00:00 Play
Admiral, I, Victorious, shall be in charge today. Happy to work with you. What? You don't have a problem with that right?
01:00 Play
It is 1. Yesterday's battle ended in victory too. Shall we analyse it?
It's 1. 昨日の戦いも勝利で終わったわね。分析はしておきましょう?
02:00 Play
It's 2. It's just the two of us now. Are you nervous? ...You aren't? You're no fun.
It's 2. 今はふたりきりね。緊張する?…しないか?つまらないな。
03:00 Play
It's 3. Mmmm, I feel like some tea... Oh, you'll make some? Thanks. I'll have Earl Grey.
It's 3. んー、紅茶がほしいわね…あら、入れてくれるの?悪いわね。Earl Greyで。
04:00 Play
Admiral, thank you very much indeed. It's delicious. The time? It is 4.
提督、thank you very much indeed. 美味しいわ。時間?It's 4.
05:00 Play
It's 5. It's a nice morning, Admiral. Good morning... Hmm? Earl Grey? Yes, thanks. You're very thoughtful.
It's 5. いい朝ね、提督。おはよう。……ん?Earl Grey? うん、ありがとう。気が利くのね。
06:00 Play
I'll go rouse the fleet now. Everyone, wake up! Good morning! It's 6.
全艦隊に起床をかけるわね。みんな、起きなさい!Good morning! It's 6.
07:00 Play
It's 7... I made something special this morning to thank you for the tea. You're fine with an English breakfast, right? Would you like one egg or two? Understood.
It's 7……紅茶のお返しに、特別に朝は私が作るわ。English breakfastでいいわよね?卵は一つ?二つ?了解よ。
08:00 Play
It's 8. Would you like another slice of toast? Alright. Come to think of it, everything in an English breakfast is cooked. Hmm, I wonder why that is.
It's 8. Toastおかわりはいる?そう。そういえば、English breakfastって基本全て加熱調理してるわね。ん〜、なぜかしら。
09:00 Play
It's 9. Shall we head out to sea soon? Hmm? That carrier is... Ark? I wonder why she's in such a hurry.
It's 9. そろそろ海に出ましょう?ん?あの空母は…Ark? 一体何を慌てているのかしら。
10:00 Play
It's 10. Yes, I participated in the Hunt for the Bismarck with her. During that time, we used Swordfish! What memories. Huh? They're fine planes but the reality is, they're a bit outdated.[1]
It's 10. そうね。彼女と一緒に、戦艦Bismarck追撃戦も経験したわ。あの時はそう、Swordfish! 懐かしいわね。えぇ?いい機体だけど、流石に少し古いわ。
11:00 Play
It's 11. What's the matter!? What's the matter, Ark!? Why are you so angry? Th-that's true. That's a matter of opinion. But there are a variety of good planes now. This "Ryuusei" is great too.
It's 11. なになにどうしたの!?なになにどうしたの、Ark!?そんな血相を変えて。そ、そうね。それは見解の相違ね。今はいい機体も多いわ。この「流星」という子も素敵ね。
12:00 Play
It is noon. I feel like I just did something futile. Huh? Where'd you get these sandwiches? From the Old Lady?[2] Thanks. Mmm, they're delicious. May I have another?
It is noon. なんか、無駄に疲れた気がするわ。えぇ?このsandwichは?Old Ladyが?ありがたい。いただくわ。ん、美味しい。もう一ついい?
13:00 Play
It's 1. I feel like some tea this afternoon. Oh? Admiral, thanks. Earl Gr... Ah, you know me well. Ehe.
It's 1. こんな午後は紅茶がほしいわね。あら?提督、悪いわね。Earl Gr…あぁ、さすがね。えへ〜。
14:00 Play
It's 2. Oh? Bismarck! So you're here too? That makes us allies now, right? Pleased to work wi... Hmm? Why are you so wary? Huh? You're on anti-air alert? Why?
It's 2. あら?Bismarck! お前もここに来ていたのか?今は友軍、だな?よろしくたの……ん?何をそんなに警戒している?えぇ?上空警戒?なぜ?
15:00 Play
It is 3. That's a formation of Swordfish, equipped with torpedoes!? They're Ark's!? Why is she doing this!? No helping it then. Fighters on standby, emergency take-off. Hurry!
It is 3. あれは、Swordfishの編隊、雷装してるじゃない!?Arkの!?どうして!? やむを得ない。待機中の戦闘機、緊急発艦。急げ!
16:00 Play
Somehow I feel like I've wasted my time again. Hmm? The time? It's 4. Phew.
なんだか、また無駄に疲れた気がする。ん?時間?It's 4. ふあぁ〜。
17:00 Play
It's 5. Admiral, look at that. The sun is setting. The sunsets here are beautiful too. I'd like to keep watching victorious sunsets with you.[3] Ah, no. I didn't mean it that way.
It's 5. 提督、見て。日が落ちる。ここの夕日もきれい。勝利の夕日、いつまでもお前と見ていたい。あぁ、いや。そういう意味じゃなくて。
18:00 Play
It's 6. I'm hungry after dealing with everything today. Huh? Mamiya's Pub? That's a wonderful suggestion. Let's go!
It's 6. 今日は色々あって、お腹が減ったかも。えぇ?Pub Mamiya? 素敵な提案。行きましょう!
19:00 Play
It's 7. Is that a Japanese carrier? *gulp* She's only a medium-sized carrier but she's eating so much. Who is she?
It's 7. あれは日本空母?ん。中型空母なのに、すごい食べっぷり。一体何者?
20:00 Play
It's 8. Whoa! Ark! Don't have your biplane torpedo bombers flying all ov... Well, fine then. Who are those Japanese carrier? The Nagumo Carrier Task Force? So she's... that famous... Amazing!
It's 8. うえぇ!Ark! 複葉雷撃機無駄に飛ばすぎじゃ…まあ、それはいい。あの日本空母勢は?南雲機動部隊?あれが…噂の…すごいわ!
21:00 Play
It's 9. Wheeew. Mamiya's was delicious. I'd like to come again. By the way, the Italian fleet at the back was really rowdy. They were quite rude. It's good that it didn't bother you.
It's 9. ふえぇ〜。美味しいかったわ、Mamiya。また、来たいわね。ところで、奥の方でイタリア艦隊がなにか騒いただけど、迷惑ね。よくで気にならないわね。
22:00 Play
It's 10. So much happened today. Now that we have a quiet moment, let's have a drink. Would you like scotch or gin? You're feeling like gin today? Alright, I'll go pour a glass. Wait here.
It's 10. 今日も本当色々あったわね。少し落ち着いて、一杯飲みましょう。Scotch? Gin? 今日はginの気分かな?うん、用意するわ。待ってて。
23:00 Play
It's 11. You'd like another glass? Oh, alright then. A toast to our victory. Let's work hard tomorrow too.
It's 11. もう一杯?まあ、いいか。私達の勝利に、乾杯。明日も頑張りましょう。