00:00 Play
Very well, I'll be by your side today, Admiral. Ah, really? Of course! Alright, the time just turned exactly 12am.
01:00 Play
1 o'clock. Yes, you need this for the night shift. Do you want some? I see, alright, let's have a toast! Yes, you can sure drink.
1 o'clock。うん、夜勤にはこれだ。嗜むだろう?そうか、よし、乾杯だ!うん、貴様もやるな。
02:00 Play
2 o'clock. Well, we shouldn't drink too much. Let's slow down. Hmm, who is it at this time...? Hmm? It's Ark! What's the matter?
2 o'clock。まあ、飲み過ぎはいかん。程々にしよう。ん、誰だこんな時間に…?ん?Arkか!どうした?
03:00 Play
3 o'clock. I see, you can't sleep. Well, shall we just drink some rum then, my Admiral? Ehe, excuse me. We can? Ah, really? You're so understanding. Outstanding!
3 o'clock。そうか、眠れないのか。仕方ない、ラム酒でやるか、my Admiral?えへぇ、すまない。いいか?あぁ、そうか?話せるな。さすがだ!
04:00 Play
4 o'clock. Ah, no, I've heard enough about Swordfish, Ark. You've drunk too much... How about some water... Ah, sorry, my Admiral; thanks.
4 o'clock。あぁ、いや、Swordfishの話はもうわかったよ、Ark。飲み過ぎじゃ…水を…あぁ、my Admiral、すまんない、助かる。
05:00 Play
5 o'clock. Ark is finally asleep. My apologies, my Admiral. No, thanks a lot. Ahahaha, it's already morning.
5 o'clock。やっとArkも寝たか。My Admiral、すまんなかった。いや、thanks a lot。あははぁ、もう朝だな。
06:00 Play
6 o'clock. I see, like this? All hands, assemble! Ngh, aaaah. What a lovely morning. Alright, I'll go make some hot black tea. You'll have some right?
6 o'clock。I see、こうだろう?総員起こし!ん、あぁー。いい朝だ。よし、暑い紅茶を入れようか。飲むだろう?
07:00 Play
7 o'clock. Breakfast is important. Of course we're having a full breakfast right? Hmm, where's my share, Admiral?
7 o'clock。朝食は大事だ。もちろん、full breakfastだな?ん、余の分はどこだ、Admiral?
08:00 Play
8 o'clock. You couldn't have really expected me to make breakfast... That was a good English joke. Your full breakfast tasted good, my Admiral. Your cooking is delicious. Outstanding!
8 o'clock。まさか余に作らせるつもりだったとは…Good English jokeだ。My Admiral、のfull breakfastなかなかに美味だったぞ。料理、うまいな。さすがだ!
09:00 Play
9 o'clock. Now, shall we put to sea? ...Oh, Lady. You're looking wonderful today too. I expect nothing less. That's right, shall we have some exercises to help digest the meal? Will you do me the honour?
9 o'clock。さあ、海に出るか?…おぉ、Ladyか。今日もきれいだな。さすがだ。そうだな、腹ごなしに演習でもするか?お手合わせ願おか?
10:00 Play
10 o'clock. Ah, this turret arrangement? Isn't it great? I can bring maximum firepower to bear on either flank. My rear? No comment! Well, it's not a problem!
10 o'clock。あぁ、この主砲配置か?いいだろう?側面方向に最大火力三基九門を指向できるぞ。背面だっと?しらん!まあ、問題はない!
11:00 Play
11 o'clock. It's almost noon. Now that you mention it, I am feeling a little hungry. What about you, my Admiral? Hmmm.
11 o'clock。そろそろ昼か。そういえば、少し腹が減ったような気がするな。My Admiral、貴様はどうだ?んー。
12:00 Play
It's midday. Oh, who's that destroyer? Hey, Lucky Jervis! What? What are these sandwiches? Whoa, thank you. You really are lucky.
Middayか。おぉ、あの駆逐艦は?Hey, Lucky Jervis!なに?このsandwichは?わぁ、ありがたい。まさにlucky。
13:00 Play
1 o'clo... Ah, whoa, you've come... You're Nagato, Japan's Big 7! How about it? Have an exercise with me... Ah, I see. Alright, then I won't hold back! Come, Nagato!
1 o'clo…あぁ、うわぁ、出たな…貴様は、長門、日本のBig 7か!どうだ?余と演習でも…あぁ、そうか。よし、では手加減はしない!こい、長門!
14:00 Play
2 o'clock. Humph, you're pretty good, Nagato. That's how it needs to be. Shall we go another round?
2 o'clock。ふん、なかなかにやるな、長門。そう来なくては。もう一戦行くか?
15:00 Play
3 o'clock. Aaaah, I worked up a good sweat. Oh? Thanks for the iced tea! *gulp* *gulp*... Ahaaaa! Thanks, Mutsu. You've got a capable little sister too, Nagato. *gulp* *gulp*... Aaaaah! Yes, it's delicious!
3 o'clock。あぁ、いい汗を掻いた。おぉ?Ice tea、ありがたい!ぐぅ、ぐぅ…あはぁ!陸奥、thanks。長門、貴様も出来た妹がいるな。ぐぅ、ぐぅ…ぷはぁ!うん、うまい!
16:00 Play
4 o'clock. So it's become evening while we were traveling. Oh, that silhouette is... I see, it's the Yamato-type. She's... Ehe, yes, she's beautiful.
4 o'clock。走行しているうちにもう夕方か。おぉ、あの艦影は…?そうか、あれがYamato-typeか?あれは…えへぇ、そうか、美しいな。
17:00 Play
5 o'clock. Now, it's almost time for dinner. What's on tonight's menu, my Admiral? Your cooking is delicious. I can't wait.
5 o'clock。さあ、そろそろ夕食の時間だな。My Admiral、今夜のmenuはなんだ?貴様は料理うまい。楽しみだな。
18:00 Play
6 o'clock. Ooh, so these are fuukaten. They look like scotch eggs. Let's see. *nom* *nom* Mmmm! It's delicious! How about opening a shop after the war is over? I can even be the owner.
6 o'clock。ほぉ、ふうかてんっとな。Scotch eggに見てるな。どれ。はむ、はむ、ん!うまい!貴様、戦いが終わったら、店を開くのはどうだ?余がオーナーにやってもいいぞ。
19:00 Play
7 o'clock. Yes, your cooking goes well with not only rum, but scotch too. Alright, let's drink today. It's fine right? Right?
7 o'clock。うん、貴様の料理は、ラム酒にはもちろん、スコッチにも合うな。よろし、今日はも飲んでしまおう。いいだろう?なぁ?
20:00 Play
*gulp* *gulp* Aaaaaah. I think it's 8 o'clock? You're doing well too. That's great. The torpedo squadrons are being noisy for some reason... Oh, well. Let's leave them be. Anyway, give me another glass.
んぐ、んぐ、あぁー。8 o'clockかな?ん、今日の酒はうまい。貴様も行けるな。結構なことだ。何やら水雷がうるさいが…まあ、いい。ほっとけ。それより、もう一杯。
21:00 Play
9 o'clock. Oh, it's the little Italian girl? What, you want to join us? Alright, come here. Now, have a glass. Oooh, not bad. Yes!
9 o'clock。何だ、イタリアの小娘か?何、こっちに来てやりたいのか?よろし、来なさい。さあ、いっぱい。おぉ、貴様やるな。うん!
22:00 Play
10 o'clock. Oh, Sheffield! What's wrong? What? You got caught up with DesRon3 in a night battle? Ahahahaha! Oh well! How about a glass?
10 o'clock。おぉ、Sheffield!どうした?何?三水戦と夜戦に巻き込まれた?あはははぁ!まあ、いい!いっぱいどうだ?
23:00 Play
11 o'clock. Spending the day with you was so much fun. I'm counting on you tomorrow too. Good night, my Admiral. Have a good night.
11 o'clock。貴様と過ごす一日は、とっても楽しいものだ。明日もまた、よろしく頼むぞ。おやすみ、my Admiral。いい夜。