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From Kancolle Wiki
Event | ExpandJapanese/English |
Introduction |
Hey hey hey! So you're the admiral! I'm the submarine I-26, but you can call me Nimu. Nice to meet you! |
ねえねえねえ!あなたが提督なんだ!あたし伊26潜水艦、ニムでいいよ。よろしくね! | |
Library |
I'm an I-class from Kure! Hey hey, I just remembered something about me! While I can definitely do commerce raiding, I can also defeat heavy cruisers and aircraft carriers too! Leave it to me! |
呉生まれの伊号だよ!ねえねえ、あたしのことも覚えていてね!通商破壊戦はもちろん、巡洋艦や空母だって食っちゃうから!まかせておいて! | |
Secretary 1 |
Hmm? Did you call me? |
ん?ニムのこと、呼んだ? | |
Secretary 2 |
What what what? It's my turn? ...Commerce raiding? Leave it to me Admiral! |
なになになに?出番?…通商破壊戦?任せてよ、提督! | |
Secretary 3 |
Eh? It's not Nina, it's Nimu. Admiral, make sure you remember my name properly ok? Because I'm quite good! |
え?ニーナ、じゃないよ。ニムだよ。提督、私の名前ちゃんと覚えてよね?結構やるから、私! | |
Secretary Idle |
Torpedoes loaded, fuel OK. Potatoes and onions, all loaded... up. Right, now I'm ready whenever it's my turn! |
魚雷積んで、燃料もオッケーっと。馬鈴薯や玉ねぎも、積んで積んで…っと。よし、これでいつ出番が来てもだいじょぶ! | |
Wedding |
What, what, what is it Admiral? You called me? ...Hmmm? What's with that box and that face. Eh, could it be, could it be? Could it really be!? Hey hey hey! ...Is that so. I'm happy. |
提督、なになになに?ニム、呼んだ?…ん?何、その箱と顔。へ、もしかして、もしかして?もしかするの!?ねえねえねえ!…そうなんだぁ。ありがと、嬉しい | |
Secretary (Married) |
Fuwah~ working really hard today. Hmm, oh ho ho? What's wrong Admiral? What what what? You don't look well. Right, come and use my lap as a pillow to rest properly. Yes, right here! |
ふわぁ、今日も働いた働いた。ん、あれれ?どうしたの、提督?なになになに?元気ないねー。よーし、ニムの膝枕で、ちょっと休むといいよ。はい、ここここ! | |
Player's Score |
What what? You want to see the information? Yes. |
なになに?情報が見たいのね?はい | |
Joining the Fleet |
I-class, number 26 submarine. Sortieing, now! |
伊号、第26潜水艦。出撃、します! | |
Equipment 1 |
Wow, this equipment is good~. Thanks~. |
わぁ、この装備いいねー。ありがとー | |
Equipment 2 |
Hey hey hey, listen! This armament? It looks good, hooray! |
ねえねえねえ、聞いて!この兵装?良さそう、やったぁ! | |
Equipment 3[1] |
It's here!!! |
きたきたきた! | |
Supply |
Yup, thank you! |
うん、ありがと! | |
Docking (Minor) |
I'm going into the bath~ |
お風呂入ろうっと | |
Docking (Major) |
Sorry~, I'm going to take a long bath. |
ごめんねー、ニム、長風呂頂きます | |
Construction |
Hey hey hey! A new girl is here? |
ねえねえねえ!新しい娘、来たよ? | |
Return from Sortie |
Fuu~, we're back~! Everyone is tired, and I'm tired too~! |
ふー、帰ってきましたー!みんなお疲れ、私もお疲れー! | |
Starting a Sortie |
Flagship of the submarine squadron, I-26, Nimu. Setting sail! |
潜水艦隊旗艦伊26、ニム。抜錨です! | |
Starting a Battle |
Enemy ships spotted! Periscope depth, prepare for torpedo combat! |
敵艦発見!潜望鏡深度、魚雷戦、よーい! | |
Attack |
Tube 1, Tube 2, loaded and ready! Fire! |
1番2番、発射管用意!てー! | |
Night Battle |
I'm commencing pursuit of the enemy remnants! You. Won't. Get. Away~! |
伊26、残敵を追撃します!逃・が・さ・な・いー! | |
Attack (Night Battle) |
Al~ right, take this~! |
よーし、いっけー! | |
Eh, really? I'm the one cited as the highest achiever? Hooray! Right, should I take down an aircraft carrier as my next big fish? Admiral, keep your expectations up! |
え、うそ?ニムが一番戦果を挙げたの?やったぁ!よーし、次は空母とか、大物食っちゃうからね。提督、期待してて! | |
Minor Damage 1 |
Kyaaa~, this is bad~! Dive! Emergency dive! |
きゃっ、やばっ!潜航!潜航急げ! | |
Minor Damage 2 |
No, no~! Water is, bad~! |
や、やー!水が、やばーい! | |
Major Damage |
Th... they got me...! Emergency blow, I'm not done yet! Begin surface artillery battle! |
や、やられた…!急速浮上、まだやれるから!浮上砲撃戦、用意して! | |
Sunk |
Th... they got me! Emergency blow, to the surface! ...Huh, I can't surface? I'm sinking... No... No... |
や、やられた!急速浮上、水上へ!…あれ、浮上しない?沈んでいく…。うそ、うそぉ… |
Event | ExpandJapanese/English |
00:00 |
It's midnight. Admiral, I'll be accompanying you today right? I'm happy! |
午前0時になったよ。提督、今日は私、ニムわ一緒に上げるね?嬉しい! | |
01:00 |
It's 0100! Ah, my voice is too loud for this time of night? Sorry~ |
マルヒトマルマルです!あ、深夜なのに声起き買った?ごめんね〜 | |
02:00 |
It's 0200~ Does this feel better? |
マルフタマルマルです〜この感じわいいですか? | |
03:00 |
It's 0300... Ah, I don't need to use such a soft voice? I understand. |
マルサンマルマルで。。。あ、こんな小さなの声がなくっていい?分かった。 | |
04:00 |
It's 0400~. Admiral, it's almost morning. I'm a little sleepy, but I'll do my best! |
マルヨンマルマルです〜。提督もうすぐ朝だよ。少し眠いけど、がんばろう! | |
05:00 |
It's 0500~. Hey hey hey! Hey, isn't the morning sun beautiful? Admiral, the day is just beginning huh. |
マルゴマルマルです〜。ほらほらほら!ねえ朝日きれいだよね?提督、今日が始まるね。 | |
06:00 |
It's 0600~. Admiral, it's time to assemble everyone right? Leave it to me! Everyone wake up. It's morning! Morning! |
マルロクマルマルです〜。提督、僧院よこ行ったよね?任せて!みんな起こしてくる。朝だよ!朝! | |
07:00 |
It's 0700~. Admiral, I'll make breakfast alright? Steaming hot rice and miso soup with some pickled food after. Hey hey is it delicous? |
マルナナマルマルです〜。提督、朝ごはんは置くね?ホカホカな銀シャリにお味噌汁あとお漬物。ねね美味しい? | |
08:00 |
It's 0800~. Right~, now that we're all full, shall we sortie? What sort of operation shall we try today? Hey~ |
マルハチマルマルです〜。さあ〜、お腹もいっぱいになったし、出撃しますか?今日わどんな編制みますかね?ねえ〜。 | |
09:00 |
It's 0900~. Ah, is that so, a mission huh. I'll go confirm the mission alright? Let's do this~ |
マルキューマルマルでーす。あ、そっか、任務かぁ。任務の確認ね?やりましょー | |
10:00 |
It's 1000~. Ah, aircraft carriers? Yes, somehow I get a feeling of pride when I see them! Let's go! Let's do this! |
ヒトマルマルマルでーす。あ、空母ですか?はい、なんとなく、得意な感じがします!いけます!やっちゃいますぅ? | |
11:00 |
1100. Ah, it's almost lunch! Admiral, I'll make lunch again. Please wait! |
ヒトヒトマルマル。あ、もうすぐお昼だー!提督、ニム、お昼ご飯炊くね。待ってて! | |
12:00 |
1200. It's time for lunch~. Today's lunch is extra special! Freshly cooked rice with canned beef, and also boiled dried vegetables. Go ahead and dig in! |
ヒトフタマルマル。お昼ご飯の時間でーす。お昼は豪華です!銀シャリに牛缶、そして、乾燥野菜の煮物でーす!さあ、召し上がれ | |
13:00 |
It's 1300~. Admiral, how was lunch? It was extra special right? Right, right? Yup yup yup! |
ヒトサンマルマルでーす。提督、お昼ご飯どうでした?豪華だったでしょ?そうでしょ、そうでしょ?うんうんうん! | |
14:00 |
140... Ah, could that... could that really be a Lexington-class? Could it be Saracchi? Saracchi~?[2] |
ヒトヨンマル…あ、あれは…あれはもしかして、レキシントン級?もしかしてサラっちかな?サラっちー? | |
15:00 |
It's 1500~. Yeah, rather than being mistaken identity, it was more like a misunderstanding? She really looked alike, oh well~! |
ヒトゴーマルマルです。うーん、人違いっていうか、勘違いかな?似てたなー、まーいっか! | |
16:00 |
It's 1600~. Admiral, what should we do? Even though it's a battleground, shall we go patrolling the southern waters? Hey hey, let's go?[3] |
ヒトロクマルマルでーす。提督、どうする?南方海域とか、激戦区だけど、哨戒しちゃう?ねえねえ、行っちゃう? | |
17:00 |
It's 1700~. Hey hey hey, just look at that! Admiral, the sun is setting. It's beautiful right? Makes me forget the fighting... |
ヒトナナマルマルでーす。ねえねえねえ、見て見て見て!提督、夕日が落ちるよ。綺麗だよね?戦ってるの、忘れちゃうね… | |
18:00 |
It's 1800~. Well now, tonight's dinner will be super extra special~! It'll be my ultimate secret. Admiral, please look forward to it! |
ヒトハチマルマルでーす。さあ、夜ご飯は更にさらに豪華にいきますよー!ニムの究極奥義。提督、楽しみに待ってて! | |
19:00 |
It's 1900~. Admiral, look at this~. Ta da~! Dinner is the super extra special, Nimu Special Curry~. See, the potatoes are really big right? |
ヒトキューマルマルでーす。提督、見てみてー。じゃーん!夜ご飯は超豪華に、ニム特製のカレーでーす。ほら、馬鈴薯大きいでしょ? | |
20:00 |
It's 2000~. Well admiral, after we finish washing up shall we go on a night sortie? I wonder who will be the prey tonight? Wonder if there will be any at all? |
フタマルマルマルでーす。さあ提督、洗い物片付けたら、夜の出撃しちゃいますかー。夜の獲物は、どれかなー?いるかなぁ? | |
21:00 |
It's 2100~. Let's begin the night sortie~! My torpedoes and everything else is all ready, let's get going! |
フタヒトマルマルでーす。夜の出撃、いっちゃいましょー!魚雷も準備万端、はりきっていきましょー! | |
22:00 |
It's 2200~. Fuwaah~, tonight's work is all done. It went perfectly tonight too. You worked really hard too Admiral. |
フタフタマルマルでーす。ふわぁ、夜のお勤め、おしまいです。今夜もばっちりでしたね。提督もお疲れ様でしたー | |
23:00 |
2300. Admiral, thank you so so much for your hard work today and everyday. Work hard with me tomorrow too~! Oh, ho~! |
フタサンマルマル提督、今日も一日、大変たいへんお疲れ様でした。明日も、ニムと一緒に頑張ろー!おー、おー! |
Drop Locations
Ship | Rarity | Type | No. | World 1 | World 2 | World 3 | World 7 | World 4 | World 5 | World 6 | Remarks | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |||||
I-26 | Rare | SS | 283 | Unbuildable |
See Also
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