Introduction Play
I see. So you're the Admiral I've heard about. Pleasure meeting you. I'm USS CV-8, Hornet. I'm looking forward to working with you.
そう。貴方が噂の提督なの。よろしくね。私はUSS CV-8, Hornet. I'm looking forward to you.
Introduction Play
USS CV-8, Hornet. Sortie preparations are complete. Let's get through this together. Admiral, let's give it our all.
USS CV-8, Hornet. 出撃準備は出来ているわ。Let's get through this together. 提督、一緒に頑張りましょう。
Library Play
I'm the third of the Yorktown-class carriers, the USS Hornet. At Midway and off the Santa Cruz Islands, I faced down the full-strength of the IJN carrier task forces. Hiryuu, plus Shoukaku and Zuikaku, were strong. I'm also the legendary "Shangri La"[1]. Remember my service well.
Yorktown級航空母艦三番艦、USS Hornetよ。ミッドウェー, そしてサンタ.クルーズ諸島沖で全盛期の日本機動部隊と真正面から対決したわ。飛龍、そして翔鶴瑞鶴も強かった。シャングリラ伝説も私よ?覚えておきなさい。
Secretary 1 Play
Did you call me?
Did you call me?
Secretary 1 Play
My turn? Ok.
My turn? Ok.
Secretary 2 Play
Yes, I'm Hornet. Don't forget that.
Secretary 2 Play
Shangri La? Heh. Right, I wonder where that is?
Secretary 3 Play
What is it, Northampton? I told you not to tug on- wait, huh? It's you, Admiral? What're you doing? Huh? "Towing practice"[2]? Hmph, I don't need that. Dive bomber squadrons, begin takeoff!
何、Northampton? あんまり引っ張んないでって、ん、はっ?あなた、提督、何をしているの?えっ?曳航の演習?ん、いらないわ、その演習。艦爆隊、発艦始め!
Idle Play
Oh hello, Shoukaku. We aren't anything alike, but I feel like there's something that, you know, connects us[3]. What's the word? A feeling? Destiny written in the stars? Well, in any case, would you like to have a drink together at the base bar? It's my treat.
Secretary Married Play
I made coffee. You'll have some, right? Here. Oh, this? A little pick-me-up for your hard work. It's my handmade apple pie. You like it, right? It's got a bit of extra cinnamon.
Coffee入れたわ。飲むでしょう?はい。あぁ、これ?頑張っている差し入れ。私の手作りのapple pie. 好きでしょう?Cinnamonちょっと多めの。
Wedding Play
Eh? Not Sara or Big E, but me? Uh, okay... Hm? Y-You have good taste, it's not bad. But is the size right...? Ah, it's perfect. Then I have to say "yes".
えっ?SaraやBig Eじゃなくて、私?あぁ、そう。ん。いっ、いい趣味ね、悪くはないわ。でもサイズ、合うかな…あっ、ぴったり。じゃあ仕方ない、yesよ。
Looking At Scores Play
Information? That's critical, more so than anything[4].
Information? 大事よ、何よりも。
Joining A Fleet Play
Task Force flagship, Hornet, weigh anchor!
Task Force flagship, Hornet, weigh anchor!
Equipment 1 Play
Hmm, these're good planes. Not bad.
Equipment 2 Play
We're going with that? Really? Well, fine...
Equipment 3[5] Play
No problem.
No problem.
Supply Play
That would be great! You're a life-saver.
That would be great! 助かるわ。
Docking Minor Play
I broke a bit of a sweat. I'll be taking a shower, okay?
Docking Major Play
The enemy's pretty good. I need to get my body fixed up.
Construction Play
It's done. That was fast, huh?
Returning From Sortie Play
The fleet has returned to port. Thanks for hanging in there, everyone.
Starting A Sortie Play
USS CV-8, Hornet, sortieing. Task Force 16[6], forward!
USS CV-8, Hornet, 出撃します。第十六任務部隊、前へ!
Starting A Sortie Play
USS CV-8, Hornet, sortieing. Task Force 17[7], forward! Wipe out the enemy carrier task force!
USS CV-8, Hornet, 出撃します。第十七任務部隊、前へ!敵機動部隊を撃滅する!
Battle Start Play
Now then, shall we begin? Hornet attack squadrons, begin takeoff!
Attack Play
Now! Get going!
Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack Play
There you are! You're not getting away!
Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack Play
I'm prepared to trade blows this time! You're not getting away!
Night Battle Play
Night, huh...? I'm not a fan, but... let's give chase!
MVP Play
Are you saying I played a big part in this battle? Well, I guess so. Sorry, everyone. I'll take it and all, but this is obviously the result of everyone's efforts.
Minor Damage 1 Play
Gahh! They got me! In the flight deck?
Minor Damage 2 Play
Gehh! Is this, it? No, not yet...
Major Damage Play
They got me good... but I won't let them have their way! Don't let the explosions or fire spread. Ditch any planes on deck into the sea! We won't lose the ship!
Sunk Play
The fires... the fires won't stop... they're engulfing me... I'm listing... what? That girl, draw her beautifully too... please, would you?[8]