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Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction Play |
提督、軽巡大淀、戦列に加わりました。 艦隊指揮、運営はどうぞお任せください。 |
Admiral, Light Cruiser Ooyodo has joined the battle lines. Please leave the fleet administration & supervision to me. | ||
Library Intro Play |
艦隊旗艦として特化設計された新鋭軽巡洋艦、大淀です。搭載予定の新型水偵の失敗や戦局の変化もあって、連合艦隊旗艦としてはあまり活躍できなかったの。でも、北号作戦や礼号作戦では活躍したのよ。私も前線で、頑張りますね。 | Designed as a cutting edge C&C flagship, the newest light cruiser, Ooyodo. There was a problem with the installation of the specified new model recon, & the battle situation changed, so I wasn't really able to undertake my role as the combined fleet flagship. However, I participated in the Northern Operation & the Battle of Mindoro. I, too, will do my best on the front lines. | Ooyodo's had it rough | |
Secretary(1) Play |
提督、秋の気配を感じますね。(季節限定) 提督…冬は少し静かですね。(季節限定) |
Yes. Please leave it to me.
Admiral, it's really starting to feel like Autumn now, right? (Seasonal Line) Admiral, Winter is a bit quiet, right? (Seasonal Line) |
Secretary(2) Play Play |
Admiral, that's not communications equipment. Careless touching - it reflects poorly on the fleet's command.
Secretary(3) Play Play |
提督、そこは司令部施設とは無関係です。お願い、艦隊指揮の邪魔をしないで! (改) |
Admiral, is that perhaps a communication method? Straight talk would be better, I think. Yes.
Secretary(idle) Play Play |
提督、改装された大淀どうですか?どうですかって聞いてるのに。もうっ!(改) |
Admiral, it is time for the next mission... Oh, Admiral? Admiral? Did you hear me? Hey?
Admiral, what do you think of the remodeled Ooyodo? I asked you what you thought about it... Geez! (Kai) |
Secretary(Married) Play |
提督、大淀をいつも大事にして下さって本当にありがとうございます。私、ずっと見ていたんですよ。気づいていました? | Admiral, it is very kind of you to take care of this Ooyodo forever. I’ve been seeing it all. Have you noticed that? | ||
Wedding Play |
提督、大淀をお呼びでしょうか?えっ、これを私に?ありがとうございます、提督。いつまでも、大切にします。 | Admiral, did you call for me? Eh, is this for me? Thank you so much, Admiral. I'll treasure this, forever & ever. | ||
Show player's score Play Play |
提督、艦隊の情報ご覧になります?(改) |
Admiral, I've organized our fleet's intelligence.
Admiral, would you like to see our fleet's intelligence? (Kai) |
Joining a fleet Play |
艦隊旗艦、大淀。出撃致します。 | Fleet Flagship, Ooyodo. Now sortieing. | ||
Equipment(1) Play Play |
私の改装ですか? ありがとうございます。
さらに改装ですか?ありがとうございます (改) |
A remodel for me? Thank you so much.
Another remodel? Thank you very much. (Kai) |
Equipment(2) Play Play |
雷装を積みたいような…水偵を積みたいような…(改) |
I see. It seems that I want to be loaded with torpedoes... However...
I want to be loaded with torpedoes or recon planes... Which should do with me? (Kai) |
Ooyodo was never equipped with torpedoes | |
Equipment(3) Play |
計算通りです | Just as planned. | ||
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply Play |
補給と兵站、大切ですね | Supply & logistics, they are important, no? | ||
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP Play |
申し訳ありません。少し後方に下がります | I am really sorry. I'll fall back a little. | ||
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP Play |
大変申し訳ありません。少しお暇を頂けますと幸いです | I have no excuse. I would be happy if you would give me a little free time. | ||
Ship construction Play |
新建造艦が完成致しました | A new ship has been completed. | ||
Return from sortie Play |
艦隊、作戦終了です。お疲れ様でした | Fleet, the mission was a success. Good work everyone! | ||
Start a sortie Play Play Play Play |
艦隊旗艦 大淀、出撃致します
連合艦隊旗艦 大淀、抜錨します 旗艦 大淀。全力出撃。参りましょう! (改) 連合艦隊旗艦 大淀、出撃致します (改) |
Fleet Flagship Ooyodo, casting off!
Combined fleet's flagship, Ooyodo, casting off! Flagship Ooyodo. Sortieing at full power. Let's go! (Kai) Combined fleet's flagship, Ooyodo. Sortie! (Kai) |
Battle start Play Play |
敵艦隊見ゆ。砲戦、用意。みなさん行きましょう! (改) |
Enemy fleet spotted. Ready the cannons, please!
Attack Play Play |
Reeeeady. Aaaaim. Fiiire!
Night battle Play |
礼号作戦を思い出す。全艦、突撃! | Remember the Battle of Mindoro. All ships, sally forth! | The Battle of Mindoro | |
Night attack Play Play |
そう、これが本当の大淀型の力よ! (改) |
MVP Play |
え、私の武勲が一番? あら、意外なこと。でも何だか誇らしいですね、うふふっ | Eh, my accomplishments were the greatest? My, how unexpected. But I'm somewhat proud, ufufu. | ||
Minor damaged(1) Play |
ひゃっ!やっ、やられた! | Hya! T-They got me! | ||
Minor damaged(2) Play |
やだ・・・右に傾斜。注水傾斜復元を! | No way... A starboard list? Flood the ballast! | Repeatedly caused by multiple air raids | |
≥Moderately damaged Play |
ぐっ…やられました。でっ、でもまだ沈みません。大淀沈みは…しません! | Geh, they got me! B-but, I won't sink yet. Ooyodo, will not sink! | ||
Sunk Play |
排水急いで!え…ダメ…?ダメなの!?提督…ここまでのようです…また、いつかどこかで…きっと… | Damage control, hurry! Eh, it's no good? It's no good! Admiral, it looks like this is the end of the line. We'll meet sometime, somewhere, I'm sure... | Bombed over a period of months |
Time | Japanese | English | Note |
00:00 Play |
提督、日付が変わりました。本日もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします | Admiral, the day has changed. Let's have a great day today, too. | |
01:00 Play |
提督、現在時刻マルヒトマルマル。時報担当もこの大淀にお任せ下さい | Admiral, it is now 0100. Leave the time reporting to me, Ooyodo. | |
02:00 Play |
提督、マルフタマルマルです。あら?提督、もしかして寝てらっしゃいます? | Admiral, it's 0200. Oh? Admiral, are you perhaps tired? | |
03:00 Play |
マルサンマルマル。提督のお休みの間に艦隊運営計画を再検討しておきましょう | 0300. While the Admiral takes a break, I shall re-examine the fleet administration's plans. | |
04:00 Play |
現在時刻マルヨンマルマル。提督の寝顔可愛いわ。うふふ、少し得したかな | It is now 0400. The Admiral's sleeping face is so cute! Ufufu, I profited a bit! | Oh ho? |
05:00 Play |
マルゴーマルマルです。提督、朝です。総員起こしをかけますね。総員起こし! | It's 0500. Admiral, it's morning. Time to wake all the members! Wake them all! | |
06:00 Play |
マルロクマルマル。提督、朝食をご用意しました。お味噌汁はお麩にしてみました | 0600. Admiral, I have completed the breakfast prep. I tried putting rice-bread in the miso! | |
07:00 Play |
現在時刻マルナナマルマルです。提督、朝食はお済みですか?片づけますね | It is now 0700. Admiral, have you finished your breakfast? I shall clean up, okay? | |
08:00 Play |
マルハチマルマルです。よしっ!艦隊訓練です。訓練、厳しくいきましょう! | 0800. Okay! Fleet practice! Let's make it a strict one! | |
09:00 Play |
提督、マルキューマルマルです。演習の次は出撃ですね。出撃計画はこちらです | Admiral, it's 0900. After drills is sorting, yes? The sortie plan is over here. | |
10:00 Play |
ヒトマルマルマルです。今日も利根さんがいらっしゃいましたね。利根さーん! | It's 1000. Tone-san is here today too, no? Tone-saaaan! | Ooyodo's layout was equivalent to the Tone-class |
11:00 Play |
ヒトヒトマルマル。利根さんと筑摩さん、いつも仲が良くて少し妬けちゃいますね | 1100. Tone-san & Chikuma-san are such good friends... I'm a little jealous... | Niyodo was cancelled |
12:00 Play |
ヒトフタマルマル。提督、お昼はカレーにしましょう。軍楽隊付きでカレーです | 1200. Admiral, Let's have curry for lunch - Military Band curry. | Needs an explanation |
13:00 Play |
ヒトサンマルマルです。提督、大淀のカレーいかがでしたか?一味違うでしょう? | It's 1300. Admiral, how about some of Ooyodo's curry? Isn't it a different flavor? | |
14:00 Play |
現在時刻ヒトヨンマルマルです。あら?足柄さん。どうされました?うん | It is now 1400. Oh my? Ashigara-san. What's the matter? I see. | |
15:00 Play |
ヒトゴーマルマルです。重巡だけど足柄さんとは不思議と波長が合うの。うふふっ | It's 1500. She's a heavy cruiser, but Ashigara-san is mysteriously on the same wavelength as I am. Ufufufu. | |
16:00 Play |
ヒトロクマルマルです。提督、足柄さん。大量のロース肉と食用油の申請でした | It's 1600. Admiral, Ashigara-san. A request for a large amount of sirlon pork & cooking oil. | Katsu! |
17:00 Play |
現在時刻ヒトナナマルマルです。提督、夕焼けと海が綺麗ですね | It is now 1700. Admiral, the dusk sea is beautiful, is it not? | |
18:00 Play |
提督、ヒトハチマルマルです。お夕食は何がよろしいでしょうか?お刺身、とか? | Admiral, it's 1800. What would be good for dinner? Sashimi or suchlike? | |
19:00 Play |
ヒトキューマルマルです。提督、お夕食は悩みましたがカツレツにしてみました。どうでしょう? | 1900. Admiral, there's an issue with dinner... Let's go for cutlets. How about it? | Conspiring with Ashigara? |
20:00 Play |
フタマルマルマルです。提督、食後のお茶はここに置きますね | It's 2000. Admiral, here is the after-dinner tea. | |
21:00 Play |
現在時刻フタヒトマルマルです。そろそろ夜戦…の時間ですね。うふふ。やりませんよ夜戦。ほら書類がまだ沢山 | It is now 2100. It's almost time...for night battles, no? Ufufu. I won't do night battles, though. Here, the documents. | Such a tease~ |
22:00 Play |
フタフタマルマルです。提督、そろそろ残業を切り上げてゆっくりされますか? | It's 2200. Admiral, it's almost the end of overtime. Won't you take it easy? | |
23:00 Play |
提督、フタサンマルマルです。今日も一日本当にお疲れ様でした。明日も頑張りましょう | Admiral, it's 2300. Thank you once again for a hard day's work. Let's do our best tomorrow, too. |
Drop Locations
Ship | Rarity | Type | No. | World 1 | World 2 | World 3 | World 7 | World 4 | World 5 | World 6 | Remarks | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |||||
Ooyodo | Holo | CL | 183 | ✔️ | Unbuildable |
- Seiyuu: Kawasumi Ayako
- Artist: Fujikawa (藤川)
- Also the Mission advisor & Quest-musume NPC.
- Initially, Ooyodo was not a kanmusu.
- Summer 2014 Event, E-2 clear reward
- Has no
Torpedo or
ASW stats when stock & at level 1
- Historically only mounted 15.5cm guns & AA weaponry
Appearances in Derivative Works
- A supporting character in the Anime.
- Ooyodo's art was standardized.
- Ooyodo was illustrated in the tenth eyecatch
- Ooyodo is characterized as a serious assistant to the Secretary Ship.
- Named after Ōyodo River in Kyūshū, Japan
- Intended as a command vessel for submarine operations - a scouting cruiser
- As such, she traded torpedoes for additional floatplanes
- Only cruiser to lack torpedoes
- Main armament was forward of the superstructure & aircraft facilities were aft
- Same as the Tone-class, which were also intended as scouting cruisers
- As such, she traded torpedoes for additional floatplanes
- Never became a scouting cruiser & was converted to a command ship
- Due to the war's progression & the E15K1 Shiun floatplane's failure
- The flagship of the Combined Fleet during 1944, as well as the flagship of Vice Admiral Ozawa after Zuikaku sunk during the Battle of Cape Engaño.
- Capsized during the Bombing of Kure on July 28th, 1945.
- Spent the last half-year of the war in port
- Subject to multiple air raids from Task Force 58 & Task Force 38 that left her repeatedly listing to starboard
- It was the same fleet with different command staff.
See Also
- View Ooyodo's CG
- List of Light Cruisers
- List of NPCs
- Tabular Record of Movement on Ooyodo
- Wikipedia entry on Ooyodo