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==Gameplay Notes==
{{:Category:Standard Aircraft Carriers}}
|color = Violet
|name = Amagi  
===Special Mechanics===
|japanesename = 天城
* None
|image = [[File:331_Card.jpg]]
|id = 202
===Stats Exceptions===
|class = Unryuu
*Is from [[Speed Group]] '''Fast B1'''.
|type = Standard Carrier
|hp = 48
===Equipability Exceptions===
|firepower = 0 (25)
|armor = 26 (51)
* Default [[CV]] equipment compatibility
|torpedo = 0 (0)
|evasion = 33 (?)
===Fit Bonuses===
|AA = 27 (72)
{{/Equipment Bonuses}}
|aircraft = 51
|ASW = 0 (0)
|LOS = 38 (?)
==Drop Locations==
|luck = 13 (59)
|time = Unbuildable[?] 210min[?]
|speed = Fast
==Voice Lines==
|range = Short
|slot = 4
|slot1= [[25mm Triple Autocannon Mount]]
|slot2= [[12.7cm Twin High-angle Mount]]
|scenario = Introduction
|slot3= - Unequipped -
|origin = 雲龍型航空母艦、天城と申します。提督、どうぞよろしくお願い致します。天城、精進致します。
|slot4= - Unequipped -
|translation = I'm the Unryuu-class aircraft carrier, Amagi. Pleased to make your acquaintance Admiral. I'll devote myself to you.
|audio = Amagi-Introduction.ogg
|scenario = Introduction
|kai = yes
|origin = 雲龍型航空母艦天城です!提督!天城今なら十分活躍できます!
|translation = I'm the Unryuu-class aircraft carrier, Amagi! Admiral! This time I'll play an active role!<ref>Historically, she was never deployed.</ref>
|audio = AmagiKai-Introduction.ogg
|scenario = Library
|origin = 雲龍型航空母艦、その二番艦、天城です。
|translation = I'm the 2nd ship of the Unryuu-class aircraft carriers, Amagi.
I was built under the Rapid Naval Armaments Supplement Programme aka the Maru Kyuu Plan.<ref>Specifically, she was built under the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modified_5th_Naval_Armaments_Supplement_Programme modified Maru Kyuu Plan].</ref>
I wasn't able to serve in a carrier task force, but I fought hard in the Kure Air Raid.<ref>She was meant to be part of CarDiv1 with her sister Unryuu but she was rendered inoperable during the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Kure_(July_1945) Bombing of Kure] before she could be deployed.</ref>
|audio = Amagi-Library.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = えーっと・・・対空戦ですか?
|translation = Ummm... anti-air combat?
|audio = Amagi-Secretary_1.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 1
|kai = yes
|origin = はい!天城!出れます!
|translation = Yes! Amagi! Setting off!
|audio = AmagiKai-Secretary_1.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = 何?対空射撃・・・撃ち方はじめ!あれ・・・提督?あぁ、えっと・・・
|translation = What? Commencing... anti-air fire! Oh... Admiral? Ah, ummm...
|audio = Amagi-Secretary_2.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = 提督、天城の格納庫に何か御用でしょうか?艦載機を配備?わぁ!嬉しいです!
|translation = What do you want to do with my hangar Admiral? Deploying some carrier-based planes? Wow! I'm happy!
|audio = Amagi-Secretary_3.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 3
|kai = yes
|origin = 提督、天城の格納庫に何か御用でしょうか?新鋭艦載機の調査って・・・本当ですか?
|translation = What do you want to do with my hangar, Admiral? Checking the condition of the new carrier-based planes... Really?
|audio = AmagiKai-Secretary_3.ogg
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|origin = 函館・・・なんでだろう?懐かしい響・・・気のせいですね あっ提督!お呼びでしょうか?天城精一杯頑張りますね!
|translation = Hakodate... What is this? It sounds... so nostalgic. Ah, Admiral! Did you call me? I'll do my very best!<ref>She was scrapped at Hakodate Docks.</ref>
|audio = Amagi-Idle.ogg
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|origin = 提督、いつも本当にお疲れさまです。天城、ここに待機していますので、御用があればいつでもお呼びくださいね。
|translation = Thank you for your usual hard work, Admiral. I'll be standing by here so please call me if you have any orders.
|audio = Amagi-Secretary_Married.ogg
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|kai = yes
|origin = 提督、天城に素敵な艦載機を…そして、主力航空母艦として運用してくれて…本当に、ありがとうございます! …感謝でいっぱいです…
|translation = For giving me lovely carrier-based planes... and for letting me serve as a fleet carrier... thank you so very much, Admiral! ...I'm very grateful...
|audio = Amagi-Wedding_Line.ogg
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = 提督、お呼びでしょうか。えっ?天城に、これを…お受けいたします、提督。あ、ありがとうございます。ずっと、大切にします。
|translation = Did you call me Admiral? Eh? Is this for me... I accept, Admiral. Ah, thank you very much. I'll treasure it forever.
|audio = Amagi-Wedding.ogg
|scenario = Player's Score
|origin = 提督?情報は大切ですね!天城もそう思います
|translation = Admiral? Intelligence is important huh! I think so too.
|audio = Amagi-Looking_At_Scores.ogg
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|origin = 航空戦隊!天城!出撃いたします!
|translation = Carrier Division! Amagi! Sortieing!
|audio = Amagi-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|kai = yes
|origin = 新生第一航空戦隊!天城!出撃致します!
|translation = Reformed 1st Carrier Division! Amagi! Sortieing!<ref>She was supposed to have been made the flagship of the CarDiv1 in December 1944 but she was sunk before then.</ref>
|audio = AmagiKai-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = 対空火器の増強でしょうか?
|translation = Are you increasing the number of my anti-air guns?
|audio = Amagi-Equipment_1.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = 新しい艦載機・・・!天城感激です!ありがとうございます!
|translation = New planes...! I'm thankful! Thank you very much!
|audio = Amagi-Equipment_2.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin = 天城が参ります!
|translation = I've arrived!
|audio = Amagi-Equipment_3.ogg
|scenario = Supply
|origin = 貴重な燃料や艦載機・・・ありがとうございます!
|translation = Thank you very much... for the precious fuel and carrier planes!
|audio = Amagi-Supply.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|origin = 深い傷ではないのですが・・・提督・・・すみません。
|translation = It's not a deep wound... Sorry... Admiral.
|audio = Amagi-Docking_Minor.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|origin = 申し訳ありません・・・長いお風呂を頂きます・・・本当に・・・すみません・・・
|translation = I'm sorry... I'll be heading for a long bath... I'm really... sorry.
|audio = Amagi-Docking_Major.ogg
|scenario = Construction
|origin = 新造艦が就役した模様です。
|translation = It seems that a new ship has been commissioned.
|audio = Amagi-Construction.ogg
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|origin = 艦隊が無事帰投しました、お疲れ様です。
|translation = The fleet has returned safely to port. Thanks for your hard work.
|audio = Amagi-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|origin = 航空母艦天城!抜錨致します!
|translation = Aircraft carrier Amagi! Setting sail!
|audio = Amagi-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = 対空射撃じゃありません!攻撃隊の発艦です!天城航空隊発艦始め!です!
|translation = This isn't anti-air defense! The attack squadrons are to launch! Amagi Attack Squadrons, begin takeoff!
|audio = Amagi-Battle_Start.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|kai = yes
|origin = 第六〇一航空隊、発艦始め!さあ、始めます!
|translation = 601 Squadron, begin takeoff! Now, let's get started!
|audio = AmagiKai-Battle_Start.ogg
|scenario = Attack
|origin = 天城航空隊、お・・・お願いします!
|translation = Amagi attack squadrons, I... I'm counting on you!
|audio = Amagi-Attack.ogg
|scenario = Air Battle
|origin = 烈風…眩しい翼…あっ、自分の艦載機なのに、見惚れちゃいました!
|translation = Reppu... what dazzling wings... Ah, I was charmed by my own carrier planes!
|audio = AmagiKai-Attack.ogg
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = つ・・・追撃ですか?そうですか。頑張ります。
|translation = We... we're pursuing? I see. I'll do my best.
|audio = Amagi-Night_Battle.ogg
|scenario = MVP
|origin = 天城が一番ですか・・・?本当に・・・?あぁ・・・ありがとうございます!嬉しい・・・
|translation = I'm number one...? Really? Ah... thank you very much. I'm happy...
|audio = Amagi-MVP.ogg
|scenario = MVP
|kai = yes
|origin = ふぅ・・・天城・・・戦果を挙げられて良かったです!努力すればやれるのですね!
|translation = Whoo... I'm... glad I could increase my achievements! When there's a will there's a way!
|audio = AmagiKai-MVP.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = 被弾!?応急処置を!
|translation = I'm hit!? Start damage control!
|audio = Amagi-Minor_Damage_1.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = 浸水を防いで!だ、大丈夫です!
|translation = Control the flooding! I-I'm fine!<ref>She was capsized by uncontrolled flooding when a bomb penetrated her flight deck.</ref>
|audio = Amagi-Minor_Damage_2.ogg
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = うぅ・・・やられました・・・艦載機・・・発着艦不能です・・・
|translation = Ugh... They got me... I can't... launch planes now...
|audio = Amagi-Major_Damage.ogg
|scenario = Sunk
|origin = 沈むのに・・・天城・・・不思議な気持ちです・・・今度は精一杯・・生きました・・・よね・・・
|translation = I'm sinking... what... a strange feeling... This time... I gave it my best... right...
|audio = Amagi-Sunk.ogg
{{ShipquoteHeader | type = hourly}}
|scenario = 00:00
|origin = 提督!日付が変わりました!本日はこの天城が時刻をお知らせしてまいりますね!はい!大丈夫です!頑張ります!
|translation = Admiral! It's a new day now! I'll be doing the time announcements today! Yes! I'll be fine! I'll do my best!
|audio = Amagi-00.ogg
|scenario = 01:00
|origin = マルヒトマルマルとなりました。提督、夜は…艦隊も静かですね。
|translation = It's now 0100. The fleet at night... is quiet right, Admiral?
|audio = Amagi-01.ogg
|scenario = 02:00
|origin = マルフタマルマルです。丑三つ時…ですね、提督。少し、怖いかって? いえ、ぜんぜん…もんだい…な…く? …て、提督? どこ………ひゃぁっ!?
|translation = It's 0200. It's the Hour of the Ox... right Admiral. Am I scared? No, not... at all... ? ...Ad, admiral? Where are... Hyaaaaah!?<ref>丑三つ時 (ushimitsudoki) is the period between 2:00am to 2:30am under the ancient Japanese time-telling system, and is referred to as "the dead of the night."</ref>
|audio = Amagi-02.ogg
|scenario = 03:00
|origin = マルサン、マルマルです。提督、あの…冗談とかやめて欲しいです。天城、本当にびっくりしました…べっ、別に怖くはないです…
|translation = It's 0300. Ummm, Admiral... I'd like it if you stopped with the pranks. I was really startled... I, I wasn't scared though...
|audio = Amagi-03.ogg
|scenario = 04:00
|origin = マルヨンマルマルとなりました。提督、この時間はとても眠いですね? ぇへ、頑張ります!
|translation = It's now 0400. You get really sleepy at this time right, Admiral? ...Ehe, I'm doing my best!
|audio = Amagi-04.ogg
|scenario = 05:00
|origin = マルゴーマルマルです。夜が明けて来ました。そろそろ総員起こしの準備をいたしますね?
|translation = It's 0500. Dawn is here. It's almost time to assemble everyone right?
|audio = Amagi-05.ogg
|scenario = 06:00
|origin = マルロクマルマル。艦隊、総員起こし! 朝です! 本日も一日、頑張りましょう!
|translation = 0600. Fleet, all hands assemble!! It's morning! Let's do our best today too!
|audio = Amagi-06.ogg
|scenario = 07:00
|origin = マルナナマルマルです。提督、簡単で申し訳ないですが、朝餉の準備、こちらにどうぞ! まず、今日のお味噌汁のお出汁は…
|translation = It's 0700. I'm sorry it's so simple but breakfast is ready, Admiral! First, today's miso soup stock is...
|audio = Amagi-07.ogg
|scenario = 08:00
|origin = マルハチマルマルです。提督、天城の朝餉、お口に会いましたでしょうか? あ、よかった♪ 片付けますね? ふふ、よかった♪…
|translation = It's 0800. Did my breakfast suit your tastes, Admiral? Ah, thank goodness♪ I'll tidy up now alright? Fufu, thank goodness♪...
|audio = Amagi-08.ogg
|scenario = 09:00
|origin = マルキュウマルマルとなりました。提督、そろそろ艦隊出撃ですね。主力の艦隊編成は、如何致しましょうか?
|translation = It's now 0900. It's almost time to sortie the fleet, Admiral. Who will be the members of the main fleet?
|audio = Amagi-09.ogg
|scenario = 10:00
|origin = ヒトマルマルマルです。そうですね、私も艦載機を搭載できて、ほんとうに嬉しいです! いいものですね、艦載機。
|translation = It's 1000. That's right, I'm really happy I'm finally able to carry planes! Planes are great aren't they?
|audio = Amagi-10.ogg
|scenario = 11:00
|origin = ヒトヒトマルマルです。そろそろ昼餉の準備をいたしますね? 提督、何か食べたいものはありますか? 何にしようかしら?
|translation = It's 1100. Shall I begin preparations for lunch soon? What do you want to eat, Admiral? I wonder what I should make...
|audio = Amagi-11.ogg
|scenario = 12:00
|origin = ヒトフタマルマル、正午です! 提督、お昼は和風カレーにしてみました。丼いっぱいで召し上がれっ♪ おかわりもありますよ?
|translation = 1200, it's noon! It's a Japanese-style curry for lunch, Admiral. He's a full bowl for you♪ There's seconds too you know?<ref>The term she uses specifically means 'rice with toppings on top'.</ref>
|audio = Amagi-12.ogg
|scenario = 13:00
|origin = ヒトサンマルマルです。和風のカレーもいいでしょう? やはりお出汁! そして片栗粉のとろみもポイントなんです! うふふ♪
|translation = It's 1300. How was the Japanese-style curry? It's definitely the dashi! Also using potato starch as a thickener is a key point! Ufufu♪<ref>'Dashi' is a stock made from dried bonito tuna and konbu seaweed.</ref>
|audio = Amagi-13.ogg
|scenario = 14:00
|origin = ヒトヨンマルマルとなりました。あ、雲龍姉様! 調子はいかがですか? 姉様、最近とっても綺麗…天城も見習います!
|translation = It's now 1400. Ah, Unryuu-neesama! How are you? You've been looking more beautiful these days... I want to be like you too!
|audio = Amagi-14.ogg
|scenario = 15:00
|origin = ヒトゴーマルマルです。提督、甘いモノでもいかがですか? 間宮さんにお願いして、葛餅をいただいてきました! ご一緒に♪
|translation = It's 1500. Would you like something sweet, Admiral? I asked Mamiya-san to make us some kuzumochi! Let's eat it together♪<ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuzumochi Kuzumochi] are mochi made from arrowroot starch.</ref>
|audio = Amagi-15.ogg
|scenario = 16:00
|origin = ヒトロクマルマルです。提督、私も鍛錬すれば、飛龍さんや蒼龍さんのようになれますか? え、本当? 天城、頑張ります!
|translation = It's 1600. If I train hard enough, can I be like Hiryuu-san and Souryuu-san Admiral? Eh, really? I'll do my best!<ref>The Unryuu-class were based off the design of Hiryuu.</ref>
|audio = Amagi-16.ogg
|scenario = 17:00
|origin = ヒトナナマルマルです。提督、夕焼けが綺麗ですね? え、天城もって…やだ、なに言って♪ …あ、戻ろうって? そうですね…
|translation = It's 1900. Admiral, the sunset is beautiful right? Eh, me too... Oh you, what are you saying♪ ...Ah, time to go back? That's right...<ref>Saying she's as beautiful as the sunset.</ref>
|audio = Amagi-17.ogg
|scenario = 18:00
|origin = ヒトハチマルマルとなりました。提督、天城、夕餉の支度に入りますね? 天城、腕を奮います! 少しお待ちくださいませ!
|translation = It's now 1800. Admiral, I'll begin preparations for dinner alright? I'll show you my skills! Please wait a moment!
|audio = Amagi-18.ogg
|scenario = 19:00
|origin = ヒトキュウマルマルです。夕餉は洋食にしてみました。カツレツです! さ、召し上がれ♪ コーンスープも用意致しました♪
|translation = It's 1900. I made Western food for dinner. It's a cutlet! Now, eat up♪ I made corn soup too♪
|audio = Amagi-19.ogg
|scenario = 20:00
|origin = フタマルマルマルです。え、カツレツはとんかつとは違いますよ? え、どう違うかですって? それはですね…まずそもそも…
|translation = It's 2000. Eh, is cutlet is different from tonkatsu? Eh, what's the difference? Well... first it's...<ref>Cutlet was originally breaded, deep-fried beef while tonkatsu is pork.</ref>
|audio = Amagi-20.ogg
|scenario = 21:00
|origin = フタヒトマルマルです、提督。そうですね、妹の葛城ですか? はい、再び会えると信じています。航空戦隊を組みたいですね。
|translation = It's 2100, Admiral. That's right, our sister Katsuragi? Yes, I believe we'll meet again. I want to form a carrier division with her.<ref>Katsuragi was also supposed to be in CarDiv1.</ref>
|audio = Amagi-21.ogg
|scenario = 22:00
|origin = フタフタマルマルとなりました。夜は静か…じゃーないみたいですね。あの天城、静かにってお願いしてきましょうか?
|translation = It's now 2200. The night is quiet... or not. Shall I go and ask them to keep it down?
|audio = Amagi-22.ogg
|scenario = 23:00
|origin = フタサンマルマルです。提督、今日も一日本当にお疲れ様でした。ぐっすりお休みになって、疲れをとってくださいね?
|translation = It's 2300. Thank you so much for your hard work everyday, Admiral. Please get a good night's sleep alright?
|audio = Amagi-23.ogg
| style="width:20px;" |
| valign="top" |
|color = Violet
|name = Amagi Kai
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Second_Anniversary|2nd Anniversary]]
|japanesename = 天城改
|origin = 提督!今日は、特別な日ですね!天城、ご一緒できて、光栄です!うふふ~嬉しい。
|image = [[File:429_Card.jpg]]
|translation = Admiral! Today is a special day! I’m honored to be by your side! Ufufu~ I’m happy.
|id = 229
|audio = 202_Amagi_2ndAnniv.mp3
|class = Unryuu
|notes =  
|type = Standard Carrier
|hp = 60
|firepower = 0 (45)
|armor = 35 (76)
|torpedo = 0 (0)
|evasion = 36 (?)
|AA = 33 (79)
|aircraft = 69
|ASW = 0 (0)
|LOS = ?
|luck = 17 (69)
|time = Lv50 Remodel + [[Glossary#Medal|Blueprint]]
|speed = Fast
|range = Short
|slot = 4
|slot1= [[Zero Fighter Type 52 Type C (601 Air Group)|Zero Fighter Type-52c (601)]]
|slot2= [[Suisei (601 Air Group)]]
|slot3= [[Tenzan (601 Air Group)]]
|slot4= [[12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher]]
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2015|Christmas 2015]]
|origin = メリークリスマスです、提督!函館や呉の夜景もきれいですよ、きっと!
|translation = Merry Christmas, Admiral! The night view of Hakodate and Kure is definitely beautiful!
|audio = Amagi_Christmas_2015_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/New_Year_2016|New Year 2016]]
|origin = 提督、新年あけまして、おめでとうございます。天城、新年をご一緒できて、光栄です!
|translation = Happy New Year, Admiral. It’s an honor to be able to be by your side for another year!
|audio = Amagi_New_Years_Day_2016.ogg
|notes =
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Ship Full Amagi.png|Base
Ship Full Amagi Damaged.png|Base Damaged
Ship Full Amagi Kai.png|Kai
429_X.png|Kai Damaged Old
Ship Full Amagi Kai Damaged.png|Kai Damaged New
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Amagi_New_Year_2016.png|[[Seasonal/New_Year_2016|New Year 2016]]
Amagi_New_Year_2016_dmg.png|[[Seasonal/New_Year_2016|New Year 2016 Damaged]]
KanMusu202_Nakau.png|[[Seasonal/Nakau_Collaboration|Nakau Collaboration]]
KanMusu202_Nakau_dmg.png|[[Seasonal/Nakau_Collaboration|Nakau Collaboration Damaged]]
;General Information
|自己紹介 = 雲龍型航空母艦、天城と申します。<br>提督、どうぞよろしくお願い致します。<br>天城、精進致します!
* She is named after [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Amagi Mount Amagi].
|EN1 =I'm Amagi, an Unryuu Class Carrier. <br> I will be in your care admiral. <br> Now Amagi will concentrate!
* She was launched on the 15th of October 1943.
|Note1 =
* Capsized after air attacks, on the 29th of July 1945, scrapped 1946–1947.
|Library =雲龍型航空母艦その二番艦、天城です。戦時急造計画であるマル急計画により、建造されました。空母機動部隊として運用されることは叶いませんでしたが、呉空襲時の対空戦で、奮闘しました。 
|EN0 =
|Note0 =
|秘書クリック会話① = えっと…滞空戦ですか。
|EN2 = Uhm... An air battle?
|秘書クリック会話② = 何?滞空射撃打ち方はじめ!<br>あら?提督?あ…えっと…
|EN3 = What? Commencing anti-aircraft fire!<br> Ara? Admiral? Um... well...
|秘書クリック会話③ = 提督,天城の格納庫に何か御用でしょうか。<br>艦載機を配備?あ、嬉しいです。
|EN4 = Admiral, what's wrong with Amagi's hangar?<br>Deploying aircraft? Yes, I'm happy.
|編成選択時 = 航空戦隊旗艦天城、出撃します。
|EN6 = Amagi, flagship of the Carrier squadron, sortieing.
|装備時② = 新しい艦載機天城感激です。ありがとうございます。
|EN8 = Amagi is thankful for the new aircraft. Thank you very much.
|装備時③ = 天城が参ります。
|EN9 = Amagi will now going.
|補給時 = 貴重な燃料や艦載機、ありがとうございます。
|EN24 = Thank you, for all these precious fuel and aircraft.
|ドック入り(小破以下) = 深い傷ではないですが…提督、すみません。
|EN10 = It's not a serious wound but... thanks, Admiral.
|ドック入り(中破以上) = もしわけありません。長いお風呂をいただきます。<br>本当にすみません。
|EN11 = I'm sorry. I'm going to take a lot of time in the bath.<br> I'm truly sorry.
|建造時 = 新造艦が就役した模様です。
|EN12 = Looks like a new ship have joined the fleet.
|艦隊帰投時 = 艦隊が無事帰途しました。お疲れ様です。
|EN13 = A fleet have returned. Good work everyone.
|出撃時 = 航空母艦天城、抜錨いたします。
|EN14 = Aircraft Carrier Amagi, sortieing.
|戦闘開始時 = 対空射撃じゃありません。攻撃隊の発艦です。<br>天城航空隊、発艦はじめ、です。
|攻撃時 = 天城航空隊、お…お願いします。
|夜戦開始時 = つ…追撃ですか?そうですか。頑張ります。
|EN17 = What...a pursue attack? Then...I'll do my best.
|MVP時 = 天城が一番…ですか?本当に?<br>ありがとうございます。う…嬉しいぃ。
|EN19 = Amagi is... number one? Really? <br> Thank you very much. I... I'm happy.
|中破 = うわ…やられました。艦載機発着艦不能です。
|EN22 = Uwa... I've been hit. It's impossible to launch plane now.
|撃沈時(反転) = 沈むのに…天城…不思議な気持ちです…今度は精一杯行きました…よね…
|EN23 = Even though... Amagi is sinking... Amagi still have this strange feeling... This time I did my best... right...?
|戦績表示時 = 提督、情報は大切ですね?天城もそう思います。
|EN5 = Report is important, right Admiral? Amagi think so too.
|秘書放置時 = 烈風、まぶしい翼…あっ、自分の艦載機なのに、みとれちゃいました。
|装備時① = 対空火器の、増強でしょうか?
|Clip1 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Introduction.ogg}}
;Update History
|Clip0 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Library.ogg}}
* She was added on the 6th of February 2015 as [[Winter 2015 Event]] E5 reward.
|Clip2 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Secretary_1.ogg}}
|Clip3 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Secretary_2.ogg}}
|Clip4a = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Idle.ogg}}
|Clip25 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Wedding_Line.ogg}}
|Clip26 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Wedding.ogg}}
|Clip5 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Looking_At_Scores.ogg}}
|Clip7 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Equipment_1.ogg}}
|Clip8 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Equipment_2.ogg}}
|Clip9 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Equipment_3.ogg}}
|Clip24 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Supply.ogg}}
|Clip10 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Docking_Minor.ogg}}
|Clip11 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Docking_Major.ogg}}
|Clip14 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg}}
|Clip15 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Battle_Start.ogg}}
|Clip16 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Attack.ogg}}
|Clip17 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Night_Battle.ogg}}
|Clip18 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Night_Attack.ogg}}
|Clip19 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-MVP.ogg}}
|Clip20 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Minor_Damage_1.ogg}}
|Clip21 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Minor_Damage_2.ogg}}
|Clip22 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Major_Damage.ogg}}
|Clip23 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Sunk.ogg}}
|Clip4 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Secretary_3.ogg}}
|Clip6 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg}}
|Clip12 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Construction.ogg}}
|Clip13 = {{Audio|file=Amagi-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg}}
* [[Winter 2015 Event]], E-5 clear reward
* Not to be confused with battleship Amagi (never finished sister ship of [[Akagi]]).
* Initially, she does not possess any planes and does not look combat capable. This is based on her history where her intended air wing was assigned elsewhere and she was moored and extensively camouflaged in Kure before being struck from the navy list.
** When you remodel her, she gains an air wing, indicating her complete status as an aircraft carrier.
* Amagi's non-kai and kai forms have an identical moderate damage portrait (other than her outfit).
** This is thought to represent when she capsized and fell to rest on the sea floor.
** She received updated damaged art for her remodel on 2015/07/31.
* The artist posted facts about Amagi on his Twitter page, as he did with [[Unryuu]].
* The plane capacity is the same as [[Unryuu]], and even comes with the 3 named planes.
** The only difference from [[Unryuu]] is her last slot. [[Unryuu]] is equipped with [[Saiun]] but Amagi has a [[12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher]].
* When you remodel Amagi, her outfit completely changes to look similar to the other {{Class|Unryuu}} designs.
** This change is comparable to [[Ro-500]], which caused many admirals confusion with the dramatic change in outfit.
* Also similar to [[Unryuu]], Amagi's flight deck takes the shape of a shrine banner. However, Amagi's has a Shinto music bell, unlike [[Unryuu]]'s, which gas a crosier as the handle. It is assumed in Amagi's non-kai form she keeps her Shinto music bell in the bag behind her.
* Amagi was the last Aircraft Carrier to be in the 1st Carrier Fleet. She was the first one introduced in the game to be proud of being part of the New 1st Carrier Fleet.
==See Also==
==See Also==
* [[{{PAGENAMEE}}/Gallery|View  {{PAGENAMEE}} CG]]
* [[wikipedia:Japanese_aircraft_carrier_Amagi|Wikipedia entry on Amagi]]
* [[EliteCV|List of Standard Carriers]]
* [[wikipedia:Japanese_aircraft_carrier_Amagi|Wikipedia entry on {{PAGENAMEE}}]]
[[Category:Unryuu Class]]
[[Category:Standard Carriers]]
[[Category:World War II Survivors]]

Latest revision as of 18:40, 19 November 2023


Ship Card Amagi.png
Ship Card Amagi Damaged.png
Ship Banner Amagi.png
Ship Banner Amagi Damaged.png
天城 (あまぎ) Amagi
Unryuu Class Standard Aircraft Carrier

HP HP4854FP Firepower0→25
ARM Armor26→51TORPTorpedo0
EVA Evasion33→59AA Anti-Air27→72
PLA Aircraft51ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare0
SPD SpeedFastLOS Line of Sight38→74
RGE RangeShortLUK Luck13→59
1825mm Triple Autocannon Mount
2412.7cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount
ModernizationFirepower 0 Torpedo 0 Anti-Air 3 Armor 3
Build Time3:30 (Unbuildable)Remodel Req
ConsumptionFuel 50 Ammo 45DismantleFuel 7 Ammo 9 Steel 26 Bauxite 5
IllustratorKuu Ro KuroSeiyuuHorie Yui
Ship Card Amagi Kai.png
Ship Card Amagi Kai Damaged.png
Ship Banner Amagi Kai.png
Ship Banner Amagi Kai Damaged.png
天城 (あまぎかい) Amagi Kai
Unryuu Class Standard Aircraft Carrier

HP HP6067FP Firepower0→45
ARM Armor35→76TORPTorpedo0
EVA Evasion36→73AA Anti-Air33→79
PLA Aircraft69ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare0
SPD SpeedFastLOS Line of Sight46→80
RGE RangeShortLUK Luck17→69
18Zero Fighter Model 52C (601 Air Group)
21Suisei (601 Air Group)
27Tenzan (601 Air Group)
312cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher
ModernizationFirepower 0 Torpedo 0 Anti-Air 4 Armor 3
Remodel Level50Remodel ReqAmmo 1000 Steel 750 Blueprint 1
ConsumptionFuel 50 Ammo 55DismantleFuel 7 Ammo 13 Steel 30 Bauxite 10
IllustratorKuu Ro KuroSeiyuuHorie Yui

Gameplay Notes

Standard Aircraft Carriers (CV) notably utilize Dive Bomber Dive Bombers, Torpedo Bomber Torpedo Bombers, Fighter Fighters, required to take part in both Aerial Combat and regular Combat, with their "plane slot" Aircraft stat being the most important. They:

  • Must equip Dive Bomber/Torpedo Bomber bombers to be able to carry any attack.
  • Cannot attack during Night Battle without the right equipment.

Special Mechanics

  • None

Stats Exceptions

Equipability Exceptions

CV Default equipment compatibility
✔️ Can Equip ❌ Cannot Equip
Fighter Dive Bomber Torpedo Bomber Reconnaissance Aircraft Aviation Personnel TransportationMaterial.png JetFighterBomber2.png Large Reconnaissance AircraftSp Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon Seaplane BomberBomber Seaplane Fighter Large Flying Boat Rotorcraft Liaison Aircraft
Secondary Gun Large Secondary High-angle GunSp_Sec Anti-Aircraft Gun Anti-Aircraft Fire Director Large SONARLarge Small RADARSmall Large RADARLarge Small Caliber Main Gun Medium Caliber Main Gun Large Caliber Main Gun Very Large Caliber Main GunSp Torpedoes Submarine TorpedoesSub Midget SubmarineMinisub Depth Charges Small SONARSmall Very Large RADARSp Submarine Equipment
Engine Improvement Large ArmorLarge Emergency Repair Personnel Command Facility Ration Anti-Aircraft Shell Armor-Piercing Shell Medium ArmorMedium Star Shell Icon.png Small SearchlightSmall Large SearchlightLarge Lookout Drum Canister Landing Craft Amphibious Vehicle Landing Forces Anti-Ground Rocket Facility.png Smoke Generator Supplies
RE: Anti-Aircraft Gun Anti-Aircraft Fire Director Large ArmorLarge Emergency Repair Personnel Ration Equipment Card Improved Kanhon Type Turbine.png Equipment Card Skilled Deck Personnel.png Equipment Card Skilled Deck Personnel + Aviation Maintenance Hands.png
Notes: Night Fighter=Fighter ; Night Torpedo Bomber=Torpedo Bomber ; Night Dive Bomber=Dive Bomber ; JetFighterBomber1.png=JetFighterBomber2.png ; Night Reconnaissance Seaplane =Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon ; Night Seaplane Bomber =Seaplane BomberBomber ; Small Caliber Main High-angle GunSmall=Small Caliber Main Gun ; Medium Main Caliber High-angle GunMedium=Medium Caliber Main Gun ; Secondary High-angle GunSec=Secondary Gun ; Barrage Balloon=Smoke Generator
  • Default CV equipment compatibility

Fit Bonuses

[edit]Amagi Equipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine Warfare Line of Sight Armor Accuracy Evasion Note
Ship-Type Bonuses
FighterType 0 Fighter Model 64 (Air Superiority Fighter Specification)Type 0 Fighter Model 64 (Air Superiority Fighter Specification) (★6-7) +1 +1
(★8-9) +1 +1 +2
(★MAX) +1 +1 +2 +2
Dive BomberType 0 Fighter Model 64 (Two-seat w/ KMX)Type 0 Fighter Model 64 (Two-seat w/ KMX) (★2-3) +1
(★4-5) +1 +1
(★6-7) +1 +1 +1
(★8-9) +1 +1 +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +2 +1
Dive BomberType 0 Fighter Model 64 (Skilled Fighter-bomber)Type 0 Fighter Model 64 (Skilled Fighter-bomber) (★6-7) +1 +1
(★8-9) +1 +1 +1 +1
(★MAX) +2 +1 +2 +1
Torpedo BomberBarracuda Mk.IIBarracuda Mk.II (★MAX) +1
Torpedo BomberBarracuda Mk.IIIBarracuda Mk.III (★7) +1
(★8) +1 +1
(★9) +1 +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +2
Torpedo BomberType 97 Torpedo Bomber Kai (Northeastern Air Group)Type 97 Torpedo Bomber Kai (Northeastern Air Group) (★2-3) +1
(★4-5) +1 +1
(★6-7) +1 +1 +1
(★8-9) +2 +1 +1
(★MAX) +2 +1 +2
+ Arctic Gear & Deck PersonnelArctic Gear & Deck Personnel +3 +3 +2 +1
Reconnaissance AircraftAny Carrier Recon (1st equipped) (★2-3) +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★4-5) +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★6-9) +1 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +2 +3 One-time
RADARPassive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model)Passive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model) (1st equipped) (★7) +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8) +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★9) +1 +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +1 +2 +1 One-time
+ ★4+ Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model)Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model) +1 +4 +1 +3 One-time
Anti-Aircraft Gun2cm Flakvierling 382cm Flakvierling 38 (★4-6) +1 +1
(★7-9) +1 +2 +1
(★MAX) +1 +3 +2
(★4-MAX) + Air Radar +1 One-time
Anti-Aircraft Gun3.7cm FlaK M423.7cm FlaK M42 (★6-7) +1 +1
(★8-9) +1 +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +1 +2
(★6-MAX) + Air Radar +2 One-time
Command FacilityFleet Communication AntennaFleet Communication Antenna (★4) +1
(★5) +1 +1
(★6) +1 +1 +1
(★7) +1 +2 +1
(★8) +2 +2 +1
(★9) +2 +2 +2
(★MAX) +2 +3 +2
Aviation PersonnelNight Operation Aviation PersonnelNight Operation Aviation Personnel (★2-MAX) +1 +1
Aviation PersonnelSkilled Deck Personnel + Aviation Maintenance HandsSkilled Deck Personnel + Aviation Maintenance Hands (1st equipped) (★1) +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★2) +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★3) +1 +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★4) +1 +1 +1 Dive Bomber Attack+1, One-time
(1st equipped) (★5) +1 +1 +1 +1 Dive Bomber Attack+1, One-time
(1st equipped) (★6) +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Dive Bomber Attack+1, One-time
(1st equipped) (★7) +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 Dive Bomber Attack+1, One-time
(1st equipped) (★8) +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 Dive Bomber Attack+1, One-time
(1st equipped) (★9) +2 +1 +1 +2 +2 Dive Bomber Attack+1, One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +3 +1 +1 +2 +2 Dive Bomber Attack+1, One-time
SONARType 0 Passive SonarType 0 Passive Sonar (1st equipped) (★3-4) +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★5-6) +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★7) +1 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8) +2 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★9) +2 +1 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +3 +1 +2 One-time

Drop Locations

ShipRarityTypeNo.World 1World 2World 3World 7World 4World 5World 6Remarks

Voice Lines


Event Japanese/English
I'm the Unryuu-class aircraft carrier, Amagi. Pleased to make your acquaintance Admiral. I'll devote myself to you.
I'm the Unryuu-class aircraft carrier, Amagi! Admiral! This time I'll play an active role![1]
I'm the 2nd ship of the Unryuu-class aircraft carriers, Amagi.

I was built under the Rapid Naval Armaments Supplement Programme aka the Maru Kyuu Plan.[2] I wasn't able to serve in a carrier task force, but I fought hard in the Kure Air Raid.[3]


戦時急造計画であるマル急計画により、建造されました。 空母機動部隊として運用されることは叶いませんでしたが、呉空襲時の対空戦で奮闘しました。

Secretary 1
Ummm... anti-air combat?
Secretary 1
Yes! Amagi! Setting off!
Secretary 2
What? Commencing... anti-air fire! Oh... Admiral? Ah, ummm...
Secretary 3
What do you want to do with my hangar Admiral? Deploying some carrier-based planes? Wow! I'm happy!
Secretary 3
What do you want to do with my hangar, Admiral? Checking the condition of the new carrier-based planes... Really?
Secretary Idle
Hakodate... What is this? It sounds... so nostalgic. Ah, Admiral! Did you call me? I'll do my very best![4]
函館・・・なんでだろう?懐かしい響・・・気のせいですね あっ提督!お呼びでしょうか?天城精一杯頑張りますね!
Secretary (Married)
Thank you for your usual hard work, Admiral. I'll be standing by here so please call me if you have any orders.
Secretary (Married)
For giving me lovely carrier-based planes... and for letting me serve as a fleet carrier... thank you so very much, Admiral! ...I'm very grateful...
提督、天城に素敵な艦載機を…そして、主力航空母艦として運用してくれて…本当に、ありがとうございます! …感謝でいっぱいです…
Did you call me Admiral? Eh? Is this for me... I accept, Admiral. Ah, thank you very much. I'll treasure it forever.
Player's Score
Admiral? Intelligence is important huh! I think so too.
Joining the Fleet
Carrier Division! Amagi! Sortieing!
Joining the Fleet
Reformed 1st Carrier Division! Amagi! Sortieing![5]
Equipment 1
Are you increasing the number of my anti-air guns?
Equipment 2
New planes...! I'm thankful! Thank you very much!
Equipment 3[6]
I've arrived!
Thank you very much... for the precious fuel and carrier planes!
Docking (Minor Damage)
It's not a deep wound... Sorry... Admiral.
Docking (Major Damage)
I'm sorry... I'll be heading for a long bath... I'm really... sorry.
It seems that a new ship has been commissioned.
Returning from Sortie
The fleet has returned safely to port. Thanks for your hard work.
Starting a Sortie
Aircraft carrier Amagi! Setting sail!
Starting a Battle
This isn't anti-air defense! The attack squadrons are to launch! Amagi Attack Squadrons, begin takeoff!
Starting a Battle
601 Squadron, begin takeoff! Now, let's get started!
Amagi attack squadrons, I... I'm counting on you!
Air Battle
Reppu... what dazzling wings... Ah, I was charmed by my own carrier planes!
Night Battle
We... we're pursuing? I see. I'll do my best.
I'm number one...? Really? Ah... thank you very much. I'm happy...
Whoo... I'm... glad I could increase my achievements! When there's a will there's a way!
Minor Damage 1
I'm hit!? Start damage control!
Minor Damage 2
Control the flooding! I-I'm fine![7]
Major Damage
Ugh... They got me... I can't... launch planes now...
I'm sinking... what... a strange feeling... This time... I gave it my best... right...
  1. Historically, she was never deployed.
  2. Specifically, she was built under the modified Maru Kyuu Plan.
  3. She was meant to be part of CarDiv1 with her sister Unryuu but she was rendered inoperable during the Bombing of Kure before she could be deployed.
  4. She was scrapped at Hakodate Docks.
  5. She was supposed to have been made the flagship of the CarDiv1 in December 1944 but she was sunk before then.
  6. This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
  7. She was capsized by uncontrolled flooding when a bomb penetrated her flight deck.


Time Japanese/English
Admiral! It's a new day now! I'll be doing the time announcements today! Yes! I'll be fine! I'll do my best!
It's now 0100. The fleet at night... is quiet right, Admiral?
It's 0200. It's the Hour of the Ox... right Admiral. Am I scared? No, not... at all... ? ...Ad, admiral? Where are... Hyaaaaah!?[1]
マルフタマルマルです。丑三つ時…ですね、提督。少し、怖いかって? いえ、ぜんぜん…もんだい…な…く? …て、提督? どこ………ひゃぁっ!?
It's 0300. Ummm, Admiral... I'd like it if you stopped with the pranks. I was really startled... I, I wasn't scared though...
It's now 0400. You get really sleepy at this time right, Admiral? ...Ehe, I'm doing my best!
マルヨンマルマルとなりました。提督、この時間はとても眠いですね? ぇへ、頑張ります!
It's 0500. Dawn is here. It's almost time to assemble everyone right?
0600. Fleet, all hands assemble!! It's morning! Let's do our best today too!
マルロクマルマル。艦隊、総員起こし! 朝です! 本日も一日、頑張りましょう!
It's 0700. I'm sorry it's so simple but breakfast is ready, Admiral! First, today's miso soup stock is...
マルナナマルマルです。提督、簡単で申し訳ないですが、朝餉の準備、こちらにどうぞ! まず、今日のお味噌汁のお出汁は…
It's 0800. Did my breakfast suit your tastes, Admiral? Ah, thank goodness♪ I'll tidy up now alright? Fufu, thank goodness♪...
マルハチマルマルです。提督、天城の朝餉、お口に会いましたでしょうか? あ、よかった♪ 片付けますね? ふふ、よかった♪…
It's now 0900. It's almost time to sortie the fleet, Admiral. Who will be the members of the main fleet?
It's 1000. That's right, I'm really happy I'm finally able to carry planes! Planes are great aren't they?
ヒトマルマルマルです。そうですね、私も艦載機を搭載できて、ほんとうに嬉しいです! いいものですね、艦載機。
It's 1100. Shall I begin preparations for lunch soon? What do you want to eat, Admiral? I wonder what I should make...
ヒトヒトマルマルです。そろそろ昼餉の準備をいたしますね? 提督、何か食べたいものはありますか? 何にしようかしら?
1200, it's noon! It's a Japanese-style curry for lunch, Admiral. He's a full bowl for you♪ There's seconds too you know?[2]
ヒトフタマルマル、正午です! 提督、お昼は和風カレーにしてみました。丼いっぱいで召し上がれっ♪ おかわりもありますよ?
It's 1300. How was the Japanese-style curry? It's definitely the dashi! Also using potato starch as a thickener is a key point! Ufufu♪[3]
ヒトサンマルマルです。和風のカレーもいいでしょう? やはりお出汁! そして片栗粉のとろみもポイントなんです! うふふ♪
It's now 1400. Ah, Unryuu-neesama! How are you? You've been looking more beautiful these days... I want to be like you too!
ヒトヨンマルマルとなりました。あ、雲龍姉様! 調子はいかがですか? 姉様、最近とっても綺麗…天城も見習います!
It's 1500. Would you like something sweet, Admiral? I asked Mamiya-san to make us some kuzumochi! Let's eat it together♪[4]
ヒトゴーマルマルです。提督、甘いモノでもいかがですか? 間宮さんにお願いして、葛餅をいただいてきました! ご一緒に♪
It's 1600. If I train hard enough, can I be like Hiryuu-san and Souryuu-san Admiral? Eh, really? I'll do my best![5]
ヒトロクマルマルです。提督、私も鍛錬すれば、飛龍さんや蒼龍さんのようになれますか? え、本当? 天城、頑張ります!
It's 1900. Admiral, the sunset is beautiful right? Eh, me too... Oh you, what are you saying♪ ...Ah, time to go back? That's right...[6]
ヒトナナマルマルです。提督、夕焼けが綺麗ですね? え、天城もって…やだ、なに言って♪ …あ、戻ろうって? そうですね…
It's now 1800. Admiral, I'll begin preparations for dinner alright? I'll show you my skills! Please wait a moment!
ヒトハチマルマルとなりました。提督、天城、夕餉の支度に入りますね? 天城、腕を奮います! 少しお待ちくださいませ!
It's 1900. I made Western food for dinner. It's a cutlet! Now, eat up♪ I made corn soup too♪
ヒトキュウマルマルです。夕餉は洋食にしてみました。カツレツです! さ、召し上がれ♪ コーンスープも用意致しました♪
It's 2000. Eh, is cutlet is different from tonkatsu? Eh, what's the difference? Well... first it's...[7]
フタマルマルマルです。え、カツレツはとんかつとは違いますよ? え、どう違うかですって? それはですね…まずそもそも…
It's 2100, Admiral. That's right, our sister Katsuragi? Yes, I believe we'll meet again. I want to form a carrier division with her.[8]
フタヒトマルマルです、提督。そうですね、妹の葛城ですか? はい、再び会えると信じています。航空戦隊を組みたいですね。
It's now 2200. The night is quiet... or not. Shall I go and ask them to keep it down?
It's 2300. Thank you so much for your hard work everyday, Admiral. Please get a good night's sleep alright?
  1. 丑三つ時 (ushimitsudoki) is the period between 2:00am to 2:30am under the ancient Japanese time-telling system, and is referred to as "the dead of the night."
  2. The term she uses specifically means 'rice with toppings on top'.
  3. 'Dashi' is a stock made from dried bonito tuna and konbu seaweed.
  4. Kuzumochi are mochi made from arrowroot starch.
  5. The Unryuu-class were based off the design of Hiryuu.
  6. Saying she's as beautiful as the sunset.
  7. Cutlet was originally breaded, deep-fried beef while tonkatsu is pork.
  8. Katsuragi was also supposed to be in CarDiv1.


Ship Japanese/English Notes
2nd Anniversary
Admiral! Today is a special day! I’m honored to be by your side! Ufufu~ I’m happy.
Christmas 2015
Merry Christmas, Admiral! The night view of Hakodate and Kure is definitely beautiful!
New Year 2016
Happy New Year, Admiral. It’s an honor to be able to be by your side for another year!




General Information
  • She is named after Mount Amagi.
  • She was launched on the 15th of October 1943.
  • Capsized after air attacks, on the 29th of July 1945, scrapped 1946–1947.
Update History
  • Not to be confused with battleship Amagi (never finished sister ship of Akagi).
  • Initially, she does not possess any planes and does not look combat capable. This is based on her history where her intended air wing was assigned elsewhere and she was moored and extensively camouflaged in Kure before being struck from the navy list.
    • When you remodel her, she gains an air wing, indicating her complete status as an aircraft carrier.
  • Amagi's non-kai and kai forms have an identical moderate damage portrait (other than her outfit).
    • This is thought to represent when she capsized and fell to rest on the sea floor.
    • She received updated damaged art for her remodel on 2015/07/31.
  • The artist posted facts about Amagi on his Twitter page, as he did with Unryuu.
  • The plane capacity is the same as Unryuu, and even comes with the 3 named planes.
  • When you remodel Amagi, her outfit completely changes to look similar to the other Unryuu-class designs.
    • This change is comparable to Ro-500, which caused many admirals confusion with the dramatic change in outfit.
  • Also similar to Unryuu, Amagi's flight deck takes the shape of a shrine banner. However, Amagi's has a Shinto music bell, unlike Unryuu's, which gas a crosier as the handle. It is assumed in Amagi's non-kai form she keeps her Shinto music bell in the bag behind her.
  • Amagi was the last Aircraft Carrier to be in the 1st Carrier Fleet. She was the first one introduced in the game to be proud of being part of the New 1st Carrier Fleet.

See Also