00:00 Play
It's midnight. A new day has started. Today I, Fuyutsuki, will be your adjutant. There'll be no problems.
01:00 Play
0100. All the paperwork has already been done. Yes, it's because Suzutsuki lent me a hand. She's surprisingly quick with this work. She was a big help.
02:00 Play
0200. Suzu brought us some pumpkin youkan to snack on.[1] Shall I slice it? I'll make some tea. Are you fine with houji-cha?[2] Alright.
03:00 Play
0300. Admiral, here's your tea. It's houji-cha. And this is the pumpkin youkan Suzu is so proud of. It's sweet... and really hits the spot. Yes, the tea is good.
04:00 Play
0400. Do you want to take a short break? Admiral, you should take a nap. Yes, I'll be fine alone.
05:00 Play
0500. Hmm, is it morning? ...Alright. Admiral, good morning. Wake up. Let's get ready to start the day.
06:00 Play
0600. Fleet, all hands assemble! It's morning! Get up! Alright. Let's work hard today.
07:00 Play
0700. Breakfast is ready. We have barley rice, Suzu's pumpkin miso soup, stewed daikon and pickled daikon. Go on, eat up. Thank you for the food.
08:00 Play
0800. Ah, Suzu, good morning. You want to help with the dishes? Ah, yeah. Thanks. You're a big help.
09:00 Play
0900. Admiral, cleaning up after breakfast went quickly thanks to Suzutsuki's help. I'm grateful for that. Now, DesDiv41, let's head out to sea.
10:00 Play
1000. Admiral, before we head out on a sortie, let's do exercises to start with. Increasing our skills is the most basic requirement. We shouldn't slack off.
11:00 Play
1100. Great, the exercises went well. Admiral, Suzu, let's begin the sortie. DesDiv41, sortie!
12:00 Play
1200. It's lunchtime. I brought rice balls. They're just plain salt but these taste the best when at sea. Oh, Suzu, you brought some pickled pumpkin? Thanks. Mmm, it's good.
13:00 Play
1300. If you don't get some exercise after a meal, you'll gain an excess bulge and slow down.
14:00 Play
140... Oh, Ooyodo? Good work. My bow? Yes, I'm fine. This one is more refined. [3]
15:00 Play
1500. Admiral, what's the matter? Yes, I'm so happy that I get to cruise the oceans with Suzu... I mean, Suzutsuki again. I'm just so moved...
16:00 Play
1600. Oh, it's Yahagi. Yes, I'll be fighting with your DesRon2[4] again... Yes, I'm ready. Let's go!
17:00 Play
1700. Admiral, the sun... is setting. Whether I'm at Wakamatsu Port or at sea, the sunset always feels lonely.[5]
18:00 Play
1800. Alright, I need to get dinner ready. Admiral, what would you like today?
19:00 Play
19... Oh, Yukikaze. What's up? What's in that pot? You brought some curry for us? A Saturday curry? Well, I guess we don't have to have it on Saturday. Shall we eat now?
20:00 Play
2000. Curry is great no matter the occasion. The vegetables were fresh too. Admiral, would you like more? We still have plenty. Ah! Yukikaze, don't spill it! Where did you learn to eat like that? Sheesh.
21:00 Play
2100. Hmm? Who's visiting at this time of night? Oh, Suzu, what brings you here? You brought us pumpkin youkan? Thank you. Come in. You don't mind, Admiral, do you?
22:00 Play
2200. Admiral, Suzutsuki made some tea. Mmm, it smells good. Suzu, good job.
23:00 Play
2300. Suzu, thank you. You were a great help. Thanks for that. See you tomorrow.