New Year 2015 Play
Happy New Year! Give me the most New Year’s money! Admiral!
Setsubun 2015 Play
Luck in, demons out! Fufu♪ Setsubun is fun. What do you think, Murasame?
Valentine’s Day 2015 Play
Here, Admiral. I’ll give you the tastiest chocolate♪ Make sure you eat it alright?
Secretary 1
提督、はい。いっちばん美味しいチョコ、あげるね♪ 絶対食べるんだよ?
White Day 2015 Play
Admiral! Yes! Please give me the best gift in return for Valentine’s! Eh!? You don’t have one!?
2nd Anniversary Play
Today is the most special day you know, Commander? Alright! I’m happy too! Yep!
Early Summer 2015 Play
It’s summer after the rainy season! I want to be the first to swim once the beach opens! Yeah!!
Secretary 1
Early Summer 2015 Play
Yup! You have to get hyped for summer! Let’s go to the beach together, Admiral! Ihihihi….!
Secretary 2
Early Summer 2015 Play
Ah, this? Well, Nagato said we needed this for special summer training on the beach… But it’s a bit early for that.
Secretary 3
Early Summer 2015 Play
Gah, my favorite swimsuit! I won’t forgive you. I’m going in the bath!
Docking (Major)
Early Summer 2015 Play
Eh! I’m getting sunburned!? Seriously? Oh no, I forgot the oil. Uhoh!
Joining the Fleet
Midsummer 2015 Play
Alright, it’s summer! Why don’t we change into swimsuits and go to the sea? I’m the most excited about the sea~
Early Autumn 2015 Play
Hmm, it’s autumn now. It’s gotten a bit colder huh? But short sleeves are still fine!
Christmas 2015 Play
Merry Christmas! Christmas sure is fun! It’s my favorite time of year!
Secretary 1
End of Year 2015 Play
Yo! There’s so many things to do at the end of the year. What will I do!?
3rd Anniversary Play
Taaadaaaah! Hooray! It’s the 3rd Anniversary now. The~ 3rd~ Anniversary~! Admiral, Admiral; we made it!
Rainy Season 2016 Play
I’ll make the most effective teruteru bouzu… Hmm… Hmm… Huh… Huuuh? Th-this is hard…
Early Summer 2016 Play
I’ll be the first one on the beach in a swimsuit again this year! Follow me, Shiratsuyu-class!
Secretary 2
Autumn 2016 Play
A yukata is the most important thing! Don’t you think? Let’s hurry up and pick the best spot to watch the fireworks! Come on!
Secretary 1
Autumn 2016 Play
Festivals are great, they’re fun too. When do you have the most fun, Admiral?
Secretary 2
Autumn 2016 Play
Urgh, it’s gotten kinda cold. It’s a bit hard to wear short sleeves now… *Hachoo*!
Christmas 2016 Play
Come on, give me the best present, Admiral! Only the very best will do!
Secretary 2
Early Summer 2017 Play
Those onigiris look nice, Naganami. Yeah, I’d like to try some. Eh, i-is that so. I see… I’d like to try making some too.
Christmas 2017 Play
What are you fiddling with, Mursame? Come on, show your big sis! Hmmm… What are you hiding…
Secretary 3
5th Anniversary Play
Ta-daaaah! Hooray! It’s the 5th Anniversary, Admiral! The. 5th. Anniversary! It’s amazing, Admiral! I’m kind of proud.
Rainy Season 2018 Play
Ah, jeez! I don’t like how it always rains during this time of year. How about we go do something interesting, Admiral? Eh, equipment maintenance… Ah, yes.
Secretary 2
Summer 2018 Play
I'll be the first one to charge onto the beach in a swimsuit this year tooo! Shiratsuyu-class, follow me!
Secretary 2
Summer 2018 Play
Ah, a swimsuit? Fufufun, don't worry about that. Summer will come again next year, right?
Kai Ni Secretary 3
Saury 2018 Play
I see, it's already saury season. Oh well, let's do this!
Secretary 2
Late Autumn 2018 Play
Ah, Admiral, want to have some sweet potato? I'll share a bit with you.
Secretary 1
Late Autumn 2018 Play
Really? OK. Here you go. How is it? It's delicious right? This is definitely number one!
Secretary 2
6th Anniversary Play
Ta-daaaaah! Hooray! It's the 6th Anniversary, Admiral! The~ 6th~ Anniversary~! Ahahaha. We did it. It's your treat!
Saury 2019 Play
Admiral, we're going after sardines this year? That's great! I really love sardines! It's the best as sushi with skin-on slices. It's cheap and it's the most delicious thing![1]
7th Anniversary Play
Ta-daaah! Hooraaay! It's the 7th Anniversary, Admiral. The. 7th. Anniversary. Ahahaha! Whew, it's the 8th year now. We're amazing! I'd like to eat your home cooked food at a time like this. I wanna eat good food!
Summer 2020 Play
Ah, it's that! You know, that. Ah, jeez, what was it again.
Kai Ni Secretary 2
Late Autumn 2020 Play
Come on, Shigure, let's finish up our mission as soon as possible. Then we'll hurry home and have roasted sweet potatoes while reading in my room! Mmm, doesn't that sound great?
Secretary 3
Late Autumn 2020 Play
Sweet potatoes are the best! Want some?
Equipment 3
Late Autumn 2020 Play
Sweet potatoes are the beeeest! Want some?
Kai Ni Equipment 3
Late Autumn 2020 Play
Sweet potatoes are definitely...*nom*... the best at this time of year... Hmm? ...*chew*, *gulp*... Huh!? It's the enemy!? I-I've spotted the enemy first!
Starting a Battle
Late Autumn 2020 Play
Sweet potatoes are definitely...*omnomnom*... the best at this time of year... Eh? ...*chew*, *gulp*... Huh!? It's the enemy!? I-I've spotted the enemy first!
Kai Ni Starting a Battle
Late Autumn 2020 Play
Right, I'll finish off this sweet potato *chew* and be the... *gulp*... first one in! Follow me!
Night Battle
Late Autumn 2020 Play
*gulp* Right, I've finished the sweet potato so I'll be the first one in! Follow me!
Kai Ni Night Battle
Valentine's Day 2021 Play
Achoo. It's still too cold to be dressed like this. Ariake, Shigure, wait for... achoo. Brrrr.
Secretary 3
8th Anniversary Play
TA-DAAAAAH! Ehe! Hooray! It's the 8th Anniversary, Admiral! The- 8th- Anniversary! Ahaha. Woow, it's the 9th year. We Shiratsuyus are super amazing, aren't we? I wanna have a huge feast, Admiral. Please!
Rainy Season 2021 Play
These grey and dreary rainy days will be over soon. Yup! Just trust me! Hey, Ariake! Don't take my food! Heeey!
Secretary 2
9th Anniversary Play
Ta-da-! We made it! It's our ninth anniversary, Admiral! Nin~th Anniver~sary! (laugh) Well, we've started our tenth year. We sure are something, aren't we! So, you'd better treat us to your best dishes!
じゃっじゃーん! やったねぇ! 九周年だよ!提督! 九~しゅう~ね~ん!(笑)いやぁ、十年目に突入だよー。
白露達、超~すごいよね~! 提督のいっちばんのご馳走、食べさせてよねぇ!