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Equipment Bonuses

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One additional Firepower gained from equipping a 12.7cm Type C Gun Mount

Equipment Bonuses refer to specific ship-equipment combinations that trigger a modification in some specific Stats with values referred to as "Fit Bonuses".

  • These are displayed in the game by a ↑+ or ↓- symbol in front of each applicable stat.
  • Some of those bonuses may:
    • Synergize, being greater when being combined with other equipment,
    • Be affected by improvements, the number of stars Improved improving the bonuses.
  • These bonuses must not be confused with the "Hidden Fit Bonuses", to Accuracy and Firepower.
    • To differentiate with "hidden Fit Bonuses", they are also referred to as "Visible Fit Bonuses".

Fit Bonus Specifics

Although displayed in the game, some Fit Bonuses have an erroneous effect or outright do not work.

Visible fits will always work for raw stat requirements such as for Expeditions, but some may not work as intended in formulas used in sorties.

As of 28 April 2022, the following Fit Bonuses present issues.


These Fit Bonuses work in every scenario:

  • Evasion Evasion.
  • Armor Armor.
  • Speed Speed.
  • Range Range.
    • "Longest Range" is only displayed as "Very Long Range", but still works as intended.


  • Firepower Day Surface Shelling - All Firepower Firepower fits work as intended.
  • FirepowerTorpedo Attack Night Surface Shelling - All fits work as intended.
  • FirepowerTorpedo AttackDive Bomber Attack Carrier Shelling - All fit sources work as intended. The Torpedo Attack Torpedo fit will now be included for shelling power calculation
  • Torpedo AttackDive Bomber Attack Airstrike - The fits given by the Skilled Deck Personnel + Aviation Maintenance HandsSkilled Deck Personnel + Aviation Maintenance Hands works as intended.
  • Torpedo Attack Torpedo Attacks - All Torpedo Attack Torpedo fits work as intended.
    • This includes fits provided by sources that are not torpedoes, such as seaplanes and lookouts.

Partially functional

These Fit Bonuses have at least one situation in which they don't work as intended:

  • Line of Sight LoS: Bonuses count as ship base LoS and not equipment, for routing purposes. No effect for artillery spotting.[1]


  • Anti-Submarine Warfare Anti-Submarine Shelling: All Anti-Submarine Warfare ASW fits work as intended, both towards damage and OASW ship stat thresholds.
    • This includes fits provided by sources that don't count towards ASW damage, such as Reconnaissance Seaplanes & Carrier-Based Fighter Aircraft.
    • Does not count for the following cases:
  • Anti-Air Anti-Air: Works for Air Defense Phase.
    • However bonus granted to aircraft does not contribute to Air Power[4].
  • Torpedo Attack Airstrike - The fits given by aircraft affect only one plane and do not works in some situation.
  • Dive Bomber Attack Airstrike - Does not works.


Fit Bonuses are not considered a part of an equipment's stat, and are instead added to the ship's actual stat directly. This is what leads to inconsistencies in the formulas.

The displayed value in a given stat is given by:

[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Final Value} = \text{Base Stat} + \text{Equipment Stat} + \text{Fit Bonus} }[/math]


  • Final Value is the displayed Value in the ship card.
  • Base Stat is the stat without any equipment.
  • Equipment Stat is the equipments displayed stat.
  • Fit Bonus is the added value to the stat by fits.

Some formulas, such as Firepower Surface Shelling, Torpedo AttackOpening/Closing Torpedo Salvos, and Firepower Carrier Shelling use the Final Value. In those cases, the fit bonuses work as intended.

However, other formulas break down the stats for various reasons (mainly for applying different weighting to equipment, as in Anti-Submarine WarfareASW and Anti-AirAnti-Air formulas, or using other parameters like the AccuracyAccuracy formula), and instead use Base Stat and the sum of Equipment Stats instead. In those cases, Fit Bonus is not used anywhere in the formula, and therefore does not work.


There are two completely independent systems for Torpedo Attack torpedo and Dive Bomber Attack dive bombing fit bonuses affecting airstrike damage:

  • The fits given by the SDP+Skilled Deck Personnel + Aviation Maintenance Hands,
  • The fits given by aircraft equipment.

As they are independent the effects of both systems stack.

Skilled Deck Personnel + Aviation Maintenance Hands

  • Torpedo Attack fits affect equally all Torpedo Bomber equipped on the ship,
  • Dive Bomber Attack fits affect equally all Dive Bomber, JetFighterBomber2.png/JetFighterBomber1.png and Seaplane BomberBomber equipped on the ship,


If one or multiple planes have Torpedo Attack fits, only one is chosen based on a priority order. The fits given by this plane are then applied to the equipped attack plane (Torpedo Bomber/Dive Bomber/JetFighterBomber2.png/JetFighterBomber1.png/Seaplane BomberBomber) with the highest Torpedo Attack/Dive Bomber Attack.

  • Note that if the fit is +0Torpedo Attack for the current ship it will still be chosen and then give 0Torpedo Attack.
  • If there is a tie in the highest Torpedo Attack/Dive Bomber Attack the plane with the highest slot size is chosen. If there is also a tie in slot size then the first plane in the equipment order is chosen.

The priority list

Priority Planes Note
1 Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon Type 0 Small Reconnaissance Seaplane
Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon Type 0 Small Reconnaissance Seaplane (Skilled)
2 Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane Model 11B
Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane Model 11B (Skilled)
3 Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon Shiun (Skilled) Stackable
4 Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon Shiun Stackable
5 Seaplane BomberBomber Swordfish Mk.III Kai (Seaplane Model) One-time
6 Seaplane BomberBomber Swordfish Mk.III Kai (Seaplane Model/Skilled) One-time
7 Torpedo Bomber Tenzan Model 12A One-time
8 Night Torpedo Bomber Tenzan Model 12A Kai (w/ Type 6 Airborne Radar Kai) One-time
9 Night Torpedo Bomber Tenzan Model 12A Kai (Skilled w/ Type 6 Airborne Radar Kai) One-time
10 Torpedo Bomber Barracuda Mk.III Stackable
11 Torpedo Bomber Barracuda Mk.II Stackable
  1. For a Shoukaku Kai Ni A equipped with:
  2. For a Gotland Andra equipped with:
  3. For a I-14 Kai equipped with:

Source: [4]


Display Bugs

Some bonus preview values, as displayed with ↑+ on the equipment card, are inconsistent with the ship's stat totals after equipping the equipment. In such cases, the ship's stat totals reflect the actual correct values used in battle calculations[12], whereas the preview values are visual bugs.

Amphibious VehicleSpecial Type 4 Amphibious TankSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank
Ship Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine Warfare Line of Sight Armor Accuracy Evasion Note
Preview Values
All SS/SSV (★2+) + ★2+ Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank KaiSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai +1 (bug introduced 2024-02-29)
Additionally to other bonuses omitted from this table
(★4+) + ★4+ Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank KaiSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai +1
(★8+) + ★8+ Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank KaiSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai +1
Actual Values
All SS/SSV (★2+) + ★2+ Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank KaiSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai 0
(★4+) + ★4+ Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank KaiSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai 0 Unconfirmable in-game, but suspected based on ★2
(★8+) + ★8+ Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank KaiSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai 0
High-Angle Gun8cm High-angle Gun8cm High-angle Gun
Ship Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine Warfare Line of Sight Armor Accuracy Evasion Note
Preview Values
Mogami Kai Ni /TokuMogami Kai Ni
Mogami Kai Ni Toku
- +1 +4 +3 (bug introduced 2024-01-25, fixed 2025-01-28)
Mikuma Kai Ni /TokuMikuma Kai Ni
Mikuma Kai Ni Toku
- +2 +1
Noshiro Kai NiNoshiro Kai Ni
Yahagi Kai Ni /BYahagi Kai Ni
Yahagi Kai Ni B
- 0 0
Actual Values
Mogami Kai Ni /TokuMogami Kai Ni
Mogami Kai Ni Toku

Mikuma Kai Ni /TokuMikuma Kai Ni
Mikuma Kai Ni Toku
- +1 +2 +2
Noshiro Kai NiNoshiro Kai Ni
Yahagi Kai Ni /BYahagi Kai Ni
Yahagi Kai Ni B
- +2 +1
High-Angle Gun8cm High-angle Gun Kai + Additional Machine Guns8cm High-angle Gun Kai + Additional Machine Guns
Ship Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine Warfare Line of Sight Armor Accuracy Evasion Note
Preview Values
Mogami Kai Ni /TokuMogami Kai Ni
Mogami Kai Ni Toku
- +2 +7 +5 (bug introduced 2024-01-25, fixed 2025-01-28)
Mikuma Kai Ni /TokuMikuma Kai Ni
Mikuma Kai Ni Toku
- +1 +5 +3
Noshiro Kai NiNoshiro Kai Ni
Yahagi Kai Ni /BYahagi Kai Ni
Yahagi Kai Ni B
- +1 +3 +2
Actual Values
Mogami Kai Ni /TokuMogami Kai Ni
Mogami Kai Ni Toku

Mikuma Kai Ni /TokuMikuma Kai Ni
Mikuma Kai Ni Toku
- +2 +5 +4
Noshiro Kai NiNoshiro Kai Ni
Yahagi Kai Ni /BYahagi Kai Ni
Yahagi Kai Ni B
- +1 +5 +3


See Also