goodness!
うわぁああ、あああああ! ガチめに危なあああああ! 緊急浮上! えっ? あ、できる? よかったぁー!
Major Damage Play
Wooooooooooaaaaaaah! Like I'm sinking here! Emergency ascent! I'm definitely getting back! I like this place too much!
Sunk Play
Ehehe... so I finally messed up...? Well, I've been on quite a lot of adventures, so it's not so bad... If there's peace one day, I'd like to live in Yokohama forever, yeah...