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(Updated translations.)
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| Note1=
| Note1=
| Library=5500トン級軽巡洋艦、長良型の1番艦、長良よ。ちょっとモデルは古いけど、高速・魚雷発射主兵装・水雷戦隊指揮能力と、駆逐艦仕切るにはバッチリでしょ?ソロモン海での激闘でも奮戦したんだから!
| Library=5500トン級軽巡洋艦、長良型の1番艦、長良よ。ちょっとモデルは古いけど、高速・魚雷発射主兵装・水雷戦隊指揮能力と、駆逐艦仕切るにはバッチリでしょ?ソロモン海での激闘でも奮戦したんだから!
| EN0=5550ton-level light cruiser, first ship of the Nagara-class, Naraga!  I'm a bit of an old model, but I'm a high-speed torpedo-armed team-leading machine, so I'm just perfect to command destroyers, you know? I even fought hard in the difficult Battle of Solomon!
| EN0=5550ton-level light cruiser, first ship of the Nagara-class, Nagara!  I'm a bit of an old model, but I'm a high-speed torpedo-armed team-leading machine, so I'm just perfect to command destroyers, you know? I even fought hard in the difficult Battle of Solomon!
| Note0=
| Note0=
| 秘書クリック会話①=司令官、お疲れさま!
| 秘書クリック会話①=司令官、お疲れさま!

Revision as of 16:41, 29 November 2013




No.42 長良

Nagara Class Light Cruiser

Icon HP.png HP 26 Icon Gun.png Firepower 14 (49)
Icon Armor.png Armor 10 (29) Icon Torpedo.png Torpedo 24 (89)
Icon Evasion.png Evasion 37 (79) Icon AA.png AA 13 (59)
Icon Aircraft.png Aircraft 2 Icon ASW.png ASW 20 (59)
Icon Speed.png Speed Fast Icon LOS.png LOS 8 (39)
Icon Range.png Range Medium Icon Luck.png Luck 10
Fuel.pngFuel no data Ammunition.pngAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
1:00:00 2
Stock Equipment Icon Aircraft.pngSpace
14cm Single Cannon 1
61cm Quad Torpedo 1
-Locked- -
-Locked- -


Nagara Kai

No.42 長良改

Nagara Class Light Cruiser

Icon HP.png HP 43 Icon Gun.png Firepower 24(69)
Icon Armor.png Armor 36(69) Icon Torpedo.png Torpedo 35(89)
Icon Evasion.png Evasion 47(79) Icon AA.png AA 24(69)
Icon Aircraft.png Aircraft 3 Icon ASW.png ASW 35(79)
Icon Speed.png Speed Fast Icon LOS.png LOS 17(49)
Icon Range.png Range Medium Icon Luck.png Luck 12
Fuel.pngFuel no data Ammunition.pngAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
Lv20 Remodel 3
Stock Equipment Icon Aircraft.pngSpace
14cm Single Cannon 1
61cm Quad (Oxygen) Torpedo 1
Zero Recon Seaplane 1
-Locked- -


Event Japanese English CollapseNote
軽巡、長良です。よろしくお願いします! Light Cruiser Nagara! Please take good care of me!
Library Intro
5500トン級軽巡洋艦、長良型の1番艦、長良よ。ちょっとモデルは古いけど、高速・魚雷発射主兵装・水雷戦隊指揮能力と、駆逐艦仕切るにはバッチリでしょ?ソロモン海での激闘でも奮戦したんだから! 5550ton-level light cruiser, first ship of the Nagara-class, Nagara! I'm a bit of an old model, but I'm a high-speed torpedo-armed team-leading machine, so I'm just perfect to command destroyers, you know? I even fought hard in the difficult Battle of Solomon!
司令官、お疲れさま! Commander, thanks for the hard work!
今日の走り込み、終わりました! Done my miles for the day! (Nagara uses a lot of 'athlete-y' lines; maybe from her high-speed, the Nagara river running course or the Nagara marathon?)
司令官も気になります?最近ちょっと脚の筋肉がつきすぎちゃって… The commander is interested too? I've been working on my legs recently...
Show player's score
司令官、お手紙ですよ Commander, it's a letter.
Joining a fleet
よし来たー!まかせといて! It's time! Leave it to me!
よおし、コンディション最高! Al~right! My condition is excellent!
ん~!体が軽い!ありがと! Mhm! My body is light. Thank You!
やったぁ! I did it!
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP
It's a slight muscle pain.
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
Sorry... I'm in bad shape.
Ship construction
新人が入ってきますね! Newbies are here!
Return from sortie
作戦終了で、艦隊が帰ってきたよ The operation's over, the fleet's back.
Start a sortie
水雷戦隊、出撃よ!腕が鳴るわ! Torpedo squadron, sortieing! I'm itching for a fight!
Battle start
敵艦発見!砲雷撃戦、用意! Enemy ship found! Torpedoes, ready!
Air battle
遅い!全っ然遅い! Slow! Way too slow!
Night battle
追撃します!逃げる隙など与えません! Pursuing! I won't give you a gap to break through!
Night attack
長良の脚についてこれる? Can you keep up with Nagara's legs?
勝利勝利大勝利!最高の響きよね! V-I-C-T-O-R-Y! Vic~to~ry! The sound of success! (It's a cheerleading chant sort of thing)
Minor damaged(1)
Minor damaged(2)
I-I was had...! Where...!
≥Moderately damaged
If I had only trained more... Dammit!!
もっとみんなと走りたかったな… I wanted to run with everyone some more...

See Also