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>Amoex |
>Amoex |
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| EN5=Admiral, you want to see a report? Here you go! | | EN5=Admiral, you want to see a report? Here you go! | ||
| Note5= | | Note5= | ||
− | | 編成選択時= | + | | 編成選択時=呂号潜水艦!出撃します! |
| EN6=Submarine Ro-500, Sortieing | | EN6=Submarine Ro-500, Sortieing | ||
| Note6= | | Note6= |
Revision as of 17:22, 9 February 2015
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Second Remodel
As U-511:
Event | Japanese | English | CollapseNote | |
Introduction Play |
ドイツ海軍所属、潜水艦U-511です。 ユーとお呼びください。 少し遠出してきました。よろしくお願い致します……。 |
Submarine U-511 of the German Navy, please call me Yuu. I've come a long way, so I'll be in your care... |
Library Intro Play |
Secretary(1) Play |
Guten Morgen。 | Good morning. | ||
Secretary(2) Play |
知ってる。それ、この艦隊の挨拶でしょ? 変わってるね。 | I know. That's the greeting in this fleet right? It's different. | ||
Secretary(3) Play |
郷に入っては郷に従えって聞いたけど…まぁ、どうなのかなって。 | "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" they said... Well, wonder what should I do. | A saying meaning "behave as those around do", Yuu-tan is still trying to get used to the Japanese culture | |
Secretary(idle) Play |
不安…ちゃんと出来てるかな。 |
Yuu... wondering if something's wrong. Is it alright? A bit nervous...I wonder if I can do it. | ||
Secretary(Married) Play |
Admir…じゃなかった。っと…提督、いつもありがとう…です。 | ていと... wait that's not it. Um... Admiral, thanks... as always. | ||
Wedding Play |
Admiral…どうしたの? この指輪…ゆーに? だ、Danke。…そ、その…Danke! | Admiral... What's wrong? This ring... is for Yuu? Da, Danke. U-Um... Danke! | ||
Show player's score Play |
状況報告かな? わかった。 | Should Yuu report? Okay. | ||
Joining a fleet Play |
ゆー、出撃します。 | Yuu, sortieing. | ||
Equipment(1) Play |
改装…うん、Danke。 | Upgrade... Right, Danke. | ||
Equipment(2) Play |
Danke。アリガトウ…あってる? | Danke. Thanks... is that right? | Confirming her Japanese. | |
Equipment(3) Play |
見たことある艦もいる…気のせいかな? | I feel like there's a ship I've seen before... maybe it's just me? | Possibly I-8 | |
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply Play |
Danke。 | Danke. | ||
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP Play |
少し休ませて… | Let me rest a bit... | ||
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP Play |
いっぱい休ませて…Gute Nacht。 | Let me rest a lot... Gute Nacht. | ||
Ship construction Play |
新しい仲間みたい。 | Seems like a new companion. | ||
Return from sortie Play |
艦隊が戻ってきたよ。 | The fleet has returned. | ||
Start a sortie Play |
潜水艦隊、出撃しますね。 | Torpedo fleet, sortieing. | ||
Battle start Play |
敵艦隊発見です。Feuer! | Enemy fleet spotted. Fire! | ||
Attack Play |
ゆーは、負けません! | Yuu will not lose! | ||
Night battle Play |
夜の戦いです。負けません! | A night battle. I won't lose! | ||
MVP Play |
ゆーが一番? Danke。わかった。もっと頑張るね | Yuu is number one? Danke. I understand. I'll work even harder. | ||
Minor damaged(1) Play |
!? 痛い… | !? Ouch... | ||
Minor damaged(2) Play |
はぁああん! とても…痛い…! | Aaah! That...hurts...! | ||
≥Moderately damaged Play |
やられました。ちょっと良くないです。ゆー、浮上したい…気もします。 | I got beat. This isn't good. Yuu feels like she wants to resurface... | ||
Sunk Play |
もう…浮上できません…ふるさと…舞鶴…もう一度、帰りたい…な… | I can't...resurface anymore... I want to go back to Maizuru... back home... once more... |
As Ro-500:
Event | Japanese | English | CollapseNote | |
Introduction Play |
UボートU-511改め呂号第500潜水艦です ユーちゃん改めろーちゃんです! 提督?よろしくお願いしまーす |
Submarine RO500, formerly U-boat U-511. It's Ro, formerly called Yuu! Admiral? I will be in your care |
Library Intro Play |
Secretary(1) Play |
ろーちゃんです!はい! | It's me, Ro-chan! | ||
Secretary(2) Play |
はい!日本語大分上達しました!頑張りました はい! | Yes, my Japanese has improved. I tried my best. Yes! | ||
Secretary(3) Play |
えっと・・・提督?それ本当は挨拶じゃないですよね?ダメ・・・ですよね?ねぇ?ねぇ!? | Um... Admiral, that's not really a greeting is it? You can't do that, okay? Okay? Okay? | She's getting wise to your ways! | |
Secretary(idle) Play |
Secretary(Married) Play |
Wedding Play |
Show player's score Play |
提督、状況報告、見たいですか? わっかりましたー! | Admiral, you want to see a report? Here you go! | ||
Joining a fleet Play |
呂号潜水艦!出撃します! | Submarine Ro-500, Sortieing | ||
Equipment(1) Play |
Danke、ちがった、ありがとうございます! ヘヘヘ、合ってるでしょ? | Dank... Wait that's not it... Thank you! I'm right this time right? | ||
Equipment(2) Play |
これはうれしい・・・ですって!Danke!Danke! | I'm happy desu te! Danke! Danke! | ||
Equipment(3) Play |
ふふーん!Danke・・・です! | Fufun~ Danke... desu! | ||
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply Play |
補給助かりますって Danke! | Supplies... will help! Danke! | ||
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP Play |
少し休みますって | Let Ro rest... | ||
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP Play |
舞鶴の温泉また行きたいな・・・提督連れて行って欲しいかもー・・・って | It'd be nice if I could go to Maizuru's hot spring again. Admiral, I'd like it if you would take me there. | ||
Ship construction Play |
新しい艦娘、来ますって。 | A new ship girl has arrived! | ||
Return from sortie Play |
作戦完了。お疲れ様ですって! | Operation completed. Good work everyone~ | ||
Start a sortie Play |
潜水艦隊!ろーちゃんの後についてきて!艦隊!はっしーん! | Torpedo fleet, please follow Ro. Fleet, move ooooouuutt! | ||
Battle start Play |
敵艦発見! さぁっいきます!てー! | Enemy fleet sighted. Here I go. Fiiirreee! | ||
Attack Play |
Bismarck姉さんやEugenzのようにはいかないけど。。。ローちゃん頑張るって! | Ro might not match Bismarck or Eugen... But Ro will do her best! | ||
Night battle Play |
夜ですって!がんばるーがるるー | Night battle time! Ro will do her best garuru | Diving sound, probably. | |
MVP Play |
えっ?ろーちゃんが一番ですか?danke!ですって!はっちゃんに自慢しよーっと! | Huh? Ro is number one? Danke desu tte! I'm going to boast to Hacchan! | ||
Minor damaged(1) Play |
ひゃぁっ!?うぅ・・・ | Hya! Auuu~ | ||
Minor damaged(2) Play |
やだやだ!もー! | No, no! | ||
≥Moderately damaged Play |
うっ・・・やられちゃった・・・まだ大丈夫だけど・・・一度帰りたーい! | I've been hit! I'm still fine but... I want to go back! | ||
Sunk Play |
やだ。。。やだよ。。。冷たい。。。冷たいし。。。暗い。。。 | No... Nooo... It's cold... So cold... And dark... |
Time | Japanese | English | Note |
00:00 |
提督お疲れ様・・・ですって! 今日はこのろーちゃんが秘書艦を務めますって!よろしくおねがいしまーす |
00:00 Thanks for your hard work... desu te! Today Ro will be your secretary! Ro will be in your care! |
01:00 |
提督!マルヒトマルマル・・・これでいい? うんっ!danke! | Admiral! Is "01:00" okay? Yes! Danke! | |
02:00 |
提督!マルフタマルマル!え・・・なんかちがう?んー・・・やっぱり? んー・・・ | Admiral! It's "Zero twin zero zero"! Huh... something feels wrong...? Um... really? Uuu... | |
03:00 |
マルサンマルマル 提督!こっちのほうがいい・・・かなって!・・・そう?よーし! | 03:00 Admiral! I wonder if this time is okay...? It is? Okay then! | |
04:00 |
マルヨンマルマル 提督!・・・ちょっと眠くなってきたけど・・・ろーちゃんがんばるって!はい! | 04:00 Admiral! Ro is sleepy... but Ro will do her best! Yes! | |
05:00 |
マルゴーマルマル 提督!Guten Morgen! 朝ですって!朝! | 05:00 Admiral! Guten Morgen! Morning desu tte! Morning! | |
06:00 |
マルロクマルマル みんな起きてー Guten Morgen Guten Morgen | 06:00 Everyone, wake up! Guten Morgen Guten Morgen | |
07:00 |
マルナナマルマル 提督!朝食はどうするって? パンとチーズでいいよね?はい!いただき・・・まーす! |
07:00 Admiral! What shall we eat for breakfast? Bread and cheese is fine? Then... happy meeeaalll! |
08:00 |
マルハチマルマル 提督!え?朝食足りなかったって うあー・・・ごめんなさいです・・・提督・・・うぅ・・・ |
08:00 Admiral! Huh? You're still hungry? Ah... Ro is sorry admiral... Uuu... |
09:00 |
マルキュウマルマル 提督!伊号潜水艦のみんなと潜る約束してるんだって!楽しみ・・・はい! | 09:00 Admiral! Ro promised to dive with the I class submarine! It's fun... Yes! | |
10:00 |
ヒトマルマルマル あっはっちゃん!やっほー でっちもイクもGuten Morgen ん?・・・でっち・・・何怒ってんの? ふぇ? |
10:00 Ah... Hacchan! Yahoo Decchi and Iku, Guten Morgen! Huh...? Decchi... why are you mad? |
11:00 |
ヒトヒトマルマル 提督!伊号のみんなとの潜水楽しかったって!はい! | 11:00 Admiral! It's fun diving with those I class submarine! Yes! | |
12:00 |
ヒトフタマルマル 昼食何にする?提督?困ったときはマミーヤ行く?・・・はい! | One twin zero zero What shall we eat for lunch Admiral? "When in trouble please find Mamiya"...? Okay then! | |
13:00 |
ヒトサンマルマル マミーヤの昼食はおいしいって ビスマルク姉さんもガンガン食べてたねー・・・ね? |
13:00 Mamiya's lunch was delicious. Even Bismarck feast on it... right? | |
14:00 |
ヒトヨンマルマル 提督!午後はどうするって? オリョール?それともバシー?どうしよっか?ね? |
14:00 Admiral! What shall we do this afternoon? Orel? Bashi? What shall we do? Right? |
15:00 |
ヒトゴーマルマル あっマックスー! どこ行きますーって! ふんふんっ・・・いってらっしゃーい! |
15:00 Max! Where are you going? Fufu... Take care! |
16:00 |
ヒトロクマルマル マル・ユー!はい!マル・ユー! あっ・・・なんで逃げちゃうの?って・・・マル・ユー!? |
16:00 Maruyu! Hey! Maruyu! Ah... Why are you running away? Hey... Maruyu! |
17:00 |
ヒトナナマルマル 提督!もう夕暮れになってしまったって | 17:00 Admiral! It's evening already. | |
18:00 |
ヒトハチマルマル 夕食時間です提督!どうしよどうしよ・・・何食べたいですって? | 18:00 It's dinner time admiral! What now what now... what shall we have? | |
19:00 |
ヒトキューマルマル レーベちゃん何それ?カルテスエッセン?! ライ麦パンにソーセージとハム!おいしそぉー・・・いいの!? |
19:00 What's that Lebe? Kaltes essen? Rye bread with sausage and ham? Looks delicious... what, I can have it!? |
20:00 |
フタマルマルマル・・・レーベちゃんの差し入れおいしかったって! 提督!ろーちゃんも大満足だって! えへへ・・・ |
Twin zero zero zero Lebe's dinner was delicious! Admiral, Ro is full too! Ehehe~ |
21:00 |
フタヒトマルマル 提督!それ何々?ビールとは違うの? 発泡・・・うぅ・・・なんか難しそう・・・見た目ビールだって |
Twin one zero zero Admiral! What's that? It's not beer? Foam...? Uuu... it's hard to differentiate... looks like beer to Ro... |
22:00 |
フタフタマルマル 提督!どうせだったら本当にドイツビールどうですか? 確か何本か残って・・・いませんでした・・・ |
Twin twin zero zero Admiral! How about some real German beer then? After all, we have... there are none left... |
23:00 |
フタサンマルマル 提督!今日も・・・本当にお疲れ様でしたって! また明日も頑張りましょー!って・・・Gute Nacht |
Twin three zero zero Admiral! Thank for your hard work today! Let us do our best tomorrow! Gute Nacht |
The real U-511 was transferred to Japan from Nazi Germany as part of a technology exchange assistance program renamed RO-500 after the Japanese took command of her, Real vessel survived the war and was surrendered to the allies and was Scuttled, 30 April 1946 at Gulf of Maizuru.
See Also