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This category contains all ships classified as Destroyers.

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Destroyers (DD) are very versatile, utilizing Small Caliber Main Gun Small Caliber Main Guns, Torpedoes Torpedoes, and Depth ChargesSONAR ASW equipment, and having high torpedo Torpedo Attack, ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare, and evasion Evasion, and good "night attack power Night Battle Power" stats, to the detriment of firepower and armor. They:

DD Default equipment compatibility
✔️ Can Equip ❌ Cannot Equip
Fighter Dive Bomber Torpedo Bomber JetFighterBomber2.png Reconnaissance Aircraft Large Reconnaissance AircraftSp Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon Seaplane BomberBomber Seaplane Fighter Large Flying Boat Rotorcraft Liaison Aircraft Aviation Personnel TransportationMaterial.png
Small Caliber Main Gun Anti-Aircraft Gun Anti-Aircraft Fire Director Torpedoes Depth Charges Small SONARSmall Small RADARSmall Medium Caliber Main Gun Large Caliber Main Gun Very Large Caliber Main GunSp Secondary Gun Large Secondary High-angle GunSp_Sec Submarine TorpedoesSub Midget SubmarineMinisub Large SONARLarge Large RADARLarge Very Large RADARSp Submarine Equipment
Engine Improvement Star Shell Icon.png Small SearchlightSmall Lookout Drum Canister Anti-Ground Rocket Smoke Generator Emergency Repair Personnel Ration Anti-Aircraft Shell Armor-Piercing Shell Medium ArmorMedium Large ArmorLarge Large SearchlightLarge Landing Craft Amphibious Vehicle Landing Forces Facility.png Command Facility Supplies
RE: Anti-Aircraft Gun Anti-Aircraft Fire Director Lookout Emergency Repair Personnel Ration Equipment Card Improved Kanhon Type Turbine.png
Notes: Night Fighter=Fighter ; Night Torpedo Bomber=Torpedo Bomber ; Night Dive Bomber=Dive Bomber ; JetFighterBomber1.png=JetFighterBomber2.png ; Night Reconnaissance Seaplane =Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon ; Night Seaplane Bomber =Seaplane BomberBomber ; Small Caliber Main High-angle GunSmall=Small Caliber Main Gun ; Medium Main Caliber High-angle GunMedium=Medium Caliber Main Gun ; Secondary High-angle GunSec=Secondary Gun ; Barrage Balloon=Smoke Generator

Listed By Stats

  • Green: Outstanding
  • Yellow: Above Average
No. Name Class Remodel Level Firepower Torpedo FirepowerTorpedo AA ASW LoS Luck Luck+ HP Armor Evasion Speed Aircraft Max Fuel Consumption Max Ammo Consumption Notes
71 Akatsuki 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Akatsuki 20 50 79 129 51 59 39 12 59 30 49 91 Fast 0 15 20
73 Akatsuki 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
74 Akatsuki 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Akatsuki 70 58 89 147 65 77 44 20 80 37 58 89 Fast 0 15 25
Akatsuki 70 62 90 152 59 66 60 15 67 31 50 89 Fast 0 15 20
Akizuki 40 57 54 111 116 72 49 12 69 37 53 88 Fast 0 20 25
Akizuki 40 58 56 114 114 72 49 11 59 37 52 87 Fast 0 20 25
Akizuki 40 60 54 114 110 72 49 8 71 37 54 89 Fast 0 20 25
Akizuki 55 56 52 108 117 71 49 37 90 38 55 91 Fast 0 20 25
Akizuki 55 57 53 110 116 71 49 38 98 38 53 92 Fast 0 20 25
Akizuki 88 70 82 152 118 75 54 18 85 39 57 93 Fast 0 25 30
Asashio 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 31 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Asashio 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 31 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Asashio 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 31 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Asashio 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 31 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Asashio 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 31 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Asashio 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 20 79 31 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Asashio 63 66 87 153 63 81 53 15 68 31 53 91 Fast 0 15 20
Asashio 65 67 90 157 62 64 54 17 69 31 51 90 Fast 0 15 20
Asashio 35 50 79 129 49 60 40 12 59 31 49 90 Fast 0 15 20
Asashio 35 49 80 129 50 65 40 11 58 31 48 89 Fast 0 15 20
Asashio 70 68 92 160 60 59 57 17 70 31 52 90 Fast 0 15 20
Asashio 75 65 92 157 72 68 55 37 97 31 52 90 Fast 0 15 20
Asashio 85 55 86 141 75 89 55 17 70 34 55 88 Fast 0 15 20
Asashio 88 61 83 144 82 68 56 37 97 31 52 92 Fast 0 15 20
Asashio 77 69 89 158 65 60 55 18 77 31 54 90 Fast 0 15 20
Asashio 67 69 88 157 70 59 52 17 71 31 52 90 Fast 0 15 20
Asashio 38 52 78 130 52 57 36 8 53 31 49 87 Fast 0 15 20
Asashio 38 51 79 130 50 58 37 9 54 31 49 88 Fast 0 15 20
Ayanami 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 49 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Ayanami 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 49 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Ayanami 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
68 Ayanami 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
69 Ayanami 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Ayanami 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 20 79 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Ayanami 70 75 89 164 52 63 49 40 84 32 54 90 Fast 0 15 20
Ayanami 60 59 84 143 81 75 48 32 92 33 59 95 Fast 0 15 20
Ayanami 35 52 80 132 50 59 39 17 77 30 49 90 Fast 0 15 20
Ayanami 30 50 82 132 49 59 41 7 57 30 49 88 Fast 0 15 20
Ayanami 80 61 88 149 62 79 48 30 80 31 51 93 Fast 0 15 20
Ayanami 82 60 87 147 80 74 46 18 88 31 54 91 Fast 0 15 20
Ayanami 84 62 91 153 60 76 44 33 88 31 52 92 Fast 0 15 20
Ayanami 89 58 84 142 65 79 44 33 88 31 53 90 Fast 0 15 20
Fletcher 55 55 72 127 90 90 60 40 82 34 52 89 Fast 0 20 20
Fletcher 55 54 72 126 91 91 62 40 100 35 52 90 Fast 0 20 20
Fletcher 88 60 86 146 92 93 64 47 113 37 54 92 Fast 0 20 25
429 Fletcher 90 62 82 144 95 97 66 47 113 38 56 94 Fast 0 25 25
Fletcher 55 53 73 126 90 90 61 38 100 34 52 89 Fast 0 20 20
Fubuki 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 49 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Fubuki 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 49 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Fubuki 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 49 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Fubuki 20 51 79 130 49 59 42 12 49 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Fubuki 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 49 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Fubuki 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 49 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Fubuki 70 57 89 146 74 69 42 16 60 31 51 90 Fast 0 15 20
Fubuki 70 59 88 147 78 68 54 18 79 31 51 92 Fast 0 15 20
Fubuki 30 49 79 128 54 59 43 17 67 30 49 93 Fast 0 15 20
Fubuki 40 49 79 128 48 60 41 9 54 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Fubuki 78 59 85 144 72 66 44 29 99 31 51 93 Fast 0 15 20
Fubuki 82 58 84 142 76 75 43 15 79 30 50 90 Fast 0 15 20
Fubuki 88 60 82 142 82 65 51 15 74 31 52 90 Fast 0 15 20
Fubuki 40 48 80 128 47 67 40 14 76 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Fubuki 77 58 86 144 83 65 54 17 77 31 50 91 Fast 0 15 20
Hatsuharu 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Hatsuharu 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Hatsuharu 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Hatsuharu 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Hatsuharu 65 55 90 145 73 69 45 16 59 31 51 90 Fast 0 15 20
Hatsuharu 70 63 85 148 81 72 49 53 100 32 55 95 Fast 0 15 20
Hatsuharu 48 48 78 126 54 59 39 12 59 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Hatsuharu 49 47 79 126 59 59 40 12 58 30 49 90 Fast 0 15 20
J 45 52 90 142 70 92 52 55 110 31 50 90 Fast 0 15 25
J 55 53 90 143 72 93 52 22 87 31 50 86 Fast 0 15 25
J 50 54 91 145 71 92 53 39 91 31 50 87 Fast 0 15 25
John C. Butler 50 50 70 120 60 88 48 40 80 27 43 88 Slow 0 15 20
John C. Butler 78 52 70 122 68 90 52 40 87 29 47 90 Fast 3
15 20
Kagerou 20 59 89 148 59 60 40 60 99 32 59 99 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 32 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 32 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 32 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 20 49 79 128 49 64 39 12 59 32 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 20 49 79 128 49 72 39 12 59 32 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 30 44 79 123 59 64 39 15 59 32 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 45 48 79 127 64 68 49 18 81 33 49 88 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 35 48 79 127 49 69 39 13 59 32 49 88 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 30 48 79 127 49 69 39 16 59 32 49 88 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 30 48 79 127 60 68 39 17 59 32 49 88 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 20 49 84 133 63 59 39 17 69 34 61 94 Fast 0 20 20
Kagerou 30 48 79 127 49 64 39 12 59 32 49 88 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 35 48 79 127 49 68 39 13 59 32 49 88 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 35 49 79 128 49 70 39 12 63 32 49 87 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 35 50 79 129 49 68 39 12 63 32 49 87 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 35 50 78 128 48 67 40 14 64 32 49 87 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 69 62 80 142 76 88 48 18 84 33 53 88 Fast 0 15 25
Kagerou 68 65 84 149 91 71 52 24 90 34 53 91 Fast 0 15 25
Kagerou 67 63 83 146 93 73 47 20 88 33 54 89 Fast 0 15 25
Kagerou 70 59 84 143 80 86 42 17 80 33 51 94 Fast 0 15 25
Kagerou 70 68 90 158 62 67 42 20 77 33 53 90 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 72 67 91 158 64 68 43 24 88 33 54 90 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 73 69 88 157 65 70 41 22 81 33 53 90 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 74 65 91 156 64 75 42 18 76 33 53 91 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 71 68 56 124 88 60 50 60 100 35 60 97 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 88 66 90 156 85 74 48 63 120 35 60 100 Fast 0 15 25
Kagerou 74 68 89 157 66 69 42 21 84 33 54 90 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 37 48 79 127 50 65 41 12 63 32 49 85 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 75 67 87 154 63 65 41 15 70 33 52 87 Fast 0 15 20
Kagerou 73 65 89 154 72 67 44 19 91 35 63 99 Fast 0 20 20
Kamikaze 50 42 69 111 52 68 47 14 88 23 37 88 Fast 0 15 15
Kamikaze 50 38 68 106 56 75 46 30 89 23 38 90 Fast 0 15 15
Kamikaze 50 39 68 107 50 70 47 12 84 23 37 87 Fast 0 15 15
Kamikaze 50 40 68 108 51 70 46 18 86 23 37 89 Fast 0 15 15
Kamikaze 50 41 69 110 48 77 42 40 99 23 39 98 Fast 0 15 15
Maestrale 30 48 72 120 59 80 46 16 69 29 50 92 Fast 0 15 20
Maestrale 35 54 72 126 63 80 46 17 84 29 50 93 Fast 0 15 20
Maestrale 35 55 68 123 80 79 46 40 122 29 51 95 Fast 0 15 20
Maestrale 30 55 72 127 63 80 46 13 69 28 50 92 Fast 0 15 20
Matsu 50 43 72 115 74 80 45 18 70 27 55 83 Fast 0 15 15
Matsu 51 42 98 140 71 79 43 38 108 26 54 83 Fast 0 15 15
Matsu 52 42 70 112 78 80 45 16 66 27 55 81 Fast 0 15 15
Matsu 48 41 71 112 77 81 43 11 55 26 55 82 Fast 0 15 15
Matsu 46 41 74 115 78 ?? ?? 20 80 27 55 ?? Fast 0 15 15
Mogador 42 72 64 136 73 63 50 11 71 38 57 91 Fast 0 15 40
Mutsuki 20 39 69 108 39 59 39 12 59 24 39 89 Fast 0 15 15
Mutsuki 20 39 69 108 39 59 39 12 59 24 39 89 Fast 0 15 15
Mutsuki 20 39 69 108 39 59 39 12 59 24 39 89 Fast 0 15 15
Mutsuki 20 39 69 108 39 59 39 12 59 24 39 89 Fast 0 15 15
Mutsuki 20 39 69 108 39 59 39 20 79 24 39 89 Fast 0 15 15
Mutsuki 20 39 69 108 39 59 39 12 59 24 39 89 Fast 0 15 15
Mutsuki 20 39 69 108 39 59 39 12 59 24 39 89 Fast 0 15 15
Mutsuki 20 39 69 108 39 59 39 12 59 24 39 89 Fast 0 15 15
Mutsuki 20 39 69 108 39 59 39 12 59 24 39 89 Fast 0 15 15
Mutsuki 25 34 69 103 49 65 39 14 59 24 39 89 Fast 0 15 15
Mutsuki 75 42 78 120 82 81 45 20 79 28 45 96 Fast 0 15 15
Mutsuki 65 45 79 124 56 69 43 14 64 27 43 90 Fast 0 15 15
Mutsuki 65 46 80 126 57 69 44 13 60 27 43 91 Fast 0 15 15
Mutsuki 20 39 69 108 39 61 39 16 66 24 39 89 Fast 0 15 15
Mutsuki 77 45 77 122 82 81 47 17 77 27 46 93 Fast 0 15 15
Shimakaze 20 59 99 158 59 59 39 12 59 36 59 99 Fast 0 20 25
Shiratsuyu 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Shiratsuyu 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Shiratsuyu 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Shiratsuyu 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Shiratsuyu 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Shiratsuyu 20 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Shiratsuyu 55 73 94 167 59 69 49 20 61 31 52 89 Fast 0 15 20
Shiratsuyu 60 62 89 151 72 80 48 50 88 31 52 94 Fast 0 15 20
Shiratsuyu 30 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 59 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Shiratsuyu 45 51 82 133 49 73 42 8 59 30 48 88 Fast 0 15 20
Shiratsuyu 30 49 79 128 50 63 40 13 64 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Shiratsuyu 30 49 80 129 49 59 40 12 59 30 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Shiratsuyu 75 62 96 158 64 63 53 19 75 31 51 89 Fast 0 15 20
Shiratsuyu 77 69 87 156 71 83 50 16 80 31 50 91 Fast 0 15 20
Shiratsuyu 70 68 88 156 70 77 47 17 77 31 51 90 Fast 0 15 20
Shiratsuyu 82 61 93 154 69 82 51 20 85 31 51 90 Fast 0 15 20
Shiratsuyu 83 60 95 155 63 86 41 10 73 30 50 87 Fast 0 15 20
Shiratsuyu 91 60 84 144 66 82 41 10 73 30 51 85 Fast 0 15 20
Shiratsuyu 97 67 91 158 87 88 51 55 97 34 57 98 Fast 0 15 25
Shiratsuyu 78 66 86 152 73 78 51 18 79 31 51 91 Fast 0 15 20
Tashkent 50 66 68 134 69 73 48 43 100 39 56 94 Fast 0 15 35
Yuugumo 30 50 80 130 50 67 42 12 59 32 49 90 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 30 50 80 130 50 67 42 12 59 32 49 90 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 30 50 80 130 50 67 42 14 59 32 49 90 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 30 50 80 130 50 67 42 12 59 32 49 90 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 30 51 80 131 50 67 42 13 59 32 49 90 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 30 51 80 131 50 67 54 10 57 32 49 90 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 45 50 78 128 62 79 43 18 74 33 51 92 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 30 50 81 131 50 70 42 12 59 32 49 90 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 30 50 81 131 51 69 42 14 69 32 49 90 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 30 52 78 130 59 65 56 12 58 32 49 90 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 30 52 79 131 60 66 56 11 57 32 49 89 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 35 50 80 130 56 72 44 13 59 32 49 90 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 35 51 80 131 58 69 55 10 55 32 49 88 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 75 67 87 154 68 77 46 18 77 33 54 93 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 75 69 89 158 67 68 45 30 80 33 55 91 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 75 65 90 155 68 72 43 16 70 33 54 89 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 75 67 89 156 69 78 45 20 79 33 54 92 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 79 65 87 152 73 80 44 22 88 33 54 93 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 77 69 88 157 74 76 44 28 86 33 55 94 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 30 50 80 130 50 68 43 12 59 32 49 91 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 79 68 86 154 64 72 60 12 73 33 54 90 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 30 54 81 135 56 66 54 9 54 32 49 85 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 30 51 78 129 58 66 53 10 56 32 49 87 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 30 52 82 134 54 69 54 7 50 32 48 79 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 78 69 86 155 75 76 43 27 89 33 53 93 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 78 67 84 151 72 75 42 18 78 33 53 91 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 86 66 84 150 73 74 50 27 89 33 54 95 Fast 0 15 20
Yuugumo 78 64 88 152 79 78 56 21 88 33 54 90 Fast 0 15 20

Z1 30 45 70 115 45 69 42 12 49 33 45 79 Fast 0 20 25

Z1 30 45 70 115 45 69 42 12 49 33 45 79 Fast 0 20 25

Z1 70 49 71 120 64 69 43 15 49 35 53 84 Fast 0 20 25

Z1 70 47 71 118 68 69 43 15 49 35 53 84 Fast 0 20 25
No. Name Class Remodel Level Firepower Torpedo FirepowerTorpedo AA ASW LoS Luck Luck+ HP Armor Evasion Speed Aircraft Max Fuel Consumption Max Ammo Consumption Notes


A Destroyer (駆逐艦 kuchikukan) is a fast and maneuverable yet long-endurance warship intended to escort larger vessels in a fleet, convoy, or battle group and defend them against smaller, powerful, short-range attackers. The first ship named and classified as a destroyer was the Spanish warship Destructor (1886), designed by Fernando Villaamil.

The Imperial Japanese Navy possessed some of the most formidable destroyers of their day. This came as a nasty surprise to the Allies, who had generally underestimated Japanese technical capabilities.

Originally the IJN issued numerical designations to every ship. However, the bland numerical designations were unpopular with the officers and crews. Thus the IJN abolished destroyers' numerical designations in August 1928, reverting to names. The reverence held by the Japanese for the arts of war, promoted by the pre-war military governments, led to poetic-sounding names for warships. Destroyers were allocated names associated with natural phenomena of weather, sky, and sea, e.g., wind (kaze), snow (yuki), rain (ame), clouds (kumo), waves (nami), mist (kiri), frost (shimo), tides (shio), and the moon (tsuki).

The IJN further classified its destroyers by types, classes, and eventually sub-classes. The "type special" is named as such because of how much a leap forward it was, redefining the general ship design of all future IJN destroyers. Later in WWII, the IJN ordered many specialized destroyers, now divided into type A, for the main combat ones, type B, for the AA-focused ones, type C for the most formidable ones (only experimental), and type D for the cheaper ASW-focused ones.

Type Main Class Sub Class
"Pre Type Special"[1] Kamikaze-class -
Mutsuki-class -
Type Special Fubuki-class Fubuki-class
"Post Type Special" Hatsuharu-class[2] -
Shiratsuyu-class -
Asashio-class -
Type A Kagerou-class -
Yuugumo-class -
Type B Akizuki-class Akizuki-class
Super Akizuki-class[5] -
Type C Shimakaze-class -
Super Shimakaze-class[6] -
Type D Matsu-class Matsu-class
  1. The unreleased Momi-class, Minekaze-class, and Wakatake-class can also be included for WW2.
  2. Sometime, the 2 later ships of the class are considered as Ariake-class instead.
  3. Fuyutsuki in the game is considered an Akizuki-class and not a Fuyutsuki-class for no apparent reason.
  4. Unreleased yet.
  5. The Super Akizuki-class was planned but never build, and serves as a template for Akizuki-classes Kai Ni.
  6. The Super Shimakaze-class was planned but never build, and may serve as a template for a future in-game remodel.
  7. The Tachibana-class has been teased in an interview.


This category has the following 20 subcategories, out of 20 total.