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No.009 飛龍

Hiryuu Class Aircraft Carrier

Icon HP.png HP 50 Icon Gun.png Firepower 0 (29)
Icon Armor.png Armor 27 (49) Icon Torpedo.png Torpedo 0
Icon Evasion.png Evasion 37 (69) Icon AA.png AA 26 (69)
Icon Aircraft.png Aircraft 64 Icon ASW.png ASW 0
Icon Speed.png Speed High Icon LOS.png LOS 42 (69)
Icon Range.png Range Short Icon Luck.png Luck 35 (89)
Fuel.pngFuel no data Ammunition.pngAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
04:10:00 4
Stock Equipment Icon Aircraft.pngSpace
Type 21 Zero Fighter 12
Type 99 Dive Bomber 27
Type 97 Torpedo Bomber 18
-Unequipped- 7


Hiryuu Kai

No.009 飛龍改

Hiryuu Class Aircraft Carrier

Icon HP.png HP 65 Icon Gun.png Firepower 0 (39)
Icon Armor.png Armor 35 (69) Icon Torpedo.png Torpedo 0
Icon Evasion.png Evasion 37 (79) Icon AA.png AA 30 (79)
Icon Aircraft.png Aircraft 73 Icon ASW.png ASW 0
Icon Speed.png Speed High Icon LOS.png LOS 46 (89)
Icon Range.png Range Short Icon Luck.png Luck 40 (89)
Fuel.pngFuel no data Ammunition.pngAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
Lv30 Remodel 4
Stock Equipment Icon Aircraft.pngSpace
Type 52 Zero Fighter 18
Suisei (Comet) 27
Type 97 Torpedo Bomber 18
-Unequipped- 10

Second Upgrade

Hiryuu Kai Ni

No.196 飛龍改二

Hiryuu Class Aircraft Carrier

196 Card.jpg
Icon HP.png HP 67 Icon Gun.png Firepower 0 (64)
Icon Armor.png Armor 37 (76) Icon Torpedo.png Torpedo 0
Icon Evasion.png Evasion 40 (82) Icon AA.png AA 33 (82)
Icon Aircraft.png Aircraft 79 Icon ASW.png ASW 0
Icon Speed.png Speed High Icon LOS.png LOS 52 (89)
Icon Range.png Range Short Icon Luck.png Luck 50 (92)
Fuel.pngFuel no data Ammunition.pngAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
Lv77 Remodel 4
Stock Equipment Icon Aircraft.pngSpace
Type 21 Zero Fighter (Skilled) 18
Type 99 Dive Bomber (Skilled) 36
Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (Tomonaga Squadron) 22
-Unequipped- 3


Event Japanese English Note
航空母艦飛龍です。空母戦ならお任せ。どんな苦境でも戦えます I'm aircraft carrier Hiryuu. Leave the carrier battles to me, I can fight on against any and all adversity. Hiryuu was the only carrier left after American air raid during Midway and her attack damaged CV Yorktown which was later sank.
Library Intro

…ん?蒼龍型改じゃないかって?いいじゃん、そんなこと。 それより、索敵は大切にねッ。 空母戦は先手必勝!慢心はダメ、ゼッタイ。 慎重に、そして、大胆に戦い抜こうよ!

Hiryuu-class aircraft carrier, Hiryuu. Huh? Am I not an improved version of the Souryuu-class, you say? Don't worry about the details. More importantly, scouting is paramount. In carrier warfare, the first to strike wins! Don't let pride blind you. Let's carefully, and also boldly, fight on through! The second sentence is a reference to historians differing as to whether or not she is of her own Hiryuu-class or if she is a modified member of the Souryuu-class.
ん?敵空母が現れましたか? Hm? Has an enemy carrier appeared?
めっ!艦載機が落ちちゃいますから Don't (do that)! The planes will drop off.
多聞丸に怒られますよ? Tamon-maru is going get mad at you. "Tamon-maru" was nickname of Tamon Yamaguchi, 2nd Carrier Div. commander.
たまには…そう、たまには…戦いを忘れてもいいよね? ね、こっち見てよ。うん、好きだな、その笑顔♪ Sometimes… yeah, sometimes… you can forget about the fighting, you know? Hey, look over here. Yeah, I like it, that kind of face♪
Show player's score
赤煉瓦から提督に連絡があるみたい。 Looks like the Red Brick has something to say to you. The Red Brick referred to IJN headquarter office.
Joining a fleet
よし、二航戦出撃します! Alright, 2nd Carrier Division launching!
よし、これなら一航戦にも負けませんね。 Yes, with this we won't lose behind 1st Division.
やったぁ!これでもっと戦える! All right! I can fight on with this!
どうよ! How's that?
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP
ちょっと飛行甲板を補修するね I'm going to do some light repair on my flight deck.
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
やれやれ。まっ、たまには休養も必要よね Good grief. Well sometimes you just need go into dock.
Ship construction
建造完了です。良い船だと良いですね。 Construction completed. Hopefully she's a good one.
Return from sortie
艦隊が帰投しました。次はMI作戦ですか? The fleet has returned. Is Operation MI next? Operation MI refers to IJN's Midway invasion.
Start a sortie
徹底的に叩きます。索敵も念入りにね。 We'll strike thoroughly. Mind the recce.
Battle start
第一次攻撃隊、発艦! First wave, commence launching!
Air battle
例え最後の一艦になっても、叩いてみせます。 I'll strike on even if I'm the last one standing! ...and she did.
Contact on enemy vessels, ready for battle.
Second attack required. Hurry!
Alright Tomonaga Squadron, I'm counting on you.
"Second attack required" comes from Takeichi Tomonaga, Hiryuu attacker squadron commander's telegram; same with Tomonaga Sq.
Night battle
よし!友永隊、頼んだわよ! Alright! Tomonaga Squadron, I'm counting on you!
Night attack
どうよ!ね、多聞丸、見ててくれた? How was that! Were you watching, Tamon-maru?
Minor damaged(1)
この程度ならかすり傷よっ It's just a scratch!
Minor damaged(2)
痛っ…まだ、発着艦は出来る? Ouch! Is it still safe to take off and land?
≥Moderately damaged
やられたっ…誘爆を防いで! I'm hit, watch out for explosions.
沈むのね…最後に月を肴に一杯やるかな… I'm going to sink... Time to have a drink with the moon... "Have a drink..." is said to be coming from Admiral Yamaguchi and Hiryuu Captain's last conversation.


Voiced by: Sumire Uesaka

Illustrated by: Shibafu (しばふ)


Souryuu and Hiryuu, being originally designed as sister ships, share many similarities. Namely, they wear color-differentiated versions of the same clothes.

Hiryuu wears a yellow kimono top, with the bottom of the sleeves fading to gray with red stripes. Her bottom is a green pleated skirt. She also wears a flight deck apron like Akagi and Kaga (The kana "ヒ" is inscribed on it). Her full flight deck is attached to her left arm. Unlike most other archer carriers, she doesn't wear muneate.

She has short brown hair.




  • Exceptionally high luck as she was the only survivor in Midway while Akagi, Kaga and Souryuu all sank by US air raid and her planes raided and indirectly sank US Carrier Yorktown (Hiryuu herself was later sank, too. Yorktown was damaged by Hiryuu's attack and later sank together with DD Hammann by I-168's torpedoes).
  • The hole on her Kai Ni's flight deck in her CG when she gets damaged is a reference to the damage her real-life counterpart sustained when she was targeted by planes from the USS Enterprise, USS Hornet and survivors of USS Yorktown taken in by the former two. She was struck by bombs that caused the forward portion of her flight deck to cave in. Although her propulsion was unaffected and she wasn't holed, the fires from the attack were uncontrollable. She was scuttled by torpedoes from Makigumo and it took some time before she sunk as reported by one of Houshou's aircraft.
  • Her planes were responsible for sinking the USS Arizona during the Attack on Pearl Harbor.
  • Scuttled after the Battle of Midway, 5 June 1942
  • The main character of Capcom's Strider, Strider Hiryuu, is named after this ship. Interestingly, both characters' names share the same kanji.
  • Received her Kai Ni on 06/06/2014

See Also