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| name=I-58
| japanesename=伊58
| id=127
| image=[[File:127.png]]
| color=silver
| type=Submarine
| class=Type-B Mod.2
| firepower=2 (9)
| torpedo=30 (69)
| AA=0
| ASW=0
| LOS=10 (36)
| luck=40
| hp=14
| armor=4 (19)
| evasion=13 (33)
| aircraft=0
| speed=Slow
| range=Short
| slot=1
| time=22:00
| slot1=-Unequipped-
| slot2=-Locked-
| slot3=-Locked-
| slot4=-Locked-}}
| style="width: 50px;"|
==Gameplay Notes==
{{Category:Submarine Aircraft Carriers}}
| name=I-58 Kai
| japanesename=伊58改
===Special Mechanics===
| id=127
| image=[[File:127M.jpg]]
* Becomes a [[SSV]].
| color=gold
| type=Aircraft Carrying Submarine
===Equipability Exceptions===
| class=Type-B Mod.2
| firepower=7 (12)
| torpedo=38 (84)
| AA=0
| ASW=0
{|class="wikitable" style="width:800px; text-align:center; margin:auto; font-weight:bold"
| LOS=19 (39)
!colspan=3 style="font-size:15px"|I-58 Equipability Exceptions
| luck=50
| hp=18
| armor=11 (19)
!{{Ship/Banner|I-58|small=true}}<br>I-58 (SS)
| evasion=35 (49)
!{{Ship/Banner|I-58/Kai|small=true}}<br>I-58 Kai (SSV)
| aircraft=2
| speed=Slow
!Expansion Slot Exceptions
| range=Short
! -
| slot=2
|Can Equip:<br>{{Equipment/Card|Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank|size=36px}} {{Equipment/Card|Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai|size=36px}}
| time=Lv50 Remodel
| slot1=-Unequipped-
!Ship Exceptions
| slot2=-Unequipped-
| slot3=-Locked-
| slot4=-Locked-
| space1=1
===Fit Bonuses===
| space2=1
{{/Equipment Bonuses}}
| space3=-
| space4=-
===Important Information===
* Helper for the following equipment:
** Improvement: [[Special Type 2 Amphibious Tank]], [[Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes)]]
==Drop Locations==
==Voice Lines==
|scenario = Introduction
|origin = aこんにちは!伊58です。ゴーヤって呼んでもいいよ!苦くなんかないよぉ!
|translation = Hello! I'm I-58. You can call me Goya! I'm not bitter!<ref>Goya is also [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Momordica_charantia bitter melon] in Japanese.</ref>
|audio = Goya-Introduction.ogg
|scenario = Library
|origin = 最初からがんばって最後まで戦ったんだよ。苦しくなってからだって、すごい重巡だって仕留めたし!任務を全うして、全てが終わった後、無事に呉の母港に帰ったんだ。
|translation = I did my best from the start and fought till the end. Even when the going got tough I managed to sink that terrible heavy cruiser!<ref>She sank the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Indianapolis_(CA-35) USS Indianapolis].</ref> After I accomplished my mission and everything was over, I returned safely to my home port Kure.
|audio = Goya-Library.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = 海の中からこんにちはー!ゴーヤだよ!
|translation = Greetings from under the sea~! I'm Goya!
|audio = Goya-Secretary_1.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = ぷはぁー!海の中はいいよね。やっぱ潜水してなんぼよね。
|translation = Whew~! It's great under the sea. Diving is the best!
|audio = Goya-Secretary_2.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = 装甲はもちろん、スクール水着だよ!ほら、ツルツルして機能的なんだって!
|translation = Armour definitely needs to be school swimsuits. I mean look, it's so sleek!
|audio = Goya-Secretary_3.ogg
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|origin = てーとく、ゴーヤさみしいよぉ…
|translation = I'm lonely, Admiral...
|audio = Goya-Idle.ogg
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|origin = 艦これのお勉強頑張ってるね!
|translation = Work hard on your KanColle studies!
|audio = Goya-Wedding_Line.ogg
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = てーとくとご一緒するのは楽しいです!南のほうでは特におさかなの種類がいっぱいで、見ごたえあるんですよ?今度ご案内しますね!
|translation =Being with you is fun, Admiral! There are many kinds of fish to see in the south you know? I'll show you next time!
|audio = Goya-Wedding.ogg
*Although she still act like a submarine in battle, her class will change to aircraft carrier after remodel, which can use on expedition that require carrier, but will fail submarine's one. Also you can use remodeled I-58 to research aircraft recipe.
|scenario = Player's Score
*Her repair time will DOUBLE after remodel (see [[Docking]] page for details)
|origin = て~とくにご連絡?見せて。
*<s>she can't stop talking about her nice switsuit</s>
|translation = You've got a message, Admiral? Let me see.
*2013 August event special map E2-4 boss random drop
|audio = Goya-Looking_At_Scores.ogg
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|origin = ゴーヤ、潜りまーす!
|translation = Goya, diving!
|audio = Goya-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = おっきな魚雷、大好きです!
|translation = I really love large torpedoes!
|audio = Goya-Equipment_1.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = てーとく、アレはいらないからね。
|translation = I don't need that, Admiral.
|audio = Goya-Equipment_2.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin = 海っていいよねぇー、海って。
|translation = The sea is pretty great right.
|audio = Goya-Equipment_3.ogg
|scenario = Supply
|origin = ごちそうさまでち!
|translation = Thanks for the meal-dechi!
|audio = Goya-Supply.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|origin = も、もう、いっぱいでち…
|translation = I-I'm already full-dechi...
|audio = Goya-Docking_Minor.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|origin = すみません、治してくだち…
|translation = I'm sorry, please repair me-dachi.
|audio = Goya-Docking_Major.ogg
|scenario = Construction
|origin = 新しい艦が出来たって。どうせ水上艦でしょ?
|translation = I heard a new ship has just been constructed. It's probably a surface ship right?
|audio = Goya-Construction.ogg
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|origin = てーとく、艦隊が戻ったよ。
|translation = The fleet has returned, Admiral.
|audio = Goya-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|origin = てーとく、一緒に行こ?
|translation = Want to come along, Admiral?
|audio = Goya-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = わぁ~。怖いのいっぱいみーつけちゃったぁ。
|translation = Whoa~ We've found a lot of scary things.
|audio = Goya-Battle_Start.ogg
|scenario = Attack
|origin = 魚雷さん、お願いします。
|translation = I'm counting on you, my torpedoes.
|audio = Goya-Attack.ogg
|scenario = Air Battle/Night Battle Attack
|origin = ゴーヤの魚雷さんは、お利口さんなのでち。!
|translation = My torpedoes are all good-dechi!
|audio = Goya-Night_Attack.ogg
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = 当たってくだち!
|translation = Let's go for broke-dechi!<ref>Likely twisted version of the phrase "当たって砕けろ" meaning "go for broke".</ref>
|audio = Goya-Night_Battle.ogg
|scenario = MVP
|origin = ゴーヤ、ちゃんと頑張ったでしょ!え?チャンプルー?おかずじゃないよぉ
|translation = I really did my best right! Eh? Chanpuruu? I'm not a side dish.<ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chanpur%C5%AB Chanpuruu] is a type of dish that is typically made with bitter melon.</ref>
|audio = Goya-MVP.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = まだ、大丈夫でち!
|translation = I'm still alright-dechi!
|audio = Goya-Minor_Damage_1.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = 痛いの痛いの、飛んでかないよぉ~
|translation = Pain, pain, is not going away~<ref>A play on "痛いの痛いの飛んでいけ" (Pain, pain, go away) which is a charm used by parents to comfort children.</ref>
|audio = Goya-Minor_Damage_2.ogg
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = 機能美にあふれる、てーとく指定の水着がぁー
|translation = My simple and elegant swimsuit designed by the Admiral has...
|audio = Goya-Major_Damage.ogg
|scenario = Sunk
|origin = ゴーヤはまたいつか、皆さんに会える日を夢見て…、深く潜る…、ぁ…
|translation = I'll dream of meeting all of you again someday... Diving deep...
|audio = Goya-Sunk.ogg
{{ShipquoteHeader | type = hourly}}
|scenario = 00:00
|origin = マルマルマルマル。てっぺんでち!
|translation = 0000. It's midnight-dechi!
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_0000.ogg
|scenario = 01:00
|origin = マルヒトマルマルです。暗いの、怖いでち…
|translation = It's 0100. It's dark and scary-dechi...
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_0100.ogg
|scenario = 02:00
|origin = マルフタマルマル。あ、今後ろに何か…あ、いえ、なんでもないでち!
|translation = 0200. Ah, from now on do you... Ah, no, it's nothing-dechi!
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_0200.ogg
|scenario = 03:00
|origin = マルサンマルマル。うん。
|translation = 0300. Yup.
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_0300.ogg
|scenario = 04:00
|origin = マルヨンマルマル。明け方になりますよー。
|translation = 0400. It'll be dawn soon.
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_0400.ogg
|scenario = 05:00
|origin = マルゴーマルマル。朝でち!
|translation = 0500. It's morning-dechi!
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_0500.ogg
|scenario = 06:00
|origin = マルロクマルマル。太陽が眩しいよぉ。
|translation = 0600. The sun is blinding~
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_0600.ogg
|scenario = 07:00
|origin = マルナナマルマル。何はともあれ、朝ごはんでち。
|translation = 0700. In any case, it's time for breakfast-dechi.
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_0700.ogg
|scenario = 08:00
|origin = マルハチマルマル。今日はどんな一日になるのかなぁ?
|translation = 0800. What sort of day will it be today?
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_0800.ogg
|scenario = 09:00
|origin = マルキューマルマル。9時です。今日は、ゴーヤどこに連れて行ってくれるの?
|translation = 0900. It's 9 o'clock. Where are you going to take me today?
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_0900.ogg
|scenario = 10:00
|origin = てーとく、ヒトマルマルマル。そろそろ新しい水着欲しいなぁ~?
|translation = 1000, Admiral. I'd like a new swimsuit soon alright?
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_1000.ogg
|scenario = 11:00
|origin = ヒトヒトマルマル。てーとく、こっちのひらひらの水着も着てみたいよぉ。
|translation = 1100. I'd like to try on that frilly swimsuit, Admiral.
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_1100.ogg
|scenario = 12:00
|origin = ヒトフタマルマルでち。お昼食べてから、もっかい水着見るー。
|translation = It's 1200-dechi. I'd like to see more swimsuits after lunch.
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_1200.ogg
|scenario = 13:00
|origin = ヒトサンマルマル。あー、てーとく、うたた寝してない?
|translation = 1300. Ah, why don't we take a nap, Admiral?
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_1300.ogg
|scenario = 14:00
|origin = ヒトヨンマルマル。がんばっていこー。
|translation = 1400. Let's do our best.
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_1400.ogg
|scenario = 15:00
|origin = ヒトゴーマルマル。おやつ食べよ。
|translation = 1500. Let's have a snack.
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_1500.ogg
|scenario = 16:00
|origin = ヒトロクマルマル。夕方になったよ。
|translation = 1600. It's evening now.
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_1600.ogg
|scenario = 17:00
|origin = ヒトナナマルマル。日が落ちてきたでち。
|translation = 1700. The sun has set.
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_1700.ogg
|scenario = 18:00
|origin = ヒトハチマルマル。夜の海って、怖いでち。
|translation = 1800. The night sea is scary.
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_1800.ogg
|scenario = 19:00
|origin = ヒトキューマルマル。たまには勉強でもしよっかなぁ。やっぱドイツ語かなぁ。
|translation = 1900. I should go and study sometime. Probably German.
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_1900.ogg
|scenario = 20:00
|origin = フタマルマルマル。遅めの晩ご飯でちか?
|translation = 2000. A late dinner-dechi?
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_2000.ogg
|scenario = 21:00
|origin = フタヒトマルマル。デザートはアイスがいいなぁ。間宮さん、カモーン!
|translation = 2100. I'd like ice cream for dessert. Come on, Mamiya-san!
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_2100.ogg
|scenario = 22:00
|origin = フタフタマルマル。ゴーヤ寝ますぅ。
|translation = 2200. I'm going to sleep.
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_2200.ogg
|scenario = 23:00
|origin = フタサンマルマル。ムニャムニャ……
|translation = 2300. *sleeping sounds*...
|audio = GoyaKai-Hourly_2300.ogg
| 自己紹介=こんにちは! 伊58です! ゴーヤって呼んでもいいよ? 苦くなんかないよぉ!
| EN1=Hello! I-58 here! You can call me Goya. I'm not bitter!
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2016|Valentine’s Day 2016]]
| Note1=*Goya = Okinawan bitter melon
|origin = 提督、提督ー!これあげるでち!ゴーヤ特製「ゴーヤチョコ」でち!
| Library=
|translation = Admiral, Admiral~! This is for you-dechi! It’s my special “Goya Chocolate”-dechi!
| EN0=
|audio = I-58_Valentine_Sec1.ogg
| Note0=
|notes = Secretary 1
| 秘書クリック会話①=海の中からこんにちはー! ゴーヤだよ!
| EN2=Hello from the beneath the sea! Goya here!
| Note2=
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2016|Valentine’s Day 2016]]
| 秘書クリック会話②=ぷはー、海の中はいいよね~、やっぱ潜水してなんぼよね
|origin = 提督、提督ー!ちゃんとゴーヤチョコ食べたー?…えぇ、なんでー!?美味しいのにー。早く食べるでち!
| EN3=
|translation = Admiral, Admiral~! Have you eaten my Goya Chocolate? …Eh, why not!? It’s delicious. Hurry up and eat it-dechi!
| Note3=
|audio = I-58_Valentine_Sec2.ogg
| 秘書クリック会話③=装甲はもちろん、スクール水着だよ! ほら、ツルツルして機能的なんだって!
|notes = Secretary 2
| EN4=If it's armour, it has to be a cool swimsuit! Look, it's efficiently smooth!
| Note4=
| 秘書放置時=
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Hinamatsuri_2016|Hinamatsuri 2016]]
| EN4a=
|origin = 伊号で五人囃子?ゴーヤやるでち!衣装は誰が作るでちか?…えぇ、イムヤ?大丈夫~…?
| Note4a=
|translation = The I-types will be the five musicians? Let’s do this-dechi! Who’s going to help me make them? …Eh, Imuya? Will is be alright…?
| 戦績表示時=てーとくにごれんらく? 見せて!
|audio = I-58_Peach_2016_Sec1.ogg
| EN5=Communication for the Admiral? Lemme see!
|notes =  
| Note5=
| 編成選択時=ゴーヤ、潜りまーっす!
| EN6=Goya, diving!
|scenario = [[Seasonal/White_Day_2016|White Day 2016]]
| Note6=
|origin = 提督、これ、ゴーヤチョコのお返し?ほんとに?わーお!ごちそうさまでち!
| 装備時①=おっきな魚雷、大好きです!
|translation = Is this in return for the Goya Chocolates, Admiral? Really? Woow! Thanks for the food-dechi!
| EN7=I love big torpedoes!
|audio = I-58_White_Day_2016.ogg
| Note7=
|notes =  
| 装備時②=てーとく、アレはいらないからね?
| EN8=Admiral, I don't really need this...
| Note8=
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Coming_of_Spring_2016|Spring 2016]]
| 装備時③=海っていいよね~、海って!
|origin = ゴヤ、春は好きでち。何となく、元気が出る季節でち。さあ、今日も頑張るぞ。やるでち。
| EN9=Man, the ocean is great~
|translation = I like spring-dechi. It just makes me feel great-dechi. Now, let’s work hard today too. Here I go-dechi.
| Note9=
|audio = I-58_Spring_2016_Sec1.mp3
| 補給時=ごちそうさまでち!
|notes =  
| EN24=Thanks for the food!
| Note24=
| ドック入り=も、もういっぱいでち……
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Rainy_Season_2016|Rainy Season 2016]]
| EN10=One.. one more defeat...
|origin = 雨が多い季節でち。でもぉ、海の中に潜っちゃうと、関係ないでーち!
| Note10=(Maybe 一敗?)
|translation = It’s the season for lots of rain-dechi. But none of it matters once I dive into the sea-dechi!
| ドック入り(重傷)=すみません、直してくだちい……
|audio = I-58_Rainy_Season_2016_Sec1.mp3
| EN11=Sorry, please fix me up...
|notes =  
| Note11=
| 建造時=新しい艦ができたって!…どうせ水上艦でしょ?
| EN12=A new ship has been finished! Anyhow, it's a above-water ship, isn't it?
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Summer_2016|Midsummer 2016]]
| Note12=
|origin = 海の中からこんにちわ!夏でち!!ゴーヤたちの夏休みはいつでち?提督!…なぜ居ない?!
| 艦隊帰投時=てーとく、艦隊が戻ったよ
|translation = Greetings fron under the sea! It’s summer-dechi!! When is our summer break-dechi? Admiral! …Where’s he gone!?
| EN13=Admiral, the fleet has returned.
|audio = I-58_Sec1_Midsummer_2016.ogg
| Note13=
|notes =  
| 出撃時=てーとく、一緒に行こっ
| EN14=Admiral, let's go!
| Note14=
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Autumn_2016|Autumn 2016]]
| 戦闘開始時=わぁ~、怖いのいっぱいみーつけちゃった!
|origin = 秋でち!食べ物が美味しい季節でち。でも、あんまり食べると…提督指定の水着がきつくなるから…注意でち!
| EN15=Wa~ I found a lot of scary things!
|translation = It’s autumn-dechi! It’s the season for delicious food-dechi. But if I eat too much… the swimsuit that admiral designed will get tight so… I’ll be careful-dechi!
| Note15=
|audio = I-58_Autumn_2016_Sec1.mp3
| 航空戦開始時=
|notes =  
| EN15a=
| Note15a=
| 攻撃時=魚雷さんお願いします!
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Saury_2016|Saury Festival 2016]]
| EN16=Please Mr. Torpedo!
|origin = 秋刀魚祭りでち!秋刀魚は光に集まる習性があるから、漁にはぴかーっと光るもの、持って行くといいでち!
| Note16=
|translation = It’s the Saury Festival-dechi! Since saury have a habit of gathering around lights, we’ll need to bring some dazzling lights for fishing!
| 夜戦開始時=当たってくだちい!
|audio = I-58_Sec1_Saury_2016.mp3
| EN17=Please hit the target!
|notes =  
| Note17=
| 夜戦攻撃時=ゴーヤの魚雷さんは、お利口さんなのでち!
| EN18=Goya's torpedos, they're clever little things!
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2017|Setsubun 2017]]
| Note18=
|origin = 節分でち!節分戦深度に浮上、大鯨発見!お豆、一番から四番まで…うって!
| MVP時=ゴーヤ、ちゃんと頑張ったでしょ? えっ、チャンプルー? おかずじゃないよ~
|translation = It’s Setsubun-dechi! Surfacing to Setsubun combat depth, Taigei spotted! Beans in tubes one through four… Fire!
| EN19=Goya, she did her best, yes? Eh? Chanpuru? It's not a side dish, you know~
|audio = I-58_Setsubun_2017.mp3
| Note19=Chanpuru is a famouus Okinawan dish.
|notes =  
| 被弾小破①=まだ、大丈夫でち!
| EN20=I'm still okay!
| Note20=
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fourth_Anniversary|4th Anniversary]]
| 被弾小破②=いたいのいたいの、とんでかないよー!
|origin = 海の中からおめでとーう!提督、提督、四周年でち。ゴーヤも、ちょっとびっくり。
| EN21=
|translation = Congratulations from under the sea! Admiral, Admiral, it’s the 4th Anniversary-dechi. It surprised me a bit.
| Note21=
|audio = Goya_4th_Anniversary_Sec1_2017.mp3
| 被弾カットイン=機能美に溢れる、てーとく指定の水着が~
|notes =  
| EN22=
| Note22=
| 撃沈時(反転)=ゴーヤはまたいつか、皆さんに会える日を夢見て…深く潜る……
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Late_Autumn_2017|Late Autumn 2017]]
| EN23=Someday, Goya wants to dream of the day I met you all... diving deep....
|origin = さすがに水着一枚、寒くなった来たでち。提督指定の防寒具を要求するでち。
| Note23=}}
|translation = It’s definitely gotten too cold for just a swimsuit-dechi. I’m going to requisition the Admiral’s cold weather gear-dechi.
|audio = I-58_Late_Autumn_2017_Sec1.mp3
|notes =  
===Misc Lines===
| 00JP=マルマルマルマル。てっぺんでち
| 00EN=
| 00Note=
|scenario = [[Summer 2020 Event]]
| 01JP=マルヒトマルマルです。暗いのは怖いでち
|origin = ゴーヤの魚雷は、よく整備されてるでち!だから、ちゃんと当たるでち!
| 01EN=
|translation = My torpedoes are well maintained! That's why they'll definitely hit!
| 01Note=
|audio = Ship_Voice_I-58_Kai_Rainy-Summer_2020_Event_Friend_Fleet_1.mp3
| 02JP=マルフタマルマル。…あ、今後ろに何か………あー、いえ、なんでもないでち
|notes = Friend Fleet 1
| 02EN=
| 02Note=
| 03JP=マルサンマルマル。うんっ
| 03EN=
| 03Note=
| 04JP=マルヨンマルマル。明け方になりますよー
| 04EN=
| 04Note=
| 05JP=マルゴーマルマル。朝でち
| 05EN=
| 05Note=
| 06JP=マルロクマルマル。太陽がまぶしーよぉ
| 06EN=
| 06Note=
| 07JP=マルナナマルマル。何はともあれ朝ご飯でち
| 07EN=
| 07Note=
| 08JP=マルハチマルマル。今日はどんな一日になるのかな
| 08EN=
| 08Note=
| 09JP=マルキュウマルマル、9時です。今日は58を何処に連れてってくれるの?
| 09EN=
| 09Note=
| 10JP=てーとくっ。ヒトマルマルマル。そろそろ新しい水着欲しいなぁ
| 10EN=
| 10Note=
| 11JP=ヒトヒトマルマル。てーとくぅ、こっちのひらひらの水着も着てみたいよぉ
| 11EN=
| 11Note=
| 12JP=ヒトフタマルマルでち。お昼食べてから、もっかい水着みるー!
| 12EN=
| 12Note=
| 13JP=ヒトサンマルマル。あー提督、うたた寝してない?
| 13EN=
| 13Note=
| 14JP=ヒトヨンマルマル。頑張っていこう
| 14EN=
| 14Note=
| 15JP=ヒトゴーマルマル おやつたべよ
| 15EN=
| 15Note=
| 16JP=ヒトロクマルマル。夕方になったよ
| 16EN=
| 16Note=
| 17JP=ヒトナナマルマル。日が落ちてきたでち
| 17EN=
| 17Note=
| 18JP=ヒトハチマルマル。夜の海って…怖いでち
| 18EN=
| 18Note=
| 19JP=ヒトキュウマルマル。たまには勉強でもしようかなぁ やっぱドイツ語かなぁ?
| 19EN=
| 19Note=
| 20JP=フタマルマルマル。遅めの晩御飯でちか?
| 20EN=
| 20Note=
| 21JP=フタヒトマルマル。デザートはアイスがいいな。間宮さん、かもーん
| 21EN=
| 21Note=
| 22JP=フタフタマルマル。ゴーヤ寝ますぅ
| 22EN=
| 22Note=
| 23JP=フタサンマルマル。ねむ…
| 23EN=
| 23Note=
| idleJP=てーとく、ゴーヤ、さみしいよぉ
| idleEN=
| idleNote=
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Ship Full I-58.png|Base
Ship Full I-58 Damaged.png|Base Damaged
'''Voiced by''': [http://myanimelist.net/people/1105/Megumi_Nakajima Megumi Nakajima]
;General Information
* Her nickname, "Goya", is an alternate reading of "58". 5 = "Go"; 8 = "Ya".
* She was launched on the 9th of October 1943.
* Sunk as a target on the 1st of April 1946.
* Wreck located on the 25th of May 2017 in 200 m (660 ft) of water. She is heavily encrusted with marine life and is perpendicular to the seabed. She was identified by the shape of her rudder.
'''Illustrated by''': Shobon ([http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2572017 ショボン])
;Update History
* She was added to the game on the 1st of August 2013 update but was officially released on the 18th of September 2013.
The submarines share the same costume, consisting of a white and blue serafuku top with pink scarf over a classic blue school swimsuit.
I-58 herself has short light brown hair, with a peculiar hair ornament consisting of a golden clip holding two sakura petals and two ribbons who appear to be connected to her ahoge.
* Her captain, Mochitsura Hashimoto, was brought in by the US Navy as a witness in the [[wikipedia:USS Indianapolis (CA-35)#Captain Charles McVay|scandalous court martial]] of Captain Charles B. McVay III, captain of the ''USS Indianapolis''.
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">Speaks with an Okinawan accent</span>
** I-58 sunk the [[wikipedia:USS Indianapolis (CA-35)|''USS Indianapolis'' (CA-35)]] en route to [[wikipedia:Leyte_(island)|Leyte]] on July 30th, 1945. She returned to Kure Naval Base shortly before Japan surrendered.
==See Also==
==See Also==
*[[EliteSS|List of Submarines]]
*[[wikipedia:Japanese submarine I-58 (1943)|Wikipedia entry on {{PAGENAME}}]]
*[[wikipedia:Japanese_submarine_I-58|Wikipedia entry on submarine I-58]]
[[Category:Type B3 Class]]
[[Category:World War II Survivors]]

Latest revision as of 16:01, 4 May 2024


Ship Card I-58.png
Ship Card I-58 Damaged.png
Ship Banner I-58.png
Ship Banner I-58 Damaged.png
伊58 (い58) I-58
Junsen Type B Kai Ni Submarine

HP HP1418FP Firepower2→9
ARM Armor4→19TORPTorpedo30→69
EVA Evasion13→36AA Anti-Air0
PLA Aircraft0ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare0
SPD SpeedSlowLOS Line of Sight10→39
RGE RangeShortLUK Luck40→79
ModernizationFirepower 0 Torpedo 2 Anti-Air 0 Armor 0
Build Time0:22 (Normal)Remodel Req
ConsumptionFuel 10 Ammo 20DismantleFuel 1 Ammo 2 Steel 2 Bauxite 1
IllustratorShobonSeiyuuNakajima Megumi
Ship Card I-58 Kai.png
Ship Card I-58 Kai Damaged.png
Ship Banner I-58 Kai.png
Ship Banner I-58 Kai Damaged.png
伊58 (い58かい) I-58 Kai
Junsen Type B Kai Ni Aircraft Carrying Submarine

HP HP1822FP Firepower3→12
ARM Armor5→19TORPTorpedo36→84
EVA Evasion15→49AA Anti-Air0
PLA Aircraft2ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare0
SPD SpeedSlowLOS Line of Sight15→39
RGE RangeShortLUK Luck50→79
ModernizationFirepower 0 Torpedo 2 Anti-Air 1 Armor 0
Remodel Level50Remodel ReqAmmo 200 Steel 140
ConsumptionFuel 10 Ammo 25DismantleFuel 1 Ammo 2 Steel 2 Bauxite 2
IllustratorShobonSeiyuuNakajima Megumi

Gameplay Notes

Submarines (SS) have high torpedo Torpedo Attack stats, and are limited to the Opening Torpedo Salvo, the Closing Torpedo Salvo, and Night Battle. They:

Submarine Aircraft Carriers (SSV), are SS that can equip Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon/Seaplane BomberBomber/Seaplane Fighter seaplanes.

Special Mechanics


Equipability Exceptions

SS Default equipment compatibility
✔️ Can Equip ❌ Cannot Equip
Fighter Dive Bomber Torpedo Bomber JetFighterBomber2.png Reconnaissance Aircraft Large Reconnaissance AircraftSp Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon Seaplane BomberBomber Seaplane Fighter Large Flying Boat Rotorcraft Liaison Aircraft Aviation Personnel TransportationMaterial.png
Torpedoes Submarine TorpedoesSub Midget SubmarineMinisub Small SONARSmall Submarine Equipment Small Caliber Main Gun Medium Caliber Main Gun Large Caliber Main Gun Very Large Caliber Main GunSp Secondary Gun Large Secondary High-Angle GunSp_Sec Anti-Aircraft Gun Anti-Aircraft Fire Director Depth Charges Large SONARLarge Small RADARSmall Large RADARLarge Very Large RADARSp
Engine Improvement Amphibious Vehicle Anti-Ground Rocket Emergency Repair Personnel Ration Anti-Aircraft Shell Armor-Piercing Shell Medium ArmorMedium Large ArmorLarge FlareIcon.png Searchlight Large SearchlightLarge Lookout Drum Canister Landing Craft Landing Forces Facility.png Command Facility Smoke Generator Supplies
RE: Emergency Repair Personnel Ration Equipment Card Improved Kanhon Type Turbine.png Equipment Card Submarine 4-tube Stern Torpedo Launcher (Initial Model).png Equipment Card Submarine 4-tube Stern Torpedo Launcher (Late Model).png Equipment Card Submarine Radar & Waterproof Telescope.png Equipment Card Submarine Radar & Passive Radiolocator (E27).png Equipment Card Late Model Submarine Radar & Passive Radiolocator.png Equipment Card Late Model Radar & Passive Radiolocator + Snorkel Equipment.png
Equipability notes: Night Fighter=Fighter ; Night Torpedo Bomber=Torpedo Bomber ; JetFighterBomber1.png=JetFighterBomber2.png ; Night Reconnaissance Seaplane =Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon ; Night Seaplane Bomber =Seaplane BomberBomber ; Small Caliber Main High-Angle GunSmall=Small Caliber Main Gun ; Medium Main High-Angle GunMedium=Medium Caliber Main Gun ; Secondary High-Angle GunSec=Secondary Gun ; Barrage Balloon=Smoke Generator
SSV Default equipment compatibility
✔️ Can Equip ❌ Cannot Equip
Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon Seaplane BomberBomber Seaplane Fighter TransportationMaterial.png Fighter Dive Bomber Torpedo Bomber JetFighterBomber2.png Reconnaissance Aircraft Large Reconnaissance AircraftSp Large Flying Boat Rotorcraft Liaison Aircraft Aviation Personnel
Torpedoes Submarine TorpedoesSub Midget SubmarineMinisub Small SONARSmall Submarine Equipment Small Caliber Main Gun Medium Caliber Main Gun Large Caliber Main Gun Very Large Caliber Main GunSp Secondary Gun Large Secondary High-Angle GunSp_Sec Anti-Aircraft Gun Anti-Aircraft Fire Director Depth Charges Large SONARLarge Small RADARSmall Large RADARLarge Very Large RADARSp
Engine Improvement Amphibious Vehicle Anti-Ground Rocket Emergency Repair Personnel Ration Anti-Aircraft Shell Armor-Piercing Shell Medium ArmorMedium Large ArmorLarge FlareIcon.png Searchlight Large SearchlightLarge Lookout Drum Canister Landing Craft Landing Forces Facility.png Command Facility Smoke Generator Supplies
RE: Emergency Repair Personnel Ration Equipment Card Improved Kanhon Type Turbine.png Equipment Card Submarine 4-tube Stern Torpedo Launcher (Initial Model).png Equipment Card Submarine 4-tube Stern Torpedo Launcher (Late Model).png Equipment Card Submarine Radar & Waterproof Telescope.png Equipment Card Submarine Radar & Passive Radiolocator (E27).png Equipment Card Late Model Submarine Radar & Passive Radiolocator.png Equipment Card Late Model Radar & Passive Radiolocator + Snorkel Equipment.png
Equipability notes: Night Fighter=Fighter ; Night Torpedo Bomber=Torpedo Bomber ; JetFighterBomber1.png=JetFighterBomber2.png ; Night Reconnaissance Seaplane =Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon ; Night Seaplane Bomber =Seaplane BomberBomber ; Small Caliber Main High-Angle GunSmall=Small Caliber Main Gun ; Medium Main High-Angle GunMedium=Medium Caliber Main Gun ; Secondary High-Angle GunSec=Secondary Gun ; Barrage Balloon=Smoke Generator

I-58 Equipability Exceptions
Ship Banner I-58.png
I-58 (SS)
Ship Banner I-58 Kai.png
I-58 Kai (SSV)
Expansion Slot Exceptions - Can Equip:
Equipment Card Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank.png Equipment Card Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai.png
Ship Exceptions -

Fit Bonuses

[edit]I-58 Equipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine Warfare Line of Sight Armor Accuracy Evasion Note
TorpedoesLate Model 53cm Bow Torpedo Mount (8 tubes)Late Model 53cm Bow Torpedo Mount (8 tubes) +1
(1st equipped) (★5-7) +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8-9) +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +1 +2 One-time
Submarine EquipmentLate Model Submarine Radar & Passive RadiolocatorLate Model Submarine Radar & Passive Radiolocator +2
+ Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes)Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes) OR Skilled Sonar Personnel + Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes)Skilled Sonar Personnel + Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes) OR Late Model 53cm Bow Torpedo Mount (8 tubes)Late Model 53cm Bow Torpedo Mount (8 tubes) +3 +2 One-time
Ship-Type Bonuses
SeaplaneType 0 Small Reconnaissance SeaplaneType 0 Small Reconnaissance Seaplane
OR SeaplaneType 0 Small Reconnaissance Seaplane (Skilled)Type 0 Small Reconnaissance Seaplane (Skilled)
(★0) +1 +3 +1 +5
(★1) +2 +3 +1 +5
(★2) +2 +3 +2 +5
(★3-4) +2 +3 +2 +6
(★5-7) +2 +4 +2 +6
(★8-9) +2 +4 +3 +6
(★MAX) +2 +4 +3 +7
SeaplaneType 0 Small Reconnaissance Seaplane (Skilled)Type 0 Small Reconnaissance Seaplane (Skilled) +2 +1 +1 +1 Dive Bomber Attack+2
TorpedoesType D Kouhyouteki Kai (Kouryuu Kai)Type D Kouhyouteki Kai (Kouryuu Kai) -1 -7
Seaplane FighterKyoufuu Kai 2Kyoufuu Kai 2 (★3-4) +1
(★5-6) +1 +1
(★7-9) +1 +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +1 +1
Amphibious VehicleSpecial Type 4 Amphibious TankSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank
OR Amphibious VehicleSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank KaiSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai
(★0) +1 +2 -1
(★1-2) +1 +3 -1
(★3-5) +1 +3 +1 -1
(★6-9) +1 +3 +2 -1
(★MAX) +1 +4 +2 -1
Amphibious VehicleSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank KaiSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai (★0-1) +1 +1 +1
(★2-3) +2 +1 +1
(★4-7) +2 +2 +1
(★8-MAX) +3 +2 +1
Submarine EquipmentLate Model Radar & Passive Radiolocator + Snorkel EquipmentLate Model Radar & Passive Radiolocator + Snorkel Equipment (★3-4) +1
(★5-9) +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +1
(★2-MAX) + ★4+ Skilled Sonar Personnel + Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (4 tubes)Skilled Sonar Personnel + Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (4 tubes) +7 +5 One-time

Important Information

Drop Locations

ShipRarityTypeNo.World 1World 2World 3World 7World 4World 5World 6Remarks
I-58RareSS127✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️Buildable (no LSC)

Voice Lines


Event Japanese/English
Hello! I'm I-58. You can call me Goya! I'm not bitter![1]
I did my best from the start and fought till the end. Even when the going got tough I managed to sink that terrible heavy cruiser![2] After I accomplished my mission and everything was over, I returned safely to my home port Kure.
Secretary 1
Greetings from under the sea~! I'm Goya!
Secretary 2
Whew~! It's great under the sea. Diving is the best!
Secretary 3
Armour definitely needs to be school swimsuits. I mean look, it's so sleek!
Secretary Idle
I'm lonely, Admiral...
Secretary (Married)
Work hard on your KanColle studies!
Being with you is fun, Admiral! There are many kinds of fish to see in the south you know? I'll show you next time!
Player's Score
You've got a message, Admiral? Let me see.
Joining the Fleet
Goya, diving!
Equipment 1
I really love large torpedoes!
Equipment 2
I don't need that, Admiral.
Equipment 3[3]
The sea is pretty great right.
Thanks for the meal-dechi!
Docking (Minor Damage)
I-I'm already full-dechi...
Docking (Major Damage)
I'm sorry, please repair me-dachi.
I heard a new ship has just been constructed. It's probably a surface ship right?
Returning from Sortie
The fleet has returned, Admiral.
Starting a Sortie
Want to come along, Admiral?
Starting a Battle
Whoa~ We've found a lot of scary things.
I'm counting on you, my torpedoes.
Air Battle/Night Battle Attack
My torpedoes are all good-dechi!
Night Battle
Let's go for broke-dechi![4]
I really did my best right! Eh? Chanpuruu? I'm not a side dish.[5]
Minor Damage 1
I'm still alright-dechi!
Minor Damage 2
Pain, pain, is not going away~[6]
Major Damage
My simple and elegant swimsuit designed by the Admiral has...
I'll dream of meeting all of you again someday... Diving deep...
  1. Goya is also bitter melon in Japanese.
  2. She sank the USS Indianapolis.
  3. This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
  4. Likely twisted version of the phrase "当たって砕けろ" meaning "go for broke".
  5. Chanpuruu is a type of dish that is typically made with bitter melon.
  6. A play on "痛いの痛いの飛んでいけ" (Pain, pain, go away) which is a charm used by parents to comfort children.


Time Japanese/English
0000. It's midnight-dechi!
It's 0100. It's dark and scary-dechi...
0200. Ah, from now on do you... Ah, no, it's nothing-dechi!
0300. Yup.
0400. It'll be dawn soon.
0500. It's morning-dechi!
0600. The sun is blinding~
0700. In any case, it's time for breakfast-dechi.
0800. What sort of day will it be today?
0900. It's 9 o'clock. Where are you going to take me today?
1000, Admiral. I'd like a new swimsuit soon alright?
1100. I'd like to try on that frilly swimsuit, Admiral.
It's 1200-dechi. I'd like to see more swimsuits after lunch.
1300. Ah, why don't we take a nap, Admiral?
1400. Let's do our best.
1500. Let's have a snack.
1600. It's evening now.
1700. The sun has set.
1800. The night sea is scary.
1900. I should go and study sometime. Probably German.
2000. A late dinner-dechi?
2100. I'd like ice cream for dessert. Come on, Mamiya-san!
2200. I'm going to sleep.
2300. *sleeping sounds*...


Ship Japanese/English Notes
Valentine’s Day 2016
Admiral, Admiral~! This is for you-dechi! It’s my special “Goya Chocolate”-dechi! Secretary 1
Valentine’s Day 2016
Admiral, Admiral~! Have you eaten my Goya Chocolate? …Eh, why not!? It’s delicious. Hurry up and eat it-dechi! Secretary 2
Hinamatsuri 2016
The I-types will be the five musicians? Let’s do this-dechi! Who’s going to help me make them? …Eh, Imuya? Will is be alright…?
White Day 2016
Is this in return for the Goya Chocolates, Admiral? Really? Woow! Thanks for the food-dechi!
Spring 2016
I like spring-dechi. It just makes me feel great-dechi. Now, let’s work hard today too. Here I go-dechi.
Rainy Season 2016
It’s the season for lots of rain-dechi. But none of it matters once I dive into the sea-dechi!
Midsummer 2016
Greetings fron under the sea! It’s summer-dechi!! When is our summer break-dechi? Admiral! …Where’s he gone!?
Autumn 2016
It’s autumn-dechi! It’s the season for delicious food-dechi. But if I eat too much… the swimsuit that admiral designed will get tight so… I’ll be careful-dechi!
Saury Festival 2016
It’s the Saury Festival-dechi! Since saury have a habit of gathering around lights, we’ll need to bring some dazzling lights for fishing!
Setsubun 2017
It’s Setsubun-dechi! Surfacing to Setsubun combat depth, Taigei spotted! Beans in tubes one through four… Fire!
4th Anniversary
Congratulations from under the sea! Admiral, Admiral, it’s the 4th Anniversary-dechi. It surprised me a bit.
Late Autumn 2017
It’s definitely gotten too cold for just a swimsuit-dechi. I’m going to requisition the Admiral’s cold weather gear-dechi.

Misc Lines

Ship Japanese/English Notes
Summer 2020 Event
My torpedoes are well maintained! That's why they'll definitely hit! Friend Fleet 1




General Information
  • Her nickname, "Goya", is an alternate reading of "58". 5 = "Go"; 8 = "Ya".
  • She was launched on the 9th of October 1943.
  • Sunk as a target on the 1st of April 1946.
  • Wreck located on the 25th of May 2017 in 200 m (660 ft) of water. She is heavily encrusted with marine life and is perpendicular to the seabed. She was identified by the shape of her rudder.
Update History
  • She was added to the game on the 1st of August 2013 update but was officially released on the 18th of September 2013.
  • Her captain, Mochitsura Hashimoto, was brought in by the US Navy as a witness in the scandalous court martial of Captain Charles B. McVay III, captain of the USS Indianapolis.

See Also