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===Second upgrade===
===Second upgrade===
<p style="font-size:14px;">{{shipinfo
| name=Hatsuharu Kai Ni
| name=Hatsuharu Kai Ni
| japanesename=初春改二
| japanesename=初春改二

Revision as of 10:01, 10 October 2014




No.75 初春

Hatsuharu Class Destroyer

Health HP 16 Firepower Firepower 10 (29)
Armor Armor 6 (19) Torpedo Attack Torpedo 27 (79)
Evasion Evasion 43 (89) Anti-Air AA 12 (39)
Aircraft Aircraft 0 Anti-Submarine Warfare ASW 21 (49)
Speed Speed Fast Line of Sight LOS 5 (19)
Range Range Short Luck Luck 12 (49)
FuelFuel no data AmmunitionAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
20:00 2
Stock Equipment
12.7cm Twin Gun Mount
61cm Triple Torpedo Mount


Hatsuharu Kai

No.75 初春改

Hatsuharu Class Destroyer

Health HP 30 Firepower Firepower 12 (49)
Armor Armor 13 (49) Torpedo Attack Torpedo 28 (79)
Evasion Evasion 45 (89) Anti-Air AA 15 (49)
Aircraft Aircraft 0 Anti-Submarine Warfare ASW 24 (59)
Speed Speed Fast Line of Sight LOS 7 (39)
Range Range Short Luck Luck 12 (59)
FuelFuel no data AmmunitionAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
Lv20 Remodel 3
Stock Equipment
10cm Twin High-angle Mount
61cm Quad Torpedo Mount

Second upgrade

Hatsuharu Kai Ni

No.204 初春改二

Hatsuharu Class Destroyer

Health HP 31 Firepower Firepower 13 (52)
Armor Armor 13 (51) Torpedo Attack Torpedo 32 (88)
Evasion Evasion 48 (?) Anti-Air AA 23 (73)
Aircraft Aircraft 0 Anti-Submarine Warfare ASW 24 (?)
Speed Speed Fast Line of Sight LOS ?
Range Range Short Luck Luck 16 (?)
FuelFuel no data AmmunitionAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
Lv65 Remodel 3
Stock Equipment
12.7cm Twin Mount Type-B Kai 2
Type 13 AIR RADAR Kai
25mm Triple Autocannon Mount


Event Japanese English Note
わらわが初春じゃ。よろしく頼みますぞ。 We are Hatsuharu. We thank you in advance. Speaks in old-fashioned dame tone. TL Note - using royal 'we' to indicate the 'classical' nature of her speech; it is archaic and upper-class.
Library Intro

わらわは、北方部隊に所属。戦雲渦巻くアッツやキスカなどの北方海域で活躍したぞ。 北海道周辺も好きな海域じゃな。マニラ湾やオルモック・・・?ああ、熱いところは苦手じゃ。

We are the 1st Hatsuharu-class destroyer, Hatsuharu.

We were attached to the Northern Force. As the clouds of war gathers, we did out duty in the Northern seas at such places as Attu and Kiska. The seas around Hokkaido are our favourite, no? The Gulf of Manila and Ormoc... Ah, we are weak to the heat.

Hatsuharu was put under Adm. Hosogaya for Operation AL.

She sunk in Manila Bay from fires caused by bombing.

なんぞ、気になることでも? Oh, are you interested in us?
ふむ。妾をそうして慕うとよいぞ Yes, this is how you should be treating us. (妾 in classical JP is わらわ ('I'), not mistress)
この罰当たりめ!少しは落ち着いたらどうじゃ? You graceless swine! Can you not calm down a little?
初春、なんぞ、めでたいのう。 The first spring is somehow joyful, no? (Not sure if name or noun...)
貴様ぁ…っ!?ななな…な…!?…わ…妾にそのような、破廉恥な言葉を…。……は…恥を知れ!恥を… You…!? W-w-w-w-aaa! To expose us to such shameful words! Shame on you! For shame…
Show player's score
貴様になんぞ、文が届いておるのう There is something for you, a correspondence, perchance?
Joining a fleet
初春、推して参るぞ! Hatsuharu, casting off!
ふむ。また強くなったのう Yes. We are getting ever stronger, no?
今までの艤装では物足りないというのか?ぜーたくじゃのう Did you not say that the equipment up to now was not quite up to par? (The Hatsuharu-class introduced new technology to the IJN fleet)
初春、なんぞ…目出度いのう We are, somehow... joyful.
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP
うむ、少し落ち着いたのじゃ。 Yes, we shall take a small respite.
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
この工廠は、腕の良い職人がおるのう。安心じゃ。 This arsenal has such skilled craftsman, we are unperturbed. (As in Naval Arsenal [海軍工廠])
Ship construction
新しい艦娘が参ったようじゃのう A new ship is complete, perchance?
Return from sortie
艦隊が帰投したようじゃぞ。勝利かや? It appears that the fleet has returned. Surely, a triumph?
Start a sortie
初春、出撃じゃな Hatsuharu, sallying forth.
Battle start
ゆくぞ!砲雷撃戦、用意! Tally ho! Naval engagement, commencing!
Air battle
ふふっ、わらわには見える Hmmhmm, We can see it.
Night battle
いよいよ…妾の本領発揮じゃ! At long last... We shall demonstrate our true purpose!
Night attack
始末してくれるわ! We shall dispose of them!
この勝利、わらわの力ではない。皆の働きあってのことじゃ This triumph, it was not solely due to our efforts. Everyone did their part.
Minor damaged(1)
くっ、やられただと!? Geh... We are hit!
Minor damaged(2)
この初春の怒りを買ったようじゃのう! Verily, you shall experience our wrath!
≥Moderately damaged
まだまだ…この程度では沈まぬぞ! 'Tis by a scratch! We shall not sink from just this!
わらわも…沈む…か We are... sinking?


  • Sunk in action, November 13, 1944 in Manila Bay, Philippines (14°35′N 120°50′E)
  • Her name means "the beginning of Spring"
  • The Hatsuharu class were originally intended to number a dozen, but Hatsuharu was found to be top-heavy.  Nenohi and Hatsuharu were completed and then modified to fix the issue, Wakaba and Hatsushimo were modified during construction (thus their different uniforms).  (Ariake and Yugure, the last two, had barely been begun, and so were constructed differently).  The remaining planned six ships became the first six ships of the Shiratsuyu class.
  • According to the official twitter posts, she will recieve her Kai 2 after the 10/10 maintenance and update.

See Also