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WG42 (Wurfgerät 42)

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Revision as of 11:57, 18 October 2022 by Chocolatecravinghobo (talk | contribs) (Added Anti-Ground Equipment info as transclusion)
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No.126 WG42 (Wurfgerät 42)
Agat c.png Anti-Ground Equipment
Effects: Firepower+1 Armor-1 RangeShort
Provides bonuses against installations
Scrap value: Fuel 1 Ammo 4 Steel 2 Bauxite 1 (Unbuildable)

Equipment Card WG42 (Wurfgerät 42).png

Equipment Character WG42 (Wurfgerät 42).png

Equipment Item WG42 (Wurfgerät 42).png

Equipment Full WG42 (Wurfgerät 42).png

Refittable Ship Types
Fast Battleship Battleship
Aviation Battleship Standard Aircraft Carrier
Armored Carrier Light Carrier
Heavy Cruiser Aviation Cruiser
Light Cruiser Torpedo Cruiser
Training Cruiser Destroyer
Coastal Defense Ship Submarine
Aircraft Carrying Submarine Seaplane Tender
Fleet Oiler Submarine Tender
Repair Ship Amphibious Assault Ship



The WG42 is a ship-borne rocket launcher developed from another country (Germany) for anti-ground and anti-shipping attacks. It can be used aboard U-boats where it saw practical use. Mainly effective for anti-ground strikes, suffered from poor accuracy; however, it can be fired from a shallow depth similar to the anti-ground submarine missiles of today.


This category contains all equipment classified as WG42 (Wurfgerät 42).

This category is populated by Template:EquipmentCategoriesKai. Please do not manually add pages to this category. This category is for this specific equipment type, for all equipment with anti-installation mechanics, see Category:Equipment with Anti-Installation Mechanics.


Anti-Ground Rocket Anti-Ground Rockets are only used against Installations.

  • They provide both great multiplicative and flat damages boost against all installation types.

Listed by stats

No. Rarity Name Equipment Type Firepower Armor Range Refittable Types Craftable Improvable Notes

WG42 (Wurfgerät 42)Equipment Card WG42 (Wurfgerät 42).png
Agat c.png WG42 (Wurfgerät 42)
Anti-Ground Equipment 1 -1 Short DE, DD, CL, CAV, FBB (Only: Conte di Cavour Kai, Conte di Cavour Nuovo, Haruna Kai Ni B, Haruna Kai Ni C, Hiei Kai Ni C, Kirishima Kai Ni C, Kongou Kai Ni C, Richelieu Deux), BB (Only: Conte di Cavour, Mutsu Kai Ni), BBV (Except: Hyuuga Kai Ni, Ise Kai Ni), SS, SSV, AV (Except: Akitsushima), LHA (Except: Kumano Maru, Kumano Maru Kai), AS, AO (Only: Kamoi Kai Bo, Ootomari Kai, Souya (AGS))
348 Shipborne Model Type 4 20cm Anti-ground Rocket LauncherEquipment Card Shipborne Model Type 4 20cm Anti-ground Rocket Launcher.png
Agat c.png 艦載型 四式20cm対地噴進砲
0 -2 None ✔️

Type 4 20cm Anti-ground Rocket Launcher (Concentrated Deployment)Equipment Card Type 4 20cm Anti-ground Rocket Launcher (Concentrated Deployment).png
Agat c.png 四式20cm対地噴進砲 集中配備
1 -4
No. Rarity Name Equipment Type Firepower Armor Range Refittable Types Craftable Improvable Notes

How To Obtain

Stock equipment of U-511U-511

From limited-time quests: SB13 (choice), SB24 (choice), SB31 (x2, choice)

Event reward for:

Choice from 2019 and 2017 Xmas present

Updates History

  • 2015-02-06: Implemented
  • 2015-06-12: Bonus damage against installations increased

See also