00:00 Play
Commander-sama, I'll gladly accept the duty of being the secretary ship today. You do not mind do you? Thank goodness♪
司令官様。本日はこの私、春風が秘書艦を務めさせていただきたいと思います。構いませんでしょうか? 良かった♪
01:00 Play
It is now 0100. Commander-sama, I see you still have a lot of work to do. I will go make you some tea.
02:00 Play
It is now, 0200. Here is your tea. I'll leave it here alright? Your tea is over here.
マルフタマルマルを、お知らせいたします。お茶をお淹れいたしました。こちらに置かせていただきますね? お茶うけはこちらです。
03:00 Play
It is now, 0300. Commander-sama, the late night sure is very peaceful. It would be nice... if it lasted. Ufu~...
04:00 Play
It is now 0400. Commander-sama, you've been working through the night... are you not feeling a little tired? I will give you a shoulder massage.
マルヨンマルマルを、お知らせいたします。司令官様、夜通しの執務…流石にお疲れではないですか? 肩をお揉みいたしましょう。
05:00 Play
It is now, 0500. Commander-sama look, the morning sun is so beautiful. Dawn is great no matter the season.
06:00 Play
0600. Morning has arrived. I will go and assemble the fleet. Commander-sama, what would you like for breakfast?
07:00 Play
0700 and it is now time for breakfast. Breakfast is served. It is my special set menu. Please enjoy your meal alright?
08:00 Play
It is now, 0800. Commander-sama, please have a second helping of breakfast... I did my very best to make it.
09:00 Play
It is now, 0900. Commander-sama, what should today's fleet operations be? Please give us your orders.
マルキュウマルマルを、お知らせいたします。司令官様。本日は艦隊運用、何から御始めになりますか? 何なりと御命じください。
10:00 Play
1000... oh, Asakaze-san. How do you do? Today is wonderful♪ The 2nd Platoon? No, I haven't seen them.
ヒトマルマルマ…あら、朝風さん。御機嫌よう。今日も素敵ですね♪ 第二小隊ですか? ううん、見ていませんわ。
11:00 Play
It is now 1100. Asakaze-san? Yes, it's just like you said, she's my important partner.
ヒトヒトマルマルを、お知らせいたします。朝風さんですか? はい。おっしゃる通り、私の…大切な、パートナーです。
12:00 Play
It is now 1200, the time for lunch, Commander-sama. For today's meal I tried to make something with a little bit o a Western feel for you, this sandwich. Of course, a fragrant tea is part of the meal as well.
13:00 Play
It is now 1300. How did you find your sandwich? It was created in England as a meal busy people could enjoy.
ヒトサンマルマルを、お知らせいたします。サンドウィッチ、如何でしたか? 英国生まれの、忙しい方のための御食事だそうです。
14:00 Play
It is now 1400. Someday I hope that everyone in the 5th Destroyer Division and form up and head out to sea together. Someday....
ヒトヨンマルマルを、お知らせいたします。 いつかは第五駆逐隊の皆で、また戦列を組んで、海原を行きたいですわ。いつか…
15:00 Play
It is now 1500. Commander-sama, is it time for a three o'clock snack? I tried to bake you some cookies.
ヒトゴーマルマルを、お知らせいたします。司令官様、三時のオヤツは如何ですか? 私、クッキー焼いてみました。
16:00 Play
It is now 1600. Now then, I'll brew you some black tea. Ufu, how were Harukaze's cookies?
17:00 Play
It is now 1700. Commander-sama, please take a look at this. The sunset is such a deep red. It's so fascinating isn't it. Beautiful....
18:00 Play
It is now 1800. Commander-sama, when you're ready I, Harukaze would be glad to prepare dinner for you.
19:00 Play
It is now 1900, the time for dinner. Tonight's meal is Sardine Dumplings, barley, and greens in miso soup. I recently learned how to make this. Is it tasty? Please eat lots of it.
ヒトキュウマルマルと、夕食の時間をお知らせいたします。夕食はイワシ団子と、麦飯と、菜葉のお味噌汁です。最近教わったんです。美味しいですよ? 沢山召し上がってくださいね。
20:00 Play
2000 ah, thank you for teaching how to make such wonderful dishes the other day.Eh, a Night Battle? Umm, I'm just an escort ship, that's a bit...
フタマルマルマ…あ、先日は素敵なお料理を教えていただいて、ありがとうございました。え、夜戦ですか? あの…私、海上護衛を…その…
21:00 Play
2100, ah Kamikaze Onee-sama. Yes, Harukaze has been faithfully completing the Secretary Ship mission. Right, leave it to me.
22:00 Play
It is now 2200. Commander-sama, so many wonderful ships have gathered together in this fleet. I'm so happy.
23:00 Play
2300. Commander-sama. I'm so happy. I want to protect everyone forever, even if my body can no longer move. Always...always...