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Construction Menu as shown
Large Ship Construction Menu as shown

Construction is accessible from the Arsenal menu and allows building new ship girls. Note that not all ships are available from construction, some being drops from normal maps, and others event exclusive (see below for details).

Constructing a girl costs a selectable amount of the 4 main Resources as well as "development materials" Development material. It will also take a variable amount of time unless instant constructions Instant construction Material are used.

  • Every player starts off with only 2 construction slots. Up to 2 more slots can be unlocked by using a Dock Opening Key for each.

Construction Types

Two types of ship construction are possible, "Normal Construction" and "Large Ship Construction" (LSC), the former being the most used and cheaper one, and the later being the most expensive with the greatest results.

Normal Construction

"Normal Construction" is the basic construction method. Recipes range from 30-999 fuel  , ammo  , steel   and bauxite   and each attempt costs 1 development material  . Speeding up construction costs 1 instant construction  .

  • If applicable, it is often more resource efficient to find a desired ship in sorties as a drop rather than building them.

Construction Theory

In normal construction, there are 4 pools determining the ship being crafted. Each group has exactly 100 unique ships and the available pools remain the same regardless of which Secretary used (excepted for the Z1-class). The selection of a pool is based on the resource input during the construction:

  • Pool 1 - 300+  , 400+  , 300+  ,
  • Pool 2 - 400+  , 600+  ,
  • Pool 3 - 250+  , 200+  ,
  • Pool 4 - Do not meet any of the above requirements.
  • Note: The check is done from top to bottom, if the requirements of multiple pools are fulfilled, only the topmost one is used.

The constructed ship is selected in the pool by a value called "[math]\displaystyle{ ID }[/math]" which can go from 1 to 100, calculated by substating two random values:

[math]\displaystyle{ ID }[/math] Calculation
[math]\displaystyle{ ID = Rand [0 ; 100] - Rand [0 ; Res - 1] }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ Rand }[/math] the function returning a random whole number between its boundaries, included,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ Res }[/math] a whole number that is incremented by having low/high resource inputs of certain types, defined below,
    • The resources used to increment this value depend on the pool that has been selected.

In case [math]\displaystyle{ ID }[/math] is 0 or negative, the value will be converted back into a positive value and incremented by 2.

Which resources that are used to increment value [math]\displaystyle{ Res }[/math] is dependent on the pool that has been selected:

[math]\displaystyle{ Res = MAX \Bigg( \Bigg| \Bigg\lceil \frac{Steel-400}{25} \Bigg\rceil + \Bigg\lceil \frac{Baux-300}{20} \Bigg\rceil \Bigg| ; 51\Bigg) }[/math]
[math]\displaystyle{ Res = MAX \Bigg( \Bigg| \Bigg\lceil \frac{Ammo-400}{25} \Bigg\rceil + \Bigg\lceil \frac{Steel-600}{30} \Bigg\rceil \Bigg| ; 51\Bigg) }[/math]
[math]\displaystyle{ Res = MAX \Bigg( \Bigg| \Bigg\lceil \frac{Ammo-200}{13} \Bigg\rceil + \Bigg\lceil \frac{Steel-200}{20} \Bigg\rceil \Bigg| ; 51\Bigg) }[/math]
[math]\displaystyle{ Res = MAX \Bigg( \Bigg| \Bigg\lceil \frac{Fuel-100}{10} \Bigg\rceil + \Bigg\lceil \frac{Steel-30}{15} \Bigg\rceil \Bigg| ; 51\Bigg) }[/math]

Source: [1]

Pratical Conclusion
  • Only 2 resources will have an effect depending on the pool. Changing the two others will have no effect as long as it does not change the pool.
  • Of the two resources that have an effect, one has a bigger effect than the other.
    • The effect is capped, above a certain threshold increasing the resources further will not have any effect.
  • The effect of changing resources will increase the drop of some ships by reducing the drop of others.
  • The direct consequence of the round-up is that the effect of resources works by steps starting from the minimum recipe plus one.
    • Increasing the resource of a recipe by an amount inferior to the step has no effect.
    • The steps are as follows:
      • Pool 1: 25  , 20  
      • Pool 2: 25  , 30  
      • Pool 3: 13  , 20  
      • Pool 4: 10  , 15  
Construction Pools
Construction Pools List
Ship Name Type Pool 4
Pool 3
Pool 2
Pool 1
  Mutsuki DD ✔️
  Kisaragi DD ✔️
  Satsuki DD ✔️
  Fumizuki DD ✔️
  Nagatsuki DD ✔️
  Kikuzuki DD ✔️
  Mikazuki DD ✔️
  Mochizuki DD ✔️
  Yayoi DD ✔️
  Fubuki DD ✔️ ✔️
  Shirayuki DD ✔️ ✔️
  Hatsuyuki DD ✔️ ✔️
  Miyuki DD ✔️ ✔️
  Murakumo DD ✔️ ✔️
  Isonami DD ✔️ ✔️
  Ayanami DD ✔️ ✔️
  Shikinami DD ✔️ ✔️
  Oboro DD ✔️
  Akebono DD ✔️
  Sazanami DD ✔️
  Ushio DD ✔️
  Akatsuki DD ✔️ ✔️
  Hibiki DD ✔️ ✔️
  Ikazuchi DD ✔️ ✔️
  Inazuma DD ✔️ ✔️
  Hatsuharu DD ✔️ ✔️
  Nenohi DD ✔️
  Wakaba DD ✔️
  Hatsushimo DD ✔️
  Shiratsuyu DD ✔️ ✔️
  Shigure DD ✔️ ✔️
  Murasame DD ✔️
  Yuudachi DD ✔️
  Samidare DD ✔️
  Suzukaze DD ✔️ ✔️
  Asashio DD ✔️
  Ooshio DD ✔️
  Michishio DD ✔️
  Arashio DD ✔️
  Arare DD ✔️
  Kasumi DD ✔️
  Kagerou DD ✔️ ✔️
  Shiranui DD ✔️ ✔️
  Kuroshio DD ✔️
  Akigumo DD ✔️ ✔️
  Yukikaze DD ✔️
  Shimakaze DD ✔️
  Z1 DD ✔️
  Z3 DD ✔️
  Tenryuu CL ✔️ ✔️
  Tatsuta CL ✔️ ✔️
  Kuma CL ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  Tama CL ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  Kitakami CL ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  Ooi CL ✔️
  Kiso CL ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  Nagara CL ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  Isuzu CL ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  Natori CL ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  Yura CL ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  Kinu CL ✔️ ✔️
  Abukuma CL ✔️ ✔️
  Sendai CL ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  Jintsuu CL ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  Naka CL ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  Yuubari CL ✔️ ✔️
  Katori CT ✔️
  Furutaka CA ✔️ ✔️
  Kako CA ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  Aoba CA ✔️ ✔️
  Kinugasa CA ✔️ ✔️
  Myoukou CA ✔️ ✔️
  Nachi CA ✔️ ✔️
  Ashigara CA ✔️ ✔️
  Haguro CA ✔️ ✔️
  Takao CA ✔️ ✔️
  Atago CA ✔️ ✔️
  Maya CA ✔️ ✔️
  Choukai CA ✔️ ✔️
  Mogami CA ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  Kumano CA ✔️
  Suzuya CA ✔️
  Tone CA ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  Chikuma CA ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  Kongou FBB ✔️
  Hiei FBB ✔️
  Haruna FBB ✔️
  Kirishima FBB ✔️
  Fusou BB ✔️
  Yamashiro BB ✔️
  Ise BB ✔️
  Hyuuga BB ✔️
  Nagato BB ✔️
  Mutsu BB ✔️
  Shouhou CVL ✔️
  Ryuujou CVL ✔️
  Shouhou CVL ✔️
  Zuihou CVL ✔️
  Hiyou CVL ✔️
  Junyou CVL ✔️
  Akagi CV ✔️
  Kaga CV ✔️
  Souryuu CV ✔️
  Hiryuu CV ✔️
  Shoukaku CV ✔️
  Zuikaku CV ✔️
  I-168 SS ✔️
  I-8 SS ✔️
  I-58 SS ✔️
  Chitose AV ✔️
  Chiyoda AV ✔️

Large Ship Construction

"Large Ship Construction" (LSC) allows to build rarer "bigger" ships in exchange for more resources. Recipes range from 1500-7000 fuel   and ammo  ; 2000-7000 steel   and 1000-7000 bauxite  . Each attempt also costs either 1, 20, or 100 development materials  . Speeding up construction costs 10 instant construction  .

  • LSC is unlocked by completing quest F10.
  • Having empty construction docks slightly increases the chances of obtaining rarer ships [2].
  • Construction results are solely determined by the amount of resources and devmats used.
    • For few ships, an exact Secretary is required in order to be built, see below.

LSC Construction Theory

LSC works similarly to normal construction, there are 4 pools determining the ship being crafted. Each group has exactly 100 unique ships and the available pools remain the same regardless of which Secretary used The selection of a pool is based on the resource input during the construction:

  • Pool 1 -   > [math]\displaystyle{ 2400+Rand[0;1200] }[/math],   > [math]\displaystyle{ 1050+Rand[0;900] }[/math],   > [math]\displaystyle{ 2800+Rand[0;1400] }[/math],   > [math]\displaystyle{ 2800+Rand[0;2400] }[/math];
  • Pool 2 -   > [math]\displaystyle{ 2240+Rand[0;1120] }[/math],   > [math]\displaystyle{ 2940+Rand[0;2520] }[/math],   > [math]\displaystyle{ 4400+Rand[0;2200] }[/math],   > [math]\displaystyle{ 1050+Rand[0;900] }[/math],   > 20;
  • Pool 3 -   > [math]\displaystyle{ 1920+Rand[0;960] }[/math],   > [math]\displaystyle{ 2240+Rand[0;1920] }[/math],   > [math]\displaystyle{ 3040+Rand[0;1520] }[/math],   > [math]\displaystyle{ 910+Rand[0;780] }[/math];
  • Pool 4 - Do not meet any of the above requirements.
  • Note: The check is done from top to bottom, if the requirements of multiple pools are fulfilled, only the topmost one is used.

The constructed ship is selected in the pool by a value called "[math]\displaystyle{ ID }[/math]" which can go from 1 to 100, calculated by subtracting two random values:

[math]\displaystyle{ ID }[/math] Calculation
[math]\displaystyle{ ID = Rand [a ; b] - MAX \big( Rand [0 ; Res - 1] ; 50 \big) }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ a,b }[/math] depend on the number of construction docks "open" (either empty or finished):
[math]\displaystyle{ a,b }[/math]
Nb dock [math]\displaystyle{ a }[/math] [math]\displaystyle{ b }[/math]
1 3 99
2 1 99
3 1 95
4 1 91
  • [math]\displaystyle{ Rand }[/math] the function returning a random whole number between its boundaries, included,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ Res }[/math] a whole number that is incremented by having low/high resource inputs of certain types, defined below,
    • The resources used to increment this value depend on the pool that has been selected.
    • Note that if [math]\displaystyle{ Res\lt 1 }[/math] then the result of [math]\displaystyle{ Rand [0 ; Res - 1] }[/math] is zero.

In case [math]\displaystyle{ ID }[/math] is 0 or negative, the value will be converted back into a positive value and incremented by 2.

In LSC every resource (including  ) are used to increment value [math]\displaystyle{ Res }[/math] only the weight depend on the pool:

  • Pool 1:
[math]\displaystyle{ Res = \big[ (Fuel-3000) \times 0.003 \big] + \big[ (Ammo-2000) \times 0.003 \big] + \big[ (Steel-4000) \times 0.004 \big] + \big[ (Baux-5000) \times 0.005 \big] + \big[ (DevMat-50) \times 0.1 \big] }[/math]
  • Pool 2:
[math]\displaystyle{ Res = \big[ (Fuel-3500) \times 0.003 \big] + \big[ (Ammo-4500) \times 0.005 \big] + \big[ (Steel-5500) \times 0.004 \big] + \big[ (Baux-2200) \times 0.002 \big] + \big[ (DevMat-60) \times 0.1 \big] }[/math]
  • Pool 3:
[math]\displaystyle{ Res = \big[ (Fuel-4000) \times 0.003 \big] + \big[ (Ammo-3000) \times 0.003 \big] + \big[ (Steel-4000) \times 0.003 \big] + \big[ (Baux-1800) \times 0.002 \big] + \big[ (DevMat-40) \times 0.2 \big] }[/math]
  • Pool 4:
[math]\displaystyle{ Res = \big[ (Fuel-2000) \times 0.002 \big] + \big[ (Ammo-2500) \times 0.002 \big] + \big[ (Steel-3000) \times 0.002 \big] + \big[ (Baux-1500) \times 0.002 \big] + \big[ (DevMat-40) \times 0.2 \big] }[/math]
  • The value between [math]\displaystyle{ \big[ x \big] }[/math] is round down if it's positive and round up if it's negative ([1.5] -> 1 ; [-1.5] -> -1)

Source: [3]

Large Ship Construction Pools
Large Ship Constructions Pools List
Ship Name Type Pool 4 Pool 3 Pool 2 Pool 1
163   Maruyu SS ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
155   I-401 SSV ✔️
137   Agano CL ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
138   Noshiro CL ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
139   Yahagi CL ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
154   Katori CT ✔️
265   Kashima CT ? ? ? ?
51   Mogami CA ✔️
116   Mikuma CA ✔️
124   Suzuya CA ✔️ ✔️
125   Kumano CA ✔️ ✔️
63   Tone CA ✔️
64   Chikuma CA ✔️
248   Zara CA ✔️
21   Kongou FBB ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
22   Hiei FBB ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
23   Haruna FBB ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
24   Kirishima FBB ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
171   Bismarck FBB ✔️
26   Fusou BB ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
27   Yamashiro BB ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
3   Ise BB ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
4   Hyuuga BB ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
1   Nagato BB ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
2   Mutsu BB ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
131   Yamato BB ✔️ ✔️
143   Musashi BB ✔️
239   Warspite BB ✔️
30   Ryuujou CVL ✔️
65   Hiyou CVL ✔️
66   Junyou CVL ✔️
94   Shouhou CVL ✔️
112   Zuihou CVL ✔️
6   Akagi CV ✔️
7   Kaga CV ✔️
8   Souryuu CV ✔️
9   Hiryuu CV ✔️
106   Shoukaku CV ✔️
107   Zuikaku CV ✔️
153   Taihou CV ✔️
233   Saratoga CV ✔️
315   Ark Royal CV ✔️
251   Mizuho AV ✔️
161   Akitsu Maru LHA ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
162   Kamoi AO ✔️
260   Hayasui AO ? ? ? ?

Special Secretary

Some ships require a specific Secretary (1st fleet flagship) in order to be crafted.

  • For any other construction, the Secretary is independent of the crafting result.
Special Construction Requirements
Required Secretary Ship added to craft pool Notes
Normal Construction
Quest D8 MUST be completed first.[citation needed]
Large Ship Construction
Kongou Kai Ni
Kongou must be Kai Ni/C 
Ark Royal

Construction Timers

The times below reflect the type of ship or specific ship you will obtain after hitting the build button.

Time Ship Type Result Note
00:17:00 Submarine Maruyu  LSC
00:18:00 Destroyer Mutsuki-class 
00:20:00 Fubuki-class 
, Ayanami-class 
, Akatsuki-class 
, Hatsuharu-class 
00:22:00 Shiratsuyu-class 
, Asashio-class 
Submarine I-168 , I-8 , I-58 
00:24:00 Destroyer Kagerou-class 
, Z1-class 
00:30:00 Shimakaze 
01:00:00 Light Cruiser Tenryuu-class 
, Kuma-class 
, Nagara , Natori , Yura , Sendai-class 
Heavy Cruiser Furutaka-class 
, Aoba-class 
01:10:00 Training Cruiser Katori 
Kashima  LSC
Heavy Cruiser Zara  LSC
01:15:00 Light Cruiser Kinu , Abukuma 
01:20:00 Heavy Cruiser Myoukou-class 
01:22:00 Light Cruiser Yuubari 
01:25:00 Heavy Cruiser Takao-class 
01:30:00 Mogami , Suzuya , Kumano , Tone-class 
Mikuma  LSC
02:00:00 Light Aircraft Carrier Houshou 
02:20:00 Seaplane Tender Chitose , Chiyoda 
Mizuho  LSC
Fleet Oiler Kamoi  LSC
02:30:00 Amphibious Assault Ship Akitsu Maru  LSC
02:40:00 Light Aircraft Carrier Shouhou-class 
02:50:00 Ryuujou 
03:00:00 Hiyou-class 
03:20:00 Aircraft Carrying Submarine I-401  LSC
03:40:00 Fleet Oiler Hayasui  LSC
04:00:00 Fast Battleship Kongou-class 
04:10:00 Regular Aircraft Carrier Souryuu , Hiryuu 
Ark Royal  LSC
04:20:00 Battleship Fusou-class 
Regular Aircraft Carrier Kaga 
04:30:00 Battleship Ise-class 
Regular Aircraft Carrier Akagi 
04:40:00 Battleship Warspite  LSC
05:00:00 Battleship Nagato-class 
Bismarck  LSC
05:30:00 Regular Aircraft Carrier Saratoga  LSC
06:00:00 Regular Aircraft Carrier Shoukaku-class 
06:40:00 Armored Aircraft Carrier Taihou  LSC
08:00:00 Battleship Yamato-class 

Ship Availability

The exhaustive list on how to obtain ships.

Ship Availability
Ship Types Buidable Unbuidable
Normal Only Normal & LSC LSC only Drops Event Only
FBB/BB Kongou · Hiei · Haruna · Kirishima · Fusou · Yamashiro · Ise · Hyuuga · Nagato · Mutsu Bismarck · Yamato · Musashi · Warspite Kongou · Hiei · Haruna · Kirishima · Fusou · Yamashiro · Ise · Hyuuga · Nagato · Mutsu Massachusetts · Jean Bart · Littorio · Roma · Washington · South Dakota · Iowa · Richelieu · Gangut · Nevada · Rodney · Valiant · Maryland · Conte di Cavour · Colorado · Nelson
CV/CVB Akagi · Kaga · Souryuu · Hiryuu · Shoukaku · Zuikaku Saratoga · Ark Royal · Taihou Akagi · Kaga · Souryuu · Hiryuu · Shoukaku · Zuikaku Unryuu Ranger · Lexington · Amagi · Katsuragi · Graf Zeppelin · Aquila · Intrepid · Hornet · Victorious
CVL Houshou Ryuujou · Shouhou · Zuihou · Hiyou · Junyou Houshou · Ryuujou · Shouhou · Zuihou · Hiyou · Junyou Gambier Bay Yawata Maru · Langley · Kasuga Maru · Shinyou
CA Furutaka · Kako · Aoba · Kinugasa · Myoukou · Nachi · Ashigara · Haguro · Takao · Atago · Maya · Choukai Mogami · Suzuya · Kumano · Tone · Chikuma Mikuma · Zara Furutaka · Kako · Aoba · Kinugasa · Myoukou · Nachi · Ashigara · Haguro · Takao · Atago · Maya · Choukai · Mogami · Mikuma · Suzuya · Kumano · Tone · Chikuma Pola Tuscaloosa · Prinz Eugen · Northampton · Houston
CL/CT Tenryuu · Tatsuta · Kuma · Tama · Kitakami · Ooi · Kiso · Nagara · Isuzu · Natori · Yura · Kinu · Abukuma · Sendai · Jintsuu · Naka · Yuubari Katori Agano · Noshiro · Yahagi · Kashima Tenryuu · Tatsuta · Kuma · Tama · Kitakami · Ooi · Kiso · Nagara · Isuzu · Natori · Yura · Kinu · Abukuma · Sendai · Jintsuu · Naka · Yuubari · Agano · Noshiro · Yahagi · Katori · Kashima Sakawa · Ooyodo Gloire · Phoenix · Brooklyn · Duca degli Abruzzi · Giuseppe Garibaldi · Honolulu · Helena · Atlanta · Sheffield · Gotland · De Ruyter · Perth · Asahi
DD Mutsuki · Kisaragi · Yayoi · Satsuki · Fumizuki · Nagatsuki · Kikuzuki · Mikazuki · Mochizuki · Fubuki · Shirayuki · Hatsuyuki · Miyuki · Murakumo · Isonami · Ayanami · Shikinami · Oboro · Akebono · Sazanami · Ushio · Akatsuki · Hibiki · Ikazuchi · Inazuma · Hatsuharu · Nenohi · Wakaba · Hatsushimo · Shiratsuyu · Shigure · Murasame · Yuudachi · Samidare · Suzukaze · Asashio · Ooshio · Michishio · Arashio · Arare · Kasumi · Kagerou · Shiranui · Kuroshio · Yukikaze · Akigumo · Shimakaze · Z1 · Z3 Mutsuki · Kisaragi · Yayoi · Satsuki · Fumizuki · Nagatsuki · Kikuzuki · Mikazuki · Mochizuki · Fubuki · Shirayuki · Hatsuyuki · Miyuki · Murakumo · Isonami · Ayanami · Shikinami · Oboro · Akebono · Sazanami · Ushio · Akatsuki · Hibiki · Ikazuchi · Inazuma · Hatsuharu · Nenohi · Wakaba · Hatsushimo · Shiratsuyu · Shigure · Murasame · Yuudachi · Samidare · Suzukaze · Asashio · Ooshio · Michishio · Arashio · Arare · Kasumi · Kagerou · Shiranui · Kuroshio · Yukikaze · Akigumo · Shimakaze · Z1 Kamikaze · Asakaze · Hatakaze · Uzuki · Minazuki · Uranami · Amagiri · Sagiri · Harusame · Umikaze · Yamakaze · Kawakaze · Asagumo · Yamagumo · Oyashio · Hatsukaze · Amatsukaze · Tokitsukaze · Urakaze · Isokaze · Hamakaze · Tanikaze · Nowaki · Arashi · Hagikaze · Maikaze · Yuugumo · Makigumo · Kazagumo · Naganami · Takanami · Fujinami · Okinami · Kishinami · Asashimo · Hayashimo · Kiyoshimo · Libeccio Yuugure · Shirakumo · Natsugumo · Heywood L. Edwards · Mogador · Fuyutsuki · Javelin · Tamanami · Ume · Hayashio · Harukaze · Matsukaze · Usugumo · Ariake · Minegumo · Makinami · Suzunami · Hayanami · Hamanami · Akishimo · Akizuki · Teruzuki · Suzutsuki · Hatsuzuki · Matsu · Take · Momo · Maestrale · Grecale · Scirocco · Fletcher · Johnston · Samuel B. Roberts · Jervis · Janus · Tashkent
DE Matsuwa · Sado · Tsushima · Hirato · Mikura · Hiburi · Daitou Kaiboukan No.22 · Inagi · Shounan · Ukuru · Kurahashi · Noumi · Shimushu · Kunashiri · Hachijou · Ishigaki · Etorofu · Fukae · Yashiro · Kaiboukan No.4 · Kaiboukan No.30
SS/SSV I-168 · I-8 · I-58 Maruyu · I-401 I-168 · I-8 · I-58 · Maruyu · I-401 I-19 · Luigi Torelli C.Cappellini · Scamp · Salmon · Drum · I-201 · I-26 · I-47 · I-203 · U-511 · I-41 · I-36 · I-13 · I-14 · I-400
Aux Chitose · Chiyoda Mizuho · Akitsu Maru · Kamoi · Hayasui Chitose · Chiyoda · Mizuho · Kamoi · Hayasui Akitsushima · Akashi · Taigei Nisshin · Commandant Teste · Kumano Maru · No.101 Transport Ship · Shinshuu Maru · Heian Maru · Jingei · Chougei · Yamashio Maru · Souya
  • Some ships are also rewarded in Quests.
  • Several ships are currently dropable for a limited time, see here.
  • Some ships may become buildable or droppable in future updates.

Building Recipes

  • These recipes are not guaranteed to give the exact ship wanted in any reasonable number of crafting attempts.
  • Percentages listed are sourced from the drop databases and may not be representative of the real craft rates.
  • Some ships require special Secretary to be crafted (see here).

Normal Construction Recipes

Destroyer / Light Cruiser / Heavy Cruiser / Submarine

30 30 30 30 Mainly common destroyers and light cruisers. No rare destroyers. Small chance of Akigumo, Yayoi, & Yuubari.
250 30 200 30 Heavy cruisers, submarines, rare light Cruisers, and rare destroyers. Small chance to yield training cruiser Katori.

Includes chance of rare destroyers (Shimakaze, Yukikaze) and submarines (I-168, I-58, I-8).
1.22 % Shimakaze, 1.71 % Yukikaze, 2.6 % for submarines. [4]
Z3 when using Z1 as Secretary.
Z1 when using Z3 as Secretary.

  • Recipe percentages do not count Z1 & Z3 yet.


400 30 600 30 BB (32.52 %), CA (59.84 %).

2.98 % Suzuya, 2.01 % Mutsu, 1.09 % Nagato.

Standard Carrier / Light Carrier

300 30 400 300 Most common recipe. 7.9 % chance for carriers. 32.3 % light carrier [5]
Minimum amount needed to possibly create a CV/CVL according to KC Kai data.
350 30 400 350 8.5 % < 500 entries
300 30 600 400 14.3 % < 500 entries
350 30 600 350 11.9 % carrier, 32.7 % light carrier [6]

Large Ship Construction Recipes

Due to their nature and expansiveness, data on LSC recipes is relatively low and may not be fully accurate or up to date.

  • Please note that all ships craftable via LSC often come back as Event rare drops.

Using any of the above mentioned Helper is either required or discouraged, depending on the targeted craft.

  • When crafting a ship requiring a helper, then said helper is mandatory,
  • However, when crafting any other ship, using those helpers will decrease the crafting rate of the targeted ship.
  • Regarding the use of 1/20/100   DevMats:
    • The amount used affects the pool of craftable ships, with some ships only appearing with 20+ DevMats.
    • Using 100 DevMats does give better rates for some heavier ships, but the gain is often too marginal to justify this cost increase.
    • E.g.:
      • I-401 chances are improved with 1 dev mat.
      • Yamato appears with all dev mat inputs.
      • Musashi, Bismarck, and Warspite only appear with 20+ DevMat.
      • Aiming for Bismarck or Warspite before Musashi can help save both resources and DevMats as Musashi can always appear from a Bismarck attempt, but not necessarily the other way around (if a German ship is not used).

Theorical Recipes

The following are optimized recipes using data from the Kancolle Kai version [7].

The general rule for using the recipes:

  • The "minimum recipes" are the minimum resources needed to obtain the desired ship.
  • Increasing the resource does increase the rate and is recommended to some extent.
    • Depending on the pool, increasing some resources is more effective than others.
    • Like normal construction, resources should be increased by step. Those steps are here collapsed in the recipes table below.
    • Unless capped, it is not recommended to increase the   DevMats cost.
  • Unless stated otherwise having more construction docks empty increases the rate.
    • That means LSC should not be done one after another because the "in construction" docks will decrease the rate.
15001500200010001Recommended recipe
  • Unlike other recipes, the number of free docks should be minimum (ideally 1).
Yamato-class (& Bismarck / Warspite)
336055006750195020Minimum recipe
[Show resource steps]
  • Increasing   ammo is more effective than   fuel
  •   Bauxite should not be increased above 2700, else the recipe will fall on the carrier pool.
336069007000195020Recommended recipe
  • This recipe should be used first if neither Yamato nor Musashi are in possession.
  • If Musashi is constructed first, use the "Yamato only" recipe below for Yamato instead.
  • Using the adequate secretary with those recipes can construct Bismarck or Warspite.
    • Note that it will greatly reduced the rate of both Yamato and Musashi.
Yamato only (& Zara)
30004340467016901Minimum recipe
[Show resource steps]
  • Increasing   ammo and   steel is more effective than   fuel
  •   Bauxite should not be increased above 2800, else the recipe will fall on the carrier pool.
  •   DevMats should not be increased, else the recipe will fall on the heavy pool.
30006000600016901Recommended recipe
  • The above Yamasushi recipe should be used first if neither Yamato nor Musashi are in possession.
  • Using the adequate secretary with those recipes can construct Zara.
    • Note that it will greatly reduced the rate of Yamato.
Taihou (& Saratoga / Ark Royal)
36701950425052001Minimum recipe
[Show resource steps]
  • Increasing   steel and   bauxite is more effective than   fuel and   ammo.
  • Increasing   DevMat is possible but not recommended unless at the cap.
40001950500060001Recommended recipe
  • Using the adequate secretary with those recipes can construct Saratoga or Ark Royal.
    • Note that it will greatly reduced the rate of Taihou.
28804160456016901Recommended recipe (& minimum)
  • Unlike other rare ships, I-401 is not at the beginning of the pool (as Yamato is).
    • So the best recipe is the minimum one.
Kamoi & Akitsu Maru
36701950425052001Recommended recipe (& minimum)
  • Unlike other rare ships, Kamoi and Akitsu Maru are not at the beginning of the pool (as Taihou is).
    • So the best recipe is the minimum one.
  • For Kamoi, the number of free docks should be a minimum (ideally 1).
  • For Akitsu Maru, the number of free docks should be maximum.
  • Akitsu Maru is available in other pools but her rate is the highest in the carrier pool.

Old Empirical Recipes

          Focused Ship Crafting rate Sample size Helper? Notes
Any Any Any Any Any Maruyu 14.9 % with 1.5/1.5/2/1
6.2 % with 4/6/6/2
- Using fewer resources increases the rate
1500 1500 2000 1000 1 Nagato-class
3.2 % Nagato; 6.2 % Mutsu
2.1 % Mikuma; 3.0 % Suzuya; 3.2 % Kumano
3.2 % Agano; 2.1 % Noshiro; 1.7 % Yahagi
25 000
4000 2000 5000 7000 20 Taihou 5.5 % 7 062
4000 2000 5000 6000 20 Taihou 5.7 % 4 721
4000 2000 5000 5200 20 Taihou 5.0 % 15 165
3600 2000 5300 5200 20 Taihou 4.6 % 717 Lacking data
3600 2000 5300 5200 1 Akitsu Maru 7.0 % 717 Lacking data
4000 2000 5000 5500 20 Taihou
Akitsu Maru
6.0 % Taihou
8.6 % Akitsu Maru
909 Lacking data
4000 6000 6000 3000 20 Yamato-class
Yamato focus
2.7 % Yamato
2.9 % Musashi
23 902
Bismarck 2.4 % 4 064 ✔️ Yamato-class possible
4000 7000 7000 2000 20 Yamato-class
Musashi focus
2.7 % Yamato
5.8 % Musashi
10 117
Bismarck 1.1 % 4 628 ✔️ Yamato-class possible
4000 7000 7000 2000 1 I-401
4.1 % I-401
3.2 % Yamato
4 547
6000 7000 7000 2000 20 Yamato-class
Musashi focus
2.7 % Yamato
7.2 % Musashi
9 975
4000 6000 7000 2000 20 Yamato-class
Bismarck focus
1.9 % Yamato
3.5 % Musashi
17 498 Should uses Bismarck's helpers
6.9% Bismarck 11 683 ✔️
4000 6000 6000 2000 20 Yamato-class 2.4 % Yamato
2.6 % Musashi
1.3 % I-401
57 104 Most Reported
Bismarck 2.5 % 19 000 ✔️
4000 6000 6000 2000 1 I-401
4.3 % I-401
2.5 % Yamato
30 200
4000 5900 6000 2000 1 I-401 4.3 % 1 324 Lacking data
4000 7000 7000 3000 1 I-401 6.9 % 306 Lacking data
3000 4500 4500 2000 20 Zara 3.3 % 3627 ✔️
3500 3500 6000 6000 20 Kamoi 1.5 % 4796
4000 2000 5000 6000
20 Kamoi
2.8 % Kamoi
2.0 % Saratoga
19 350 ✔️
7000 7000 7000 3000 20 Warspite 1.9% 161 ✔️ Lacking data
4000 2000 5000 5200 20 Ark Royal ? % N/A ✔️ Lacking data
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Kashima ? % N/A Lacking data
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Hayasui ? % N/A Lacking data
  • Based on Poi-Statistics.
  • Kancolle DB reports include all development materials and Secretary used. This is especially noticeable for BB recipes where the number of attempts with/without Z1/Z3 skew the results towards either Bismarck or Yamato-class significantly. However, since the data sets are still significantly less biased than wikiwiki reports, it gives a better idea of what to expect.

See Also