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Type Classification

Ship type codes on the list and the rest of the wiki are based on NATO hull classification or modifications thereof.

  • Many of the types seen in this table are only visible through the in-game Library, and so are not counted in situations like quest/sorties/expeditions compositions
    • Some exceptions do exist and are explicitly noted.
  • Some of those types are not displayed within the game, but are counted within the code and so do count for some situations like quest/sorties/expeditions compositions.
In-game tab Code Sub-Code In-game
Japanese Name English Name
Kanji Romaji "Common" In-game
BB/BC FBB[1] 高速戦艦 Kōsoku senkan Fast Battleship[2] Battleship
BB 戦艦 Senkan Battleship
BBV BBV[1] 航戦 航空戦艦 Kōkū senkan Aviation Battleship
BBCV[1] 航母戦 改装航空戦艦 Kaisō kōkū senkan Remodeled Aviation BattleshipIse-class Kai Ni Aircraft Battleship
CV/CVL CV or CVL - 航空母艦 Kōkū bokan Fleet CarrierAkagi Kai Ni, Kaga Kai Ni, Houshou Kai Ni, Ryuuhou Kai Ni Light/Aircraft Carrier
夜間作戦航空母艦 Yakan sakusen kōkū bokan Night Operations Aircraft CarrierAkagi Kai Ni E, Kaga Kai Ni E, Ryuuhou Kai Ni E
CV 正規空母 Seiki kūbo Standard Aircraft Carrier Aircraft Carrier
近代化航空母艦 Kindai-ka kōkū bokan Modernized Aircraft CarrierKaga Kai Ni Go
CVB[1] 装母 装甲空母 Sōkō kūbo Armored Aircraft Carrier
CVL 軽母 軽空母 Kei kūbo Light Aircraft Carrier Light Aircraft Carrier
戦力投射母艦 Senryokutōsha bokan Power Projection CarrierHoushou Kai Ni Sen
改装特務空母 Kaisō tokumu kūbo Remodeled Special CarrierGambier Bay Mk.II
CA CA 重巡 重巡洋艦 Jū jun'yōkan Heavy Cruiser
CAV[1] 航巡 航空巡洋艦 Kōkū jun'yōkan Aviation Cruiser Aircraft Cruiser
改装航空巡洋艦 Kaisō kōkū jun'yōkan Remodeled Aviation CruiserMogami Kai Ni & Mikuma Kai Ni
特殊改装航空巡洋艦 Tokushu kaisō kōkū jun'yōkan Remodeled Special Aviation CrusierMogami Kai Ni Toku
CL CL CL 軽巡 軽巡洋艦 Kei jun'yōkan Light Cruiser Light Cruiser
重改装軽巡洋艦 Jū kaisō kei jun'yōkan Heavily Remodeled Light CruiserYahagi Kai Ni B
CLX[1] 実験軽巡 兵装実験軽巡 Heisō jikken keijun Experimental Armament Light CruiserYuubari Kai Ni/Toku/D
CLAA 防空巡 防空巡洋艦 Bōkū jun'yōkan Antiaircraft CruiserAtlanta
CLV[1] 軽航巡 軽(航空)巡洋艦 Kei (kōkū) jun'yōkan Light (Aircraft) CruiserGotland base/Andra
CLT[1] 雷巡 重雷装巡洋艦 Jūraisō jun'yōkan Torpedo Cruiser
CT[1] CT 練巡 練習巡洋艦 Renshū jun'yōkan Training Cruiser Training Cruiser
CTS[1] 特務練 練習特務艦 Renshū tokumu-kan Auxiliary Training UtilityAsahi base[3]
DD DD 駆逐 駆逐艦 Kuchikukan Destroyer Destroyer
護衛駆逐艦 Goei kuchiku-kan Destroyer EscortSamuel B. Roberts[4]
改装特I型駆逐艦 Kaisō toku I gatakuchikukan Remodeled Special Type I DestroyerShirayuki Kai Ni & Miyuki Kai Ni
陽字号駆逐艦 Yang Zihao kuchiku-kan Yang Zi Class DestroyerDan Yang[5]
戦艦護衛駆逐艦 Senkan goei kuchiku-kan Battleship Escort DestroyerKiyoshimo Kai Ni
強行輸送駆逐艦 Kyōkō yusō kuchiku-kan Assault Transport DestroyerKiyoshimo Kai Ni D
防空駆逐艦 Bōkū kuchiku-kan Air Defense DestroyerHatsuzuki Kai Ni
DE DE[4] 海防 海防艦 Kaibōkan Coastal Defence Ship Escort
SS SS 潜水艦 Sensuikan Submarine
SSV[1] 潜母 潜水空母 Sensui kūbo Submarine Aircraft Carrier Aircraft Carrying Submarine
AV/AO/AS/... AV AV 水母 水上機母艦 Suijōki bokan Seaplane Tender Seaplane Carrier
AVS[1] 特水母 特設戦闘水上機母艦 Tokusetsu sentō suijōkibokan Special Assault Seaplane TenderMikuma Kai Ni Toku
AO AO 補給 補給艦 Hokyūkan Fleet Oiler
AGS 特務艦 特務艦 Tokumukan Auxiliary Ship UtilitySouya (AGS)
AGL 灯台補給 灯台補給船 Tōdai hokyūsen Lighthouse TenderSouya (AGL)[6]
AGB 南極観測 南極観測船 Nankyoku kansokusen Auxiliary Ice BreakerSouya (AGB)[7]
砕氷 砕氷艦 Saihyō-kan Ice BreakerOotomari
CVE[8] 陸護空 特設護衛空母 Tokusetsu goei kūbo Special Escort CarrierYamashio Maru Escort Carrier
AS 潜母艦 潜水母艦 Sensui bokan Submarine Tender
AR 工作艦 Kōsakukan Repair Ship
LHA LHA 揚陸 揚陸艦 Yōrikukan Amphibious Assault Ship
LST 戦揚陸 戦車揚陸艦 Sensha yōriku-kan Landing Ship, TankNo.101 Landing Ship[9]
  1. Jump up to: 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 Types with no proper NATO hull classification code.
  2. Is uniquely dissplayed on the Kongou-class Kai Ni B/C's library.
  3. The Japanese name can also be translated as "Special Auxiliary Training Ship".
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 In Kancolle, "Coastal Defense Ships" are labeled as "DE", and real "Destroyers Escort" as DD instead of DE.
  5. Yang Zi Class Destroyers refers to the destroyers given to China as war reparations.
  6. The Japanese name can also be translated as "Lighthouse Supply Ship".
  7. The Japanese name can also be translated as "Antarctic Observation Ice Breaker".
  8. In the game, this CVE naming does not overlap with the subtype of CVL: CVE
  9. Also called "Tank Landing Ship"


In addition, some subtypes may also be used like:

Type Japanese Name Notes
Code Name In-game Code Kanji Romaji
XBB[1] "Super Dreadnought"[2] - 超弩級戦艦 Chōdokyū senkan Ingame "API type" unused yet[3]
CVE Escort Carrier - - - For CVL with base ASW stat
CVN Night Carrier - - - For CV and CVL that can do night air attacks natively
BC[4] "Battle Cruisers" - - - Only seen in the Composition menu's filtering tabs[5]
CV, CVB, CVL "Fleet Carrier" - 航空母艦 Kōkū bokan For all types interchangably
Is also displayed on the Library of Akagi Kai Ni, Kaga Kai Ni, Houshou Kai Ni, and Ryuuhou Kai Ni.
"Carrier" - 空母 Kūbo Shorthand for Kōkū bokan (航空母艦)
CA, CAV "Heavy Cruiser Type" - 重巡級 Jūjunkyū For all types interchangably
CL, CLT, CT "Light Cruiser Type" - 軽巡級 Keijunkyū For all types interchangably
AO "Oiler/Refueling Ship" - 給油艦 Kyūyukan Used in Kamoi & Hayasui descriptions
"Fleet Oiler/Supply Ship" 補給 補給艦 Hokyūkan Ingame "API type" (banner code shared with AP)
AP Transport Ship 輸送艦 Yusōkan Ingame "API type" (banner code shared with AO)[6]
"Food Supply Ship" - 給糧艦 Kyūryōkan Alternatively used for Mamiya and Irako for conveninance
PT boat Patrol Torpedo boat 哨戒魚雷艇 Shōkai gyoraitē Abyssal only so far (are counted as "DD" ingame with special modifiers)
- "Princess" - Hime Main bosses
"Demon" - Oni Sub-bosses, also known as "Ogre"
"Imp" 小鬼 - Ko'oni Also known as "Goblin" or "Gnome"
"Coastal Battery" 沿岸 沿岸砲台 Engan hōdai Also known as "Pillbox"
"Installation" - - - Adtional designation to regular types
  1. Not a proper NATO hull classification code, Super Dreadnought being informal and simply called BB.
  2. Historically, all battleships in the game are classified as super dreadnoughts but Gangut and Conte di Cavour.
  3. Used in some battleships' library description.
  4. Not a proper NATO hull classification code, the real code being CC, or for "Large Cruisers" being CB.
  5. Mostly referring to the Kongou-class.
  6. Abyssal only so far
  • Some Abyssals also have some other exclusive subtypes.
  • So far, the following types are fully interchangeable regarding Routing, Expeditions, and Quests requirement:
    • CV and CVB
    • SS and SSV

Equipment Categories, Types, Icons, and Mechanics

Every piece of equipment in the game has an icon, regrouping them by type, giving a quick visual indicator of what a given equipment is.

  • One icon can be shared with different equipment types.
  • Some icons are used for a single equipment.
  • Some equipment icons on the wiki will be displayed with "text" Empty SlotText, indicating special notes like stats or sub-types of equipment.
    • Categories labeled as Empty SlotSp are for "special subtypes", types of equipment with the same mechanics as their normal main type, but corresponding to "larger variants", equipable on respectively larger or more capable ships.

All icons here and on the rest of the wiki are clickable.


Equipment Types Mechanics
For a better understanding of plane-related mechanics, see Aerial Combat
Carriers-Bassed Those planes are mainly equipable on Carriers (CV/CVB/CVL).
FighterNight Fighter Fighters Fighter Fighters FightersFighterNight Fighter are one of the main types of plane used by CV(B/L). Their main role is to bring Air Power during the 1st Aerial Stage, with their "Fighter Power" Anti-Air stat being the most important factor in this regard. Fighters are additionally needed for Aircraft Carrier Cut-Ins (CVCI) during the day Shelling.
Night Fighter Night Fighters
Dive Bomber Dive Bombers Dive Bomber Dive Bombers Dive Bomber Dive Bombers are one of the main types of plane used by CV(B/L). Their main role is to do damage during the Airstrike, with their "Dive Bombing" Dive Bomber Attack stat being the most important factor in this regard. Dive Bombers are additionally needed for dealing damage during day Shelling, especially for Aircraft Carrier Cut-Ins (CVCI).
Night Dive Bomber Night Dive Bombers
Dive Bomber Fighter-Bombers "Fighter-Bombers" are "Dive Bombers", both behaving the exact same way, with the only notable difference being the Improvement effects given by Improved.
Torpedo Bomber Night Torpedo Bomber Torpedo Bombers Torpedo Bomber Torpedo Bombers Torpedo BombersTorpedo BomberNight Torpedo Bomber/Night Bomber are one of the main types of plane used by CV(B/L). Their main role is to do damage during the Airstrike, with their "Torpedo" Torpedo Attack stat being the most important factor in this regard. Torpedo Bombers are additionally needed for dealing damage during day Shelling, especially for Aircraft Carrier Cut-Ins (CVCI).
Night Torpedo Bomber Night Torpedo Bombers
JetFighterBomber2.pngJetFighterBomber1.png Jet-powered Fighter-Bombers Jets are a special type of carrier-based bombers that follow the same damage calculation as regular Dive Bombers using the "dive bombing" Dive Bomber Attack stat, while providing great additional "air power" Anti-Air, as well as "Long Range" Range.
  • They will notably carry out an additional exclusive attack called "Jet Assault" (JA) before the beginning of any battle.
  • They cannot trigger the CVCI.
  • They bring some accuracy bonus against PT boats.
  • See Jets for more details.
Reconnaissance Aircraft Reconnaissance Aircraft Reconnaissance Aircraft Reconnaissance Aircraft Reconnaissance AircraftReconnaissance AircraftLarge Reconnaissance AircraftSpLand-based Reconnaissance AircraftLBReconnaissance SeaplaneReconNight Reconnaissance Seaplane are planes that:
Large Reconnaissance AircraftSp Large Reconnaissance Aircraft
Land-Based For a better understanding of land-base mechanics, see Land-Based Air Squadron.
Bombers Attackers Land-based Attack Aircraft Attackers Land-Based AttackersLand-based Attack AircraftLand-based Fighter (Army)bomberLand-based Assault AircraftLand-based Patrol Aircraft are the main type of bomber used on LBAS. Their most important stats are "torpedo" Torpedo Attack against regular ship, and "dive bombing" Dive Bomber Attack against Installations, as well as their "combat radius" Operation Radius.
Land-based Fighter (Army)bomber Army AttackersBomb-carrying Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model III Kai (65th Squadron)
Land-based Assault Aircraft Assault Aircraft (Army Attackers)
Land-based Patrol Aircraft Patrol Aircraft Land-based Patrol Aircraft Land-Based Patrol Aircraft are counted as regular Land-Based Attackers on every aspect.

Additionally, Patrol Aircraft are ASW Aircraft, and so are mainly used for ASW (see here).

Large Aircraft Land-based Heavy Bomber Heavy Bombers Land-based Heavy Bomber Land-Based Heavy Bombers mostly work like other Land-Based Attackers, but unlike them, they have only 9 planes in LBAS slots, instead of 18, as well as slightly worse damage modifiers, dividing their base attack power by about half.
Interceptors/Fighters Land-based Fighter Jet Fighter Jet Land-Based Fighters/InterceptorsLand-based Fighter (Navy)Land-based Fighter (Army)Land-based Fighter JetLand-based Canard Fighter are LBAS exclusive fighters, that are used to either:
  • Provide Sortie Fighter-Power, where the "fighter Power" Anti-Air, "interception" Interception, and "combat radius" Operation Radius stats are the most important,
  • Intercept enemy bombers, where the "fighter Power" Anti-Air, "interception" Interception, and especially the "anti-bomber" Anti-Bomber stats are the most important.
Land-based Canard Fighter Canard Fighters
Land-based Fighter (Army) Army Fighters
Land-based Fighter (Navy) Navy Fighters Navy Fighters
Rocket Interceptors

  • High Altitude Interceptors multiply the total air power of all land bases in Air Defense mode, when defending against enemy High-Altitude Bombers. The multiplier depends on the number of high altitude interceptors equipped and which difficulty the event map is played on:
Land-based Fighter (Navy) High Altitude Interceptors
Equipment Card Me 163B.png
Me 163B
Equipment Card Prototype Shuusui.png
Prototype Shuusui
Equipment Card Shuusui.png
Airpower modifier against high altitude raids:
Event Map
Number of High Altitude
Interceptors Defending
0 1 2 3+
Casual/Easy: 1x 1.1x 1.2x
Medium/Hard: 0.5x 0.8x
Land-based Reconnaissance AircraftLB Reconnaissance Aircraft Reconnaissance AircraftReconnaissance AircraftLarge Reconnaissance AircraftSpLand-based Reconnaissance AircraftLBReconnaissance SeaplaneReconNight Reconnaissance Seaplane are planes that:

Seaplanes Planes only compatible with ships having the appropriate catapult (mainly battleships, cruisers, and auxiliaries)
Seaplane Seaplanes Reconnaissance SeaplaneReconNight Reconnaissance Seaplane Reconnaissance Seaplanes Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon Reconnaissance Seaplanes Seaplane Seaplanes are the main aircraft type used by non-carrier ships (mainly battleships, cruisers, and auxiliaries).

Reconnaissance AircraftReconnaissance AircraftLarge Reconnaissance AircraftSpLand-based Reconnaissance AircraftLBReconnaissance SeaplaneReconNight Reconnaissance Seaplane are planes that:

Night Reconnaissance Seaplane Night Reconnaissance Seaplanes In addition to all Seaplane Recon mechanics:

Night Reconnaissance Seaplane Night Recons are normal Seaplane Recon with the extra ability to trigger "Night Contact".

  • The scouting phase animation will not show up like day battles; instead, the night recon plane's animation is played in the enemy fleet's radar.
  • [Bug] In a Combined Fleet situation, if a ship in the fleet equipped with a night scout is evacuated from the combined fleet using the Fleet Command Facility, the night recon can still trigger and activate as the fleet proceeds onward and enters a night battle.
Seaplane BomberBomberNight Seaplane Bomber Seaplane Bombers Seaplane BomberBomber Seaplane Bombers Seaplane Seaplanes are the main aircraft type used by non-carrier ships (mainly battleships, cruisers, and auxiliaries).

Seaplane BomberBomber Seaplane Bombers additionally act like Dive Bombers, taking part in the same air phases and sharing the same damage formulas. Additionally, they:

Night Seaplane Bomber Night Seaplane Bombers In addition to all Seaplane Bomber mechanics:

Night Seaplane Bomber Night Seaplane Bombers are required to trigger a special Night Cut-In on certain ships.

  • This cut-in also triggers the Star Shell effect and bonuses.
Seaplane Fighter Seaplane Fighters Seaplane Fighter Seaplane Fighters share all the regular Fighters mechanics, with a different set of ship equippability. Additionally, they:
Large Flying Boat Large Flying Boats Large Flying Boat Large Flying Boats notably:
  • Can trigger Contact and Detection.
  • Allow AV to perform ASW attacks.
  • Increase the minimum Range of Land Bases, from +1 to +3 range depending on the base's unmodified range.
  • Can be used in the Air Reconnaissance nodes mechanic.
  • When equipped in any slot size, the plane count is dropped down to 1, refunding any bauxite.

Although it is a scout which does not actually participate in Aerial Combat mechanics-wise, it is still included in the launching animation if other planes are launched.

Misc Some auxiliary aircraft, mainly used for ASW.
Rotorcraft Rotorcraft Autogyros Rotorcraft Rotorcraft are ASW Aircraft, being used to trigger some OASW and Land-based ASW attacks.

As they do not have any Dive Bombing Dive Bomber Attack stat, they do not participate to Phases 2 & 3 of Aerial Combat and are immune to shootdown. They:

  • Will launch during aerial battle if other planes are launched, but cannot start an aerial battle on their own.
  • Allow BBV, CAV, AV, and LHA to perform ASW attacks.
  • CVL and Kaga Kai Ni Go equipped with them will still require a Dive Bomber Dive Bomber or a Torpedo Bomber Torpedo Bomber to attack submarines, as they are unable to attack anything without a bomber.
  • AS, AR, and some CVB can equip them, but the former cannot attack SS, and the latter has a carrying capacity of 0 so they do not function.
  • AO can equip them, but their attack animation will still be a depth charge animation.

Their LBAS Combat Radius cannot be extended.

Liaison Aircraft Liaison Aircraft Liaison Aircraft are ASW Aircraft, being used to trigger some OASW and Land-based ASW attacks.

Liaison Aircraft Command Liaison AircraftType 3 Command Liaison Aircraft (ASW)
Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft Kai
Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft Kai 2
do not have any Dive Bombing Dive Bomber Attack stat, and so do not participate to Phases 2 & 3 of Aerial Combat and are immune to shootdown. They:

  • Will launch during aerial battle if other planes are launched, but cannot start an aerial battle on their own.
  • CV/L equipped with it will still require a Dive Bomber Dive Bomber or a Torpedo Bomber Torpedo Bomber to attack submarines, as it is unable to attack anything without a bomber.
  • Cannot have their LBAS Combat Radius extended.

Liaison AircraftHayabusa ASW HayabusaType 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model II Kai (20th Squadron)
Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model III Kai (Skilled/20th Squadron)
have some Dive Bombing Dive Bomber Attack stat that counts toward Shelling and allow them to take part in regular Aerial Combat.

Planes Aerial Combat LBAS
Stage 1 (air-to-air) Stage 2 (air-to-ship) ❱❱ Air Power Surface ASW Extendable Combat Radius
Command Liaison Aircraft/KaiType 3 Command Liaison Aircraft (ASW)
Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft Kai
0 ✔️
Command Liaison Aircraft Kai 2Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft Kai 2 0 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
ASW HayabusaType 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model II Kai (20th Squadron)
Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model III Kai (Skilled/20th Squadron)
✔️ Dive Bomber Attackcounted as 0 25 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Special categories
Reconnaissance AircraftLarge Reconnaissance AircraftSpLand-based Reconnaissance AircraftLBReconnaissance SeaplaneReconNight Reconnaissance Seaplane Reconnaissance Aircraft Reconnaissance AircraftReconnaissance AircraftLarge Reconnaissance AircraftSpLand-based Reconnaissance AircraftLBReconnaissance SeaplaneReconNight Reconnaissance Seaplane are planes that:
Planes with Anti-Air Resistance Specific planes may present a special AA resistance property. AA resistance is presented in form of "Ship AA Resistance/Fleet AA Resistance", with each value being used in the respective formulas seen on the Aerial Combat page.
ASW Aircraft Aircraft with at least 7 ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare, can be used to trigger special OASW and are required to perform Land-based ASW attacks.
ASW Aircraft
RotorcraftRotorcraft AutogyrosKa Type Observation Autogyro
O Type Observation Autogyro Kai
O Type Observation Autogyro Kai Ni
Equipment Card Ka Type Observation Autogyro.png
Ka Type Observation Autogyro
Equipment Card O Type Observation Autogyro Kai.png
O Type Observation Autogyro Kai
Equipment Card O Type Observation Autogyro Kai 2.png
O Type Observation Autogyro Kai Ni
S-51J Kai
Equipment Card S-51J.png
Equipment Card S-51J Kai.png
S-51J Kai
Liaison AircraftLiaison Aircraft
Equipment Card Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft (ASW).png
Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft (ASW)
Equipment Card Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft Kai.png
Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft Kai
Equipment Card Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model II Kai (20th Squadron).png
Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model II Kai (20th Squadron)
Equipment Card Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model III Kai (Skilled 20th Squadron).png
Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model III Kai (Skilled/20th Squadron)
Equipment Card Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft Kai 2.png
Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft Kai 2
Land-based Patrol AircraftLand-based Patrol AircraftPrototype Toukai
Toukai (901 Air Group)
Equipment Card Prototype Toukai.png
Prototype Toukai
Equipment Card Toukai (901 Air Group).png
Toukai (901 Air Group)
+7 ASW Torpedo BomberNight Torpedo BomberTorpedo Bombers
Equipment Card Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (931 Air Group).png
Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (931 Air Group)
Equipment Card Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (931 Air Group Skilled).png
Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (931 Air Group/Skilled)
Equipment Card Tenzan (931 Air Group).png
Tenzan (931 Air Group)
Equipment Card Prototype Type 97 Torpedo Bomber Kai (Skilled) No. 3 Model E (w Type 6 Airborne Radar Kai).png
Prototype Type 97 Torpedo Bomber Kai (Skilled) No. 3 Model E (w/ Type 6 Airborne Radar Kai)
Equipment Card Tenzan Model 12A Kai (Skilled w Type 6 Airborne Radar Kai).png
Tenzan Model 12A Kai (Skilled w/ Type 6 Airborne Radar Kai)

Equipment Card Ryuusei Kai (CarDiv 1 Skilled).png
Ryuusei Kai (CarDiv 1/Skilled)
Equipment Card Swordfish Mk.III (Skilled).png
Swordfish Mk.III (Skilled)
Equipment Card Barracuda Mk.III.png
Barracuda Mk.III
Equipment Card TBM-3D.png
Equipment Card TBM-3W+3S.png
Equipment Card Tenzan Model 12A Kai 2 (Murata Squadron w Radar).png
Tenzan Model 12A Kai 2 (Murata Squadron w/ Radar)
+7 ASW Torpedo BomberDive Bombers
Equipment Card Ju 87C Kai 2 (w KMX).png
Ju 87C Kai Ni (w/ KMX)
Equipment Card Ju 87C Kai 2 (w KMX Skilled).png
Ju 87C Kai Ni (w/ KMX/Skilled)
Equipment Card Type 0 Fighter Model 64 (Two-seat w KMX).png
Type 0 Fighter Model 64 (Two-seat w/ KMX)
+7 ASW SeaplaneSeaplanes Recons
Equipment Card Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane Model 11B.png
Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane Model 11B
Equipment Card Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane Model 11B (Skilled).png
Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane Model 11B (Skilled)
Equipment Card Swordfish Mk.III Kai (Seaplane Model).png
Swordfish Mk.III Kai (Seaplane Model)
Equipment Card Swordfish Mk.III Kai (Seaplane Model Skilled).png
Swordfish Mk.III Kai (Seaplane Model/Skilled)
Equipment Card Zuiun Kai 2 (634 Air Group Skilled).png
Zuiun Kai Ni (634 Air Group/Skilled)
Dive BomberAnti-Installation Dive Bombers
Dive Bomber Dive-Bombers that can attack installations
This is a segment from a bigger article. See Combat/Anti-Installation for details on Installation mechanics.

Carriers will only attack installations in the shelling phase if equipped with Torpedo Bombers or Anti-Installation Dive Bombers.

  • Additionally, carriers will attack installations if equipped with non-special dive bombers AND one of the special dive bombers below.
  • Any other dive bomber will completely disable shelling against installations even if the carrier has a torpedo bomber equipped.
  • This can be very useful to manipulate the targeting mechanic so the carriers attack important targets.
Equipment Card Ju 87C Kai.png
Ju 87C Kai
Equipment Card Prototype Nanzan.png
Prototype Nanzan
Equipment Card F4U-1D.png
Equipment Card FM-2.png
Equipment Card Ju 87C Kai 2 (w KMX).png
Ju 87C Kai Ni (w/ KMX)
Equipment Card Ju 87C Kai 2 (w KMX Skilled).png
Ju 87C Kai Ni (w/ KMX/Skilled)

Equipment Card Suisei Model 12 (634 Air Group w Type 3 Cluster Bombs).png
Suisei Model 12 (634 Air Group w/ Type 3 Cluster Bombs)
Equipment Card Suisei Model 12 (w Type 31 Photoelectric Fuze Bombs).png
Suisei Model 12 (w/ Type 31 Photoelectric Fuze Bombs)
Equipment Card Type 99 Dive Bomber Model 22.png
Type 99 Dive Bomber Model 22
Equipment Card Type 99 Dive Bomber Model 22 (Skilled).png
Type 99 Dive Bomber Model 22 (Skilled)
Equipment Card SB2C-3.png
Equipment Card SB2C-5.png
Equipment Card F4U-4.png
Night Planes Night Bomber = Night Torpedo Bomber Night Torpedo Bombers Night Aircraft are planes that contribute to Carrier Night Air Attack damage.
Night Dive Bomber = Night Dive Bomber Night Dive Bombers
Night Fighter = Night Fighter Night Fighters

Main Armament

Main Armament
Equipment Types Mechanics
Naval Guns Main GunsSmall Caliber Main GunMedium Caliber Main GunLarge Caliber Main Gun are the main armament used by surface ships. Their main stats are the "firepower" Firepower and "accuracy" Accuracy. They are notably required to trigger all Artillery Spotting attacks as well as some Night Cut-Ins, notably the "Double Attack" (DA).
Main Guns Small Caliber Main GunSmall Caliber Main High-angle GunSmall Small Caliber Main Guns Small Caliber Main Gun Small Caliber Main Guns Small Caliber Main Guns are mostly used on smaller ships like Destroyers.
  • They bring some accuracy bonus against PT Imp.
Small Caliber Main High-angle GunSmall Small Caliber Main High-Angle Guns
Medium Caliber Main GunMedium Main Caliber High-angle GunMedium Medium Caliber Main Guns Medium Caliber Main Gun Medium Caliber Main Guns Medium Caliber Main Guns are mostly used on medium ships like Cruisers.
Medium Caliber Main Gun Medium Main High-Angle Guns
Large Caliber Main Gun Large Caliber Main Guns Large Caliber Main Gun Large Caliber Main Guns Large Caliber Main Guns are used on Battleships.
Very Large Caliber Main GunSp Very Large Caliber Main Guns
Secondary Guns Secondary GunSecondary High-angle GunSec Secondary Guns Secondary Gun Secondary Guns (surface) Secondary GunsSecondary GunSecondary High-angle GunSecLarge Secondary High-angle GunSp_Sec serve a similar role to Main Guns. Their main stats are the "firepower" Firepower and "accuracy" Accuracy. They are notably required to trigger some weaker Artillery Spotting attacks as well as some Night Cut-Ins, notably the "Double Attack" (DA).
Secondary High-angle GunSec Secondary High-Angle Guns
Large Secondary High-angle GunSp_Sec Large Secondary (High-Angle) Guns
High-Angle Gun High-Angle Guns (dual-purpose) Main High-angle GunMain Main High-Angle Guns Small Caliber Main High-angle GunSmall Small Caliber Main High-Angle Guns High-Angle Gun High-Angle Guns (sometimes "dual-purpose guns"), are anti-air focused guns, that can serve their main surface role, in addition to having extra Anti-Air AA stats.
  • They are notably required in most AACI.
Medium Main Caliber High-angle GunMedium Medium Main High-Angle Guns
Secondary High-angle GunSec Secondary High-Angle Guns Secondary High-angle GunSec Secondary High-Angle Guns
Large Secondary High-angle GunSp_Sec Large Secondary (High-Angle) Guns
Anti-Aircraft Gun Anti-Aircraft Guns Anti-Aircraft Gun AA Guns are equippable in RE. They are mainly used to provide "Anti-Air", notably via their AA Anti-Air stat. They:
  • Are notably required in most AACI.
  • Trigger a tracer-fire effect during air combat.
  • Bring an accuracy bonus against PT boats.
Torpedo Weaponry Equipment with "torpedo" Torpedo Attack as their primary stat.
Torpedoes Torpedoes Torpedoes Torpedoes (surface) Torpedoes Torpedoes are almost exlusively used to trigger Night Cut-Ins, especially the Torpedo Cut-In (TCI). Their main stat is the "torpedo" Torpedo Attack stat.
Submarine TorpedoesSub Submarine Torpedoes Submarine TorpedoesSub Submarine Torpedoes
Late Model Submarine TorpedoesSub_LM Late Model Submarine Torpedoes Late Model Submarine Torpedoes are needed to trigger special Night Cut-Ins.
Midget SubmarineMinisub Midget Submarines Midget SubmarineMinisub Midget Submarine allow any ship equipping one to perform an Opening Torpedo Salvo. Their main stat is the "torpedo" Torpedo Attack stat, being used to calculate damages in all torpedo phases.
Anti-Submarine Warfare Equipment with "ASW" Anti-Submarine Warfare as their primary stat.
SONAR Sonars Small SONARSmall Small Sonars SONAR Sonars are the main equipment used for ASW, being required to trigger most OASW, and greatly enhancing ASW Damage Synergy. Their main stat is "ASW" Anti-Submarine Warfare.
Large SONARLarge Large Sonars
Depth Charges Depth Charges Depth Charge ProjectorDCP Depth Charge Projectors Depth Charges Depth Charges are one of the main equipment used for ASW, greatly enhancing ASW Damage Synergy. Their main stat is "ASW" Anti-Submarine Warfare.
Depth Charge RacksDCR Depth Charge (Racks)
ASW MortarOther ASW Mortars ASW MortarOther ASW Mortars have additional Anti-Installation bonuses similar to Anti-Ground Rockets.

Other Equipment

Other Equipment
Equipment Types Mechanics
RADAR Radars Small RADARSmall Small Radars RADAR Radars are used to provide boosts to LoS Line of Sight and accuracy Accuracy. They are additionally used for:

"Dual Purpose Radars" are radars that are both Surface Radars and Air Radars.
Surface RADARSurfaceSurface Radars are radars that:

Air RADARAir Air Radars are radars that:

  • Must have 2 or more AA Anti-Air,
  • Increase the Anti-Air of the fleet,
  • Are required to trigger most AACI.
Large RADARLarge Large Radars Large RADARLarge Large Radars
Very Large RADARSp Very Large Radars
Surface RADARSurface Surface Radars
Air RADARAir Air Radars
Submarine Equipment Submarine Equipment Submarine Equipment are mainly used to trigger special Night Cut-Ins exlusiv to submarines.
  • Can be equipped in the RE.
Searchlight Searchlights Small SearchlightSmall Small SearchlightSearchlight Searchlight Searchlights are used to trigger a special Night Battle mechanic when equipped, playing a special animation and applying the following effects:
  • Attack accuracy and cut-in rates of the fleet are increased.
  • Cut-in rates of the enemy fleet are decreased.
  • The enemy fleet will target and hit the ship that triggered the searchlight more often, see here.

The activation rate is 100% on ships with 2 or more HP, 0% otherwise.

  • Multiple ships equipped with searchlights do not have stacking effects.
Large SearchlightLarge Large SearchlightType 96 150cm Searchlight
Lookout Skilled LookoutsSkilled Lookouts
Torpedo Squadron Skilled Lookouts
Lookout Surface Ship Personnel are equippable in RE. They:
  • Increase cut-in rates in Night Battles for the ship equipping it,
  • Are required to trigger some "New Type" Cut-ins,
  • Play an animation right before cut-in animations,
  • Bring an accuracy bonus against PT boats.
Landing Craft Landing Craft Landing CraftTP Transport DLCDaihatsu Landing Craft
Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft
Landing Craft Landing Craft can serve in several roles:
  • "Transport Craft" (type 1) are best at increasing the resources gained from expeditions,
  • "Landing Tanks" (type 2 & 3) deal more damage to installations, being an essential component of "nuke set-ups" (see Anti-Installation),
  • "Armed Boats" (type 4) act mostly like Landing Tanks, and have some additional bonus, against PT Imp notably.

Each Landing Craft equipped will increase "TP Gauge" drain by 8 during Transport Operations.

Each Landing Craft equipped (except for "Landing Tanks type 3") will increase resource gain on Resource Nodes and Expeditions.

Landing CraftTank Landing Tanks
Landing CraftArmed Armed BoatsArmed Daihatsu
Soukoutei (Armored Boat Class)
Amphibious Vehicle Amphibious Vehicles Amphibious Vehicle Amphibious Vehicles behave similarly to Landing Craft. They:
Landing Forces Landing Forces Landing Forces Landing Forces behave similarly to other "Landing Equipment" against Installations. They:
  • Are only used against Installations.
  • Can only be equipped on "LST" type ships (a subcategory of LHA).
  • Provide great damage boost against all installation types.
  • Can be a component of a "nuke" setup.

Additionally, when attacking an installation, the attack animation makes the ship physically move across the screen like other Landing Equipment, as it is a "landing craft" itself.

Drum Canister Drum CanistersDrum Canister (Transport Use) Drum Canister Drum Canisters are not "combat equipment", and so are mostly used for non-combat mechanics. They:
  • Increase resource gains on Resource Nodes in sorties.
  • Can affect Routing on certain maps.
  • Slightly increase TP gauge drain during Transport Operations.
  • Are required to trigger a "New Type" Cut-in.
  • Are required for expeditions 21, 37, 38, 44, & E2.
    • Can also increase the chance of Great Success for those expeditions as well as 24 & 40.
    • They do NOT increase resource gains from expeditions.
Anti-Aircraft Fire Director Anti-Aircraft Fire Directors Anti-Aircraft Fire Director Anti-Aircraft Fire Directors (AAFD) are quipable in RE.
  • They provide a good Anti-Air boost, and are required to trigger some AACI.
  • They are notably used to provide Anti-Air AA and Accuracy accuracy when improved Improved.
Shells Anti-Aircraft Shell Anti-Aircraft Shells Anti-Aircraft Shell AA Shells are mainly used for an Anti-Installation role, notably dealing great damages to "Soft-Skinned Installations".
  • They also provide some minor Anti-Air boost, and are required to trigger some AACI.
  • The can be equipped in the RE of FBB, BB, BBV, CA, and CAV.
Armor-Piercing Shell Armor Piercing Shells Armor-Piercing Shell AP Shells are mainly used for increasing the general damage potential of batleships, with further bonuses for Artillery Spotting and Special Attacks.
  • They also play some Anti-Installation role, notably against "Hard-Skinned Installations".
Star Shell Icon.png Star ShellStar Shell Star Shell Icon.png Star Shells are used to trigger a special Night Battle mechanic when equipped, playing a special animation and applying the following effects:
  • Attack accuracy and cut-in rates of the fleet are increased.
  • Cut-in rates of the enemy fleet are decreased.

The activation rate is 70% on ships with 5 or more HP, 0% otherwise.

  • Multiple ships equipped with star shells do not have stacking effects.
  • There is no side effect, unlike Searchlights.
Anti-Ground Rocket Anti-Ground Rockets Anti-Ground Rocket Anti-Ground Rockets are only used against Installations.
  • They provide both great multiplicative and flat damages boost against all installation types.
Armor Extra Armors Medium ArmorMedium Medium Extra Armors Armor Extra Armors are equippable in RE and give some extra Armor Armor stat.
Large ArmorLarge Large Extra Armors
Engine Improvement Engine Improvements Ship Speed can be increased to Fast, Fast+, or Fastest by using a combination of Engine Improvement "Turbine" and "Boilers".

Facility.png Ship Repair FacilityShip Repair Facility Facility.png Ship Repair FacilitiesShip Repair Facility are required for Anchorage Repairs and Emergency Anchorage Repairs.
Aviation Personnel Aviation Personnels Aviation PersonnelSCAMP SCAMPSkilled Carrier-based Aircraft Maintenance Personnel Aviation Personnel Aviation Personnels are used to bring various buff and/or mechanics, notably enhancing the performances of Carriers.
  • See each individual pages for more details.
Aviation PersonnelNOAP NOAPNight Operation Aviation Personnel
Night Operation Aviation Personnel + Skilled Deckhands
Aviation PersonnelAGDP AGDPArctic Gear & Deck Personnel
Aviation PersonnelSDP SDPSkilled Deck Personnel
Skilled Deck Personnel + Aviation Maintenance Hands
Command Facility Command Facilities Depending on the type, Command Facility Command Facilities provide different fleet support roles, such as:
Surface Ship Equipment Smoke Generator Smoke GeneratorsSmoke Generator (Smoke Screen)
Smoke Generator Kai (Smoke Screen)
Smoke Generator Smoke Generators can be used in combat to deploy a smoke screen.

Example of a large smoke deployed.
  • There are 3 smoke screen sizes, being Small < Medium < Large.
    • The maximum smoke size that can be generated is dependent on the number of smoke generators, being respectively 1/2/3.
    • Note that Improved improvements also affect the maximum smoke level possible.
  • It sharply reduces the accuracy of all fleets, proportionally to the smoke screen size (the hit rate is still capped at 11%).
    • This effect can be partially bypassed by using radars (both sides).
  • The effect will last for the day battle, even so the animation will fade before the battle's end.

Barrage Balloon Barrage BalloonBarrage Balloon
Example of a balloon deployed.

Barrage Balloon Barrage Balloons can be deployed in certain situations during day battles.

Barrage Balloons can only be deployed on certain combat nodes (notably with Installations).
Compatible Nodes
Map Node Notes
3-5 H
4-3 N Boss
4-5 T Boss
6-4 N Boss
Events Refers to the current event page
references [5][6][7][8]
Once deployed
  • For every ship with a balloon equipped will boost the damage of the fleet and the LBAS (post-cap):
Balloon Effects
Barrage Balloon 1 2 3
Allied Day Shelling Damage
Allied balloons [9] 1.02 1.04 1.06
Allied LBAS/airstrike Damage
Allied balloons [10] 1.02 1.04 1.06
Enemy balloons [11] 0.95 0.90 0.85
  • The effect stacks up to 3 balloons, and up to 1 balloon per ship
  • The effect applies to LBAS, airstrike and day shelling, with the enemy balloons also negatively affecting allied LBAS and airstrike
  • The effect does not apply to torpedo phases or night battles
  • If the ship deploying it is sunk, the balloon is then removed, as well as its effects
TransportationMaterial.png Saiun (Disassembled for Transport)Saiun (Disassembled for Transport) A removed legacy equipment.
Consumables Supplies Underway ReplenishmentUnderway Replenishment
Example of Underway Replenishment translated.

Supplies Underway ReplenishmentUnderway Replenishments are consumable items that are used to restore fuel and ammo mid-sortie when consumed.

When entering a boss node, a prompt will appear giving a choice to use the Underway Replenishment(s) or not.

  • The cost of the resupply will be deducted from the stockpile.
  • The resupply cannot be activated when having insufficient Fuel fuel or Ammunition ammo.
  • The amount of Fuel fuel and Ammunition ammo resupplied depends on
    • The fleet type (single or combined)
    • How many Resupplies are carried.

The resupply rates are as follow:

Item Icon Underway Replenishment.png Used Single Fleet Combined Fleet
1 25 % 15 %
2 36 % 27.5 %
3 47 % 40 %

This mechanic should only be used to avoid Fuel penalty or/and Ammo penalty.

Emergency Repair Personnel Emergency Repair PersonnelEmergency Repair Personnel
Emergency Repair Goddess
Selection of which type of Emergency Repair Personnel to consume to advance (left buttons), or to retreat (right button).

Emergency Repair Personnel "Emergency Repair PersonnelEmergency Repair Personnel
Emergency Repair Goddess
are consumable items:

  • As "consumables", they do not take any equipment slot and appear in the Inventory and are equippable in RE.

Ships entering a battle whilst Heavily Damaged (大破) have a chance to be Sunk (撃沈) .

  • In the case of the flagship, being Heavily Damaged (大破) will force a retreat after that node.

Equipping at least one Emergency Repair Personnel Emergency Repair Personnel can prevent the equipped ship from sinking, by reviving it after being sunk.

  • If this is equipped on a flagship, the player can use this before heading to another node.
    • If both Item Icon Emergency Repair Personnel.png Personnel & Item Icon Emergency Repair Goddess.png Goddess are equipped, then it is possible to choose which one to use (see the picture).
  • Emergency Repair Personnel can only repair the ship they are equipped on.
  • Once repaired, a ship becomes unsinkable for the rest of the battle, including night battle.
  • The item is consumed upon activation.

The restored ships will be as followed:

Emergency Repair Personnel Emergency Repair Personnel HP recovered when sunk HP recovered on flagship Fuel/Ammo restored
Item Icon Emergency Repair Personnel.png Emergency Repair PersonnelEmergency Repair Personnel 20% 50% 0%
Item Icon Emergency Repair Goddess.png Emergency Repair GoddessEmergency Repair Goddess 100% 100% 100%
  • Planes are not resupplied.
Ration Combat RationsCombat Ration
Combat Ration (Special Onigiri)
Canned Saury
Selection of whether to use a ration or not, before a boss node.

Ration "Rations" are consumable items:

  • As "consumables", they do not take any equipment slot and appear in the Inventory and are equippable in RE.

When equipped on a ship, they are consumed during a Sortie when either:

  • The boss node is reached, a prompt appearing to ask whether to consume or not the rations,
  • The sortie reaches 3 battles, having a random chance to trigger onward (probably linked to ship's morale dropping below a certain level).

When rations are consumed:

  • The morale of the carrying ship is greatly increased,
  • The morale of both adjacent ships is moderately increased,
  • If several different rations are equipped, all are consumed, the moral boost synergizing.


Special categories
Anti-Ground Equipment See Anti-Installation for a better understanding.
  • Some equipment have unique mechanics within their categories.
  • Certain mechanics like AACI and ASW will differentiate equipment within their category depending on their raw stats.



This allows repairing damaged ships to full health by consuming steel and fuel. Using an Instant repair instant repair (bucket) (高速修復材) will immediately finish it.


Expeditions are sorties where fleets 2, 3, and 4 can be sent, rewarding resources and certain items. This is the main way to farm resources in the game.


The process of using spare ships to increase the Stats (firepower, AA, torpedo, armor) of ships up to a certain point. Luck, ASW, and HP can also be increased in some very specific situations.

Naval Exercise

These are battles against other players' fleets. Opposing teams update in real-time, but there is no simultaneous play. This is the main way to level up girls.

  • Opponent list refreshed at 03:00 and 15:00 JST.

Crossing the T

Classic naval strategy in which a line of warships cross in front of a line formation of enemy ships, allowing the crossing line to bring all their guns to bear while receiving fire from only the forward guns of the enemy.


  • When the fleet crosses the enemy fleet (Green T), both sides receive a significant damage buff,
  • When the enemy fleet crosses the fleet (Red T), both sides receive a significant damage debuff.

Phases of Battle


Often confused with Modernization, will usually result in *ship name*-Kai (改). also known as Upgrading.


Morale greatly affects Expeditions and Combat. A ship's Morale can range from 0 to 100, it decreases when doing sorties, and increases by 3 every 3 min up to 49 when doing nothing.


Orange or Red sad faces are displayed next to the ship icon if they are too fatigued. Rest them for 15 to 30 min to have them back at normal morale. Fatigued ships will have lower accuracy and evasion. If girls are still fatigued upon returning from expeditions, the expedition will fail even with all other criteria fulfilled.


The opposite of Fatigue. If a ship "sparkle", she will gain a boost in sorties. Sparkling also plays a very important role in expeditions, where having multiple sparkled girls can increase significantly the "Great Succes" rate. See Help:Sparkling to learn how to sparkle ships.

Medals & Blueprints

Medals and Blueprints owned are displayed in the Inventory.

Item Icon Medal.png Medals are a multi-purpose item that can be exchanged for resources, consumables, or a "Remodel Blueprint". They are also needed for certain quests and improvements.

  • They are obtained by clearing certain maps and quests and are common among event rewards.

Blueprint Blueprints (BP) are items used exclusively to remodel ships, most better remodels requiring at least one Blueprint.

Tracer-fire effect

This occurs when a ship fires any equipped AA guns against planes. The flagship will always do this by default, even without any anti-air stat.

Japanese Naming Conventions


Battleships were named after provinces.

  • Exceptions: The Kongou-class were originally battle cruisers, and so are named after mountains.

In modern days, some of those naming conventions are still in use in Japan, but applied to modern ship types.


Tanks were given composed names using the following rules:

  • 1st name part, the type of tank:
    • Light: Ke
    • Medium: Chi
    • Heavy: O
    • Gun (Tank Destroyer): Ho

Ship Girls Birthdays

The date a ship was launched is traditionally used as a ship's birthday; the dates presented here reflect this. These dates are sourced from Wikipedia.

Ship Launch Date Birth Class # Birth Type
Year Month Day
Kongou 1912 05 18 Kongou 01 FBB
Hiei 1912 11 21 Kongou 02 FBB
Kirishima 1913 12 01 Kongou 02 FBB
Haruna 1913 12 14 Kongou 02 FBB
Fusou 1914 03 28 Fusou 01 BB
Yamashiro 1915 11 03 Fusou 01 BB
Ise 1916 11 12 Ise 01 BB
Hyuuga 1917 01 27 Ise 02 BB
Nagato 1919 11 09 Nagato 01 BB
Mutsu 1920 05 31 Nagato 02 BB
Yamato 1940 08 08 Yamato 01 BB
Musashi 1940 11 11 Yamato 02 BB
Bismarck 1939 02 14 Bismarck 01 BB
Conte di Cavour 1911 08 10 Conte di Cavour 01 BB
Littorio 1937 08 22 V.Veneto 02 BB
Roma 1940 06 09 V.Veneto 04 BB
Nevada 1914 07 11 Nevada 01 BB
Colorado 1921 03 22 Colorado 01 BB
Maryland 1917 04 24 Colorado 02 BB
Washington 1940 06 01 North Carolina 02 BB
South Dakota 1941 06 07 South Dakota 01 BB
Massachusetts 1941 09 23 South Dakota 03 BB
Iowa 1942 08 27 Iowa 01 BB
Warspite 1913 11 26 Queen Elizabeth 02 BB
Valiant 1914 11 04 Queen Elizabeth 03 BB
Nelson 1925 09 03 Nelson 01 BB
Rodney 1925 12 17 Nelson 02 BB
Richelieu 1939 01 17 Richelieu 01 BB
Jean Bart 1940 03 06 Richelieu 02 BB
Gangut 1911 10 20 Gangut 01 BB
Akagi 1925 04 22 Akagi 01 CV
Kaga 1921 11 17 Kaga 01 CV
Souryuu 1935 12 21 Souryuu 01 CV
Hiryuu 1937 11 16 Hiryuu 01 CV
Shoukaku 1939 06 01 Shoukaku 01 CV
Zuikaku 1939 11 27 Shoukaku 02 CV
Taihou 1943 03 07 Taihou 01 CVB
Unryuu 1943 09 25 Unryuu 01 CV
Amagi 1943 10 01 Unryuu 02 CV
Katsuragi 1944 01 19 Unryuu 03 CV
Graf Zeppelin 1938 12 08 Graf Zeppelin 01 CV
Aquila 1926 02 26 Aquila 01 CV
Lexington 1925 10 03 Lexington 01 CV
Saratoga 1925 04 07 Lexington 02 CV
Ranger 1933 02 25 Ranger 01 CV
Hornet 1940 12 14 Yorktown 03 CV
Intrepid 1943 04 26 Essex 05 CV
Ark Royal 1937 04 13 Ark Royal 01 CV
Victorious 1939 09 14 Illustrious 03 CVB
Houshou 1921 11 13 Houshou 01 CVL
Ryuujou 1931 04 02 Ryuujou 01 CVL
Shouhou 1935 06 01 Shouhou 01 AS
Zuihou 1936 06 19 Shouhou 02 CVL
Hiyou 1941 06 24 Hiyou 01 CVL
Junyou 1941 06 26 Hiyou 02 CVL
Kasuga Maru 1940 09 19 Nitta Maru 03 Cargo Liner
Yawata Maru 1939 10 31 Nitta Maru 02 Cargo Liner
Shinyou 1933 12 14 Shinyou 01 Ocean liner
Langley 1943 05 22 Independence 06 CVL
Gambier Bay 1943 11 22 Casablanca 19 CVL
Furutaka 1925 02 25 Furutaka 01 CA
Kako 1925 04 10 Furutaka 02 CA
Aoba 1926 09 25 Aoba 01 CA
Kinugasa 1926 10 24 Aoba 02 CA
Myoukou 1927 04 16 Myoukou 01 CA
Nachi 1927 06 15 Myoukou 02 CA
Ashigara 1928 04 22 Myoukou 03 CA
Haguro 1928 03 24 Myoukou 04 CA
Takao 1930 05 12 Takao 01 CA
Atago 1930 06 16 Takao 02 CA
Maya 1930 11 08 Takao 03 CA
Choukai 1931 06 30 Takao 04 CA
Mogami 1934 03 14 Mogami 01 CA
Mikuma 1934 05 31 Mogami 02 CA
Suzuya 1934 11 20 Mogami 03 CA
Kumano 1936 10 15 Mogami 04 CA
Tone 1937 11 21 Tone 01 CAV
Chikuma 1938 03 19 Tone 02 CAV
Prinz Eugen 1938 08 22 Admiral Hipper 03 CA
Zara 1930 04 27 Zara 01 CA
Pola 1931 12 05 Zara 04 CA
Northampton 1929 09 05 Northampton 01 CA
Houston 1929 09 07 Northampton 05 CA
Tuscaloosa 1933 11 15 Tuscaloosa 04 CA
Tenryuu 1918 03 11 Tenryuu 01 CL
Tatsuta 1918 05 29 Tenryuu 02 CL
Kuma 1919 07 14 Kuma 01 CL
Tama 1920 02 10 Kuma 02 CL
Kitakami 1920 07 03 Kuma 03 CL
Ooi 1920 07 15 Kuma 04 CL
Kiso 1920 12 14 Kuma 05 CL
Nagara 1922 04 25 Nagara 01 CL
Isuzu 1921 10 29 Nagara 02 CL
Natori 1922 02 16 Nagara 03 CL
Yura 1922 02 15 Nagara 04 CL
Kinu 1922 05 29 Nagara 05 CL
Abukuma 1923 03 16 Nagara 06 CL
Sendai 1923 10 30 Sendai 01 CL
Jintsuu 1923 12 08 Sendai 02 CL
Naka 1925 03 24 Sendai 03 CL
Agano 1941 10 22 Agano 01 CL
Noshiro 1942 07 19 Agano 02 CL
Yahagi 1942 10 25 Agano 03 CL
Sakawa 1944 04 09 Agano 04 CL
Katori 1939 12 14 Katori 01 CT
Kashima 1939 09 25 Kashima 02 CT
Yuubari 1923 03 05 Yuubari 01 CL
Ooyodo 1942 04 02 Ooyodo 01 CLV
Duca degli Abruzzi 1936 04 21 L.d.S.D.d.Abruzzi 01 CL
Giuseppe Garibaldi 1936 04 21 L.d.S.D.d.Abruzzi 02 CL
Brooklyn 1936 11 30 Brooklyn 01 CL
Phoenix 1938 03 19 Brooklyn 05 CL
Honolulu 1937 08 26 Brooklyn 07 CL
Helena 1938 08 28 St. Louis 02 CL
Atlanta 1941 09 06 Atlanta 01 CL
Sheffield 1936 07 23 Town 03 CL
Gloire 1935 09 28 La Galissonnière 06 CL
Kirov 1936 11 30 Kirov 01 CL
Gotland 1933 09 14 Gotland 01 CLV
De Ruyter 1935 03 11 De Ruyter 01 CL
Perth 1934 07 27 Leander 06 CL
Kamikaze 1922 09 25 Kamikaze 01 DD
Asakaze 1922 12 08 Kamikaze 02 DD
Harukaze 1922 12 18 Kamikaze 03 DD
Matsukaze 1923 10 30 Kamikaze 04 DD
Hatakaze 1924 03 15 Kamikaze 05 DD
Mutsuki 1925 07 23 Mutsuki 01 DD
Kisaragi 1925 06 05 Mutsuki 02 DD
Yayoi 1925 07 11 Mutsuki 03 DD
Uzuki 1925 10 15 Mutsuki 04 DD
Satsuki 1925 03 25 Mutsuki 05 DD
Minazuki 1926 05 25 Mutsuki 06 DD
Fumizuki 1926 02 16 Mutsuki 07 DD
Nagatsuki 1926 10 06 Mutsuki 08 DD
Kikuzuki 1926 03 15 Mutsuki 09 DD
Mikazuki 1926 07 12 Mutsuki 10 DD
Mochizuki 1927 04 28 Mutsuki 11 DD
Fubuki 1927 11 15 Fubuki 01 DD
Shirayuki 1928 03 20 Fubuki 02 DD
Hatsuyuki 1928 09 29 Fubuki 03 DD
Miyuki 1928 06 26 Fubuki 04 DD
Murakumo 1928 09 27 Fubuki 05 DD
Usugumo 1927 12 26 Fubuki 07 DD
Shirakumo 1927 12 27 Fubuki 08 DD
Isonami 1927 11 24 Fubuki 09 DD
Uranami 1929 06 30 Fubuki 10 DD
Ayanami 1929 10 05 Ayanami 01 DD
Shikinami 1929 06 22 Ayanami 02 DD
Amagiri 1930 02 27 Ayanami 05 DD
Sagiri 1929 11 23 Ayanami 06 DD
Oboro 1930 11 08 Ayanami 07 DD
Akebono 1930 11 07 Ayanami 08 DD
Sazanami 1931 06 31 Ayanami 09 DD
Ushio 1930 11 17 Ayanami 10 DD
Akatsuki 1932 05 07 Akatsuki 01 DD
Hibiki 1932 12 22 Akatsuki 02 DD
Ikazuchi 1931 10 22 Akatsuki 03 DD
Inazuma 1932 02 25 Akatsuki 04 DD
Hatsuharu 1933 02 27 Hatsuharu 01 DD
Nenohi 1932 12 22 Hatsuharu 02 DD
Wakaba 1934 03 18 Hatsuharu 03 DD
Hatsushimo 1933 11 04 Hatsuharu 04 DD
Ariake 1934 09 23 Hatsuharu 05 DD
Yuugure 1934 05 06 Hatsuharu 06 DD
Shiratsuyu 1935 04 05 Shiratsuyu 01 DD
Shigure 1935 05 18 Shiratsuyu 02 DD
Murasame 1935 06 20 Shiratsuyu 03 DD
Yuudachi 1936 06 21 Shiratsuyu 04 DD
Harusame 1935 09 21 Shiratsuyu 05 DD
Samidare 1935 07 06 Shiratsuyu 06 DD
Umikaze 1936 11 27 Shiratsuyu 07 DD
Yamakaze 1936 02 21 Shiratsuyu 08 DD
Kawakaze 1936 11 01 Shiratsuyu 09 DD
Suzukaze 1937 03 11 Shiratsuyu 10 DD
Asashio 1936 12 16 Asashio 01 DD
Ooshio 1937 04 19 Asashio 02 DD
Michishio 1937 03 15 Asashio 03 DD
Arashio 1937 05 26 Asashio 04 DD
Asagumo 1937 11 05 Asashio 05 DD
Yamagumo 1937 07 24 Asashio 06 DD
Natsugumo 1937 05 26 Asashio 07 DD
Minegumo 1937 11 04 Asashio 08 DD
Arare 1937 11 16 Asashio 09 DD
Kasumi 1937 11 18 Asashio 10 DD
Kagerou 1938 09 27 Kagerou 01 DD
Shiranui 1938 06 28 Kagerou 02 DD
Kuroshio 1938 10 25 Kagerou 03 DD
Oyashio 1938 11 29 Kagerou 04 DD
Hayashio 1939 04 19 Kagerou 05 DD
Hatsukaze 1939 01 24 Kagerou 07 DD
Yukikaze 1939 03 24 Kagerou 08 DD
Amatsukaze 1939 10 19 Kagerou 09 DD
Tokitsukaze 1939 11 10 Kagerou 10 DD
Urakaze 1940 04 19 Kagerou 11 DD
Isokaze 1939 06 19 Kagerou 12 DD
Hamakaze 1940 11 25 Kagerou 13 DD
Tanikaze 1940 11 01 Kagerou 14 DD
Nowaki 1940 09 17 Kagerou 15 DD
Arashi 1940 04 22 Kagerou 16 DD
Hagikaze 1940 06 18 Kagerou 17 DD
Maikaze 1941 03 15 Kagerou 18 DD
Akigumo 1941 04 11 Kagerou 19 DD
Yuugumo 1941 03 16 Yuugumo 01 DD
Makigumo 1941 11 05 Yuugumo 02 DD
Kazagumo 1941 09 26 Yuugumo 03 DD
Naganami 1941 03 05 Yuugumo 04 DD
Makinami 1941 12 27 Yuugumo 05 DD
Takanami 1942 03 16 Yuugumo 06 DD
Tamanami 1942 12 26 Yuugumo 09 DD
Suzunami 1942 12 26 Yuugumo 10 DD
Fujinami 1943 04 20 Yuugumo 11 DD
Hayanami 1942 12 19 Yuugumo 12 DD
Hamanami 1943 04 18 Yuugumo 13 DD
Okinami 1943 07 18 Yuugumo 14 DD
Kishinami 1943 08 19 Yuugumo 15 DD
Asashimo 1943 07 18 Yuugumo 16 DD
Hayashimo 1943 10 20 Yuugumo 17 DD
Akishimo 1943 12 05 Yuugumo 18 DD
Kiyoshimo 1944 02 29 Yuugumo 19 DD
Akizuki 1941 07 02 Akizuki 01 DD
Teruzuki 1941 11 21 Akizuki 02 DD
Suzutsuki 1942 03 03 Akizuki 03 DD
Hatsuzuki 1942 04 03 Akizuki 04 DD
Fuyutsuki 1944 01 20 Fuyutsuki 01 DD
Shimakaze 1942 07 18 Shimakaze 01 DD
Matsu 1944 02 03 Matsu 01 DD
Take 1944 03 28 Matsu 02 DD
Ume 1944 04 24 Matsu 03 DD
Momo 1944 03 25 Matsu 04 DD
Kaya 1944 07 30 Matsu 11 DD
Z1 1935 08 18 Z1 01 DD
Z3 1935 11 30 Z1 03 DD
Maestrale 1934 04 15 Maestrale 01 DD
Grecale 1934 06 17 Maestrale 02 DD
Libeccio 1934 07 04 Maestrale 03 DD
Scirocco 1934 04 22 Maestrale 04 DD
Fletcher 1942 05 03 Fletcher 01 DD
Johnston 1943 03 25 Fletcher 73 DD
Heywood L.Edwards 1943 10 06 Fletcher 134 DD
Samuel B. Roberts 1944 01 20 John C. Butler 46 DD
Jervis 1938 09 09 J 01 DD
Janus 1938 11 10 J 05 DD
Javelin 1938 12 21 J 06 DD
Mogador 1937 06 09 Mogador 01 DD
Tashkent 1937 12 28 Tashkent 01 DD
Shimushu 1939 12 13 Shimushu 01 DE
Kunashiri 1940 05 06 Shimushu 02 DE
Hachijou 1940 04 10 Shimushu 03 DE
Ishigaki 1940 09 14 Shimushu 04 DE
Etorofu 1943 01 29 Etorofu 01 DE
Matsuwa 1942 11 13 Etorofu 02 DE
Sado 1942 11 28 Etorofu 03 DE
Tsushima 1943 03 20 Etorofu 07 DE
Hirato 1943 06 30 Etorofu 09 DE
Fukae 1943 04 02 Etorofu 10 DE
Mikura 1943 07 16 Mikura 01 DE
Noumi 1943 12 03 Mikura 04 DE
Kurahashi 1943 10 15 Mikura 05 DE
Yashiro 1944 02 16 Mikura 06 DE
Hiburi 1944 04 10 Hiburi 01 DE
Daitou 1944 06 24 Hiburi 02 DE
Shounan 1944 05 19 Hiburi 03 DE
Ukuru 1944 05 15 Ukuru 01 DE
Inagi 1944 09 25 Ukuru 12 DE
Kaiboukan No.4 1943 12 30 Type D 02 DE
Kaiboukan No.22 1944 01 27 Type D 11 DE
Kaiboukan No.30 1944 05 10 Type D 15 DE
I-168 1933 06 26 Kaidai Type VI 01 SS
I-8 1936 07 20 Junsen Type 3 02 SS
I-13 1943 11 30 Junsen Type A Kai Ni 01 SSV
I-14 1944 03 14 Junsen Type A Kai Ni 02 SSV
I-19 1939 09 16 Junsen Type B 03 SS
I-26 1941 04 10 Junsen Type B 07 SS
I-36 1941 11 01 Junsen Type B 17 SS
I-41 1942 11 10 Junsen Type B Kai Ichi 02 SS
I-58 1943 06 30 Junsen Type B Kai Ni 03 SS
I-47 1943 09 29 Junsen Type C 07 SS
I-201 1944 07 22 Sentaka Type 01 SS
I-203 1944 10 20 Sentaka Type 03 SS
I-400 1944 01 18 Sentoku Type 01 SSV
I-401 1944 03 11 Sentoku Type 02 SSV
Maruyu 1943 10 31 Type 3 Submergence Transport Vehicle - SS
U-511 1941 02 21 Type IXC U-boat 41 SS
C.Cappellini 1938 04 25 Marcello 10 SS
Luigi Torelli 1940 01 06 Guglielmo Marconi 04 SS
Salmon 1937 06 12 Salmon 01 SS
Drum 1941 05 12 Gato 66 SS
Wahoo 1942 02 14 Gato 27 SS
Scamp 1942 07 20 Gato 12 SS
Akitsushima 1926 02 26 Akitsushima 01 AV
Chitose 1936 11 29 Chitose 01 AV
Chiyoda 1936 11 19 Chiyoda 02 AV
Mizuho 1938 05 16 Mizuho 01 AV
Nisshin 1939 11 30 Nisshin 01 AV
Commandant Teste 1929 04 12 Commandant Teste 01 AV
Kamoi 1922 06 08 Kamoi 01 AO
Hayasui 1943 12 25 Kazahaya 03 AO
Souya 1938 02 16 Tenryo Maru 02 AO
Ootomari 1921 10 03 Ootomari 01 AO
Yamashio Maru 1944 11 14 Yamashio Maru 01 AO
Shinshuu Maru 1934 03 14 Shinshuu Maru 01 LHA
Akitsu Maru 1941 09 24 Type C 01 LHA
Kumano Maru 1945 01 28 M Type C 01 AP
No.101 Transport Ship 1944 01 25 2nd Class Transporter 01 LST
Taigei 1933 11 16 Taigei 01 AS
Jingei 1923 05 04 Jingei 01 AS
Chougei 1924 03 24 Jingei 02 AS
Heian Maru 1930 04 16 Hikawa Maru 03 Ocean liner
Asahi 1899 03 13 Asahi 01 BB
Akashi 1938 06 29 Akashi 01 AR
Mamiya 1923 10 26 Mamiya 01 AP
Irako 1941 02 14 Irako 01 AP

List of artist

The list of known Seiyuus (VA) is found here


The list of known Illustrators is found here

List of music by composers

Composer Tracks
Okamiya Michio (岡宮道生) Game, Event, OST -Akatsuki-, Incomplete
Ookoshi Kaori ( 大越香里) Game, Event, OST -Akatsuki-, Incomplete
Usami Hiroshi (宇佐美宏) Game, Event, OST -Akatsuki-, Incomplete
Uncredited Japanese wiki

Kancolle Dictionary

A comprehensive list of most abbreviations, acronyms, nicknames, specific terms, and trivia, used by the Kancolle community.

  • Some are borrowed Japanese terms or names.
  • See also the disambiguation pages for clarification on equipment and mechanics sharing a similar name.
Context Meaning Notes
Equipment Equipment or equipment types
Combat Combat related
Ship Type Ship types from the above list
Ship Nickname (Official) Names used by the developers or ship themselves Mostly used to humanize the "number namings" of some ships.
Ship Nickname (Informal) Nicknames mostly used by the community Mostly uses abbreviations, puns, and deformations of the original names, or from other trivia facts.
  • See here for more informal ships nicknames: [12]
Abyssal Abyssal nicknames In addition, many Abyssal bosses are called by the name of the Kanmusu they represent.
Item Item and consumables
Trivia Real-life facts or Kancolle lore
General General game elements
Ranking Ranking related slangs
Meta Elements from outside the game, such as community tools
Meaning Notes Context
101-chan No.101 Transport Ship Ship Nickname (Informal)
2-4-11 Naka Refers to the fuel-ammo-steel combination received from her scrap (with default equipment) Ship Nickname (Informal)
AA Anti-Air Combat
AACI Anti-Air Cut-in Combat
AAFD Anti-Air Fire DirectorsType 91 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director
Type 94 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director
AAR Anti-Air Resistance Equipment
AARB Anti-Air Rocket Barrage Combat
ABKM Abukuma Ship Nickname (Informal)
Abyssals Enemies The main antagonits of the franchise, being monster kanmusu Abyssal
ACH Aircraft Carrier Hime Abyssal
ACP Aircraft Carrier Princess Abyssal
AD Air Denial Combat
AFP Air Fighter Power Combat
AGB Icebreaker Ship Type
AGDP Arctic Gear & Deck PersonnelArctic Gear & Deck Personnel Equipment
AGL Lighthouse tender Ship Type
AGS Survey ship Ship Type
AI Air Incapability Combat
AirMat New Model Aerial Armament Material Item
AK2 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 2 Equipment
AK3 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 3 (Wartime Modification) + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director Equipment
AK4 Prototype Long-barrel 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 4 Equipment
Algebra TBM-3W+3S Because of its name looking like a math formula Equipment
AO Fleet Oiler / Replenishment Oiler Ship Type
AP AP Air Parity Combat
AP Air Power Combat
AP Armor Piercing Equipment
AP Transport Ships Ship Type
APCI AP shell Cut-In Combat
AR AR Repair Ship Ship Type
AR Action Report Item
ArmMat New Model Armament Material Item
AS AS Submarine Tender Ship Type
AS Artillery Spotting Combat
AS Air State Combat
AS Air Superiority Combat
AS+ Air Supremacy Combat
ASDIC Anti-Submarine Division supersonICs Equipment
ASS "Airstrike Supported Submarines" nodes Alternative name to the Airstrike Supported Battle node Combat
ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare Combat
AV Seaplane Tender Ship Type
AvMat New Model Aviation Development Material Item
BB Battleship Ship Type
BBCV Aircraft Battleship Informal code designating the Ise-class Kai Ni Ship Type
BBV Aviation Battleship Ship Type
BC "Battle Cruisers" Only in the game for the Fleet menu's filter, mostly referring to the Kongou-class), the official code is "CC" Ship Type
Beaver Yukikaze Based on her appearance. Japanese call her "Hamster". Ship Nickname (Informal)
Bep Verniy due to her writing in Cyrillic (Верный) Ship Nickname (Informal)
BG Top 1 ranker As it has his secretary displayed in the background of the official results board Ranking
Big Seven Nagato-class, Nelson-class, Colorado-class The first 7 battleships built to carry the biggest naval guns (>40 cm) allowed by the Washington Naval Treaty Ship Type
Bisckuit Bismarck Ship Nickname (Informal)
BK2 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model B Kai 2 Equipment
BK4 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model B Kai 4 (Wartime Modification) + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director Equipment
Blow Torches Instant Construction Material Item
Bono Akebono Is sometimes used by the devs too Ship Nickname (Informal)
BP Blueprint Item
BRS BRS Black Rick Shooter Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class Kai Flagship, due to its similar look to the Black Rock Shooter Abyssal
BRS Black Ruck Shooter Battleship Ru-Class Kai Flagship, due to its similar look to the Black Rock Shooter Abyssal
BWS Black Wock Shooter Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship, due to its similar look to the Black Rock Shooter Abyssal
Brunei 7-1 Refers to the map location and not the server Ranking
Bucket Instant Repair Material Item
Bucky Fubuki Notably used by Kongou in the Anime Ship Nickname (Informal)
Bulldozer Construction Corps Item
BURNING LOVE Notable line from Kongou Trivia
C2 C2 Praparat Studio/Dojin circle behind Kancolle Trivia
CA Heavy Cruiser Ship Type
Cannon Quests rewarding ranking points Ranking
Carrot Night Skilled Crew Member The fairy is eating a carrot Item
Carryover Initial ranking points Points accumulated from the previous month Ranking
CAV Aviation Cruiser Ship Type
CCCI Credit-Card Cut-In A "joke cut-in" about paying to do something Item
CD Concentrated Deployment Mostly referring to some equipment variations being packed together Equipment
CdC Conte di Cavour Ship Nickname (Informal)
CDMG Concentrated Deployment Machine Gun25mm Triple Autocannon Mount (Concentrated Deployment) Equipment
CEP Communication Equipment & Personnel Equipment
CF Combined Fleet Combat
Chi-Ha Type 97 Medium tank Japanese tank's name Equipment
Choujuusenchihou 長10cm砲 Akizuki-class's pet Trivia
Chuuha "Moderately Damaged" Japanese, orange damaged Combat
CI Cut-In Special powerful attacks triggered when using a right set of specific gears Combat
CK2 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 2 Equipment
CK3 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 3 Equipment
CK3H 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 3 H Equipment
CL Light Cruiser Ship Type
CLAA Antiaircraft Cruiser Ship Type
Clown Top 20 ranker Ranking
CLT Torpedo Cruiser Ship Type
Cranes Shoukaku-class Both being named after cranes Ship Nickname (Informal)
CT CT Training Cruiser Ship Type
CT Closing Torpedo Salvo Combat
CTF Carrier Task Force Combat
Cut-In Special powerful attacks Trigges when using a right set of specific gears Combat
CV CV Character Voice Same as VA or Seiyuu Ship Type
CV Aircraft Carrier Standard Aircraft Carrier only in the game Ship Type
CVB Armored Aircraft Carrier / Armored Carrier Ship Type
CVCI Aircraft Carrier Cut-In Combat
CVE Escort Carrier An ASW specialized light aircraft carrier Ship Type
CVH CV Hime Abyssal
CVL Light Aircraft Carrier / Light Carrier Ship Type
CVN Night Aircraft Carrier Not "nuclear CV" here Ship Type
CVNCI Aircraft Carrier Night Cut-In Combat
DA Double Attack Several cut-in types Combat
DameCon Emergency Repair PersonnelEmergency Repair Personnel Equipment
DameGami‎ Emergency Repair GoddessEmergency Repair Goddess Equipment
DameKami‎ Emergency Repair GoddessEmergency Repair Goddess Equipment
DC Depth Charge Equipment
DCP Depth Charge Projector Equipment
DCR Depth Charge Rack Equipment
DD Destroyer Ship Type
DE "Destroyer Escort" This designates "Coastal Defense Ship" (Kaiboukan) in Kancolle Ship Type
Dead Cap HQ experience Reaching 396 000 000 exp, such player is unable to rank any further Ranking
Debuff A mechanic that weaken some event bosses Combat
DevMat Development Materials Item
DJ Hime Supply Depot Princess Due to her look Abyssal
DK2 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 2 Equipment
DK3 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 3 Equipment
DLC Daihatsu Landing CraftDaihatsu Landing Craft Often designate all Landing Craft Equipment
DM Development Material Item
DP Dual-Purpose For either Radars or High-Angle Guns, being both used for "air" and "surface" roles Equipment
Dragons Souryuu, Hiryuu, Unryuu, Ryuujou, and Ryuuhou All being named after dragons Ship Nickname (Informal)
Drum Drum Canister (Transport Use)Drum Canister (Transport Use) Not to be confused with the USS Drum Equipment
Ducks Akizuki-class The "zuki" sounds like "ducky" in Japanese Ship Nickname (Informal)
EO Extra Operation All maps coming after the "MO" in the world, now called "2nd Stage Operations" for events General
FBB Fast Battleship Ship Type
FCA Fleet Communication Antenna Equipment
FCF Fleet Command FacilityFleet Command Facility Sometimes designate all Command FacilitiesFleet Command Facility
Striking Force Fleet Command Facility
Elite Torpedo Squadron Command Facility
FCM First Class Medal Item
FF FF Friendly Fleet Combat
FF Fast Fleet Combat
Fighter-Mulle The process of equipping a ship with only "fighters", to gain air superiority (AS) Combat
Flamethrower Instant Construction Material Item
ForeignMat Latest Overseas Warship Technology Item
FP FP Firepower Combat
FP Fighter Power Combat
FS Flagship General
Furei I-201 Ship Nickname (Official)
Fuufu Kaiboukan No.22 Ship Nickname (Official)
Fuumi I-203 Ship Nickname (Official)
Gingusa Ginga (Egusa Squadron) Equipment
Gnome "Imp"/"Goblin" See here Abyssal
Goblin "Imp"/"Gnome" See here Abyssal
Goto Gotland Ship Nickname (Informal)
Goya I-58 Ship Nickname (Official)
Graduate Cap HQ experience Reaching 396 000 000 exp, referring to the idol industry term for "retirement" Ranking
Green T Crossing the T (Advantage) Battle Engagement Combat
GS Great Success General
GTRL Gun-Torpedo-Radar-Lookout A "New Type" cut-in setup Combat
GunMat New Model Gun Development Material Item
HA HA High-Altitude Interceptors Combat
HA High-Angle Guns Equipment
Hachi I-8 Ship Nickname (Official)
Hidden EO Clearing EO in between 14h00 and 22h00 JST of the last day of a month Ranking
Hime "Princess" Japanese (姫), common to most bosses Abyssal
Hitomi I-13 Ship Nickname (Official)
HMAS Her/His Majesty's Australian Ship Trivia
HMS Her/His Majesty's Ship Trivia
HNLMS Her/His Netherlands Majesty's Ship Trivia
Hole Punch Reinforcement Expansion Item
Ho-Ni Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Type 1 Gun TankToku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Type 1 Gun Tank Japanese tank's name Equipment
Hoppou Northern Princess Also known as "Dutch Harbor" & "Hoppou-chan" (北方 = 'Hoppou' = Northern) Abyssal
Horny Hornet Sometime Horny Maru Ship Nickname (Informal)
Hotel Yamato Reference to her being called that way by Japanese sailors, since she spent more time garrisoning rather than combating Ship Nickname (Informal)
HQ Headquarter Admiral's personal level General
IC Instant Construction Material Item
Ichigun "1st Group" Ranks 6~20 Ranking
I-Go Daihatsu Landing Craft (Type 89 Medium Tank & Landing Force)Daihatsu Landing Craft (Type 89 Medium Tank & Landing Force) Japanese tank's name Equipment
I-go "1st Class Submarines" IJN designation Ship Type
IJA Imperial Japanese Army Trivia
IJN Imperial Japanese Navy Trivia
Iku I-19 Ship Nickname (Official)
IM Improvement Material Item
Imp "Gnome"/"Goblin" See here Abyssal
Imuya I-168 Ship Nickname (Official)
Initials Initial ranking points Points accumulated from the previous month Ranking
Installation Land Abyssal Representing land-based infrastructure instead of ships, see here Abyssal
IR Instant Repair Item
Iyo I-14 Ship Nickname (Official)
JA Jet Assault Combat
Kamo Akitsushima Not to be confused with Kamoi Ship Nickname (Informal)
KBK Kaiboukan Ship Type
KC Kantai Collection Trivia
KC3 KanColle Command Center A 3rd party viewer Meta
KCCP KanColle Cache Proxy A 3rd party asset loader Meta
KCMC KanColle Mission Control A comprehensive quest table Meta
KCnav KanColle Cache Proxy A players' sorties compilation tool Meta
Kitanda Air Defense Princess Due to her mocking introduction lines Abyssal
Ka-Mi Special Type 2 Amphibious TankSpecial Type 2 Amphibious Tank Japanese tank's name Equipment
KancoDex Library Kancolle's "Pokedex", sometimes, just KanDex General
Kancolle Kantai Collection Trivia
Kanmusu "Ship-girl Japanese, abbreviation of "kantai musume" Trivia
Ka-Tsu Special Type 4 Amphibious TankSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank
Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai
Japanese tank's name Equipment
Kiriban "Nice Looking Numbers" ranks Ranks 600, 700, 800, 880, 888, 900, 999, and 1000 Ranking
Kisu 3-2 Refers to the map location Ranking
KMKZ Kamikaze Ship Nickname (Informal)
KMS Kriegsmarine Ships Nazi Germany Navy Trivia
KTKM Kitakami Wordplay from Japanese netslang KTKR which is read as "kita kore", literally "it's here", sort of like "woohoo I got it" or "I've been waiting for this!". Ship Nickname (Informal)
Kuso "Bad"/"Shitty" Japanese, a common insult toward admirals (notably from Akebono), for being careless or even reckless. In the community, it mainly designates players using strats involving low morale or even sinking girls. Trivia
KWKZ Kawakaze Ship Nickname (Informal)
Lady Lex Lexington Ship Nickname (Informal)
Lanking Ranking Ranking
LB Land-Based Generaly to designate land-base planes Equipment
LBAS Land-Based Air Squadron Combat
LD Last Dance The last form of a map/boss, once the map HP bar is only 1 kill to be depleted/cleared Combat
Lebe Z1 In-game nickname Ship Nickname (Official)
Leberecht Maass Z1 Real name Ship Nickname (Official)
LFB Large Flying Boat Equipment
LHA Amphibious Assault Ship Ship Type
LM Late Model Mostly referring to revised equipment variations, being more capable Equipment
Lonking Ranking Ranking
LoS Line of Sight Combat
LSC Large Ship Construction General
LST Landing Ship, Tank Ship Type
Maass Z1 Most common abreviation Ship Nickname (Official)
Max Z3 In-game nickname Ship Nickname (Official)
Max Schultz Z3 Real name Ship Nickname (Official)
Megane Hime Airfield Princess Patrol Aircraft Deployment As she wears glasses Abyssal
Melon-chan Yuubari Due to her uniform color scheme and general resemblance to a melon as well as the city of Yuubari, on the namesake Yuubari river, which is well known for its melons. Ship Nickname (Informal)
MelonMat New Model Armament Material Referencing the Yuubari fairy on it Item
Miimu I-36 Ship Nickname (Official)
Mito Kaiboukan No.30 Ship Nickname (Official)
MN Marine Nationale French "National Navy" Trivia
MO Main Operation All main/1st maps of a world (other than EO), now called "1st Stage Operations" for events General
Momochi‎ No.101 Transport Ship Ship Nickname (Official)
Nagamon Nagato Her name 2nd kanji, "門", can be pronounced as mon. This name contrasts Nagato's seriousness with the silly and cute things she is usually depicted doing. Ship Nickname (Informal)
Nagamutsu Nagato & Mutsu Fusion of their names, designating the class or both of them Ship Nickname (Informal)
Nano Desu すでのな Inazuma's gimmick line (in traditional Japanese format). Also appears as a wall scroll. Trivia
NGNM Naganami Ship Nickname (Informal)
Nigun "2nd Group" Ranks 21~100 Ranking
Nimu I-26 Ship Nickname (Official)
NOAP NOAP Night Operation Aviation PersonnelNight Operation Aviation Personnel Sometimes refers to both NOAP and NOAP+ Equipment
NOAP+ Night Operation Aviation Personnel + Skilled DeckhandsNight Operation Aviation Personnel + Skilled Deckhands Equipment
NSCM Night Skilled Crew Member Item
Nuke Anti-installation setup Uses tanks, craft, and artillery, doing "nuclear-like" damage (up to 9999) Combat
OA Opening Airstrike Combat
OASW Opening ASW Combat
Oni "Demon"/"Ogre" Japanese (鬼), common to most sub-bosses Abyssal
OT Opening Torpedo Salvo Combat
Otorp Opening Torpedo Salvo Combat
Penguin Failure Box Notably featuring a penguin/toucan-like bird, and appearing each time a ship modernization or equipment craft is failed General
Pillbox Blockhouse abyssal A special kind of installation, initially Artillery Imp only Abyssal
Poi っぽい Catchphrase of Yuudachi, meaning "maybe", referring to Ironbottom Sound Trivia
Potato Shibafu's characters Referring to the simple "potatoes-like" shape of their face Ship Nickname (Informal)
ProtoPult Prototype Flight Deck Catapult Item
PT PT PT boats "Patrol Torpedo boat", a type of warship, exclusive to abyssals so far Ship Type
PT Imp PT Imp Pack Abyssal
Pudding Prinz Eugen Due to her name pronouciation in Japanese Ship Nickname (Informal)
RADAR RAdio Detection And Ranging Equipment
RAN Royal Australian Navy Trivia
Rank Player's rank in the Server Ranking
Ranker Player participating in Ranking Ranking
RE Reinforcement Expansion Extra ship slot Item
Recon Reconnaissance Planes Referring to either "Seaplane Recons" or/and "yellow Reconnaissance Aircraft" Equipment
Red T Crossing the T (Disadvantage) Battle Engagement Combat
Rensouhou 連装砲 Danbo-like robot pets appearing with some ships, namely Shimakaze, Amatsukaze, and Helena Trivia
Rice Hime American Destroyer Princess A pun with her kanji reading Abyssal
RL Rocket Launcher Mostly 12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher & 12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher Kai Ni12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher Kai Ni, but can designate most "Rocket munitions" Equipment
RLK2 12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher Kai Ni12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher Kai Ni Equipment
RM Regia Marina Italian "Royal Navy" Trivia
RN Royal Navy Trivia
RNG Random Number Generation Trivia
RNN Royal Netherlands Navy Trivia
Ro Ro-500 Ship Nickname (Official)
Rocket See Rocket for more details A form of propulsion, different from the usual propeller blades or turbojets Equipment
RocketMat New Model Rocket Development Material Item
RoSa "Type 4 Incendiary Rocket" Japanese AA rockets: 12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher & 12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher Kai Ni12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher Kai Ni Equipment
RP Ranking Points General
RRW Ranking Rewards Ranking
RSC Resources General
Sangun "3rd Group" Ranks 101~500 Ranking
Sanshiki "Type 3 Shell" Japanese AA Shells Equipment
SCAMP Skilled Carrier-based Aircraft Maintenance PersonnelSkilled Carrier-based Aircraft Maintenance Personnel Not to be confused with the USS Scamp Equipment
Schizo Ranker Ranking
SCM Skilled Crew Members Item
Screw Improvement Materials Item
SDH Supply Depot Hime Abyssal
SDP SDP Supply Depot Princess Abyssal
SDP Skilled Deck PersonnelSkilled Deck Personnel Sometimes refers to both SDP and SDP+ Equipment
SDP+ Skilled Deck Personnel + Aviation Maintenance HandsSkilled Deck Personnel + Aviation Maintenance Hands Equipment
SE Support Expedition Combat
Secretary 1st fleet flagship The girl displayed on the main menu, affecting several mechanics General
Seiyuu Japanese Character Voice/Voice Actress Same as CV or VA Trivia
Senka Ranking Points Ranking
Senkatard Ranker Ranking
Sentaka Sentaka-Dai Type I-201-class type, meaning "High-speed (Large) Submarine" Ship Nickname (Official)
Sentoku Sentoku Type I-400-class type, meaning "Special Type Submarine" Ship Nickname (Official)
SF Striking Force Fleet Combat
SFCF Striking Force Fleet Command FacilityStriking Force Fleet Command Facility Equipment
SFFCF Striking Force Fleet Command FacilityStriking Force Fleet Command Facility Equipment
Shi Chan I-41 A lesser official nicnamed, used by I-36 Ship Nickname (Official)
Shioi I-401 Ship Nickname (Official)
Shion I-400 Ship Nickname (Official)
Shirei-kan "Commander" Japanese Trivia
Shouha "Lightly Damaged" Japanese, yellow damaged Combat
SKK Shoukaku Ship Nickname (Informal)
SLO Skilled LookoutsSkilled Lookouts Sometimes all Surface Ship PersonnelsSkilled Lookouts
Torpedo Squadron Skilled Lookouts
SMKZ Shimakaze Ship Nickname (Informal)
Snail Mutsu Ship Nickname (Informal)
Sodak South Dakota Ship Nickname (Informal)
SONAR SOund Navigation And Ranging Equipment
SP Seaplane Usualy only both SPR and SPB Equipment
SPB Seaplane Bomber Equipment
SPF Seaplane Fighter Equipment
Spoon Vanguard Formation Named after its shape Combat
SPR Seaplane Recon Equipment
SS Submarine Ship Type
SSLO Super SLOTorpedo Squadron Skilled Lookouts Equipment
SSV Aircraft Carrying Submarine Ship Type
STF Surface Task Force Combat
Strawberry Harusame Referring to her hair color Ship Nickname (Informal)
Sub Loli New Submarine Princess Abyssal
Synergy Used to describe the positive effect given by equipping certain equipment together, mainly referring to ASW Synergy, Speed Synergy, and Fit Bonuses Combat
Tags Ship Locking Events only Combat
Taiha "Heavily Damaged" Japanese, red damaged Combat
Taitei Type 2 Large Flying Boat Name mostly used by Akitsushima Equipment
Tanaka Kensuke Tanaka Creator and original programmer of Kancolle Trivia
Tank See Tanks for more details Can refer to Landing Tanks, Amphibious Vehicles, or Landing Forces Equipment
TCF Transport Combined Fleet Combat
TCI Torpedo Cut-In Combat
TE Transport Escort Combat
Teitoku "Admiral" Japanese Trivia
Torches Instant Construction Material Item
Touch Special Attacks Combat
TP TP Torpedo stat Combat
TP Torpedo equipment Equipment
TP Transport Points Combat
TSLO Torpedo Squadron Skilled LookoutsTorpedo Squadron Skilled Lookouts Equipment
TSSL Torpedo Squadron Skilled LookoutsTorpedo Squadron Skilled Lookouts Equipment
TTK Teitoku Japaneses for "Admiral" Trivia
Ukiwa Gambier Bay's buoy pets Imp-like pets Trivia
Union Top 5 Rank Ranking
USN United States Navy Trivia
USS United States Ship Trivia
VA Voice Actress Same as CV or Seiyuu Trivia
Vicky Victorious Ship Nickname (Informal)
Wanko Harbour Princess 港湾棲姫 > Kō-wan seiki > Wanko Abyssal
WG WG42 (Wurfgerät 42)WG42 (Wurfgerät 42) Equipment
WG42 WG42 (Wurfgerät 42)WG42 (Wurfgerät 42) Equipment
Whales Taigei & Jingei-class Refer to the kanji "鯨" in their name, meaning whale Ship Nickname (Informal)
Yamasushi Yamato & Musashi Fusion of their names, designating the class or both of them Ship Nickname (Informal)
Yasen "Night Battle" Japanese Combat
YKKZ Yukikaze Ship Nickname (Informal)
YMKZ Yamakaze Ship Nickname (Informal)
Yona I-47 Ship Nickname (Official)
Yonhap Top 5 Rank Ranking
Yotsu Kaiboukan No.4 Ship Nickname (Official)
Yuu U-511 Ship Nickname (Official)
Zekamashi ぜかまし Shimakaze's name in traditional Japanese. Founds on one of the Rensouhou-chan's lifebuoys. Ship Nickname (Informal)
ZKK Zuikaku Ship Nickname (Informal)
ZKMS Zekamashi (Shimakaze) Ship Nickname (Informal)

See Also