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No.53 加古

Furutaka Class Heavy Cruiser

Icon HP.png HP 36 Icon Gun.png Firepower 30 (49)
Icon Armor.png Armor 25 (34) Icon Torpedo.png Torpedo 12 (49)
Icon Evasion.png Evasion 33 (59) Icon AA.png AA 16 (49)
Icon Aircraft.png Aircraft 6 Icon ASW.png ASW 0
Icon Speed.png Speed Fast Icon LOS.png LOS 10 (39)
Icon Range.png Range Medium Icon Luck.png Luck 10 (49)
Fuel.pngFuel no data Ammunition.pngAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
1:00:00 3
Stock Equipment Icon Aircraft.pngSpace
20.3cm Twin Gun Mount 2
-Unequipped- 2
-Unequipped- 2
-Locked- -


Kako Kai

No.53 加古改

Furutaka Class Heavy Cruiser

Icon HP.png HP 48 Icon Gun.png Firepower 36 (70)
Icon Armor.png Armor 32 (70) Icon Torpedo.png Torpedo 18 (59)
Icon Evasion.png Evasion 38 (75) Icon AA.png AA 18 (59)
Icon Aircraft.png Aircraft 8 Icon ASW.png ASW 0
Icon Speed.png Speed Fast Icon LOS.png LOS 12 (49)
Icon Range.png Range Medium Icon Luck.png Luck 10 (59)
Fuel.pngFuel no data Ammunition.pngAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
Lv25 Remodel 4
Stock Equipment Icon Aircraft.pngSpace
20.3cm Twin Gun Mount 2
12.7cm Twin High-angle Mount 2
61cm Quad Torpedo Mount 2
-Unequipped- 2


Event Japanese English Note
古鷹型重巡の2番艦、加古ってんだ、よっろしくぅー! Second Furutaka Class Heavy Cruiser, name's Kako! Nice to meetcha!
Library Intro
古鷹型重巡洋艦の2番艦、加古だよぉ。第一次ソロモン海戦で大活躍したんだからね!あ、帰り道?ホント、行きはよいよい、帰りは怖い~ってね! Second Furutaka Class Heavy Cruiser, Kako. I believe I was a big importance in the Solomon Islands battle! Ah, I'm returning back? Really, I'm a slow mover, and you have heard of "Going back is scary~"! Solomon Islands: she was able to serve as a forward base. "Going back": see Savo Island
ふぁ~、眠い Fuaaa~. I'm tired.
作戦会議?古鷹から聞くからさ……それじゃ、だめ? Strategy meeting? Can't I just get it from Furutaka,...? That's a no?
はいはいはいはい!ちゃんと聞いてるから!スカート引っ張んないでぇ! Yeah, yeah! I hear ya! Now stop pulling my skirt! During the the Battle of Savo Island, she was struck with three torpedoes, all of her portholes suddenly opened, and then the boilers exploded due to seawater. Hmmm, that is a very short skirt...
あーあーあーまたお小言ですねー。すいません大雑把でぇー。あれ、違うの?提督…なんか顔赤いよ? Aaaahhhh, another scolding, yeah? Sorry for my carelessness, yeah? Wha- that's not it? Admiral… why is your face red?
Show player's score
提督に手紙が……起きてる起きてるよぉ A letter for the Admiral... I'm awake, I'm awake!
Joining a fleet
いよっしゃあ!あたしの出番だね Alright! It's my turn now!
なんか、かっこいいぞ私、ふふん Well, I am cool! Hmph!
うぉお目が冴えてきた。力が漲ってきたよー Uoo, I am wide awake! I have a lot of strength to stay awake! Her crew never did get much sleep since many of the battles were at night.
よっしゃラッキー Alright! Lucky!
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP
Stop it...so sluggish...the fitting...ah, forget it...
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
Aah, it's not like I'm dying...unless dying is like going to sleep.
Ship construction
新しい艦が出来たという報告でーす Got a report that a new ship is do~ne.
Return from sortie
作戦が完了したという報告…Zzz The sortie's done, here's the report... *snore*
Start a sortie
加古、出撃ぃ!古鷹、付いてきて Kako, ready to sortie! Furutaka, you're coming too.
Battle start
ぶっ飛ばす! Ready to strike!
Air battle
いっちょあーがりー In one hit~!
Night battle
加古スペシャルを食らいやがれ! Eat this Kako special!
Night attack
古鷹、見てくれてた? Furutaka, did you see that?
あたしゃねぇ、やるときはやるんだよ。だから、帰ったらいっぱい寝かせてー! See, I can really do it if I try! So, when I get back, let me sleep a bunch!
Minor damaged(1)
Damn, and we just about to leave! The ambush at Savo happened when the fleet were ordered to leave their post for Kavieng.
Minor damaged(2)
The gun battery has blown off!?
≥Moderately damaged
Youuu! You perverted son of a bitch! See short skirt and openings.
昔から調子こいては、古鷹に怒られていたっけなぁ… Furutaka always scold me for attitude...


See Also