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==Gameplay Notes==
==Gameplay Notes==
===Special Mechanics===
* Able to carry seaplane fighters and bombers at Kai.
* Good firepower, HP and armour.
* Very long default range.
===Fit Bonuses===
'''Hidden Fit Bonuses'''
* She has accuracy bonuses and penalties when equipped with certain large guns. Please see [[Gun Fit Bonuses]] for mode details.
Priority: '''Low'''
: She is a fast battleship with high firepower, which makes her a good choice for maps with speed restrictions. Her ability to carry seaplane fighters means she can also assist with air power on maps with speed restrictions. However, this will compromise her combat ablity. She also requires a blueprint which is a steep cost for the benefit she brings.
====Recommended Roles====
* Combat
* Air Support
* Support Expeditions
==Voice Lines==
==Voice Lines==
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|scenario = Introduction
|scenario = Introduction
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = Vittorio Veneto級戦艦2番艦、Littorio改、Italiaです。よろしくお願いしますね。
|origin = Vittorio Veneto級戦艦二番艦、Littorio改、Italiaです。よろしくお願いしますね。
|translation = I'm the 2nd ship of the Vittorio Veneto-class battleships, the remodelled Littorio, Italia. Please take good care of me.<ref>She was renamed Italia in 1943 after the fall of the facist government.</ref>
|translation = I'm the 2nd ship of the Vittorio Veneto-class battleships, the remodelled Littorio, Italia. Please take good care of me.<ref>She was renamed Italia in 1943 after the fall of the facist government.</ref>
|audio = Italia_Introduction.ogg
|audio = Italia_Introduction.ogg
Line 25: Line 45:  
|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin = パスタの国で生まれました。ヴィットリオ・ヴェネト級戦艦2番艦、リットリオです。
|origin = パスタの国で生まれました。ヴィットリオ・ヴェネト級戦艦二番艦、リットリオです。
Line 36: Line 56:  
|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = パスタの国で生まれました。Vittorio Veneto級戦艦2番艦、Littorio改め、Italiaです。
|origin = パスタの国で生まれました。Vittorio Veneto級戦艦二番艦、Littorio改め、Italiaです。
Line 85: Line 105:  
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|origin = 提督、地中海風の美味しいパスタ、作ったんです。ご一緒にいかがですか?とっておきのワインもお持ちしますね。うふふっ♪
|origin = 提督、地中海風の美味しいパスタ、作ったんです。ご一緒にいかがですか?とっておきのワインもお持ちしますね。うふふっ♪
|translation = I made some delicious Mediterranean-style pasta, Admiral. Shall we eat it together? I also have some special reserve wine. Ufufu♪
|translation = Admiral, I made some delicious Mediterranean-style pasta. Shall we eat it together? I also have some special reserve wine. Ufufu♪
|audio = Littorio-Secretary_Married.ogg
|audio = Littorio-Secretary_Married.ogg
Line 98: Line 118:  
|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = 提督、改まって何でしょうか?えっ、これを私に?本当に?あ、ありがとうございます、提督…大切に、大切にします!
|origin = 提督、改まって何でしょうか?えっ、これを私に?本当に?あ、ありがとうございます、提督…大切に、大切にします!
|translation = Why are you being so formal, Admiral? Eh, is this for me? Really? Th-thank you very much, Admiral... I'll, I'll treasure this!
|translation = Why are you being so formal, Admiral? Eh, is this for me? Really? Th-thank you very much, Admiral... I'll always treasure this!
|audio = Littorio-Wedding.ogg
|audio = Littorio-Wedding.ogg
Line 166: Line 186:  
|scenario = Construction
|scenario = Construction
|origin = 提督、新たな艦が戦列に加わりました。
|origin = 提督、新たな艦が戦列に加わりました。
|translation = A new ship has joined the front lines, Admiral.
|translation = Admiral, a new ship has joined the front lines.
|audio = Littorio-Ship_Construction.ogg
|audio = Littorio-Ship_Construction.ogg
Line 265: Line 285:  
|scenario = 00:00  
|scenario = 00:00  
|origin = 提督、日付が変わりました。本日はわたしが、お側で時刻をお知らせしますね。うふふっ
|origin = 提督、日付が変わりました。本日はわたしが、お側で時刻をお知らせしますね。うふふっ
|translation = The date has changed, Admiral. I'll be announcing the time for you today. Ufufu~
|translation = Admiral, the date has changed. I'll be announcing the time for you today. Ufufu~
|audio = Italia-Hourly_0000.ogg
|audio = Italia-Hourly_0000.ogg
Line 271: Line 291:  
|scenario = 01:00  
|scenario = 01:00  
|origin = マルヒト、マルマル。提督、お疲れですか?ワイン、お持ちします?
|origin = マルヒト、マルマル。提督、お疲れですか?ワイン、お持ちします?
|translation = 0100. Are you tired, Admiral? Would you like some wine?
|translation = 0100. Admiral, are you tired? Would you like some wine?
|audio = Italia-Hourly_0100.ogg
|audio = Italia-Hourly_0100.ogg
Line 277: Line 297:  
|scenario = 02:00  
|scenario = 02:00  
|origin = マルフタ、マルマル。ここ夜は少し冷えますね。提督、大丈夫ですか?
|origin = マルフタ、マルマル。ここ夜は少し冷えますね。提督、大丈夫ですか?
|translation = 0200. The nights here get a bit chilly. Are you alright, Admiral?
|translation = 0200. The nights here get a bit chilly. Admiral, are you alright?
|audio = Italia-Hourly_0200.ogg
|audio = Italia-Hourly_0200.ogg
Line 295: Line 315:  
|scenario = 05:00  
|scenario = 05:00  
|origin = マルゴー、マルマル。提督、buon giorno!そろそろ皆さん、起こしてきますね。
|origin = マルゴー、マルマル。提督、buon giorno!そろそろ皆さん、起こしてきますね。
|translation = 0500. Good morning, Admiral! I'll go wake everyone up soon.
|translation = 0500. Admiral, good morning! I'll go wake everyone up soon.
|audio = Italia-Hourly_0500.ogg
|audio = Italia-Hourly_0500.ogg
Line 313: Line 333:  
|scenario = 08:00  
|scenario = 08:00  
|origin = マルハチ、マルマル。提督、そろそろ艦隊運用を始めましょう。まずは、遠征の指示からでよろしいでしょうか?
|origin = マルハチ、マルマル。提督、そろそろ艦隊運用を始めましょう。まずは、遠征の指示からでよろしいでしょうか?
|translation = 0800. Shall we start deploy the fleets soon, Admiral? Can we start by sending out expeditions?
|translation = 0800. Admiral, shall we start deploy the fleets soon? Shall we start by sending out expeditions?
|audio = Italia-Hourly_0800.ogg
|audio = Italia-Hourly_0800.ogg
Line 331: Line 351:  
|scenario = 11:00  
|scenario = 11:00  
|origin = ヒトヒト、マルマル。提督、もうすぐお昼ですね。何になさいますか?
|origin = ヒトヒト、マルマル。提督、もうすぐお昼ですね。何になさいますか?
|translation = 1100. It's almost time for lunch, Admiral. What would you like today?
|translation = 1100. Admiral, it's almost time for lunch. What would you like today?
|audio = Italia-Hourly_1100.ogg
|audio = Italia-Hourly_1100.ogg
Line 366: Line 386:  
|scenario = 17:00  
|scenario = 17:00  
|origin = ヒトハチ、マルマル。さぁ、そろそろ夕食の準備を致しますね。今晩のワインは、赤白どちらになさいます?夜は、白からかしら?
|origin = ヒトナナ、マルマル。提督、日本の夕日も綺麗ですね。地中海も、綺麗なんですよ?
|translation = 1700. Admiral, today's sunset is quite beautiful again. I wonder if the Mediterranean's sunset is similar.
|translation = 1700. Admiral, Japanese sunsets are beautiful too. The Mediterranean sunset is beautiful too you know?
|audio = Italia-Hourly_1700.ogg
|audio = Italia-Hourly_1700.ogg
Line 385: Line 405:  
|scenario = 20:00  
|scenario = 20:00  
|origin = フタマルマルマル。提督、次は赤を開けますね。ええっと...どれにしようかしら...あっ、チーズとdolceは何になさいます?
|origin = フタマルマルマル。提督、次は赤を開けますね。ええっと...どれにしようかしら...あっ、チーズとdolceは何になさいます?
|translation = 2000. I'll go ahead and open up the red next, Admiral. Ummm... Which one should I pick... Ah, what would you like for cheese and dessert?
|translation = 2000. Admiral, I'll go ahead and open up the red next. Ummm... Which one should I pick... Ah, what would you like for cheese and dessert?
|audio = Italia-Hourly_2000.ogg
|audio = Italia-Hourly_2000.ogg
Line 391: Line 411:  
|scenario = 21:00  
|scenario = 21:00  
|origin = フタヒト、マルマル。提督、お強いですね。夕食も平らげて頂いて、私もお作りしがいがあります。いいと思います。
|origin = フタヒト、マルマル。提督、お強いですね。夕食も平らげて頂いて、私もお作りしがいがあります。いいと思います。
|translation = 2100. You're good, Admiral. You polished off dinner that I made. I think it's great.
|translation = 2100. Admiral, you're good. You polished off dinner that I made. I think it's great.
|audio = Italia-Hourly_2100.ogg
|audio = Italia-Hourly_2100.ogg
Line 397: Line 417:  
|scenario = 22:00  
|scenario = 22:00  
|origin = フタフタ、マルマル。少し、Romaの様子が気になりますね。提督、少しだけ席を外しますね。すみません。
|origin = フタフタ、マルマル。少し、Romaの様子が気になりますね。提督、少しだけ席を外しますね。すみません。
|translation = 2200. I'm a bit worried about how Roma is getting along. I'll take my leave for a while, Admiral. Excuse me.
|translation = 2200. I'm a bit worried about how Roma is getting along. Admiral, allow me to step away for a while. Excuse me.
|audio = Italia-Hourly_2200.ogg
|audio = Italia-Hourly_2200.ogg
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