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(→‎Quote (Upgrade): added note)
Line 175: Line 175:
|EN2 = Admiral. Are you really that interested in my hurricane bow?
|EN2 = Admiral. Are you really that interested in my hurricane bow?
|EN3 = Martyrs... something I do not like to say. As much as I'd like to avoid saying it, it is a war we're currently in.
|EN3 = Martyrs... something I do not like to say. As much as I'd like to avoid saying it, it is a war we're currently in.
||Note3 She is referring to the kamikaze pilots.
|EN4 = Yes, the anti-air weaponry is also state-of-the-art. I'll take on however many that comes!
|EN4 = Yes, the anti-air weaponry is also state-of-the-art. I'll take on however many that comes!
|EN4a = Admiral! Making me wait... I won't say anymore. Training and planning are important. Shall we sortie once we are properly ready?
|EN4a = Admiral! Making me wait... I won't say anymore. Training and planning are important. Shall we sortie once we are properly ready?
Line 205: Line 206:
|EN22 = Argh! M-my fuel! Gotta make sure it doesn't ignite!|撃沈時(反転) = どんなに装甲しても…沈むときは沈むのね…。でも…今度は暴れて見せたでしょ…?私は…満足…です…
|EN22 = Argh! M-my fuel! Gotta make sure it doesn't ignite!|撃沈時(反転) = どんなに装甲しても…沈むときは沈むのね…。でも…今度は暴れて見せたでしょ…?私は…満足…です…
|EN23 = No matter how thick the armour... you will sink when the time comes, huh... However, you saw me going wild, didn't you? Good... I'm... satisfied.}}
|EN23 = No matter how thick the armour... you will sink when the time comes, huh... However, you saw me going wild, didn't you? Good... I'm... satisfied.}}
===Hourly Notifications===
===Hourly Notifications===

Revision as of 09:41, 24 January 2014




No.153 大鳳

Taihou Class Armored Aircraft Carrier

Icon HP.png HP 67 Icon Gun.png Firepower 0 (49)
Icon Armor.png Armor 40 (79) Icon Torpedo.png Torpedo 0
Icon Evasion.png Evasion 33 (57) Icon AA.png AA 42 (79)
Icon Aircraft.png Aircraft 61 Icon ASW.png ASW 0
Icon Speed.png Speed High Icon LOS.png LOS 47 (74)
Icon Range.png Range Short Icon Luck.png Luck 2
Fuel.pngFuel no data Ammunition.pngAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
06:40:00 4
Stock Equipment Icon Aircraft.pngSpace
Type 62 Zero Fighter (Bomber) 18
Suisei 18
Tenzan 18
-Unequipped- 7


Taihou Kai

No.156 大鳳改

Taihou Class Armored Aircraft Carrier

Icon HP.png HP 70 Icon Gun.png Firepower 10 (59)
Icon Armor.png Armor 57 (84) Icon Torpedo.png Torpedo 0
Icon Evasion.png Evasion 44 (59) Icon AA.png AA 52 (86)
Icon Aircraft.png Aircraft 86 Icon ASW.png ASW 0
Icon Speed.png Speed High Icon LOS.png LOS 60 (77)
Icon Range.png Range Short Icon Luck.png Luck 4
Fuel.pngFuel no data Ammunition.pngAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
Lv40 Remodel 4
Stock Equipment Icon Aircraft.pngSpace
Reppuu 30
Ryuusei 24
10cm Twin High-Angle Cannon (Improved) 24
-Unequipped- 8

Quote (Basic)

Event Japanese English Note

出迎え、ありがとうございます。 提督…貴方と機動部隊に勝利を!

Yes... I am Taihou.

Thank you for your reception. Admiral... I shall bring victory to you and your mobile squads!

Library Intro

飛行甲板まで十分な防御を施された最新鋭の正規空母です。密閉型の格納庫も素敵でしょ? え? ガスが溜りやすい…ですって…失礼しちゃう。こ、今度は絶対に大丈夫!

I'm the Armoured Carrier, Taihou.

I'm the newest and most advanced standard carrier that is armed to the flight deck. Aren't these enclosed hangars great? Hmm? You say that gas builds up easily? How rude. I-it'll be fine this time round!

Taihou was sunk by a buildup of combustible gas which caused several internal explosions that sank her.
はい。最近式の密閉型の格納庫です。流星でも烈風でも問題ありません。 Yes, these are the newest enclosed hangars. I can fit Ryuuseis and Reppu's with no problem.
提督。大鳳の装甲甲板、気になりますか? Admiral. Are you interested in my armoured flight deck?
そんなに、甲板の色が気になるの?…提督の顔が近くて…私の方が、気になるわ。 Are you really that interested in the colour of my flight deck? Your face is close... it's making me feel awkward.
提督!この大鳳を待たせるなんて・・・なんて言わないわ。訓練や戦略は大事。十分に準備してから出撃しましょ? Admiral! Making me wait... I won't say anymore. Training and planning are important. Shall we sortie once we are properly ready?
Show player's score
提督!ご報告です。 Admiral! A report for you.
Joining a fleet
今日はいい風…。正規空母大鳳、出撃します! This is a good wind... Standard Carrier Taihou, heading out!
うん…悪くないわね Hmm... not bad.
いいじゃない! 助かるわ This is great! Much appreciated.
いい風ね A nice wind.
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
万全の補給と訓練があれば、七面鳥などとは言わせないわ! With proper supplies and training, they won't call us turkeys! A reference to the Battle of Philippne Sea where Taihou sunk. The untrained and underequipped Japanese air force was slaughtered by the Americans, who nicknamed the battle "Great Marianas Turkey Shoot".
Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP
You're right. A small wound may end up a fatal one. See: How Taihou sunk
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
It's important to use this time to carry out some proper repairs.
Ship construction
新造艦の建造が終わったわ! Construction of a new ship has been completed!
Return from sortie
作戦完了! 艦隊、泊地に帰還しました Campaign complete! The fleet has returned to base.
Start a sortie
皆いい?行くわよ?第一機動部隊、出撃! Everyone ready? We're going out. First mobile squadron, sortieing!
Battle start
最新鋭の装甲空母の本当の戦い、見せてあげる! I'll show you the true strength of the newest and most advanced armoured carrier!
Air battle
烈風と流星…。この編隊を見たかったの…! Reppu and Ryuusei. I wanted to see this squadron!



My brilliant pilots will show you what they're made of!


Yes. We shall use this opportunity to annihilate them!

Night battle
そうね。この際、徹底的に撃滅しましょう! Yes. We shall use this opportunity to annihilate them!
Night attack
提督、貴方と勝利を刻むって言ったでしょ? 負けないわ! Admiral, did I not promise you victory? I won't lose!
Minor damaged(1)
This level of damage would not faze me!
Minor damaged(2)
Hah! E-explosion?! My Tankers? Are they all right?!
≥Moderately damaged
Argh! M-my fuel! Gotta make sure it doesn't ignite!
また…沈むのね…。でも…今度は暴れて見せたでしょ…?いいわ…。満足…よ。 I'm sinking... again. However, you saw me going wild, didn't you? Good... I'm... satisfied.

Quote (Upgrade)

Event Japanese English Note
おはようございます!改装済み大鳳です!甲板装甲を強化!防御力もさらに向上!提督のために、露天駐機で、艦載機数も充実です! Good morning! It's the remodelled Taihou! Reinforced deck armour! Even higher defence! An increase in open-air planes to boost capacity just for you, admiral!
Library Intro
提督。私のハリケーン・バウ、そんなに気になるの? Admiral. Are you really that interested in my hurricane bow?
未帰還機…って言葉は嫌な言葉よね。なるべくなら出したくないけれど、戦いだから。 Martyrs... something I do not like to say. As much as I'd like to avoid saying it, it is a war we're currently in.
そうね。対空火器も最新式よ。ガンガンかかってらっしゃい! Yes, the anti-air weaponry is also state-of-the-art. I'll take on however many that comes!
提督!この大鳳を待たせるなんて・・・なんて言わないわ。訓練や戦略は大事。十分に準備してから出撃しましょ? Admiral! Making me wait... I won't say anymore. Training and planning are important. Shall we sortie once we are properly ready?
Show player's score
提督、報告書をお読みになりますか? Admiral, have you read the report?
Joining a fleet


Taihou, heading out now! I wonder if everyone is doing fine in Tawi-Tawi?


First Mobile Squad Flagship, Taihou, heading out!

この装備、いいわね! This is good equipment!
気持ち的に、楽になるわね。 This makes me content.
航空燃料漏れには気をつけないと。 Gotta make sure we don't get any fuel leaks.
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
万全の補給と訓練があれば、七面鳥などとは言わせないわ! With proper supplies and training, they won't call us turkeys!
Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP
You're right. A small wound may end up a fatal one.
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
Okay, time to take a long bath once in a while!
Ship construction
新造艦が戦力化したみたい! Seems like a new ship has been added to our forces!
Return from sortie
艦隊が泊地に帰投です。お疲れ様! The fleet has returned to base. Good work!
Start a sortie
皆いい?行くわよ?第一機動部隊、出撃! Everyone ready? We're heading out. First mobile squadron, sortie!
Battle start
さぁ、やるわ!第六○一航空隊、発艦始め! Let's do this! 601st squadron, launch!
Air battle
第一次攻撃隊、全機発艦! First assault squad, all launch!


First assault squad, all launch!


These reinforced decks aren't just for show. Second assault squad, launch!

Night battle
全艦突撃!残敵を掃射します! All ships forward! Wipe the remaining forces out!
Night attack
提督、どう?これが大鳳の、そして私たち機動部隊の本当の力なんです! How's this, Admiral? This is my, and our mobile squadron's true power!
Minor damaged(1)
This level of damage would not faze me!
Minor damaged(2)
Hah! E-explosion?! My Tankers? Are they all right?!
≥Moderately damaged
Argh! M-my fuel! Gotta make sure it doesn't ignite!
どんなに装甲しても…沈むときは沈むのね…。でも…今度は暴れて見せたでしょ…?私は…満足…です… No matter how thick the armour... you will sink when the time comes, huh... However, you saw me going wild, didn't you? Good... I'm... satisfied.

Hourly Notifications

Time Japanese English Note
深夜零時です。今日はこの大鳳が、提督に時間をお知らせするわね Midnight. I, Taihou shall be the one telling you the time today.
マルヒトマルマル ん?一緒に訓練する?いいわ 0100. Hmm? You want to train together? Sure.
マルフタマルマル 最新鋭だからって、そんなじろじろ見られると、困ります! 0200. Even if I'm the newest and most advanced, I'll feel insecure if you keep looking at me like that!
マルサンマルマル 提督、少し仮眠しませんか?え、大丈夫なの? 0300. Admiral, shouldn't you take some sleep? Eh, you'll be fine?
マルヨンマル…マル… はぁー、ふぅー… あっ、わ、私、寝てませんよ!はい! 040...0... Haa... Fuu... Ah, I- I'm not sleeping! Really!
マルゴマルマル 朝です。走り込みから始めましょうか!え、デイリー? 0500. It's morning. Shall we start with some running? Eh, Dailies?
マルロクマルマル 提督、朝御飯は何がいいですか?間宮さんの和定食? 0600. Admiral, what would you like for breakfast? A Japanese meal from Mamiya?
マルナナマルマル 体力作りは基本中の基本です。朝御飯前にまず腹筋ですね 0700. Stamina training is the most basic of basics. Some press ups before breakfast would go well.
マルハチマルマル 朝食、美味しかったですね!さあ、次は筋トレです! 0800. The breakfast was delicious! now for some more muscle training!
マルキュウマルマル 提督、何作戦前から疲れた顔してるんです?大丈夫? 0900. Admiral, why are you looking so tired before we have even started combat? Are you okay?
ヒトマルマルマル さあ、そろそろ本格的に作戦開始ですね! 1000. Now, it's time to really start the fighting!
ヒトヒトマルマル いい感じですね!提督、体力ついてきたんじゃないですか? 1100. That feels nice! Admiral, are you still holding up?
ヒトフタマルマル お昼です。この艦隊では、どんなカレーが出るのかしら 1200. It's noon. I wonder what sort of curry is served in this fleet.
ヒトサンマルマルです ええっ!?秘書艦が持ち回りでカレーを作るんですか? It's 1300. Eh?! It's my turn to make curry, as I'm the secretary this time?!
ヒトヨンマルマル ごめんなさい、すっかり遅くなってしまって… 大鳳カレー…です… 1400. Sorry, this ended up really late... but here's some Taihou curry.
ヒトゴマルマル どうでした?私のカレー。おいしかった…の?よかったぁ! 1500. How was my curry? It was great...? Hurray!
ヒトロクマルマル 夕方は事故が起こりやすいです。気を引き締めていきましょう! 1600. Most accidents occur in the evening. Let's stay vigilant!
ヒトナナマルマルです え!?遠くで爆音が?怖い…怖いですね… 火の用心です! It's 1700. Eh?! An explosion from far away...? That's scary... be careful of fires! Mutsu, is that you?
ヒトハチマルマル あの…すみません…誘爆だけは怖くって… 敵は怖くないんです 1800. Um... my apologies... triggered explosions are the only thing I can't handle... enemies are fine.
ヒトキュウマルマル 提督が、あなたがいるから、今の私は安心してます。本当です 1900. Admiral, as you're here... I've calmed down. It's true.
フタマルマルマル あの彗星のこと?そうね、忘れたことはないわ 2000. That suisei? Yes, I would never forget it. Reference to Warrant Officer Sakio Komatsu who dove his plane into the path of a torpedo heading for Taihou.
フタヒトマルマル もうこんな時間?提督といると時間が経つのが早い、不思議 2100. This late already? Time seems to fly by when I'm with you. It's amazing.
フタフタマルマル 提督、今日のお仕事は終了ですね。夜食はお酒でもどうですか? 2200. Admiral, you're done for the day, aren't you? How about some alcohol with the late night snack?
フタサンマルマル 提督は飲みすぎると…あら? うふふっ、寝顔はかわいいのね、うふふっ 1200. If you drink too much... Oh? Hehe... your sleeping face is adorable. D'ohoh.


Voiced byNoto, Mamiko

Illustrated by: Shimada Humikane





  • Sunk by a single torpedo by USS Albacore during Battle of the Philippine Sea, June 19, 1944
  • Her being sunk six hours after a single torpedo hit is considered really unlucky, all due to inexperience crew, serious design flaws, and poor damage control.

See Also