00:00 Play
Hi! I'm the immortal bird Phoenix, and today I'm going to be your part-ner! Watcha think? Like it? H-Hey! Don't get angry!
Hi! この不死鳥のPhoenix様が、今日は提督のお相手しちゃうよ!嬉しい?なぁ、嬉しい?な、なんだよ!怒んなよ!
01:00 Play
It's 1! Huh? I'm telling you, I'm the immortal bird Phoenix! That was just a destroyer! No way I'm that small!
It's 1! ん?だから言ってんじゃん!不死鳥のPhoenixさんはあたしなの!あっちは駆逐艦じゃん!ちっこすぎるっしょが!
02:00 Play
It's 2! Well, whatever. Hm? Yeah. After the end of the Pacific War, I joined the Atlantic Fleet. And after that, Argentina.
It's 2! まあいいや!はっ?そうだよ!あたし、太平洋の戦いが終わった後、大西洋艦隊に!そんでもって、次はアルゼンチンよ!
03:00 Play
It's 3! What? You wanna hear the rest of the story? I lived a long life, and in active duty at that! Yup, that meant fighting in modern warfare! Seriously!
It's 3! なに?その辺の話聞きたいの?あたしはすんげぇ長生きよ!しかも現役で!だってあった、あたし近代戦も戦ってんだから!マジで!
04:00 Play
It's 4! That's right, turns out few ships in the modern era have proper armor like I do! It'll take more than a missile to stop me! Eh? Torpedoes? Submarine torpedoes? No, seriously, those are uh...
It's 4! そうさ、逆に近代戦でこんなマジ装甲持ってる奴、あんまいないんだから!ミサイル一発じゃ!え、魚雷?潜水艦の?いや、マジ、そういうの…
05:00 Play
It's 5! Ugh, that's it, no more Falkland talk! War is... an awful thing, always. Look, we talked about these old stories so long the sun's up. Come on, it's dawn!
It's 5. うぇ、Falklandの話はやめ、やめ!戦争は…嫌なもんさ、いつだって。昔話をしていたら、空が明るくなってきたぜ。ほら、夜明けだ!
06:00 Play
It's 6! It's morning, a new morning! Good morning! Get up, everyone! Good morning, Admiral! It's a new day! Let's do our best!
It's 6! 朝だ!新しい朝さ!Good morning! 皆、起きろ!提督、おはよう!新しい今日さ!さっ、頑張ろうか!
07:00 Play
It's 7! Huh? Breakfast? Me? Aw man, what a pain. What's that, Admiral? You'll cook instead? Heh, my bad! Turns out you're pretty nice!
It's 7! はっ?朝飯?あたしが?いやぁ、面倒だなーって。なんだよ提督!作ってくれんの?えへ、悪いねー!なんだか優しいじゃんかさ!
08:00 Play
It's 8! What's this? Barley rice with miso soup? Dried mackerel and pickled radish? And this is... "natto"? Why're you bringing out all this weird stuff? They're good? Really?
It's 8! なにこれ?麦飯に味噌汁?アジの開きにたくあん?で、これは?納豆?けったいなもん出すなよ!うまいんか?マジで?
09:00 Play
It's 9! Wait a minute! This "natto", it's actually pretty good if you mix it with egg and throw it on the barley rice! Amazing! What the heck? Get some more!
It's 9! ちょ、待てよ!この納豆!卵入れて混ぜて、麦飯にのせたらマジうまいんだけど!Amazing! なんじゃこりゃ!もっとくれ!
10:00 Play
It's 10! Oh no! Admiral, your breakfast is seriously amazing! I ate so much, I'm gonna gain some bulge if I don't work out a little! I'm going out to the sea!
It's 10! やばい!提督の出す朝飯がマジamazingで、食いすぎたわー。こいつは少し運動しないとマジバルジっちまう!海に出るわ!
11:00 Play
It's 11! Mmm, the sea looks nice! Look, are we gonna do exercises? Or head straight to patrols? Come on, Admiral, hurry up!
It's 11! うーん、海はいいね!さっ、演習でもすっか?それとも哨戒に出るか?さっ、早く早く!提督!
12:00 Play
It's lunchtime! Time to feast! I got these from big sis! Here, your hot dog! Nothing better for squeezing a quick lunch in! Oh, want some mustard?
It's lunchtime! さあ、めしめしー!姉貴から預かってんだ!ほいっ!Hot dog! 昼は手早くこれで決まりさ!あ、マスタードいる?
13:00 Play
It's 1! Ah, I'm so full! Wait wait wait! That formation... two battleships, one cruiser, and four DDs? That... that must be, the Nishimura fleet!
It's 1! はっ、食った食った!ややや!あの艦列は!戦艦二、cruiser 一、DD four! あれは…あれは!西村fleet!
14:00 Play
It's 2! Uh, I wonder how I should... normally, I guess! Hi, Yamashiro! H-How are you? Oh, uh, I... w-what's with that look!? Don't glare at me like that!
It's 2! うぅ、どうだろうなぁ…まっ、ままよ!Hi, 山城! げ、元気か? おっ、あっ、にぃ…な、なんだよ、その目は!睨むなって!
15:00 Play
It's 3! Man, Asagumo was giving me a crazy look too. And they were such a rush. Woh, one of the DDs came back. W-What? You wanna go? You're... Shigure?
It's 3! いや、朝雲もすっげえ顔で見てたな。ふぅ、変な焦ってた。わっ、DDが一隻、戻ってきた。な、なんだ、やるんか?お前は、時雨!?
16:00 Play
It's 4! Shigure! Huh? They all get it, so don't mind them? You... no, I'm fine too! By the way, sorry to change the topic, but you're amazing! It's like you kept escaping death over and over and somehow came out unscathed every time! Eh? You sank too? No way! Seriously? Well, the truth is, I also... Shigure, would you hear me out?
It's 4! 時雨!ん?皆分かってる、気にしないでって?お前…いや、あたしも!てか、話変わるけど、お前すっごいよな!何度も何度も死線潜って、いつの間にか生き残ってさ!え?お前も沈んだの?うっそだろ!マジで?いや、実はあたしもさ…時雨、聞いてくれよ!
17:00 Play
It's 5! Whew. Everyone means well, huh. I... I'm tearing up. Why is that? Ah, the sunset... it's just, so beautiful... brings a tear to my eye. Hehe.
It's 5! ふぇ。皆、結局はいい奴…だな。なんか、なんか、泣けてくるなー。なんでだろう?あ、夕日が。なんか、綺麗でさ、目にしみるなー。えひひ。
18:00 Play
It's 6! All those nerves and tears managed to get me seriously hungry! What're we doing for dinner?
It's 6! なんかさ、緊張したり泣けてきたりしたら、マジお腹減ったな!夜はどうすんべか?
19:00 Play
It's 7! Then, I'll try and make something new! Don't mind Mexican-style, do you? Just you wait and see!
It's 7! じゃ、あたしがちょっと珍しい料理作ってあげましょう!メキシコ風だけど、いいよね!待っててみそー!
20:00 Play
It's 8! Tada! Chimichangas! What do you think? Load it up with guacamole and sour cream then dig in! How is it? Not bad, right?
It's 8! じゃじゃーん!どうだ?Chimichangaだよ!Guacamoleとsour creamも乗っけて、召し上がれ!どうや!いけるっしょ!
21:00 Play
It's 9! How was my pride and joy dinner? A bit heavy? Pft, as if! Come on, just wash it down with this tequila! Tequila!
It's 9! Phoenix自慢の夕飯、どうだった?ちょっち重い?んなことねーよ!ほら、このtequilaで流し込んじゃえ!Tequila!
22:00 Play
It's 10! Huh, who now? Wha? Helena? What have you got to do with her, Ranger? Oh screw it. Right, Admiral? Let's just all drink! Tequila!
It's 10! ありゃ、誰だよ!うぁ?このるるにHelena!Rangerお前は関係ねーじゃん!まっ、いっか、提督!じゃあ、皆も飲むべ!Tequila!
23:00 Play
It's 11! Things managed to get pretty lively tonight. Well, that's not a bad thing. Feels less lonely, you know! Let's get to bed then! Good night!
It's 11! なんだか、最後は賑やかな夜だったね。まっ、賑やかなのはいいよね。寂しくないし、さっ!じゃあ寝ようっか、一緒に!Good night!