00:00 Play
Admiral, it's just past midnight. Today, I, Asahi, will be your secretary ship. There may be some things that I'm lacking in, but please let me know if there is anything I can improve on. I'm counting on you.
01:00 Play
0100. The fleet, all documents, have been processed by me. Please, relax and enjoy yourself tonight.
02:00 Play
0200. Oh, right! How about something sweet? Handmade ice cream! I'll bring some out, ok? Please wait a moment!
03:00 Play
0300. Admiral, how was the ice cream? Sweet things make you feel better, don't they? Yes, I like it too!
04:00 Play
040-. Oh, Admiral, you're taking a break? Yes, I'm still fine. I'll let you sleep for a bit. You have a surprisingly cute sleeping face. Fufufu. I suppose this is a small perk of this role.
05:00 Play
0500. Admiral, it's about time... Ah! Oh my... Fufufu... Admiral, good morning. No, no, it's fine. Don't worry about it. Will you be fine working for a bit more?
06:00 Play
Admiral, it is 0600. I'll wake up the fleet. Fleet, all hands, attention! All hands, attention! It's a refreshing morning!
提督、マルロクマルマルです。艦隊に総員おこしかけますね。 艦隊、総員、おこし! 総員、おこし! 起床! 爽やかな朝です!
07:00 Play
0700. Now, it's breakfast! Dig in! I made some bread today. Western cuisine is good too. Eh? You want barley or white rice? After I already made the bread...
マルナナマルマル。さあ、朝食です。召し上がれ。今日はパンにしてみました。西洋の食事も良いものですよ。えっ、麦飯か銀シャリがいい? せっかく作ったのに...
08:00 Play
0800. The Admiral was kind enough to eat some bread, so I'll let it go this time. I've also made some barley rice. Well, let's add some bettara[1] as well. Oh, you're really digging in. You really like rice, don't you? Even though it's good to have bread once in a while...
09:00 Play
0900. Now then, that's the morning cleaning done as well. Admiral, shall we go see the harbor?
10:00 Play
1000. I wonder if there's a ship that needs repairs... I will do what I can to repair them.
11:00 Play
1100. That's right, these are precious machine tools I've equipped in the ship. I wish to be of use to you as much as possible.
12:00 Play
1200. Now, let's have lunch. Don't worry, lunch is definitely rice, my onigiri to be exact. There's pickled plum flavor of course, as well as bonito flakes. Here you go, enjoy!
ヒトフタマルマル。 さぁ、お昼にいたしましょう。安心してください、お昼はちゃんとお米、朝日のおにぎりです。梅干しはもちろん、おかかもありますよ。どうぞ召し上がれ!
13:00 Play
1300. Would you like another onigiri? Here, have some tea. Eat well, let's get through the afternoon.
14:00 Play
140... Oh, Akashi! How are you? As expected, the latest equipment. It's wonderful. A couple of machine tools and cranes... No! That's, that's unbelievable!
15:00 Play
1500. Akashi really seems to be busy every day. Akashi, if you need any help, please tell me. If there is anything I can help with at all!
16:00 Play
1600. I'm really glad that nothing happened today. The quiet sea, that's the best part. Really.
17:00 Play
1700. Look at that! The sunset is so beautiful! No matter what era it is, I can't help but fall in love with the sunset. It's strange.
18:00 Play
1800. Admiral, I'll prepare your dinner as well. What should we have for dinner? Oh, that's right! How about beefsteak? It's a bit high calorie, but that's fine, right? I'll cook it for you!
ヒトハチマルマル。 提督、お夕食も朝日がご準備しますね。今晩は何がいいかしら。そうだ!ビフテキなんてどうですか。少しハイカラでいいですよね。ご用意します!
19:00 Play
1900. Admiral, thanks for waiting. I made my special steak and omelette rice. Now, eat up. Let's have some beers as well, yes?
ヒトキューマルマル。 提督、お待たせしました。朝日特製のビフテキと、ライスはオムライスにしてみたの。さぁ、召し上がれ。ビールもあけましょうか。
20:00 Play
2000. Admiral, maybe it's time to switch from beer to sake? Would you like me to buy some? I'd be happy to. Please wait a little, fufufu.
21:00 Play
2100. Ah, that battle with Russia? Let's see... Thinking about it now, it was a close call, but... in the end, it was a great victory. When I think about it...
22:00 Play
2200… When I think about it, that great victory might be one of the causes of the devastating defeat that would eventually come later[2]. Victory and defeat, glory and demise... One ends up thinking about a lot of things.
23:00 Play
2300. But, this quiet sea, this quiet time, I feel that it's a precious thing I wouldn't give up for anything. Oh? It's already this late? Admiral, good night. Sweet dreams.