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(→‎Trivia: Added info about her final fate and partial preservation.)
(30 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
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==Gameplay Notes==
==Gameplay Notes==
{{Category:Light Cruisers}}
===Special Mechanics===
===Special Mechanics===
* None
* None
===Equipment Compatibility===
===Stats Exceptions===
* Default CL equipment compatibility
*Has some [[Stats|0-plane-capacity]] equipment slots.
*Has 3 equipment slots.
*Has 4 equipment slots.
===Equipability Exceptions===
* Default [[CL]] equipment compatibility
===Fit Bonuses===
===Fit Bonuses===
{{:{{BASEPAGENAME}}/Equipment Bonuses}}
{{/Equipment Bonuses}}
;Hidden Fit Bonuses
;Hidden Fit Bonuses
* Has some hidden fit bonuses when equipped with certain equipment. Please see [[Hidden Fit Bonuses]] for more details.
* Has some hidden fit bonuses when equipped with certain equipment. Please see [[Hidden Fit Bonuses]] for more details.
Line 24: Line 34:
|scenario = Introduction
|scenario = Introduction
|origin =
|origin =It's lovely to meet you! あたしがBrooklyn級のname ship, Brooklynよ。なに?文句ないよね?
|translation =
|translation =It's lovely to meet you! I'm Brooklyn, the name ship of the Brooklyn-class. What? You don't have a problem with me, do you?
|scenario = Introduction
|scenario = Introduction
|kai = true
|kai = true
|origin =
|origin =Lovely to meet you! あたしBrooklyn級のnameship, Brooklynが配置についたわ。なに?文句ある?
|translation =
|translation =Lovely to meet you! Brooklyn, name ship of the Brooklyn-class, reporting for duty. What? Got a problem with that?
|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin =
|origin =条約下で建造された大型の軽巡洋艦、Brooklyn級のネームシップ、Brooklynよ。日本海軍の最上型に対抗する、6inch砲15門を備える大型軽巡。大西洋での船団護衛、北アフリカや地中海の作戦でも活躍したわ。覚えておきなさい!
|translation =
|translation =I'm Brooklyn, name ship of the Brooklyn-class large treaty light cruisers. I'm a large light cruiser that was meant to compete with the Japanese Navy's Mogami-class with my fifteen 6 inch guns. I escorted convoys in the Atlantic in addition to operating in North Africa and the Mediterranean. You better remember that.
|scenario = Secretary 1
|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin =
|origin =What's up?
|translation =
|translation =What's up?
|scenario = Secretary 1
|scenario = Secretary 1
|kai = true
|kai = true
|origin =
|origin =What's up? 提督、何よ?
|translation =
|translation =What's up? Admiral, what's going on?
|scenario = Secretary 2
|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin =
|origin =しつこいな。何さ?
|translation =
|translation =You're annoying. Whaddaya want?
|scenario = Secretary 2
|scenario = Secretary 2
|kai = true
|kai = true
|origin =
|origin =仕方ないな。Just leave it to me.
|translation =
|translation =Fine then. Just leave it to me.
|scenario = Secretary 3
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin =
|origin =妹のHonoluluをだいぶか可愛がってくれたようね。いいわ。あたしが来たからには……えぇ?そうじゃない?
|translation =
|translation =Looks like you've been getting fresh with my little sister Honolulu. Alright then, now that I'm here... Huh? You weren't?
|scenario = Idle
|scenario = Idle
|origin =
|origin =なあ、そうね。姉妹は全部生き残ったわ。で、戦後世界各国で売却されたってわけ…ん、いや別に。Chileはなかなか悪くはなったよ。長く働けたしね。妹のなかには艦隊総旗艦になったいるよ。
|translation =
|translation =Yeah, that's right. All of my sisters survived the war<ref>If you don't count USS ''[[Helena]]'' of the ''St. Louis'' subclass.</ref>. Then we were sold to navies around the world after the war... Mmm, not really. Chile wasn't too bad. I got to have a long career. One of my sisters was even a fleet flagship.<ref>Referring to USS ''Phoenix'', which became ARA ''General Belgrano'', famously sunk in the Falklands War.</ref>
|scenario = Secretary Married
|scenario = Secretary Married
|origin =
|origin =What's up? 提督、どうしたの? Everything's gonna be alright.
|translation =
|translation =What's up? Admiral, what's the matter? Everything's gonna be alright.
|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin =
|origin =What's up? 提督、何よ?こう見えて、name shipのあたし忙しいんだから……ん?あぁ…えぇ!?まじのreally?! あはぁ、I'm happy everything!
|translation =
|translation =What's up? Admiral, what is it? You might not realize it but a name ship like me is busy... Hmm? Ah... Whaa?! Are you serious?! Aha, I'm so happy!
|scenario = Looking At Scores
|scenario = Looking At Scores
|origin =
|origin =What is the information you want?
|translation =
|translation =What is the information you want?
|scenario = Joining A Fleet
|scenario = Joining A Fleet
|origin =
|origin =さあ、出発よ!Brooklyn級name ship, Brooklyn, weigh anchor!
|translation =
|translation =Come on, let's go! Name ship of the Brooklyn-class, Brooklyn, weighing anchor!
|scenario = Equipment 1
|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin =
|origin =そんなもんか?いいけど。
|translation =
|translation =Is this what I'm getting? It's fine.
|scenario = Equipment 1
|scenario = Equipment 1
|kai = true
|kai = true
|origin =
|origin =ん〜。なるほどね。Thanks!
|translation =
|translation =Hmmm, I see. Thanks!
|scenario = Equipment 2
|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin =
|origin =Thanks a lot!
|translation =
|translation =Thanks a lot!
|scenario = Equipment 3
|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin =
|origin =Oh well...
|translation =
|translation =Oh well...
|scenario = Supply
|scenario = Supply
|origin =
|origin =Thank you.
|translation =
|translation =Thank you.
|scenario = Supply
|scenario = Supply
|kai = true
|kai = true
|origin =
|origin =Thank you as always.
|translation =
|translation =Thank you as always.
|scenario = Docking Minor
|scenario = Docking Minor
|origin =
|origin =I'll take a bath now.
|translation =
|translation =I'll take a bath now.
|scenario = Docking Major
|scenario = Docking Major
|origin =
|origin =I need an overhaul.
|translation =
|translation =I need an overhaul.
|scenario = Construction
|scenario = Construction
|origin =
|origin =Completed!
|translation =
|translation =Completed!
|scenario = Returning From Sortie
|scenario = Returning From Sortie
|origin =
|origin =戻ってきた。I'm relieved.
|translation =
|translation =I'm back. I'm relieved.
|scenario = Returning From Sortie
|scenario = Returning From Sortie
|kai = true
|kai = true
|origin =
|origin =ふわぁ。戻ってきた。やれやれ。I'm relieved.
|translation =
|translation =Pheeew. I'm back. Good grief, I'm relieved.
|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|origin =
|origin =行ってみましょう!Brooklyn-class, USS Brooklyn, 出撃!
|translation =
|translation =Let's go! Brooklyn-class, USS Brooklyn, sortieing!
|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|kai = true
|kai = true
|origin =
|origin =やつらの好きにはさせないわ!Brooklyn-class, USS Brooklyn, 出撃!
|translation =
|translation =I'm not gonna let them have their way! Brooklyn-class, USS Brooklyn, sortieing!
|scenario = Battle Start
|scenario = Battle Start
|origin =
|origin =Brooklyn, target in sight!
|translation =
|translation =Brooklyn, target in sight!
|scenario = Attack
|scenario = Attack
|origin =
|origin =Open fire!
|translation =
|translation =Open fire!
|scenario = Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack
|scenario = Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack
|origin =
|origin =そこよ! Fire!
|translation =
|translation =Over there! Fire!
|scenario = Night Battle
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin =
|origin =夜戦でけりをつける!さあ、follow me!
|translation =
|translation =We'll finish this in night battle! Come on, follow me!
|scenario = MVP
|scenario = MVP
|origin =
|origin =なに?私に新しい…battle star?あぁ、まあいいんじゃないの。貰っとくけど……何よ?
|translation =
|translation =What? I get a new...battle star? Ah, well that's fine. I accept... What?
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin =
|origin =きゃああ!クソ!
|translation =
|translation =Aaaaah! Damnit!
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin =
|origin =きゃああ!Just you wait!
|translation =
|translation =Aaah! Just you wait!
|scenario = Major Damage
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin =
|origin =っち!Prepare yourself! クソ!
|translation =
|translation =Tch! Prepare yourself! Damnit!
|scenario = Sunk
|scenario = Sunk
|origin =
|origin =That's…impossible…あたしが…あたしが沈むなんて…認めない……認めないんだから…!
|translation =
|translation =That's...impossible... I can't... I can't be sinking... I refuse... I refuse to accept this...!
Line 212: Line 221:
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 00:00
|scenario = 00:00
|origin =
|origin =日付が変わったわ。今日はあたし、Brooklyn級name ship, Brooklynが秘書艦よ!文句は……あぁ、そう?OK.
|translation =
|translation =The date has changed. Today I, the Brooklyn-class name ship Brooklyn, will be your secretary! If you have a problem... Ah, really? OK.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 01:00
|scenario = 01:00
|origin =
|origin =1 o'clock now. ふあぁ、眠い…
|translation =
|translation =1 o'clock now. Yaaawn, I'm sleepy...
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 02:00
|scenario = 02:00
|origin =
|origin =2 o'clock now. 寝不足はお肌に悪いの。提督眠くないの? Why?
|translation =
|translation =2 o'clock now. Lack of sleep is bad for your skin. Admiral, aren't you sleepy? Why?
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 03:00
|scenario = 03:00
|origin =
|origin =3…o'clock…now…ふえぇ…I'm…sleepy…
|translation =
|translation =3...o'clock...now... Huff...I'm...sleepy...
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 04:00
|scenario = 04:00
|origin =
|origin =ふわぁ…はぁ…4…o'clock…now…ふんふん…ん…提督、だめ…だめだよだから…ねぇ?
|translation =
|translation =Hoo...Haa... 4...o'clock...now... Hff hff... Ngh... Admiral, you can't... You can't do that... alright?
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 05:00
|scenario = 05:00
|origin =
|origin =ふわぁ…はぁ…ん、にゃにさ…敗北は……な……ふえぇ?!な?!提督、あたし寝てた!?Really? ヤバ!あぁ、coffee? Thanks…ふぅ…しちち…
|translation =
|translation =Hoo...Haa... What... the defeat... was... Wha?! What?! Admiral, did I fall asleep?! Really? Oh no! Ah, coffee? Thanks... Fwoo... Siiiip...
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 06:00
|scenario = 06:00
|origin =
|origin =6 o'clock now! Good morning, everybody!
|translation =
|translation =6 o'clock now! Good morning, everybody!
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 07:00
|scenario = 07:00
|origin =
|origin =7 o'clock now. Morningはこれで決まり!Brooklyn特性bagelサンド! Salmonにcream cheeseもたっぷり!Fruitsもどうぞ。
|translation =
|translation =7 o'clock now. You gotta have this in the morning! It's my special bagel sandwich! It's stuffed with salmon and cream cheese! Have some fruits too.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 08:00
|scenario = 08:00
|origin =
|origin =8 o'clock now. いいでしょう?Brooklynのbagel! 朝はこれと熱いcoffeeが最高!一日が始まるわ。
|translation =
|translation =8 o'clock now. How was my bagel? Having a bagel and coffee in the morning is great! I start everyday with that.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 09:00
|scenario = 09:00
|origin =
|origin =9 o'clock now. さあ、今日はどこに行く?イギリス?フランス?北アフリカ?それとも…潜水艦救助?…えぇ?船団護衛?
|translation =
|translation =9 o'clock now. Now, where are we going today? England? France? North Africa? Or perhaps... submarine rescue? ...Huh? Convoy escorts?
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 10:00
|scenario = 10:00
|origin =
|origin =10 o'clock now. 大西洋?いいわよ、別に。船団護衛は大切だわ。It doesn't matter.
|translation =
|translation =10 o'clock now. The Atlantic? That's fine. I don't mind. Escorting convoys is important. It doesn't matter.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 11:00
|scenario = 11:00
|origin =
|origin =11 o'clock now. そうよ。敵航空機や潜水艦には気をつけないと。いつだってね。
|translation =
|translation =11 o'clock now. Yeah, we need to watch out for enemy aircraft and submarines. Never know when they'll attack.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 12:00
|scenario = 12:00
|origin =
|origin =さあ、提督!お昼お昼!Lunchtime! お昼は、簡単にhot dogでいい?うん、いいよね。美味しいsalsa sauce作ったんだ!かけていいよね?
|translation =
|translation =Alright, Admiral! It's noon now! It's lunchtime! You're fine with a simple hot dog for lunch, right? Yup, I thought so. I made some delicious salsa sauce! Want some on yours?
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 13:00
|scenario = 13:00
|origin =
|origin =1 o'clock now. 提督、まーだ入りよね〜?これ…どう?じゃーん!New York cheesecake!
|translation =
|translation =1 o'clock now. Admiral, you can still fit more, can't you? What... about this? Ta-dah! It's a New York cheesecake!
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 14:00
|scenario = 14:00
|origin =
|origin =2 o'clock now. ねえ?このcheesecakeいくらでも入っちゃうでしょう?Fruitsとも合うだよね?食ったら運動しなきゃ。
|translation =
|translation =2 o'clock now. Well? You just can't stop eating this cheesecake, right? It goes really well with fruits too! We have to burn it off now.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 15:00
|scenario = 15:00
|origin =
|origin =3 o'clock now. さあ、午後も働こうか?船団護衛?上陸支援?潜水艦救助?潜水艦救助支援か?任せて。Just leave it to me!
|translation =
|translation =3 o'clock now. Well then, shall we keep working hard in the afternoon? Are we doing a convoy escort? Landing support? Submarine relief? We're doing submarine relief support huh? Alright. Just leave it to me!
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 16:00
|scenario = 16:00
|origin =
|origin =4 o'clock now. Squalusの救難作業の支援、悲しい事故だったけど、全員が頑張った!救難も大事なmission!
|translation =
|translation =4 o'clock now. The Squalus accident was a tragedy, but every man did their duty! Rescue work is an important mission too!
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 17:00
|scenario = 17:00
|origin =
|origin =5 o'clock now. 提督、夕日が落ちるよ。大西洋や地中海の夕日もそれはきれいだよ。今度一緒に行って見る?
|translation =
|translation =5 o'clock now. Admiral, the sun is setting. The sunsets in the Atlantic and Mediterranean are beautiful too. Would you like to come see them with me sometime?
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 18:00
|scenario = 18:00
|origin =
|origin =6 o'clock now. さあ、今晩はどうしようか?あぁ、そうだ!Pizzaはどうかな?Artichokeいっぱい入れるさ!あたし、意外と得意なんだよ。焼いてみようか?
|translation =
|translation =6 o'clock now. Now then, what are we having for dinner? Oh, I know! How about some pizza? I'll put tons of artichokes on it! I'm actually pretty good at making pizza. Want me to bake some?
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 19:00
|scenario = 19:00
|origin =
|origin =7 o'clock now. さあ、焼き上がったよ!Brooklyn特製artichoke pizza!  食べてみてよ。Beerともぴったり!
|translation =
|translation =7 o'clock now. There, it's done! My special artichoke pizza! Try some. It goes perfectly with beer!
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 20:00
|scenario = 20:00
|origin =
|origin =8 o'clock now. そうだね。今度はMassachusettsやRangerも呼んで、partyして見る?いいかも。
|translation =
|translation =8 o'clock now. Yeah. Want to get Massachusetts and Ranger here for a party? Sounds good.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 21:00
|scenario = 21:00
|origin =
|origin =9 o'clock now. さあ、提督、beerも一本行くよね?冷えてるよ!
|translation =
|translation =9 o'clock now. How about another beer, Admiral? It's ice cold!
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 22:00
|scenario = 22:00
|origin =
|origin =10 o'clock now. ふわぁ〜、食べたなんだ。さあ、片付けて寝っちゃうっか?提督、手伝って。
|translation =
|translation =10 o'clock now. Pheeew, I'm stuffed. Now then, shall we clean up and go to bed? Admiral, gimme a hand.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
|scenario = 23:00
|scenario = 23:00
|origin =
|origin =11 o'clock now. 提督、今日もお疲れ。ちょっと寝ようよ。Good night.
|translation =
|translation =11 o'clock now. Admiral, good work today. Let's get some shut eye. Good night.
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Autumn_2022|Autumn 2022]]
|origin = 提督!どう?!
|translation = Admiral, how do I look?!
|audio = Brooklyn_Halloween 2022_Secretary 1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Autumn_2022|Saury 2022]]
|origin = Operation Sanma, 来たね!?Brooklyn-classも頑張ろう!おう!
|translation =Operation Sanma is here!? The Brooklyn-class will do our best! Oh yeah!
|audio = Brooklyn Saury 2022 Secretary 1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2022|Christmas 2022]]
|origin = Christmasは大事だよね。ちゃんとお休みして、ちゃんと美味しいもの食べないと!つう訳で…じゃあん!あたしの最新作!クリスマスモードのNew York Cheesecake! Strawberryもいっぱい!
|translation = Christmas is a big deal. It's a time for a proper break and tons of good food! On that note... Ta-dah! It's my new creation! A Christmas-themed New York Cheescake! With tons of strawberries!
|audio = Brooklyn Christmas 2022 Secretary 1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/End_of_Year_2022|End of Year 2022]]
|origin = 大西洋艦隊も、年末オーソウジね! 了解! 提督、あたしはどこやればいい? ここ? ここかなー?
|translation = The Atlantic Fleet should also help with this major end-of-year cleanup? Roger that! So where should I start, admiral? Here? Or maybe here?
|audio = Brooklyn Year End 2022 Secretary 1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/New_Year_2023|New Year 2023]]
|origin = 新年だね、提督! A Happy New Year! 今年もBrooklyn-class、よろしくだよ!
|translation = Another year, Admiral! A Happy New Year! The Brooklyn-class's gonna count on you this year as well!
|audio = Brooklyn New Years 2023 Secretary 1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2023|Setsubun 2023]]
|origin = Operation Setsubun! 負けないよ!鬼は…Massachusetts? はぁ!いいんじゃない。やっちゃえ!
|translation = Operation Setsubun! I won't lose! The oni is... Massachusetts? Hah! Fine then. I'll get her!
|audio = Brooklyn Setsubun 2023 Secretary 1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2023|Valentine's Day 2023]]
|origin = 提督、これあげるよ!Chocolate modeな新作New York cheesecake!
|translation = Admiral, this is for you! It's a new recipe. Chocolate New York cheesecake!
|audio = Brooklyn Valentines 2023 Secretary 1.mp3
|notes =
===Misc Lines===
|scenario = [[Summer 2022 Event]]
|origin = Target in sight! 友軍艦隊を支援します!艦隊、増速!突撃!続いて!
|translation = Target in sight! Support the friendly fleet! Fleet, increase speed! Attack! Follow me!
|audio = Ship_Voice_Brooklyn Kai_Summer_2022_Event_Friend_Fleet_1.mp3
|notes =
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="width: 100%;"
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Ship Full Brooklyn.png|Base
Brooklyn Damaged.png|Base Damaged
Ship Full Brooklyn Damaged.png|Base Damaged
Brooklyn Kai.png|Kai
Ship Full Brooklyn Kai.png|Kai
Brooklyn Kai Damaged.png|Kai Damaged
Ship Full Brooklyn Kai Damaged.png|Kai Damaged
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Brooklyn Full Halloween 2022.png|[[Seasonal/Autumn 2022|Autumn 2022]]
Broolyn Full Halloween 2022 Damaged.png|[[Seasonal/Autumn 2022|Autumn 2022 Damaged]]
Brooklyn Full Summer 2023.png|[[Seasonal/Summer 2023|Summer 2023]]
Brooklyn Full Summer 2023 Damaged.png|[[Seasonal/Summer 2023|Summer 2023 Damaged]]
Line 349: Line 434:
;General Information
;General Information
*Named after a borough of New York City.
*She was launched on the 30th of November 1936.
*On the 9th of January 1951, Brooklyn was transferred under the Mutual Defense Assistance Program to Chile, where she was renamed O'Higgins.
*She was sold for scrap in 1992, but sank on 5 November 1992 while en route to the scrapyard in India.
*Her No. 5 turret is preserved on the grounds of the Chilean Navy Base at Talcahuano.
;Update History
;Update History
* She was added on the 11th of September 2022 as [[Summer 2022 Event]] E4 drop.
* She was added on the 11th of September 2022 as [[Summer 2022 Event]] E4 & E-5 drop.
*Survived World War II.
==See Also==
==See Also==

Latest revision as of 13:01, 28 April 2024


Ship Card Brooklyn.png
Ship Card Brooklyn Damaged.png
Ship Banner Brooklyn.png
Ship Banner Brooklyn Damaged.png
Brooklyn (ブルックリン) Brooklyn
Brooklyn Class Light Cruiser

HP HP3843FP Firepower29→59
ARM Armor16→39TORPTorpedo0→33
EVA Evasion31→67AA Anti-Air26→70
PLA Aircraft4ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare0→35
SPD SpeedFastLOS Line of Sight18→67
RGE RangeMediumLUK Luck17→77
06inch Triple Rapid Fire Gun Mount Mk.16
ModernizationFirepower 2 Torpedo 0 Anti-Air 2 Armor 2
Build Time1:10 (Unbuildable)Remodel Req
ConsumptionFuel 35 Ammo 55DismantleFuel 3 Ammo 3 Steel 13 Bauxite 2
IllustratorUGUMESeiyuuEnoyoshi Maya
Ship Card Brooklyn Kai.png
Ship Card Brooklyn Kai Damaged.png
Ship Banner Brooklyn Kai.png
Ship Banner Brooklyn Kai Damaged.png
Brooklyn (ブルックリンかい) Brooklyn Kai
Brooklyn Class Light Cruiser

HP HP5360FP Firepower33→77
ARM Armor26→67TORPTorpedo0→39
EVA Evasion37→81AA Anti-Air36→80
PLA Aircraft6ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare0→43
SPD SpeedFastLOS Line of Sight22→77
RGE RangeMediumLUK Luck37→97
06inch Triple Rapid Fire Gun Mount Mk.16 mod.2
0SOC Seagull
ModernizationFirepower 2 Torpedo 0 Anti-Air 2 Armor 2
Remodel Level45Remodel ReqAmmo 400 Steel 480
ConsumptionFuel 35 Ammo 60DismantleFuel 4 Ammo 7 Steel 17 Bauxite 2
IllustratorUGUMESeiyuuEnoyoshi Maya

Gameplay Notes

Light Cruisers (CL) are very flexible, utilizing Medium Caliber Main Gun Medium Caliber Main Guns, Torpedoes Torpedoes, Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon Seaplane Recons, and Depth ChargesSONAR ASW equipment, and having strong torpedo Torpedo Attack, ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare, and "night attack power Night Battle Power" stats.

Special Mechanics

  • None

Stats Exceptions

  • Has 3 equipment slots.
  • Has 4 equipment slots.

Equipability Exceptions

CL Default equipment compatibility
✔️ Can Equip ❌ Cannot Equip
Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon Fighter Dive Bomber Torpedo Bomber JetFighterBomber2.png Reconnaissance Aircraft Large Reconnaissance AircraftSp Seaplane BomberBomber Seaplane Fighter Large Flying Boat Rotorcraft Liaison Aircraft Aviation Personnel TransportationMaterial.png
Small Caliber Main Gun Medium Caliber Main Gun Secondary Gun Anti-Aircraft Gun Anti-Aircraft Fire Director Torpedoes Depth Charges Small SONARSmall Small RADARSmall Large RADARLarge Large Caliber Main Gun Very Large Caliber Main GunSp Large Secondary High-Angle GunSp_Sec Submarine TorpedoesSub Midget SubmarineMinisub Large SONARLarge Very Large RADARSp Submarine Equipment
Engine Improvement Star Shell Icon.png Searchlight Lookout Drum Canister Anti-Ground Rocket Command Facility Smoke Generator Emergency Repair Personnel Ration Anti-Aircraft Shell Armor-Piercing Shell Medium ArmorMedium Large ArmorLarge Large SearchlightLarge Landing Craft Amphibious Vehicle Landing Forces Facility.png Supplies
RE: Anti-Aircraft Gun Anti-Aircraft Fire Director Lookout Emergency Repair Personnel Ration Equipment Card Improved Kanhon Type Turbine.png
Notes: Night Fighter=Fighter ; Night Torpedo Bomber=Torpedo Bomber ; Night Dive Bomber=Dive Bomber ; JetFighterBomber1.png=JetFighterBomber2.png ; Night Reconnaissance Seaplane =Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon ; Night Seaplane Bomber =Seaplane BomberBomber ; Small Caliber Main High-Angle GunSmall=Small Caliber Main Gun ; Medium Main High-Angle GunMedium=Medium Caliber Main Gun ; Secondary High-Angle GunSec=Secondary Gun ; Barrage Balloon=Smoke Generator
  • Default CL equipment compatibility

Fit Bonuses

[edit]Brooklyn Equipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine Warfare Line of Sight Armor Accuracy Evasion Note
High-Angle Gun5inch Single Gun Mount Mk.30 Kai + GFCS Mk.375inch Single Gun Mount Mk.30 Kai + GFCS Mk.37 +1 +1 +1
Medium Caliber Main Gun6inch Triple Rapid Fire Gun Mount Mk.166inch Triple Rapid Fire Gun Mount Mk.16
OR Medium Caliber Main Gun6inch Triple Rapid Fire Gun Mount Mk.16 mod.26inch Triple Rapid Fire Gun Mount Mk.16 mod.2
(★0-1) +1
(★2-6) +2
(★7-MAX) +3
High-Angle Gun5inch Twin Dual-purpose Gun Mount (Concentrated Deployment)5inch Twin Dual-purpose Gun Mount (Concentrated Deployment)
OR High-Angle GunGFCS Mk.37 + 5inch Twin Dual-purpose Gun Mount (Concentrated Deployment)GFCS Mk.37 + 5inch Twin Dual-purpose Gun Mount (Concentrated Deployment)
+1 +1
High-Angle Gun5inch Single High-angle Gun Mount Battery5inch Single High-angle Gun Mount Battery +1 +1 +1
Torpedoes533mm Quintuple Torpedo Mount (Late Model)533mm Quintuple Torpedo Mount (Late Model) +2 +4
SeaplaneOS2UOS2U (1st equipped) (★5-9) +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +1 +1 One-time
SeaplaneSOC SeagullSOC Seagull
OR SeaplaneSOC Seagull Late Model (Skilled)SOC Seagull Late Model (Skilled)
(1st equipped) +1 +2 One-time
SeaplaneSOC SeagullSOC Seagull (1st equipped) (★3-4) +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★5-7) +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8-9) +1 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +1 +1 +2 One-time
SeaplaneSO3C Seamew KaiSO3C Seamew Kai (1st equipped) (★0-2) +1 +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★3-4) +1 +1 +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★5-7) +1 +1 +1 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8-MAX) +2 +1 +1 +2 One-time
SeaplaneSOC Seagull Late Model (Skilled)SOC Seagull Late Model (Skilled) (1st equipped) (★0-2) +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★3-4) +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★5) +1 +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★6) +1 +1 +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★7) +1 +1 +2 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8) +1 +1 +2 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★9) +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +1 +1 +1 +3 +2 One-time
RADARGFCS Mk.37GFCS Mk.37 +1 +1 +1
RADARSG Radar (Initial Model)SG Radar (Initial Model) +2 +4 +3
RADARSG Radar (Late Model)SG Radar (Late Model) +3 +4 +4
(1st equipped) +3 One-time
RADARSK RadarSK Radar (1st equipped) +1 +1 +3 One-time
RADARSK + SG RadarSK + SG Radar (1st equipped) +2 +2 +2 +3 One-time
Depth ChargesRUR-4A Weapon Alpha KaiRUR-4A Weapon Alpha Kai (1st equipped) +2 +1 One-time
Depth ChargesLightweight ASW Torpedo (Initial Test Model)Lightweight ASW Torpedo (Initial Test Model) (1st equipped) +3 +1 One-time
Depth ChargesHedgehog (Initial Model)Hedgehog (Initial Model) (1st equipped) +3 +1 One-time
Depth ChargesMk.32 ASW Torpedo (Mk.2 Thrower)Mk.32 ASW Torpedo (Mk.2 Thrower) +2
Ship-Type Bonuses
Small Caliber Main Gun12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 3 H12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 3 H + Air Radar +2 +2 One-time
(2nd equipped) + Air Radar +2 One-time
(3rd equipped) + Air Radar +2 One-time
High-Angle Gun12.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Kai 212.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Kai 2 + Surface Radar +1 +2 One-time
High-Angle Gun12.7cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount Kai 212.7cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount Kai 2 + Surface Radar +2 +1 One-time
High-Angle Gun12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E Kai12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E Kai (★2-3) +1
(★4-5) +1 +2
(★6-7) +1 +1 +2
(★8-9) +1 +2 +2
(★MAX) +1 +2 +1 +2
(★2-MAX) + Surface Radar +1 +1 One-time
(★2-MAX) + Air Radar +2 +1 One-time
Torpedoes53cm Bow (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount53cm Bow (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount -5
RADARPassive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model)Passive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model) (1st equipped) (★7) +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8) +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★9) +1 +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +1 +2 +1 One-time
+ ★3+ 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 212.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 2 OR ★3+ 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 312.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 3 +1 +1 One-time
+ ★4+ Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model)Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model) +1 +4 +1 +3 One-time
RADARType 42 Air Radar Kai 2Type 42 Air Radar Kai 2 -7
Depth ChargesType 2 Depth ChargeType 2 Depth Charge (★8-9) +1
(★MAX) +2
Anti-Aircraft Gun2cm Flakvierling 382cm Flakvierling 38 (★4-6) +1 +1
(★7-9) +1 +2 +1
(★MAX) +1 +3 +2
(★4-MAX) + Air Radar +1 One-time
Anti-Aircraft Gun3.7cm FlaK M423.7cm FlaK M42 (★6-7) +1 +1
(★8-9) +1 +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +1 +2
(★6-MAX) + Air Radar +2 One-time
Anti-Aircraft Gun25mm Anti-aircraft Autocannon Mount & Machine Guns25mm Anti-aircraft Autocannon Mount & Machine Guns +1 +2
Command FacilityFleet Communication AntennaFleet Communication Antenna (★4) +1
(★5) +1 +1
(★6) +1 +1 +1
(★7) +1 +2 +1
(★8) +2 +2 +1
(★9) +2 +2 +2
(★MAX) +2 +3 +2
Hidden Fit Bonuses
  • Has some hidden fit bonuses when equipped with certain equipment. Please see Hidden Fit Bonuses for more details.

Drop Locations

ShipRarityTypeNo.World 1World 2World 3World 7World 4World 5World 6Remarks
BrooklynVery RareCL497Unbuildable

Voice Lines


Event Japanese/English
It's lovely to meet you! I'm Brooklyn, the name ship of the Brooklyn-class. What? You don't have a problem with me, do you?
It's lovely to meet you! あたしがBrooklyn級のname ship, Brooklynよ。なに?文句ないよね?
Lovely to meet you! Brooklyn, name ship of the Brooklyn-class, reporting for duty. What? Got a problem with that?
Lovely to meet you! あたしBrooklyn級のnameship, Brooklynが配置についたわ。なに?文句ある?
I'm Brooklyn, name ship of the Brooklyn-class large treaty light cruisers. I'm a large light cruiser that was meant to compete with the Japanese Navy's Mogami-class with my fifteen 6 inch guns. I escorted convoys in the Atlantic in addition to operating in North Africa and the Mediterranean. You better remember that.
Secretary 1
What's up?
What's up?
Secretary 1
What's up? Admiral, what's going on?
What's up? 提督、何よ?
Secretary 2
You're annoying. Whaddaya want?
Secretary 2
Fine then. Just leave it to me.
仕方ないな。Just leave it to me.
Secretary 3
Looks like you've been getting fresh with my little sister Honolulu. Alright then, now that I'm here... Huh? You weren't?
Yeah, that's right. All of my sisters survived the war[1]. Then we were sold to navies around the world after the war... Mmm, not really. Chile wasn't too bad. I got to have a long career. One of my sisters was even a fleet flagship.[2]
Secretary Married
What's up? Admiral, what's the matter? Everything's gonna be alright.
What's up? 提督、どうしたの? Everything's gonna be alright.
What's up? Admiral, what is it? You might not realize it but a name ship like me is busy... Hmm? Ah... Whaa?! Are you serious?! Aha, I'm so happy!
What's up? 提督、何よ?こう見えて、name shipのあたし忙しいんだから……ん?あぁ…えぇ!?まじのreally?! あはぁ、I'm happy everything!
Looking At Scores
What is the information you want?
What is the information you want?
Joining A Fleet
Come on, let's go! Name ship of the Brooklyn-class, Brooklyn, weighing anchor!
さあ、出発よ!Brooklyn級name ship, Brooklyn, weigh anchor!
Equipment 1
Is this what I'm getting? It's fine.
Equipment 1
Hmmm, I see. Thanks!
Equipment 2
Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot!
Equipment 3[3]
Oh well...
Oh well...
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you as always.
Thank you as always.
Docking Minor
I'll take a bath now.
I'll take a bath now.
Docking Major
I need an overhaul.
I need an overhaul.
Returning From Sortie
I'm back. I'm relieved.
戻ってきた。I'm relieved.
Returning From Sortie
Pheeew. I'm back. Good grief, I'm relieved.
ふわぁ。戻ってきた。やれやれ。I'm relieved.
Starting A Sortie
Let's go! Brooklyn-class, USS Brooklyn, sortieing!
行ってみましょう!Brooklyn-class, USS Brooklyn, 出撃!
Starting A Sortie
I'm not gonna let them have their way! Brooklyn-class, USS Brooklyn, sortieing!
やつらの好きにはさせないわ!Brooklyn-class, USS Brooklyn, 出撃!
Battle Start
Brooklyn, target in sight!
Brooklyn, target in sight!
Open fire!
Open fire!
Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack
Over there! Fire!
そこよ! Fire!
Night Battle
We'll finish this in night battle! Come on, follow me!
夜戦でけりをつける!さあ、follow me!
What? I get a new...battle star? Ah, well that's fine. I accept... What?
なに?私に新しい…battle star?あぁ、まあいいんじゃないの。貰っとくけど……何よ?
Minor Damage 1
Aaaaah! Damnit!
Minor Damage 2
Aaah! Just you wait!
きゃああ!Just you wait!
Major Damage
Tch! Prepare yourself! Damnit!
っち!Prepare yourself! クソ!
That's...impossible... I can't... I can't be sinking... I refuse... I refuse to accept this...!
  1. If you don't count USS Helena of the St. Louis subclass.
  2. Referring to USS Phoenix, which became ARA General Belgrano, famously sunk in the Falklands War.
  3. This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.


Time Japanese/English
The date has changed. Today I, the Brooklyn-class name ship Brooklyn, will be your secretary! If you have a problem... Ah, really? OK.
日付が変わったわ。今日はあたし、Brooklyn級name ship, Brooklynが秘書艦よ!文句は……あぁ、そう?OK.
1 o'clock now. Yaaawn, I'm sleepy...
1 o'clock now. ふあぁ、眠い…
2 o'clock now. Lack of sleep is bad for your skin. Admiral, aren't you sleepy? Why?
2 o'clock now. 寝不足はお肌に悪いの。提督眠くないの? Why?
3...o'clock...now... Huff...I'm...sleepy...
Hoo...Haa... 4...o'clock...now... Hff hff... Ngh... Admiral, you can't... You can't do that... alright?
Hoo...Haa... What... the defeat... was... Wha?! What?! Admiral, did I fall asleep?! Really? Oh no! Ah, coffee? Thanks... Fwoo... Siiiip...
ふわぁ…はぁ…ん、にゃにさ…敗北は……な……ふえぇ?!な?!提督、あたし寝てた!?Really? ヤバ!あぁ、coffee? Thanks…ふぅ…しちち…
6 o'clock now! Good morning, everybody!
6 o'clock now! Good morning, everybody!
7 o'clock now. You gotta have this in the morning! It's my special bagel sandwich! It's stuffed with salmon and cream cheese! Have some fruits too.
7 o'clock now. Morningはこれで決まり!Brooklyn特性bagelサンド! Salmonにcream cheeseもたっぷり!Fruitsもどうぞ。
8 o'clock now. How was my bagel? Having a bagel and coffee in the morning is great! I start everyday with that.
8 o'clock now. いいでしょう?Brooklynのbagel! 朝はこれと熱いcoffeeが最高!一日が始まるわ。
9 o'clock now. Now, where are we going today? England? France? North Africa? Or perhaps... submarine rescue? ...Huh? Convoy escorts?
9 o'clock now. さあ、今日はどこに行く?イギリス?フランス?北アフリカ?それとも…潜水艦救助?…えぇ?船団護衛?
10 o'clock now. The Atlantic? That's fine. I don't mind. Escorting convoys is important. It doesn't matter.
10 o'clock now. 大西洋?いいわよ、別に。船団護衛は大切だわ。It doesn't matter.
11 o'clock now. Yeah, we need to watch out for enemy aircraft and submarines. Never know when they'll attack.
11 o'clock now. そうよ。敵航空機や潜水艦には気をつけないと。いつだってね。
Alright, Admiral! It's noon now! It's lunchtime! You're fine with a simple hot dog for lunch, right? Yup, I thought so. I made some delicious salsa sauce! Want some on yours?
さあ、提督!お昼お昼!Lunchtime! お昼は、簡単にhot dogでいい?うん、いいよね。美味しいsalsa sauce作ったんだ!かけていいよね?
1 o'clock now. Admiral, you can still fit more, can't you? What... about this? Ta-dah! It's a New York cheesecake!
1 o'clock now. 提督、まーだ入りよね〜?これ…どう?じゃーん!New York cheesecake!
2 o'clock now. Well? You just can't stop eating this cheesecake, right? It goes really well with fruits too! We have to burn it off now.
2 o'clock now. ねえ?このcheesecakeいくらでも入っちゃうでしょう?Fruitsとも合うだよね?食ったら運動しなきゃ。
3 o'clock now. Well then, shall we keep working hard in the afternoon? Are we doing a convoy escort? Landing support? Submarine relief? We're doing submarine relief support huh? Alright. Just leave it to me!
3 o'clock now. さあ、午後も働こうか?船団護衛?上陸支援?潜水艦救助?潜水艦救助支援か?任せて。Just leave it to me!
4 o'clock now. The Squalus accident was a tragedy, but every man did their duty! Rescue work is an important mission too!
4 o'clock now. Squalusの救難作業の支援、悲しい事故だったけど、全員が頑張った!救難も大事なmission!
5 o'clock now. Admiral, the sun is setting. The sunsets in the Atlantic and Mediterranean are beautiful too. Would you like to come see them with me sometime?
5 o'clock now. 提督、夕日が落ちるよ。大西洋や地中海の夕日もそれはきれいだよ。今度一緒に行って見る?
6 o'clock now. Now then, what are we having for dinner? Oh, I know! How about some pizza? I'll put tons of artichokes on it! I'm actually pretty good at making pizza. Want me to bake some?
6 o'clock now. さあ、今晩はどうしようか?あぁ、そうだ!Pizzaはどうかな?Artichokeいっぱい入れるさ!あたし、意外と得意なんだよ。焼いてみようか?
7 o'clock now. There, it's done! My special artichoke pizza! Try some. It goes perfectly with beer!
7 o'clock now. さあ、焼き上がったよ!Brooklyn特製artichoke pizza! 食べてみてよ。Beerともぴったり!
8 o'clock now. Yeah. Want to get Massachusetts and Ranger here for a party? Sounds good.
8 o'clock now. そうだね。今度はMassachusettsやRangerも呼んで、partyして見る?いいかも。
9 o'clock now. How about another beer, Admiral? It's ice cold!
9 o'clock now. さあ、提督、beerも一本行くよね?冷えてるよ!
10 o'clock now. Pheeew, I'm stuffed. Now then, shall we clean up and go to bed? Admiral, gimme a hand.
10 o'clock now. ふわぁ〜、食べたなんだ。さあ、片付けて寝っちゃうっか?提督、手伝って。
11 o'clock now. Admiral, good work today. Let's get some shut eye. Good night.
11 o'clock now. 提督、今日もお疲れ。ちょっと寝ようよ。Good night.


Ship Japanese/English Notes
Autumn 2022
Admiral, how do I look?!
Saury 2022
Operation Sanma is here!? The Brooklyn-class will do our best! Oh yeah!
Operation Sanma, 来たね!?Brooklyn-classも頑張ろう!おう!
Christmas 2022
Christmas is a big deal. It's a time for a proper break and tons of good food! On that note... Ta-dah! It's my new creation! A Christmas-themed New York Cheescake! With tons of strawberries!
Christmasは大事だよね。ちゃんとお休みして、ちゃんと美味しいもの食べないと!つう訳で…じゃあん!あたしの最新作!クリスマスモードのNew York Cheesecake! Strawberryもいっぱい!
End of Year 2022
The Atlantic Fleet should also help with this major end-of-year cleanup? Roger that! So where should I start, admiral? Here? Or maybe here?
大西洋艦隊も、年末オーソウジね! 了解! 提督、あたしはどこやればいい? ここ? ここかなー?
New Year 2023
Another year, Admiral! A Happy New Year! The Brooklyn-class's gonna count on you this year as well!
新年だね、提督! A Happy New Year! 今年もBrooklyn-class、よろしくだよ!
Setsubun 2023
Operation Setsubun! I won't lose! The oni is... Massachusetts? Hah! Fine then. I'll get her!
Operation Setsubun! 負けないよ!鬼は…Massachusetts? はぁ!いいんじゃない。やっちゃえ!
Valentine's Day 2023
Admiral, this is for you! It's a new recipe. Chocolate New York cheesecake!
提督、これあげるよ!Chocolate modeな新作New York cheesecake!

Misc Lines

Ship Japanese/English Notes
Summer 2022 Event
Target in sight! Support the friendly fleet! Fleet, increase speed! Attack! Follow me!
Target in sight! 友軍艦隊を支援します!艦隊、増速!突撃!続いて!




General Information
  • Named after a borough of New York City.
  • She was launched on the 30th of November 1936.
  • On the 9th of January 1951, Brooklyn was transferred under the Mutual Defense Assistance Program to Chile, where she was renamed O'Higgins.
  • She was sold for scrap in 1992, but sank on 5 November 1992 while en route to the scrapyard in India.
  • Her No. 5 turret is preserved on the grounds of the Chilean Navy Base at Talcahuano.
Update History
  • Survived World War II.

See Also