00:00 Play
Uwaa!? It's now 12 o'clock! I'll be the one on time for announcement duties today. Alright, I got it! Leave it to me!
01:00 Play
It's now 1am! Is something like this fine? Ah, I see! Thank goodness!
02:00 Play
It's 2am. In this country, you say... Ushi, Mitsu, Doki? Aah, they are funny sounding words.[1]
03:00 Play
Waa, you startled me! Ah, do you like... this hairstyle? Aah! It's now 3am!
04:00 Play
Nnngh~... It's 4am~... Ngh... I'm definitely already a bit tired... But I'm fine.
05:00 Play
It's now 5 o'clock! Guten Morgen, it's a nice morning! Let's do our best!
5時になりましたー!Guten Morgen、気持ちが良い朝!がんばっていきましょー!
06:00 Play
6 o'clock. Breakfast huh... Eh? Me!? Got it, leave it to me! Umm... hmm, what should I make? Do I have to make Bismarck-neesama's portion too? Hey.
07:00 Play
Yes~, today's breakfast is bread, cheese, and sausage. Also some salad... and of course, have some hot coffee too! It's pretty normal, but still delicious right? Ah, it's exactly 7 o'clock now.
08:00 Play
It's now 8 o'clock. Now let's start today's operations, Admiral! Are we going on exercises? Or expeditions?
09:00 Play
It's 9am. Hm? Ah, it's Nagato! Oi, Na~ga~to~! ...Hmm? Where did we meet? That's of course! ...Uh... huh? Umm... where was it...?[2]
10:00 Play
It's 10 o'clock. Battleships? Definitely! If I'm with Bismarck Nee-sama, we'll sink them in no time! Leave it to me![3]
11:00 Play
It's now 11am~. It's almost lunch huh~. It might be nice to eat lunch outside today.
12:00 Play
Ah, it's already lunchtime! It's noon! Is cheese and bread outside fine for lunch? Also some beer too since it will feel good? Aha, that's a no huh...
13:00 Play
It's now 1 o'clock. Time to start the afternoon operations huh. Let's do our best!
14:00 Play
It's 2 o'clock. Eh? What is it? Sakawa? Ah, I know her, she's that cute light cruiser.
15:00 Play
It's 3 o'clock. Aah, this? Yes, it's my outfit from the time of Operation Cerberus. How is it, does it suit me?[4]
16:00 Play
It's now 4 o'clock. Wah, you startled me, Bismarck-neesama! Let's sortie together! Yes, certainly.
17:00 Play
5 o'clock. It's evening now. It's about time for the day to end. *sigh* such a beautiful sky... Ah, of course Bismarc-neesama is the most beautiful!
18:00 Play
It's 6 o'clock. I'll start preparing dinner. Is kaltes essen fine for today? Eh, it's not? Something warm would be better?[5]
18時です。夕食の準備をしますね。今日は、kaltes essenで良いですか?え、嫌だ?温かいのがいいの?
19:00 Play
It's 7 o'clock. Well then, I tried making eisnbein pot-au-feu. It's fine if the flavor soaks into the soup right? Finally, it's delicious if you add in some rice to make gruel![6]
20:00 Play
It's now 8 o'clock. Japanese cruisers are pretty well-rounded huh. I see, I see. Yup, so that's it... I see...
21:00 Play
9 o'clock. Eh, a... signature move? Let's see, I spent a lot of time shelling hordes of advancing tanks! That's pretty special! Yes~![7]
22:00 Play
It's totally night huh. 10 o'clock. Thanks for all your hard work with operations everyday, Admiral.
23:00 Play
It's 11 o'clock. Hmm~ It's almost time for me to rest too... Good night... Eh, I can't~?
23時です。ん~そろそろ私も休ませて貰いますね……Gute Nacht……っえ、だめぇ……?