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Location of the remodel button
In this case, it's grayed out because Kongou has not reached the required level
Top: remodel interface
Bottom: getting the remodeled ship

Remodel is an act of improving ship stats and (possibly) capabilities:

  • Firepower Firepower, Torpedo Attack Torpedo, Anti-Air Anti-Air, and Armor Armor, as well as Evasion Evasion, Anti-Submarine Warfare Anti-Submarine, and Line of Sight Line-of-Sight stats will use new (and usually better) minimum and maximum values. Health is usually increased. Rarity will usually increase. Ship CG and voice lines will be updated.
  • Ship type, number of equipment slots, Aircraft Aircraft slots, Range Range, Speed Speed, and resource consumption can change as well. Some ships will be able to equip special equipment or use special mechanics upon remodel, with or without type change.

For many ships it is possible to perform multiple remodels. The first remodel is always possible and usually called (Kai, for example, 北上 or Kitakami will become 北上改 or Kitakami Kai), while the second remodel is called 改二 (Kai Ni, for example, 金剛改 or Kongou Kai will become 金剛改二 or Kongou Kai Ni), but many exceptions (including name changes) exist. Some ships are able to revert between remodel forms (for example, Shoukaku can be remodeled back and forth between her CV and CVB forms, Shoukaku Kai Ni and Shoukaku Kai Ni A).

To remodel a ship it is required:

Remodeling instantly restores ship's HP, Fuel Fuel and Ammunition Ammo to full, set morale to 40 and places all her equipment in storage.

It is important to note that a remodel will reset general modernization efforts put into the ship. For example, if you have a Kitakami Kai with maxed stats, remodeling her to Kitakami Kai Ni will reset her firepower, torpedo, AA and armor. However, luck and HP and ASW modernization values do not reset upon remodeling.

Stats after Remodel

  • Stats that increase through leveling (Evasion Evasion, Anti-Submarine Warfare Anti-Submarine, and Line of Sight Line-of-Sight) will be different, they will follow the usual formula, but with different constants specific to a new remodel form.
  • Stats that can be increased through general modernization (Firepower Firepower, Torpedo Attack Torpedo, Anti-Air Anti-Air, and Armor Armor) will be reset using the following formula (depending on new minimal and maximal stat values, current level, and a random number, either 0.4 or 0.8):
min+(maxmin)×(0.4 or 0.8)×lv99

Reference Tables

See Also