00:00 Play
It becomes the next day. Admiral, I will support you today. I look forward to working with you.
It becomes the next day. 提督、本日は私がサポートさせていただきます。よろしくお願いします。
01:00 Play
It's one o'clock now. 0100. Admiral, is it okay like this?
It’s one o'clock now.マルヒトマルマル。提督、こんな感じで大丈夫ですか。
02:00 Play
It’s two o'clock now. 0200. The paperwork will be done very soon.
It’s two o'clock now.マルフタマルマル。二時です。書類関係もうすぐ終わります。
03:00 Play
It's three o'clock now. 0300. Well, I've finished all the paperwork for the fleet. Admiral, shall I put on the coffee?
It's three o'clock now. マルサンマルマル。ふぁ、艦隊の書類事務一通り終わりました。提督、Coffee入れましょうか?
04:00 Play
It's four o'clock now. 0400. It's so quiet. It's almost morning.
It's four o'clock now. マルヨンマルマル。静かですねぇ。もうすぐ朝。
05:00 Play
It's five o'clock now. 0500. Admiral, I'll watch over you. Even if it's just a bit, take a rest... Yes, I'll wake you up in an hour.
It's five o'clock now.マルゴーマルマル。提督、私が見ています。少しだけでも、お休みに...はい。一時間後に起こしますね。
06:00 Play
Good morning everyone!It's six o'clock now.0600. All hands wake up!
Good morning everyone!It's six o'clock now.マルロクマルマル。総員起こし!
07:00 Play
It's seven o'clock now. 0700. Do you want USS-style this morning? Or JMSDF-style? I can make either style! Ah, is that so? Roget that.
It's seven o'clock now.マルナナマルマル。朝はUSS風?海自風?どちらも出来ますよ!お、そうですか。了解です。
08:00 Play
It's eight o'clock now. 0800. Yes, Admiral. Here's some after breakfast coffee. It's a nice morning today, isn't it?
It's eight o'clock now.マルハチマルマル。はい、提督。食後のCoffeeです。いい朝ですね。
09:00 Play
It's nine o'clock now. 0900. Come on Admiral, let's go out to sea!
It's nine o'clock now.マルキューマルマル。さぁ、提督、海に出ましょう!
10:00 Play
It's ten o'clock now. 1000. Shall we start today with the exercises?
It's ten o'clock now.ヒトマルマルマル。今日は、演習から行きましょうか。
11:00 Play
It's eleven o'clock now.1100. This is good, I'm getting better at this.
It's eleven o'clock now.ヒトヒトマルマル。いい感じ、練度、上がっています。
12:00 Play
It's noon. 1200. It's noon. Admiral, everyone, let's have lunch!
It's noon. ヒトフタマルマル。お昼です。提督、皆さん、Lunchにしましょう!
13:00 Play
It's one o'clock now. 1300. That's a nice breeze~. Doesn't it feel good, Admiral?
It's one o'clock now.ヒトサンマルマル。いい風~。提督、気持ちいいですね。
14:00 Play
It's two o'clo-hm? Who's that ship's silhouette? Shigure? Long time no see. Ah, I see. You're working hard. I'm doing my best too. Yes, now we're working hard together! As one![1]
It's two o'clo- ん?あの艦影は?Shigure?久しぶり。あぁ、そうなんだ。頑張ってるんだね。私も頑張ります。そう、今は一緒。共に!
15:00 Play
It's three o'clock now. 1500. Shigure, how is Yamashiro these days? Huh? Ah, oh. I see. I'll be careful.
It's three o'clock now.ヒトゴーマルマル。Shigure、最近、Yamashiroはどう?へっ?あぁ、そう。I see.少し気を付ける。
16:00 Play
It's four o'clock now. 1600. It's almost dusk... Ah.
It's four o'clock now.ヒトロクマルマル。そろそろ夕暮れの時間...あ。[2]
17:00 Play
It's five o'clock now. 1700. Admiral, look. Dusk. Isn't it beautiful? I like dusk very much. How about you, Admiral?
It's five o'clock now.ヒトナナマルマル。提督、見てください。夕暮れ。きれいですね。夕暮れの時間、私とても好き。提督は?
18:00 Play
It's six o'clock now. 1800. Admiral, for tonight...? Oh, is that alright? I'm grateful, thanks for treating me.
It's six o'clock now.ヒトハチマルマル。提督、夜は...?えっ、いいんですか?んでは、恐縮ですが、ご馳走になります。
19:00 Play
It's seven o'clock now. 1900. Admiral, uhm... I-it's so good! Delicious! Admiral, you're quite the good cook.
It's seven o'clock now.ヒトキューマルマル。提督、あの...おっ、美味しいです!Delicious!提督、料理上手なんですね。
20:00 Play
It's eight o'clock now. 2000. Phew~. Enough. I'm stuffed. Admiral! At least let me wash the dishes...! Well, let's do it together then.
It's eight o'clock now.フタマルマルマル。はぁ~。Enough.お腹いっぱい。提督!洗い物ぐらいは私が...!じゃ、一緒に。
21:00 Play
It's nin-hm? Who is that at this hour? Shigure! And behind you is... Yamashiro? What's with that big bottle? Aah, no violence! Huh? I'm mistaken? You've brought me some sake? Huh?
It's nin-ん?こんな時間に誰?Shigure!その後ろは...Yamashiro?その大きな瓶は何?うっ暴力反対!へっ?違う?差し入れの日本酒?へっ?
22:00 Play
It's ten o'clock now. 2200. Those big bottles are called isshoubin[3], right? Sake is so delicious! Ah, Yamashiro! Don't pour so much to the Admiral! Admiral, are you okay? Keep it together!
It's ten o'clock now.フタフタマルマル。その大きな瓶は一升瓶というのね。日本酒、美味しい。はっ、Yamashiro!そんなに提督に注がないで!提督、大丈夫?しっかりして!
23:00 Play
It's eleven o'clock now. 2300. We sure went through a lot today. Thank you for your hard work, Admiral. Good night.
It's eleven o'clock now.フタサンマルマル。今日も色々疲れましたね。提督、お疲れ様でした。Good night.