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==Gameplay Notes==
{{:Category:Standard Aircraft Carriers}}
|color = Violet
|name = Katsuragi
===Special Mechanics===
|japanesename = 葛城
* None
|image = [[File:332.jpg]]
|id = 332
===Equipability Exceptions===
|class = Unryuu
|type = Standard Carrier
* Default [[CV]] equipment compatibility
|hp = 48
|firepower = 0 (25)
===Fit Bonuses===
|armor = 27 (52)
{{/Equipment Bonuses}}
|torpedo = 0 (0)
|evasion = ?? (??)
|AA = 27 (72)
|aircraft = 51
|ASW = 0 (0)
|LOS = 40 (??)
|luck = 20 (69)
|time = Unbuildable[?] 210min[?]
|speed = Fast
|range = Short
|slot = 4
|slot3= - Unequipped -
|slot4= - Unequipped -
| style="width:50px;" |
| valign="top" |
==Drop Locations==
|color = Violet
|name = Katsuragi Kai
|japanesename = 葛城改
|image = [[File:430.jpg]]
|id = 430
|class = Unryuu
|type = Standard Carrier
|hp = 60
|firepower = 0 (45)
|armor = 36 (78)
|torpedo = 0 (0)
|evasion = ?? (??)
|AA = 32 (78)
|aircraft = 69
|ASW = 0 (0)
|LOS = ?? (??)
|luck = 30 (79)
|time = Lv. 50 Remodel
|speed = Fast
|range = Short
|slot = 4
|slot1= TBD
|slot2= TBD
|slot3= TBD
|slot4= TBD
==Voice Lines==
|自己紹介 =  
|EN1 =
| scenario    =Introduction
|Note1 =  
| origin      =雲龍型航空母艦、三番艦、葛城よ!え?水上防空砲台ですって?ち、違うわよ!あなた何いってんの!
|Library =
| translation =I'm the third ship of the Unryuu-class aircraft carriers, Katsuragi! Hmm? An anti-air platform? Y-You've got it wrong! What are you saying?<ref>Katsuragi was never deployed as an aircraft carrier, and instead was used as a coastal anti-aircraft defense platform due to lack of planes and fuel by the waning months of the war.</ref>
|EN0 =
| audio      =Katsuragi-Intro.mp3
|Note0 =  
|秘書クリック会話① =  
|EN2 =  
| scenario    =Introduction
|秘書クリック会話② =  
| kai        =yes
|EN3 =  
| origin      =航空母艦葛城、参ります!正真正銘の正規空母の力、存分に見せてあげる!
|秘書クリック会話③ =  
| translation =Aircraft carrier Katsuragi, reporting in! Watch what a true standard aircraft carrier is capable of!
|EN4 =  
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-Intro.mp3
|秘書放置時 =  
|EN4a =  
|Note4a =  
| scenario    =Library
|戦績表示時 =  
| origin      =雲龍型航空母艦の三番艦、葛城よ。
|EN5 =  
|編成選択時 =  
|EN6 =  
| translation =I'm the 3rd ship of the Unryuu-class aircraft carriers, Katsuragi!
|装備時① =  
Yes, a standard aircraft carrier. Looks like I was born too late.<ref>She was only completed in 1944.</ref>
|EN7 =  
But after the battle was over, I was working at full power. In a sense, I am the best. It's the truth! Really it's true!<ref>She worked as a repatriation ship after the war, shuttling Japanese citizens back to the Home Islands.</ref>
|Note7 =  
| audio      =Katsuragi-Library.mp3
|装備時② =  
|EN8 =  
|Note8 =  
| scenario    =Secretary 1
|装備時③ =  
| origin      =正規空母だかんね、正規空母!
|EN9 =  
| translation =I'm a standard aircraft carrier, you know! I really am!
|補給時 =  
| audio      =Katsuragi-Sec1.mp3
|EN24 =  
|ドック入り(小破以下) =  
|EN10 =  
| scenario    =Secretary 1
|ドック入り(中破以上) =  
| kai        =yes
|EN11 =  
| origin      =そうよ、航空母艦!主力よ主力!!
|建造時 =  
| translation =That's right, I'm a standard carrier! I'm part of the main force!!
|EN12 =  
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-Sec1.mp3
|艦隊帰投時 =  
|EN13 =  
|出撃時 =  
| scenario    =Secretary 2
|EN14 =  
| origin      =一番いい艦載機を頂戴よ。わかってる?
|戦闘開始時 =  
| translation =I'll take the very best planes. Got it?
|EN15 =  
| audio      =Katsuragi-Sec2.mp3
|Note15 =  
|攻撃時 =  
|EN16 =  
| scenario    =Secretary 3
|夜戦開始時 =  
| origin      =あっ…そこは格納庫じゃ…ってあなた何してんの!?どういうつもりなの!?バカァ!!
|EN17 =  
| translation =Oh... That's not my hangar... Hey, what are you doing!? Just what are you planning!? Idiot!!
|MVP時 =  
| audio      =Katsuragi-Sec3.mp3
|EN19 =  
|小破① =  
|EN20 =  
| scenario    =Secretary 3
|小破② =  
| kai        =yes
|EN21 =  
| origin      =だからぁ、そこは格納庫じゃないって何度言ったらっ……っ!今日こそは許さないから!!
|中破 =  
| translation =How many times have I told you that isn't a hangar... hey! I won't forgive you this time!!
|EN22 =  
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-Sec3.mp3
|撃沈時(反転) =  
|EN23 =  
|Note23 =  
| scenario    =Secretary Idle
|Married =  
| origin      =そっかそっか、これが流星改ね。うんうん。話には聞いていて…んでもってこれが烈風…いいじゃない!私にピッタリ!えっ?
|EN25 =  
| translation =I see, I see so this is a Ryuusei Kai. Yes, yes. I heard about this... But here's the Reppuu... Isn't this great? It fits me perfectly! EH?
|Wedding =  
| audio      =Katsuragi-SecIdle.mp3
|EN26 =  
| scenario    =Secretary (Married)
| origin      =提督・・ね、補給と艦載機さえあればあたしだって・・え・・何・・そんなに優しい目で見ても何も・・何にも出ないんだからね!もう・・
| translation =Admiral... Hey, if I could just have supplies and aircraft, I'll be...uh...what... Even if you look at me with those kind eyes, nothing...nothing will come out! It's hopeless...
| audio      =Katsuragi-SecMarried.mp3
| scenario    =Wedding
| origin      =なあに提督?あたしこう見えてけっこう忙しいんだけど・・結構機関があれだから・・いろいろ整備を・・って・・あの・・ありがとう・・私・・
| translation =Hey, Admiral? I know I'm really busy, but... I have a lot of components... and there's a lot of maintenance needed...um...well...thank you...I...
| audio      =Katsuragi-Wedding.mp3
| scenario    =Player's Score
| origin      =そうそう!情報は絶対大事よね!一緒に確認してみよ?
| translation =Right, right! Intelligence is absolutely vital! Shall we review it together?
| audio      =Katsuragi-PlayerScore.mp3
| scenario    =Joining The Fleet
| origin      =航空母艦葛城、準備は万全よ。出撃するわ!
| translation =Standard Carrier Katsuragi, preparations complete. Sortieing!
| audio      =Katsuragi-JoinFleet.mp3
| scenario    =Joining The Fleet
| kai        =yes
| origin      =航空母艦葛城、艦載機隊も万全です!改飛龍型の本当の力、見せてあげる!!
| translation =Aircraft Carrier Katsuragi, carrier planes are all ready! I'll show you the true power of the Improved Hiryuu-class!!<ref>The Unryuu-class were based off the Hiryuu-class.</ref>
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-JoinFleet.mp3
| scenario    =Equipment 1
| origin      =ま…まあまあの装備じゃない?うん
| translation =This...This'll do, I guess? Yeah.
| audio      =Katsuragi-Equip1.mp3
| scenario    =Equipment 2
| origin      =よぉし、これなら戦える!嬉しいわ。
| translation =Alright, I can fight with this! I'm really happy.
| audio      =Katsuragi-Equip2.mp3
| scenario    =Equipment 3
| origin      =全力で行くわ。
| translation =I'll give it my best shot!
| audio      =Katsuragi-Equip3.mp3
| scenario    =Supply
| origin      =貴重な補給ありがとう!よーし、また行くわ!
| translation =Thank you for the precious supplies! Alright, let's go sortie again!
| audio      =Katsuragi-Supply.mp3
| scenario    =Docking (Minor)
| origin      =お風呂入るわ!あなた…絶対のぞかないでよね!
| translation =I'm getting in the bath! You're... definitely not allowed to peek!
| audio      =Katsuragi-DockMinor.mp3
| scenario    =Docking (Major)
| origin      =ふぅ~ちょっと長湯になっちゃうかも…ごめん、お風呂行くね。っ!覗いたら殺す!
| translation =Sigh~ I'm going to take a long bath now, I think... Sorry, I'll be going to the bath now. Hey! I'll kill you if you peek!
| audio      =Katsuragi-DockMajor.mp3
| scenario    =Construction
| origin      =新戦力が加わるって!楽しみ!
| translation =It seems like our fighting power has increased! I can't wait!
| audio      =Katsuragi-Construction.mp3
| scenario    =Return From Sortie
| origin      =作戦完了。艦隊帰投よ、お疲れ様!
| translation =Operation complete. The fleet has returned to port, good work!
| audio      =Katsuragi-SortieReturn.mp3
| scenario    =Starting A Sortie
| origin      =機動部隊旗艦葛城、抜錨する!…くぅ~言ってみたかったんだぁ~
| translation =Task Force flagship, Katsuragi, setting sail! ...hehe~ I just wanted to try saying that!
| audio      =Katsuragi-Sortie.mp3
| scenario    =Starting A Battle
| origin      =よぉし、敵艦隊を見つけたわ!稼働全艦載機、発艦はじめ!
| translation =Alright, enemy fleet sighted! All operational planes, commence take off!
| audio      =Katsuragi-BattleStart.mp3
| scenario    =Starting A Battle
| kai        =yes
| origin      =よぉし、敵艦隊を発見!いっくわよぉー!攻撃隊、稼働全機発艦、始め!
| translation =Alright, we've found the enemy! Let's go~! Attack Squadron, all operational planes, commence take off!
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-BattleStart.mp3
| scenario    =Attack
| origin      =敵発見!全高射砲は…ちっ違う、回せー!攻撃隊、直掩隊、発艦準備!
| translation =Enemy sighted! All anti-air guns are... Wait, that's wrong, I take it back! Attack squadrons, fighter escorts, commence take off!
| audio      =Katsuragi-Attack.mp3
| scenario    =Air Battle
| origin      =攻撃隊、発進!かっ、葛城は空母なんだから!
| translation =Attack squadron, launch! I-I'm a standard carrier!
| audio      =Katsuragi-AirAttack.mp3
| scenario    =Night Battle
| origin      =追撃かぁ…深追いは禁物なんだけど時には必要か…よし、いっけー!
| translation =Pursuit, huh... Although we shouldn't chase them too far, at times it's necessary... Alright, let's go!
| audio      =Katsuragi-NightBattle.mp3
| scenario    =MVP
| origin      =えっ…私…?葛城が一番ですって…?…そう…ふぅん…ありがとう…そう…
| translation =Eh... Me...? I'm number one...? ...I see... hrmmm... Thank you...oh...
| audio      =Katsuragi-MVP.mp3
| scenario    =MVP
| kai        =yes
| origin      =また私かぁ。悪いわね、葛城ばっかり一番貰っちゃって。ごめんね?
| translation =Me again huh. I feel bad that I'm always number one. Sorry?
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-MVP.mp3
| scenario    =Minor Damage 1
| origin      =やだ?!飛行甲板は無事?!誘爆を防いで!沈む気なんて…ないんだからね!
| translation =No way! Is the flight deck fine?! Prevent detonations! I won't be sinking... just yet!
| audio      =Katsuragi-MinorDamage1.mp3
| scenario    =Minor Damage 2
| origin      =かっ…葛城は…空母なんだから!
| translation =I... I'm...a Standard Carrier after all!
| audio      =Katsuragi-MinorDamage2.mp3
| scenario    =Major Damage
| origin      =くらっちゃったか…でもまだ機関部は無傷!これなら航行には問題ないわ!
| translation =I got hit... but the engine is undamaged! I won't have trouble sailing!
| audio      =Katsuragi-MajorDamage.mp3
| scenario    =Sunk
| origin      =なるほど…これが沈むってことか…冷たいわ…あと、寂しい…バイバイ、みんな…
| translation =It seems like...this is what they call sinking, huh... It's freezing... After this I'll be lonely... Bye-bye, everyone...
| audio      =Katsuragi-Sinking.mp3
|Clip1 =  
|Clip0 =  
{{ShipquoteHeader | type = hourly}}
|Clip2 =  
|Clip3 =  
| scenario    =00:00
|Clip4a =  
| origin      =えっと、今日は私…航空母艦葛城が、あなたの秘書艦をやってあげる。何よ文句あるの? 時報任務くらい余裕よ、余裕!
|Clip25 =  
| translation =Ummm, today I'll be your... secretary. You have a problem with that? I have plenty of time to do the time announcements!
|Clip26 =  
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-0000.mp3
|Clip5 =  
|Clip7 =  
|Clip8 =  
| scenario    =01:00
|Clip9 =  
| origin      =マルヒトマルマルよ、いい? 聞いてる? あ、そう? ならいいの…よし!
|Clip24 =  
| translation =It's 0100 alright? Did you hear me? Ah, is that so? That's fine then... Alright!
|Clip10 =  
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-0100.mp3
|Clip11 =  
|Clip14 =  
|Clip15 =  
| scenario    =02:00
|Clip16 =  
| origin      =マルフタマルマルよ! って、聞いてないでしょ私の時報?! …そう? ホントに? …ならいいけど。
|Clip17 =  
| translation =It's 0200! Hey, did you hear my announcement?! ...Is that so? Really? ...Alright then.
|Clip18 =  
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-0200.mp3
|Clip19 =  
|Clip20 =  
|Clip21 =  
| scenario    =03:00
|Clip22 =  
| origin      =マルサンマルマル…って、ほら! やっぱり聞いてないじゃない!! さっきから何やってんのあなた?! …って、え? 料理?
|Clip23 =  
| translation =0300... Wha, hey! You definitely aren't listening to me!! What did I just say?! ...Wha, eh? Cooking?
|Clip4 =  
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-0300.mp3
|Clip6 =  
|Clip12 =  
|Clip13 =  
| scenario    =04:00
| origin      =マルヨンマルマルよ。なに、私のために夜食を? その鍋焼き饂飩…や、やだ、ありがとう。え、美味しいけど…なんで?
| translation =It's 0400. What's that, you're making a midnight snack for me? Is that hotpot udon... Oh, oh my, thank you. Eh, it's delicious... Why do you ask?
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-0400.mp3
| scenario    =05:00
| origin      =マルゴーマル……え? 姉さん達に比べて、出るところが出てないからいっぱい食べろって? …〜っ!! 上等じゃない、言い残すことはあるかしらっ?!!
| translation =050... Eh? I have to eat because the bits that should stick out don't stick out like my sisters? ...Wha!! That's it, any last words?!!
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-0500.mp3
| scenario    =06:00
| origin      =マルロクマルマルよ。はぁ、まったくあなたって、一体私達のどこを見てんの? そんなんじゃ性能は比べられないのに…もう、まったく!
| translation =It's 0600. Sigh, I can't believe you, where are you looking when you watch us? That has nothing to do with our abilities... Ugh, I can't believe you!
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-0600.mp3
| scenario    =07:00
| origin      =マルナナマルマルよ。一通り怒ったらお腹すいちゃった。あなた、朝ごはんも作ってよ? いいでしょ? 罰よ、罰!
| translation =It's 0700. Getting angry got me hungry. You'll make breakfast too right? Right? It's punishment!
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-0700.mp3
| scenario    =08:00
| origin      =マルハチマルマル。やだ、あなたの作った朝食…美味しい! 一体誰に習ったの?! え、天城姉ぇ? マジでっ?!
| translation =0800. Whoa, the breakfast you made is... delicious! Who taught you to cook?! Eh, Amagi-nee? Seriously?!
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-0800.mp3
| scenario    =09:00
| origin      =マルキュウマルマルよ。まったく嫌んなっちゃう! でも、空母としての能力は、料理じゃ決まらないわ。そもそも空母って…っ!
| translation =It's 0900. It's not like I don't want to! But, a carrier's ability isn't dependent on her cooking skills. In the first place, carriers are...!
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-0900.mp3
| scenario    =10:00
| origin      =ヒトマルマルマルよ。はっ、瑞鶴先輩?! い、いつもお疲れ様です! …はぁ、緊張したぁ。だって、あの瑞鶴さんだもん。憧れの!
| translation =It's 1000. Ah, Zuikaku senpai?! Th... thank you for all your hard work! ...Whew, I was so nervous. I mean, it's Zuikaku. I look up to her!
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-1000.mp3
| scenario    =11:00
| origin      =ヒトヒトマルマル。え、なに? そうよ。私の憧れは、何と言っても瑞鶴さん! いいよねぇ〜、あの迷彩も好き! 私もお揃なの!
| translation =1100. Eh, what? That's right. Zuikaku-san is the one I look up to after all! Isn't she great~, I love that camouflage too! Mine matches hers!
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-1100.mp3
| scenario    =12:00
| origin      =ヒトフタマルマル。もうお昼じゃない?! あなたは、今日はお昼はどうするの? 間宮さんとこ行く? それとも…う〜ん…
| translation =1200. Isn't it lunchtime?! What do you want to do for lunch today? Shall we go to Mamiya's? Or... Yeah...
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-1200.mp3
| scenario    =13:00
| origin      =ヒトサンマルマル。たまには、港の外にでるのもいいわね。ちょっと半舷上陸気分♪ …はっ?! べ、別にデートとかそんなん違うからっ!
| translation =1300. It's nice to go out of the harbor once in a while. It kind of feels like shore leave♪ ...Wha?! It... it's not like a date at all!<ref>The term she uses "半舷上陸" refers to when half the ship's crew is given shore leave in turns.</ref>
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-1300.mp3
| scenario    =14:00
| origin      =ヒトヨンマルマルよ。もう、何勘違いしてんの? 馬鹿みたい、ほんと…でも、あの洋食屋さん…美味しかった。ま、また行ってもいいけど?
| translation =It's 1400. Humph, what were you thinking? You'll really make a fool of yourself. But, that Western restaurant was... delicious. Can, can we go there again sometime?
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-1400.mp3
| scenario    =15:00
| origin      =ヒトゴーマルマル。あ、天城姉ぇ元気? うん、私はいつでもバッチリ! ほら、飛行甲板も、噴進砲だって、整備は万全!
| translation =1500. Ah, how are you Amagi-nee? Yup, I'm always great! See, my flight deck and guns are all well maintained!
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-1500.mp3
| scenario    =16:00
| origin      =ヒトロクマルマルよ。え、なに? 対空射撃? それは、十八番中の十八番よ。 なに? 今からやってみせようか? 結構派手なんだから♪
| translation =It's 1600. Eh, what? AA marksmanship? That is my super special skill. What? You want me to show it to you now? It's pretty flashy♪
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-1600.mp3
| scenario    =17:00
| origin      =ヒトナナマルマル。そんなことやってたら、もう夕方じゃない。はぁ、出撃や遠征も…もぅ。 あ、明日からちゃんとやるから!
| translation =1700. It's already evening after doing all that. Ah, sorties and exercises are... Oh well. I... I'll do them properly tomorrow!
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-1700.mp3
| scenario    =18:00
| origin      =ヒトハチマルマル。もう夕食ね。えっと…簡単なもので良ければ、私が作るわ。塩の握り飯、沢庵、菜葉のお味噌汁でいいわよね?
| translation =1800. It's already dinnertime. Ummm... if you're fine with something simple I can make it. Salted rice balls, pickled daikon and miso soup with green vegetables is fine right?
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-1800.mp3
| scenario    =19:00
| origin      =ヒトキュウマルマルよ。どう、私の塩握り飯? 塩加減が絶妙だったでしょ?! そうよ! これはこれで、高い練度が要るんだから!
| translation =It's 1900. How are my salted rice balls? The seasoning is excellent right?! That's right! This requires a lot of practice!
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-1900.mp3
| scenario    =20:00
| origin      =フタマルマルマル。私だってね、いつかは機動部隊の中核を担って、外洋に打って出たいって思ってるんだから。ほんとよっ!
| translation =2000. One day I'd like to be the core of the combined fleet and head out to the open ocean. It's true!
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-2000.mp3
| scenario    =21:00
| origin      =フタヒトマルマル。じゃあ、あなたの夢はなんなの? 聞かせてよ、いいじゃない? ぇ、そうなんだ…へぇー、ふぅ〜ん…そうなんだ。
| translation =2100. So, what is your dream? Isn't it fine for you to tell me? Eh, is that so... Ehe~, Hmmm... is that so.
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-2100.mp3
| scenario    =22:00
| origin      =フタフタマルマルよ。…っ、うん♪ え、上機嫌じゃないかって? そ、そんなことないわ! 普通よ! ふ・つ・うっ!! ……ぇへへへっ♪
| translation =2200. ...*humming*♪ Eh, I'm in a good mood? I... I'm really not! This is the usual! U~su~al~!! ...Ehehehe~♪
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-2200.mp3
| scenario    =23:00
| origin      =フタサンマルマル。さ、今日もそろそろ看板ね。あなたもお疲れ様! 明日も早いから少し休みましょ? え、休めないのっ?!
| translation =2300. Well, the day is almost over. Thanks for your hard work. Shall we take a short rest because tomorrow will be here soon? Eh, you're not resting?!
| audio      =KatsuragiKai-2300.mp3
|scenario = [[Seasonal/New_Year_2015|New Year 2015]]
|origin = 新年、あけましておめでとう!今年も機動部隊の中核として、ガンガン頑張るわ!
|translation = Happy New Year! I’ll do my very best as the core of the Carrier Task Force!
|audio = Katsuragi_New_Years_Day_2016.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Early_Autumn_2015_Seasonal_Update|Early Autumn 2015]]
|origin = なんか、秋ってもの悲しくない?何となく。えぇ?天城姉ぇは秋好きなの?なんで?
|translation = Don’t you feel that there’s something sad about autumn? Just something. Eh? You like autumn, Amagi-nee? Why?
|audio = Katsuragi_Early_Autumn2015.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2015|Christmas 2015]]
|origin = クリスマス…か。悪くないわね、この雰囲気。これがシャンパン?そ、そう。
|translation = It’s… Christmas. This atmosphere is not bad. Is this champagne? I-I see.
|audio = Katsuragi_Christmas_2015_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/End_of_Year_2015|End of Year 2015]]
|origin = そろそろ年の瀬ね。格納庫も大掃除しなきゃって…こら!手を突っ込むな、ばか!
|translation = It’s almost New Year’s. I need to spring clean my hangar… Hey! Hands off, idiot!
|audio = Katsuragi_Year_End_2015_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2016|Setsubun 2016]]
|origin = 節分かぁ。…雲龍姉ぇと天城姉ぇに豆投げる感じでいいかな? …って、よくないよくない!
|translation = It’s Setsubun. …Should I throw beans at Unryuu-nee and Amagi-nee? …No, I really shouldn’t!
|audio = Katsuragi_Setsubun_2016_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2016|Valentine’s Day 2016]]
|origin = チョコほしいの?うん…一応用意したけど。本当に?仕方ない、あげるわ!
|translation = You want chocolates? Yeah… I guess just once is fine. Really? Then I have to give you some!
|audio = Katsuragi_Valentine_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/White_Day_2016|White Day 2016]]
|origin = もちろんお返しはくれるんでしょ?…なにがって?そりゃチョコのお返しでしょ?!チョコのっ!!
|translation = Of course, you’re giving me a return gift right? … For what? For the chocolates right?! The chocolates!!
|audio = Katsuragi_White_Day_2016.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Third_Anniversary|3rd Anniversary]]
|origin = そうか、今日は私たちにとって大切な日ね。あなたにとてもそうようね?ね?
|translation = I see, today is an important day. You think so too right? Right?
|audio = Katsuragi_3rd_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
==In-Game Trivia==
*Available as a drop from the [[Spring 2015 Event]] from clearing the E-2 node!
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Ship Full Katsuragi.png|Base
Ship Full Katsuragi Damaged.png|Base Damaged
Ship Full Katsuragi Kai.png|Kai
Ship Full Katsuragi Kai Damaged.png|Kai Damaged
==Real Life Trivia==
*Laid down at Kure naval base
;General Information
*She was never given her compliment of planes during the war, similar to [[Amagi]].
* She is named after [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Yamato_Katsuragi Mount Katsuragi].
*She survived the [[:wikipedia:Bombing_of_Kure_(July_1945)|Bombing campaign that took out many of the ships she was stationed with]] relatively untouched, with only one bomb hit. As such, she did survive the war.
* She was launched on the 19th of January 1944.
*After the war, she was used as a transport for retrieving Japanese nationals before being scrapped on 22 December 1946.
* After the war, she was used as a transport for retrieving Japanese nationals before being scrapped on the 22nd of December 1946.
;Update History
* She was added on the 28th of April 2015 as [[Spring 2015 Event]] E2 reward.
* Her initial appearance and equipment is a reference to how she never got her air wing as they were assigned elsewhere when she was completed and also how she spent her career moored and camouflaged in Kure.
* She survived the [[wikipedia:Bombing_of_Kure_(July_1945)|bombing campaign]] that took out many of the ships she was stationed with relatively untouched, with only one bomb hit. As such, she did survive the war.
[[Category:Unryuu Class]]
==See Also==
*[[wikipedia:Japanese_aircraft_carrier_Katsuragi|Wikipedia entry on Katsuragi]]
[[Category:World War II Survivors]]

Latest revision as of 02:38, 21 November 2023


Ship Card Katsuragi.png
Ship Card Katsuragi Damaged.png
Ship Banner Katsuragi.png
Ship Banner Katsuragi Damaged.png
葛城 (かつらぎ) Katsuragi
Unryuu Class Standard Aircraft Carrier

HP HP4854FP Firepower0→25
ARM Armor27→52TORPTorpedo0
EVA Evasion34→59AA Anti-Air27→72
PLA Aircraft51ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare0
SPD SpeedFastLOS Line of Sight36→70
RGE RangeShortLUK Luck20→69
1825mm Twin Autocannon Mount
2425mm Triple Autocannon Mount
ModernizationFirepower 0 Torpedo 0 Anti-Air 3 Armor 3
Build Time3:30 (Unbuildable)Remodel Req
ConsumptionFuel 50 Ammo 45DismantleFuel 7 Ammo 9 Steel 26 Bauxite 5
IllustratorKuu Ro KuroSeiyuuKayano Ai
Ship Card Katsuragi Kai.png
Ship Card Katsuragi Kai Damaged.png
Ship Banner Katsuragi Kai.png
Ship Banner Katsuragi Kai Damaged.png
葛城 (かつらぎかい) Katsuragi Kai
Unryuu Class Standard Aircraft Carrier

HP HP6067FP Firepower0→45
ARM Armor36→78TORPTorpedo0
EVA Evasion37→75AA Anti-Air32→78
PLA Aircraft69ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare0
SPD SpeedFastLOS Line of Sight44→78
RGE RangeShortLUK Luck30→79
18Zero Fighter Model 52C (601 Air Group)
21Ryuusei (601 Air Group)
2725mm Twin Autocannon Mount
312cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher
ModernizationFirepower 0 Torpedo 0 Anti-Air 4 Armor 3
Remodel Level50Remodel ReqAmmo 1000 Steel 750 Blueprint 1
ConsumptionFuel 50 Ammo 55DismantleFuel 7 Ammo 13 Steel 30 Bauxite 10
IllustratorKuu Ro KuroSeiyuuKayano Ai

Gameplay Notes

Standard Aircraft Carriers (CV) notably utilize Dive Bomber Dive Bombers, Torpedo Bomber Torpedo Bombers, Fighter Fighters, required to take part in both Aerial Combat and regular Combat, with their "plane slot" Aircraft stat being the most important. They:

  • Must equip Dive Bomber/Torpedo Bomber bombers to be able to carry any attack.
  • Cannot attack during Night Battle without the right equipment.

Special Mechanics

  • None

Equipability Exceptions

CV Default equipment compatibility
✔️ Can Equip ❌ Cannot Equip
Fighter Dive Bomber Torpedo Bomber Reconnaissance Aircraft Aviation Personnel TransportationMaterial.png JetFighterBomber2.png Large Reconnaissance AircraftSp Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon Seaplane BomberBomber Seaplane Fighter Large Flying Boat Rotorcraft Liaison Aircraft
Secondary Gun Large Secondary High-Angle GunSp_Sec Anti-Aircraft Gun Anti-Aircraft Fire Director Large SONARLarge Small RADARSmall Large RADARLarge Small Caliber Main Gun Medium Caliber Main Gun Large Caliber Main Gun Very Large Caliber Main GunSp Torpedoes Submarine TorpedoesSub Midget SubmarineMinisub Depth Charges Small SONARSmall Very Large RADARSp Submarine Equipment
Engine Improvement Large ArmorLarge Emergency Repair Personnel Command Facility Ration Anti-Aircraft Shell Armor-Piercing Shell Medium ArmorMedium FlareIcon.png Searchlight Large SearchlightLarge Lookout Drum Canister Landing Craft Amphibious Vehicle Landing Forces Anti-Ground Rocket Facility.png Smoke Generator Supplies
RE: Anti-Aircraft Gun Anti-Aircraft Fire Director Large ArmorLarge Emergency Repair Personnel Ration Equipment Card Improved Kanhon Type Turbine.png Equipment Card Skilled Deck Personnel.png Equipment Card Skilled Deck Personnel + Aviation Maintenance Hands.png
Equipability notes: Night Fighter=Fighter ; Night Torpedo Bomber=Torpedo Bomber ; JetFighterBomber1.png=JetFighterBomber2.png ; Night Reconnaissance Seaplane =Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon ; Night Seaplane Bomber =Seaplane BomberBomber ; Small Caliber Main High-Angle GunSmall=Small Caliber Main Gun ; Medium Main High-Angle GunMedium=Medium Caliber Main Gun ; Secondary High-Angle GunSec=Secondary Gun ; Barrage Balloon=Smoke Generator
  • Default CV equipment compatibility

Fit Bonuses

[edit]Katsuragi Equipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine Warfare Line of Sight Armor Accuracy Evasion Note
Ship-Type Bonuses
FighterType 0 Fighter Model 64 (Air Superiority Fighter Specification)Type 0 Fighter Model 64 (Air Superiority Fighter Specification) (★6-7) +1 +1
(★8-9) +1 +1 +2
(★MAX) +1 +1 +2 +2
Dive BomberType 0 Fighter Model 64 (Two-seat w/ KMX)Type 0 Fighter Model 64 (Two-seat w/ KMX) (★2-3) +1
(★4-5) +1 +1
(★6-7) +1 +1 +1
(★8-9) +1 +1 +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +2 +1
Dive BomberType 0 Fighter Model 64 (Skilled Fighter-bomber)Type 0 Fighter Model 64 (Skilled Fighter-bomber) (★6-7) +1 +1
(★8-9) +1 +1 +1 +1
(★MAX) +2 +1 +2 +1
Torpedo BomberBarracuda Mk.IIBarracuda Mk.II (★MAX) +1
Torpedo BomberBarracuda Mk.IIIBarracuda Mk.III (★7) +1
(★8) +1 +1
(★9) +1 +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +2
Reconnaissance AircraftAny Carrier Recon (1st equipped) (★2-3) +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★4-5) +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★6-9) +1 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +2 +3 One-time
RADARPassive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model)Passive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model) (1st equipped) (★7) +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8) +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★9) +1 +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +1 +2 +1 One-time
+ ★4+ Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model)Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model) +1 +4 +1 +3 One-time
Anti-Aircraft Gun2cm Flakvierling 382cm Flakvierling 38 (★4-6) +1 +1
(★7-9) +1 +2 +1
(★MAX) +1 +3 +2
(★4-MAX) + Air Radar +1 One-time
Anti-Aircraft Gun3.7cm FlaK M423.7cm FlaK M42 (★6-7) +1 +1
(★8-9) +1 +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +1 +2
(★6-MAX) + Air Radar +2 One-time
Command FacilityFleet Communication AntennaFleet Communication Antenna (★4) +1
(★5) +1 +1
(★6) +1 +1 +1
(★7) +1 +2 +1
(★8) +2 +2 +1
(★9) +2 +2 +2
(★MAX) +2 +3 +2
Aviation PersonnelSkilled Deck Personnel + Aviation Maintenance HandsSkilled Deck Personnel + Aviation Maintenance Hands (1st equipped) (★1) +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★2) +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★3) +1 +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★4) +1 +1 +1 Dive Bomber Attack+1, One-time
(1st equipped) (★5) +1 +1 +1 +1 Dive Bomber Attack+1, One-time
(1st equipped) (★6) +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Dive Bomber Attack+1, One-time
(1st equipped) (★7) +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 Dive Bomber Attack+1, One-time
(1st equipped) (★8) +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 Dive Bomber Attack+1, One-time
(1st equipped) (★9) +2 +1 +1 +2 +2 Dive Bomber Attack+1, One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +3 +1 +1 +2 +2 Dive Bomber Attack+1, One-time
SONARType 0 Passive SonarType 0 Passive Sonar (1st equipped) (★3-4) +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★5-6) +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★7) +1 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8) +2 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★9) +2 +1 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +3 +1 +2 One-time

Drop Locations

ShipRarityTypeNo.World 1World 2World 3World 7World 4World 5World 6Remarks

Voice Lines


Event Japanese/English
I'm the third ship of the Unryuu-class aircraft carriers, Katsuragi! Hmm? An anti-air platform? Y-You've got it wrong! What are you saying?[1]
Aircraft carrier Katsuragi, reporting in! Watch what a true standard aircraft carrier is capable of!
I'm the 3rd ship of the Unryuu-class aircraft carriers, Katsuragi!

Yes, a standard aircraft carrier. Looks like I was born too late.[2] But after the battle was over, I was working at full power. In a sense, I am the best. It's the truth! Really it's true![3]


そう、正規空母。ちょっと生まれるのが遅かったみたい。 でも戦いが終わった後で、私は全力で働いたの。ある意味、私が一番なんだから。ホントよ?ホントなんだから。

Secretary 1
I'm a standard aircraft carrier, you know! I really am!
Secretary 1
That's right, I'm a standard carrier! I'm part of the main force!!
Secretary 2
I'll take the very best planes. Got it?
Secretary 3
Oh... That's not my hangar... Hey, what are you doing!? Just what are you planning!? Idiot!!
Secretary 3
How many times have I told you that isn't a hangar... hey! I won't forgive you this time!!
Secretary Idle
I see, I see so this is a Ryuusei Kai. Yes, yes. I heard about this... But here's the Reppuu... Isn't this great? It fits me perfectly! EH?
Secretary (Married)
Admiral... Hey, if I could just have supplies and aircraft, I'll be...uh...what... Even if you look at me with those kind eyes, nothing...nothing will come out! It's hopeless...
Hey, Admiral? I know I'm really busy, but... I have a lot of components... and there's a lot of maintenance needed...um...well...thank you...I...
Player's Score
Right, right! Intelligence is absolutely vital! Shall we review it together?
Joining The Fleet
Standard Carrier Katsuragi, preparations complete. Sortieing!
Joining The Fleet
Aircraft Carrier Katsuragi, carrier planes are all ready! I'll show you the true power of the Improved Hiryuu-class!![4]
Equipment 1
This...This'll do, I guess? Yeah.
Equipment 2
Alright, I can fight with this! I'm really happy.
Equipment 3[5]
I'll give it my best shot!
Thank you for the precious supplies! Alright, let's go sortie again!
Docking (Minor)
I'm getting in the bath! You're... definitely not allowed to peek!
Docking (Major)
Sigh~ I'm going to take a long bath now, I think... Sorry, I'll be going to the bath now. Hey! I'll kill you if you peek!
It seems like our fighting power has increased! I can't wait!
Return From Sortie
Operation complete. The fleet has returned to port, good work!
Starting A Sortie
Task Force flagship, Katsuragi, setting sail! ...hehe~ I just wanted to try saying that!
Starting A Battle
Alright, enemy fleet sighted! All operational planes, commence take off!
Starting A Battle
Alright, we've found the enemy! Let's go~! Attack Squadron, all operational planes, commence take off!
Enemy sighted! All anti-air guns are... Wait, that's wrong, I take it back! Attack squadrons, fighter escorts, commence take off!
Air Battle
Attack squadron, launch! I-I'm a standard carrier!
Night Battle
Pursuit, huh... Although we shouldn't chase them too far, at times it's necessary... Alright, let's go!
Eh... Me...? I'm number one...? ...I see... hrmmm... Thank you...oh...
Me again huh. I feel bad that I'm always number one. Sorry?
Minor Damage 1
No way! Is the flight deck fine?! Prevent detonations! I won't be sinking... just yet!
Minor Damage 2
I... I'm...a Standard Carrier after all!
Major Damage
I got hit... but the engine is undamaged! I won't have trouble sailing!
It seems like...this is what they call sinking, huh... It's freezing... After this I'll be lonely... Bye-bye, everyone...
  1. Katsuragi was never deployed as an aircraft carrier, and instead was used as a coastal anti-aircraft defense platform due to lack of planes and fuel by the waning months of the war.
  2. She was only completed in 1944.
  3. She worked as a repatriation ship after the war, shuttling Japanese citizens back to the Home Islands.
  4. The Unryuu-class were based off the Hiryuu-class.
  5. This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.


Time Japanese/English
Ummm, today I'll be your... secretary. You have a problem with that? I have plenty of time to do the time announcements!
えっと、今日は私…航空母艦葛城が、あなたの秘書艦をやってあげる。何よ文句あるの? 時報任務くらい余裕よ、余裕!
It's 0100 alright? Did you hear me? Ah, is that so? That's fine then... Alright!
マルヒトマルマルよ、いい? 聞いてる? あ、そう? ならいいの…よし!
It's 0200! Hey, did you hear my announcement?! ...Is that so? Really? ...Alright then.
マルフタマルマルよ! って、聞いてないでしょ私の時報?! …そう? ホントに? …ならいいけど。
0300... Wha, hey! You definitely aren't listening to me!! What did I just say?! ...Wha, eh? Cooking?
マルサンマルマル…って、ほら! やっぱり聞いてないじゃない!! さっきから何やってんのあなた?! …って、え? 料理?
It's 0400. What's that, you're making a midnight snack for me? Is that hotpot udon... Oh, oh my, thank you. Eh, it's delicious... Why do you ask?
マルヨンマルマルよ。なに、私のために夜食を? その鍋焼き饂飩…や、やだ、ありがとう。え、美味しいけど…なんで?
050... Eh? I have to eat because the bits that should stick out don't stick out like my sisters? ...Wha!! That's it, any last words?!!
マルゴーマル……え? 姉さん達に比べて、出るところが出てないからいっぱい食べろって? …〜っ!! 上等じゃない、言い残すことはあるかしらっ?!!
It's 0600. Sigh, I can't believe you, where are you looking when you watch us? That has nothing to do with our abilities... Ugh, I can't believe you!
マルロクマルマルよ。はぁ、まったくあなたって、一体私達のどこを見てんの? そんなんじゃ性能は比べられないのに…もう、まったく!
It's 0700. Getting angry got me hungry. You'll make breakfast too right? Right? It's punishment!
マルナナマルマルよ。一通り怒ったらお腹すいちゃった。あなた、朝ごはんも作ってよ? いいでしょ? 罰よ、罰!
0800. Whoa, the breakfast you made is... delicious! Who taught you to cook?! Eh, Amagi-nee? Seriously?!
マルハチマルマル。やだ、あなたの作った朝食…美味しい! 一体誰に習ったの?! え、天城姉ぇ? マジでっ?!
It's 0900. It's not like I don't want to! But, a carrier's ability isn't dependent on her cooking skills. In the first place, carriers are...!
マルキュウマルマルよ。まったく嫌んなっちゃう! でも、空母としての能力は、料理じゃ決まらないわ。そもそも空母って…っ!
It's 1000. Ah, Zuikaku senpai?! Th... thank you for all your hard work! ...Whew, I was so nervous. I mean, it's Zuikaku. I look up to her!
ヒトマルマルマルよ。はっ、瑞鶴先輩?! い、いつもお疲れ様です! …はぁ、緊張したぁ。だって、あの瑞鶴さんだもん。憧れの!
1100. Eh, what? That's right. Zuikaku-san is the one I look up to after all! Isn't she great~, I love that camouflage too! Mine matches hers!
ヒトヒトマルマル。え、なに? そうよ。私の憧れは、何と言っても瑞鶴さん! いいよねぇ〜、あの迷彩も好き! 私もお揃なの!
1200. Isn't it lunchtime?! What do you want to do for lunch today? Shall we go to Mamiya's? Or... Yeah...
ヒトフタマルマル。もうお昼じゃない?! あなたは、今日はお昼はどうするの? 間宮さんとこ行く? それとも…う〜ん…
1300. It's nice to go out of the harbor once in a while. It kind of feels like shore leave♪ ...Wha?! It... it's not like a date at all![1]
ヒトサンマルマル。たまには、港の外にでるのもいいわね。ちょっと半舷上陸気分♪ …はっ?! べ、別にデートとかそんなん違うからっ!
It's 1400. Humph, what were you thinking? You'll really make a fool of yourself. But, that Western restaurant was... delicious. Can, can we go there again sometime?
ヒトヨンマルマルよ。もう、何勘違いしてんの? 馬鹿みたい、ほんと…でも、あの洋食屋さん…美味しかった。ま、また行ってもいいけど?
1500. Ah, how are you Amagi-nee? Yup, I'm always great! See, my flight deck and guns are all well maintained!
ヒトゴーマルマル。あ、天城姉ぇ元気? うん、私はいつでもバッチリ! ほら、飛行甲板も、噴進砲だって、整備は万全!
It's 1600. Eh, what? AA marksmanship? That is my super special skill. What? You want me to show it to you now? It's pretty flashy♪
ヒトロクマルマルよ。え、なに? 対空射撃? それは、十八番中の十八番よ。 なに? 今からやってみせようか? 結構派手なんだから♪
1700. It's already evening after doing all that. Ah, sorties and exercises are... Oh well. I... I'll do them properly tomorrow!
ヒトナナマルマル。そんなことやってたら、もう夕方じゃない。はぁ、出撃や遠征も…もぅ。 あ、明日からちゃんとやるから!
1800. It's already dinnertime. Ummm... if you're fine with something simple I can make it. Salted rice balls, pickled daikon and miso soup with green vegetables is fine right?
It's 1900. How are my salted rice balls? The seasoning is excellent right?! That's right! This requires a lot of practice!
ヒトキュウマルマルよ。どう、私の塩握り飯? 塩加減が絶妙だったでしょ?! そうよ! これはこれで、高い練度が要るんだから!
2000. One day I'd like to be the core of the combined fleet and head out to the open ocean. It's true!
2100. So, what is your dream? Isn't it fine for you to tell me? Eh, is that so... Ehe~, Hmmm... is that so.
フタヒトマルマル。じゃあ、あなたの夢はなんなの? 聞かせてよ、いいじゃない? ぇ、そうなんだ…へぇー、ふぅ〜ん…そうなんだ。
2200. ...*humming*♪ Eh, I'm in a good mood? I... I'm really not! This is the usual! U~su~al~!! ...Ehehehe~♪
フタフタマルマルよ。…っ、うん♪ え、上機嫌じゃないかって? そ、そんなことないわ! 普通よ! ふ・つ・うっ!! ……ぇへへへっ♪
2300. Well, the day is almost over. Thanks for your hard work. Shall we take a short rest because tomorrow will be here soon? Eh, you're not resting?!
フタサンマルマル。さ、今日もそろそろ看板ね。あなたもお疲れ様! 明日も早いから少し休みましょ? え、休めないのっ?!
  1. The term she uses "半舷上陸" refers to when half the ship's crew is given shore leave in turns.


Ship Japanese/English Notes
New Year 2015
Happy New Year! I’ll do my very best as the core of the Carrier Task Force!
Early Autumn 2015
Don’t you feel that there’s something sad about autumn? Just something. Eh? You like autumn, Amagi-nee? Why?
Christmas 2015
It’s… Christmas. This atmosphere is not bad. Is this champagne? I-I see.
End of Year 2015
It’s almost New Year’s. I need to spring clean my hangar… Hey! Hands off, idiot!
Setsubun 2016
It’s Setsubun. …Should I throw beans at Unryuu-nee and Amagi-nee? …No, I really shouldn’t!
節分かぁ。…雲龍姉ぇと天城姉ぇに豆投げる感じでいいかな? …って、よくないよくない!
Valentine’s Day 2016
You want chocolates? Yeah… I guess just once is fine. Really? Then I have to give you some!
White Day 2016
Of course, you’re giving me a return gift right? … For what? For the chocolates right?! The chocolates!!
3rd Anniversary
I see, today is an important day. You think so too right? Right?




General Information
  • She is named after Mount Katsuragi.
  • She was launched on the 19th of January 1944.
  • After the war, she was used as a transport for retrieving Japanese nationals before being scrapped on the 22nd of December 1946.
Update History
  • Her initial appearance and equipment is a reference to how she never got her air wing as they were assigned elsewhere when she was completed and also how she spent her career moored and camouflaged in Kure.
  • She survived the bombing campaign that took out many of the ships she was stationed with relatively untouched, with only one bomb hit. As such, she did survive the war.

See Also