00:00 Play
Just when I thought I was getting sleepy, the day changed. *Yawn*
01:00 Play
0100. Sleepy...
マ~ルヒ~ト マ~ルマ~ル。眠い。
02:00 Play
0200. Can I go to bed?
マ~ルフタ マ~ルマ~ル。あたし寝ていい?
03:00 Play
0300. No no no, this is impossible...
マ~ルサ~ン マ~ルマ~ル。嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ、もう無理~
04:00 Play
05:00 Play
Ouch! Nnngh, I'm up! Uh... 0500! See?!
06:00 Play
0600. Morning, huh... I'll go back to bed in a bit though. Oh well. Everyone, wake up! It's morning!
マルロ~ク マルマル。朝か…あたしは後でもういっかい寝るけどね。まぁ、いいや。みんな、起きて!朝だって!
07:00 Play
07 00. Well, it can't be helped. I'm gonna get up. Admiral, where's my breakfast? Not yet? Where? What?!
マルナ~ナ マルマル。まぁ、しょうがない。起きよう。提督、あたしのご飯は?まだ?どこ?えっ?!
08:00 Play
0800. *nom* *nom*…Big sis Maesto, thanks! It's good~! Ah, Admiral, You're not eating that? Gimmie!
マルハ~チ マルマル。はむ、はむ…マエスト姉さん、Grazie!美味しい~!あっ、提督、それ食べないの?ちょうだい!
09:00 Play
0900. *Yawn* I sure ate a lot. Well, Admiral, time for my all-important second nap~. Goodnight~.
マルキュウー マルマル。ふぅぁ、食べた、食べた。じゃ、提督、あたし、大事な二度寝するね~。おやすみ~。
10:00 Play
100... Good night...
ヒト~ マル~ マル~ ん~。Buonanotte.
11:00 Play
*Yawn* I sure slept well. A second nap sure is important, right~? 1100. Ah, the fleet? Did it leave already?
ふぅぁ、よく寝た。やっぱ、二度寝は大事だよね~。ヒトヒ~ト マルマ~ル。艦隊は?もう出たの?
12:00 Play
1200. It's lunchtime now! I'm starving! Zara's pasta? I'll eat, I'll eat! Eh? I can't? Why nooot?!
ヒトフ~タ マルマル~。 お昼、お昼!お腹空いた!Zaraのパスタ?食べる食べる!えっ、だめ?何でー!
13:00 Play
13*nom*00. Zara's pasta sure is good! Phew, I'm so full!
ヒトサーン、はむ、マルマ~ル。Zaraのパスタは美味しいね! ふぅぁ、お腹いっぱい!
14:00 Play
1400. When your belly is full you sure get sleepy, huh? Gre-chan, why are you angry? Why??
ヒトヨーン マルマル!お腹いっぱいになると眠くなるよね。あれ?グレちゃん、何で怒ってんの?何で?!
15:00 Play
150... Ah, Littorio! Huh? What? Your name changed? Well, whatever. Do you know why Gre-chan is angry? I didn't do anything bad, did I? Right?
ヒトゴ マルマッ、あっ、Littorioさん!へ?何?名前、今違うの?ま、いいや。ねぇ、グレちゃんが何か怒ってるの…あたし悪くないよね?ね?
16:00 Play
1600. Littorio sure is kind. Right? Admiral is also kind. Probably~, maybe~!
ヒトローク マルマール。Littorioさんは優しいな~。ね?提督も優しいよね。きっとね~、多分ね~!
17:00 Play
1700. Hey, Admiral. The sunset, the sunset! It's beautiful, isn't it? When you look at the sunset you get a bit sleepy, right? You don't?
ヒトナ~ナ マルマル。ねぇ、提督、夕日夕日!綺麗だよね~!見ていると眠くなるよね~…ならない?
18:00 Play
1800. Huh? Really? We'll go to that Mamiya I've heard so much about for dinner? Yay! I wonder what I should have...
ヒトハ~チ マルマル。えぇ?本当に?今晩は噂のマミヤで晩ご飯?やった!何食べようかな~…
19:00 Play
*nom* 19 *nom* 00! *nom* So good, so good! Admiral, this is so tashty! *nom*, whew, Gre-chan aren't you going to eat that? Can I have it then?
20:00 Play
*nom* *nom* *nom* 20 *nom* 00 *nom* *nom*. What? Who's that cruiser raging over there. I don't wanna grow up to be someone like that. Ah, it's Zara! Whoops!
21:00 Play
2100. Aah, I sure at a lot! I'm so satisfied! Ah, what? Isn't the weather getting strange? We have to get home quickly before a storm comes... Admiral, let's hurry. I'm scared of storms!
フタヒ~ト マルマ~ル。あぁぁ、食べた食べた!満足じゃ~!あっ、あれ?天気、ちょっと怪しくない?嵐になる前に、早く帰んないと…提督、急ごう?嵐は怖いよ!
22:00 Play
2200. Phew, Admiral, we made it! I can finally relax now that we made it home before the storm. Phew...
フタフ~タ マルマル。はぁ~提督、良かったね!嵐になる前に帰って来れて、これで安心だよ。ふぅぅ。
23:00 Play
2300. A lot happened today, huh? I'm tired! I'm gonna go to bed... Admiral, good night.
フタサ~ン マルマル。今日も色々あったね?疲れた!もう寝ちゃおう…提督、Buonanotte.