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>Roadside Picnic
>Roadside Picnic
m (Had changed "Surigao Strait" to "Leyte Gulf". While both are technically true I hand't realized "Surigao Strait" was actually the more specific of the two, so I changed it back. My mistake.)
Line 251: Line 251:
*She speaks boyish tone, wears shorts, and has frank character.
*She speaks boyish tone, wears shorts, and has frank character.
*Scuttled 25 October 1944 after [[wikipedia:Battle_of_Leyte_Gulf#The_Battle_of_Surigao_Strait_.2825_October.29|Battle of Leyte Gulf]] at [http://tools.wmflabs.org/geohack/geohack.php?pagename=Japanese_cruiser_Mogami_%281934%29&params=09_40_N_124_50_E_ 09°40′N 124°50′E]
*Scuttled 25 October 1944 after [[wikipedia:Battle_of_Leyte_Gulf#The_Battle_of_Surigao_Strait_.2825_October.29|Battle of Surigao Strait]] at [http://tools.wmflabs.org/geohack/geohack.php?pagename=Japanese_cruiser_Mogami_%281934%29&params=09_40_N_124_50_E_ 09°40′N 124°50′E]
==<span style="font-size:20px;line-height:22px;">See Also</span>==
==<span style="font-size:20px;line-height:22px;">See Also</span>==

Revision as of 04:57, 22 December 2014




No.51 最上

Mogami Class Heavy Cruiser

Icon HP.png HP 41 Icon Gun.png Firepower 40 (59)
Icon Armor.png Armor 31 (59) Icon Torpedo.png Torpedo 18 (69)
Icon Evasion.png Evasion 35 (69) Icon AA.png AA 20 (59)
Icon Aircraft.png Aircraft 6 Icon ASW.png ASW 0
Icon Speed.png Speed Fast Icon LOS.png LOS 14 (39)
Icon Range.png Range Medium Icon Luck.png Luck 10 (49)
Fuel.pngFuel no data Ammunition.pngAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
1:30:00 3
Stock Equipment Icon Aircraft.pngSpace
15.5cm Triple Gun Mount (Main) 2
Type 0 Recon Seaplane 2
-Unequipped- 2
-Locked- -


Mogami Kai

No.101 最上改

Mogami Class Aviation Cruiser

Icon HP.png HP 50 Icon Gun.png Firepower 24 (75)
Icon Armor.png Armor 37 (71) Icon Torpedo.png Torpedo 18 (69)
Icon Evasion.png Evasion 35 (69) Icon AA.png AA 20 (59)
Icon Aircraft.png Aircraft 19 Icon ASW.png ASW 0
Icon Speed.png Speed Fast Icon LOS.png LOS 22 (59)
Icon Range.png Range Medium Icon Luck.png Luck 10 (59)
Fuel.pngFuel no data Ammunition.pngAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
Lv10 Remodel 4
Stock Equipment Icon Aircraft.pngSpace
20.3cm Twin Gun Mount 5
Zuiun (Auspicious Clouds) 6
Type 0 Recon Seaplane 5
-Unequipped- 3

  • Mogami can upgrade at level 10.


Heavy Cruiser

Event Japanese English Note
ボクが最上さ。大丈夫、今度は衝突しないって。ホントだよ。 I'm Mogami. It's alright, I won't collide with anyone this time. Really! While part of Cruiser Division 7 and en-route to Midway, a US ship spotted the group and the command was given to make a 45° turn to avoid possible torpedoes. The third ship in line, the Mikuma, in front of the Mogami, accidentally made a 90° turn. This resulted in a collision which left the Mogami heavily damaged. A year later, she collided with a oil tanker in Tokyo Bay. The Nachi's collision with her ultimately caused her sinking.
Library Intro
重巡洋艦、最上型のネームシップ、最上だよ。三連主砲がいい感じでしょ?そうそう、ボク、ちょっと他の艦とよくブツかっちゃう癖があるんだけど、なんでだろう? I'm the heavy cruiser Mogami-class nameship, Mogami. Aren't Three-barreled main guns great?

Yeah, yeah, I've got a habit of bumping into the other ships, I wonder why?

Possible irony, triple 155mm turrets were used due to the Washington Naval Treaty. She changed back to the usual twin 8 inches found on heavy cruisers after upgrading.
ん?提督、何? Huh? what, Admiral?
提督は寂しがり屋だなぁ The Admirals a loner, huh...
あんまりしつこいと、僕、ちょっと怒っちゃうぞ If you're too persistent, I'll get a bit mad, you know.
ああ、提督?なんか後ろの主砲が違和感あるんだよね。ね、ちょっと背中見てくれる?あ、あそこそこ…って、違うよ! Ah, Admiral? Somehow, my rear cannon feels a bit off. Hey, could you take a quick look? Yeah, that's the spot… hey, that's not it!
Show player's score
提督に電文が入っているよ Telegram for the Admiral!
Joining a fleet
最上、出撃するよ Mogami, setting off!
うぇ?僕? Eh? Me?
どう?僕に似合っているかな How's it? Suits me, yeah?
僕を強くしてくれるのかい? I'm getting stronger, yeah?
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
僕を強くしてくれるのかい? I'm getting stronger, yeah?
Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP
いやいや、衝突の傷じゃないから。 No, this isn't collision... damage... Mogami also collided with Nachi during the battle of Surigao Strait. It really was a habit of hers.
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
ちょっと、後ろの主砲が壊れてしまったね。 Dang, my stern cannons got damaged a little bit.
Ship construction
新しい仲間が来たね A new friend is here!
Return from sortie
艦隊が帰ってきたね The fleet's back
Start a sortie
僕についてきてよ I'm heading out!
Battle start
さあ始めるよ、いーい? Hey, is it okay to start now?
Air battle
敵艦発見、撃てェ! Enemy spotted, fiiire!
Night battle
衝突しないようにしないと I'd better not have a collision... Refer to Introduction and Docking notes
Night attack
来るなら来い If you're gonna come, come!
僕が一番なの?ふーん、そう…ま、素直に嬉しいよ、ありがとう! I'm number one? Hmm, yeah... to be frank, I'm happy, thanks!
Minor damaged(1)
いったたた… Owwwww...
Minor damaged(2)
いったた…ボクを怒らせたね! Oww..! You've made me mad..!
≥Moderately damaged
くぅ…!これじゃあ戦闘続行は難しいよ… Argh! This'll make it hard to keepgoing on... (Going on with the battle)
僕も沈むんだね…仕方ないか… I'm sinking too... was it inevitable?...

Aviation Cruiser

Event Japanese English Note
提督、また会ったね、最上だよ。僕の飛行甲板どう?似合ってる? We meet again, Admiral. It's Mogami. How's my flight deck? Does it suit me?
Library Intro
最上型重巡洋艦1番艦。最上の後部主砲を全て取り払って、代わりに水上機を運用する航空甲板を設置した、航空巡洋艦だよ。水上機母艦並の航空力と火力、どうよ! 1st of the Mogami-class heavy cruisers. By taking off my stern cannons, and replacing them with a aviation deck, the Aviation Cruiser was developed! Equal fire and air power, howzat!
航空甲板が気になるのかい? You interested in my flight deck?
提督、ボクに何か用? Admiral, have you got something for me to do?
いやぁ、まぁ、空母とは違うんだけどね。結構うまく使えば面白いと思うんだよね Yeaaah, well, I am different from the regular carriers. If you use me well, I think it'll be interesting, you know?
ボクがすぐぶつかっちゃうのは、提督ばかり見てるからさ!なんてね! I'm always crashing because I've only got eyes for you, Admiral! Just kidding!
提督、どうしたんだい?そんなに見つめてさ。ボクの航空甲板になにかおかしなもの載ってる? Admiral, wassup? What's with that look? Is there something up with my flight deck?
Show player's score
提督にお知らせみたいだよ Looks like there's a notice for the Admiral
Joining a fleet
航空巡洋艦 最上、出撃するよ Aviation cruiser Mogami, launching!
うふっボクをますます強くしてくれるの? Ooh, you're gonna make me even stronger?
これをこうして使うのか・・・へー So you use it like this... huh~
衝突禁止! Collisions are a no-no!
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
うふっボクをますます強くしてくれるの? Ooh, you're gonna make me even stronger?
Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP
修理に入るよ。…しっかし、どうして味方同士でぶつかるかな…ったくもぉ… Going in for repairs. Why do I keep running into friends...? This sucks...
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
あ~あ…せっかくの航空甲板が台無しだよ、もぉ… Aaah... my long-awaited flight deck came to nothing, damnit...
Ship construction
新しい仲間がきたよ A new friend has come!
Return from sortie
作戦が終わった艦隊が戻って来たね The operation is over, the fleet has come back
Start a sortie
出るの?そう来なくっちゃ Heading out? Now you're talking!
Battle start


Air battle
五月雨をあつめて早し・・・って芭蕉だっけ? Gathering the rains of the wet season swiftl.... Basho, right? From Matsuo Basho's Haiku. "Samidare wo atsumete hayashi mogamigawa"

The Haiku was written in memorial of Basho's time travelling the Mogami River.




Too weak!

(甘い lit. naive, but that doesn't TL too well for warships...)
Night battle
よーし、ボクも突撃するぞー! Alriight, I'm gonna charge too!
Night attack
これが航空巡洋艦の実力さ。ヘリ搭載護衛艦の先駆けのような僕だからね This is my true power, dude. 'cause I'm something like the pioneer of the helicopter destroyers, you know? Helicopter destroyers, are primary carriers of Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (Haruna class, Shirane class, Hyuuga class, Izumo class).
Minor damaged(1)
しまったっ!火災発生!? Crap! I'm on fire?!
Minor damaged(2)
うあっ!? Wha!?
≥Moderately damaged
くそ...ちょくげきかよ...冗談じゃないよ! Damnit! A direct hit... that's no joke...
うぅ…あの世で三隈に、詫び入れるかなぁ… Ugh...I wonder if I can apologize to Mikuma in the other world...


See Also