00:00 Play
Hello, Admiral. I'll be telling the time today. It'll be fine, leave it to me!
01:00 Play
Admiral! 010...0! How was that? I was perfect right? Ehehe~!
02:00 Play
Here I go, Admiral~! 0200! Fufun♪ I've gotten the hang of this.
03:00 Play
0300, Admiral! Whew... Aren't my hourly announcements perfect? You can praise me you know? Come on, come on~♪
提督さん、マルサンーマルマル!ふー…リベ、もう時報完璧じゃない? 褒めてもいいよ? ほらほらー♪
04:00 Play
0400, Admiral! It's almost morning huh. Whew... I'm a bit tired now. But I can still do this!
05:00 Play
0500, Admiral! It's morning now! Should I go wake everyone up? Not yet? What about now? Still not yet? Not yet huh~
06:00 Play
Admiral! 0600! Shall I wake everyone now? Whew... Wake up everyone! Wa~ ke~ up~!!
07:00 Play
0700, Admiral. I'm a bit hungry. Ah, are you making something this morning, Admiral? Thank you!
08:00 Play
*nom nom*... Admiral! 08... *nom nom* 00! The breakfast you made is delicious, Admiral~♪ *nom nom* Make it again tomorrow!!
09:00 Play
0900, Admiral! Now, it's almost time to send the fleet out! Sorties? Expeditions? Or perhaps exercises? If it's exercies we have to win!
10:00 Play
1000, Admiral! Ah, it's Littorio-san! Eh, she's called Italia now? Italia? Why??[1]
11:00 Play
1100, Admiral! Air raids? Yeah, I'm scared of them but not that scared. If I had to say so, it's submarines that are unpleasant. I hate unpleasant things.[2]
12:00 Play
Admiral~! 1200! What's for lunch? Oh, Mamiya's? That's fine, let's go! Yaay~!
13:00 Play
*nom nom* 1300, Admiral! Fuhihi♪ Mamiya's is delicious~♪ *nom nom nom nom* Can we have Mamiya's every day? Yup yup~♪
14:00 Play
1400, Admiral! Whew, I think I ate too much for lunch. We should really exercie! Just not sorties alright. Come on, let's go!
15:00 Play
Admiral, 150... Ah, Kiyoshi?! What is it? Ah, I'm doing fine~! Battleships? Yup, battleships sure are strong. Yup, they definitely are.
16:00 Play
1600, Admiral! Eh, strong battleships? Isn't that just Littorio-san and Roma-san? Others? Hmmm, who could it be~?
17:00 Play
Admiral! 1700! A strong battleship, a strong battleship huh? Ah... That's it, Warspite! She's really strong. I think I remember something.[3]
18:00 Play
1800, Admiral! It's already night. It's gotten dark. What should we do tonight? No, I meant for dinner!
19:00 Play
*nom nom* 19...00, Admiral. Whew, it's Mamiya's tonight too. *nom nom*... I'm happy~♪ *nom nom* I'm fine with having Mamiya's everyday♪
20:00 Play
2000, Admiral! It's totally night now, so dark. Night battles? Yeah, I wonder about that? Everyone in Japan likes night battles huh~
21:00 Play
20...00..., Admiral. I've gotten a bit sleepy. Aren't you sleepy, Admiral? Really? How mature~
22:00 Play
2200! We've got a big problem, Admiral! The Japanese light cruisers are making lots of noise you know? It's annoying you know?! What? Ah, it's fine? Really??
23:00 Play
23...00..., Admiral. Everyday is tiring huh? I'll do my best tomorrow too!
提督さーん、フタサン―マルマル―。今日も一日疲れたね―? 明日もリベと頑張ろ!