Introduction Play
Hi! I'm the 5th ship of the Essex-class carriers, Intrepid! So you're the Admiral then? Wonderful! Now then, let's get going! That's fine, right?
Hi! Essex-class航空母艦、五番艦、Intrepidよ!貴方がAdmiralなのね?素敵ね!さぁ、一緒に行きましょう!いいかな?
Introduction Play
Hi! Essex-class Intrepid's doors are open today too[1]! What a wonderful day, and a wonderful admiral! Now then, let's do our best!
Hi! Essex-class Intrepid、今日も開場です!Admiralも今日も素敵ね!さぁ、頑張っていきましょう!
Library Play
I'm the 5th ship of the Essex-class carriers, Intrepid! That's right, I'm one of the strongest carrier sisters of that war, mass-produced to serve as fleet carriers![2] Even after the war ended, I was modernized, becoming one of the pioneers of modern carriers with an angled deck[3] and more. After I was decommissioned, I became a Sea, Air, and Space Museum on the Hudson River.
Essex-class航空母艦、五番艦、Intrepidよ!そう、艦隊型正規空母として量産されたあの戦い最強の空母姉妹の一隻です!あの大戦が終わった後も、近代化改修され、angled deckや備えた現代空母の魁としても運用されました。そして、退役後はハドソン川で海上航空宇宙博物館として、建造しているの。
Secretary 1 Play
How's it going?
How's it going?
Secretary 1 Play
Honey! How's it going?
Honey! How's it going?
Secretary 2 Play
Hey! I'm good, thanks! How are you? Mmm, wonderful!
Hey! I'm good, thanks! How are you? ん、よかった!
Secretary 3 Play
Yep! Please try it - did you think I'd say that? Come on! Sheesh, what a silly person.
Yep! Please try it, な訳ないでしょ、こら!もう、いたずらな人ね。
Secretary 3 Play
Yep! Please try it - did you think I'd say that? Come on! Sheesh, you're so silly, honey. Eh? An inspection of the Sea, Air & Space Museum? Oh, you!
Yep! Please try it, な訳ないでしょ、こら!もう、いたずらなhoney。え?海上航空宇宙博物館の見学に?こ~ら!
Secretary Idle Play
Hmm, I wonder if I can put this on display...? What am I going to do about this one? Ahh, this one's pretttty big. Oh well, it might fit on board. Hi! Ah, these? I was just thinking how I'd exhibit these kids to everyone when peace comes.
ん、これは後で展示できるかな~?これはどうしよう?ああぁ、これは大きいなぁ。まあ、いいか。乗っかるかな?Hi! Ah, これですか?平和になったらこの子達、皆に見てもらうのもいいかなって、なんてね。
Secretary (Married) Play
Honey, what are you doing? Preparations for tomorrow's operations? Jeez, isn't that enough for now! Come on, look, look! Don't I look wonderful like this? Peace is great, isn't it?
Honey, 何してるの?明日の作戦の準備?もう、いいじゃない、今は!ほら、見て、見て!私、こんなのも素敵じゃない!平和っていいよね、ね?
Secretary (Married) Play
"How good would it be if this were all a game? In this wonderful comic I read once - what was the title again? I really liked it too! Uhm... ah, forget it.[4][5]
これが全て遊びなら、どんなにいいかって。昔読んだ素敵なcomicで、あのtitle, なんだったけかな?すっごい好きだったんだけど。えっと・・・もう、放って。
Wedding Play
How's being a Sea, Air & Space Museum? Well, I've been used for films[6], for anti-terrorism[7]... Eh? That's not what you're here to talk about? Is this, for me? I'm opening it! Ah! Eh? Is this, for real? No way! Thank you for everything, honey!
海上航空宇宙博物館ですか?まぁ、映画撮影とかも使われましたし、テロ対策にも・・・えっ?そういう話じゃなくて?これを、私に?開けますよ!えっ!へっ!これって、本気で?嘘!Thank you for everything, honey!
Player's Score Play
Strategy? Information? OK! Please wait.
Strategy? Information? OK! 待ってて。
Joining fhe Fleet Play
Essex-class, CV-11, Intrepid! Weighing anchor!
Essex-class, CV-11, Intrepid! 抜錨します!
Equipment 1 Play
I am grateful for your support! A-ri-ga-to!
I am grateful for your support! あ・り・が・と!
Equipment 2 Play
Good! Wonderful! It's great!
Good! 素敵ね!いいじゃない!
Equipment 2 Play
Wonderful! Honey, there's no problems, right?
素敵! Honey, 問題ないよね?
Equipment 3[8] Play
Wonderful. I wish everyone could see~
Supply Play
Thank you for everything!
Thank you for everything!
Docking (Minor) Play
I will take a bath! No peeking, you silly kidm!
I will take a bath! 覗いたらダメよ、いたずらっ子さん!
Docking (Major) Play
Ahh, jeez, they got me. Oh well. I will enter the dock!
はぁ、もう、やられちゃった。まぁ、いいわ。I will enter the dock!
Docking (Major) Play
Ahhhh, jeez, they got me. I will enter the dock! Oh, but this isn't a decommissioning or anything! The Sea Museum comes - la - ter!
はあぁ、もう、やられちゃった。I will enter the dock! あっ、退役じゃないからね!海上博物館は、あ・と・で!
Construction Play
A new ship coming! What's she like? Hey, what's she like?
A new ship coming! どんな子?ねぇ、どんな子?
Return from Sortie Play
Operation complete! Isn't this great? Everyone's well! Good!
Operation complete! いいじゃない?皆元気!Good!
Starting a Sortie Play
I, Intrepid, will be leading the Task Force! Everyone ready? Are you okay? Then let's go! Weigh anchor!
任務部隊、私、Intrepidが指揮します。皆、準備はいい?Are you okay? じゃ、行きましょう!Weigh anchor!
Starting a Battle Play
Right, we've found them! Then shall we get started? Intrepid Air Group, all squadrons, take off!
Attack Play
Intrepid squadron, attack!
Intrepid squadron, attack!
Night Battle Attack Play
Have you forgotten? I'm an Essex-class. This sorta thing's a piece of cake!
Night Battle Play
Even at night, with the right equipment and squadrons, I can go on! Well, I do prefer when the sun's up though!
MVP Play
Oh! Me? My work was the best? Wow! I musta worked really hard, huh?
Oh! 私?Intrepidの働きがbestなの?Wow! 私、頑張っちゃったかな?ね?
Minor Damage 1 Play
Ahhhh! J-Jeez!
Minor Damage 2 Play
Oh, jeez! Damage control!
やだ、もう!Damage control!
Major Damage Play
Ahhhhh! Damage control? Don't worry, I won't sink.
ああああぁ、Damage control? 大丈夫、私は沈まないわ。
Sunk Play
Eh? No way! Really? I'm... sinking? So this is what sinking is like. This... oh...
え?嘘!Really? 私、沈んでいくの?これが、沈むということ。これが・・・oh...