00:00 Play
Admiral. Today, Mizuho will be by your side to tell the time. I look forward to working with you.
01:00 Play
Admiral, it is now 0100. The fleet is really quiet at night.
02:00 Play
Admiral, it is now 0200. Even until this hour, thank you for your hard work.
03:00 Play
Admiral, it is now 0300. Would you like me to make you anything for supper? How about something simple, like ochazuke?[2]
提督、マルサンマルマルとなりました。何かお夜食でもお作りしましょうか? 簡単な、お茶漬けでもいかがでしょうか?
04:00 Play
Admiral, it is now 0400. Mizuho's special ochazuke is ready. How is it? ...Is that so? I'm glad♪
提督、マルヨンマルマルとなりました。瑞穂特製のお茶漬け、お持ちしました。いかがでしょうか? …そうですか? 良かったです♪
05:00 Play
Admiral, it is now 0500. The sky is getting a little brighter. It will be morning soon.
06:00 Play
Admiral, it is now 0600. I will go wake the fleet.
07:00 Play
Admiral, it is now 0700♪ I'll go get breakfast for you OK? Rice and grilled fish, vegetables and tofu miso soup. Enjoy♪
提督、マルナナマルマルとなりました♪ 朝食、お持ちしますね? 白米と焼き魚、お浸しと豆腐のお味噌汁です。召し上がって♪
08:00 Play
Admiral, it is now 0800. Shall I make some rice ball combat rations for lunch? Please wait a minute.
提督、マルハチマルマルとなりました。昼食用の戦闘配食のおにぎりを作っておきますね? 少し、お待ちください
09:00 Play
Admiral, it is now 0900. Isn't it time to start full-scale fleet operations? Roger that. First we need to organise the fleet right?
提督、マルキュウマルマルとなりました。本格的な艦隊運用を始めるのですね? 了解いたしました。まずは編成を見なおされますか?
10:00 Play
Admiral, it is now 1000. ~♪ The sea feels really good. Mizuho will do her best OK?
提督、ヒトマルマルマルとなりました。~♪ 海の上は気持ちいいですね。瑞穂、頑張りますね?
11:00 Play
Admiral, it is now 1100. After a little more work, shall we get lunch? Today's combat rations are... Mizuho's special rice balls♪
提督、ヒトヒトマルマルとなりました。もう少し頑張ったら、お昼にいたしましょう? 本日の戦闘配食は…瑞穂特製おにぎり、です♪
12:00 Play
Admiral! 1200, it's lunchtime. Do you want to have some of Mizuho's special rice balls? I have some... miso soup here. Shall I pour you a bowl?
提督ー! ヒトフタマルマル、お昼です。瑞穂特製のおにぎりを召し上がって? お味噌汁も…お持ちしました。茶碗に注いでおきますね?
13:00 Play
Admiral, it is now 1300. Let's work hard this afternoon. Mizuho will be by your side to help.
14:00 Play
Admiral, it is now 140... oh, Chitose-san? Thank you for your hard work. I'd be happy if you could accompany Mizuho♪ I look forward to working with you.
提督、ヒトヨンマルマ…あら、千歳さん? お疲れ様です。また瑞穂もご一緒できて、嬉しいです♪ よろしくお願い致します
15:00 Play
Admiral, it's 1500. About Chitose-san? Yes, we were both serving in the 11th Seaplane Tender Division. Yes. She's an important... and amazing person.
提督、ヒトゴーマルマルです。千歳さんですか? はい、第十一航空船団でご一緒させていただきました。はい。大切な…素敵な方です
16:00 Play
Admiral, it is now 1600. Ah, Naka-san. Good afternoon. Eh, an autograph? Ah... Th, thank you very much. I'll treasure it...
提督、ヒトロクマルマルとなりました。あ、那珂さん。こんにちわ。え、サイン? あぁ…あ、ありがとうございます。大事にします…
17:00 Play
Admiral, it is now 1700. It's almost time to end the naval aviation operations. Let's return the fleet to the home port.
18:00 Play
Admiral. 1800, I'll begin dinner preparations now. I wonder what should I make? Would you like seasoned rice and fish ball soup?
提督。ヒトハチマルマル、お夕飯の支度に入りますね。今晩は何がいいかしら? 炊き込みご飯と、イワシのつみれ汁はいかがでしょう?
19:00 Play
Admiral, it is now 1900. There we go, your dinner is ready. Enjoy♪ Would you like a second helping of the seasoned rice?
提督、ヒトキュウマルマルとなりました。さぁ、お夕飯が出来ました。召し上がれ♪ 炊き込みご飯、おかわり、いかがですか?
20:00 Play
Admiral, it's 2000. I've made too much seasoned rice, shall I make the leftovers into onigiri? Admiral, if you agree I will do it.
21:00 Play
Admiral, 210... oh, Takao-san, Maya-san. Thank you for your hard work. I'm sorry for troubling you so much before. Mizuho is really grateful.[3]
22:00 Play
Admiral, it is now 2200. Jintsu-san and Sendai-san are still so lively at this time. As expected of them... yawn...
23:00 Play
Admiral, it's 2300. Thank you so much for all your hard work. I'll leave some rice balls on the shelf, eat them if you get hungry alright?