00:00 Play
The date has changed. Today I, the Brooklyn-class name ship Brooklyn, will be your secretary! If you have a problem... Ah, really? OK.
日付が変わったわ。今日はあたし、Brooklyn級name ship, Brooklynが秘書艦よ!文句は……あぁ、そう?OK.
01:00 Play
1 o'clock now. Yaaawn, I'm sleepy...
1 o'clock now. ふあぁ、眠い…
02:00 Play
2 o'clock now. Lack of sleep is bad for your skin. Admiral, aren't you sleepy? Why?
2 o'clock now. 寝不足はお肌に悪いの。提督眠くないの? Why?
03:00 Play
3...o'clock...now... Huff...I'm...sleepy...
04:00 Play
Hoo...Haa... 4...o'clock...now... Hff hff... Ngh... Admiral, you can't... You can't do that... alright?
05:00 Play
Hoo...Haa... What... the defeat... was... Wha?! What?! Admiral, did I fall asleep?! Really? Oh no! Ah, coffee? Thanks... Fwoo... Siiiip...
ふわぁ…はぁ…ん、にゃにさ…敗北は……な……ふえぇ?!な?!提督、あたし寝てた!?Really? ヤバ!あぁ、coffee? Thanks…ふぅ…しちち…
06:00 Play
6 o'clock now! Good morning, everybody!
6 o'clock now! Good morning, everybody!
07:00 Play
7 o'clock now. You gotta have this in the morning! It's my special bagel sandwich! It's stuffed with salmon and cream cheese! Have some fruits too.
7 o'clock now. Morningはこれで決まり!Brooklyn特性bagelサンド! Salmonにcream cheeseもたっぷり!Fruitsもどうぞ。
08:00 Play
8 o'clock now. How was my bagel? Having a bagel and coffee in the morning is great! I start everyday with that.
8 o'clock now. いいでしょう?Brooklynのbagel! 朝はこれと熱いcoffeeが最高!一日が始まるわ。
09:00 Play
9 o'clock now. Now, where are we going today? England? France? North Africa? Or perhaps... submarine rescue? ...Huh? Convoy escorts?
9 o'clock now. さあ、今日はどこに行く?イギリス?フランス?北アフリカ?それとも…潜水艦救助?…えぇ?船団護衛?
10:00 Play
10 o'clock now. The Atlantic? That's fine. I don't mind. Escorting convoys is important. It doesn't matter.
10 o'clock now. 大西洋?いいわよ、別に。船団護衛は大切だわ。It doesn't matter.
11:00 Play
11 o'clock now. Yeah, we need to watch out for enemy aircraft and submarines. Never know when they'll attack.
11 o'clock now. そうよ。敵航空機や潜水艦には気をつけないと。いつだってね。
12:00 Play
Alright, Admiral! It's noon now! It's lunchtime! You're fine with a simple hot dog for lunch, right? Yup, I thought so. I made some delicious salsa sauce! Want some on yours?
さあ、提督!お昼お昼!Lunchtime! お昼は、簡単にhot dogでいい?うん、いいよね。美味しいsalsa sauce作ったんだ!かけていいよね?
13:00 Play
1 o'clock now. Admiral, you can still fit more, can't you? What... about this? Ta-dah! It's a New York cheesecake!
1 o'clock now. 提督、まーだ入りよね〜?これ…どう?じゃーん!New York cheesecake!
14:00 Play
2 o'clock now. Well? You just can't stop eating this cheesecake, right? It goes really well with fruits too! We have to burn it off now.
2 o'clock now. ねえ?このcheesecakeいくらでも入っちゃうでしょう?Fruitsとも合うだよね?食ったら運動しなきゃ。
15:00 Play
3 o'clock now. Well then, shall we keep working hard in the afternoon? Are we doing a convoy escort? Landing support? Submarine relief? We're doing submarine relief support huh? Alright. Just leave it to me!
3 o'clock now. さあ、午後も働こうか?船団護衛?上陸支援?潜水艦救助?潜水艦救助支援か?任せて。Just leave it to me!
16:00 Play
4 o'clock now. The Squalus accident was a tragedy, but every man did their duty! Rescue work is an important mission too!
4 o'clock now. Squalusの救難作業の支援、悲しい事故だったけど、全員が頑張った!救難も大事なmission!
17:00 Play
5 o'clock now. Admiral, the sun is setting. The sunsets in the Atlantic and Mediterranean are beautiful too. Would you like to come see them with me sometime?
5 o'clock now. 提督、夕日が落ちるよ。大西洋や地中海の夕日もそれはきれいだよ。今度一緒に行って見る?
18:00 Play
6 o'clock now. Now then, what are we having for dinner? Oh, I know! How about some pizza? I'll put tons of artichokes on it! I'm actually pretty good at making pizza. Want me to bake some?
6 o'clock now. さあ、今晩はどうしようか?あぁ、そうだ!Pizzaはどうかな?Artichokeいっぱい入れるさ!あたし、意外と得意なんだよ。焼いてみようか?
19:00 Play
7 o'clock now. There, it's done! My special artichoke pizza! Try some. It goes perfectly with beer!
7 o'clock now. さあ、焼き上がったよ!Brooklyn特製artichoke pizza! 食べてみてよ。Beerともぴったり!
20:00 Play
8 o'clock now. Yeah. Want to get Massachusetts and Ranger here for a party? Sounds good.
8 o'clock now. そうだね。今度はMassachusettsやRangerも呼んで、partyして見る?いいかも。
21:00 Play
9 o'clock now. How about another beer, Admiral? It's ice cold!
9 o'clock now. さあ、提督、beerも一本行くよね?冷えてるよ!
22:00 Play
10 o'clock now. Pheeew, I'm stuffed. Now then, shall we clean up and go to bed? Admiral, gimme a hand.
10 o'clock now. ふわぁ〜、食べたなんだ。さあ、片付けて寝っちゃうっか?提督、手伝って。
23:00 Play
11 o'clock now. Admiral, good work today. Let's get some shut eye. Good night.
11 o'clock now. 提督、今日もお疲れ。ちょっと寝ようよ。Good night.