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==Gameplay Notes==
{{:Category:Coastal Defense Ships}}
===Special Mechanics===
* None
===Equipability Exceptions===
* Default [[DE]] equipment compatibility
===Fit Bonuses===
{{:{{BASEPAGENAME}}/Equipment Bonuses}}
===Important Information===
* Helper for the following equipment:
** Improvement & upgrade: [[Type 95 Depth Charge]]
==Drop Locations==
==Voice Lines==
==Voice Lines==
Line 9: Line 30:
| scenario    =Introduction
| scenario    =Introduction
| origin      =占守型海防艦1番艦、占守っす! 司令、沿岸防衛はこの占守に任せるっす。海を守る、海防艦っす。うん!
| origin      =占守型海防艦1番艦、占守っす! 司令、沿岸防衛はこの占守に任せるっす。海を守る、海防艦っす。うん!
| translation =I'm the first ship of the Shimushu-class coastal defence ships, Shimushu-su. Leave the coastal defense to me commander-su. I'm the coastal defence ship that will protect the seas-su!<ref>Her verbal tic is -su (っす).</ref>
| translation =I'm the first ship of the Shimushu-class coastal defense ships, Shimushu-su. Leave the coastal defense to me commander-su. I'm the coastal defense ship that will protect the seas-su!<ref>Her verbal tic is -su (っす).</ref>
| audio      =Shimushu-Introduction.mp3
| audio      =Shimushu-Introduction.mp3
| scenario    =Library
| scenario    =Library
| origin      =沿岸警備や北方漁場警備のために建造された甲型海防艦、その一番艦っす。千島列島最北端*1の占守島の名前をもらったっす!
| origin      =沿岸警備や北方漁場警備のために建造された甲型海防艦、その一番艦っす。千島列島最北端の占守島の名前をもらったっす!
| translation =I'm the first ship of the A-class Coastal Defence Ships built for coastal and northern fishery guard duties-su.
| translation =I'm the first ship of the Type A Coastal Defense Ships built for coastal and northern fishery guard duties-su.
I was named for Shimushu, the northernmost of the Kuril Islands-su. My military duties were for the sake of protecting fisheries and fishermen, and even though my body is small I had an important duty-su. During the height of the war, I was doing my best with fleet escort and anti-submarine duties-su.
I was named for Shimushu, the northernmost of the Kuril Islands-su. My military duties were for the sake of protecting fisheries and fishermen, and even though my body is small I had an important duty-su. During the height of the war, I was doing my best with fleet escort and anti-submarine duties-su.
Once everything is over, I'll take everyone home-su. It's a very important duty-su. Make sure you remember the name Shimushu-su.
Once everything is over, I'll take everyone home-su. It's a very important duty-su. Make sure you remember the name Shimushu-su.
Line 43: Line 64:
| scenario    =Secretary Idle
| scenario    =Secretary Idle
| origin      =しれぇー、これはどうするっしゅ? って、聞いてないっしゅぅ! しむしゅしゅしゅっ! もう、こっちを見るっしゅ。海防艦占守様っすよ? んん? んんんっ! よ、よし、それでいいっしゅ!
| origin      =しれぇー、これはどうするっしゅ? って、聞いてないっしゅぅ! しむしゅしゅしゅっ! もう、こっちを見るっしゅ。海防艦占守様っすよ? んん? んんんっ! よ、よし、それでいいっしゅ!
| translation =What do I do about this Commander-su? Hey, you're not listening-su. It's me Shimushu-su! Hey, look over here! It's the coastal defence ship Shimushu-sama-su! Hmm? Grrrr. Ri... right, that's better-su.
| translation =What do I do about this Commander-su? Hey, you're not listening-su. It's me Shimushu-su! Hey, look over here! It's the coastal defense ship Shimushu-sama-su! Hmm? Grrrr. Ri... right, that's better-su.
| audio      =Shimushu-SecIdle.mp3
| audio      =Shimushu-SecIdle.mp3
Line 150: Line 171:
| scenario    =MVP
| scenario    =MVP
| origin      = あっ、どもっす。占守、一番? っす? ……大湊のみんな、見てたっす? 見てたっすか!?
| origin      = あっ、どもっす。占守、一番? っす? …大湊のみんな、見てたっす? 見てたっすか!?
| translation =Ah, hello. I'm number one-su? Did you see that everyone-su? Did you see-su?
| translation =Ah, hello. I'm number one-su? Did you see that everyone-su? Did you see-su?
| audio      =Shimushu-MVP.mp3
| audio      =Shimushu-MVP.mp3
Line 156: Line 177:
| scenario    =Minor Damage 1
| scenario    =Minor Damage 1
| origin      = あぁぁっ!
| origin      =あぁぁっ!
| translation =Ahhhh!
| translation =Ahhhh!
| audio      =Shimushu-MinorDamage1.mp3
| audio      =Shimushu-MinorDamage1.mp3
Line 180: Line 201:
=== Drop Locations ===
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Rainy_Season_2017|Rainy Season 2017]]
|origin = くなぁ、今日も雨っす。…で、あれ?何しってるっす?なかなか器用っす。司令の縫いぐるみっすか?あぁ、なんで睨んでるっす?違うっす?
|translation = It’s raining again today, Kuna-su. …Uh, huh? What are you doing-su? That’s pretty well made. Is it a doll of the commander-su? Ah, why are you glaring at me-su? Am I wrong-su?
|audio = Shimushu_Rainy_Season_Sec1_2017.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Early_Summer_2017|Early Summer 2017]]
|origin = クナ、夏の準備はバッチリっす?えぇ、まだ悩んでるっすか?海防艦は思いっきりが大事っすよ!そうっす!それでいいっす!
|translation = Are you done with your summer preparations-su, Kuna? Eh, you’re still thinking about it-su? The most important thing for coastal defense boats is to be decisive-su! Yes-su! Just like that-su!
|audio = Shimushu_Sec1_Summer_2017.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Autumn_2017|Autumn 2017]]
|origin = がぁー!秋っす!秋祭りっす!占守すっす!クナ、ガキ、ハチ、盛り上がるっすよ!いざ、鎮守府秋祭りに突撃っす!
|translation = Gaaah! It’s autumn-su! It’s the autumn festival-su! Shimushusussu! Kuna, Gaki, Hachi; let’s get into the mood! Now it’s time to charge into the Naval Base Autumn Festival-su!<ref>Refering to her sister ships Kunashiri, Ishigaki and Hachijou.</ref>
|audio = Shimushu_Autumn_2017_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Saury_2017|Saury Festival 2017]]
|origin = よーし!漁業保護、漁業支援っすね!超ぉ任せるっすよ!海防艦の出番じゃないっすか!クナ、こうしちゃ居られないっす!抜錨っす!
|translation = Alriiight! It’s time to support and protect the fisheries-su! Leave everything to me-su! It’s time for the coastal defense ships to shine-su! I can’t wait any longer, Kuna! Setting sail-su!
|audio = Shimushu_Sec1_Saury_2017.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2017|Christmas 2017]]
|origin = メリークリスマっす!司令ぃ、食べてるっす?もっと沢山食べるっす!かに缶も、さけ缶もあるっす!
|translation = Merry Christmas-su! Want to have some, Commander? Eat up-su! There’s canned crab and canned salmon too-su!
|audio = Shimushu_Christmas_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/End_of_Year_2017|End of Year 2017]]
|origin = もう師走っす。一年って本当に早いっす!さあ、海防艦集合っす!大掃除、始めるっす!
|translation = It’s already December-su. The year sure flew by-su! Now, coastal defense ships, assemble-su! It’s time to start spring cleaning-su!
|audio = Shimushu_Year_End_2017_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/New_Year_2018|New Year 2018]]
|origin = 司令ぃ、 おめでとうっす! 占守とクナたちが、新年も司令といっしょしてあげるっす!うひひぃ。
|translation = Congratulations, Commander! We’ll be spending the next year with you too, Commander! Uhihi~
|audio = Shimushu_New_Years_2018_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2018|Setsubun 2018]]
|origin = はい?セッツブーン?No, No, No!節分っすよ!せ・ツ・ブ・ン!あぁ、もう違うっす!
|translation = Pardon? Settsubuun? No, no, no! It’s Setsubun-su! Se-tsu-bu-n! Ah, jeez, that’s still wrong-su!
|audio = Shimushu_Setsubun_2018_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2018|Valentine’s Day 2018]]
|origin = ふひひ、作ったっすよ、チョコ。ふひひ、これで司令も一ころっす。くなたちに負けんっす!
|translation = Fuhihi, I made some chocolates. Fuhihi, now I make the commander fall for me-su. I won’t lose to Kuna and the others-su!
|audio = Shimushu_Valentines_2018_Sec_1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/White_Day_2018|White Day 2018]]
|origin = 司令、お返しありがとうっす。ちょっと自慢っす。うひひ、いっすね、お返し。うふ、うひひぃ。
|translation = Thanks for the return gift-su, Commander. I’m a bit proud of getting one-su. Hehe, snacks are great-su. Heh, hehe.
|audio = Shimushu_White_Day_2018_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Coming_of_Spring_2018|Coming of Spring 2018]]
|origin = お花見の季節っす!桜は素晴らしいっす!クナ、ガキ、ハチ、司令、お花見に突撃っす!ガキ、ハチ、美味しいをいっぱい作るっす!
|translation = It’s the season for cherry blossom viewing-su! The sakura are wonderful-su! Kuna, Gaki, Hachi, Commander; let’s go cherry blossom viewing-su! Gaki, Hachi; we’ll make lots of delicious things-su!
|audio = Shimushu_Spring_2018_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fifth_Anniversary|5th Anniversary]]
|origin = 司令、やばいっす!五周年のお祝いっす!占守たちは一周年、艦隊は五周年っす!
|translation = Commander, it’s amazing-su! It’s the 5th Anniversary celebration-su! It’s our 1st Anniversary and the fleet’s 5th Anniversary-su!
|audio = Shimushu_5th_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Late_Autumn_2018|Late Autumn 2018]]
|origin = うひひぃ、冬っすよ。冬。でも、鎮守府の冬は、流氷も来ないし余裕っす。宗谷海峡あったりじゃこうは行かないっす。占守すっす。
|translation = Uhihi, it's winter-su. Winter. But, winter in the Naval Base is a breeze since the drift ice doesn't come here-su. The Souya Strait will be blocked and impassable now-su. Shimushusu-su.
|audio = Shimushu_Late_Autumn_2018_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Seventh_Anniversary|7th Anniversary]]
|origin = クナ、司令!やばすぎっす!艦隊七周年っしゅ~!占守たちは三周年、艦隊は七周年っす!!
|translation = Kuna, Commander! This is totally insane! It's the fleet's 7th Anniversary. It's our 3rd Anniversary but the fleet's 7th!!
|audio = Shimushu_7th_Anniversary_Secretary_2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Eighth_Anniversary|8th Anniversary]]
|origin = クナ、ガキ、ハチ、そんで司令、やばいっす!占守たちは四周年、艦隊は八周年っしゅ!!
|translation = Kuna, Gaki, Hachi and Commander; big news! It's our 4th Anniversary and the fleet's 8th!!
|audio = Shimushu_8th Anniversary_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes =
===Misc Lines===
|scenario = [[Summer 2020 Event]]
|origin = やるときゃやるっす!撃って!撃ってぇ〜!
|translation =You gotta do what you gotta do! Fire! Fireee!
|audio = Ship_Voice_Shimushu_Kai_Rainy-Summer_2020_Event_Friend_Fleet_1.mp3
|notes = Friend Fleet 1
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Ship Full Shimushu.png|Base
Ship Full Shimushu Damaged.png|Base Damaged
*Can utilize Preemptive ASW with a total ASW of '''60''' or higher with a Sonar equipped.
;General Information
*Can also utilize Preemptive ASW with a total ASW of '''75''' or higher with '''any non-Sonar based equipment with ASW values that are +4 or higher''' that she can equip.
* She is named after the island of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shumshu Shumshu].
* She was launched on the 13th of December 1939.
* Handed over to the Soviet Union as "EK-31", on the 5th of July 1947, later renamed as "PS-25" and then "PM-74", she was decommissioned on the 16th of May 1959 and scrapped.
;Update History
* She was added on the 2nd of May 2017 as [[Spring 2017 Event]] E3 drop.
==See Also==
==See Also==
*[[Shimushu/Gallery|View Shimushu CG]]
*[[wikipedia:Japanese escort Shimushu|Wikipedia article on Shimushu]]
*[[wikipedia:Japanese escort Shimushu|Wikipedia article on Shimushu]]
[[Category:World War II Survivors]]

Latest revision as of 19:39, 6 April 2024


Ship Card Shimushu.png
Ship Card Shimushu Damaged.png
Ship Banner Shimushu.png
Ship Banner Shimushu Damaged.png
占守 (しむしゅ) Shimushu
Shimushu Class Coastal Defense Ship

HP HP913FP Firepower4→18
ARM Armor4→16TORPTorpedo0
EVA Evasion42→83AA Anti-Air7→24
PLA Aircraft0ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare32→72
SPD SpeedSlowLOS Line of Sight3→13
RGE RangeShortLUK Luck40→79
012cm Single Gun Mount
025mm Twin Autocannon Mount
ModernizationFirepower 1 Torpedo 0 Anti-Air 0 Armor 0
Build Time0:14 (Unbuildable)Remodel Req
ConsumptionFuel 10 Ammo 10DismantleFuel 1 Ammo 1 Steel 2 Bauxite 0
IllustratorUGUMESeiyuuSasaki Hitomi
Ship Card Shimushu Kai.png
Ship Card Shimushu Kai Damaged.png
Ship Banner Shimushu Kai.png
Ship Banner Shimushu Kai Damaged.png
占守 (しむしゅかい) Shimushu Kai
Shimushu Class Coastal Defense Ship

HP HP1721FP Firepower5→35
ARM Armor7→33TORPTorpedo0
EVA Evasion58→92AA Anti-Air11→53
PLA Aircraft0ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare35→77
SPD SpeedSlowLOS Line of Sight5→28
RGE RangeShortLUK Luck50→89
0Type 94 Depth Charge Projector
0Type 95 Depth Charge
025mm Twin Autocannon Mount
ModernizationFirepower 1 Torpedo 0 Anti-Air 1 Armor 0
Remodel Level40Remodel ReqAmmo 90 Steel 60
ConsumptionFuel 10 Ammo 10DismantleFuel 1 Ammo 1 Steel 2 Bauxite 0
IllustratorUGUMESeiyuuSasaki Hitomi

Gameplay Notes

Coastal Defense Ships (DE) are weak ships with high ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare stat, utilizing Depth ChargesSONAR ASW equipment. They:

Special Mechanics

  • None

Equipability Exceptions

DE Default equipment compatibility
✔️ Can Equip ❌ Cannot Equip
Fighter Dive Bomber Torpedo Bomber JetFighterBomber2.png Reconnaissance Aircraft Large Reconnaissance AircraftSp Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon Seaplane BomberBomber Seaplane Fighter Large Flying Boat Rotorcraft Liaison Aircraft Aviation Personnel TransportationMaterial.png
Small Caliber Main Gun Anti-Aircraft Gun Anti-Aircraft Fire Director Depth Charges Small SONARSmall Small RADARSmall Medium Caliber Main Gun Large Caliber Main Gun Very Large Caliber Main GunSp Secondary Gun Large Secondary High-angle GunSp_Sec Torpedoes Submarine TorpedoesSub Midget SubmarineMinisub Large SONARLarge Large RADARLarge Very Large RADARSp Submarine Equipment
Lookout Anti-Ground Rocket Smoke Generator Emergency Repair Personnel Ration Anti-Aircraft Shell Armor-Piercing Shell Engine Improvement Medium ArmorMedium Large ArmorLarge Star Shell Icon.png Searchlight Large SearchlightLarge Drum Canister Landing Craft Amphibious Vehicle Landing Forces Facility.png Command Facility Supplies
RE: Anti-Aircraft Gun Anti-Aircraft Fire Director Lookout Emergency Repair Personnel Ration Equipment Card Type 95 Depth Charge.png Equipment Card Type 2 Depth Charge.png Equipment Card Type 2 Depth Charge Kai 2.png
Notes: Night Fighter=Fighter ; Night Torpedo Bomber=Torpedo Bomber ; Night Dive Bomber=Dive Bomber ; JetFighterBomber1.png=JetFighterBomber2.png ; Night Reconnaissance Seaplane =Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon ; Night Seaplane Bomber =Seaplane BomberBomber ; Small Caliber Main High-angle GunSmall=Small Caliber Main Gun ; Medium Main Caliber High-angle GunMedium=Medium Caliber Main Gun ; Secondary High-angle GunSec=Secondary Gun ; Barrage Balloon=Smoke Generator
  • Default DE equipment compatibility

Fit Bonuses

[edit]Shimushu Equipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine Warfare Line of Sight Armor Accuracy Evasion Note
Small Caliber Main Gun12cm Single Gun Mount Kai 212cm Single Gun Mount Kai 2 - +1 +1 +2
+ Surface Radar +2 +1 +3 One-time
RADARPassive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model)Passive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model) (1st equipped) (★0-6) +1 +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★7) +1 +2 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8) +1 +2 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★9) +1 +1 +2 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +1 +1 +3 +2 One-time
+ ★3+ 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 212.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 2 OR ★3+ 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 312.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 3 +1 +1 One-time
+ ★4+ Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model)Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model) +1 +4 +1 +3 One-time
Depth ChargesType 2 Depth Charge Kai 2Type 2 Depth Charge Kai 2 - +1 +1
Ship-Type Bonuses
Small Caliber Main Gun12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 3 H12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 3 H + Air Radar +2 +2 One-time
(2nd equipped) + Air Radar +2 One-time
(3rd equipped) + Air Radar +2 One-time
High-Angle Gun12.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount (Late Model)12.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount (Late Model) (★7-MAX) +1 +1
(★7-MAX) + Surface Radar +1 +4 One-time
High-Angle Gun5inch Single Gun Mount Mk.30 Kai + GFCS Mk.375inch Single Gun Mount Mk.30 Kai + GFCS Mk.37 - +1 +1
High-Angle Gun12.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Kai 212.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Kai 2 - +1 +2
+ Surface Radar +1 +4 One-time
High-Angle Gun12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E
OR High-Angle Gun12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E Kai12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E Kai
- +2 +1 +2
+ Surface Radar +2 +3 One-time
+ Air Radar +2 +3 One-time
High-Angle Gun12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E Kai12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E Kai (★1) +1
(★2-3) +1 +2
(★4-5) +1 +1 +2
(★6-7) +1 +2 +2
(★8-9) +1 +2 +1 +2
(★MAX) +1 +3 +1 +2
RADARType 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model)Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model) - +1 +1 +2
Depth ChargesType 2 Depth ChargeType 2 Depth Charge (★8-9) +1
(★MAX) +2
Depth ChargesHedgehog (Initial Model)Hedgehog (Initial Model) (1st equipped) +2 +1 One-time
Depth ChargesMk.32 ASW Torpedo (Mk.2 Thrower)Mk.32 ASW Torpedo (Mk.2 Thrower) - +1
Anti-Aircraft Gun2cm Flakvierling 382cm Flakvierling 38 (★4-6) +1 +1
(★7-9) +1 +2 +1
(★MAX) +1 +3 +2
(★4-MAX) + Air Radar +1 One-time
Anti-Aircraft Gun3.7cm FlaK M423.7cm FlaK M42 (★6-7) +1 +1
(★8-9) +1 +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +1 +2
(★6-MAX) + Air Radar +2 One-time
Anti-Aircraft Gun25mm Anti-aircraft Autocannon Mount & Machine Guns25mm Anti-aircraft Autocannon Mount & Machine Guns - +1 +1 +1

Important Information

Drop Locations

ShipRarityTypeNo.World 1World 2World 3World 7World 4World 5World 6Remarks

Voice Lines


Event Japanese/English
I'm the first ship of the Shimushu-class coastal defense ships, Shimushu-su. Leave the coastal defense to me commander-su. I'm the coastal defense ship that will protect the seas-su![1]
占守型海防艦1番艦、占守っす! 司令、沿岸防衛はこの占守に任せるっす。海を守る、海防艦っす。うん!
I'm the first ship of the Type A Coastal Defense Ships built for coastal and northern fishery guard duties-su.

I was named for Shimushu, the northernmost of the Kuril Islands-su. My military duties were for the sake of protecting fisheries and fishermen, and even though my body is small I had an important duty-su. During the height of the war, I was doing my best with fleet escort and anti-submarine duties-su. Once everything is over, I'll take everyone home-su. It's a very important duty-su. Make sure you remember the name Shimushu-su.


平時には漁場や漁民を守るため、小さい体だけど、大事な役目も証もあったっす。戦いが厳しくなって、船団護衛や対潜哨戒にも全力っす。 全てが終わった後、みんなを連れて帰るとっても大切な役目も果たしたっす。占守、その名、きっと憶えてほしいっしゅ。

Secretary 1
Commander, did you call me-su?
Secretary 2
I'm Shimushu-su!
Secretary 3
Wha! Don't scare me commander-su. I'm serious-su.
はぅっ?! 司令、脅かしっこなしっす。マジなしっす!
Secretary Idle
What do I do about this Commander-su? Hey, you're not listening-su. It's me Shimushu-su! Hey, look over here! It's the coastal defense ship Shimushu-sama-su! Hmm? Grrrr. Ri... right, that's better-su.
しれぇー、これはどうするっしゅ? って、聞いてないっしゅぅ! しむしゅしゅしゅっ! もう、こっちを見るっしゅ。海防艦占守様っすよ? んん? んんんっ! よ、よし、それでいいっしゅ!
Hmmm, hmmm, Su su-su~ Oh Commander? Are you free now-su? Then, would you like to sing songs with Kuna and me-su? Oh, eh? What's this-su? It's so sparkly and pretty-su! Oh~, it fits perfectly-su! Hmm?
ふんふ~っしゅっしゅしゅ~♪ あれ、司令? 暇してるっす? じゃぁ、クナと一緒に歌でも歌うっすか。 お? へ? これは何っす? キラキラしてて、綺麗っす♪ ほぉ~、なんでかピッタリっす?!
Secretary (Married)
Hmmm? Is that tinned salmon-su? How luxurious Commander-su. Can't be helped, I'll open it up. Come eat the blessing of the north sea-su! I'll have some myself. Mmmmmm~ So delicious.
ん、鮭缶っすか? 贅沢っしゅね~。仕方ない。占守のとっておき、開けるっしゅ! 北の海の恵み、召し上げれっす! 占守もお相伴♪ ん~、美味しいっしゅ♪
Player's Score
Ah, information right-su? Wait-su.
Joining The Fleet
1st Surface Escort Division, Shimushu! Setting sail-su!
Equipment 1
Whoa~, this is good-su.
Equipment 2
Ehehe. This is an important thing-su.
ふひひ♪ これでクナに一馬身リードっしゅ!
Equipment 3[2]
Hmm? Did you say something-su? Was it my imagination-su?
ん? なんかいたっす? 気の所為っしゅ?
Ehehe~ Thanks-su.
Docking (Minor)
Ow~ I'm going into the bath-su.
Docking (Major)
I'm going to take a short rest commander-su.
More fighting power has been completed-su! Ehehe~
新戦力、完成っす! うひひっ♪
Return From Sortie
Commander! The fleet has returned-su. Whew~
Starting A Sortie
Hey Kuna, follow me properly-su. Fleet, sortie-su![3]
Starting A Battle
The... enemy-su! This is bad-su!
て、敵っす! やばいっす~!
Fire! Fire~!
てぇ~っ! てぇ~っ!
Night Battle Attack
Like I'll lose! Fire!
負っけるかー! てぇー!
Night Battle
Chasing them too far is prohibited-su. But, we'll do it anyway-su!
Ah, hello. I'm number one-su? Did you see that everyone-su? Did you see-su?
あっ、どもっす。占守、一番? っす? …大湊のみんな、見てたっす? 見てたっすか!?
Minor Damage 1
Minor Damage 2
Major Damage
Wheeew~ This is a bit bad...
Eh? Eh!? It can't be... I didn't hear... that I'd be sinking...
えぇ? えぇぇ? うそぉ~…沈むとかって、聞いてないっしゅ~…
  1. Her verbal tic is -su (っす).
  2. This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
  3. Kuna refers to her sister ship Kunashiri.


Ship Japanese/English Notes
Rainy Season 2017
It’s raining again today, Kuna-su. …Uh, huh? What are you doing-su? That’s pretty well made. Is it a doll of the commander-su? Ah, why are you glaring at me-su? Am I wrong-su?
Early Summer 2017
Are you done with your summer preparations-su, Kuna? Eh, you’re still thinking about it-su? The most important thing for coastal defense boats is to be decisive-su! Yes-su! Just like that-su!
Autumn 2017
Gaaah! It’s autumn-su! It’s the autumn festival-su! Shimushusussu! Kuna, Gaki, Hachi; let’s get into the mood! Now it’s time to charge into the Naval Base Autumn Festival-su![1]
Saury Festival 2017
Alriiight! It’s time to support and protect the fisheries-su! Leave everything to me-su! It’s time for the coastal defense ships to shine-su! I can’t wait any longer, Kuna! Setting sail-su!
Christmas 2017
Merry Christmas-su! Want to have some, Commander? Eat up-su! There’s canned crab and canned salmon too-su!
End of Year 2017
It’s already December-su. The year sure flew by-su! Now, coastal defense ships, assemble-su! It’s time to start spring cleaning-su!
New Year 2018
Congratulations, Commander! We’ll be spending the next year with you too, Commander! Uhihi~
司令ぃ、 おめでとうっす! 占守とクナたちが、新年も司令といっしょしてあげるっす!うひひぃ。
Setsubun 2018
Pardon? Settsubuun? No, no, no! It’s Setsubun-su! Se-tsu-bu-n! Ah, jeez, that’s still wrong-su!
はい?セッツブーン?No, No, No!節分っすよ!せ・ツ・ブ・ン!あぁ、もう違うっす!
Valentine’s Day 2018
Fuhihi, I made some chocolates. Fuhihi, now I make the commander fall for me-su. I won’t lose to Kuna and the others-su!
White Day 2018
Thanks for the return gift-su, Commander. I’m a bit proud of getting one-su. Hehe, snacks are great-su. Heh, hehe.
Coming of Spring 2018
It’s the season for cherry blossom viewing-su! The sakura are wonderful-su! Kuna, Gaki, Hachi, Commander; let’s go cherry blossom viewing-su! Gaki, Hachi; we’ll make lots of delicious things-su!
5th Anniversary
Commander, it’s amazing-su! It’s the 5th Anniversary celebration-su! It’s our 1st Anniversary and the fleet’s 5th Anniversary-su!
Late Autumn 2018
Uhihi, it's winter-su. Winter. But, winter in the Naval Base is a breeze since the drift ice doesn't come here-su. The Souya Strait will be blocked and impassable now-su. Shimushusu-su.
7th Anniversary
Kuna, Commander! This is totally insane! It's the fleet's 7th Anniversary. It's our 3rd Anniversary but the fleet's 7th!! Secretary 2
8th Anniversary
Kuna, Gaki, Hachi and Commander; big news! It's our 4th Anniversary and the fleet's 8th!!
  1. Refering to her sister ships Kunashiri, Ishigaki and Hachijou.

Misc Lines

Ship Japanese/English Notes
Summer 2020 Event
You gotta do what you gotta do! Fire! Fireee! Friend Fleet 1




General Information
  • She is named after the island of Shumshu.
  • She was launched on the 13th of December 1939.
  • Handed over to the Soviet Union as "EK-31", on the 5th of July 1947, later renamed as "PS-25" and then "PM-74", she was decommissioned on the 16th of May 1959 and scrapped.
Update History

See Also