
Line 31: Line 31:  
|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin =  
|origin = 呉生まれの最新鋭水上機母艦、日進じゃ。日本海軍の整備した水上機母艦、その最終完成形というわけじゃな。強力なリーゼル機関と、足速さも自慢じゃ!じゃけぇ、ソロモンなどの最前線への強硬輸送作戦にも多用されたのぅ。まぁ~ようけ敵の飛行機だ飛んできたけぇ…せっかくの最新の甲標的母艦装備も試してみたかったのぅ。
|translation =  
|translation = I'm the newly modeled seaplane tender Nisshin, and I was born in the Kure Naval Arsenal. I'm the final completed model of the seaplane tender, designed by the Japanese navy. I had strong diesel engines, and thanks to that I can go fast! I was also in the transport operation for Solomon. Man~ there were a lot of enemy planes that time... I sadly couldn't test out my newly equipped midget submarines.
|audio = Nisshin-Library.mp3
|audio = Nisshin-Library.mp3
