Introduction Play
Hello! I'm Luigi Torelli. That's right, Torelli... Hmmm, just Lui is fine!
Ciao!あたしは、Luigi Torelliよ。そうね、Torelli…ん、Luiでいいよ!
Introduction Play
Good morning! I got a small remodel. How is it? Is it useful?
Buongiorno! あたし、ちょい改装して見た。どうかな?使える?
Introduction (UIT-25) Play
Good morning... That's not it, good morning! Hmmm, since my name has changed, how does Ui sound? No?[1]
Buongiorno…じゃなかった、Guten Morgen! ん~、なんかね~、名前も変わっちゃて…ん、ういっていいかな?だめ?
Introduction (I-504) Play
Good morning... That's not it, good morning... That's still not it, good morning! My name is... Ummm, argh Go-chan is fine![2]
Buongiorno…じゃなかった、Guten Morgen…でもなくって、おはよう!名前はね…えっと、もごうちゃんではいいや!
Library Play
I'm from the Regia Marina, a submarine from the Country of Pasta, Luigi Torelli.
I worked pretty hard at commerce raiding. But that's not all, I also experienced plenty of things. I also participated in a submarine transport operation and lots of other things, my allegiances even changed.[3]
...Hmmm, I guess it feels like I've been through a lot. Remember my story, yeah?
Regia Marinaから来たよ。パスタの国で生まれた潜水艦、Luigi Torelli。通商破壊戦で、けっこー頑張った。でも、そんだけじゃない、いろーんな事経験したんだ。潜水艦派遣作戦にも参加してー、さらに色々あってー、所属も何度も変わったよ。
Library (UIT-25) Play
I used to be the Regia Marina submarine Luigi Torelli. Now I'm the U-boat named UIT-25.
It was great that I unexpectedly gained experience in anti-air combat but that's not all.[4] I had lots of different experiences. I participated in a submarine hunting operation and also changed my allegiance a lot.
Sigh. It definitely feels like I've been through a lot. Remember my story, yeah?
元々はRegia Marinaの潜水艦、Luigi Torelli…だったんだけど、今は、Uボート、名前はUIT-25。あたし、何気に対空戦経験も凄いんだけど、そんだけじゃない、結構色々経験したんだ。潜水艦派遣作戦にも参加してー、そんでもって所属もさらに変わるという…ん…あたしの物語も覚えておいてね。
Library (I-504) Play
I'm from the Regia Marina, a submarine from the Country of Pasta, Luigi Torelli... is what I should say. In the end, I'm now the I-type submarine 504. I worked hard to the end.
I experienced lots of things you know, I participated in a submarine transport operation and changed my allegiance a lot.
Hmmm, it definitely feels like I've been through a lot. Remember the story of how I worked hard, yeah?
Regia Marinaから来たよ。パスタの国で生まれた潜水艦、Luigi Torelli…だったんだけど、最終的に今は第五百四潜水艦。
Secretary 1 Play
Secretary 2 Play
Secretary 2 Play
Ah, I'm a transport submarine now.[5]
Secretary 2 (I-504) Play
Yes! The remodelled-type armed transport submarines are great!
Secretary 3 Play
Huh, was someone poking me just now? Was it my imagination? Oh well!
Secretary 3 (UIT-25) Play
Huh, was someone poking me just now? Was it my imagination? Oh well! Ah, did you remember my new name? It's Ui, remember that!
Secretary 3 (I-504) Play
Huh, was someone poking me just now? Was it my imagination again? Oh well! D-do you remember my... That's right, it's Gou-chan!
Secretary Idle Play
Ah, me? Ah, that's right there were incidents when I was caught by the enemy. Ah, but I got away so it's fine! Eh, you want to hear more about that? Funya funya~ Well, a lot happened. So you see...[6]
Secretary (Married) Play
Ah, me? That's right, I can do anti-air fighting, surprisingly enough! Well, I'm still just your standard submarine. Of course, I don't like planes, that's why I shoot them down. Hmmm, but I'm fine, because I especially like you, Admiral.
Wedding Play
Hmmm, that's right, I've had my name and allegience changed many times; if I accept this, I'll have to change my name again... I just feel like, "Oh well". Well, that's not it. More like thank you? Thank you!
Player's Score Play
Ah, you want to have a look? Understood, here.
Joining the Fleet Play
Submarine Luigi Torelli, heading out!
潜水艦、Luigi Torelli、出るね!
Joining the Fleet (UIT-25) Play
Submarine UIT-25, heading out.
Joining the Fleet (I-504) Play
I-type submarine 504, heading out! yes!
Equipment 1 Play
Yes! Isn't this fine?
Equipment 2 Play
Thank you, funya, funya~
Equipment 2 (I-504) Play
Surprising right? Anti-air combat is just funya funya~!
Equipment 3[7] Play
Oh, is that so.
Supply Play
Thank you! Thanks for the meal!
Grazie! ごちそうさま!
Docking (Minor Damage) Play
Sorry, I'll take a short bath.
Docking (Major Damage) Play
Ah, I'll be in the bath for quite a while.
Construction Play
Ah, someone came again.
Returning from Sortie Play
I'm baaaack~ Funya funya~
Starting a Sortie Play
I'm sortieing. It's fine if you want to follow, you wanna come?
Starting a Battle Play
Enemies spotted~ Shall we do this?
Starting a Battle (I-504) Play
Enemies spotted~ Now, shall we do this?
Attack Play
Well I wonder.
Night Battle Attack Play
That didn't work huh. Ah, it did?
Night Battle Play
Hmmm, pressure them more? Alright!
う~ん、しつこくいっとく? あいー!
MVP Play
Really, it's me... You're kidding... Eh, seriously? Really? Even though everyone was going at it seriously? That's fine. Ehe~
嘘、私がって…またまた~。え、マジで? そうなの? 皆真面目にやってる? いいけど…にひひ♪
Minor Damage 1 Play
Hyah! I really don't like this!
Minor Damage 2 Play
Stop it, this isn't good... I don't like this!
Major Damage Play
Oh boy, this isn't good. Whoa, let's run away, yeah?
Sunk Play
No way, I'm sinking... Eh, the water won't stop... Eh, no way... I don't want this...