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Gameplay Notes
Voice Lines
Event | ExpandJapanese/English |
Introduction Play |
Good morning! It's me. 2nd ship of the Kamikaze-class, Asakaze. |
おはよう! 朝風よ。神風型駆逐艦二番艦、朝風。 | |
Introduction (Kai) Play |
Good morning! It's me. 2nd ship of the Kamikaze-class, Asakaze. Commander, do you like mornings? Just like before? ...Yes! |
おはよう! 朝風よ。神風型駆逐艦二番艦、朝風。司令官、朝は好きになった? 前から好き? …よし! | |
Library Play |
2nd ship of the Kamikaze-class, Asakaze. Born in Nagasaki.
Along with my sister Harukaze, we formed the historical 5th Destroyer Division. Naturally, I was the flagship. We participated in battles and operations early in the war. Of course I also did the important escort missions properly and without fail. Yup... I did, everything I could do! |
歴史ある第五駆逐隊を編成したわ。旗艦は当然私。緒戦の海戦や攻略戦にも参加したわ。 もちろん、大切な船団護衛もしっかりきっちりやりきったわよ。うん・・・・・・・やるだけ、やったんだから! | |
Secretary 1 Play |
What, you called? |
なによ。呼んだ? | |
Secretary 2 Play |
What? Convoy escort? Leave it all up to me. Don't you worry. |
なに?船団護衛?この私に任せておきなさい。いいから。 | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Do, wh... what, don't make fun of me! Eh, you're... not? Ah, sorry. I misunderstood. Yes! There, now we're even! |
だっ、な…なによ、馬鹿にしないで!えっ、違うの…かな?ああ…ごめん、私、勘違いしてた。はい!これでおあいこね! | |
Secretary Idle Play |
I'm bored~. Harukaze, aren't you sleepy talking like that? I mean look at Matsukaze. Ah, Matsukaze you're wearing that hat again. It will get in the way during battle. Ah, what? You want a fight? You asked for it. I won't hold back! |
なーんか退屈~。春風ー、アンタそんなしゃべり方で眠くなんない?松風とか見なよ。あ。松風またそんな帽子くっつけて。戦闘の邪魔じゃん、取っちゃいなよ。あ、なに?なによ、姉とやる気?上等じゃない。私手加減しないからね! | |
Wedding Play |
What is it commander, calling me out here. I am quite busy. Like with fleet escorts and convoy escorts. Eh, what's this. For me...? We... well can I really have it? It, it's beautiful... The size is perfect too... |
なに司令官、こんなとこ呼んで。私こう見えて忙しいんだけど。まあ、船団護衛とか?護衛とかね。えっ、何これ。私に…?ま、まあ、いただいとくけど?き、綺麗だし…。サイズ、ぴったり、だし…。 | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
What~? You look like a slob. Don't you get tired of this? Haa~, aren't you getting a bit complacent recently? It can't be helped, I'll get you pumped up. Look over here. Ready? Close your eyes... Ah, you opened them! Your eyes are open! I'm not doing this anymore! |
なーにー?だらしないわねぇ。こんなので疲れたの?はぁ~、司令官最近だれてんじゃない?仕方ない、私が気合い入れてあげるわ。ちょっと顔こっちに。いい?目を瞑って。…あ、開けた!目ぇ開けた!もうやってあげない! | |
Player's Score Play |
Hmmm, information? I'll get it. Wait here. |
ん、情報ね?私とったげる。待ってて。 | |
Joining The Fleet Play |
5th Destroyer Division, setting sail! Alright? Everyone follow me! |
第五駆逐隊、抜錨!いい?みんな、ついてらっしゃい! | |
Joining The Fleet (Kai) Play |
1st Surface Escort Division, setting off! Are you ready Harukaze? I'll protect you this time! Don't let the enemy submarines come close! Sortie![1] |
第一海上護衛隊、出るわよ!春風、準備はいい?今度は護りきるわよ!敵潜を近づけるな!出撃! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
This is good. It's a great help! |
いいわね。助かるわ! | |
Equipment 2 Play |
How is it... Well, everything suits me! |
どうかな…。ま、私にはなんだって似合うけど! | |
Equipment 2 (Kai) Play |
Isn't this fine? Do you understand me Commander? |
いいんじゃない?司令官、ちょっと私の事分かってきた? | |
Equipment 3[2] Play |
Well, that's the feeling! |
ま、こんな感じよ! | |
Supply Play |
Well, I accept it. It's important after all. |
まあ、いただいとく。必要だし。 | |
Supply (Kai) Play |
I'll gladly accept this. Let's do this. |
もちいただいとく。がんばろ! | |
Docking (Minor) Play |
Sorry, is it alright if I pull back for a while? |
ごめん、ちょっと下がったりしてもいい? | |
Docking (Major) Play |
Yeah, Kamikaze-ane will get mad at me for this... Well, I suppose it's alright if I don't tell? |
うーん、これは神風姉に怒られそう…。ま、言わなきゃいっかな? | |
Construction Play |
A new girl is here. |
新しい子、来たわ。 | |
Return From Sortie Play |
Commander, the fleet is back. Haa~ I'm tired. Can you massage my shoulders? |
司令官、艦隊戻ったわよ。は~疲れたぁ。肩揉んでくれてもいいけど? | |
Starting A Sortie Play |
5DesDiv, sortieing! Are all of you ready? Let's go! |
五水戦、出るわよ!五駆のみんな、準備はいい?出撃よ! | |
Starting A Sortie (Kai) Play |
DesDiv5, let's go! Are you ready everyone? Matsukaze? I'll laugh if you fall behind! |
五水戦、出るわよ!みんな準備はいい?松風?遅れたら、後で笑ったげるわ! | |
Starting A Battle Play |
The enemy fleet has been spotted? Are you ready everyone? Let's do this. |
敵艦隊発見ってやつ?みんないい?やるからね。 | |
Attack Play |
Open fire. Fire! |
撃ち方始め。てーっ! | |
Night Battle Attack Play |
You took the bait. I'll finish you! |
よしっ食らいついた。仕留めてやる! | |
Night Battle Play |
5DesDiv, charge. Fall into formation behind me! We're going in! |
五水戦、突撃します。陣形を整え、私に続いて!いくからね! | |
MVP Play |
Look look! I'm number one. My air and skill is incomparable! Eh, Commander? Why are you laughing? Whyyy~!? |
ほーら見なさい!私朝風でしょ一番は。爽やかさと鍛え方が違うのよ!えっ、司令官?なんで笑ってんの?なんでよ~!? | |
MVP (Kai) Play |
Would you look a that! I'm number one? Well, I have known you for a while right Commander? My training is excellent! Eh, Commander? Why are you still laughing? Why!? |
ほら見なさい!私、一番は朝風でしょ?まぁ司令官とは長い仲だし?鍛え方が違うのよ!えっ、司令官?いつまで笑ってんの?なんでよ~!? | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Tch... No way! |
ちっ…やだぁ! | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
Aaaahhh! This is...! |
やぁあぁっ!こんなのって…! | |
Major Damage Play |
It's not like I took a torpedo! I won't... sink from this! |
魚雷を食らったわけじゃない!こんなんで…沈むもんかっ! | |
Sunk Play |
It can't be. I'm... sinking again. Matsukaze... where are you? I'm coming... to look for you. |
嘘だ。私が…また、沈むなんて。松風…どこ?探しに…きてよぉ…。 |
Time | ExpandJapanese/English |
00:00 Play |
It's midnight. I'll be keeping you company today ...What, got a problem with that? ...Is that so, that's fine then. |
午前零時。ふぅ。今日は私が一日付き合ってあげるわ。…なに、文句あるの?…あらそう、ならいいけど。 | |
01:00 Play |
It's 2am! Wh... what, you want the announcement the other way? Such impertinence... Well alright. Yes, 0100. Like this? |
午前二時!って…。なに、あっちの方がいいの?生意気な…。まあいいわ。はい、マルヒトマルマル。これでいい? | |
02:00 Play |
It's! ...Ah, that's right... 0200. That should be right. It's 02 you know, 02. Hey, are you listening? |
午前!…あーそっか…。マルフタマルマル。まーいいけど。マルフタよマルフタ。ねー、聞いてる? | |
03:00 Play |
0300. Commander. You're listening right? If you're not, I'll stop. Ah, he responded. Looks like he heard. |
マルサンマルマル。司令官。聞いてないよね?聞いてないなら、や・め・る・よ。ねーぇ!…あ、反応した。一応聞いてんだ。 | |
04:00 Play |
0400. Yes! Finally morning. Morning~ morning~. Fufu~. I love mornings! Mornings are really great right. Right commander? |
マルヨンマルマル。うーん!やっと朝かー。あさあさ。ふふっ。朝は好き!朝は本当にいいよねー。ねぇ司令官? | |
05:00 Play |
0500! It's here! Morning! It's morning! The morning breeze feels really good! Right commander! ...Eh? Close the window because it's cold? Haa... You really don't get it commander. |
マルゴーマルマル!来たぁ!朝だぁ!朝です!朝の風ってほんっと気持ちいいー!ねぇ司令官!…え?寒いから窓閉めろぉ?はぁ…わかってないよねーうちの司令官は。 | |
06:00 Play |
0600. I'm going full blast this morning. First, we need a delicious breakfast to start the day! I just made lots of barley rice. Go on, eat up! |
マルロクマルマル。朝から全開でいくわよ。まず、一日の始まりは、美味しい朝ご飯から!麦飯たーんと炊いておいたわ。さ、食べなさい! | |
07:00 Play |
0700. What commander? You've barely touched your food! That's no good at all! You need to eat a full meal in the morning. Yes, a large serving coming up! ... It can't be helped, I'll give you some of my pickled radish. |
マルナナマルマル。司令官、なに?あまり食が進んでないじゃない!ダメダメ、全然ダメ!朝はしっかり食べないと。はい、麦飯大盛りね!…仕方ない、私のたくあん少しあげるから。 | |
08:00 Play |
0800. Morning exercises are starting, 5 DesDiv, assemble! Hatakaze, Harukaze, Matsukaze! ...Ah that's fine. Those that are here it's time for morning exercises! Destroyer Division 5 setting sail! |
マルハチマルマル。朝の演習を始めるから、五駆、集合よ!旗風、春風、松風!…まあいいわ。集まれるメンバーで朝の演習!第五駆逐隊、朝の抜錨よ! | |
09:00 Play |
0900. Haa~. I had a great workout this morning! Right, it's still morning so let's keep going! What's next? Expeditions? Sorties? |
マルキュウマルマル。はぁー。朝のいい汗かいたわねぇ!よーし、まだ朝だから、どんどんいくわ!次はなに?遠征?出撃? | |
10:00 Play |
1000. Oh, morning is over... But, it's still in the am! Still technically morning! Wh, what's with that look Matsukaze. What!? |
ヒトマルマルマル。うー、朝が終わっちゃう…。でも、まだ午前中!ある種朝だから!な、なに松風その目は。なによ!? | |
11:00 Play |
1100. I get it, I suppose it is nearly time for lunch. Even though I ate so much in the morning, I'm kind of hungry now. What about you commander? |
ヒトヒトマルマル。わかったわよ、確かにそろそろお昼よね。あんなに朝食べたのにもうお腹がすいてきちゃった。司令官は? | |
12:00 Play |
1200. It's lunchtime~. Hmmm? Harukaze, what's that? ...Eh, a sandwich? What's that. It definitely needs to be barley rice for destroyers! Right, commander! ...Ah, huh? That's not it? |
ヒトフタマルマル。お昼よー。ん?春風、それなに?…え、サンドウィッチ?なにそれ。駆逐艦はやっぱり麦飯でしょ!ね、司令官!…あ、あれ?そうでもないの? | |
13:00 Play |
1300. Mmm~ these sandwiches aren't bad, but I don't feel like eating too much. But thanks Harukaze. Thanks for the meal! |
ヒトサンマルマル。んー。サンドウィッチも悪くはないけど、あまり食べた気がしないわね。でもありがと春風。ごちそうさま! | |
14:00 Play |
140... Ah, Mogami-san, Mikuma-san. Hello. Um, what do you have there? Eh, a model? Humm, so you made this. Hee~, what a strange hobby. ...Ah! No, that's not it! Please let me see it when you're done! |
ヒトヨンマルマ…。あ、最上さん、三隈さん。どうも。あの、なに持ってるの?え、模型?ふーん、作るんだ。へぇー、物好きね。…あ!いや、そうじゃなくて!いいのできたら私にも見せて! | |
15:00 Play |
1500. Wow, there are so many different kinds of hobbies. What do you do on your days off Matsukaze? ...Eh. Haa... Is that so. Fuu~... That's a bit strange. But it's good. |
ヒトゴーマルマル。まー色々な趣味があるわね。松風、あんたは休みの日なにやってんの?…えっ。はあ…そう。ふっ…物好きね。いいけど。 | |
16:00 Play |
1600. Ah Nowaki, what's up? Oh, is that so. If I see her? Ok, I get it. I'll let you know if I see her. |
ヒトロクマルマル。あー野分、どしたの?あ、そう。ううん見なかったけど?ん、わかった。見かけたら教えたげる。 | |
17:00 Play |
1700. It's already evening. Eh? What about the sunset? Haa~, what are you saying? The morning sun is way more beautiful. Right? |
ヒトナナマルマル。そんなこんなでもう夕方。えっ?夕日がどうしたの?はっ、なに言ってんの?朝のお日さまのほうが何倍も綺麗よ。ねぇ? | |
18:00 Play |
1800. Ah, after I said that it's night already. Somehow at night. I just feel so... unmotivated. |
ヒトハチマルマル。あーもう、そんなこと言ってたらもう夜よー夜。夜はなんだかねー。なーんかねー、やる気でない。 | |
19:00 Play |
1900. Say commander, I know it's bad but, I don't feel like doing anything at night ...Eh, you're calling takeout for dinner? Ah, in that case I want some too! Umm, I'd like... |
ヒトキュウマルマル。司令官さぁ、悪いんだけど、夜はあまり働きたくないっていうか。…えっ、夜ご飯出前取るの?あ、なら頼みたい!えっとー私はねー…。 | |
20:00 Play |
2000. Yup, Mamiya's is delicious even as takeout, I'm so full! Treating ourselves once in a while is great. Every day would be... yeah, that'd be going overboard. Yep. |
フタマルマルマル。うん、間宮さんとこは出前も美味しいねーお腹いっぱい!たまの贅沢もいいわね。毎日は…うーん、それは贅沢かぁ。うん。 | |
21:00 Play |
2100 ...I don't like night time. I especially don't like being out at sea at night. I love the morning. I like the sea. I like the clear blue sky. Eh, DesRon3? No, I'm part of DesRon5. |
フタヒト、マルマル。…夜は、夜はいやね。特に、夜の海の中はいや。私は朝が好き。海の上が好き。晴れやかな青い空が好き。へ、三水戦?ううん。私五水戦だし。 | |
22:00 Play |
2200. The 1st Escort Division? ...Yep. I tried my best and hardest to protect them, but it was too much. That's why, I dislike the night. |
フタフタ、マルマル。第一海上護衛隊?…うん。頑張ったけど、護りたかったけど、きつかったかな。だから、夜は嫌い。 | |
23:00 Play |
2300. It's totally night. It can't be helped ...But it's fine! Tomorrow morning will come again. Hey commander. Let's work hard tomorrow morning! |
フタサン、マルマル。すっかり夜。仕方ないけど。…いいわ!また明日も朝は来るから。ねぇ司令官。明日の朝も、がんばろ! |
Ship | Japanese/English | ExpandNotes |
Christmas 2016 Play |
Wooow, so this is Christmas! It’s nice, I like these sorts of things! So this is champagne? …*gulp*… What, isn’t this just alcohol!? Huh, Matsukaze!? | |
はぁぁ、これがクリスマス!いいわね、私こういうの好き!これがシャンパンの?...ごく...やだ、お酒じゃない!?あれ、松風!? | ||
End of Year 2016 Play |
Now, it’s the time of year for the year-end spring clean again. First we beat the dust out, next we’ll form a sweeping squad, then finally wiping the floors. It’s the three key steps! Alright! | |
さぁ、ごこのみんな、今年も年末の大掃除の季節やってきたは。まず埃を叩いて、その後ほうき部隊、最後に雑巾だけよ。三段構え!よし! | ||
New Year 2017 Play |
Happy New Year, Commander. What? What is it? No, this is important. Of course it is. | |
司令官、あけましておめでとう。何?何よ?違うの、こういうのは大事。決まってるじゃない。 | ||
Winter 2017 Play |
Hatakaze? Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen her. She doesn’t like winter. She’ll come out when it’s warmer. Eh, she won’t? | |
旗風?そういえば見てないわね。あの子、冬が苦手だから。暖かくなったら、そのうち出てくるわよ。えぇ、違う? | ||
Setsubun 2017 Play |
I see, it’s Setsubun. Alright, now Kamikaze-nee… Ow! St-stop that! What are you doing, Matsukaze!? Urgh… Even Hatakaze is going along with it! Jeez, I’ll get angry! | |
そうか、節分か。よし、神風姉に…いた!や、やめてよ!何やってんの松風!?うぅ…旗風まで調子に乗って!もう、起こったから! | ||
Valentine’s Day 2017 Play |
Commander… Well, you know, umm, that thing called… “chocolate”. I have some for you. Here, take it! Since I’ve given you some you better take responsibility and eat it all! | |
司令官…まあ、何、あの~所謂…「チョコレート」ってやつ。あげるわ。はい、あげた!もうあげたから、責任とって食べなさいよ! | ||
White Day 2017 Play |
Ah, I see. So this is my return gift. Thanks, Commander. I accept. Well, it’s not like I’m happy about it or anything. I’ll eat it though. | |
あぁ、そうなんだ。一応お返しくれるんだ。ありがと、司令官。貰っておくわ。まあ、そんなに嬉しいわけじゃないけど。食べるけど。 | ||
4th Anniversary Play |
It’s the fleet’s 4th Anniversary this year. Eh, that means that this is our 5th year? Ah… Well, that’s good. Still, congratulations and thank you. | |
艦隊は今年で四周年なんですて。えぇ、ってことは今年で五年目でこと?あ…まあ、いいけど。でも、おめでとう、そしてありがとう。 | ||
Rainy Season 2017 Play |
Jeez, it’s been raining so much recently. Well, rainy mornings are still good too. Hey, what do you think, Commander? Oh, Commander? | |
もう、最近、雨ばっかりでやんなちゃ。まあ、雨の朝ってのもありちゃありかな。ねぇ、司令官はどう思う?おぉ、司令官? | ||
Early Summer 2017 Play |
Ah, it’s summer again this year. I don’t really like it when summer ends. Isn’t it kinda lonely? | |
あぁ、今年ももうすぐ夏ね。夏の終わりはあんまり好きじゃない。なんか、寂しいじゃない? | ||
Midsummer 2017 Play |
Ah, jeez, summer is here. I hate this season. But it feels so lonely when summer ends. Why is that? | |
あぁ、もう、夏になちゃったし。私の嫌いな季節。夏の終わるになると、とても寂しい気持になる。どうして? | ||
Autumn 2017 Play |
Fufun, fufu, ahahahaa! I did it! I managed to survive summer. I win! It’s autumn now! Autumn mornings are great. I love them! | |
ふふん、ふふ、あははぁ!やったは!私夏を乗り切っちゃった。勝ったはね!秋よ、秋!秋の朝もいいはねぇ。大好き! | ||
Saury Festival 2017 Play |
*sigh* Is this what you meant? So this is saury fishing… If you ask me, I prefer to be escorting convoys… Oh well. I’ll give it a shot! Leave it to me! | |
はぁ、例のあれか?秋刀魚漁ってやつ...私はどっちかというと船団護衛何だけ...まあ、いいか。やってみましょう!任せなさい! | ||
Late Autumn 2017 Play |
Urgh, it’s gotten really cold lately. I’ll catch a cold if I’m not careful. Let’s set up the kotatsu in your room, Commander. I’ll help you get it out. | |
やだ、最近寒すぎぃ。下手したらかぜしちゃう。司令官、部屋にこたつ出してよう、こたつ。私、運ぶの手伝って上げるから。 | ||
5th Anniversary Play |
It’s the fleets, hey, it’s the fleet’s 5th Anniversary this year? Eh, wait a minute; that means we’re in our 6th year? Whoa, that took me completely by surprise. But, congratulations; and thank you so much. | |
艦隊は、ねぇ、今年で五周年なんですって?えぇ、ちょっとまって。てことは、今年で六年目ってこと?はぁ、それに完全想定外ね。でも、おめでとう、そして、本当にありがとう。 |
ExpandRegular |
Drop Locations
Ship | Rarity | Type | No. | World 1 | World 2 | World 3 | World 7 | World 4 | World 5 | World 6 | Remarks | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |||||
Asakaze | Rare | DD | 272 | ✔️ | Unbuildable |
See Also
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