00:00 Play
Admiral, it just turned midnight. Yeah so, I'll be the ship in charge today! Pleased to work with you. *yawn*
01:00 Play
It's 0100. I'm tired. But we gotta work.
02:00 Play
I think it's 0200. *yaaaawn* I'm sleepy. Urgh.
03:00 Play
0300! *yawn* Uhm, can I take a short...really just a short...nap?
04:00 Play
04...00... Huh? It's morning!? But it's still dark out. Hup... Hmm? Admiral, were you working the whole time? Amazing.
05:00 Play
0500! Aaah, it's almost morning! Yikes, I'm still sleepy but... Well, I gotta work. I'll do my best, okay?
06:00 Play
0600! It's morning. I'll rouse the fleet. All hands, assemble! Too bad everyone, it's morning!
07:00 Play
0700. Breakfast time! Admiral, where's my breakfast? ...Huh!? I have to make my own? Why? I don't get why I have to. I mean, I don't usually do it. Oh? Oyashio? Oh ho?
08:00 Play
0800. Mmmmmm... Man, my big sis Oyashio's food is great! So satisfying. Ah, you're having another helping, Admiral? I want some too! I'm going to get fat... but oh well.
09:00 Play
It's 0900 but... Wha? DesDiv15's 1st platoon has done what?[1] They've already headed out to sea? My dear big sis Oyashio, just what are you? Amazing.
10:00 Play
1000. Oyashio and gang are really hardworking huh. Mmm, Admiral, since Natsu isn't here yet...[2] why don't we just take it easy? I'm kinda sleepy after eating so much... Can we?
11:00 Play
11... Ah, Kuroshio, Asashio, yes, thanks for waiting. Huh? Oyashio is making lunch? Yay! I can't wait!
12:00 Play
1200. I was waiting for this! Oyashio's hand-made inari sushi! Mmm, it's great! The mixed rice inside is the best!
13:00 Play
1300. I made some tea, Admiral. Here! ...What? I'm at least capable of making tea. Whew, I'm so full. Lunch was satisfying.
14:00 Play
140... Ah, Isuzu! I'm doing fine! I'd be happy to be the flagship of DesRon2 again! Yep![3]
15:00 Play
15... Oh... oh no... It's Jintsuu! Oh no, oh no. Oh crap, she's coming this way! I'll just salute her first! Ma'am! Thank you for your hard work! Yes! I'll keep doing my best!
16:00 Play
It's only 1600 but... I'm kinda exhausted already. Urgh. Admiral, how about we head back to base a little early today?
17:00 Play
1700. You know, I'm stunning but... Look at that, Admiral! The sunset is stunning! Hey Admiral, are you listening!?
18:00 Play
1800. Now then, it's time for dinner. Hey, what will we do? Oyashio isn't around so what are we going to do about tonight's dinner?
19:00 Play
1900. Yay! We're going to Mamiya's tonight! I've always wanted to go. Admiral, this is what I love about you. Ah, that's not all I love about you.
20:00 Play
2000. Aah, everything at Mamiya's tastes super great. Admiral, can I get more of this and that?
21:00 Play
Admiral, it's 2100. Ah, there are some people I don't know fighting in the back. Can I have an ice cream to finish up?
22:00 Play
It's 2200. Admiral, today was tiring huh? Why don't you rest a while? I know, I'll go make you some tea.
23:00 Play
2300. Admiral, how's my sweet tea? I put lots of precious honey in it. It perks you right up, doesn't it?