00:00 Play
So I, Perth, will be your secretary? Understood. What's that look for? I'll be alright. Just watch.
01:00 Play
It's 1 o'clock. That is all.
It's 1 o'clock.以上。
02:00 Play
It's 2 o'clock. That is... What?
It's 2 o'clock.以上……なに?
03:00 Play
It's 3 o'clo... What's that look for? If you have something to say, out with it.
It's 3 o'clo…何、その目?言いたいことがあれば、はっきり言ったらどう?
04:00 Play
It's 4 o'clock. Oh, you just wanted some tea? You should've said so sooner. Here.
It's 4 o'clock. 何だ、お茶が欲しかったのか?早くはっきり言えばいいのに。はい。
05:00 Play
It's 5 o'clock. Would you like another cuppa? No worries, I'll get you one.
It's 5 o'clock. Cuppa、お代わり 、入る?いいのよ、別に。
06:00 Play
Good morning. It's 6 o'clock.
Good morning. It's 6 o'clock.
07:00 Play
It's 7 o'clock. Here's my special continental breakfast. Would you like some Earl Grey? Here you go.
It's 7 o'clock. Perth特製continental breakfastをどうぞ。紅茶はEarl Greyでいい?はい、どうぞ。
08:00 Play
It's 8 o'clock. Did you like breakfast? That's great.
It's 8 o'clock. 朝食はお口に合った?ならいいけど。
09:00 Play
It's 9 o'clock. Ah, Houston has left port. We should go too.
It's 9 o'clock. あぁ、Houstonが出港したわ。私達も、続きましょう。
10:00 Play
It's 10 o'clock. ABDA Fleet, sortie. Ehe, this formation makes me feel safe.
It's 10 o'clock. ABDA Fleet、出撃。えへぇ、ほっとするわね、この陣容。
11:00 Play
It's 11 o'clock. Exercises complete.
It's 11 o'clock. 演習終了。
12:00 Play
It's noon. Have some of my special lunch sandwiches.
It's noon. Perth特製lunch sandwichをどうぞ。
13:00 Play
It's 1 o'clock. Was it good? ...What? Ah, that's a kind of fermented food that's good for you. Maybe[1].
It's 1 o'clock. 美味しいかった?…なに?あぁ、それは発酵食品の一種で、健康にいいのよ。Maybe。
14:00 Play
It's 2... Admiral, there's a silhouette up ahead, the class is... a light cruiser... De Ruyter. ABDA Fleet, linking up.
It's 2... 提督、前方に艦影、艦種…軽巡…De Ruyter。ABDA Fleet、合流します。
15:00 Play
It's 3 o'clock. Heavy cruiser Houston is up ahead. We're linking up. Great, she's alright.
It's 3 o'clock. 前方より、重巡Houston。合流します。よし、彼女も健在です。
16:00 Play
It's 4 o'clock. Admiral, there's another friendly fleet up ahead. Heavy cruiser-class, Mogami, Mikuma. Behind them, destroyer Shikinami. Our fleet will continue on and link up with them.
It's 4 o'clock. 提督、前方よりさらに友軍艦隊。重巡class、最上、三隈。その後方に、駆逐艦敷波。我が艦隊に続行、合流します。
17:00 Play
It's 5 o'clock. What peaceful seas... The sunset is beautiful. This era... this time... is precious isn't it?
It's 5 o'clock. 静かな海…夕日が綺麗。この時代…この時間…大切ですね?
18:00 Play
It's 6 o'clock. What's for dinner?
It's 6 o'clock. 夕食はどうするの?
19:00 Play
It's 7 o'clock. You... made this, Admiral? It looks good. I'll help myself... *nom*... Mmm! It's good!
It's 7 o'clock. これは…提督が作ったの?美味しいそう。せっかくだから…はむ…ん!美味しい!
20:00 Play
It's 8 o'clock. Admiral, you're good at cooking. Where did you learn how to cook?
It's 8 o'clock. 提督、料理上手なのね。どこで修業したていうの?
21:00 Play
It's 9 o'clo... Hmmm? Who is it? ...You're... Shikinami? What are you doing out this late? You brought... some snacks? Thanks. I appreciate it.
It's 9 o'clo…ん?どなた?……あなたは…敷波?どうしたの、こんな時間に?これは…差し入れ?Thanks。嬉しいわ。
22:00 Play
It's 10 o'clock. They're such good girls. I don't mind. What's that look for? What's wrong with that?
It's 10 o'clock. いい子たちね。私は嫌いじゃない。何、その顔?いいじゃない、別に。
23:00 Play
It's 11 o'clock. Admiral, good work today. Let's work hard tomorrow too. Good night.
It's 11 o'clock. 提督、本日もお疲れ様。明日も頑張りましょう。Good night。