00:00 Play
The date has just changed. Admiral, today I, Rodney, will make you some tea. No complaints, right?
01:00 Play
Admiral, one o'clock now! Ah, my sister's rum? I think you might have drunk a little too much. I need you to not overdo it while on duty.
Admiral?1 o'clock now!あ、姉さんのラム酒?なんだかんだとちょっと飲みすぎよね。艦隊勤務中は大概にしてもらわないと。
02:00 Play
Admiral, two o'clock now! Admiral, you don't have to drink heavily with my sister too often, okay? Maybe I should go tell her off for you?
Admiral?2 o'clock now!Admiralも、姉さんの深酒にあまり付き合わなくていいからね。私、ちょっと注意してこようか。
03:00 Play
Admiral, 3 o'clock now! Sheesh, even Ark was there, and she was getting excited talking about that biplane. Well, she did play a role in the pursuit, but I was the one who shot directly at Bismarck.
Admiral? 3 o'clock now! ったく、Arkまでいて、なんだかあの複葉機の話で盛り上がってたわ。 ま、確かに奴の追撃戦では活躍したけど、直接撃ち合ったの、私なんだからね。
04:00 Play
Admiral, 4 o'clock now! The noise from my sister and Ark's place is finally dying down. Admiral, it's late, but let's lie down for a bit. Tomorrow will be tough after all. Jeez...
Admiral、4 o'clock now!姉さんとArkのとこ、やっと静かになってきた。Admiral、こんな時間だけど、少し横になっておきましょう。明日が辛いから。まったくもう。
05:00 Play
Mmh, Admiral, did you fall asleep? It's only 5 o'clock...? I'll sleep a little longer... Just a little bit longer...
ん、Admiral、寝た?時間はまだ、5 o'clockか。あと少しだけ、眠れるね…あと少しだけ…ふぅ…ふぅ…ふぅ…
06:00 Play
Oh no! Six o'clock now! Admiral, wake up! I'm going to wake up everyone in the fleet! All hands, wake up!
やば!6 o'clock now!Admiral、起きて!Fleetを総員おこしかけます!総員おこーし!
07:00 Play
7 o'clock now! Admiral, I'll rush to get breakfast ready! It'll be a full breakfast, of course! Breakfast is important!
Seven o'clock now! Admiral、朝食は急いで私が用意するわ!もちろん、full breakfast!朝は大事!
08:00 Play
8 o'clock now! Admiral, I made breakfast for my sister as well. I'll go get her. She's probably still sleeping.
8 o'clock now! Admiral、朝食、姉さんの分も作っておいた。呼んでくるね。多分まだ寝てるから。
09:00 Play
Admiral, 9 o'clock now! Sister's finally come out of her room, so let's head out to sea! Hi, Warspite! Another good day today, isn't it?
Admiral、9 o'clock now! 姉さんもやっと出てきたし、さ、海に出ましょう! Hi, Warspite! 今日もご機嫌ね、そう?
10:00 Play
Admiral, 10 o'clock now! Hm? Yeah, it is a unique main gun arrangement, right? I can aim the maximum firepower of my nine guns in three turrets toward either flank. It's a good fit for a decisive battle-type, don't you think so?
Admiral、10 o'clock now! ん? そうね、独特の主砲配置でしょ? 側面方向に最大火力、3基9門を志向できるの。 決戦型、でしょ?
11:00 Play
Eleven o'clock now! Admiral, I'll make my specialty sandwich for lunch, so look forward to it!
11 o'clock now! Admiral、お昼は私が特製のSandwich作ってきてるから、楽しみにしてて!
12:00 Play
Midday! Admiral, let's have lunch! Rodney Special Sandwich! Now, eat up!
Midday! Admiral、お昼にしましょう! Rodney Special Sandwich! さあ、召し上がれ!
13:00 Play
One o'clo-... Admiral... the Japanese battle line... Nagato, Mutsu, and... That's Yamato... Musashi, huh... they're definitely big... huge...
1 o'clo- Admiral... 日本のBattleshipの艦列が…ナガート、ムツ、そして…あれがヤマート、ムサーシか…確かにデカい、大きいわ。
14:00 Play
Admiral, two o'clock now! T-that's... That's her! Battleship Bismarck! She's here too... The person behind her is... their... carrier?
Admiral、2 o'clock now!あ、あれは…奴か、戦艦Bismarck!彼女もここに…あの後方にいるのは、彼女たちの空母?
15:00 Play
Admiral, three o'clock now! Even though we're allies now, it still feels strange. But, this might be how it is in peaceful times.
Admiral、3 o'clock now!今は遊軍とはいえ、妙な感覚になる。けれど、これが平和な時代、ということなのかも。
16:00 Play
Admiral, 4 o'clock! I'm grateful for the modernization. I want to be of as much help to everyone as possible.
Admiral、4 o'clock…!近代化改修とはありがたいものね。できる限りみんなの役に立ちたいもの。
17:00 Play
Admiral, 5 o'clock now. Look, the sun is setting. It's beautiful. The sunsets over the Pacific Ocean are beautiful too. Eh? Admiral, what is it?
Admiral、5 o'clock now!見て、夕日が沈むわ。綺麗ね。太平洋の夕日も、綺麗。え?Admiral、何?
18:00 Play
Six o'clock now! Admiral, I'll make tonight's dinner! I got my hands on some delicious apples! How about Normandy pork?[1] Alright, leave it to me!
6 o'clock now!Admiral、今夜のディナーは私が作るわ!美味しいリンゴが手に入ったの!ノルマンディーポークなんてどう?よし!じゃあお任せておいて!
19:00 Play
Seven o'clock now! Sorry for the wait! Now, let's eat! Would you like some wine? Is a red one all right? I've got some good Burgundy here, how about it?
7 o'clock now!お待たせ!さ、召し上がれ!飲み物はワインでいい?赤でいい?いいブルゴーニュが手に入ったの、どう?
20:00 Play
Admiral, 8 o'clock now! Well, it's nice to have a little bit of fun with alcohol, as long as you're not like my sister, taking advantage of every opportunity to drink. Right, Admiral?
Admiral、8 o'clock now! まあ、姉さんみたいに、何かにカコつけて、毎回毎回飲んでなければ、こうやって少しお酒をたしなむのも、いいよね。 ね、Admiral?
21:00 Play
Nine o'clo...Oh, the J-class Flotilla, what happened? A present? Jervis, Javelin, thank you!
9 o'clo-…あら、J級のFlotilla、どうしたの?差し入れ?ありがとう、Jervis、Javelin!いただくね。
22:00 Play
Admiral, 10 o'clock now! How about some of the cookies I received from the J-class girls? I'll also make some tea. Earl Grey? Darjeeling?
Admiral、10 o'clock now!J級の子達が差し入れてくれたクッキー、いかが?紅茶を入れましょう。Earl grey?Darjeeling?
23:00 Play
11 o'clock now! A lot of things happened today as well, right Admiral? Let's prepare for tomorrow and take a small break. Good night!
11 o'clock now!今日も一日、色々あったね、Admiral。明日に備えて、少し休みましょう。Good night!