00:00 Play
My Admiral, the clock has struck midnight. Today I, Gloire, will be of service. Let us begin.
Mon Amiral、午前0時を回りましたね。本日はこの私、Gloireが、お世話します。さぁ、参りましょう。
01:00 Play
My Admiral, it's 1 am. Are you sleepy? You okay? Sure? Should I make some café au lait?
Mon Amiral、午前1時です。眠い…?大丈夫?そう?Café au lait、ご用意しましょうか。
02:00 Play
My Admiral, it's 2 am. I'll do the rest of the paperwork. Please go ahead and take a break. Yes, leave it to me.
Mon Amiral、午前2時です。残りの書類は、私がやっておきます。先におやすみになってください。はい、お任せを。
03:00 Play
My Admiral, it's 3am. Hehe, you're such a cute sleeper. Good night, my Admiral...
Mon Amiral、午前3時です。ふふん…可愛い、眠ってる。Bonne nuit, mon Amiral...
04:00 Play
Ah, you're awake, my Admiral? Don't worry, the paperwork is all done. It's... 4 am, almost morning.
あぁー、お目覚めですか、mon Amiral? 書類の処理は、全て終わっています、安心して。時間は…うん、午前4時ですね。もうすぐ朝です。
05:00 Play
Good Morning, my Admiral! It's 5 am. It's looking like another fine morning. See, even the birds are singing. Here, your café au lait, enjoy.
Bonjour、Mon Amiral!午前5時、おはようございます。今朝もいい朝。ほら、小鳥も鳴いています。はいっ、café au lait、どうぞ!
06:00 Play
My Admiral, it's 6 am. I'll wake everyone up. Fleet, all hands, assemble! All hands, assemble! Good morning!
Mon Amiral、午前6時。皆さんを起こしますね。Flotte、総員、おこーし!皆さん、総員おこーしです!おはようございます!
07:00 Play
My Admiral, it's 7 am. Here's your breakfast. Freshly baked croissant and cafe au lait with plenty of milk. Enjoy your meal!
Mon Amiral、午前7時です、朝食はこちらに。焼き立てのクロワッサンと、ミルクたっぷりのcafé au lait。さぁ、Bon appétit!
08:00 Play
My Admiral, it's 8 am. Ah, Commandant Teste-san, good morning. You're always up so early! I'll be right out too.
Mon Amiral、午前8時です。あっ、Commandant Testeさん、おはようございます。いつも早いですねー。私も、すぐ出ます!
09:00 Play
My Admiral, it's 9 am. Now, let's head out to sea. Oh, Mogador-san, good morning. If you'd excuse us. Weighing anchor!
Mon Amiral、午前9時です。さぁ、海に出ましょう。あらっ、Mogadorさん、おはようございます。お先に失礼しますね。抜錨!
10:00 Play
My Admiral, it's 10 am. Richelieu-san, you look fantastic again today! Good morning. Yes, let's keep it up today.
Mon Amiral、午前10時です。Richelieuさん、今日も素敵、ですね!おはようございます。はいっ、今日も元気に参りましょう。
11:00 Play
My Admiral, it's 11 am- Ah, that's...? Do you know, Richelieu-san? She's the Japan fleet'[1], Yamato-san? Amazing...
Mon Amiral、午前11…あ、あれは?Richelieuさん、ご存じですか?Japon flotte、大和さん、彼女が?すごい…
12:00 Play
My Admiral, it's noon. I got this "onigiri" from the Japan fleet[1]. What a strange snack. Might as well try it then? Nom.
Mon Amiral、お昼です。Japon flotteからいただいた、このオニギリ、不思議な食べ物。せっかくですから、いただきましょ?はむっ。
13:00 Play
My Admiral, I really like this Japan[1] "onigiri". The one with grilled salmon is especially delicious. Eh? I'm supposed to eat these with my hands? No way, without a fork? Ah, the time is 1 pm.
Mon Amiral、私、このJapon、オニギリ、とっても気に入りました。特に、この焼いたsaumonの入ってるの、美味しい。え、手で食べるんですか?うそ、直接?あ、時刻は、午後1時です。
14:00 Play
My Admiral, it's 2- Ah, Japan's Haruna-san, good work today. Your main battery camouflage is still as gorgeous as ever. Eh, me too? No, mine still has a long way to go...
Mon Amiral、午後2、あ…Japon、榛名さん、お疲れ様です。相変わらず、素敵な主砲の迷彩ですね。え、私ですか?私なんかまだまだで…
15:00 Play
My Admiral, it's 3 pm. Indeed, I don't know how effective this camouflage is, but I've grown to like it. Haruna-san, would you... like to try full-body camo?
Mon Amiral、午後3時です。そうですね、この迷彩、どれだけ効果があるかはわかりませんが、私、気に入っていて。榛名さんも全身、やって…みます?
16:00 Play
Oh my, Comandante Cappellini?[2] You're still up to your old tricks then? Really? We've been through a lot, haven't we? Well, that was a long time ago. Mhm, right. It's 4 pm, almost evening.
あら、Comandante Cappellini?相変わらず、やんちゃ頑張ってるの?そう?お互いいろいろあったね。まぁ、今は昔。うん、そうね、そろそろ午後4時、夕方ね。
17:00 Play
My Admiral, look. The sunset is... beau-ti-ful... It's 5pm. Let's head back to the port. Aren't you tired? I'll make dinner tonight.
Mon Amiral、見て、夕日が、き、れ、い…時刻は午後5時、そろそろ港に戻りましょ。お疲れではないですか?今夜は私がお料理、作りますね。
18:00 Play
My Admiral, it's 6 pm. I'm making dinner now, please wait a moment. Would you like some wine first? Same here, ufufu.
Mon Amiral、午後6時になりました。私、お夕食を作りますね。ちょっと、待っていてください。ワイン、先にお飲みになってます?じゃあ、私も。うふふ。
19:00 Play
Cooking in the kitchen with wine in one hand is so fun! Here, the quiche is already done. To go with the drinks, of course. Cheers! It's 7 pm.
20:00 Play
My Admiral, it's 8pm. Here we go! True pot-au-feu from France! Enjoy your meal! It's amazing, isn't it? Completely different from the one you have here in Japan.[3]
Mon Amiral、午後8時。できました!France式の、本気の、Pot-au-feu。Bon appétit!ね、すごいでしょ。Japonのとは、全然違うの。
21:00 Play
It's 9 pm! What's better than drinking and cooking with the people you love, right? Hey, my Admiral, should I open another bottle of wine? Or was that enough? Good, I'm opening another! How about a red?
午後9時。好きな人とのお酒とお料理の時間、本当に素敵、よね?ね、mon Amiral, ワイン、もう一本開けちゃう?もう十分?了解、開けますね!赤でいい?
22:00 Play
Drunk already, my Admiral? Kay, look riiiight here, on my camo, how many black linesss? Hmm? Nahhhh, come on, get closer and cooount! Huh? The time? Ah, guessss it's 10 pm, but who caresss?
Mon Amiral、もう酔ってるの?じゃぁ、私のぉ迷彩の、ここ、さぁ、黒い線は、何本れすか?ん?ざぁんねぇん、ほら、ちゃぁんと近くで見て?え?時間?んー10時だけどぉ、どぉでもいいじゃなぃ。
23:00 Play
Whew, thanks. All that water helped me sober up. How does the Japanese saying go? "Don't let the drink drink you?" It's already 11 pm. My Admiral, thank you for today. Please take care of me tomorrow too, alright? Good night.
ふー、merci, お水いっぱい飲んだら、醒めました。お酒は飲んでも飲まれるな、ですよね。もう、午後11時。Mon Amiral、今日もありがとう。明日も、よろしくね?Bonne nuit.