Introduction Play
So you're the Admiral? Hmmm, I see. I'm the Gato-class submarine, Scamp. I'm quite capable. Well, nice to meet you.
あんたがAdmiral? ん〜、そっか。あたいはGato級潜水艦、Scampさ。割りとできるよ。まあ、よろしく。
Introduction Play
Admiral, you're looking well. That's good to see. Gato-class submarine, Scamp, ready to sortie... Hmm? Don't worry, I said you could leave it to me. Let's go.
Library Play
I'm the Gato-class submarine, Scamp. That's right, one of the most accomplished classes of the war, that Gato-class. I sortied deep into enemy territory many, many times. Despite my countless achievements, in the end I was caught by a Japanese coastal defense ship[1]. Carelessness is very dangerous.
Secretary 1 Play
How is everything?
How is everything?
Secretary 2 Play
What's up?
What's up?
Secretary 3 Play
I told you, don't poke around there so much! I know my torps aren't so hot, don't rub it in[2]. I'll do you in if you keep being annoying about it.
Secretary 3 Play
Mhm, the torpedoes are in tip-top shape now[3]. Admiral, thanks. I'll head out for a bit again and give 'em a real show!
ん、魚雷も大分まともになってきた。Admiral, thanks. また一丁出かけて、あたいががつんとやってくるわ!
Idle Play
Hm? A knock? It's unlocked! Admiral ain't here right now though. Geh, you're... a, a coastal defense ship! S-Sorry! Yeah, just leave it there! Okay, okay!
ん?Knock? 空いてるぜ。Admiralは今外してるけど。げっ、お前は… か、海防艦!S-Sorry!そこにおいておけ!いいから!
Secretary Married Play
Hm, what's the matter Admiral, tired? Well, it happens. Oh, I know - wanna candy? Yeah, here. See? Sweet, ain't it? Not half bad.
ん、どうした、Admiral, tired? まあ、人生そんな時もあるよ。あ、そうだ、candy要る?ん、ほらよ。な?甘いだろ?悪くないさ。
Wedding Play
What's up, Admiral? Huh, what's this? For me? You... serious? Really? Okay then, I'll take it. Wow, and it's for me.
What's up? 何だ、Admiral? えぇ、これは?あたいに?まじ、なのかい?Really? そうか。もらっとくよ。いいじゃん。そうか、あたいにね?
Looking At Scores Play
Information? Okay, half a moment.
Information? Okay, half a moment.
Joining A Fleet Play
USS Scamp, sally go!
USS Scamp, sally go!
Equipment 1 Play
Torpedo? Ahh, yeah, gimme the properly tuned ones, please.
Torpedo? あぁ、ちゃんと調整したやつ、くれよ。頼むぜ。
Equipment 1 Play
Torpedo? Ah, these'll do nicely. Many thanks.
Torpedo? あぁ、こいつなら、良さそうだ。Many thanks.
Equipment 2 Play
This is really cool. Not half bad, this.
This is really cool. 悪くないね。
Equipment 3[4] Play
I dunno...
I dunno...
Supply Play
Supply? Thanks.
Supply? ありがてえ。
Docking Minor Play
My bad, gonna take a breather.
Docking Major Play
Got hurt pretty bad. Sorry.
Construction Play
New girl's in, apparently.
Returning From Sortie Play
Patrol, mission completed.
Patrol, mission completed.
Starting A Sortie Play
Gato-class, Scamp, going on patrol! Setting sail!
Gato-class, Scamp, 哨戒に出る!抜錨するぞ!
Starting A Sortie Play
Gato-class, Scamp, going on patrol! Where's my prey? Setting sail! Weigh anchor!
Gato-class, Scamp, 哨戒に出るぞ!獲物はどこだ?抜錨する!Weigh anchor!
Battle Start Play
Prey in sight! Flood the torpedo tubes! We're going in!
Attack Play
I'll sink ya. Attack!
Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack Play
Number 1, 2, 3, 4, ready, fire!
Number 1, 2, 3, 4, ready, fire!
Night Battle Play
You're not getting away. Pursuing!
MVP Play
Battle stars? I've got seven... well, I guess I can get some more here. Thanks.
Battle stars? 七つ… いや、こっちではまー、もっとかな。 Thanks.
Minor Damage 1 Play
Woah, is, is it bad?
Minor Damage 2 Play
Wah, what was that, depth charges? From a Hedgehog!?
Major Damage Play
Gyaaa! This is bad! Main ballast tank, emergency blow!
ぎゃぁぁ!やばいぞ!緊急浮上!Emergency blow!
Sunk Play
You're kidding... I'm done for, again...? Goodbye... Admiral... it was fun...
何だよ… また、あたい、やちまったか… Goodbye... Admiral... 楽しかった…