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Her last remodel in-game name is "Верный", but is called "Verniy" on the wiki for convenience.
| name=Hibiki
| japanesename=響
| id=72
| image=[[File:072.jpg]]
| color=SkyBlue
| type=Destroyer
| class=Akatsuki
| firepower=10 (29)
| torpedo=27 (69)
| AA=12 (39)
| ASW=20 (49)
| LOS=5 (19)
| luck=10 (49)
| hp=15
| armor=6 (19)
| evasion=42 (79)
| aircraft=0
| speed=Fast
| range=Short
| slot=2
| time=20:00
| slot1=[[12.7cm Twin Gun Mount]]
| slot2=-Unequipped-
| slot3=-Locked-
| slot4=-Locked-}}
| style="width: 50px;" |
==Gameplay Notes==
| name=Hibiki Kai
| japanesename=響改
| id=72
| image=[[File:072M.jpg]]
| color=silver
| type=Destroyer
| class=Akatsuki
| firepower=12 (49)
| torpedo=28 (79)
| AA=15 (49)
| ASW=24 (59)
| LOS=7 (39)
| luck=12 (59)
| hp=30
| armor=13 (49)
| evasion=45 (89)
| aircraft=0
| speed=Fast
| range=Short
| slot=3
| time=Lv20 Remodel
| slot1=[[10cm Twin High-angle Mount]]
| slot2=[[61cm Triple Torpedo Mount]]
| slot3=-Unequipped-
| slot4=-Locked-}}
| style="width: 50px;" |
===Second upgrade===
===Special Mechanics===
* None
| name=Верный
| japanesename=ヴェールヌイ
===Equipability Exceptions===
| id=147
| image=[[File:147.jpg]]
| color=violet
| type=Destroyer
{|class="wikitable" style="width:800px; text-align:center; margin:auto; font-weight:bold"
| class=Akatsuki
!colspan=4 style="font-size:15px"|Hibiki Equipability Exceptions
| firepower=13 (54)
| torpedo=30 (89)
| AA=18 (59)
| ASW=30 (74)
!{{Ship/Banner|Hibiki/Kai|small=true}}<br>Hibiki Kai
| LOS=10 (44)
| luck=20 (59)
| hp=37
!Expansion Slot Exceptions
| armor=15 (54)
! -
| evasion=47 (89)
|Can Equip:<br>{{Equipment/Card|Radar Equipment Mast (Type 13 Kai + Type 22 Radar Kai 4)|size=36px}}
| aircraft=0
|Can Equip:<br>{{Equipment/Card|Radar Equipment Mast (Type 13 Kai + Type 22 Radar Kai 4)|size=36px}} {{Medium Armor}}
| speed=Fast
| range=Short
!Ship Exceptions
| slot=3
| time=Lv70 Remodel
|Can Equip:<br>{{Medium Armor}} {{LandingCraft}} {{Amphibious Tank}}
| slot1=-Unequipped-
| slot2=-Unequipped-
| slot3=-Unequipped-
| slot4=-Locked-}}
===Fit Bonuses===
{{/Equipment Bonuses}}
;Hidden Fit Bonuses
* Has some hidden fit bonuses when equipped with certain equipment. Please see [[Hidden Fit Bonuses]] for more details.
===Important Information===
* Required for quest:
** Mandatory:
*** {{Q|A10}}, {{Q|A53}}, {{Q|A54}}, {{Q|A55}}
*** {{Q|B12}}, {{Q|B42}}, {{Q|B45}}, {{Q|B46}}, {{Q|B47}}
** Optional:
***{{Q|F76}}, {{Q|Fq7}}
* Helper for the following equipment:
** Improvement: [[12.7mm Single Machine Gun Mount]], [[Raiden]]
** Improvement & upgrade: [[Anti-torpedo Bulge (Medium)]]
==Drop Locations==
==Voice Lines==
====As Hibiki====
| 自己紹介=響だよ。その活躍ぶりから、不死鳥の通り名もあるよ
|scenario = Introduction
| EN1=I'm Hibiki. I'm also referred to as "The Phoenix" from my exploits.
|origin = 響だよ。その活躍ぶりから、不死鳥の通り名もあるよ
| Note1=
|translation = I'm Hibiki. I'm also called "The Phoenix" because of exploits.<ref>She was seriously damaged 3 times and still survived the war.</ref>
| Library=数ある特型駆逐艦の中で、最後まで生き残ったのが、響。転戦の後、あの大和水上特攻時には修理で同行できなかったんだ。賠償艦としてソ連に引き渡され「信頼できる」という意味の艦名になったんだ。
|audio = HibikiIntro.ogg
| EN0=The only ship from a number of special-type destroyers to survive was I, Hibiki. After transferring, I could not accompany the Yamato during the final attack. I was handed over to the Soviet Union as compensation, and was named after the Russian phrase for "trustworthiness".
| Note0=
| 秘書クリック会話①=司令官、何だい?
|scenario = Introduction
| EN2=Commander, what is it?
|kai2 = yes
| Note2=
|origin = ひび…Верный だ。信頼できると言う意味の名なんだ
| 秘書クリック会話②=そろそろ戻っても、いいかな?
|translation = I'm Hibi-- Verniy. It's a name that means "Faithful".<ref>Verniy means 'faithful' in Russian.</ref>
| EN3=May I... return soon?
|audio = Verniy_1.ogg
| Note3=
| 秘書クリック会話③=司令官、作戦命令を
| EN4=Commander, your order.
|scenario = Library
| Note4=
|origin = 数ある特型駆逐艦の中で、最後まで生き残ったのが、響。
| 秘書放置時=
| EN4a=
| Note4a=
|translation = Out of all the Special Type destroyers; I'm the lone survivor, Hibiki.<ref>Out of the Fubuki, Ayanami, and Akatsuki-classes (the Special Type destroyers), she was the only one to survive.</ref>
| 戦績表示時=司令官に連絡みたいだよ
After fighting in many battles, I wasn't able to accompany Yamato on her suicide attack because I was undergoing repairs.<ref>After being torpedoed by the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Hake_(SS-256) USS Hake], she was in Yokosuka for repairs and missed participating in [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Ten-Go Operation Ten-Go].</ref>
| EN5=It appears there is a message for you, commander.
I was a repatriation ship and then I was handed over to the Soviet Union and given a name meaning "Faithful".<ref>After the war, she ferried Japanese troops back home then was handed over to the USSR in 1947.</ref>
| Note5=
|audio = HibikiLibrary.ogg
| 編成選択時=不死鳥の名は伊達じゃない。出るよ。
| EN6=The name "phoenix" isn't just for show. Sortieing.
| Note6=
|scenario = Secretary 1
| 装備時①=Хорошо…こいつは力を感じる。
|origin = 司令官、何だい?
| EN7=Marvelous... I can feel power flowing from this.
|translation = What is it Commander?
| Note7=Хорошо = Good
|audio = HibikiPort1.ogg
| 装備時②=ほぅ、これはいいな…Спасибо
| EN8=Oh, this is good... Thanks.
| Note8=Спасибо = Thanks
|scenario = Secretary 1
| 装備時③=やるさ
|kai2 = yes
| EN9=Nice.
|origin = 司令官、大丈夫か?
| Note9=
|translation = Are you alright Commander?
| 補給時=Хорошо…こいつは力を感じる。
|audio = Verniy_2.ogg
| EN24=Marvelous... I can feel power from this.
| Note24=Same as Equipment(1)
| EN10=I'll go patch myself up.
|scenario = Secretary 2
| Note10=
|origin = 司令官、作戦命令を。
| EN11=The secret of the Phoenix is the timing of its repairs.
|translation = Your orders Commander.
| Note11=Missed out on several death expeditions due to being repaired.
|audio = HibikiPort3.ogg
| 建造時=新戦力が加わったみたいだね
| EN12=It seems like fresh forces have been added.
| Note12=
|scenario = Secretary 3
| 艦隊帰投時=艦隊が戻ってきたね、お疲れ
|origin = そろそろ戻ってもいいかな。
| EN13=The fleet has returned. Thanks for the hard work.
|translation = I can go back soon?
| Note13=
|audio = HibikiPort2.ogg
| 出撃時=不死鳥の名は伊達じゃない。出るよ
| EN14=My name as a Phoenix isn't just for show. Sortieing.
| Note14=
|scenario = Secretary 3
| 戦闘開始時=さて、やりますか
|kai2 = yes
| EN15=Well then, shall we do it?
|origin = до свидания.
| Note15=
|translation = Goodbye.<ref>Pronounced 'do svidaniya'.</ref>
| 航空戦開始時=
|audio = Verniy_4.ogg
| EN15a=
| Note15a=
| 攻撃時=無駄だね
|scenario = Secretary Idle
| EN16=Futile, eh?
|kai2 = yes
| Note16=
|origin = 大丈夫だよ。私は一人でも。
| 夜戦開始時=Ура!
|translation = I'm fine. I'm used to being alone.<ref>She was the only one of her sisters to survive.</ref>
| EN17=Hurrah!
|audio = Verniy_29.ogg
| Note17=Ура = Hooray!
| 夜戦攻撃時=遅いよ
| EN18=Too slow.
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
| Note18=
|origin = 司令官、疲れてない?
| MVP時=勝利か。いい響きだな。嫌いじゃない
|translation = Aren't you tired Commander?
| EN19=Victory? I like the sound of that. Not a bad ring.
|audio = Hibiki After Marriage.ogg
| Note19=This play on her name, using 'hibiki' (literally 'echo') to mean the sound of a word.
| EN20=Ugh...
| Note20=
|scenario = Wedding
| EN21=I'm not gonna sink...
|origin = 司令官、愛とか恋とかって…なんのことなんだ…? えっ?教えてくれるのか?
| Note21=
|translation = I wonder... what are things like love and affection Commander...? Eh? You'll teach me?<ref>Ai (愛) meaning affection and koi (恋) meaning specifically romantic love.</ref>
| EN22=As expected, this is... embarrassing.
|audio = Hibiki Married.ogg
| Note22=
| 撃沈時(反転)=私の最後の名はВерный だ…до свидания.
| EN23=My final name is Верный... Farewell.
|scenario = Player's Score
| Note23=до свидания = Goodbye. What she says isn't entirely true, as she was renamed a second time, as the ''Dekabrist'' (Ru: Декабрист) before finally being scrapped.|ドック入り(小破以下) = 治してくるね。
|origin = 司令官に連絡みたいだよ。
|ドック入り(中破以上) = 不死鳥の秘密は、修理のタイミングにもあるんだよ。
|translation = Looks like a message for you Commander.
|小破① = くっ…
|audio = HibikiScore.ogg
|小破② = 沈まんさ…
|中破 = さすがにこれは、恥ずかしいな…|Clip1 = {{Audio|file=HibikiIntro.ogg}}|Clip0 = {{Audio|file=HibikiLibrary.ogg}}|Clip2 = {{Audio|file=HibikiPort1.ogg}}|Clip3 = {{Audio|file=HibikiPort2.ogg}}|Clip4 = {{Audio|file=HibikiPort3.ogg}}|Clip5 = {{Audio|file=HibikiScore.ogg}}|Clip6 = {{Audio|file=HibikiSortie.ogg}}|Clip7 = {{Audio|file=HibikiEquip1.ogg}}|Clip8 = {{Audio|file=HibikiEquip2.ogg}}|Clip24 = {{Audio|file=HibikiEquip1.ogg}}|Clip10 = {{Audio|file=HibikiRepairMinor.ogg}}|Clip11 = {{Audio|file=HibikiRepairMajor.ogg}}|Clip12 = {{Audio|file=HibikiConstruction.ogg}}|Clip13 = {{Audio|file=HibikiReturn.ogg}}|Clip14 = {{Audio|file=HibikiSortie.ogg}}|Clip15 = {{Audio|file=HibikiBattleStart.ogg}}|Clip16 = {{Audio|file=HibikiAttack.ogg}}|Clip17 = {{Audio|file=HibikiNightBattle.ogg}}|Clip18 = {{Audio|file=HibikiNightAttack.ogg}}|Clip19 = {{Audio|file=HibikiMVP.ogg}}|Clip20 = {{Audio|file=HibikiHitMinor1.ogg}}|Clip21 = {{Audio|file=HibikiHitMinor2.ogg}}|Clip22 = {{Audio|file=HibikiHitMajor.ogg}}|Clip23 = {{Audio|file=HibikiSink.ogg}}|Clip9 = {{Audio|file=HibikiExpedition.ogg}}
|Married = 司令官、疲れてない?
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|Clip25 = {{Audio|file=Hibiki After Marriage.ogg}}
|origin = 了解、響、出撃する。
|EN25 = Commander, aren't you tired?
|translation = Roger, Hibiki, sortieing.
|Wedding = 司令官、愛とか恋とかって…なんのことなんだ…? えっ?教えてくれるのか?
|audio = Hibiki-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
|Clip26 = {{Audio|file=Hibiki Married.ogg}}
|EN26 = Commander, things like love and passion... what are they...? Eh? You'll teach me?}}
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|kai2 = yes
|origin = 了解、Верный、出撃する
|translation = Roger, Verniy, sortieing.
|audio = Verniy_13.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = Хорошо、こいつは力を感じる。<ref>Shared with Supply before Verniy.</ref>
|translation = Wonderful, I can feel the power flowing from this.<ref>Pronounced 'Harasho'.</ref>
|audio = HibikiEquip1.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 1
|kai2 = yes
|origin = Хорошо… これは信頼できる。
|translation = Wonderful... I can rely on this.
|audio = Verniy_9.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = ほぅ、これはいいな…Спасибо.
|translation = Oh, this is nice... thanks.<ref>Pronounced 'spasiba'.</ref>
|audio = HibikiEquip2.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 2
|kai2 = yes
|origin = いいな…Спасибо.
|translation = Nice... thanks.
|audio = Verniy_10.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin = やるさ。
|translation = I can do this.
|audio = HibikiExpedition.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 3
|kai2 = yes
|origin = Ура!
|translation = Hurrah!<ref>Pronounced 'ura'.</ref>
|audio = Verniy_26.ogg
|scenario = Supply
|kai2 = yes
|origin = Спасибо.
|translation = Thanks.
|audio = Verniy_27.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|origin = 治してくるね。
|translation = I'll go get fixed up.
|audio = HibikiRepairMinor.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|kai2 = yes
|origin = Спасибо.
|translation = Thanks.
|audio = Verniy_11.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|origin = 不死鳥の秘密は、修理のタイミングにもあるんだよ。
|translation = The secret of the Phoenix is in the timing of my repairs.
|audio = HibikiRepairMajor.ogg
|scenario = Construction
|origin = 新戦力が加わった様だね。
|translation = Looks like some new forces have been added.
|audio = HibikiConstruction.ogg
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|origin = 艦隊が戻ってきたね。お疲れ。
|translation = The fleet has returned. Good work.
|audio = HibikiReturn.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|origin = 不死鳥の名は伊達じゃない。出るよ。
|translation = I'm not called The Phoenix for no reason. I'm off.
|audio = HibikiSortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|kai2 = yes
|origin = 信頼の名は伊達じゃない、出るよ。
|translation = My name doesn't mean faithful for no reason. I'm off.
|audio = Verniy_14.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = さて、やりますか。
|translation = Well then, shall we do this.
|audio = HibikiBattleStart.ogg
|scenario = Attack
|origin = 無駄だね。
|translation = It's useless.
|audio = HibikiAttack.ogg
|scenario = Night Battle Attack
|origin = 遅いよ。
|translation = You're too late.
|audio = HibikiNightAttack.ogg
|scenario = Night Battle Attack
|kai2 = yes
|origin = Хорошо.
|translation = Wonderful.
|audio = Verniy_17.ogg
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = Ура!
|translation = Hurrah!
|audio = HibikiNightBattle.ogg
|scenario = MVP
|origin = 勝利か、いい響きだな。嫌いじゃない。
|translation = Victory? That sounds good. I don't dislike it.<ref>Her name () can be used to refer to the quality of a sound. She's saying that the word 'victory' sounds good.</ref>
|audio = HibikiMVP.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = くっ…
|translation = Guh...
|audio = HibikiHitMinor1.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = 沈まんさ…
|translation = I won't sink...
|audio = HibikiHitMinor2.ogg
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = 流石にこれは、恥ずかしいな…
|translation = This is really quite embarrassing...
|audio = HibikiHitMajor.ogg
|scenario = Sunk
|origin = 私の最後の名はВерный だ…до свидания.
|translation = My final name is Verniy... Goodbye...<ref>She was actually renamed again to Dekabrist after the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decembrist_revolt Decembrist Revolt]. However, she didn't see active service after the 2nd renaming and was just a floating barracks.</ref>
|audio = HibikiSink.ogg
|scenario = Sunk
|kai2 = yes
|origin = 私の本当の名は響…до свидания…さよなら…。
|translation = My real name is Hibiki... Goodbye... see you...
|audio = Verniy_22.ogg
{{ShipquoteHeader | type = hourly}}
|scenario = 00:00
|origin = полночь…失礼、マルマルマルマル。
|translation = Midnight... Excuse me, 0000.<ref>Pronounced 'Polnoch'.</ref>
|audio = Verniy_30.ogg
|scenario = 01:00
|origin = マルヒトマルマル。深夜だね。
|translation = 0100. It's really late huh.
|audio = Verniy_31.ogg
|scenario = 02:00
|origin = マルフタマルマル。静かな海は…嫌いじゃない。
|translation = 0200. I don't mind... calm seas.
|audio = Verniy_32.ogg
|scenario = 03:00
|origin = マルサンマルマル。眠かったらどうぞ。私の膝を貸そうか。
|translation = 0200. If you feel sleepy feel free to sleep. I'll lend you my lap.
|audio = Verniy_33.ogg
|scenario = 04:00
|origin = マルヨンマルマル。私は任務中に眠くならない。
|translation = 0400. I won't fall asleep during missions.
|audio = Verniy_34.ogg
|scenario = 05:00
|origin = マルゴーマルマル。空の色が変わる頃だ。…綺麗だな。
|translation = 0500. It's the time where the sky changes color. ... How beautiful.
|audio = Verniy_35.ogg
|scenario = 06:00
|origin = マルロクマルマル。司令官、悪いがちょっと重い…。
|translation = 0600. Sorry but you're a bit heavy Commander...
|audio = Verniy_36.ogg
|scenario = 07:00
|origin = マルナナマルマル、朝だ。朝食を摂ろう。
|translation = 0700. It's morning. Let's have breakfast.
|audio = Verniy_37.ogg
|scenario = 08:00
|origin = マルハチマルマル。任務を始めようか。
|translation = 0800. Shall we start the missions?
|audio = Verniy_38.ogg
|scenario = 09:00
|origin = マルキュウマルマル。艦隊に、遠征の指示を。
|translation = 0900. Please give the fleet instructions for expeditions.
|audio = Verniy_39.ogg
|scenario = 10:00
|origin = ヒトマルマルマル。司令官、残った艦は、私が引き受けよう。
|translation = 1000. I'll take charge of the remaining ships Commander.
|audio = Verniy_40.ogg
|scenario = 11:00
|origin = ヒトヒトマルマル。皆を連れて、演習してこようか。
|translation = 1100. Shall we take everyone on exercises?
|audio = Verniy_41.ogg
|scenario = 12:00
|origin = полдень…失礼、ヒトフタマルマル。気を抜くと言葉が…。気をつける。
|translation = Noon... Excuse me, 1200. I let my mind wander... I'll be more careful.<ref>Pronounced 'Polden'.</ref>
|audio = Verniy_42.ogg
|scenario = 13:00
|origin = ヒトサンマルマル。今日のランチは…ハイ、これ。пирожкиだ。
|translation = 1300. Today's lunch is... Here, have this. It's pirozhki.<ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirozhki Pirozhki] is a stuffed bun.</ref>
|audio = Verniy_43.ogg
|scenario = 14:00
|origin = ヒトヨンマルマル。午後の艦隊勤務を始めよう。疲れてはいない。
|translation = 1400. Let's start with the afternoon's fleet duties. I'm not tired at all.
|audio = Verniy_44.ogg
|scenario = 15:00
|origin = ヒトゴーマルマル。引き続き、訓練だ。疲労の溜まっている艦は休ませよう。
|translation = 1500. Let's continue with training. Those who are fatigued can rest.
|audio = Verniy_45.ogg
|scenario = 16:00
|origin = ヒトロクマルマル。全艦隊戻ったら、反省会だ。
|translation = 1600. We'll have a debriefing when the rest of the fleet returns.
|audio = Verniy_46.ogg
|scenario = 17:00
|origin = ヒトナナマルマル。司令官、さぁ皆に一言を。
|translation = 1700. Now Commander, a word to everyone please.
|audio = Verniy_47.ogg
|scenario = 18:00
|origin = ヒトハチマルマル。何?司令官。これから演習の予定だけど。
|translation = What is it Commander? I'm preparing for exercises right now.
|audio = Verniy_48.ogg
|scenario = 19:00
|origin = ヒトキュウマルマル。訓練がきついって?それは済まなかった。
|translation = 1900. The training was too hard? Sorry for that.
|audio = Verniy_49.ogg
|scenario = 20:00
|origin = フタマルマルマル。司令官、カレーは…ちょっとわからない。
|translation = 2000. I don't know... how to make curry Commander.
|audio = Verniy_50.ogg
|scenario = 21:00
|origin = フタヒトマルマル。今夜はБорщでどう?私のは美味い。
|translation = 2100. How about borscht for tonight? My borscht is delicious.<ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borscht Borscht] is a soup from eastern Europe.</ref>
|audio = Verniy_51.ogg
|scenario = 22:00
|origin = フタフタマルマル。Борщ、皆も喜んでくれた。嬉しいな。
|translation = 2200. Everyone liked the borscht. I'm glad.
|audio = Verniy_52.ogg
|scenario = 23:00
|origin = フタサンマルマル。司令官、今日も一日、お疲れ様。
|translation = 2300. Thank you for all your hard work everyday Commander.
|audio = Verniy_53.ogg
====As Верный (Verniy)====
| 自己紹介=ひび…Верный だ。信頼できると言う意味の名なんだ
| EN1=I'm Hibi-- Verniy. That name refers to the meaning of "reliance".
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2016|Valentine’s Day 2016]]
| Note1=
|origin = 司令官、ロシア風チョコ、あげる。どこがロシア風かって?それは…内緒だ。
| Library=
|translation = Here’s some Russian-style chocolate for you, Commander. What’s Russian about them? That’s… a secret.
| EN0=
|audio = Hibiki_Valentine_Sec1.ogg
| Note0=
|notes =  
| 秘書クリック会話①=司令官、大丈夫か?
| EN2=Commander, are you alright?
| Note2=
|scenario = [[Seasonal/White_Day_2016|White Day 2016]]
| 秘書クリック会話②=до свидания
|origin = 司令官、これは何だい?…お返し?Спасибо、いただくよ。
| EN3=Goodbye.
|translation = What’s this, Commander? …A return gift? Thank you, I accept.
| Note3=
|audio = Hibiki_White_Day_2016.ogg
| 秘書クリック会話③=司令官、作戦命令を
|notes =  
| EN4=Commander, your order.
| Note4=
| 秘書放置時=大丈夫だよ。私は一人でも。
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Coming_of_Spring_2016|Spring 2016]]
| EN4a=It's all right. Even if I am alone.
|origin = 春か?春はいいな。いつだって、春の来ない、冬はない。Хорошо。
| Note4a=
|translation = It’s spring. Spring is great. There will never be winter if spring doesn’t come. Wonderful.
| 戦績表示時=司令官に連絡みたいだよ。
|audio = Hibiki_Spring_2016_Sec1.ogg
| EN5=It appears there is a message for you, commander.
|notes =  
| Note5=
| 編成選択時=了解、Верный、出撃する。
| EN6=Roger, Verniy, heading out.
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Third_Anniversary|3rd Anniversary]]
| Note6=
|origin = 司令官、艦隊と我が第六駆逐隊は、三周年だ。Xорошо。さすがにこれは、うれしいな。
| 装備時①=Хорошо…これは信頼できる。
|translation = It’s the fleet’s and our 6th Destroyer Division’s 3rd Anniversary, Commander. Wonderful. Of course I’m happy.
| EN7=Nice... I can rely on this.
|audio = Hibiki_3rd_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
| Note7=
|notes =  
| 装備時②=いいな…Спасибо
| EN8=Great... Thanks.
| Note8=
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Rainy_Season_2016|Rainy Season 2016]]
| 装備時③=Ура!
|origin = 電のてるてる坊主、いいな。かわいい。暁のそれは…なんだい?怪獣?
| EN9=Hurrah!
|translation = Inazuma’s teruteru bouzu is nice. It’s cute. Akatsuki’s is… What’s that? A monster?
| Note9=
|audio = Hibiki_Rainy_Season_2016_Sec1.mp3
| 補給時=Спасибо
|notes =  
| EN24=Thank you.
| Note24=
| EN10=Thank you.
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Summer_2016|Midsummer 2016]]
| Note10=
|origin = 暁、防波堤をもっと高く作らないと。あぁ…また作ればいいさ。手伝おう。
| EN11=The secret of the Phoenix is the timing of it's repairs.
|translation = You need to make the breakwater higher, Akatsuki. Ah… We can just remake it. I’ll help.
| Note11=
|audio = Hibiki_Sec1_Midsummer_2016.ogg
| 建造時=新戦力が加わった様だね
|notes =  
| EN12=It seems like fresh forces have been added.
| Note12=
| 艦隊帰投時=艦隊が戻ってきたね、お疲れ
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Autumn_2016|Autumn 2016]]
| EN13=The fleet has returned. Thanks for the hard work.
|origin = 秋…浴衣…いや、別に羨ましいとか、そういうのはない。でも…見るのは好きだ。
| Note13=
|translation = Autumn… yukata… No, I’m not jealous of that or anything. But… I like looking.
| 出撃時=信頼の名は伊達じゃない。出るよ
|audio = Hibiki_Autumn_2016_Sec1.mp3
| EN14=My name of reliance isn't just for show. Sortieing.
|notes =  
| Note14=
| 戦闘開始時=さて、やりますか
| EN15=Well then, shall we do it?
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Saury_2016|Saury Festival 2016]]
| Note15=
|origin = 秋刀魚漁支援任務、了解。響、出る。Ура!!
| 航空戦開始時=
|translation = A saury fishing support mission, roger. Hibiki, heading out. Hurrah!!
| EN15a=
|audio = Hibiki_Sec1_Saury_2016.mp3
| Note15a=
|notes = As Hibiki
| 攻撃時=無駄だね
| EN16=It's futile.
| Note16=
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Saury_2016|Saury Festival 2016]]
| 夜戦開始時=Ура!
|origin = 秋刀魚漁支援任務、了解。Верный、出る。Ура!!
| EN17=Hurrah!
|translation = A saury fishing support mission, roger. Verniy, heading out. Hurrah!!
| Note17=
|audio = Verniey_Sec1_Saury_2016.mp3
| 夜戦攻撃時=Хорошо
|notes = As Verniy
| EN18=Nice.
| Note18=
| MVP時=勝利か。いい響きだな。嫌いじゃない
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2016|Christmas 2016]]
| EN19=Victory? I like the sound of that. Not a bad ring.
|origin = この鶏肉には、力を感じる…。ターキーというのか… Xорошо。
| Note19=
|translation = I can feel the energy of this poultry… So it’s called “turkey”… Wonderful.
| EN20=Ugh...
|audio = Hibiki_Christmas_2016_Sec1.mp3
| Note20=
|notes =  
| EN21=I won't sink...
| Note21=
| EN22=As expected, this is... embarrassing.
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2017|Setsubun 2017]]
| Note22=
|origin = 暁、本当に鬼をやるのか?そうか。これはお面。さて、やりますか?Ура!
| 撃沈時(反転)=私の本当の名は響…до свидания…さようなら。
|translation = You sure you’re going to be the Oni, Akatsuki? I see. Here’s your mask. Now, shall we do this? Hurrah!
| EN23=My true name is Hibiki... Dasvidanya... Farewell.
|audio = Hibiki_Setsubun_2017.mp3
| Note23=|Married = 司令官、疲れてない?
|notes =  
|EN25 = Commander, aren't you tired?
|Wedding = 司令官、愛とか恋とかって…なんのことなんだ…? えっ?教えてくれるのか?
|EN26 = Commander, things like love and passion... what are they...?  Eh? You'll teach me?|ドック入り(小破以下) = Спасибо
|ドック入り(中破以上) = 不死鳥の秘密は、修理のタイミングにもあるんだよ
|小破① = くっ…
|小破② = 沈まんさ…
|中破 = 流石にこれは、恥ずかしいな…
|Clip1 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_1.ogg}}
|Clip2 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_2.ogg}}
|Clip4 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_3.ogg}}
|Clip3 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_4.ogg}}
|Clip4a = {{Audio|file=Verniy_29.ogg}}
|Clip25 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_28.ogg}}
|Clip26 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_24.ogg}}
|Clip5 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_8.ogg}}
|Clip6 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_13.ogg}}
|Clip7 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_9.ogg}}
|Clip8 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_10.ogg}}
|Clip9 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_26.ogg}}
|Clip24 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_11.ogg}}
|Clip10 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_11.ogg}}
|Clip11 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_12.ogg}}
|Clip12 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_5.ogg}}
|Clip13 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_7.ogg}}
|Clip14 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_14.ogg}}
|Clip15 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_15.ogg}}
|Clip16 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_16.ogg}}
|Clip17 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_18.ogg}}
|Clip19 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_23.ogg}}
|Clip20 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_19.ogg}}
|Clip21 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_20.ogg}}
|Clip22 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_21.ogg}}
|Clip23 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_22.ogg}}
|Clip18 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_17.ogg}}}}
===Misc Lines===
|scenario = [[Spring 2019 Event]]
|origin = 両舷いっぱい…Ура!
|translation = Full speed ahead... Hurrah!
|audio =Hibiki-FriendFleet.mp3
|notes = Friend Fleet Line
===Hourly Notifications (Verniy)===
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
|00JP = полночь(ポールナチ 訳:深夜0時)…失礼、マルマルマルマル。
|00EN = полночь (Polnoch': midnight)... Sorry, 0000.
|01JP = マルヒトマルマル。深夜だね。
|01EN = 0100. It's getting late.
Ship Full Hibiki.png|Base
|02JP = マルフタマルマル。静かな海は…嫌いじゃない。
Ship Full Hibiki Damaged.png|Base Damaged
|02EN = 0200. The calm seas...I don't mind them.
Ship Full Verniy.png|Verniy
|03JP = マルサンマルマル。眠かったらどうぞ。私の膝を貸そうか。
Ship Full Verniy Damaged.png|Verniy Damaged
|03EN = 0300. Here, if you feel sleepy. I'll lend you my lap.
|04JP = マルヨンマルマル。私は任務中に眠くならない。
|04EN = 0400. I won't sleep during missions.
|05JP = マルゴーマルマル。空の色が変わる頃だ。…綺麗だな。
|05EN = 0500. It's the time where the sky changes color. ... How beautiful.
|06JP = マルロクマルマル。司令官、悪いがちょっと重い…。
|06EN = 0600. Commander, please excuse me but you're a bit heavy...
|07JP = マルナナマルマル、朝だ。朝食を摂ろう。
|07EN = 0700. It's morning. Let's have breakfast.
|08JP = マルハチマルマル。任務を始めようか。
|08EN = 0800. Let's start our mission.
|09JP = マルキュウマルマル。艦隊に、遠征の指示を。
|09EN = 0900. Instructions for expeditions to the fleet, please.
|10JP = ヒトマルマルマル。司令官、残った艦は、私が引き受けよう。
|10EN = 1000. I'll take responsibility for the remaining ships, Commander.
|11JP = ヒトヒトマルマル。皆を連れて、演習してこようか。
|11EN = 1100. Let's have practice with everyone.
|12JP = полдень(ポールヂェニ 訳:正午)…失礼、ヒトフタマルマル。気を抜くと言葉が…。気をつける。
|12EN = полдень (polden': noon)... Sorry, 1200. I let my mind wander... I'll be more careful.
|13JP = ヒトサンマルマル。今日のランチは…ハイ、これ。ピロシキだ。
|13EN = 1300. Today's lunch is... here, have this pirozhki.
|13Note = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirozhki‎ in case you're wondering.
|14JP = ヒトヨンマルマル。午後の艦隊勤務を始めよう。疲れてはいない。
|14EN = 1400. Let's start with the afternoon fleet missions. I'm not tired at all.
|15JP = ヒトゴーマルマル。引き続き、訓練だ。疲労の溜まっている艦は休ませよう。
|15EN = 1500. Continuing with practice. Let the tired ones rest as well.
|16JP = ヒトロクマルマル。全艦隊戻ったら、反省会だ。
|16EN = 1600. Let's have a review meeting after all fleets have returned.
|17JP = ヒトナナマルマル。司令官、さぁ皆に一言を。
|17EN = 1700. Commander, a word to everyone please.
|18JP = ヒトハチマルマル。何?司令官。これから演習の予定だけど。
|18EN = 1800. What is it, Commander? I'm preparing for practice right now.
|19JP = ヒトキュウマルマル。訓練がきついって?それは済まなかった。
|19EN = 1900. The practice was too hard, you say? I apologize.
|20JP = フタマルマルマル。司令官、カレーは…ちょっとわからない。
|20EN = 2000. Commander, curry...isn't something I know.
|20Note = Probably "I... am not good at (making) curry" would be a better way to read this...
|21JP = フタヒトマルマル。今夜はボルシチでどう?私のは美味い。
|21EN = 2100. How about borscht for tonight? My borscht is delicious.
|21Note = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borscht
Again, in case you're wondering.
|22JP = フタフタマルマル。ボルシチ、皆も喜んでくれた。嬉しいな。
|22EN = 2200. Everyone liked the borscht. I'm glad.
|23JP = フタサンマルマル。司令官、今日も一日、お疲れ様。
|23EN = 2300. Commander, thank you for today as well.
|idleJP = 大丈夫だよ。私は一人でも。
|idleEN = It's all right. Even if I am alone.
|idleNote = She was the sole survivor of the Akatsuki-class destroyers, as well as one of the ships who survived the war before she was handed over to the USSR.|Clip00 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_30.ogg}}|Clip01 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_31.ogg}}|Clip02 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_32.ogg}}|Clip03 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_33.ogg}}|Clip04 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_34.ogg}}|Clip05 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_35.ogg}}|Clip06 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_36.ogg}}|Clip07 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_37.ogg}}|Clip08 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_38.ogg}}|Clip09 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_39.ogg}}|Clip10 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_40.ogg}}|Clip11 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_41.ogg}}|Clip12 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_42.ogg}}|Clip13 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_43.ogg}}|Clip14 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_44.ogg}}|Clip15 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_45.ogg}}|Clip16 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_46.ogg}}|Clip17 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_47.ogg}}|Clip18 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_48.ogg}}|Clip19 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_49.ogg}}|Clip20 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_50.ogg}}|Clip21 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_51.ogg}}|Clip22 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_52.ogg}}|Clip23 = {{Audio|file=Verniy_53.ogg}}|ClipIdle = {{Audio|file=Verniy_29.ogg}}}}
=== Drop Locations ===
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
*'''[[Glossary#list_of_vessels_by_Japanese_voice_actresses|Seiyuu]]''': [http://myanimelist.net/people/19834/Aya_Suzaki Suzaki Aya]
*'''[[Glossary#list_of_vessels_by_artist|Artist]]''': Yadokari ([http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1828868 やどかり])
*Wears a similar serafuku to the rest of her class with an anchor emblem on the chest.
KanMusu147Saury.png|[[Seasonal/Saury_2017|Verniy Saury 2017]]
*She and [[Akatsuki]] wear navy hats that also bear an anchor emblem.
KanMusu147SauryDmg.png|[[Seasonal/Saury_2017|Verniy Saury 2017 Damaged]]
*She has bleached hair that is slightly disheveled, in a similar manner to her sisters.
**Another trait shared with her sisters is the matching colour of her eyes and hair.
====''Second Remodel''====
*Interestingly, her attire and armaments don't change significantly between her first and second remodels, despite historical stripping and rearmament of the latter with Soviet-made weapons.
*The most distinctive change in her second remodel is her change of hat; the gold-coloured star and hammer-and-sickle (hard to discern) are direct references to the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union Soviet Flag].
*2 pairs of depth charges replace her dual 61cm triple torpedoes, indicating her outstanding ASW capability for a destroyer.
*Hibiki means "echo", Верный means "faithful".
;General Information
*Can speak in Russian. Ура!!! (night battle) (pronounced oo-ra [Ura]; essentially means 'Hoorah!')
* Hibiki means "echo", while Верный means "faithful".
*Occasionally says "до свидания" (do svidaniya) [Good Bye] at the menu screen.
* She was launched on the 16th of June 1932.
* Received her Kai Ni(Верный) on 11/09/2013.
* Joined the Soviet Navy as a war prize after WW2.
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shunsaku_Kud%C5%8D Kudō Shunsaku] was transferred to Hibiki after he rescued enemy personnel while captain of [[Ikazuchi]].
* She was retired from service on the 20th of February 1953 and transferred to the OMS resourcing fund. She was finally sunk as a target ship in the 1970s.
*She was retired from service on February 20 1953 and subsequently scrapped.
* Wreck lies close to Karamzina Island near Vladivostok in only 27 m (88 ft) of water, and is a popular diving site.
*Her name lives on as a part of Ocean surveillance ship known as Hibiki-class.
;Update History
* She was part of the original game's launch when the game was released on the 23rd of April 2013.
* She got her Kai Ni on the 11th of September 2013.
* Required by [[Quests#A10|A10]], [[Quests#B12|B12]] and [[Quests#B42|B42]].
* Survived World War II.
* Occasionally says "до свидания" (do svidaniya) [Good Bye] at the menu screen.
* 2 pairs of depth charges replace her dual 61 cm triple torpedoes on remodeling, indicating her outstanding ASW capability for a destroyer.
* [[wikipedia:Shunsaku Kudō|Kudō Shunsaku]] was transferred to Hibiki after he rescued enemy personnel while captain of [[Ikazuchi]].
* Her name lives on as one of the Hibiki-class ocean surveillance ships. <!--Is this ship still in service?-->
==See Also==
==See Also==
*[[{{PAGENAMEE}}/Gallery|View Hibiki CG]]
*[[wikipedia:Japanese destroyer Hibiki (1932)|Wikipedia entry on destroyer Hibiki]]
*[[EliteDD|List of destroyers]]
*[[wikipedia:Japanese_destroyer_Hibiki|Wikipedia entry on destroyer Hibiki]]
[[Category:Akatsuki Class]]
[[Category:World War II Survivors]]
[[Category:World War II Survivors]]
[[Category:Soviet Navy Vessels]]

Revision as of 09:41, 11 November 2024


Ship Card Hibiki.png
Ship Card Hibiki Damaged.png
Ship Banner Hibiki.png
Ship Banner Hibiki Damaged.png
(ひびき) Hibiki
Akatsuki Class Destroyer

HP HP1519FP Firepower10→29
ARM Armor6→19TORPTorpedo27→69
EVA Evasion42→79AA Anti-Air12→39
PLA Aircraft0ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare20→49
SPD SpeedFastLOS Line of Sight5→19
RGE RangeShortLUK Luck10→49
012.7cm Twin Gun Mount
ModernizationFirepower 0 Torpedo 1 Anti-Air 0 Armor 0
Build Time0:20 (Normal)Remodel Req
ConsumptionFuel 15 Ammo 20DismantleFuel 1 Ammo 1 Steel 5 Bauxite 0
IllustratorYadokariSeiyuuSuzaki Aya
Ship Card Hibiki Kai.png
Ship Card Hibiki Kai Damaged.png
Ship Banner Hibiki Kai.png
Ship Banner Hibiki Kai Damaged.png
(ひびきかい) Hibiki Kai
Akatsuki Class Destroyer

HP HP3035FP Firepower12→50
ARM Armor13→49TORPTorpedo28→79
EVA Evasion45→91AA Anti-Air15→51
PLA Aircraft0ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare24→59
SPD SpeedFastLOS Line of Sight7→39
RGE RangeShortLUK Luck12→59
061cm Triple Torpedo Mount
0Type 94 Depth Charge Projector
ModernizationFirepower 1 Torpedo 1 Anti-Air 1 Armor 1
Remodel Level20Remodel ReqAmmo 100 Steel 100
ConsumptionFuel 15 Ammo 20DismantleFuel 1 Ammo 2 Steel 10 Bauxite 0
IllustratorYadokariSeiyuuSuzaki Aya
Ship Card Verniy.png
Ship Card Verniy Damaged.png
Ship Banner Verniy.png
Ship Banner Verniy Damaged.png
Верный (ヴェールヌイ) Verniy
Akatsuki Class Destroyer

HP HP3742FP Firepower13→58
ARM Armor15→58TORPTorpedo30→89
EVA Evasion47→89AA Anti-Air18→65
PLA Aircraft0ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare30→77
SPD SpeedFastLOS Line of Sight10→44
RGE RangeShortLUK Luck20→80
ModernizationFirepower 1 Torpedo 2 Anti-Air 1 Armor 1
Remodel Level70Remodel ReqAmmo 200 Steel 240
ConsumptionFuel 15 Ammo 25DismantleFuel 1 Ammo 3 Steel 11 Bauxite 0
IllustratorYadokariSeiyuuSuzaki Aya

Her last remodel in-game name is "Верный", but is called "Verniy" on the wiki for convenience.

Gameplay Notes

Destroyers (DD) are very versatile, utilizing Small Caliber Main Gun Small Caliber Main Guns, Torpedoes Torpedoes, and Depth ChargesSONAR ASW equipment, and having high torpedo Torpedo Attack, ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare, and evasion Evasion, and good "night attack power Night Battle Power" stats, to the detriment of firepower and armor. They:

Special Mechanics

  • None

Equipability Exceptions

DD Default equipment compatibility
✔️ Can Equip ❌ Cannot Equip
Fighter Dive Bomber Torpedo Bomber JetFighterBomber2.png Reconnaissance Aircraft Large Reconnaissance AircraftSp Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon Seaplane BomberBomber Seaplane Fighter Large Flying Boat Rotorcraft Liaison Aircraft Aviation Personnel TransportationMaterial.png
Small Caliber Main Gun Anti-Aircraft Gun Anti-Aircraft Fire Director Torpedoes Depth Charges Small SONARSmall Small RADARSmall Medium Caliber Main Gun Large Caliber Main Gun Very Large Caliber Main GunSp Secondary Gun Large Secondary High-angle GunSp_Sec Submarine TorpedoesSub Midget SubmarineMinisub Large SONARLarge Large RADARLarge Very Large RADARSp Submarine Equipment
Engine Improvement Star Shell Icon.png Small SearchlightSmall Lookout Drum Canister Anti-Ground Rocket Smoke Generator Emergency Repair Personnel Ration Anti-Aircraft Shell Armor-Piercing Shell Medium ArmorMedium Large ArmorLarge Large SearchlightLarge Landing Craft Amphibious Vehicle Landing Forces Facility.png Command Facility Supplies
RE: Anti-Aircraft Gun Anti-Aircraft Fire Director Lookout Emergency Repair Personnel Ration Equipment Card Improved Kanhon Type Turbine.png
Notes: Night Fighter=Fighter ; Night Torpedo Bomber=Torpedo Bomber ; Night Dive Bomber=Dive Bomber ; JetFighterBomber1.png=JetFighterBomber2.png ; Night Reconnaissance Seaplane =Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon ; Night Seaplane Bomber =Seaplane BomberBomber ; Small Caliber Main High-angle GunSmall=Small Caliber Main Gun ; Medium Main Caliber High-angle GunMedium=Medium Caliber Main Gun ; Secondary High-angle GunSec=Secondary Gun ; Barrage Balloon=Smoke Generator

Hibiki Equipability Exceptions
Ship Banner Hibiki.png
Ship Banner Hibiki Kai.png
Hibiki Kai
Ship Banner Verniy.png
Expansion Slot Exceptions - Can Equip:
Equipment Card Radar Equipment Mast (Type 13 Kai + Type 22 Radar Kai 4).png
Can Equip:
Equipment Card Radar Equipment Mast (Type 13 Kai + Type 22 Radar Kai 4).png Medium ArmorMedium
Ship Exceptions - Can Equip:
Medium ArmorMedium Landing Craft Amphibious Vehicle

Fit Bonuses

[edit]Verniy Equipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine Warfare Line of Sight Armor Accuracy Evasion Note
Small Caliber Main Gun12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model B Kai 212.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model B Kai 2 - +1
Small Caliber Main Gun130mm B-13 Twin Gun Mount130mm B-13 Twin Gun Mount - +2 +1
Small Caliber Main Gun12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 212.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 2 - +1
+ Surface Radar +3 +1 +2 One-time
+ 61cm Triple Torpedo Mount61cm Triple Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +3 One-time
+ 2nd 61cm Triple Torpedo Mount61cm Triple Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +2 One-time
+ 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 One-time
Small Caliber Main Gun12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A - +1
Small Caliber Main GunPrototype Long-barrel 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 4Prototype Long-barrel 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 4 - +2 +1
+ Surface Radar +3 +1 +2 One-time
+ Air Radar +4 One-time
+ 61cm Triple Torpedo Mount61cm Triple Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +3 One-time
+ 2nd 61cm Triple Torpedo Mount61cm Triple Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +2 One-time
+ 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 One-time
High-Angle Gun12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 3 (Wartime Modification) + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 3 (Wartime Modification) + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director - +2 +2
+ Surface Radar +3 +1 +2 One-time
+ Air Radar +6 One-time
+ 61cm Triple Torpedo Mount61cm Triple Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +3 One-time
+ 2nd 61cm Triple Torpedo Mount61cm Triple Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +2 One-time
+ 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 One-time
High-Angle Gun12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model B Kai 4 (Wartime Modification) + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model B Kai 4 (Wartime Modification) + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director - +1
+ Surface Radar +1 +2 +2 One-time
+ Air Radar +5 One-time
+ 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +3 One-time
Torpedoes533mm Triple Torpedo Mount533mm Triple Torpedo Mount - +1 +6 +1
Torpedoes61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model (1st equipped) (★0-9) +2 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +1 +3 +1 One-time
(2nd equipped) (★0-9) +2 +1 One-time
(2nd equipped) (★MAX) +1 +2 +1 One-time
(3rd equipped) (★MAX) +3 One-time
Torpedoes533mm Triple Torpedo Mount (Model 53-39)533mm Triple Torpedo Mount (Model 53-39) - +1 +8 +1 +2
+ 130mm B-13 Twin Gun Mount130mm B-13 Twin Gun Mount +2 One-time
RADARType 13 Air Radar KaiType 13 Air Radar Kai
OR RADARType 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model)Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model)
- +1 +1 +3
RADARRadar Equipment Mast (Type 13 Kai + Type 22 Radar Kai 4)Radar Equipment Mast (Type 13 Kai + Type 22 Radar Kai 4) (1st equipped) +1 +1 +1 +2 One-time
RADARPassive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model)Passive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model) (1st equipped) (★0-6) +1 +2 +2 +3 One-time
(1st equipped) (★7) +1 +2 +3 +3 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8) +1 +2 +3 +4 One-time
(1st equipped) (★9) +2 +2 +3 +4 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +2 +2 +4 +4 One-time
+ ★3+ 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 212.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 2 OR ★3+ 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 312.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 3 +1 +1 One-time
+ ★4+ Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model)Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model) +1 +4 +1 +3 One-time
SONARType 3 Active Sonar KaiType 3 Active Sonar Kai (1st equipped) +1 +1 One-time
Anti-Aircraft Gun25mm Anti-aircraft Autocannon Mount & Machine Guns25mm Anti-aircraft Autocannon Mount & Machine Guns - +1 +2 +2
(1st equipped) +1 +1 +1 One-time
ArmorArctic Camouflage (+ Arctic Equipment)Arctic Camouflage (+ Arctic Equipment) (★7) +1 +1 +3
(★8) +1 +2 +3
(★9) +1 +1 +2 +3
(★MAX) +1 +1 +2 +4
LookoutSkilled LookoutsSkilled Lookouts - +1 +2 +2 +1 +2
LookoutTorpedo Squadron Skilled LookoutsTorpedo Squadron Skilled Lookouts - +1 +3
(1st equipped) (★0-3) +2 +4 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★4-7) +3 +4 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8-MAX) +3 +5 +2 One-time
Ship-Type Bonuses
Small Caliber Main Gun12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 3 H12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 3 H + Air Radar +2 +2 One-time
(2nd equipped) + Air Radar +2 One-time
(3rd equipped) + Air Radar +2 One-time
High-Angle Gun5inch Single Gun Mount Mk.30 Kai + GFCS Mk.375inch Single Gun Mount Mk.30 Kai + GFCS Mk.37 - +1
High-Angle Gun12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E Kai12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E Kai (★2-3) +1
(★4-5) +1 +2
(★6-7) +1 +1 +2
(★8-9) +1 +2 +2
(★MAX) +1 +2 +1 +2
Torpedoes53cm Bow (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount53cm Bow (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount - -5
Depth ChargesType 2 Depth ChargeType 2 Depth Charge (★8-9) +1
(★MAX) +2
Depth ChargesHedgehog (Initial Model)Hedgehog (Initial Model) (1st equipped) +1 +1 One-time
Depth ChargesType 2 Depth Charge Kai 2Type 2 Depth Charge Kai 2 - +1 +1
Anti-Aircraft Gun2cm Flakvierling 382cm Flakvierling 38 (★4-6) +1 +1
(★7-9) +1 +2 +1
(★MAX) +1 +3 +2
(★4-MAX) + Air Radar +1 One-time
Anti-Aircraft Gun3.7cm FlaK M423.7cm FlaK M42 (★6-7) +1 +1
(★8-9) +1 +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +1 +2
(★6-MAX) + Air Radar +2 One-time
Landing CraftSoukoutei (Armored Boat Class)Soukoutei (Armored Boat Class) - +1 +1 -5
[edit]Hibiki Kai Equipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine Warfare Line of Sight Armor Accuracy Evasion Note
Small Caliber Main Gun12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model B Kai 212.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model B Kai 2 - +1
Small Caliber Main Gun12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 212.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 2 - +1
+ Surface Radar +3 +1 +2 One-time
+ 61cm Triple Torpedo Mount61cm Triple Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +3 One-time
+ 2nd 61cm Triple Torpedo Mount61cm Triple Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +2 One-time
+ 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 One-time
Small Caliber Main Gun12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A - +1
Small Caliber Main GunPrototype Long-barrel 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 4Prototype Long-barrel 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 4 - +2 +1
+ Surface Radar +3 +1 +2 One-time
+ Air Radar +4 One-time
+ 61cm Triple Torpedo Mount61cm Triple Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +3 One-time
+ 2nd 61cm Triple Torpedo Mount61cm Triple Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +2 One-time
+ 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 One-time
High-Angle Gun12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 3 (Wartime Modification) + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 3 (Wartime Modification) + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director - +2 +2
+ Surface Radar +3 +1 +2 One-time
+ Air Radar +6 One-time
+ 61cm Triple Torpedo Mount61cm Triple Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +3 One-time
+ 2nd 61cm Triple Torpedo Mount61cm Triple Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +2 One-time
+ 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 One-time
High-Angle Gun12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model B Kai 4 (Wartime Modification) + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model B Kai 4 (Wartime Modification) + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director - +1
+ Surface Radar +1 +2 +2 One-time
+ Air Radar +5 One-time
+ 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +3 One-time
RADARType 13 Air Radar KaiType 13 Air Radar Kai
OR RADARType 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model)Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model)
- +1 +1 +3
RADARRadar Equipment Mast (Type 13 Kai + Type 22 Radar Kai 4)Radar Equipment Mast (Type 13 Kai + Type 22 Radar Kai 4) (1st equipped) +1 +1 +1 +2 One-time
RADARPassive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model)Passive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model) (1st equipped) (★0-6) +1 +2 +2 +3 One-time
(1st equipped) (★7) +1 +2 +3 +3 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8) +1 +2 +3 +4 One-time
(1st equipped) (★9) +2 +2 +3 +4 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +2 +2 +4 +4 One-time
+ ★3+ 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 212.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 2 OR ★3+ 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 312.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 3 +1 +1 One-time
+ ★4+ Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model)Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model) +1 +4 +1 +3 One-time
SONARType 3 Active Sonar KaiType 3 Active Sonar Kai (1st equipped) +1 +1 One-time
Depth ChargesType 2 Depth Charge Kai 2Type 2 Depth Charge Kai 2 (★0-4) +2 +1
(★5-6) +3 +1
(★7-8) +3 +2
(★9) +3 +1 +2
(★MAX) +4 +1 +2
Anti-Aircraft Gun25mm Anti-aircraft Autocannon Mount & Machine Guns25mm Anti-aircraft Autocannon Mount & Machine Guns - +1 +2 +2
(1st equipped) +1 +1 +1 One-time
LookoutSkilled LookoutsSkilled Lookouts - +1 +2 +2 +1 +2
LookoutTorpedo Squadron Skilled LookoutsTorpedo Squadron Skilled Lookouts - +1 +3
(1st equipped) (★0-3) +2 +4 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★4-7) +3 +4 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8-MAX) +3 +5 +2 One-time
Ship-Type Bonuses
Small Caliber Main Gun12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 3 H12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 3 H + Air Radar +2 +2 One-time
(2nd equipped) + Air Radar +2 One-time
(3rd equipped) + Air Radar +2 One-time
High-Angle Gun5inch Single Gun Mount Mk.30 Kai + GFCS Mk.375inch Single Gun Mount Mk.30 Kai + GFCS Mk.37 - +1
High-Angle Gun12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E Kai12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E Kai (★2-3) +1
(★4-5) +1 +2
(★6-7) +1 +1 +2
(★8-9) +1 +2 +2
(★MAX) +1 +2 +1 +2
Torpedoes53cm Bow (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount53cm Bow (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount - -5
Depth ChargesType 2 Depth ChargeType 2 Depth Charge (★8-9) +1
(★MAX) +2
Depth ChargesHedgehog (Initial Model)Hedgehog (Initial Model) (1st equipped) +1 +1 One-time
Anti-Aircraft Gun2cm Flakvierling 382cm Flakvierling 38 (★4-6) +1 +1
(★7-9) +1 +2 +1
(★MAX) +1 +3 +2
(★4-MAX) + Air Radar +1 One-time
Anti-Aircraft Gun3.7cm FlaK M423.7cm FlaK M42 (★6-7) +1 +1
(★8-9) +1 +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +1 +2
(★6-MAX) + Air Radar +2 One-time
[edit]Hibiki Equipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine Warfare Line of Sight Armor Accuracy Evasion Note
Small Caliber Main Gun12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model B Kai 212.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model B Kai 2 - +1
Small Caliber Main Gun12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 212.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 2 - +1
+ Surface Radar +3 +1 +2 One-time
+ 61cm Triple Torpedo Mount61cm Triple Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +3 One-time
+ 2nd 61cm Triple Torpedo Mount61cm Triple Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +2 One-time
+ 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 One-time
Small Caliber Main Gun12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A - +1
Small Caliber Main GunPrototype Long-barrel 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 4Prototype Long-barrel 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 4 - +2 +1
+ Surface Radar +3 +1 +2 One-time
+ Air Radar +4 One-time
+ 61cm Triple Torpedo Mount61cm Triple Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +3 One-time
+ 2nd 61cm Triple Torpedo Mount61cm Triple Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +2 One-time
+ 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 One-time
High-Angle Gun12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 3 (Wartime Modification) + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 3 (Wartime Modification) + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director - +2 +2
+ Surface Radar +3 +1 +2 One-time
+ Air Radar +6 One-time
+ 61cm Triple Torpedo Mount61cm Triple Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +3 One-time
+ 2nd 61cm Triple Torpedo Mount61cm Triple Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +2 One-time
+ 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 One-time
High-Angle Gun12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model B Kai 4 (Wartime Modification) + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model B Kai 4 (Wartime Modification) + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director - +1
+ Surface Radar +1 +2 +2 One-time
+ Air Radar +5 One-time
+ 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount OR 61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model +1 +3 One-time
RADARType 13 Air Radar KaiType 13 Air Radar Kai
OR RADARType 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model)Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model)
- +1 +1 +3
RADARPassive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model)Passive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model) (1st equipped) (★0-6) +1 +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★7) +1 +2 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8) +1 +2 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★9) +1 +1 +2 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +1 +1 +3 +2 One-time
+ ★3+ 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 212.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 2 OR ★3+ 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 312.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 3 +1 +1 One-time
+ ★4+ Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model)Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model) +1 +4 +1 +3 One-time
SONARType 3 Active Sonar KaiType 3 Active Sonar Kai (1st equipped) +1 +1 One-time
LookoutSkilled LookoutsSkilled Lookouts - +1 +2 +2 +1 +2
LookoutTorpedo Squadron Skilled LookoutsTorpedo Squadron Skilled Lookouts - +1 +3
(1st equipped) (★0-3) +2 +4 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★4-7) +3 +4 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8-MAX) +3 +5 +2 One-time
Ship-Type Bonuses
Small Caliber Main Gun12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 3 H12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 3 H + Air Radar +2 +2 One-time
(2nd equipped) + Air Radar +2 One-time
(3rd equipped) + Air Radar +2 One-time
High-Angle Gun5inch Single Gun Mount Mk.30 Kai + GFCS Mk.375inch Single Gun Mount Mk.30 Kai + GFCS Mk.37 - +1
High-Angle Gun12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E Kai12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E Kai (★2-3) +1
(★4-5) +1 +2
(★6-7) +1 +1 +2
(★8-9) +1 +2 +2
(★MAX) +1 +2 +1 +2
Torpedoes53cm Bow (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount53cm Bow (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount - -5
Depth ChargesType 2 Depth ChargeType 2 Depth Charge (★8-9) +1
(★MAX) +2
Depth ChargesHedgehog (Initial Model)Hedgehog (Initial Model) (1st equipped) +1 +1 One-time
Depth ChargesType 2 Depth Charge Kai 2Type 2 Depth Charge Kai 2 - +1 +1
Anti-Aircraft Gun2cm Flakvierling 382cm Flakvierling 38 (★4-6) +1 +1
(★7-9) +1 +2 +1
(★MAX) +1 +3 +2
(★4-MAX) + Air Radar +1 One-time
Anti-Aircraft Gun3.7cm FlaK M423.7cm FlaK M42 (★6-7) +1 +1
(★8-9) +1 +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +1 +2
(★6-MAX) + Air Radar +2 One-time
Anti-Aircraft Gun25mm Anti-aircraft Autocannon Mount & Machine Guns25mm Anti-aircraft Autocannon Mount & Machine Guns - +1 +2 +2
Hidden Fit Bonuses
  • Has some hidden fit bonuses when equipped with certain equipment. Please see Hidden Fit Bonuses for more details.

Important Information

Drop Locations

ShipRarityTypeNo.World 1World 2World 3World 7World 4World 5World 6Remarks
HibikiCommonDD072✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️Buildable (no LSC)

Voice Lines


Event Japanese/English
I'm Hibiki. I'm also called "The Phoenix" because of exploits.[1]
I'm Hibi-- Verniy. It's a name that means "Faithful".[2]
ひび…Верный だ。信頼できると言う意味の名なんだ
Out of all the Special Type destroyers; I'm the lone survivor, Hibiki.[3]

After fighting in many battles, I wasn't able to accompany Yamato on her suicide attack because I was undergoing repairs.[4] I was a repatriation ship and then I was handed over to the Soviet Union and given a name meaning "Faithful".[5]


転戦の後、あの大和水上特攻時には修理で同行できなかったんだ。 賠償艦としてソ連に引き渡され「信頼できる」という意味の艦名になったんだ。

Secretary 1
What is it Commander?
Secretary 1
Are you alright Commander?
Secretary 2
Your orders Commander.
Secretary 3
I can go back soon?
Secretary 3
до свидания.
Secretary Idle
I'm fine. I'm used to being alone.[7]
Secretary (Married)
Aren't you tired Commander?
I wonder... what are things like love and affection Commander...? Eh? You'll teach me?[8]
司令官、愛とか恋とかって…なんのことなんだ…? えっ?教えてくれるのか?
Player's Score
Looks like a message for you Commander.
Joining the Fleet
Roger, Hibiki, sortieing.
Joining the Fleet
Roger, Verniy, sortieing.
Equipment 1
Wonderful, I can feel the power flowing from this.[9]
Equipment 1
Wonderful... I can rely on this.
Хорошо… これは信頼できる。
Equipment 2
Oh, this is nice... thanks.[11]
Equipment 2
Nice... thanks.
Equipment 3[12]
I can do this.
Equipment 3[13]
Docking (Minor Damage)
I'll go get fixed up.
Docking (Minor Damage)
Docking (Major Damage)
The secret of the Phoenix is in the timing of my repairs.
Looks like some new forces have been added.
Returning from Sortie
The fleet has returned. Good work.
Starting a Sortie
I'm not called The Phoenix for no reason. I'm off.
Starting a Sortie
My name doesn't mean faithful for no reason. I'm off.
Starting a Battle
Well then, shall we do this.
It's useless.
Night Battle Attack
You're too late.
Night Battle Attack
Night Battle
Victory? That sounds good. I don't dislike it.[15]
Minor Damage 1
Minor Damage 2
I won't sink...
Major Damage
This is really quite embarrassing...
My final name is Verniy... Goodbye...[16]
私の最後の名はВерный だ…до свидания.
My real name is Hibiki... Goodbye... see you...
私の本当の名は響…до свидания…さよなら…。
  1. She was seriously damaged 3 times and still survived the war.
  2. Verniy means 'faithful' in Russian.
  3. Out of the Fubuki, Ayanami, and Akatsuki-classes (the Special Type destroyers), she was the only one to survive.
  4. After being torpedoed by the USS Hake, she was in Yokosuka for repairs and missed participating in Operation Ten-Go.
  5. After the war, she ferried Japanese troops back home then was handed over to the USSR in 1947.
  6. Pronounced 'do svidaniya'.
  7. She was the only one of her sisters to survive.
  8. Ai (愛) meaning affection and koi (恋) meaning specifically romantic love.
  9. Pronounced 'Harasho'.
  10. Shared with Supply before Verniy.
  11. Pronounced 'spasiba'.
  12. This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
  13. This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
  14. Pronounced 'ura'.
  15. Her name (響) can be used to refer to the quality of a sound. She's saying that the word 'victory' sounds good.
  16. She was actually renamed again to Dekabrist after the Decembrist Revolt. However, she didn't see active service after the 2nd renaming and was just a floating barracks.


Time Japanese/English
Midnight... Excuse me, 0000.[1]
0100. It's really late huh.
0200. I don't mind... calm seas.
0200. If you feel sleepy feel free to sleep. I'll lend you my lap.
0400. I won't fall asleep during missions.
0500. It's the time where the sky changes color. ... How beautiful.
0600. Sorry but you're a bit heavy Commander...
0700. It's morning. Let's have breakfast.
0800. Shall we start the missions?
0900. Please give the fleet instructions for expeditions.
1000. I'll take charge of the remaining ships Commander.
1100. Shall we take everyone on exercises?
Noon... Excuse me, 1200. I let my mind wander... I'll be more careful.[2]
1300. Today's lunch is... Here, have this. It's pirozhki.[3]
1400. Let's start with the afternoon's fleet duties. I'm not tired at all.
1500. Let's continue with training. Those who are fatigued can rest.
1600. We'll have a debriefing when the rest of the fleet returns.
1700. Now Commander, a word to everyone please.
What is it Commander? I'm preparing for exercises right now.
1900. The training was too hard? Sorry for that.
2000. I don't know... how to make curry Commander.
2100. How about borscht for tonight? My borscht is delicious.[4]
2200. Everyone liked the borscht. I'm glad.
2300. Thank you for all your hard work everyday Commander.
  1. Pronounced 'Polnoch'.
  2. Pronounced 'Polden'.
  3. Pirozhki is a stuffed bun.
  4. Borscht is a soup from eastern Europe.


Ship Japanese/English Notes
Valentine’s Day 2016
Here’s some Russian-style chocolate for you, Commander. What’s Russian about them? That’s… a secret.
White Day 2016
What’s this, Commander? …A return gift? Thank you, I accept.
Spring 2016
It’s spring. Spring is great. There will never be winter if spring doesn’t come. Wonderful.
3rd Anniversary
It’s the fleet’s and our 6th Destroyer Division’s 3rd Anniversary, Commander. Wonderful. Of course I’m happy.
Rainy Season 2016
Inazuma’s teruteru bouzu is nice. It’s cute. Akatsuki’s is… What’s that? A monster?
Midsummer 2016
You need to make the breakwater higher, Akatsuki. Ah… We can just remake it. I’ll help.
Autumn 2016
Autumn… yukata… No, I’m not jealous of that or anything. But… I like looking.
Saury Festival 2016
A saury fishing support mission, roger. Hibiki, heading out. Hurrah!! As Hibiki
Saury Festival 2016
A saury fishing support mission, roger. Verniy, heading out. Hurrah!! As Verniy
Christmas 2016
I can feel the energy of this poultry… So it’s called “turkey”… Wonderful.
この鶏肉には、力を感じる…。ターキーというのか… Xорошо。
Setsubun 2017
You sure you’re going to be the Oni, Akatsuki? I see. Here’s your mask. Now, shall we do this? Hurrah!

Misc Lines

Ship Japanese/English Notes
Spring 2019 Event
Full speed ahead... Hurrah! Friend Fleet Line




General Information
  • Hibiki means "echo", while Верный means "faithful".
  • She was launched on the 16th of June 1932.
  • Joined the Soviet Navy as a war prize after WW2.
  • She was retired from service on the 20th of February 1953 and transferred to the OMS resourcing fund. She was finally sunk as a target ship in the 1970s.
  • Wreck lies close to Karamzina Island near Vladivostok in only 27 m (88 ft) of water, and is a popular diving site.
Update History
  • She was part of the original game's launch when the game was released on the 23rd of April 2013.
  • She got her Kai Ni on the 11th of September 2013.
  • Survived World War II.
  • Occasionally says "до свидания" (do svidaniya) [Good Bye] at the menu screen.
  • 2 pairs of depth charges replace her dual 61 cm triple torpedoes on remodeling, indicating her outstanding ASW capability for a destroyer.
  • Kudō Shunsaku was transferred to Hibiki after he rescued enemy personnel while captain of Ikazuchi.
  • Her name lives on as one of the Hibiki-class ocean surveillance ships.

See Also