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Difference between revisions of "Furniture/Object"

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(139 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 23: Line 23:
| coin= 150
| coin= 150
| rarity= ?
| rarity= ?
| descriptionJP= 大きなのっぽではない古時計です。<br>優しく時を刻む音が、作戦立案で疲れた提督を癒します。
| descriptionJP= 大きなのっぽではない古時計です。 優しく時を刻む音が、作戦立案で疲れた提督を癒します。
| descriptionEN= It's an old clock, not a big one.<br>The gentle ticking of time soothes the admiral who is tired from planning operations.
| descriptionEN= It's an old clock, not a big one. The gentle ticking of time soothes the admiral who is tired from planning operations.
| release= 2013/04/23
| release= 2013/04/23
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 37: Line 37:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 4
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= 何者かの手による「お詫び。」と書かれた掛け軸。<br>飾ることによって、うずしおを回避するような機能はない…気持ちの逸品。
| descriptionJP= 何者かの手による「お詫び。」と書かれた掛け軸。 飾ることによって、うずしおを回避するような機能はない…気持ちの逸品。
| descriptionEN= A hanging scroll with the words "Apologies" written by someone.<br>There is no function that can avoid the whirlpool by displaying it...It is a masterpiece of feeling.
| descriptionEN= A hanging scroll with the words "Apologies" written by someone. There is no function that can avoid the whirlpool by displaying it...It is a masterpiece of feeling.
| release= 2013/05/17
| release= 2013/05/17
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 66: Line 66:
| coin= 300
| coin= 300
| rarity= 2
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= リッチなロッジにいるような世界観を醸し出す鹿の壁掛け。<br>だけど、剥製ではなくてぬいぐるみなのです。
| descriptionJP= リッチなロッジにいるような世界観を醸し出す鹿の壁掛け。 だけど、剥製ではなくてぬいぐるみなのです。
| descriptionEN= A deer wall hanging that creates the feeling of being in a luxurious lodge.<br>But it's not a stuffed animal, it's a stuffed toy.
| descriptionEN= A deer wall hanging that creates the feeling of being in a luxurious lodge. But it's not a stuffed animal, it's a stuffed toy.
| release= 2013/04/23
| release= 2013/04/23
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 81: Line 81:
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 3
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= 「海上護衛」の重要性を艦娘たちに訴えかけるような魂の掛け軸。<br>大井提督の筆によるものとも軽巡や駆逐艦娘作など諸説あります。
| descriptionJP= 「海上護衛」の重要性を艦娘たちに訴えかけるような魂の掛け軸。 大井提督の筆によるものとも軽巡や駆逐艦娘作など諸説あります。
| descriptionEN= A soulful scroll that appeals to the ship girls about the importance of "maritime escort".<br>There are various theories, including that it was written by Admiral Oi, or that it was painted by a light cruiser or destroyer girl.
| descriptionEN= A soulful scroll that appeals to the ship girls about the importance of "maritime escort". There are various theories, including that it was written by Admiral Oi, or that it was painted by a light cruiser or destroyer girl.
| release= 2013/06/12
| release= 2013/06/12
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 96: Line 96:
| coin= 100
| coin= 100
| rarity= 1
| rarity= 1
| descriptionJP= なんとなく壁がさみしい…そんな提督のココロを癒す、花の絵画。<br>司令官室を華やかに演出。
| descriptionJP= なんとなく壁がさみしい…そんな提督のココロを癒す、花の絵画。 司令官室を華やかに演出。
| descriptionEN= The wall feels a bit lonely...but here, a painting of flowers will soothe the Admiral's heart.<br>Creates a gorgeous atmosphere in the commander's room.
| descriptionEN= The wall feels a bit lonely...but here, a painting of flowers will soothe the Admiral's heart. Creates a gorgeous atmosphere in the commander's room.
| release=  
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 110: Line 110:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 2
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= 提督20万人突破を記念してある軽巡が書いた掛け軸。<br>全ての提督達に沢山の感謝だクマー!多摩だニャー!キ、キソだキソー!
| descriptionJP= 提督20万人突破を記念してある軽巡が書いた掛け軸。 全ての提督達に沢山の感謝だクマー!多摩だニャー!キ、キソだキソー!
| descriptionEN= A hanging scroll written by light cruisers to commemorate the number of admirals surpassing 200000.<br>I'm so grateful to all the admirals! It's Tama! It's K-Kiso!
| descriptionEN= A hanging scroll written by light cruisers to commemorate the number of admirals surpassing 200000. I'm so grateful to all the admirals! It's Tama! It's K-Kiso!
| release= 2013/07/24
| release= 2013/07/24
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 125: Line 125:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 4
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= ある超弩級戦艦娘が書いた提督数100万人突破記念感謝の掛け軸。<br>同戦艦娘は「就役する妹も、よろしくお願いしますね」と語る。
| descriptionJP= ある超弩級戦艦娘が書いた提督数100万人突破記念感謝の掛け軸。 同戦艦娘は「就役する妹も、よろしくお願いしますね」と語る。
| descriptionEN= A scroll of gratitude written by a super-dreadnought battleship girl to commemorate the number of admirals reaching 1 million.<br>The battleship girl said, "Please support my younger sister who will be commissioned".
| descriptionEN= A scroll of gratitude written by a super-dreadnought battleship girl to commemorate the number of admirals reaching 1 million. The battleship girl said, "Please support my younger sister who will be commissioned".
| release= 2013/10/16
| release= 2013/10/16
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 140: Line 140:
| coin= 200
| coin= 200
| rarity= 2
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= 優れた海の戦士は、優しい紳士たれ。<br>シルクハットと懐中時計がとっても紳士的な帽子掛け。
| descriptionJP= 優れた海の戦士は、優しい紳士たれ。 シルクハットと懐中時計がとっても紳士的な帽子掛け。
| descriptionEN= A great warrior of the sea is a kind gentleman.<br>A very gentlemanly hat rack with a top hat and pocket watch.
| descriptionEN= A great warrior of the sea is a kind gentleman. A very gentlemanly hat rack with a top hat and pocket watch.
| release= 2013/04/23
| release= 2013/04/23
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 155: Line 155:
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 4
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= 「夜戦」に飽くなき執念と見敵必殺の想いを込めた艦娘自身の手による一筆。<br>どの艦娘の手による作品かは定かではありません。
| descriptionJP= 「夜戦」に飽くなき執念と見敵必殺の想いを込めた艦娘自身の手による一筆。 どの艦娘の手による作品かは定かではありません。
| descriptionEN= This is a piece written by the ship girl herself, filled with her insatiable passion for "night battles" and her determination to kill the enemy on sight.<br>It is unclear which shipgirl created this piece.
| descriptionEN= This is a piece written by the ship girl herself, filled with her insatiable passion for "night battles" and her determination to kill the enemy on sight. It is unclear which shipgirl created this piece.
| release= 2013/05/08
| release= 2013/05/08
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 170: Line 170:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 4
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= 提督50万人突破を記念してある戦艦が書いた掛け軸。<br>べ、別に何か焦っているとかではないぞ。<br>純粋に感謝の気持ちだ、胸が熱いな!
| descriptionJP= 提督50万人突破を記念してある戦艦が書いた掛け軸。 べ、別に何か焦っているとかではないぞ。 純粋に感謝の気持ちだ、胸が熱いな!
| descriptionEN= A hanging scroll painted by a battleship to commemorate the number of admirals surpassing 500000.<br>No, it's not like I'm in a hurry or anything.<br>I'm just so grateful, my heart is warmed!
| descriptionEN= A hanging scroll painted by a battleship to commemorate the number of admirals surpassing 500000. No, it's not like I'm in a hurry or anything. I'm just so grateful, my heart is warmed!
| release= 2013/08/26
| release= 2013/08/26
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 183: Line 183:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 114
| ID= 114
| coin=  
| coin= 3000
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity=  
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionJP= あけましておめでとうございます! 本年もどうぞよろしくお願い致します。 新年も提督と艦娘たちが幸せでありますように!
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN= Happy New Year! Thank you for your continued support this year. May the Admiral and his shipgirls be happy in the new year!
| BGM=
| release= 2014/01/01
| feature=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]] (2014/12/26)
| release=  
| note= Writing: "Happy New Year" by [[Ooyodo]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Writing: "Happy New Year"
Line 204: Line 201:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 4
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= 提督数80万人を突破したっぽい?<br>ということで、ある駆逐艦が準備した掛け軸。<br>ハンモック意匠を凝らしたキュートなデザイン。
| descriptionJP= 提督数80万人を突破したっぽい? ということで、ある駆逐艦が準備した掛け軸。 ハンモック意匠を凝らしたキュートなデザイン。
| descriptionEN= It seems the number of admirals has exceeded 800000?<br>So, here is a hanging scroll prepared by a certain destroyer.<br>A cute design with an elaborate hammock motif.
| descriptionEN= It seems the number of admirals has exceeded 800000? So, here is a hanging scroll prepared by a certain destroyer. A cute design with an elaborate hammock motif.
| release= 2013/09/18
| release= 2013/09/18
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 219: Line 216:
| coin= 50
| coin= 50
| rarity= 1
| rarity= 1
| descriptionJP= とても古い世界地図。よく見ると謎の印が!<br>お宝のありかかもしれません…平和な海がきたら探索ですね!
| descriptionJP= とても古い世界地図。よく見ると謎の印が! お宝のありかかもしれません…平和な海がきたら探索ですね!
| descriptionEN= A very old world map. Look closely and you'll see some mysterious markings!<br>There might be treasure there... When you come to a peaceful sea, it's time to go exploring!
| descriptionEN= A very old world map. Look closely and you'll see some mysterious markings! There might be treasure there... When you come to a peaceful sea, it's time to go exploring!
| release= 2013/04/23
| release= 2013/04/23
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 231: Line 228:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 117
| ID= 117
| coin=  
| coin= 2400
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity=  
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionJP= 提督への想いのつまった逸品です。 どの艦娘の作品かはわかり…あ…裏に名前が書いてありました。
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN= This is a masterpiece filled with feelings for the Admiral. I knew which shipgirl it was made of...ah...they had her name written on the back.
| BGM=
| release= 2013/05/17
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Writing: "Nano Desu!"
| note= Writing: "Nano Desu!" by [[Inazuma]]
Line 253: Line 247:
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 4
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= 歴戦の水雷戦隊である第六駆逐隊。<br>その栄光と武運長久を祈って、ある暁型駆逐艦の手によって書かれた掛け軸です。
| descriptionJP= 歴戦の水雷戦隊である第六駆逐隊。 その栄光と武運長久を祈って、ある暁型駆逐艦の手によって書かれた掛け軸です。
| descriptionEN= The 6th Destroyer Squadron is a veteran torpedo squadron.<br>This hanging scroll was handwritten by an Akatsuki-class destroyer, praying for glory and lasting military fortune.
| descriptionEN= The 6th Destroyer Squadron is a veteran torpedo squadron. This hanging scroll was handwritten by an Akatsuki-class destroyer, praying for glory and lasting military fortune.
| release= 2013/07/24
| release= 2013/07/24
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 260: Line 254:
==="Mainstay of Flagship" Hanging Scroll===
==="Mainstay of Mainstay" Hanging Scroll===
| nameJP= 「主力of主力」掛け軸
| nameJP= 「主力of主力」掛け軸
| nameEN= "Mainstay of Flagship" Hanging Scroll
| nameEN= "Mainstay of Mainstay" Hanging Scroll
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 119
| ID= 119
| coin=  
| coin= 3100
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity=  
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionJP= 艦隊決戦の主力艦隊と行動を共にする艦隊型駆逐艦、甲型駆逐艦の最終型。 主力of主力なある駆逐艦型一番艦の手による掛け軸です。
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN= The final model of the Type A fleet destroyer, a fleet-type destroyer that operates alongside the main fleet in fleet battles. This is a hanging scroll handcrafted by the lead ship of the main destroyer class.
| BGM=
| release= 2017/12/27
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Writing: "Mainstay of Mainstay", referencing the {{Class|Yuugumo}}
| note= Writing: "Mainstay of Mainstay", referencing the {{Class|Yuugumo}}
Line 299: Line 290:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 122
| ID= 122
| coin=  
| coin= 0
| discount=
| rarity= 2
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 日本海側唯一の鎮守府にして、数々の苦難を乗り越える漢たちの港、舞鶴。 その気概と肉じゃががアレンジされた魂の掛け軸です。
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= Maizuru is the only naval base on the Sea of ​​Japan side and a port where men have overcome many hardships. This is a soulful hanging scroll that combines that spirit and meat and potatoes.
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2013/08/08
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Writing: "Maizuru Naval Base"
| note= Writing: "Maizuru Naval Base"
*Added after log-in issues for the Maizuru Naval Base server.
Line 318: Line 306:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 123
| ID= 123
| coin=  
| coin= 150
| discount=
| rarity= 2
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 喜び、明るさ、明朗、愉快を表現するイエローのフラワーアレンジメント。 提督室を華やかに爽やかに演出します!
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= A yellow flower arrangement that expresses joy, brightness, clarity, and merriment. It will add a vibrant and refreshing touch to the admiral's room!
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2013/04/23
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
Line 340: Line 323:
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 4
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= 提督と秘書艦たちが戦略や作戦を練るための図上演習セットです。<br>戦力駒に磁石がついた、まさかの壁掛けタイプで省スペースです!
| descriptionJP= 提督と秘書艦たちが戦略や作戦を練るための図上演習セットです。 戦力駒に磁石がついた、まさかの壁掛けタイプで省スペースです!
| descriptionEN= This is a wargame set that allows admirals and their secretaries to plan strategies and operations.<br>The pieces have magnets attached, so they can be hung on the wall and save space!
| descriptionEN= This is a wargame set that allows admirals and their secretaries to plan strategies and operations. The pieces have magnets attached, so they can be hung on the wall and save space!
| release= 2014/05/09
| release= 2014/05/09
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= The map was [[Spring 2014 Event]]'s E3, located around the Banda Sea
| note= The map was [[Spring 2014 Event]]'s E3, located around the Banda Sea.
*It is also used on the [[Fleet Command Facility]]
Line 355: Line 339:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 4
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= ある正規空母娘が新春に書いた、提督数150万人突破を記念した掛け軸。<br>なぜ掛け軸に妹の名を書く必要があるのかは謎です。
| descriptionJP= ある正規空母娘が新春に書いた、提督数150万人突破を記念した掛け軸。 なぜ掛け軸に妹の名を書く必要があるのかは謎です。
| descriptionEN= A hanging scroll written by a standard aircraft carrier girl this New Year to commemorate the number of admirals surpassing 1.5 million.<br>It is a mystery why it is necessary to write the sister's name on the hanging scroll.
| descriptionEN= A hanging scroll written by a standard aircraft carrier girl this New Year to commemorate the number of admirals surpassing 1.5 million. It is a mystery why it is necessary to write the sister's name on the hanging scroll.
| release= 2014/01/08
| release= 2014/01/08
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 370: Line 354:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 4
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= 二水戦の旗艦を務めた艦娘の手による提督数180万人突破を記念した掛け軸。<br>「次発装填済みです…」と呟きながらの達筆です。
| descriptionJP= 二水戦の旗艦を務めた艦娘の手による提督数180万人突破を記念した掛け軸。 「次発装填済みです…」と呟きながらの達筆です。
| descriptionEN= A hanging scroll created by a shipgirl who served as the flagship of the Second Fleet, commemorating the number of admirals surpassing 1.8 million.<br>He writes in beautiful handwriting while muttering, "The next bullet is loaded..."
| descriptionEN= A hanging scroll created by a shipgirl who served as the flagship of the Second Fleet, commemorating the number of admirals surpassing 1.8 million. He writes in beautiful handwriting while muttering, "The next bullet is loaded..."
| release= 2014/03/28
| release= 2014/03/28
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 385: Line 369:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 4
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= 提督のおかげで迎えることができた「祝一周年」を記念して制作された掛け軸。<br>二年目も、どうぞよろしくお願い致します!
| descriptionJP= 提督のおかげで迎えることができた「祝一周年」を記念して制作された掛け軸。 二年目も、どうぞよろしくお願い致します!
| descriptionEN= A hanging scroll created to commemorate the first anniversary that we were able to reach thanks to the Admirals.<br>We look forward to your continued support in our second year!
| descriptionEN= A hanging scroll created to commemorate the first anniversary that we were able to reach thanks to the Admirals. We look forward to your continued support in our second year!
| release= 2014/05/09
| release= 2014/05/09
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 398: Line 382:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 128
| ID= 128
| coin=  
| coin= 0
| discount=
| rarity= 0
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= ちび大怪獣の襲来!迎え撃つ艦娘の勇姿! 大ヒットした総天然色映画のポスターです。
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= A giant chibi monster attacks! The brave ship girls fight back! This is a poster for the blockbuster full-color movie.
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2013/04/23
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Parody of the 1st Godzilla poster.
| note= Parody of the 1st Godzilla poster.
Line 432: Line 412:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 130
| ID= 130
| coin=  
| coin= 400
| discount=
| rarity= 4
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 遠い国での戦艦の反乱を描いた古いサイレント映画のポスターです。 とってもレアなポスターなんです!
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= It's an old silent film poster depicting a mutiny on a battleship in a faraway land. This is a very rare poster!
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2013/04/23
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
Line 454: Line 429:
| coin= 1000
| coin= 1000
| rarity= 5
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= 空技廠から独自のルートで手に入れた新型艦上戦闘機の試作機ポスター。<br>空母な艦娘垂涎の逸品です。
| descriptionJP= 空技廠から独自のルートで手に入れた新型艦上戦闘機の試作機ポスター。 空母な艦娘垂涎の逸品です。
| descriptionEN= A poster of a prototype for a new carrier-based fighter aircraft that was obtained through unique channels from the Air Technical Arsenal.<br>This is a masterpiece that any aircraft carrier shipgirl will covet.
| descriptionEN= A poster of a prototype for a new carrier-based fighter aircraft that was obtained through unique channels from the Air Technical Arsenal. This is a masterpiece that any aircraft carrier shipgirl will covet.
| release= 2013/05/08
| release= 2013/05/08
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 468: Line 443:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 203
| ID= 203
| coin=  
| coin= 50000
| discount=
| rarity= 4
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 鎮守府で戦術や航海の講義をする際に用いる教室セット。 その必需品の黒板一式です。 チョークや黒板消しも完備。落書き禁止です!
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= A classroom set used at the naval base for lectures on tactics and navigation. This is an essential blackboard set. Equipped with chalk and blackboard eraser. Graffiti is prohibited!
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2014/05/23
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
Line 489: Line 459:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 5
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= ある超弩級戦艦娘による提督数200万人突破記念感謝の掛け軸。<br>
| descriptionJP= ある超弩級戦艦娘による提督数200万人突破記念感謝の掛け軸。 「大和のようにはいかないぜ。読みにくいだと?ふっ気にするな!」
| descriptionEN= A scroll of gratitude by a super-dreadnought battleship girl to commemorate the number of admirals exceeding 2 million. "It's not like Yamato. You think it's hard to read? Don't worry about it!"
| descriptionEN= A scroll of gratitude by a super-dreadnought battleship girl to commemorate the number of admirals exceeding 2 million.<br>"It's not like Yamato. You think it's hard to read? Don't worry about it!"
| release= 2014/05/23
| release= 2014/05/23
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 506: Line 475:
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 3
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= やはり決戦は迷彩で!<br>流行の迷彩衣装を纏う艦娘たちの共作による掛け軸です。<br>ある重巡だけでなく空母艦娘も制作に参加です!
| descriptionJP= やはり決戦は迷彩で! 流行の迷彩衣装を纏う艦娘たちの共作による掛け軸です。 ある重巡だけでなく空母艦娘も制作に参加です!
| descriptionEN= After all, the decisive battle is in camouflage!<br>This hanging scroll is a collaborative work featuring shipgirls dressed in trendy camouflage outfits.<br>Not only a certain heavy cruiser, but also an aircraft carrier ship girl participated in the production!
| descriptionEN= After all, the decisive battle is in camouflage! This hanging scroll is a collaborative work featuring shipgirls dressed in trendy camouflage outfits. Not only a certain heavy cruiser, but also an aircraft carrier ship girl participated in the production!
| release= 2014/07/04
| release= 2014/07/04
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 522: Line 491:
| coin= 30000
| coin= 30000
| rarity= 4
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= 大きくてのっぽでない古時計です。<br>触ると仕掛け鳩が飛び出るギミック付の可動家具です!<br>※可動仕様家具
| descriptionJP= 大きくてのっぽでない古時計です。 触ると仕掛け鳩が飛び出るギミック付の可動家具です! ※可動仕様家具
| descriptionEN= It's a large and bulky old clock.<br>This is a movable piece of furniture with a gimmick that makes a cuckoo pop out when you touch it!<br>※Interactive furniture
| descriptionEN= It's a large and bulky old clock. This is a movable piece of furniture with a gimmick that makes a cuckoo pop out when you touch it! ※Interactive furniture
| feature= A cuckoo appears every 15 min or when clicked on, with a sound effect.
| feature= A cuckoo appears every 15 min or when clicked on, with a sound effect.
| release= 2014/07/04
| release= 2014/07/04
Line 537: Line 506:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 2
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= 歴戦の提督達の集まる港、それが「横鎮」。<br>中枢であると同時に、古い港であるが故の苦労も多いが、艦隊の士気も極めて高い。
| descriptionJP= 歴戦の提督達の集まる港、それが「横鎮」。 中枢であると同時に、古い港であるが故の苦労も多いが、艦隊の士気も極めて高い。
| descriptionEN= "Yokosuka" is a port where veteran admirals gather.<br>While it is a central location and an old port, it faces many hardships, but the morale of the fleet is extremely high.
| descriptionEN= "Yokosuka" is a port where veteran admirals gather. While it is a central location and an old port, it faces many hardships, but the morale of the fleet is extremely high.
| release= 2014/08/29
| release= 2014/08/29
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 553: Line 522:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 4
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= これまで応援して下さった提督の皆さんのおかげで、望外の賞を頂いた。<br>それを記念した、感謝の掛け軸!<br>※特殊BGM家具
| descriptionJP= これまで応援して下さった提督の皆さんのおかげで、望外の賞を頂いた。 それを記念した、感謝の掛け軸! ※特殊BGM家具
| descriptionEN= Thanks to all the admirals who have supported us up until now, I have received this unexpected award.<br>A scroll of gratitude to commemorate this occasion!<br>※Special BGM furniture
| descriptionEN= Thanks to all the admirals who have supported us up until now, I have received this unexpected award. A scroll of gratitude to commemorate this occasion! ※Special BGM furniture
| BGM= Musashi's Return (武蔵の帰投)
| BGM= Musashi's Return (武蔵の帰投)
| release= 2014/09/12
| release= 2014/09/12
Line 568: Line 537:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 223
| ID= 223
| coin=  
| coin= 1200
| discount=
| rarity= 3
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 艦娘達が忙しい提督のために一生懸命手作りの飾り付けをしてくれました! 素敵なパーティーしましょう! ※特殊BGM家具
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= The ship girls worked hard to create handmade decorations for the busy Admiral! Let's have a great party! ※Special BGM furniture
| descriptionJP=  
| BGM= Winter Anchor (冬の抜錨)
| descriptionEN=  
| release= 2014/12/01
| BGM=  
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Writing: "?"
| note= Writing: "Merry Christmas" (С Рождеством Христовым)
Line 587: Line 553:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 226
| ID= 226
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 新年あけましておめでとうございます! 二〇一五年も「艦これ」をどうぞよろしくお願い致します! ※2015年新春特別家具
| discount=
| descriptionEN= Happy New Year! We look forward to your continued support of "KanColle" in 2015! ※2015 New Year special furniture
| fairy= 1
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM= New Year Greetings from the Naval Base (迎春の鎮守府)
| BGM= New Year Greetings from the Naval Base (迎春の鎮守府)
| feature=
| release= 2015/01/01
| release=  
| availability= Log in gift
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Writing: "?, Frohes Neues Jahr" by [[Prinz Eugen]]
| note= Writing: "?"
===New Year Decoration===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= しめ飾り
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= New Year Decoration
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 227
| ID= 227
| coin=  
| coin= 800
| discount=
| rarity= 3
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 新年を迎えるために艦娘が用意してくれたしめ飾り。 これさえ飾れば、鎮守府の新年の用意はバッチリ! 良いお年を!
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= The decorations prepared by the shipgirls to welcome the New Year. With just this decoration, the naval base will be fully prepared for the New Year! Have a great new year!
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2014/12/26
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
Line 627: Line 583:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 4
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= 振り返れば、こんなところまで…提督の皆さん、ありがとうございました!<br>記念の掛け軸を書いた艦娘も、今から一杯やるみたいです!
| descriptionJP= 振り返れば、こんなところまで…提督の皆さん、ありがとうございました! 記念の掛け軸を書いた艦娘も、今から一杯やるみたいです!
| descriptionEN= Looking back, we've come this far...thank you, admirals!<br>The ship girl who painted the commemorative scroll also seems to be having a drink now!
| descriptionEN= Looking back, we've come this far...thank you, admirals! The ship girl who painted the commemorative scroll also seems to be having a drink now!
| BGM= Sortie of the 5th Squadron (第五戦隊の出撃)
| BGM= Sortie of the 5th Squadron (第五戦隊の出撃)
| release= 2015/01/23
| release= 2015/01/23
Line 641: Line 597:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 235
| ID= 235
|image1=Musashi's wall scroll_01.png
| animated= true
|image2=Musashi's wall scroll_02.png
| image1=Musashi's wall scroll_01.png
| image2=Musashi's wall scroll_02.png
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 5
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= 大和型戦艦二番艦「武蔵」その帰投を祝す掛け軸を、提督方にお贈りします。<br>おかえりなさい。<br>※特殊BGM家具です。
| descriptionJP= 大和型戦艦二番艦「武蔵」その帰投を祝す掛け軸を、提督方にお贈りします。 おかえりなさい。 ※特殊BGM家具です。
| descriptionEN= We would like to present the admirals with a hanging scroll celebrating the return of the second Yamato-class battleship "Musashi".<br>Welcome back.<br>※Special BGM furniture.
| descriptionEN= We would like to present the admirals with a hanging scroll celebrating the return of the second Yamato-class battleship "Musashi". Welcome back. ※Special BGM furniture.
| BGM= Musashi's Return (武蔵の帰投)
| BGM= Musashi's Return (武蔵の帰投)
| feature= Has a falling sakura petal effect, and the lines change every hour.
| feature= Has a falling sakura petal effect, and the lines change every hour.
Line 663: Line 620:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 241
| ID= 241
| coin=  
| coin= 1980
| discount=
| rarity= 4
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 提督の熱いリクエストで新たに実装された富嶽タイル画です。 温泉等との相性はいうことありません。 価格もギリギリに抑えました!
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= This is a newly implemented tile painting of Mount Fuji, in response to an enthusiastic request from the Admiral. It goes perfectly with hot springs and other things. We've kept the price as low as possible!
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2015/03/27
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
Line 682: Line 634:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 242
| ID= 242
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 提督のおかげで迎えることができた「祝二周年」を記念して制作された掛け軸。 三年目も、頑張ってまいりましょう~!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= A hanging scroll created to "commemorate the second anniversary", which was made possible thanks to the Admiral. Let's do our best in the third year as well!
| fairy= 1
| release= 2015/04/23
| rarity=
| availability= Log in gift
| descriptionJP=  
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Mutsuki]]
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=  
| feature=  
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
Line 702: Line 648:
| ID= 247
| ID= 247
| animated= true
| animated= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 山城…大変よ。私達大切な掛け軸を仰せつかったわ。 姉様!こんなこともあろうかと墨汁はこちらに!嗚呼墨が跳ねて顔や服に…ッ!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= Yamashiro... That's terrible. We've been entrusted with an important scroll. Sister! I knew something like this would happen so I brought the ink here! Aah, the ink is splashing onto your face and clothes!
| fairy= 1
| feature= Tilts when clicked on with a sound effect.
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature= Giggles when clicked on with a sound effect.
| release= 2015/05/18
| release= 2015/05/18
| availability= Log in gift, [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= Log in gift
| note= Writing: "?"
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Fusou]] and [[Yamashiro]]
Line 723: Line 664:
| coin= 500
| coin= 500
| rarity= 2
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= かき氷を愛する艦娘有志の手による、艦隊氷旗です。<br>これを掲げれば、どんな暑い日でも、気持ちよく過ごせるはず…かも!
| descriptionJP= かき氷を愛する艦娘有志の手による、艦隊氷旗です。 これを掲げれば、どんな暑い日でも、気持ちよく過ごせるはず…かも!
| descriptionEN= This is a fleet ice flag made by volunteer ship girls who love shaved ice.<br>If you carry this around, you'll be able to feel comfortable no matter how hot the day is...Kamo!
| descriptionEN= This is a fleet ice flag made by volunteer ship girls who love shaved ice. If you carry this around, you'll be able to feel comfortable no matter how hot the day is...Kamo!
| release= 2015/07/17
| release= 2015/07/17
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 738: Line 679:
| coin= 880
| coin= 880
| rarity= 3
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= 観艦式挙行を祝って用意された掛け軸です。<br>横浜特設施設で行われた観艦式でも使用された逸品です。<br>ぜひ提督執務室でも観艦式を!
| descriptionJP= 観艦式挙行を祝って用意された掛け軸です。 横浜特設施設で行われた観艦式でも使用された逸品です。 ぜひ提督執務室でも観艦式を!
| descriptionEN= This hanging scroll was prepared to celebrate the holding of the Fleet Review.<br>This is an exceptional piece that was also used at the Fleet Review held at the Yokohama Special Facility.<br>Please hold a fleet review in the admiral's study!
| descriptionEN= This hanging scroll was prepared to celebrate the holding of the Fleet Review. This is an exceptional piece that was also used at the Fleet Review held at the Yokohama Special Facility. Please hold a fleet review in the admiral's study!
| release= 2015/08/10
| release= 2015/08/10
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 753: Line 694:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 2
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= 最前線に臨む要衝、ラバウル基地。<br>海の翼の集う重要基地と同泊地で苦闘の日々を戦い抜いた提督達に贈る掛け軸!<br>ラバウルで朝食を
| descriptionJP= 最前線に臨む要衝、ラバウル基地。 海の翼の集う重要基地と同泊地で苦闘の日々を戦い抜いた提督達に贈る掛け軸! ラバウルで朝食を
| descriptionEN= Rabaul Air Base, a strategic location on the front line.<br>A hanging scroll dedicated to the admirals who fought through hardships every day at this important base and anchorage where the Wings of the Sea gather!<br>Breakfast in Rabaul
| descriptionEN= Rabaul Air Base, a strategic location on the front line. A hanging scroll dedicated to the admirals who fought through hardships every day at this important base and anchorage where the Wings of the Sea gather! Breakfast in Rabaul
| release= 2015/09/07
| release= 2015/09/07
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 768: Line 709:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 2
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= 文字通りの最前線で戦っているブイン基地所属の提督達のための逸品。<br>艦載機をモチーフに搭乗員妖精一同による力強い文字が躍る!
| descriptionJP= 文字通りの最前線で戦っているブイン基地所属の提督達のための逸品。 艦載機をモチーフに搭乗員妖精一同による力強い文字が躍る!
| descriptionEN= A special item for the admirals stationed at Buin Base who are literally fighting on the front lines.<br>The powerful words written by the fairy crew members are based on the motif of a carrier-based plane!
| descriptionEN= A special item for the admirals stationed at Buin Base who are literally fighting on the front lines. The powerful words written by the fairy crew members are based on the motif of a carrier-based plane!
| release= 2015/09/07
| release= 2015/09/07
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 782: Line 723:
| ID= 261
| ID= 261
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 第六駆逐隊のある駆逐艦が航海の安全と大漁を祈って司令官のために作った大漁旗です。 手作りなので僚艦もお手伝いしたのです!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= This is a fishing flag made by a destroyer from the 6th Destroyer Squadron for the commander to pray for a safe voyage and a good catch. Since it was handmade, other ships also helped out!
| fairy= 1
| release= 2015/10/09
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature= Clicking on the flag shows the full picture.
| release=  
| availability= {{Q|SB05|S}} reward, {{Q|SB14|S}} reward (choice)
| availability= {{Q|SB05|S}} reward, {{Q|SB14|S}} reward (choice)
| note= Writing: "?"
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Inazuma]] and [[Ikazuchi]]
Line 803: Line 738:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 2
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= 外地の最重要拠点、トラック。<br>数々の激しい空襲をくぐり抜け、同地で奮戦するトラック提督たちのために作られた魂の掛け軸。
| descriptionJP= 外地の最重要拠点、トラック。 数々の激しい空襲をくぐり抜け、同地で奮戦するトラック提督たちのために作られた魂の掛け軸。
| descriptionEN= Trucks are the most important base in the overseas territories.<br>This is a soulful scroll created for the truck admirals who fought bravely there, surviving numerous fierce air raids.
| descriptionEN= Trucks are the most important base in the overseas territories. This is a soulful scroll created for the truck admirals who fought bravely there, surviving numerous fierce air raids.
| release= 2015/12/08
| release= 2015/12/08
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 820: Line 755:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 4
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= 何者かの手によるお詫びの気持ちが込められた、夜のお詫び掛け軸。<br>掛け軸初の夜間照明装置を備えた独特の凄味がある逸品。
| descriptionJP= 何者かの手によるお詫びの気持ちが込められた、夜のお詫び掛け軸。 掛け軸初の夜間照明装置を備えた独特の凄味がある逸品。
| descriptionEN= A nighttime apology hanging scroll, imbued with someone's feelings of apology.<br>This is a unique and impressive piece that is the first hanging scroll to be equipped with a night-time lighting device.
| descriptionEN= A nighttime apology hanging scroll, imbued with someone's feelings of apology. This is a unique and impressive piece that is the first hanging scroll to be equipped with a night-time lighting device.
| feature= Banner lights up on click.
| feature= Banner lights up on click.
| release= 2015/12/08
| release= 2015/12/08
Line 838: Line 773:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 4
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= 自分が書きたいとはりきる何者かの手によるお詫びの気持ちが込められた、夜のお詫び掛け軸弐型。<br>
| descriptionJP= 自分が書きたいとはりきる何者かの手によるお詫びの気持ちが込められた、夜のお詫び掛け軸弐型。 微妙なぬいぐるみを標準装備。
| descriptionEN= Nighttime Apology Scroll Type 2 is imbued with the feelings of apology written by someone who was excited to write it. Subtle plush toys come as standard.
| descriptionEN= Nighttime Apology Scroll Type 2 is imbued with the feelings of apology written by someone who was excited to write it.<br>Subtle plush toys come as standard.
| feature= The PT Imps move with a sound effect when clicked on.
| feature= The PT Imps move with a sound effect when clicked on.
| release= 2015/12/08
| release= 2015/12/08
Line 855: Line 789:
| ID= 268
| ID= 268
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= ある給糧艦が提督と一緒に手作りした年越しの準備。 艦隊に所属する全ての艦娘への航海の安全と武運長久の祈りが込められた逸品。
| discount=
| descriptionEN= A supply ship and its admiral make handmade preparations for New Year's Eve. A masterpiece filled with prayers for safe voyages and lasting good fortune for all the ship girls in the fleet.
| fairy= 1
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release= 2015/12/24
| release= 2015/12/24
| availability= {{Q|SB07|S}}
| availability= {{Q|SB07|S}} reward
| note= Writing: "?"
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Mamiya]]
Line 874: Line 802:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 269
| ID= 269
| coin=  
| coin= 0
| discount=
| rarity= 2
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 歴戦の提督の集う海の戦略中枢拠点、「呉鎮守府」。 長い期間、この戦略要港で艦娘と共に戦った提督達に贈る魂と感謝の掛け軸。
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= Kure Naval Base is a strategic central base at sea where veteran admirals gather. A hanging scroll of spirit and gratitude dedicated to the admirals who fought alongside the shipgirls in this strategic port for a long period of time.
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2015/12/24
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Writing: "?"
| note= Writing: "?"
Line 893: Line 817:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 270
| ID= 270
| coin=  
| coin= 0
| discount=
| rarity= 2
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 時に内地の最前線基地となる拠点、「佐世保鎮守府」。 長い期間、この佐鎮で艦娘と苦楽を共にした提督達に贈る魂と感謝の掛け軸。
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= Sasebo Naval Base is a base that sometimes serves as the frontline base on the mainland. A hanging scroll of soul and gratitude dedicated to the admirals who shared joys and sorrows with the shipgirls on this ship.
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2015/12/24
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Writing: "?"
| note= Writing: "?"
Line 915: Line 835:
| discount= 3000
| discount= 3000
| rarity= 5
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= 家具職人がその持てる技と気合を総動員して作った最高級のステンドグラス。<br>超絶家具コイン長者向けですが、家具職人支援も可!
| descriptionJP= 家具職人がその持てる技と気合を総動員して作った最高級のステンドグラス。 超絶家具コイン長者向けですが、家具職人支援も可!
| descriptionEN= This is the finest stained glass, created by a furniture craftsman using all of his skills and passion.<br>It's aimed at super furniture coin millionaires, but you can also support furniture craftsmen!
| descriptionEN= This is the finest stained glass, created by a furniture craftsman using all of his skills and passion. It's aimed at super furniture coin millionaires, but you can also support furniture craftsmen!
| release= 2016/01/19
| release= 2016/01/19
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 930: Line 850:
| discount= 3500
| discount= 3500
| rarity= 5
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= 職人が技と気合で作り上げた飛行する瑞雲も眩しい航空戦艦ステンドグラス。<br>超絶家具コイン長者向けですが、家具職人支援も可!
| descriptionJP= 職人が技と気合で作り上げた飛行する瑞雲も眩しい航空戦艦ステンドグラス。 超絶家具コイン長者向けですが、家具職人支援も可!
| descriptionEN= The flying Zuiuns are a dazzling stained glass aviation battleship created by skilled artisans with great passion and skill.<br>It's aimed at super furniture coin millionaires, but you can also support furniture craftsmen!
| descriptionEN= The flying Zuiuns are a dazzling stained glass aviation battleship created by skilled artisans with great passion and skill. It's aimed at super furniture coin millionaires, but you can also support furniture craftsmen!
| release= 2016/01/19
| release= 2016/01/19
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 952: Line 872:
===Spring Type B Sisters Panel===
==="Spring Type B Sisters" Panel===
| nameJP= 春の乙型姉妹パネル
| nameJP= 「春の乙型姉妹」パネル
| nameEN= Spring Type B Sisters Panel
| nameEN= "Spring Type B Sisters" Panel
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 280
| ID= 280
| picture= true
| picture= true
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 「春の艦祭り」開催を記念して撮られた乙型駆逐艦姉妹のポートレイトです。 提督の皆さん、今年の春もよろしくお願い致します!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= This is a portrait of the Type B destroyer sisters taken to commemorate the "Spring Ship Festival". Dear Admirals, we look forward to your continued support this spring!
| fairy= 1
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature= Clicking on it shows the full frame.
| feature= Clicking on it shows the full frame.
| release=  
| release= 2016/03/19
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= Log in gift
| note=
Line 980: Line 894:
| ID= 284
| ID= 284
| animated= true
| animated= true
| coin=  
| coin= 104000
| discount=  
| discount= 400
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 4
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP= うっそぴょーん!と明るく笑う睦月型駆逐艦の手による春の特別な掛け軸です。 家具コイン長者向けですがダイナミック職人支援可!
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN= Just kidding! This is a special spring hanging scroll created by a Mutsuki-class destroyer, smiling brightly. It's aimed at furniture coin millionaires, but dynamic discount is also available!
| descriptionEN=  
| feature= Clicking on it giggles the frame.
| BGM=
| release= 2016/04/01
| feature=  
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Writing: "?"
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Uzuki]]
Line 1,001: Line 913:
| picture= true
| picture= true
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 提督のおかげで迎えることができた「祝三周年」を記念してある高速戦艦によって制作された掛け軸。 四年目も頑張っていくデース!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= A hanging scroll produced by a certain fast battleship to commemorate the "third anniversary" that was made possible thanks to the admiral. We'll do our best in our fourth year too!
| fairy= 1
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature= Clicking on the photo shows the full picture.
| feature= Clicking on the photo shows the full picture.
| release=  
| release= 2016/04/22
| availability= {{Q|B67}} reward
| availability= {{Q|B67}} reward
| note= Writing: "?"
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Kongou]]
Line 1,022: Line 929:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 4
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= この度は大変申し訳ない…しっかり猛反省して、夏は態勢を建て直します。<br>という、何者かの反省の想いが記された掛け軸。
| descriptionJP= この度は大変申し訳ない…しっかり猛反省して、夏は態勢を建て直します。 という、何者かの反省の想いが記された掛け軸。
| descriptionEN= We are extremely sorry about this incident... We will reflect on this deeply and get things back in order this summer.<br>This is a hanging scroll inscribed with someone's remorseful thoughts.
| descriptionEN= We are extremely sorry about this incident... We will reflect on this deeply and get things back in order this summer. This is a hanging scroll inscribed with someone's remorseful thoughts.
| release= 2016/06/01
| release= 2016/06/01
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 1,036: Line 943:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 299
| ID= 299
| coin=  
| coin= 1900
| discount=
| rarity= 3
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 梅雨のシーズンに美しく咲く紫陽花の花をモチーフにしたステンドグラス。 雨の日も爽やかな気分になれる提督室を演出します。
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= Stained glass with a motif of hydrangea flowers, which bloom beautifully during the rainy season. It creates an admiral's room that will make you feel refreshed even on rainy days.
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2016/06/10
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
Line 1,058: Line 960:
| animated= true
| animated= true
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 最新鋭を自負するある軽巡洋艦が、いえ、主にその妹が艦隊の航海の安全と大漁を祈って作った新大漁旗。 長女たちも寄書き済みです!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= A new fishing flag was created by a light cruiser that prided herself on being the most advanced ship in the world, or rather, by her sister ship, in prayer for the safe voyage of the fleet and a bountiful catch. My eldest daughters have also written messages!
| fairy= 1
| feature= Clicking on the photo shows the full picture and giggles the frame with a sound effect ("Pyaa!" by [[Sakawa]]).
| rarity=
| release= 2016/10/21
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature= Clicking on the photo shows the full picture and giggles the frame with a sound effect.
| release=  
| availability= {{Q|SB14|S}} reward (choice), {{Q|SB25|S}} reward (choice), {{Q|SB32|S}} reward (choice)
| availability= {{Q|SB14|S}} reward (choice), {{Q|SB25|S}} reward (choice), {{Q|SB32|S}} reward (choice)
| note= Writing: "?"
| note= Writing: "?" by the {{Class|Agano}}.
Line 1,078: Line 975:
| ID= 324
| ID= 324
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= A HAPPY NEW YEAR! 艦隊合流後初めて鎮守府のお正月を体験する戦艦娘が準備した新春掛け軸です。
| discount=
| descriptionEN= A HAPPY NEW YEAR! This is a New Year's hanging scroll prepared by the battleship girls who will be experiencing New Year's at the naval base for the first time since joining the fleet.
| fairy= 1
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release= 2017/01/10
| release= 2017/01/10
| availability= Log in gift
| availability= Log in gift
Line 1,098: Line 989:
| ID= 325
| ID= 325
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= まだ見ないでっていってるのに……といいつつ、ある駆逐艦が一生懸命書いてくれました! 新しい「迎春」掛け軸、お届けします。
| discount=
| descriptionEN= Even though I told them not to look yet... one destroyer wrote it with great care! We are pleased to present you with a new "New Year's Greeting" hanging scroll.
| fairy= 1
| release= 2017/01/01
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= {{Q|SB20|S}} reward
| availability= {{Q|SB20|S}} reward
| note= Writing: "New Year's Greeting"
| note= Writing: "New Year's Greeting" by [[Yamakaze]]
Line 1,117: Line 1,002:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 330
| ID= 330
| coin=  
| coin= 3000
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity=  
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionJP= 海外生まれの艦娘が気合を入れて作ってくれた節分の季節を力一杯応援する気持ちの溢れた、セッツブーン掛け軸、堂々完成です!
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN= The Setsubun hanging scroll, filled with the spirit of cheering for the Setsubun season and created with great enthusiasm by a foreign-born ship girl, is now magnificently completed!
| BGM=
| release= 2017/01/25
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Writing: "Setsubun!"
| note= Writing: "Setsubun!" by [[Prinz Eugen]]
Line 1,136: Line 1,018:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 337
| ID= 337
| coin=  
| coin= 1300
| discount=
| rarity= 3
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= ある睦月型駆逐艦が弥生の季節の花々を使って作ったフラワーアレンジメントです。 もちろん、怒ってなんかいません。
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= This is a flower arrangement made by a Mutsuki-class destroyer using flowers from the Yayoi season. Of course, I'm not angry.
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2017/02/28
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
Line 1,155: Line 1,032:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 340
| ID= 340
| coin=  
| coin= 2000
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity=  
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionJP= お返しの感謝の気持ちを上手に伝えられない提督が、密かに習字も練習して制作した感謝の掛け軸。 これなら気持ちがダイレクトに!
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN= The admiral, unable to express his gratitude effectively in return, secretly practiced calligraphy and created a hanging scroll to express his gratitude. This way you can express your feelings directly!
| BGM=
| release= 2017/03/04
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Writing: "?"
| note= Writing: "?"
Line 1,175: Line 1,049:
| ID= 342
| ID= 342
| animated= true
| animated= true
| image1= ?
| image1= Furniture Full 342 A.png
| image2= ?
| image2= Furniture Full 342 B.png
| image3= ?
| image3= Furniture Full 342 C.png
| image4= ?
| image4= Furniture Full 342 D.png
| image5= ?
| image5= Furniture Full 342 F.png
| image6= ?
| coin= 2200
| coin=  
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity=  
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionJP= 儚くも美しく咲く桜。 その桜の移り変わる風情を提督執務室の中でも愉しむことができる、家具職人特製の和のアレンジメントです。
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN= Cherry blossoms bloom beautifully yet fleetingly. This is a Japanese arrangement made specially by a furniture craftsman, which allows the Admiral to enjoy the ever-changing beauty of the cherry blossoms from within his study.
| BGM=
| feature= Changes with the season (''see [[#Notes|here]]''). If 50+ % bloomed, when clicked on, sakura petals glide down.
| feature= Changes with the season. When clicked on, sakura petals glide down.
| release= 2017/04/05
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
Line 1,202: Line 1,072:
| picture= true
| picture= true
| card= true
| card= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 提督のおかげで迎えることができた「祝四周年」を記念して特型駆逐艦四番艦とその姉妹艦たちが制作した記念のスペシャル掛け軸!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= To celebrate the "4th Anniversary" that we were able to celebrate thanks to the Admiral, a special commemorative hanging scroll was created by the 4th Special Type Destroyer and her sisters!
| fairy= 1
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature= Clicking on the photo shows the full picture.
| feature= Clicking on the photo shows the full picture.
| release= 2017/05/02
| availability= [[Spring 2017 Event]] E1 reward
| availability= [[Spring 2017 Event]] E1 reward
| note= Writing: "?"
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Miyuki]], [[Fubuki]], [[Shirayuki]], and [[Isonami]] (+ [[Inazuma]])
Line 1,223: Line 1,089:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 5
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= 平和な大空に飛ぶ夢を描く航空母艦娘の手による記念掛け軸。<br>鮮やかな色使いと添えられた記念写真が魅力の限定掛け軸です。
| descriptionJP= 平和な大空に飛ぶ夢を描く航空母艦娘の手による記念掛け軸。 鮮やかな色使いと添えられた記念写真が魅力の限定掛け軸です。
| descriptionEN= A commemorative hanging scroll created by aircraft carrier girls, depicting the dream of flying in the peaceful skies.<br>This limited edition hanging scroll is attractive for its vivid colors and accompanying commemorative photo.
| descriptionEN= A commemorative hanging scroll created by aircraft carrier girls, depicting the dream of flying in the peaceful skies. This limited edition hanging scroll is attractive for its vivid colors and accompanying commemorative photo.
| feature= Clicking on the photo shows the full picture.
| feature= Clicking on the photo shows the full picture.
| release= 2017/06/06
| release= 2017/06/06
Line 1,242: Line 1,108:
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 5
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= 隠れた名機といえる高性能水上偵察機「瑞雲」。<br>その魂を込めてある航空戦艦がこの時のために丹精込めて作り上げた入魂の掛け軸。
| descriptionJP= 隠れた名機といえる高性能水上偵察機「瑞雲」。 その魂を込めてある航空戦艦がこの時のために丹精込めて作り上げた入魂の掛け軸。
| descriptionEN= The high-performance seaplane reconnaissance aircraft "Zuiun" is a hidden gem.<br>This hanging scroll is a work of art that was painstakingly crafted for this occasion by an aircraft carrier that embodies that soul.
| descriptionEN= The high-performance seaplane reconnaissance aircraft "Zuiun" is a hidden gem. This hanging scroll is a work of art that was painstakingly crafted for this occasion by an aircraft carrier that embodies that soul.
| feature= Clinking on the Zuiun makes it take off.
| feature= Clinking on the Zuiun makes it take off.
| release= 2017/06/23
| release= 2017/06/23
Line 1,259: Line 1,125:
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 5
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= 鎮守府「瑞雲」祭り、その成功を記念して作成された記念高級掛け軸です。<br>達人が墨で描いたある航空戦艦娘がやさしく微笑みます。
| descriptionJP= 鎮守府「瑞雲」祭り、その成功を記念して作成された記念高級掛け軸です。 達人が墨で描いたある航空戦艦娘がやさしく微笑みます。
| descriptionEN= This is a high-quality commemorative hanging scroll created to celebrate the success of the Naval Base "Zuiun" Festival.<br>A girl from an aircraft carrier, drawn in ink by a master, smiles gently.
| descriptionEN= This is a high-quality commemorative hanging scroll created to celebrate the success of the Naval Base "Zuiun" Festival. A girl from an aircraft carrier, drawn in ink by a master, smiles gently.
| release= 2017/07/31
| release= 2017/07/31
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 1,274: Line 1,140:
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 5
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= 鎮守府「瑞雲」祭り、その無事完了を祝して作成された記念掛け軸、その二つ目です。<br>航空戦艦と瑞雲を愛する提督にお贈りします。
| descriptionJP= 鎮守府「瑞雲」祭り、その無事完了を祝して作成された記念掛け軸、その二つ目です。 航空戦艦と瑞雲を愛する提督にお贈りします。
| descriptionEN= This is the second commemorative hanging scroll created to celebrate the successful completion of the Naval Base "Zuiun" Festival.<br>This is for admirals who love aircraft carriers and the Zuiun.
| descriptionEN= This is the second commemorative hanging scroll created to celebrate the successful completion of the Naval Base "Zuiun" Festival. This is for admirals who love aircraft carriers and the Zuiun.
| release= 2017/07/31
| release= 2017/07/31
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 1,289: Line 1,155:
| animated= true
| animated= true
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 朝潮型駆逐艦で編成されたある元気な駆逐隊が、艦隊の航海の安全と秋刀魚大漁を祈って作った新大漁旗。 アゲアゲで参りましょう。
| discount=
| descriptionEN= A spirited destroyer squadron made up of Asashio-class destroyers created a new fishing flag to pray for the fleet's safe voyage and a bountiful catch of saury. Let's go with high spirits.
| fairy= 1
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature= Clicking on the photo shows the full picture and giggles the frame with a sound effect.
| feature= Clicking on the photo shows the full picture and giggles the frame with a sound effect.
| release=  
| release= 2017/09/29
| availability= {{Q|SB25|S}} reward, {{Q|SB32|S}} reward (choice),
| availability= {{Q|SB25|S}} reward, {{Q|SB32|S}} reward (choice),
| note= Writing: "?"
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Asashio]], [[Ooshio]], [[Arashio]], and [[Michishio]]
Line 1,309: Line 1,170:
| ID= 369
| ID= 369
| animated= true
| animated= true
| coin=  
| coin= 0
| discount=
| rarity= 5
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= スリガオ海峡に挑んだ第一遊撃部隊第三部隊。 祈りと鎮魂の気持ちが込められた掛け軸です。 いつまでも、忘れることはありません。
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= The Third Unit of the First Striking Force entered the Surigao Strait. This hanging scroll is filled with prayers and feelings of repose. I'll never forget you.
| descriptionJP=  
| BGM= To the Strait (海峡へ)
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=  
| feature= Clicking on it animates it and plays a voiceline.
| feature= Clicking on it animates it and plays a voiceline.
| release=  
| release= 2017/12/11
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Writing: "?"
| note= Writing: "?"
Line 1,328: Line 1,187:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 370
| ID= 370
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 新年、明けまして、おめでとうございます! 艦隊合流後初めて鎮守府の新年を体験する海防艦娘の準備による新春掛け軸です。
| discount=
| descriptionEN= Happy New Year, everyone! This is a New Year's hanging scroll in preparation for the coastal defense ship girls who will be experiencing the New Year at the naval base for the first time since joining the fleet.
| fairy= 1
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release= 2018/01/01
| release= 2018/01/01
| availability= Log in gift
| availability= Log in gift
| note= Writing: "?"
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Etorofu]]
Line 1,349: Line 1,202:
| animated= true
| animated= true
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 遂に艦隊は五周年を迎えることとなりました! 提督、ありがとうございました! 5th Anniversary! Thank you so,so mach!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= The fleet has finally reached its fifth anniversary! Thank you Admiral! 5th Anniversary! Thank you so, so much!
| fairy= 1
| feature= Clicking on it giggles the frame with a voiceline.
| rarity=
| release= 2018/04/23
| descriptionJP=  
| availability= {{Q|5A03|S}} reward
| descriptionEN=  
| note= Writing and voiceline "?" by [[Gambier Bay]]
| BGM=
| feature= Clicking on it giggles the frame with a sound effect.
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
Line 1,369: Line 1,217:
| ID= 381
| ID= 381
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 素晴らしい食材による美味しい料理を力一杯食べて、満足した何者かの手による大型の特別な掛け軸。 高い満足感が伝わる逸品です。
| discount=
| descriptionEN= A large, special hanging scroll made by someone who was satisfied after eating delicious food made with wonderful ingredients. This is a masterpiece that will give you a high level of satisfaction.
| fairy= 1
| release= 2018/05/15
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= {{Q|Su08|S}} reward
| availability= {{Q|Su08|S}} reward
| note= Writing: "Complete Meal"
| note= Writing: "Complete Meal"
Line 1,389: Line 1,231:
| ID= 382
| ID= 382
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 択捉型海防艦姉妹の五隻が艦隊の五周年を祝って寄せ書きのように作ってくれた手作りの掛け軸です。 それぞれの個性が光ります。
| discount=
| descriptionEN= This is a handmade hanging scroll created as a kind of message book by the five sister ships of the Etorofu-class coastal defense ships to celebrate the fleet's fifth anniversary. Each individuality shines through.
| fairy= 1
| BGM= Maritime Escort Warfare (海上護衛戦)
| rarity=
| release= 2018/06/13
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM= Maritime Escort Battle (海上護衛戦)
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= {{Q|C20}} reward
| availability= {{Q|C20}} reward
| note= Writing: "?"
| note= Writing: "?" by the {{Class|Etorofu}}
Line 1,408: Line 1,245:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 383
| ID= 383
| coin=  
| coin= 6340
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity=  
| rarity= 6
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionJP= 下駄ばき機としては脅威の性能を誇る名機「瑞雲」。 「瑞雲」を愛する艦娘達と提督の想いが結晶した旗。 瑞雲…いつか…どこかで!
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN= "Zuiun" is a famous seaplane with amazing performances. A flag that crystallizes the feelings of the admiral and the ship girls who love the "Zuiun". Zuiun...someday...somewhere!
| BGM=  
| BGM= Spotter Planes, Begin Departure! (索敵機、発艦始め!)
| feature=
| release= 2018/06/13
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Writing: "?"
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Ise]] and [[Hyuuga]]
Line 1,427: Line 1,262:
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 392
| ID= 392
| image1= ?
| image1= Furniture Full 392 B.png
| image2= ?
| image2= Furniture Full 392 C.png
| image3= ?
| image3= Furniture Full 392 D.png
| image4= ?
| coin= 136000
| coin= 136000
| discount= 3600
| discount= 3600
| rarity= 5
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= 四季折々の花々をふんだんに使った、迫力ある豪華な生花アレンジメントです。<br>これで部屋が一気に華やかに!<br>ダイナミック割引可!
| descriptionJP= 四季折々の花々をふんだんに使った、迫力ある豪華な生花アレンジメントです。 これで部屋が一気に華やかに! ダイナミック割引可!
| descriptionEN= This is a spectacular and luxurious fresh flower arrangement, using an abundance of seasonal flowers.<br>This will instantly brighten up your room!<br>Dynamic discount available!
| descriptionEN= This is a spectacular and luxurious fresh flower arrangement, using an abundance of seasonal flowers. This will instantly brighten up your room! Dynamic discount available!
| feature= Changes with the season: Rainy season, Summer, Autumn, Winter.
| feature= Changes with the season (''see [[#Notes|here]]'').
| release= 2018/08/01
| release= 2018/08/01
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
==="Maya's Shield" Hanging Scroll===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 「摩耶の盾」掛け軸
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= "Maya's Shield" Hanging Scroll
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 393
| ID= 393
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 対空番長を自負する重巡が護るべき空を見上げつつ、新たな気持ちで書き上げた盾の文字も眩しい掛け軸。 よろしくお願いしますッ!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= This hanging scroll features a dazzling shield inscription, written with renewed vigor by a heavy cruiser who prides himself on being the anti-aircraft commander, looking up at the skies he must protect. Thank you very much!
| fairy= 1
| BGM= Friendly Fleet Launches Counterattack! (友軍艦隊、反撃開始!)
| rarity=
| release= 2018/08/01
| descriptionJP=  
| availability= {{Q|B122}} reward
| descriptionEN=  
| note= Writing: "Maya's Shield" by [[Maya]]
| BGM=  
| feature=  
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Mysterious Summer Operation Map===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 謎の夏作戦地図
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Mysterious Summer Operation Map
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 394
| ID= 394
| coin=  
| coin= 2400
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity=  
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionJP= 南西から西方海域を臨む作戦領域が描かれた地図。 いくつかのポイントが示されていますが…これは? あるいは艦娘からのメッセージか!
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN= A map showing the operational area from the southwest towards the western sea area. Some points are made...but what about this? Or maybe it's a message from a ship girl!
| BGM=  
| BGM= Ship Girls on the Beach (浜辺の艦娘)
| feature=
| release= 2018/08/01
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=  
| note=  
Line 1,488: Line 1,315:
| picture= true
| picture= true
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= まあまあこんなにたくさんの旬の秋刀魚、美味しく頂きましょう…と笑顔の優しい少し小さな空母が一航戦と共に作った航空大漁旗!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= Well, well, let's enjoy this abundance of seasonal saury...said the kind, smiling, slightly small aircraft carrier, together with the 1st Air Fleet, as they made an aerial fishing flag!
| fairy= 1
| BGM= Naval Base Saury Festival Kai San (鎮守府秋刀魚祭り改三)
| rarity=
| feature= Clicking on it giggles the frame with a sound effect.
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2018/10/10
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=  
| feature=  
| release=  
| availability= {{Q|SB32|S}} reward, {{Q|SB49|S}} reward (choice)
| availability= {{Q|SB32|S}} reward, {{Q|SB49|S}} reward (choice)
| note=  
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Houshou]]
===Winter Northern Seas Map===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 冬の北方海域図
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Winter Northern Seas Map
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 404
| ID= 404
| coin=  
| coin= 30000
| discount=
| rarity= 5
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 冬の北方海域作戦エリアを描いた作戦地図です。 季節の飾りやよく分らない玩具等も配備。 家具コイン長者提督にお贈りします!
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= This is an operational map showing the winter northern sea operations area. Seasonal decorations and obscure toys are also on display. A gift to the furniture coin millionaire admirals!
| descriptionJP=  
| BGM= Winter Fleet (冬の艦隊)
| descriptionEN=  
| release= 2018/12/07
| BGM=  
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=  
| note= The map is the Bering Strait.
==="Advancing Day by Day" Hanging Scroll===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 「日進月歩」掛け軸
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= "Advancing Day by Day" Hanging Scroll
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 408
| ID= 408
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=  
| animated= true
| discount=
| image1= Furniture Full 408 B.png
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 日の月に時間は流れ、時代は移り変わり、私達は前進していきます。 そんな感慨と時代への感謝を込めた、日進の特別な掛け軸です。
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= Time passes day by day, eras change, and we move forward. This is a special hanging scroll from Nisshin that is filled with such sentiments and gratitude for the times.
| descriptionJP=  
| BGM= New Year Greetings from the Naval Base (迎春の鎮守府)
| descriptionEN=  
| feature= Clicking on it to switch the text.
| BGM=  
| feature=  
| release= 2018/12/31
| release= 2018/12/31
| availability= {{Q|SB36|S}} reward
| availability= {{Q|SB36|S}} reward
| note=  
| note= Writing: "?" & "Thank you for the Heisei era" by [[Nisshin]]
===Naval Base Setsubun Decorations===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 鎮守府節分飾り
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Naval Base Setsubun Decorations
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 414
| ID= 414
| coin=  
| coin= 1500
| discount=
| rarity= 3
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 節分の季節の提督室を彩る鎮守府節分飾りです。 節分の柊鰯を配備して魔を迎撃するのもいいですね。 え?変な飾りも?どれですか?
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= These are naval base Setsubun decorations that will brighten up the Admiral's room during the Setsubun season. It would also be nice to deploy the Setsubun Holly Sardines to ward off evil spirits. Huh? Strange decorations too? Which ones?
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2019/01/22
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
==="Hiei" Hanging Scroll===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 「比叡」の掛け軸
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= "Hiei" Hanging Scroll
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 416
| ID= 416
| picture= true
| picture= true
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 僚艦「霧島」と共に南方の鉄底海峡に眠る金剛型高速戦艦「比叡」。 彼女の存在と奮闘を想う掛け軸です。 比叡、お疲れさまでした。
| discount=
| descriptionEN= The Kongo-class fast battleship "Hiei" rests in the Iron Bottom Sound to the south along with its sister ship "Kirishima". This is a hanging scroll that remembers her existence and struggles. Thank you for your hard work, Hiei.
| fairy= 1
| feature= Clicking on the photo shows the full picture.
| rarity=
| release= 2019/02/08
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=  
| release=  
| availability= {{Q|B128}} reward
| availability= {{Q|B128}} reward
| note=  
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Hiei]], to commemorate the discovery of her wreck.
==="Tsushima" Hanging Scroll===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 「対馬」の掛け軸
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= "Tsushima" Hanging Scroll
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 425
| ID= 425
| coin=  
| coin= 103140
| discount=  
| discount= 314
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 5
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP= お返しのシーズンに海防艦「対馬」が用意した特製の掛け軸です。 なにやら特注部材を使いまくった逸品。 職人ダイナミック割引可!
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN= This is a special hanging scroll prepared by the coastal defense ship Tsushima for the season of giving gifts. This is a masterpiece made using a lot of custom-made materials. Dynamic discount available!
| descriptionEN=  
| release= 2019/03/08
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
==="6th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 「六周年記念」掛け軸
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= "6th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 426
| ID= 426
| picture= true
| picture= true
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 遂に艦隊はまさかの六周年デース! 第三改装を迎えた何者かの手による掛け軸です。 6th Anniversary and...Burning Love!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= The fleet has finally reached its sixth anniversary! This hanging scroll was created by someone who is currently undergoing the third renovation. 6th Anniversary and...Burning Love!
| fairy= 1
| feature= Clicking on the photo shows the full picture.
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=  
| release= 2019/04/22
| release= 2019/04/22
| availability= {{Q|SB45|S}} reward
| availability= {{Q|SB45|S}} reward
| note=  
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Kongou Kai Ni C]]
===Stained Glass with Floral Ornaments===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 花飾りのステンドグラス
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Stained Glass with Floral Ornaments
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 430
| ID= 430
| coin=  
| coin= 1980
| discount=
| rarity= 5
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 海と艦艇をモチーフにした新作のステンドグラスに、華やかな花飾りを付加した装飾です。 なんとなく部屋がさみしい…そんな時に!
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= This new stained glass window has a sea and naval motif, and is decorated with gorgeous floral ornaments. For some reason I feel lonely in my room... At times like that!
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2019/04/22
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
Line 1,646: Line 1,440:
| ID= 433
| ID= 433
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 時代の節目、平成から令和を迎える鎮守府のために、海防艦姉妹がよってたかって書いてくれた新時代を迎える特別限定掛け軸です。
| discount=
| descriptionEN= This is a special limited edition hanging scroll created by coastal defense ships sisters to welcome in a new era, marking a turning point in history as the Naval Base transitions from Heisei to Reiwa.
| fairy= 1
| release= 2019/05/01
| rarity=
| availability= Log in gift
| descriptionJP=  
| note= Writing: "?" by the {{Class|Etorofu}}
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=  
===Kanmusu's Special Rainy Season Decoration===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 艦娘特製の梅雨飾り
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Kanmusu's Special Rainy Season Decoration
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 436
| ID= 436
| coin=  
| coin= 980
| discount=
| rarity= 3
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 艦娘たちの手作りによる壁飾りです。 雨の季節も提督と楽しんで暮らす気持ちと工夫の詰まった艦娘特製の梅雨飾りをどうぞ!
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= This is a wall decoration handmade by the ship girls. Enjoy these special rainy season decorations made by ship girls, filled with the spirit and ingenuity of enjoying life with your Admiral even during the rainy season!
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2019/06/25
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Fresh Hydrangea Flower Arrangement===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 紫陽花の生花飾り
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Fresh Hydrangea Flower Arrangement
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 441
| ID= 441
| coin=  
| coin= 1700
| discount=
| rarity= 3
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 紫陽花の生花をふんだんに使った豪華な生花壁飾り。 てるてる坊主もアレンジされています。 紫陽花には毒があるかも?ないかも?
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= A gorgeous flower wall decoration that uses an abundance of fresh hydrangea flowers. The Teru Teru Bouzu dolls have also been adapted. Are hydrangeas poisonous? Or not?
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2019/06/25
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
==="Haguro's Protection" Hanging Scroll===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 「羽黒の護り」掛け軸
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= "Haguro's Protection" Hanging Scroll
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 446
| ID= 446
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 仲間や護るべきものの盾となる優しい力。 ある重巡が新たな時代への願いと祈りを込めて作った掛け軸。 姉の狼さんも手伝いました!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= A gentle strength that acts as a shield for friends and those who need to be protected. A hanging scroll created by a certain heavy cruiser, filled with hopes and prayers for a new era. My older sister, Wolf, helped out too!
| fairy= 1
| release= 2019/07/18
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= {{Q|B138}} reward
| availability= {{Q|B138}} reward
| note=  
| note= Writing: "Haguro's Protection" by [[Haguro]] and [[Ashigara]] to commemorate Haguro's launch.
===Type 19 Big Catch Flag===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 一九式大漁旗
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Type 19 Big Catch Flag
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 453
| ID= 453
| picture= true
| picture= true
| animated= true
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 秋刀魚は残念ながら不漁ではありましたが、大丈夫!鰯は大漁です! そんな令和元年の海を記念した大漁旗です。上々ね!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= Unfortunately, the catch of pacific saury was poor, but we had a great catch of sardines! This is a large fishing flag commemorating the sea of ​​the first year of the Reiwa era.
| fairy= 1
| BGM= On the Dawn's Horizon (inst.ver) (暁の水平線に(inst.ver))
| rarity=
| feature= Clicking on the flag giggles it and shows the full picture.
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=  
| feature=  
| release= 2019/10/25
| release= 2019/10/25
| availability= {{Q|SB49|S}} reward, {{Q|21Fa LB03|S}} reward (choice)
| availability= {{Q|SB49|S}} reward, {{Q|21Fa LB03|S}} reward (choice)
| note=  
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Akagi]] and [[Kaga]]
==="Yubari New Year's Greeting" Hanging Scroll===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 「夕張迎春」掛け軸
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= "Yubari New Year's Greeting" Hanging Scroll
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 459
| ID= 459
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= さらさらさらと試してみてもいいかしら? そんな鼻歌交じりに少しワクワクした表情の小柄な軽巡が作った特別な迎春掛け軸です。
| discount=
| descriptionEN= Can I try it smoothly? This is a special New Year's hanging scroll created by a small light cruiser humming and looking a little excited.
| fairy= 1
| BGM= New Year Greetings from the Naval Base (迎春の鎮守府)
| rarity=
| release= 2020/01/01
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=  
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= {{Q|SB55|S}} reward
| availability= {{Q|SB55|S}} reward
| note=  
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Yubari]]
===Special Type II Wooden Relief===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 特II型の木製レリーフ
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Special Type II Wooden Relief
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 464
| ID= 464
| coin=  
| coin= 19000
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity=  
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionJP= 特II型駆逐艦がモチーフの木製レリーフを中心とした落ち着いた雰囲気の壁飾り装飾です。 艦娘から贈られた花とチョコも一緒です。
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN= This wall decoration has a calming atmosphere and is centered around a wooden relief with the Special Type II destroyers as its motif. It also comes with flowers and chocolates given by the ship girls.
| BGM=  
| BGM= Special Type Destroyer (特型駆逐艦)
| feature=
| release= 2020/02/07
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=  
| note= Represent the {{Class|Ayanami}}
===Valentine Wall Decoration===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= Valentine壁飾り
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Valentine Wall Decoration
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 466
| ID= 466
| coin=  
| coin= 1300
| discount=
| rarity= 3
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 手先の器用な艦娘が提督のために作ったバレンタインの季節にぴったりの装飾。 チョコ仕様の額縁にハート型の薔薇アレンジメント!
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= A decoration perfect for Valentine's Day, created by a skillful shipgirl for the Admiral. A heart-shaped rose arrangement in a chocolate frame!
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2020/02/07
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===White Day Wall Decoration===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= ホワイトデーの壁飾り
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= White Day Wall Decoration
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 473
| ID= 473
| coin=  
| coin= 2000
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity=  
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionJP= 改装を待つ主力オブ主力の駆逐艦娘が用意した壁掛けの花瓶飾り。 ホワイトデーには、薔薇の生花を飾るのも素敵です。
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN= A wall-hanging vase decoration prepared by the flagship destroyer girl awaiting refurbishment. It's nice to decorate with fresh roses on White Day.
| BGM=
| release= 2020/03/13
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=  
| note= By [[Okinami]]
==="Offshore Waves" Personal Belongings Shelf===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 「沖に立つ波」私物棚
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= "Offshore Waves" Personal Belongings Shelf
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 474
| ID= 474
| image1= Furniture Full 474 B.png
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 遂に改二改装を迎えた主力オブ主力の駆逐艦娘の私物小物棚です。 季節によって、内容が少しかわるかもしれませんね。
| discount=
| descriptionEN= This is a shelf for the personal belongings of the most powerful destroyer girl, who has finally undergone the Kai Ni remodel. The contents may change slightly depending on the season.
| fairy= 1
| release= 2020/03/19
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= {{Q|B142}} reward (choice)
| availability= {{Q|B142}} reward (choice)
| note=  
| feature= Changes with the season (''see [[#Notes|here]]'').
| note= [[Okinami Kai Ni]]'s belongings.
Line 1,844: Line 1,594:
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 5
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= そうなの?提督室に私達の私物とか置いていいのね、早く言ってくれればいいのに…<br>とかなんとか呟きつつある艦娘が設置した家具。
| descriptionJP= そうなの?提督室に私達の私物とか置いていいのね、早く言ってくれればいいのに… とかなんとか呟きつつある艦娘が設置した家具。
| descriptionEN= Is that so? So it's okay to leave our personal belongings in the Admiral's room. I wish you'd told me earlier...<br>The furniture was placed by the shipgirl who was muttering something like this.
| descriptionEN= Is that so? So it's okay to leave our personal belongings in the Admiral's room. I wish you'd told me earlier... The furniture was placed by the shipgirl who was muttering something like this.
| release= 2020/04/23
| release= 2020/04/23
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 1,851: Line 1,601:
==="7th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 「七周年記念」掛け軸
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= "7th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 479
| ID= 479
| picture= true
| picture= true
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 艦隊の七周年を記念して、ある駆逐隊の四隻が密かに準備した特別な掛け軸。 この日のために新調した私服で記念撮影しました!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= A special scroll secretly prepared by four ships of a certain destroyer squadron to commemorate the fleet's seventh anniversary. We took a commemorative photo in our new clothes that we had bought for the occasion!
| fairy= 1
| feature= Clicking on the photo shows the full picture.
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=  
| release= 2020/04/23
| release= 2020/04/23
| availability= {{Q|7thAnvC1|S}} reward
| availability= {{Q|7thAnvC1|S}} reward
| note=  
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Oboro]], [[Akebono]], [[Sazanami]], and [[Ushio]]
Line 1,879: Line 1,624:
| ID= 487
| ID= 487
| card= true
| card= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 小笠原諸島防備強化のために構築された小笠原要塞をモチーフにした記念掛け軸です。 ※島嶼防衛強化作戦記念
| discount=
| descriptionEN= This commemorative hanging scroll has the motif of the Ogasawara Fortress, which was built to strengthen the defense of the Ogasawara Islands. ※Commemorating the Island Defense Strengthening Operation
| fairy= 1
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release= 2020/06/26
| release= 2020/06/26
| availability= [[Rainy-Summer 2020 Event]] E4 Easy+ reward
| availability= [[Rainy-Summer 2020 Event]] E4 Easy+ reward
| note=
===Tanabata Decorations Off the Coast of Goto Island===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 五島列島沖の七夕飾り
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Tanabata Decorations Off the Coast of Goto Island
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 489
| ID= 489
| coin=  
| coin= 147580
| discount=  
| discount= 4758
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 6
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP= ある潜水艦娘二隻が祈りを込めて手作りした七夕飾りです。 晴れた七月の夜には星空を見上げてみるのもいいですね。
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN= These Tanabata decorations were handmade by two submarine girls with great prayers. It's nice to look up at the starry sky on a clear July night.
| descriptionEN=  
| release= 2020/07/03
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
==="Kaga Cape" Hanging Scroll===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 「加賀岬」掛け軸
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= "Kaga Cape" Hanging Scroll
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 490
| ID= 490
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= ある全通甲板を持つ大型艦が自らの大規模改装を記念して作った渾身の掛け軸。もちろん、あの曲を再生可能。 では、唄います…っ!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= A hanging scroll made by a large ship with a full deck to commemorate its large-scale renovation. Of course, you can play that song. Now, let's sing...!
| fairy= 1
| BGM= Kaga Cape (加賀岬)
| rarity=
| release= 2020/08/27
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=  
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= {{Q|C46}} reward
| availability= {{Q|C46}} reward
| note=  
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Kaga]]
==="Whale" Hanging Scroll===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 「鯨」の掛け軸
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= "Whale" Hanging Scroll
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 497
| ID= 497
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 令和二年度十月に進水した新たな「鯨」を記念して、ある潜水母艦が制作した掛け軸です。 新たな鯨たち、頑張って!応援してます!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= This hanging scroll was created by a submarine tender to commemorate the new "Whale" that was launched in October 2020. Good luck to the new whales! We're rooting for you!
| fairy= 1
| feature= Clicking on plays a voiceline.
| rarity=
| release= 2020/10/16
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=  
| release=  
| availability= {{Q|B156}} reward
| availability= {{Q|B156}} reward
| note=  
| note= Writing: "?" and voiceline: "?" by [[Taigei]]
===Chestnut Ink Painting and Autumn Display Shelf===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 栗の水墨画と秋飾り棚
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Chestnut Ink Painting and Autumn Display Shelf
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 499
| ID= 499
| coin=  
| coin= 1900
| discount=
| rarity= 3
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 秋月型駆逐艦たちが余暇で作った艦娘手作りの飾り棚です。 彼女たちの誰が描いたのか、栗の水墨画もちんまりと飾られています。
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= This is a handmade display shelf made by the Akizuki-class destroyers in their spare time. There is also a small ink painting of a chestnut on display, but it is unclear which of the women painted it.
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2020/10/16
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
Line 1,979: Line 1,698:
| discount= 8800
| discount= 8800
| rarity= 4
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= 新年あけましておめでとうございます!<br>新しい丑年は良い年になるように、職人が作った丑年の新春飾り!<br>職人ダイナミック割引可!
| descriptionJP= 新年あけましておめでとうございます! 新しい丑年は良い年になるように、職人が作った丑年の新春飾り! 職人ダイナミック割引可!
| descriptionEN= Happy New Year!<br>These New Year's decorations for the Year of the Ox have been made by artisans to ensure a prosperous new year!<br>Dynamic discount available!
| descriptionEN= Happy New Year! These New Year's decorations for the Year of the Ox have been made by artisans to ensure a prosperous new year! Dynamic discount available!
| BGM= New Year Greetings from the Naval Base (迎春の鎮守府)
| BGM= New Year Greetings from the Naval Base (迎春の鎮守府)
| release= 2021/01/01
| release= 2021/01/01
Line 1,986: Line 1,705:
===New Year's Hanging Scroll Heading Towards the 8th Anniversary===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 八周年に向かう新春掛け軸
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= New Year's Hanging Scroll Heading Towards the 8th Anniversary
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 517
| ID= 517
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 新年、明けまして、おめでとうございます! 八周年に向かう艦隊の迎春を祝って、第八艦隊旗艦の手による新春掛け軸です。
| discount=
| descriptionEN= Happy New Year, everyone! To celebrate the fleet's eighth anniversary, this New Year's hanging scroll was created by the flagship of the 8th Fleet.
| fairy= 1
| BGM= Sea of the Reiwa New Year (頌春令和の海)
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=  
| feature=
| release= 2021/01/01
| release= 2021/01/01
| availability= {{Q|2101 LQ4|S}} reward
| availability= {{Q|2101 LQ4|S}} reward
| note=  
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Choukai]]
===Etorofu-class Doll's Festival Wall Decoration Shelf===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 択捉型桃の節句壁飾り棚
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Etorofu-class Doll's Festival Wall Decoration Shelf
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 525
| ID= 525
| coin=  
| coin= 2000
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity=  
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionJP= 桃の節句といえば海防艦。 そう主張する択捉型海防艦姉妹が家具職人の皆さんにお願いして作ってもらった桃の節句特注飾り棚です。
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN= When you think of Girls' Festival, you think of coastal defense ships. This is a custom-made display shelf for the Girls' Festival that the Etorofu-class coastal defense ship sisters made at the request of furniture craftsmen.
| BGM=
| release= 2021/03/01
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Yahagi Hanging Scroll===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 矢矧の掛け軸
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Yahagi Hanging Scroll
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 533
| ID= 533
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 伝統の精強水雷戦隊、その旗艦を受け継いだある軽巡がその覚悟を込めて書き上げた掛け軸です。 先輩方の想いと戦いを継承します。
| discount=
| descriptionEN= This hanging scroll was painted with great resolve by a light cruiser who inherited the role of flagship of a traditional and powerful torpedo squadron. We will inherit the thoughts and struggles of our predecessors.
| fairy= 1
| release= 2021/03/30
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= {{Q|B168}} reward
| availability= {{Q|B168}} reward
| note=  
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Yahagi]]
Line 2,053: Line 1,757:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 6
| rarity= 6
| descriptionJP= 艦隊の八周年を記念して、第八戦隊のある航空巡洋艦娘が書いた力作の掛け軸。<br>八周年を祝して、第八戦隊から提督に送ります。
| descriptionJP= 艦隊の八周年を記念して、第八戦隊のある航空巡洋艦娘が書いた力作の掛け軸。 八周年を祝して、第八戦隊から提督に送ります。
| descriptionEN= A masterpiece hanging scroll created by an aircraft carrier girl from the 8th Squadron to commemorate the fleet's eighth anniversary.<br>To celebrate the eighth anniversary, this is a message from the 8th Squadron to the Admiral.
| descriptionEN= A masterpiece hanging scroll created by an aircraft carrier girl from the 8th Squadron to commemorate the fleet's eighth anniversary. To celebrate the eighth anniversary, this is a message from the 8th Squadron to the Admiral.
| release= 2021/04/22
| release= 2021/04/22
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 2,068: Line 1,772:
| coin= 888
| coin= 888
| rarity= 3
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= 艦隊八周年を提督とお祝いするために、艦娘が手作りしたバルーン飾りです。<br>九年目の海も、艦娘たちと共に元気にいきましょう!
| descriptionJP= 艦隊八周年を提督とお祝いするために、艦娘が手作りしたバルーン飾りです。 九年目の海も、艦娘たちと共に元気にいきましょう!
| descriptionEN= These balloon decorations were handmade by the ship girls to celebrate the fleet's eighth anniversary with the Admiral.<br>Let's have a great time at sea for our ninth year together with our ship girls!
| descriptionEN= These balloon decorations were handmade by the ship girls to celebrate the fleet's eighth anniversary with the Admiral. Let's have a great time at sea for our ninth year together with our ship girls!
| release= 2021/04/22
| release= 2021/04/22
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 2,083: Line 1,787:
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 5
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= 第二水雷戦隊を精鋭部隊に育て上げたベテラン軽巡が日常使いしている小物棚。<br>一部駆逐艦は尊敬と畏怖の念で出撃前にお参りする。
| descriptionJP= 第二水雷戦隊を精鋭部隊に育て上げたベテラン軽巡が日常使いしている小物棚。 一部駆逐艦は尊敬と畏怖の念で出撃前にお参りする。
| descriptionEN= This is a small accessory shelf used daily by the veteran light cruisers who developed the 2nd Torpedo Squadron into an elite unit.<br>Some destroyers even offer prayers before setting out out of respect and awe.
| descriptionEN= This is a small accessory shelf used daily by the veteran light cruisers who developed the 2nd Torpedo Squadron into an elite unit. Some destroyers even offer prayers before setting out out of respect and awe.
| release= 2021/06/22
| release= 2021/06/22
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 2,098: Line 1,802:
| coin= 0
| coin= 0
| rarity= 6
| rarity= 6
| descriptionJP= 大和型戦艦の一隻が提督の皆さんへの感謝を込めて、書き上げた感謝の掛け軸。<br>本当にありがとうございました!感謝申し上げます!
| descriptionJP= 大和型戦艦の一隻が提督の皆さんへの感謝を込めて、書き上げた感謝の掛け軸。 本当にありがとうございました!感謝申し上げます!
| descriptionEN= A hanging scroll of gratitude written by one of the Yamato-class battleships to express gratitude to all admirals.<br>Thank you so much! I appreciate it!
| descriptionEN= A hanging scroll of gratitude written by one of the Yamato-class battleships to express gratitude to all admirals. Thank you so much! I appreciate it!
| BGM= The Combined Fleet Departs (連合艦隊の出撃)
| BGM= The Combined Fleet Departs (連合艦隊の出撃)
| release= 2021/08/04
| release= 2021/08/04
Line 2,106: Line 1,810:
===Yamakaze Accessory Shelf===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 山風の小物棚
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Yamakaze Accessory Shelf
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 551
| ID= 551
| coin=  
| coin= 1800
| discount=
| rarity= 4
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 構わないで…といいつつ、最近提督室によく来るようになったある可愛い駆逐艦の壁掛け小物棚です。 姉妹専用の私物コーナー付き。
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= Don't mind...I said, but this is a wall-mounted accessory shelf of a cute destroyer that has been making frequent appearances in the Admiral's room recently. There is a corner for sisters' personal belongings.
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2021/09/28
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Cake Display===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= ケーキディスプレイ
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Cake Display
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 552
| ID= 552
| coin=  
| coin= 110000
| discount=  
| discount= 1000
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 5
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP= 艦娘たちがそれぞれ作ってくれた自家製ケーキです。 ホールからプリンまで国内海外出身の艦娘たちが腕によりをかけて作りました。
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN= These are homemade cakes made by several of the ship girls. From the chocolates to the puddings, they are all made with the utmost skill by ship girls from Japan and abroad.
| descriptionEN=  
| release= 2021/09/28
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===32nd Destroyer Halloween Personal Items Shelf===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 32駆ハロウィン私物棚
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= 32nd Destroyer Halloween Personal Items Shelf
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 554
| ID= 554
| coin=  
| coin= 3200
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity=  
| rarity= 6
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionJP= 夕雲型駆逐艦のある駆逐隊所属艦娘たちがハロウィン仮装時に着替えや私物整理のために職人さんに作ってもらった壁掛け棚です。
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN= This is a wall shelf made by a craftsman for the ship girls belonging to a destroyer squadron of the Yūgumo-class destroyers to use as storage for their Halloween costumes and to organize their personal belongings.
| BGM=
| release= 2021/10/15
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=  
| note= By [[Hamanami]], [[Fujinami]], [[Hayanami]], and [[Suzunami]]
===Type 21 Big Catch Flag===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 二一式大漁旗
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Type 21 Big Catch Flag
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 555
| ID= 555
| picture= true
| picture= true
| animated= true
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 頑張りましたね!大湊から出撃し、三陸沖、そして… 北海道根室沖での新秋刀魚奇跡の大漁、おめでとう…ございますっ!大漁です!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= You did a great job! You set off from Ominato, off the coast of Sanriku, and then... Congratulations on the miraculous catch of new Pacific saury off the coast of Nemuro, Hokkaido! It's a big catch!
| fairy= 1
| BGM= Glimmer of the Coast of Nemuro (根室沖の輝き)
| rarity=
| feature= Clicking on the flag giggles it, shows the full picture, and plays a voiceline.
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=  
| feature=  
| release= 2021/10/29
| release= 2021/10/29
| availability= {{Q|21Fa LB03|S}} reward, {{Q|22Fa LB03|S}} reward (choice)
| availability= {{Q|21Fa LB03|S}} reward, {{Q|22Fa LB03|S}} reward (choice)
| note=  
| note= Writing: "?" and voiceline: "?" by [[Souya]]
===Xmas Home Port Music Box===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= Xmas母港オルゴール
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Xmas Home Port Music Box
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 556
| ID= 556
| coin=  
| animated= true
| discount=  
| coin= 112240
| fairy= 1
| discount= 1224
| rarity=  
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionJP= 聖夜の母港。クリスマスの季節と艦娘たちと提督。 その時間をメロディで彩る、特製オルゴールです。 職人ダイナミック割引も可能!
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN= The home port on a holy night. The Christmas season, the ship girls and the admiral. This is a special music box that will add melody to your time. Dynamic discount available!
| BGM=
| feature= Clicking on the box animates it making it play the music "Fleet for the end of the year" (Fleet for the end of the year).
| feature=  
| release= 2021/12/10
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Take Flight! New Year's 5th Carrier Division Hanging Scroll===
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 飛翔!新春五航戦掛け軸
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Take Flight! New Year's 5th Carrier Division Hanging Scroll
| type= object
| type= object
| ID= 557
| ID= 557
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 実力ある晴れ着姿正規空母がその愛妹と共に準備した新春の気合を込めた掛け軸です。 飛翔、令和の空に二羽鶴が羽ばたきます。
| discount=
| descriptionEN= This hanging scroll depicts a capable aircraft carrier in formal attire, dressed in her finest attire, and is imbued with the spirit of the New Year, prepared by her beloved sister. Two cranes take flight in the Reiwa sky.
| fairy= 1
| BGM= New Year's Talisman (新しい年の護り)
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=  
| feature=
| release= 2022/01/01
| release= 2022/01/01
| availability= {{Q|2201 LB04|S}} reward
| availability= {{Q|2201 LB04|S}} reward
| note=  
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Shoukaku]] and [[Zuikaku]]
==="9th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll===
| ID= 567
| ID= 567
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 「九周年記念」掛け軸
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= "9th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll
| type= object
| type= object
| coin=  
| coin= 0
| discount=
| rarity= 6
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 三隻の潜水母艦と第六艦隊で九周年! ということで、艦隊の九周年を記念して、第六艦隊のある潜水母艦による提督への掛け軸です!
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= 9th anniversary with three submarine tenders and the 6th fleet! So, to commemorate the fleet's ninth anniversary, here is a hanging scroll dedicated to the Admiral by a submarine tender from the 6th Fleet!
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2022/04/23
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=  
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Jingei]]
===9th Anniversary Balloon Decoration===
| ID= 568
| ID= 568
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 祝九周年バルーン飾り
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= 9th Anniversary Balloon Decoration
| type= object
| type= object
| coin=  
| coin= 999
| discount=
| rarity= 3
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= 艦隊九周年を提督とお祝いするために、艦娘が手作りしたバルーン飾りです。 十年目の海へ、艦娘たちと共にまいりましょう!
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= These balloon decorations were handmade by the ship girls to celebrate the 9th fleet anniversary with the Admiral. Let's go to the sea for the tenth year together with the ship girls!
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2022/04/23
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Decorative Shelf to Enjoy the Rainy Season===
| ID= 570
| ID= 570
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 梅雨を愉しむ飾り棚
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Decorative Shelf to Enjoy the Rainy Season
| type= object
| type= object
| coin=  
| coin= 1800
| discount=
| rarity= 4
| fairy= 1
| descriptionJP= ある睦月型駆逐艦が中心になって準備した、雨がちな梅雨の季節を愉しむための小物飾り棚です。 雨の季節も元気にまいりましょう!
| rarity=  
| descriptionEN= This small display shelf was prepared by a Mutsuki-class destroyer, and is meant to be enjoyed during the rainy rainy season. Let's stay healthy even during the rainy season!
| descriptionJP=  
| release= 2021/09/28
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=  
| note= By [[Minazuki]]
Line 2,288: Line 1,957:
| coin= 1515
| coin= 1515
| rarity= 3
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= 南方での激戦を潜り抜けた第十五駆逐隊。<br>彼女たちが夏を満喫するための、特製駆逐夏飾りです!<br>夏の海へ彼女たちとご一緒に!
| descriptionJP= 南方での激戦を潜り抜けた第十五駆逐隊。 彼女たちが夏を満喫するための、特製駆逐夏飾りです! 夏の海へ彼女たちとご一緒に!
| descriptionEN= The 15th Destroyer Squadron survived the fierce fighting in the south.<br>These are special destroyer summer decorations for them to enjoy the summer to the fullest!<br>Go to the summer beach with them!
| descriptionEN= The 15th Destroyer Squadron survived the fierce fighting in the south. These are special destroyer summer decorations for them to enjoy the summer to the fullest! Go to the summer beach with them!
| release= 2022/07/13
| release= 2022/07/13
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 2,295: Line 1,964:
===Type 22 Big Catch Flag===
| ID= 578
| ID= 578
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 二二式大漁旗
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Type 22 Big Catch Flag
| type= object
| type= object
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| animated= true
| discount=
| descriptionJP= 獲れない秋刀魚は…ない! そんな意気込みで参加した鎮守府秋刀魚祭り及び秋刀魚漁支援成功を祝うある部隊による大漁旗です!
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= There is no saury that can't be caught! There is no saury that can't be caught! This is a large fishing flag hoisted by a unit celebrating their participation in the Naval Base Saury Festival and their successful support for Saury fishing!
| rarity=  
| BGM= This Moment (未来(いま))
| descriptionJP=  
| feature= Clicking on it makes Mogami, Fuso, and Yamashiro appear and plays their voices, and a Zuiun takes off.
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=  
| feature=  
| release= 2022/11/09
| release= 2022/11/09
| availability= {{Q|22Fa LB03|S}} reward, {{Q|2311 B3|S}} reward (choice)
| availability= {{Q|22Fa LB03|S}} reward, {{Q|2311 B3|S}} reward (choice)
| note=  
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Shigure]], [[Michishio]], [[Asagumo]], [[Yamagumo]]
*Voicelines: "?"
Line 2,322: Line 1,989:
| type= object
| type= object
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 最精鋭水雷戦隊、第二水雷戦隊。 その旗艦を預かる阿賀野型軽巡「矢矧」がしたためた令和五年迎春掛け軸です。 よろしくどうぞッ!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= The most elite torpedo squadron, the 2nd Torpedo Squadron. This is a hanging scroll celebrating the New Year in 2023, written by the Agano-class light cruiser "Yahagi", which serves as the flagship. Nice to meet you!
| fairy= 1
| BGM= Prayer (祈り)
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=  
| feature=
| release= 2023/01/01
| release= 2023/01/01
| availability= {{Q|2301 B4|S}} reward
| availability= {{Q|2301 B4|S}} reward
| note=  
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Yahagi]]
Line 2,344: Line 2,006:
| discount= 7000
| discount= 7000
| rarity= 5
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= 米国生まれのある正規空母が個人的に運用している棚です。<br>リーチインクーラーも完備した単艦個人酒保!<br>割引も可!
| descriptionJP= 米国生まれのある正規空母が個人的に運用している棚です。 リーチインクーラーも完備した単艦個人酒保! 割引も可!
| descriptionEN= This shelf is privately operated by a US-born aircraft carrier.<br>A single ship private bar equipped with a reach-in cooler!<br>Dynamic discounts available!
| descriptionEN= This shelf is privately operated by a US-born aircraft carrier. A single ship private bar equipped with a reach-in cooler! Dynamic discounts available!
| release= 2023/01/20
| release= 2023/01/20
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 2,357: Line 2,019:
| type= object
| type= object
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| animated= true
| discount=
| descriptionJP= 遂に遂に艦隊は、十周年! 艦隊の十周年を記念して、主力オブ主力の駆逐艦たち第十駆逐隊の面々が用意した記念の掛け軸です!
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= At last, the fleet is celebrating its 10th anniversary! To commemorate the fleet's 10th anniversary, the members of the 10th Destroyer Squadron, the most powerful of destroyers, have prepared a commemorative scroll!
| rarity=  
| BGM= Sallying Out for the Fleet's 10th Anniversary (艦隊10周年の抜錨)
| descriptionJP=  
| feature= Clicking on it makes the fairies dance.
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=  
| feature=  
| release= 2023/04/23
| release= 2023/04/23
| availability= {{Q|2304 B3|S}} reward
| availability= {{Q|2304 B3|S}} reward
| note=  
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Akigumo]], [[Yuugumo]], [[Makigumo]], and [[Kazagumo]]
===Shigure's Personal Belongings Shelf===
| ID= 597
| ID= 597
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 時雨の私物棚
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Shigure's Personal Belongings Shelf
| type= object
| type= object
| coin=  
| coin= 151800
| discount=  
| discount= 5180
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 6
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP= ある改装白露型駆逐艦の…あれやこれやが収められている改装駆逐艦の私物棚。 あまり生活感はないかも…ですね? …実態は如何に!
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN= The personal belongings of a certain remodeled Shiratsuyu-class destroyer... are stored in the remodeled destroyer's personal belongings shelf. It doesn't feel like much of a place to live, does it? ...What is the reality?
| descriptionEN=  
| release= 2023/06/14
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Amatsukaze's Nice Personal Storage Shelf===
| ID= 601
| ID= 601
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 天津風のいい風私物棚
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Amatsukaze's Nice Personal Storage Shelf
| type= object
| type= object
| coin=  
| image1= Furniture Full 601 B.png
| discount=  
| coin= 107000
| fairy= 1
| discount= 700
| rarity=  
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionJP= あなた、いい風きてる? そう、よかった…じゃああたしの荷物、ここに…置いとくからね! そんな駆逐艦娘の私物棚です。
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN= Are you feeling good? Okay, that's good... Then I'll leave my luggage here! This is the destroyer girl's personal belongings shelf.
| BGM=
| feature= The [[Amatsukaze]]'s uniform changes to her Kai Ni one when [[Amatsukaze Kai Ni]] is secretary.
| feature=  
| release= 2023/07/07
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Kiyoshimo's Personal Belongings Shelf===
| ID= 604
| ID= 604
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 清霜の私物棚
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Kiyoshimo's Personal Belongings Shelf
| type= object
| type= object
| coin=  
| coin= 103900
| discount=  
| discount= 380
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 3
| rarity=  
| descriptionJP= ねぇねぇ、清霜、強い?強くなった? 武蔵さんの次…位に強くなったでしょ? そんな少しご機嫌な駆逐艦の私物棚です。
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN= Hey, hey, Kiyoshimo, are you strong? Have you gotten stronger? You've become second only to Musashi... as strong as ever, right? This is the personal belongings shelf of this smug destroyer.
| descriptionEN=  
| release= 2023/10/11
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Naval Base Sweet Potato Stockpile Altar===
| ID= 605
| ID= 605
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 鎮守府お芋備蓄の祭壇
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Naval Base Sweet Potato Stockpile Altar
| type= object
| type= object
| coin=  
| animated= true
| discount=  
| coin= 3800
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity=  
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionJP= 某白露型の一番艦が収穫の秋に備えて密かに準備したお芋備蓄棚です。 祭壇仕様になっており、何故かその秋冬私服も…
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN= This is a sweet potato storage shelf that was secretly prepared on board a certain Shiratsuyu-class ship in preparation for the autumn harvest. It is set up as an altar, and for some reason, her own autumn and winter clothes are also included...
| BGM=
| feature= Click to play a voiceline and make is bounce.
| feature=  
| release= 2023/11/02
| release=  
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=  
| note= Voice: "Sweet potatoes, delicious!" by [[Shiratsuyu]]
===Type 23 Big Catch Flag===
| ID= 607
| ID= 607
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 二三式大漁旗
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Type 23 Big Catch Flag
| type= object
| type= object
| picture= true
| picture= true
| animated= true
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 艦隊十周年の秋刀魚祭り! 第十駆逐隊の面々と歴史と経験を誇る艦娘による大漁と鎮守府秋刀魚祭り成功を祝うめでたき大漁旗です!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= Fleet 10th Anniversary Pacific Saury Festival! This is a fishing flag celebrating the bountiful catch made by the members of the 10th Destroyer Squadron and their shipgirls who boast a long history and experience, and the success of the Naval Base Saury Festival!
| fairy= 1
| BGM= Sallying Out for the Fleet's 10th Anniversary (艦隊10周年の抜錨)
| rarity=
| feature= Clicking on the flag giggles it, plays a voiceline, and shows the full picture.
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=  
| feature=  
| release= 2023/11/02
| release= 2023/11/02
| availability= {{Q|2311 B3|S}} reward (choice)
| availability= {{Q|2311 B3|S}} reward (choice), {{Q|2411 B3|S}} reward (choice)
| note=  
| note= Writing: "?" and voiceline: "?" by [[Asahi]]
Line 2,474: Line 2,119:
| type= object
| type= object
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| descriptionJP= 着岸擱座上陸を得意とした戦車も揚陸可能なある輸送艦がしたためた令和六年の迎春掛け軸です。 謹賀新年着岸安全です!はい!
| discount=
| descriptionEN= This is a New Year's hanging scroll celebrating the year 2024, painted by a transport ship capable of landing tanks and specializing in beached landings. Happy New Year and safe docking! Yeah!
| fairy= 1
| BGM= Momochi and a New Morning (ももちと新しき朝)
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=  
| feature=
| release= 2024/01/01
| release= 2024/01/01
| availability= {{Q|2401 B4|S}} reward
| availability= {{Q|2401 B4|S}} reward
| note=  
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Momochi]]
Line 2,493: Line 2,133:
| nameEN= 7th Destroyer Squadron Personal Belongings Shelf
| nameEN= 7th Destroyer Squadron Personal Belongings Shelf
| type= object
| type= object
| animated= true
| image1= Furniture Full 614 B.png
| image2= Furniture Full 614 C.png
| image3= Furniture Full 614 D.png
| image4= Furniture Full 614 E.png
| coin= 2700
| coin= 2700
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 5
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= 第七駆逐隊メンバーの私物や装備の一部を置く特注の棚です。<br>七駆のペットたちもお気に入り?季節ごとに少しだけ変わる…たぶん!
| descriptionJP= 第七駆逐隊メンバーの私物や装備の一部を置く特注の棚です。 七駆のペットたちもお気に入り?季節ごとに少しだけ変わる…たぶん!
| descriptionEN= This is a custom-made shelf to hold some of the personal belongings and equipment of the members of the 7th Destroyer Squadron.<br>Do you like the Seven Drive pets? They change a little with each season...maybe!
| descriptionEN= This is a custom-made shelf to hold some of the personal belongings and equipment of the members of the 7th Destroyer Squadron. Do you like the Seven Drive pets? They change a little with each season...maybe!
| feature= Changes with the season (''see [[#Notes|here]]''). Giggles and plays a voiceline when clicked on.
| release= 2024/01/25
| release= 2024/01/25
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
Line 2,510: Line 2,156:
| type= object
| type= object
| reward= true
| reward= true
| coin=
| animated= true
| discount=
| descriptionJP= 艦隊はまさかの十一周年! 艦隊十一周年を記念して、第十一駆逐隊のメンバーが用意してくれた、古くて新しい記念の掛け軸です!
| fairy= 1
| descriptionEN= Fleet's 11th anniversary! To commemorate the fleet's 11th anniversary, the members of the 11th Destroyer Squadron prepared this old and new commemorative scroll!
| rarity=  
| BGM= The Combined Fleet Departs (連合艦隊の出撃)
| descriptionJP=  
| feature= Clicking on it makes the fairies dance.
| descriptionEN=  
| BGM=  
| feature=  
| release= 2024/04/23
| release= 2024/04/23
| availability= {{Q|2404 B4|S}} reward
| availability= {{Q|2404 B4|S}} reward
| note=  
| note= Writing: "?" by [[Fubuki]], [[Shirayuki]], [[Hatsuyuki]], and [[Miyuki]]
===Coastal Defense Ship's May Decoration===
| ID= 619
| ID= 619
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 海防艦の五月飾り
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Coastal Defense Ship's May Decoration
| type= object
| type= object
| coin=  
| coin= 5050
| discount=
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity=  
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionJP= 鎮守府の家具職人たちが腕によりをかけて制作した特注の五月飾りです。 小さな艦娘たちが強く大きく育つ祈りが込められています。
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN= These are custom-made May decorations, carefully crafted by the furniture craftsmen of the naval base. It is filled with prayers that the little ship girls will grow up strong and big.
| BGM=  
| BGM= Blue Wind Blowing on the Sea (海に吹く碧の風)
| feature=  
| feature= The plushes change with the secretary (''see [[#Notes|here]]'').
| release=  
| release= 2024/05/01
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Inagi's Personal Belongings Shelf===
| ID= 622
| ID= 622
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 稲木の私物小棚
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Inagi's Personal Belongings Shelf
| type= object
| type= object
| coin=  
| image1= Furniture Full 622 B.png
| discount=  
| coin= 2200
| fairy= 1
| fairy= 1
| rarity=  
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP=  
| descriptionJP= 八戸の盾と言われた雲霞のような敵機から街と人々を守った小さな戦士の私物棚です。 さらなる改装後の艦の配属で、少し変化も!
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionEN= This is the personal belongings shelf of a little warrior who was called Hachinohe's Shield and protected the city and its people from the clouds of enemy planes. With the further refurbished ships being assigned, there are some slight changes!
| BGM=  
| BGM= Weigh anchor! Ukuru-class Coastal Defense Ship (抜錨!鵜来型海防艦 )
| feature=  
| feature= The set changes when [[Inagi Kai Ni]] is secretary, featuring her seagull.
| release=  
| release= 2024/05/29
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
Line 2,567: Line 2,207:
| nameEN= Hatsuzuki's Personal Belongings Shelf
| nameEN= Hatsuzuki's Personal Belongings Shelf
| type= object
| type= object
| image1= Furniture Full 626 B.png
| coin= 1900
| coin= 1900
| rarity= 4
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= 味方を護る…そんな武人のような心を持つ防空駆逐艦のあまり私物のない私物棚です。<br>改装後も……大きく私物は増えない模様です。
| descriptionJP= 味方を護る…そんな武人のような心を持つ防空駆逐艦のあまり私物のない私物棚です。 改装後も……大きく私物は増えない模様です。
| descriptionEN= Protecting allies... This is the personal belongings shelf of an anti-aircraft destroyer with a warrior-like heart, and contains very few personal possessions.<br>Even after the renovation...it doesn't look like there will be a significant increase in personal belongings.
| descriptionEN= Protecting allies... This is the personal belongings shelf of an anti-aircraft destroyer with a warrior-like heart, and contains very few personal possessions. Even after the renovation...it doesn't look like there will be a significant increase in personal belongings.
| release= 2024/06/27
| release= 2024/06/27
| feature= The set changes when [[Hatsuzuki Kai Ni]] is secretary.
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= [[Hatsuzuki]]'s [[Choujuusenchihou]] is there.
| note= [[Hatsuzuki]]'s [[Choujuusenchihou]] is there.
===Naval Base Shipboard Shrine===
| ID= 631
| ID= 631
| nameJP=  
| nameJP= 鎮守府艦内神社
| nameEN=  
| nameEN= Naval Base Shipboard Shrine
| type= object
| coin= 108000
| discount= 800
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= 鎮守府提督室に分祀された艦娘の艦内神社です。 艦娘の安全やその無事の帰投、そして作戦成功を祈念するため、安置されます。
| descriptionEN= This is a shipboard shrine for ship girls, enshrined separately in the Naval Base Admiral's Room. They will be placed in order to pray for the safety of the ship girls, their safe return, and the success of the mission.
| release= 2024/09/27
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Fleet's Halloween Decorations===
| ID= 633
| nameJP= 艦隊Halloween飾り
| nameEN= Fleet's Halloween Decorations
| type= object
| coin= 110310
| discount= 1031
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= 秋南瓜祭りの季節。 仮装の準備に余念のない艦娘達のために、職人が特注で用意したHalloweenです! ※ダイナミック割引可能!
| descriptionEN= Autumn is the season for the pumpkin festival.  These Halloween decorations were custom-made by a craftsman for the ship girls who are busy preparing their costumes! ※Dynamic discount available!
| release= 2024/10/18
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Type 24 Big Catch Flag===
| ID= 634
| nameJP= 二四式大漁旗
| nameEN= Type 24 Big Catch Flag
| type= object
| picture= true
| animated= true
| reward= true
| descriptionJP= 十二年目の海、その秋刀魚漁は最上型の出番ですわ! 最上型重巡四姉妹が大漁と五穀豊穣、艦隊安全を祈願する、くまりんこ大漁旗!
| descriptionEN= It's the twelfth year at sea, and saury fishing, the Mogami-class comes into play! The four sisters of the Mogami-class heavy cruisers are praying for a good catch, bountiful harvest, and the safety of the fleet, with the Kumarinko fishing flag!
| BGM= Naval Base Saury Festival Kai Ni (鎮守府秋刀魚祭り改二)
| feature= Clicking on the flag giggles it, plays a voiceline, and shows the full picture.
| release= 2024/11/08
| availability= {{Q|2411 B3|S}} reward (choice)
| note= Writing: "?" and voiceline: "?" by ??
===Happy New Year! Heian Hanging Scroll===
| ID= 639
| nameJP= 恭賀新年!平安掛け軸
| nameEN= Happy New Year! Heian Hanging Scroll
| type= object
| reward= true
| animated= true
| image1= Furniture Full 639 B.png
| descriptionJP= 刻をこえて......令和七年の現代も横浜港で静かに海を見守り続ける姉を持つ、潜水母艦が平安を祈る、迎春の恭賀新年掛け軸です。
| descriptionEN= Beyond time... In the present year of Reiwa 7th, a submarine tender prays for peace for its sister who continues to quietly watch over the seas at Yokohama Port. This is a hanging scroll to welcome the New Year.
| BGM= Sea of the Reiwa New Year (頌春令和の海)
| feature= When clicked on, changes style with an animation
| release= 2024/01/01
| availability= {{Q|2501 B4|S}} reward (choice)
| note= Writing: "?"
*References [[Heian Maru]] praying for her sister ship Hikawa Maru.
===Ooi's Super Personal Belongings Shelf===
| nameJP= 大井の超私物棚
| nameEN= Ooi's Super Personal Belongings Shelf
| type= object
| type= object
| coin=  
| ID= 644
| discount=  
| image1= Furniture Full 644 B.png
| fairy= 1
| coin= 255000
| rarity=  
| discount= 15500
| descriptionJP=  
| rarity= 6
| descriptionEN=  
| descriptionJP= 某艦娘の私物棚です。改二改装後の彼女を秘書艦にすると・・・・・・やや警戒感の強い彼女ですが、少しだけ変化があるとかないとか。
| BGM=
| descriptionEN= This is a shelf for a certain shipgirl's personal belongings. If you make her your secretary after the Kai Ni remodel...she's a little wary, but maybe there will be a slight change.
| feature=  
| feature= The [[Ooi]]'s belongings change to her Kai Ni one when [[Ooi Kai Ni]] is secretary.
| release=  
| release= 2025/02/13
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=

Latest revision as of 19:03, 13 February 2025



Furniture Full 102.png

ID: 102 なし
N/A 壁になにか飾れそうですね!
Looks like something you can decorate the wall with!
Released the: 2013/04/23
Availability: Stock furniture
Notes: There is nothing present, leaving an empty space.

Old Wall Clock

Furniture Full 103.png

ID: 103 壁掛け古時計
Old Wall Clock
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
大きなのっぽではない古時計です。 優しく時を刻む音が、作戦立案で疲れた提督を癒します。
It's an old clock, not a big one. The gentle ticking of time soothes the admiral who is tired from planning operations.
Released the: 2013/04/23
Availability: Furniture Shop

"Apology" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 104.png

ID: 104 「お詫び」掛け軸
"Apology" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
何者かの手による「お詫び。」と書かれた掛け軸。 飾ることによって、うずしおを回避するような機能はない…気持ちの逸品。
A hanging scroll with the words "Apologies" written by someone. There is no function that can avoid the whirlpool by displaying it...It is a masterpiece of feeling.
Released the: 2013/05/17
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "Apology". Added for a delayed maintenance.

Stained Glass

Furniture Full 105.png

ID: 105 ステンドグラス
Stained Glass
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
The design, based on the motif of the sea and ships, creates a high-quality experience that is one class above the rest.
Released the: ?
Availability: Furniture Shop

Deer Objet D'Art

Furniture Full 106.png

ID: 106 鹿のオブジェ
Deer Objet D'Art
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
リッチなロッジにいるような世界観を醸し出す鹿の壁掛け。 だけど、剥製ではなくてぬいぐるみなのです。
A deer wall hanging that creates the feeling of being in a luxurious lodge. But it's not a stuffed animal, it's a stuffed toy.
Released the: 2013/04/23
Availability: Furniture Shop

"Maritime Escort" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 107.png

ID: 107 「海上護衛」掛け軸
"Maritime Escort" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
「海上護衛」の重要性を艦娘たちに訴えかけるような魂の掛け軸。 大井提督の筆によるものとも軽巡や駆逐艦娘作など諸説あります。
A soulful scroll that appeals to the ship girls about the importance of "maritime escort". There are various theories, including that it was written by Admiral Oi, or that it was painted by a light cruiser or destroyer girl.
Released the: 2013/06/12
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "Maritime Escort". "Admiral Oi" refers to Atsushi Oi, staff officer of the General Headquarters for Maritime Escort. After the war, he wrote "Sea Escort Battle". His final rank was colonel, so he is not technically an admiral.

Flower Painting

Furniture Full 108.png

ID: 108 花の絵画
Flower Painting
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
なんとなく壁がさみしい…そんな提督のココロを癒す、花の絵画。 司令官室を華やかに演出。
The wall feels a bit lonely...but here, a painting of flowers will soothe the Admiral's heart. Creates a gorgeous atmosphere in the commander's room.
Released the: ?
Availability: Furniture Shop

"200000 Thanks" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 109.png

ID: 109 「20万の感謝」掛け軸
"200000 Thanks" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
提督20万人突破を記念してある軽巡が書いた掛け軸。 全ての提督達に沢山の感謝だクマー!多摩だニャー!キ、キソだキソー!
A hanging scroll written by light cruisers to commemorate the number of admirals surpassing 200000. I'm so grateful to all the admirals! It's Tama! It's K-Kiso!
Released the: 2013/07/24
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?", by Kuma, Tama, Kiso

"1000000 Thanks" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 110.png

ID: 110 「100万の感謝」掛け軸
"1000000 Thanks" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
ある超弩級戦艦娘が書いた提督数100万人突破記念感謝の掛け軸。 同戦艦娘は「就役する妹も、よろしくお願いしますね」と語る。
A scroll of gratitude written by a super-dreadnought battleship girl to commemorate the number of admirals reaching 1 million. The battleship girl said, "Please support my younger sister who will be commissioned".
Released the: 2013/10/16
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?" by Yamato

Gentleman's Hat Rack

Furniture Full 111.png

ID: 111 紳士な帽子掛け
Gentleman's Hat Rack
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
優れた海の戦士は、優しい紳士たれ。 シルクハットと懐中時計がとっても紳士的な帽子掛け。
A great warrior of the sea is a kind gentleman. A very gentlemanly hat rack with a top hat and pocket watch.
Released the: 2013/04/23
Availability: Furniture Shop

"Night Battle" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 112.png

ID: 112 「夜戦」掛け軸
"Night Battle" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
「夜戦」に飽くなき執念と見敵必殺の想いを込めた艦娘自身の手による一筆。 どの艦娘の手による作品かは定かではありません。
This is a piece written by the ship girl herself, filled with her insatiable passion for "night battles" and her determination to kill the enemy on sight. It is unclear which shipgirl created this piece.
Released the: 2013/05/08
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?" by Sendai

"500000 Thanks" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 113.png

ID: 113 「50万の感謝」掛け軸
"500000 Thanks" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
提督50万人突破を記念してある戦艦が書いた掛け軸。 べ、別に何か焦っているとかではないぞ。 純粋に感謝の気持ちだ、胸が熱いな!
A hanging scroll painted by a battleship to commemorate the number of admirals surpassing 500000. No, it's not like I'm in a hurry or anything. I'm just so grateful, my heart is warmed!
Released the: 2013/08/26
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?", by Nagato

"Happy New Year" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 114.png

ID: 114 「謹賀新年」掛け軸
"Happy New Year" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
あけましておめでとうございます! 本年もどうぞよろしくお願い致します。 新年も提督と艦娘たちが幸せでありますように!
Happy New Year! Thank you for your continued support this year. May the Admiral and his shipgirls be happy in the new year!
Released the: 2014/01/01
Availability: Furniture Shop (2014/12/26)
Notes: Writing: "Happy New Year" by Ooyodo

"800000 Thanks" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 115.png

ID: 115 「80万の感謝」掛け軸
"800000 Thanks" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
提督数80万人を突破したっぽい? ということで、ある駆逐艦が準備した掛け軸。 ハンモック意匠を凝らしたキュートなデザイン。
It seems the number of admirals has exceeded 800000? So, here is a hanging scroll prepared by a certain destroyer. A cute design with an elaborate hammock motif.
Released the: 2013/09/18
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?", by Yuudachi

Old World Map

Furniture Full 116.png

ID: 116 古い世界地図
Old World Map
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
とても古い世界地図。よく見ると謎の印が! お宝のありかかもしれません…平和な海がきたら探索ですね!
A very old world map. Look closely and you'll see some mysterious markings! There might be treasure there... When you come to a peaceful sea, it's time to go exploring!
Released the: 2013/04/23
Availability: Furniture Shop

"Nano Desu" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 117.png

ID: 117 「なのです」掛け軸
"Nano Desu" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
提督への想いのつまった逸品です。 どの艦娘の作品かはわかり…あ…裏に名前が書いてありました。
This is a masterpiece filled with feelings for the Admiral. I knew which shipgirl it was made of...ah...they had her name written on the back.
Released the: 2013/05/17
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "Nano Desu!" by Inazuma

"6th Destroyer Division" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 118.png

ID: 118 「第六駆逐隊」掛け軸
"6th Destroyer Division" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
歴戦の水雷戦隊である第六駆逐隊。 その栄光と武運長久を祈って、ある暁型駆逐艦の手によって書かれた掛け軸です。
The 6th Destroyer Squadron is a veteran torpedo squadron. This hanging scroll was handwritten by an Akatsuki-class destroyer, praying for glory and lasting military fortune.
Released the: 2013/07/24
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "Spaciba, 6th Destroyer Division" by Hibiki

"Mainstay of Mainstay" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 119.png

ID: 119 「主力of主力」掛け軸
"Mainstay of Mainstay" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
艦隊決戦の主力艦隊と行動を共にする艦隊型駆逐艦、甲型駆逐艦の最終型。 主力of主力なある駆逐艦型一番艦の手による掛け軸です。
The final model of the Type A fleet destroyer, a fleet-type destroyer that operates alongside the main fleet in fleet battles. This is a hanging scroll handcrafted by the lead ship of the main destroyer class.
Released the: 2017/12/27
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "Mainstay of Mainstay", referencing the Yuugumo-class

Small Houseplants

Furniture Full 120.png

ID: 120 小さな観葉植物
Small Houseplants
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Even though they may be small, a green houseplant can soothe your battle-weary mind.
Released the: 2013/04/23
Availability: Furniture Shop

"Maizuru Naval Base" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 122.png

ID: 122 「舞鶴鎮守府」掛け軸
"Maizuru Naval Base" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
日本海側唯一の鎮守府にして、数々の苦難を乗り越える漢たちの港、舞鶴。 その気概と肉じゃががアレンジされた魂の掛け軸です。
Maizuru is the only naval base on the Sea of ​​Japan side and a port where men have overcome many hardships. This is a soulful hanging scroll that combines that spirit and meat and potatoes.
Released the: 2013/08/08
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "Maizuru Naval Base"
  • Added after log-in issues for the Maizuru Naval Base server.

Flower Arrangement

Furniture Full 123.png

ID: 123 アレンジメント
Flower Arrangement
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
喜び、明るさ、明朗、愉快を表現するイエローのフラワーアレンジメント。 提督室を華やかに爽やかに演出します!
A yellow flower arrangement that expresses joy, brightness, clarity, and merriment. It will add a vibrant and refreshing touch to the admiral's room!
Released the: 2013/04/23
Availability: Furniture Shop

Wall-mounted Practice Map Set

Furniture Full 124.png

ID: 124 壁掛け図上演習セット
Wall-mounted Practice Map Set
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
提督と秘書艦たちが戦略や作戦を練るための図上演習セットです。 戦力駒に磁石がついた、まさかの壁掛けタイプで省スペースです!
This is a wargame set that allows admirals and their secretaries to plan strategies and operations. The pieces have magnets attached, so they can be hung on the wall and save space!
Released the: 2014/05/09
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: The map was Spring 2014 Event's E3, located around the Banda Sea.

"1500000 Thanks" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 125.png

ID: 125 「150万の感謝」掛け軸
"1500000 Thanks" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
ある正規空母娘が新春に書いた、提督数150万人突破を記念した掛け軸。 なぜ掛け軸に妹の名を書く必要があるのかは謎です。
A hanging scroll written by a standard aircraft carrier girl this New Year to commemorate the number of admirals surpassing 1.5 million. It is a mystery why it is necessary to write the sister's name on the hanging scroll.
Released the: 2014/01/08
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?" by Shoukaku

"1800000 Thanks" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 126.png

ID: 126 「180万の感謝」掛け軸
"1800000 Thanks" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
二水戦の旗艦を務めた艦娘の手による提督数180万人突破を記念した掛け軸。 「次発装填済みです…」と呟きながらの達筆です。
A hanging scroll created by a shipgirl who served as the flagship of the Second Fleet, commemorating the number of admirals surpassing 1.8 million. He writes in beautiful handwriting while muttering, "The next bullet is loaded..."
Released the: 2014/03/28
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?" by Jintsuu

"One Year Anniversary" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 127.png

ID: 127 「一周年記念」掛け軸
"One Year Anniversary" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
提督のおかげで迎えることができた「祝一周年」を記念して制作された掛け軸。 二年目も、どうぞよろしくお願い致します!
A hanging scroll created to commemorate the first anniversary that we were able to reach thanks to the Admirals. We look forward to your continued support in our second year!
Released the: 2014/05/09
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?" by Akashi

Kaiju Movie Poster

Furniture Full 128.png

ID: 128 怪獣映画ポスター
Kaiju Movie Poster
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
ちび大怪獣の襲来!迎え撃つ艦娘の勇姿! 大ヒットした総天然色映画のポスターです。
A giant chibi monster attacks! The brave ship girls fight back! This is a poster for the blockbuster full-color movie.
Released the: 2013/04/23
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Parody of the 1st Godzilla poster.

Mount Fuji Mural

Furniture Full 129.png

ID: 129 富士山の壁画
Mount Fuji Mural
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
This mural featuring Mt. Fuji is so charming it makes you want to drink coffee milk.
Released the: 2013/05/08
Availability: Furniture Shop

Battleship Movie Poster

Furniture Full 130.png

ID: 130 戦艦映画ポスター
Battleship Movie Poster
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
遠い国での戦艦の反乱を描いた古いサイレント映画のポスターです。 とってもレアなポスターなんです!
It's an old silent film poster depicting a mutiny on a battleship in a faraway land. This is a very rare poster!
Released the: 2013/04/23
Availability: Furniture Shop

Prototype Fighter Poster

Furniture Full 132.png

Prototype fighter poster.png

ID: 132 試作艦戦ポスター
Prototype Fighter Poster
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
空技廠から独自のルートで手に入れた新型艦上戦闘機の試作機ポスター。 空母な艦娘垂涎の逸品です。
A poster of a prototype for a new carrier-based fighter aircraft that was obtained through unique channels from the Air Technical Arsenal. This is a masterpiece that any aircraft carrier shipgirl will covet.
Released the: 2013/05/08
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "Naval aviation recruitment". Represents the Prototype Reppuu Late Model.
  • The image was updated with its new CG.

Classroom Set "Blackboard"

Furniture Full 203.png

ID: 203 教室セット「黒板」
Classroom Set "Blackboard"
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
鎮守府で戦術や航海の講義をする際に用いる教室セット。 その必需品の黒板一式です。 チョークや黒板消しも完備。落書き禁止です!
A classroom set used at the naval base for lectures on tactics and navigation. This is an essential blackboard set. Equipped with chalk and blackboard eraser. Graffiti is prohibited!
Released the: 2014/05/23
Availability: Furniture Shop

"2000000 Thanks" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 204.png

ID: 204 「200万の感謝」掛け軸
"2000000 Thanks" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
ある超弩級戦艦娘による提督数200万人突破記念感謝の掛け軸。 「大和のようにはいかないぜ。読みにくいだと?ふっ気にするな!」
A scroll of gratitude by a super-dreadnought battleship girl to commemorate the number of admirals exceeding 2 million. "It's not like Yamato. You think it's hard to read? Don't worry about it!"
Released the: 2014/05/23
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?" by Musashi

"Camouflage Doctrine" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 205.png

ID: 205 「迷彩主義」掛け軸
"Camouflage Doctrine" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
やはり決戦は迷彩で! 流行の迷彩衣装を纏う艦娘たちの共作による掛け軸です。 ある重巡だけでなく空母艦娘も制作に参加です!
After all, the decisive battle is in camouflage! This hanging scroll is a collaborative work featuring shipgirls dressed in trendy camouflage outfits. Not only a certain heavy cruiser, but also an aircraft carrier ship girl participated in the production!
Released the: 2014/07/04
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "Camouflage Doctrine"

Big Antique Clock

Furniture Full 206.png

Furniture Animated 206.gif

ID: 206 大きな古時計
Big Antique Clock
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
大きくてのっぽでない古時計です。 触ると仕掛け鳩が飛び出るギミック付の可動家具です! ※可動仕様家具
It's a large and bulky old clock. This is a movable piece of furniture with a gimmick that makes a cuckoo pop out when you touch it! ※Interactive furniture
Released the: 2014/07/04
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: A cuckoo appears every 15 min or when clicked on, with a sound effect.

"Yokosuka Naval Base" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 220.png

ID: 220 「横須賀鎮守府」掛け軸
"Yokosuka Naval Base" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
歴戦の提督達の集まる港、それが「横鎮」。 中枢であると同時に、古い港であるが故の苦労も多いが、艦隊の士気も極めて高い。
"Yokosuka" is a port where veteran admirals gather. While it is a central location and an old port, it faces many hardships, but the morale of the fleet is extremely high.
Released the: 2014/08/29
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?"
  • Added after log-in issues for the Yokosuka Naval Base server.

"Thank You" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 221.png

ID: 221 「ありがとう」掛け軸
"Thank You" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
これまで応援して下さった提督の皆さんのおかげで、望外の賞を頂いた。 それを記念した、感謝の掛け軸! ※特殊BGM家具
Thanks to all the admirals who have supported us up until now, I have received this unexpected award. A scroll of gratitude to commemorate this occasion! ※Special BGM furniture
Special BGM: Musashi's Return (武蔵の帰投) Special BGM
Released the: 2014/09/12
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?" by Musashi and Yamato
  • Commemorating winning the Grand Prize in the Game Design category of the CEDEC AWARDS 2014.

Winter Decorations

Furniture Full 223.png

ID: 223 冬の飾り付け
Winter Decorations
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
艦娘達が忙しい提督のために一生懸命手作りの飾り付けをしてくれました! 素敵なパーティーしましょう! ※特殊BGM家具
The ship girls worked hard to create handmade decorations for the busy Admiral! Let's have a great party! ※Special BGM furniture
Special BGM: Winter Anchor (冬の抜錨) Special BGM
Released the: 2014/12/01
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "Merry Christmas" (С Рождеством Христовым)

New Year Hanging Scroll 2015

Furniture Full 226.png

ID: 226 新春掛け軸二〇一五
New Year Hanging Scroll 2015
N/A 新年あけましておめでとうございます! 二〇一五年も「艦これ」をどうぞよろしくお願い致します! ※2015年新春特別家具
Happy New Year! We look forward to your continued support of "KanColle" in 2015! ※2015 New Year special furniture
Special BGM: New Year Greetings from the Naval Base (迎春の鎮守府) Special BGM
Released the: 2015/01/01
Availability: Log in gift
Notes: Writing: "?, Frohes Neues Jahr" by Prinz Eugen

New Year Decoration

Furniture Full 227.png

ID: 227 しめ飾り
New Year Decoration
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
新年を迎えるために艦娘が用意してくれたしめ飾り。 これさえ飾れば、鎮守府の新年の用意はバッチリ! 良いお年を!
The decorations prepared by the shipgirls to welcome the New Year. With just this decoration, the naval base will be fully prepared for the New Year! Have a great new year!
Released the: 2014/12/26
Availability: Furniture Shop

"2500000 Thanks" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 231.png

ID: 231 「250万の感謝」掛け軸
"2500000 Thanks" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
振り返れば、こんなところまで…提督の皆さん、ありがとうございました! 記念の掛け軸を書いた艦娘も、今から一杯やるみたいです!
Looking back, we've come this far...thank you, admirals! The ship girl who painted the commemorative scroll also seems to be having a drink now!
Special BGM: Sortie of the 5th Squadron (第五戦隊の出撃) Special BGM
Released the: 2015/01/23
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?" by Nachi

Musashi Hanging Scroll

ID: 235 武蔵の掛け軸
Musashi Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
大和型戦艦二番艦「武蔵」その帰投を祝す掛け軸を、提督方にお贈りします。 おかえりなさい。 ※特殊BGM家具です。
We would like to present the admirals with a hanging scroll celebrating the return of the second Yamato-class battleship "Musashi". Welcome back. ※Special BGM furniture.
Special BGM: Musashi's Return (武蔵の帰投) Special BGM
Released the: 2015/03/13
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: Has a falling sakura petal effect, and the lines change every hour.
Notes: Writing:
  • Odd hours: "It seems I've kept you waiting. I'm here!"
  • Even hours: "Welcome back!"

This commemorates the finding of Musashi's wreck

Mount Fuji Tile Painting

Furniture Full 241.png

ID: 241 富嶽タイル画
Mount Fuji Tile Painting
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
提督の熱いリクエストで新たに実装された富嶽タイル画です。 温泉等との相性はいうことありません。 価格もギリギリに抑えました!
This is a newly implemented tile painting of Mount Fuji, in response to an enthusiastic request from the Admiral. It goes perfectly with hot springs and other things. We've kept the price as low as possible!
Released the: 2015/03/27
Availability: Furniture Shop

"Second Anniversary" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 242.png

ID: 242 「二周年記念」掛け軸
"Second Anniversary" Hanging Scroll
N/A 提督のおかげで迎えることができた「祝二周年」を記念して制作された掛け軸。 三年目も、頑張ってまいりましょう~!
A hanging scroll created to "commemorate the second anniversary", which was made possible thanks to the Admiral. Let's do our best in the third year as well!
Released the: 2015/04/23
Availability: Log in gift
Notes: Writing: "?" by Mutsuki

"3000000 Thanks" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 247.png

Furniture Animated 247.gif

ID: 247 「300万の感謝」掛け軸
"3000000 Thanks" Hanging Scroll
N/A 山城…大変よ。私達大切な掛け軸を仰せつかったわ。 姉様!こんなこともあろうかと墨汁はこちらに!嗚呼墨が跳ねて顔や服に…ッ!
Yamashiro... That's terrible. We've been entrusted with an important scroll. Sister! I knew something like this would happen so I brought the ink here! Aah, the ink is splashing onto your face and clothes!
Released the: 2015/05/18
Availability: Log in gift
Special Feature: Tilts when clicked on with a sound effect.
Notes: Writing: "?" by Fusou and Yamashiro

Fleet Ice Squad Banner

Furniture Full 254.png

ID: 254 艦隊氷旗
Fleet Ice Squad Banner
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
かき氷を愛する艦娘有志の手による、艦隊氷旗です。 これを掲げれば、どんな暑い日でも、気持ちよく過ごせるはず…かも!
This is a fleet ice flag made by volunteer ship girls who love shaved ice. If you carry this around, you'll be able to feel comfortable no matter how hot the day is...Kamo!
Released the: 2015/07/17
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?". By Akitsushima

"Fleet Review" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 256.png

ID: 256 「観艦式」掛け軸
"Fleet Review" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
観艦式挙行を祝って用意された掛け軸です。 横浜特設施設で行われた観艦式でも使用された逸品です。 ぜひ提督執務室でも観艦式を!
This hanging scroll was prepared to celebrate the holding of the Fleet Review. This is an exceptional piece that was also used at the Fleet Review held at the Yokohama Special Facility. Please hold a fleet review in the admiral's study!
Released the: 2015/08/10
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "Fleet Review"

"Rabaul Base" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 259.png

ID: 259 「ラバウル基地」掛け軸
"Rabaul Base" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
最前線に臨む要衝、ラバウル基地。 海の翼の集う重要基地と同泊地で苦闘の日々を戦い抜いた提督達に贈る掛け軸! ラバウルで朝食を
Rabaul Air Base, a strategic location on the front line. A hanging scroll dedicated to the admirals who fought through hardships every day at this important base and anchorage where the Wings of the Sea gather! Breakfast in Rabaul
Released the: 2015/09/07
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?" by Mutsu

"Buin Base" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 260.png

ID: 260 「ブイン基地」掛け軸
"Buin Base" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
文字通りの最前線で戦っているブイン基地所属の提督達のための逸品。 艦載機をモチーフに搭乗員妖精一同による力強い文字が躍る!
A special item for the admirals stationed at Buin Base who are literally fighting on the front lines. The powerful words written by the fairy crew members are based on the motif of a carrier-based plane!
Released the: 2015/09/07
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?"

Fleet Big Catch Flag

Furniture Full 261.png

Furniture Reward 261.png

ID: 261 艦隊大漁旗
Fleet Big Catch Flag
N/A 第六駆逐隊のある駆逐艦が航海の安全と大漁を祈って司令官のために作った大漁旗です。 手作りなので僚艦もお手伝いしたのです!
This is a fishing flag made by a destroyer from the 6th Destroyer Squadron for the commander to pray for a safe voyage and a good catch. Since it was handmade, other ships also helped out!
Released the: 2015/10/09
Availability: SB05 reward, SB14 reward (choice)
Notes: Writing: "?" by Inazuma and Ikazuchi

"Truk Anchorage" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 264.png

ID: 264 「トラック泊地」掛け軸
"Truk Anchorage" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
外地の最重要拠点、トラック。 数々の激しい空襲をくぐり抜け、同地で奮戦するトラック提督たちのために作られた魂の掛け軸。
Trucks are the most important base in the overseas territories. This is a soulful scroll created for the truck admirals who fought bravely there, surviving numerous fierce air raids.
Released the: 2015/12/08
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "Four Seasons and Seven Days" by Fumizuki, referencing the main islands of the Truk Archipelago during the Japanese colonial period being named after the four seasons and seven days of the week.
  • Added after log-in issues for the Truk Anchorage server.

Night Apology Hanging Scroll (1)

Furniture Full 265.png

Furniture Full 265 B.png

ID: 265 夜のお詫び掛け軸(壱)
Night Apology Hanging Scroll (1)
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
何者かの手によるお詫びの気持ちが込められた、夜のお詫び掛け軸。 掛け軸初の夜間照明装置を備えた独特の凄味がある逸品。
A nighttime apology hanging scroll, imbued with someone's feelings of apology. This is a unique and impressive piece that is the first hanging scroll to be equipped with a night-time lighting device.
Released the: 2015/12/08
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: Banner lights up on click.
Notes: Writing: "?" by Jintsuu
  • Added to apology after a PT boat mods bug.

Night Apology Hanging Scroll (2)

Furniture Full 266.png

Furniture Animated 266.gif

ID: 266 夜のお詫び掛け軸(弐)
Night Apology Hanging Scroll (2)
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
自分が書きたいとはりきる何者かの手によるお詫びの気持ちが込められた、夜のお詫び掛け軸弐型。 微妙なぬいぐるみを標準装備。
Nighttime Apology Scroll Type 2 is imbued with the feelings of apology written by someone who was excited to write it. Subtle plush toys come as standard.
Released the: 2015/12/08
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: The PT Imps move with a sound effect when clicked on.
Notes: Writing: "?" by Kawakaze
  • Added to apology after a PT boat mods bug.

Fleet Safety Decoration

Furniture Full 268.png

Furniture Reward 268.png

ID: 268 艦隊安全お飾り
Fleet Safety Decoration
N/A ある給糧艦が提督と一緒に手作りした年越しの準備。 艦隊に所属する全ての艦娘への航海の安全と武運長久の祈りが込められた逸品。
A supply ship and its admiral make handmade preparations for New Year's Eve. A masterpiece filled with prayers for safe voyages and lasting good fortune for all the ship girls in the fleet.
Released the: 2015/12/24
Availability: SB07 reward
Notes: Writing: "?" by Mamiya

"Kure Naval Base" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 269.png

ID: 269 「呉鎮守府」掛け軸
"Kure Naval Base" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
歴戦の提督の集う海の戦略中枢拠点、「呉鎮守府」。 長い期間、この戦略要港で艦娘と共に戦った提督達に贈る魂と感謝の掛け軸。
Kure Naval Base is a strategic central base at sea where veteran admirals gather. A hanging scroll of spirit and gratitude dedicated to the admirals who fought alongside the shipgirls in this strategic port for a long period of time.
Released the: 2015/12/24
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?"

"Sasebo Naval Base" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 270.png

ID: 270 「佐世保鎮守府」掛け軸
"Sasebo Naval Base" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
時に内地の最前線基地となる拠点、「佐世保鎮守府」。 長い期間、この佐鎮で艦娘と苦楽を共にした提督達に贈る魂と感謝の掛け軸。
Sasebo Naval Base is a base that sometimes serves as the frontline base on the mainland. A hanging scroll of soul and gratitude dedicated to the admirals who shared joys and sorrows with the shipgirls on this ship.
Released the: 2015/12/24
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?"

Aircraft Carrier Stained Glass

Furniture Full 274.png

ID: 274 航空母艦ステンドグラス
Aircraft Carrier Stained Glass
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Full Price:
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
+1Item Icon Furniture Fairy.png
家具職人がその持てる技と気合を総動員して作った最高級のステンドグラス。 超絶家具コイン長者向けですが、家具職人支援も可!
This is the finest stained glass, created by a furniture craftsman using all of his skills and passion. It's aimed at super furniture coin millionaires, but you can also support furniture craftsmen!
Released the: 2016/01/19
Availability: Furniture Shop

Aviation Battleship Stained Glass

Furniture Full 275.png

ID: 275 航空戦艦ステンドグラス
Aviation Battleship Stained Glass
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Full Price:
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
+1Item Icon Furniture Fairy.png
職人が技と気合で作り上げた飛行する瑞雲も眩しい航空戦艦ステンドグラス。 超絶家具コイン長者向けですが、家具職人支援も可!
The flying Zuiuns are a dazzling stained glass aviation battleship created by skilled artisans with great passion and skill. It's aimed at super furniture coin millionaires, but you can also support furniture craftsmen!
Released the: 2016/01/19
Availability: Furniture Shop

"First Wind of Spring" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 277.png

Furniture Reward 277.png

ID: 277 「春の一番」掛け軸
"First Wind of Spring" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
In the season when we can feel the arrival of spring, this hanging scroll is full of the gentle atmosphere of spring, painted by Destroyer Girl, who for some reason loves everything.
Released the: 2016/03/11
Availability: B61 reward, Furniture Shop (2017/02/28)
Notes: Writing: "?" by Shiratsuyu

"Spring Type B Sisters" Panel

Furniture Full 280.png

Furniture Picture 280.png

Furniture Reward 280.png

ID: 280 「春の乙型姉妹」パネル
"Spring Type B Sisters" Panel
N/A 「春の艦祭り」開催を記念して撮られた乙型駆逐艦姉妹のポートレイトです。 提督の皆さん、今年の春もよろしくお願い致します!
This is a portrait of the Type B destroyer sisters taken to commemorate the "Spring Ship Festival". Dear Admirals, we look forward to your continued support this spring!
Released the: 2016/03/19
Availability: Log in gift
Special Feature: Clicking on it shows the full frame.

Uzuki's Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 284.png

Furniture Animated 284.gif

ID: 284 卯月の掛け軸
Uzuki's Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Full Price:
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
+1Item Icon Furniture Fairy.png
うっそぴょーん!と明るく笑う睦月型駆逐艦の手による春の特別な掛け軸です。 家具コイン長者向けですがダイナミック職人支援可!
Just kidding! This is a special spring hanging scroll created by a Mutsuki-class destroyer, smiling brightly. It's aimed at furniture coin millionaires, but dynamic discount is also available!
Released the: 2016/04/01
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: Clicking on it giggles the frame.
Notes: Writing: "?" by Uzuki

"3rd Anniversary" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 286.png

Furniture Picture 286.png

Furniture Reward 286.png

ID: 286 「三周年記念」掛け軸
"3rd Anniversary" Hanging Scroll
N/A 提督のおかげで迎えることができた「祝三周年」を記念してある高速戦艦によって制作された掛け軸。 四年目も頑張っていくデース!
A hanging scroll produced by a certain fast battleship to commemorate the "third anniversary" that was made possible thanks to the admiral. We'll do our best in our fourth year too!
Released the: 2016/04/22
Availability: B67 reward
Special Feature: Clicking on the photo shows the full picture.
Notes: Writing: "?" by Kongou

Hanging Scroll of Reflection

Furniture Full 298.png

ID: 298 反省の掛け軸
Hanging Scroll of Reflection
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
この度は大変申し訳ない…しっかり猛反省して、夏は態勢を建て直します。 という、何者かの反省の想いが記された掛け軸。
We are extremely sorry about this incident... We will reflect on this deeply and get things back in order this summer. This is a hanging scroll inscribed with someone's remorseful thoughts.
Released the: 2016/06/01
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?"

Hydrangea Stained Glass

Furniture Full 299.png

ID: 299 紫陽花のステンドグラス
Hydrangea Stained Glass
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
梅雨のシーズンに美しく咲く紫陽花の花をモチーフにしたステンドグラス。 雨の日も爽やかな気分になれる提督室を演出します。
Stained glass with a motif of hydrangea flowers, which bloom beautifully during the rainy season. It creates an admiral's room that will make you feel refreshed even on rainy days.
Released the: 2016/06/10
Availability: Furniture Shop

Type 16 Big Catch Flag

Furniture Full 314.png

Furniture Picture 314.png

Furniture Animated 314.gif

Furniture Reward 314.png

ID: 314 一六式大漁旗
Type 16 Big Catch Flag
N/A 最新鋭を自負するある軽巡洋艦が、いえ、主にその妹が艦隊の航海の安全と大漁を祈って作った新大漁旗。 長女たちも寄書き済みです!
A new fishing flag was created by a light cruiser that prided herself on being the most advanced ship in the world, or rather, by her sister ship, in prayer for the safe voyage of the fleet and a bountiful catch. My eldest daughters have also written messages!
Released the: 2016/10/21
Availability: SB14 reward (choice), SB25 reward (choice), SB32 reward (choice)
Special Feature: Clicking on the photo shows the full picture and giggles the frame with a sound effect ("Pyaa!" by Sakawa).
Notes: Writing: "?" by the Agano-class.

New Year Hanging Scroll 2017

Furniture Full 324.png

Furniture Reward 324.png

ID: 324 新春掛け軸二〇一七
New Year Hanging Scroll 2017
N/A A HAPPY NEW YEAR! 艦隊合流後初めて鎮守府のお正月を体験する戦艦娘が準備した新春掛け軸です。
A HAPPY NEW YEAR! This is a New Year's hanging scroll prepared by the battleship girls who will be experiencing New Year's at the naval base for the first time since joining the fleet.
Released the: 2017/01/10
Availability: Log in gift
Notes: Reference to Iowa BB31 with her OS2U

"New Year's Greeting" Hanging Scroll 2017

Furniture Full 325.png

Furniture Reward 325.png

ID: 325 「迎春」掛け軸二〇一七
"New Year's Greeting" Hanging Scroll 2017
N/A まだ見ないでっていってるのに……といいつつ、ある駆逐艦が一生懸命書いてくれました! 新しい「迎春」掛け軸、お届けします。
Even though I told them not to look yet... one destroyer wrote it with great care! We are pleased to present you with a new "New Year's Greeting" hanging scroll.
Released the: 2017/01/01
Availability: SB20 reward
Notes: Writing: "New Year's Greeting" by Yamakaze

"Setsubun" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 330.png

ID: 330 「セッツブーン」掛け軸
"Setsubun" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
The Setsubun hanging scroll, filled with the spirit of cheering for the Setsubun season and created with great enthusiasm by a foreign-born ship girl, is now magnificently completed!
Released the: 2017/01/25
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "Setsubun!" by Prinz Eugen

Yayoi's Arrangement

Furniture Full 337.png

ID: 337 弥生のアレンジメント
Yayoi's Arrangement
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
ある睦月型駆逐艦が弥生の季節の花々を使って作ったフラワーアレンジメントです。 もちろん、怒ってなんかいません。
This is a flower arrangement made by a Mutsuki-class destroyer using flowers from the Yayoi season. Of course, I'm not angry.
Released the: 2017/02/28
Availability: Furniture Shop

Return Gift Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 340.png

ID: 340 お返し掛け軸
Return Gift Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
お返しの感謝の気持ちを上手に伝えられない提督が、密かに習字も練習して制作した感謝の掛け軸。 これなら気持ちがダイレクトに!
The admiral, unable to express his gratitude effectively in return, secretly practiced calligraphy and created a hanging scroll to express his gratitude. This way you can express your feelings directly!
Released the: 2017/03/04
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?"

Japanese Cherry Blossom Arrangement

Furniture Full 342.png

Furniture Animated 342.gif

Furniture Full 342 A.png

Furniture Full 342 B.png

Furniture Full 342 C.png

Furniture Full 342 D.png

Furniture Full 342 F.png

ID: 342 桜の和のアレンジメント
Japanese Cherry Blossom Arrangement
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
儚くも美しく咲く桜。 その桜の移り変わる風情を提督執務室の中でも愉しむことができる、家具職人特製の和のアレンジメントです。
Cherry blossoms bloom beautifully yet fleetingly. This is a Japanese arrangement made specially by a furniture craftsman, which allows the Admiral to enjoy the ever-changing beauty of the cherry blossoms from within his study.
Released the: 2017/04/05
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: Changes with the season (see here). If 50+ % bloomed, when clicked on, sakura petals glide down.

"4th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 343.png

Furniture Picture 343.png

Furniture Card 343.png

ID: 343 「四周年記念」掛け軸
"4th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll
N/A 提督のおかげで迎えることができた「祝四周年」を記念して特型駆逐艦四番艦とその姉妹艦たちが制作した記念のスペシャル掛け軸!
To celebrate the "4th Anniversary" that we were able to celebrate thanks to the Admiral, a special commemorative hanging scroll was created by the 4th Special Type Destroyer and her sisters!
Released the: 2017/05/02
Availability: Spring 2017 Event E1 reward
Special Feature: Clicking on the photo shows the full picture.
Notes: Writing: "?" by Miyuki, Fubuki, Shirayuki, and Isonami (+ Inazuma)

"2nd Carrier Division In Flight" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 347.png

Furniture Picture 347.png

ID: 347 「空飛ぶ二航戦」掛け軸
"2nd Carrier Division In Flight" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
平和な大空に飛ぶ夢を描く航空母艦娘の手による記念掛け軸。 鮮やかな色使いと添えられた記念写真が魅力の限定掛け軸です。
A commemorative hanging scroll created by aircraft carrier girls, depicting the dream of flying in the peaceful skies. This limited edition hanging scroll is attractive for its vivid colors and accompanying commemorative photo.
Released the: 2017/06/06
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: Clicking on the photo shows the full picture.
Notes: Writing: "?" by Hiryuu
  • Collaboration with the Peach airline.

"Zuiun Spirit" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 349.png

Furniture Animated 349.gif

ID: 349 「瑞雲魂」掛け軸
"Zuiun Spirit" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
隠れた名機といえる高性能水上偵察機「瑞雲」。 その魂を込めてある航空戦艦がこの時のために丹精込めて作り上げた入魂の掛け軸。
The high-performance seaplane reconnaissance aircraft "Zuiun" is a hidden gem. This hanging scroll is a work of art that was painstakingly crafted for this occasion by an aircraft carrier that embodies that soul.
Released the: 2017/06/23
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: Clinking on the Zuiun makes it take off.
Notes: Writing: "?" by Hyuuga Kai

"Hyuuga" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 355.png

ID: 355 「日向」の掛け軸
"Hyuuga" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
鎮守府「瑞雲」祭り、その成功を記念して作成された記念高級掛け軸です。 達人が墨で描いたある航空戦艦娘がやさしく微笑みます。
This is a high-quality commemorative hanging scroll created to celebrate the success of the Naval Base "Zuiun" Festival. A girl from an aircraft carrier, drawn in ink by a master, smiles gently.
Released the: 2017/07/31
Availability: Furniture Shop

"Ise" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 356.png

ID: 356 「伊勢」の掛け軸
"Ise" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
鎮守府「瑞雲」祭り、その無事完了を祝して作成された記念掛け軸、その二つ目です。 航空戦艦と瑞雲を愛する提督にお贈りします。
This is the second commemorative hanging scroll created to celebrate the successful completion of the Naval Base "Zuiun" Festival. This is for admirals who love aircraft carriers and the Zuiun.
Released the: 2017/07/31
Availability: Furniture Shop

Type 17 Big Catch Flag

Furniture Full 361.png

Furniture Picture 361.png

Furniture Animated 361.gif

Furniture Reward 361.png

ID: 361 一七式大漁旗
Type 17 Big Catch Flag
N/A 朝潮型駆逐艦で編成されたある元気な駆逐隊が、艦隊の航海の安全と秋刀魚大漁を祈って作った新大漁旗。 アゲアゲで参りましょう。
A spirited destroyer squadron made up of Asashio-class destroyers created a new fishing flag to pray for the fleet's safe voyage and a bountiful catch of saury. Let's go with high spirits.
Released the: 2017/09/29
Availability: SB25 reward, SB32 reward (choice),
Special Feature: Clicking on the photo shows the full picture and giggles the frame with a sound effect.
Notes: Writing: "?" by Asashio, Ooshio, Arashio, and Michishio

1YB Third Unit Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 369.png

Furniture Animated 369.gif

ID: 369 1YB第三部隊掛け軸
1YB Third Unit Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
スリガオ海峡に挑んだ第一遊撃部隊第三部隊。 祈りと鎮魂の気持ちが込められた掛け軸です。 いつまでも、忘れることはありません。
The Third Unit of the First Striking Force entered the Surigao Strait. This hanging scroll is filled with prayers and feelings of repose. I'll never forget you.
Special BGM: To the Strait (海峡へ) Special BGM
Released the: 2017/12/11
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: Clicking on it animates it and plays a voiceline.
Notes: Writing: "?"

New Year Hanging Scroll 2018

Furniture Full 370.png

ID: 370 新春掛け軸二〇一八
New Year Hanging Scroll 2018
N/A 新年、明けまして、おめでとうございます! 艦隊合流後初めて鎮守府の新年を体験する海防艦娘の準備による新春掛け軸です。
Happy New Year, everyone! This is a New Year's hanging scroll in preparation for the coastal defense ship girls who will be experiencing the New Year at the naval base for the first time since joining the fleet.
Released the: 2018/01/01
Availability: Log in gift
Notes: Writing: "?" by Etorofu

"5th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll

ID: 380 「五周年記念」掛け軸
"5th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll
N/A 遂に艦隊は五周年を迎えることとなりました! 提督、ありがとうございました! 5th Anniversary! Thank you so,so mach!
The fleet has finally reached its fifth anniversary! Thank you Admiral! 5th Anniversary! Thank you so, so much!
Released the: 2018/04/23
Availability: 5A03 reward
Special Feature: Clicking on it giggles the frame with a voiceline.
Notes: Writing and voiceline "?" by Gambier Bay

"Complete Meal" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 381.png

Furniture Reward 381.png

ID: 381 「完食」掛け軸
"Complete Meal" Hanging Scroll
N/A 素晴らしい食材による美味しい料理を力一杯食べて、満足した何者かの手による大型の特別な掛け軸。 高い満足感が伝わる逸品です。
A large, special hanging scroll made by someone who was satisfied after eating delicious food made with wonderful ingredients. This is a masterpiece that will give you a high level of satisfaction.
Released the: 2018/05/15
Availability: Su08 reward
Notes: Writing: "Complete Meal"

"Etorofu-class Coastal Defense Ship" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 382.png

Furniture Reward 382.png

ID: 382 「択捉型海防艦」掛け軸
"Etorofu-class Coastal Defense Ship" Hanging Scroll
N/A 択捉型海防艦姉妹の五隻が艦隊の五周年を祝って寄せ書きのように作ってくれた手作りの掛け軸です。 それぞれの個性が光ります。
This is a handmade hanging scroll created as a kind of message book by the five sister ships of the Etorofu-class coastal defense ships to celebrate the fleet's fifth anniversary. Each individuality shines through.
Special BGM: Maritime Escort Warfare (海上護衛戦) Special BGM
Released the: 2018/06/13
Availability: C20 reward
Notes: Writing: "?" by the Etorofu-class

Zuiun Flag

Furniture Full 383.png

ID: 383 瑞雲旗
Zuiun Flag
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
下駄ばき機としては脅威の性能を誇る名機「瑞雲」。 「瑞雲」を愛する艦娘達と提督の想いが結晶した旗。 瑞雲…いつか…どこかで!
"Zuiun" is a famous seaplane with amazing performances. A flag that crystallizes the feelings of the admiral and the ship girls who love the "Zuiun". Zuiun...someday...somewhere!
Special BGM: Spotter Planes, Begin Departure! (索敵機、発艦始め!) Special BGM
Released the: 2018/06/13
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?" by Ise and Hyuuga

Large Flower Arrangement

ID: 392 大型生花アレンジメント
Large Flower Arrangement
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Full Price:
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
+1Item Icon Furniture Fairy.png
四季折々の花々をふんだんに使った、迫力ある豪華な生花アレンジメントです。 これで部屋が一気に華やかに! ダイナミック割引可!
This is a spectacular and luxurious fresh flower arrangement, using an abundance of seasonal flowers. This will instantly brighten up your room! Dynamic discount available!
Released the: 2018/08/01
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: Changes with the season (see here).

"Maya's Shield" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 393.png

Furniture Reward 393.png

ID: 393 「摩耶の盾」掛け軸
"Maya's Shield" Hanging Scroll
N/A 対空番長を自負する重巡が護るべき空を見上げつつ、新たな気持ちで書き上げた盾の文字も眩しい掛け軸。 よろしくお願いしますッ!
This hanging scroll features a dazzling shield inscription, written with renewed vigor by a heavy cruiser who prides himself on being the anti-aircraft commander, looking up at the skies he must protect. Thank you very much!
Special BGM: Friendly Fleet Launches Counterattack! (友軍艦隊、反撃開始!) Special BGM
Released the: 2018/08/01
Availability: B122 reward
Notes: Writing: "Maya's Shield" by Maya

Mysterious Summer Operation Map

Furniture Full 394.png

ID: 394 謎の夏作戦地図
Mysterious Summer Operation Map
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
南西から西方海域を臨む作戦領域が描かれた地図。 いくつかのポイントが示されていますが…これは? あるいは艦娘からのメッセージか!
A map showing the operational area from the southwest towards the western sea area. Some points are made...but what about this? Or maybe it's a message from a ship girl!
Special BGM: Ship Girls on the Beach (浜辺の艦娘) Special BGM
Released the: 2018/08/01
Availability: Furniture Shop

Type 18 Big Catch Flag

Furniture Full 395.png

Furniture Picture 395.png

Furniture Reward 395.png

ID: 395 一八式大漁旗
Type 18 Big Catch Flag
N/A まあまあこんなにたくさんの旬の秋刀魚、美味しく頂きましょう…と笑顔の優しい少し小さな空母が一航戦と共に作った航空大漁旗!
Well, well, let's enjoy this abundance of seasonal saury...said the kind, smiling, slightly small aircraft carrier, together with the 1st Air Fleet, as they made an aerial fishing flag!
Special BGM: Naval Base Saury Festival Kai San (鎮守府秋刀魚祭り改三) Special BGM
Released the: 2018/10/10
Availability: SB32 reward, SB49 reward (choice)
Special Feature: Clicking on it giggles the frame with a sound effect.
Notes: Writing: "?" by Houshou

Winter Northern Seas Map

Furniture Full 404.png

ID: 404 冬の北方海域図
Winter Northern Seas Map
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
冬の北方海域作戦エリアを描いた作戦地図です。 季節の飾りやよく分らない玩具等も配備。 家具コイン長者提督にお贈りします!
This is an operational map showing the winter northern sea operations area. Seasonal decorations and obscure toys are also on display. A gift to the furniture coin millionaire admirals!
Special BGM: Winter Fleet (冬の艦隊) Special BGM
Released the: 2018/12/07
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: The map is the Bering Strait.

"Advancing Day by Day" Hanging Scroll

ID: 408 「日進月歩」掛け軸
"Advancing Day by Day" Hanging Scroll
N/A 日の月に時間は流れ、時代は移り変わり、私達は前進していきます。 そんな感慨と時代への感謝を込めた、日進の特別な掛け軸です。
Time passes day by day, eras change, and we move forward. This is a special hanging scroll from Nisshin that is filled with such sentiments and gratitude for the times.
Special BGM: New Year Greetings from the Naval Base (迎春の鎮守府) Special BGM
Released the: 2018/12/31
Availability: SB36 reward
Special Feature: Clicking on it to switch the text.
Notes: Writing: "?" & "Thank you for the Heisei era" by Nisshin

Naval Base Setsubun Decorations

Furniture Full 414.png

ID: 414 鎮守府節分飾り
Naval Base Setsubun Decorations
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
節分の季節の提督室を彩る鎮守府節分飾りです。 節分の柊鰯を配備して魔を迎撃するのもいいですね。 え?変な飾りも?どれですか?
These are naval base Setsubun decorations that will brighten up the Admiral's room during the Setsubun season. It would also be nice to deploy the Setsubun Holly Sardines to ward off evil spirits. Huh? Strange decorations too? Which ones?
Released the: 2019/01/22
Availability: Furniture Shop

"Hiei" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 416.png

Furniture Picture 416.png

Furniture Reward 416.png

ID: 416 「比叡」の掛け軸
"Hiei" Hanging Scroll
N/A 僚艦「霧島」と共に南方の鉄底海峡に眠る金剛型高速戦艦「比叡」。 彼女の存在と奮闘を想う掛け軸です。 比叡、お疲れさまでした。
The Kongo-class fast battleship "Hiei" rests in the Iron Bottom Sound to the south along with its sister ship "Kirishima". This is a hanging scroll that remembers her existence and struggles. Thank you for your hard work, Hiei.
Released the: 2019/02/08
Availability: B128 reward
Special Feature: Clicking on the photo shows the full picture.
Notes: Writing: "?" by Hiei, to commemorate the discovery of her wreck.

"Tsushima" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 425.png

ID: 425 「対馬」の掛け軸
"Tsushima" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Full Price:
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
+1Item Icon Furniture Fairy.png
お返しのシーズンに海防艦「対馬」が用意した特製の掛け軸です。 なにやら特注部材を使いまくった逸品。 職人ダイナミック割引可!
This is a special hanging scroll prepared by the coastal defense ship Tsushima for the season of giving gifts. This is a masterpiece made using a lot of custom-made materials. Dynamic discount available!
Released the: 2019/03/08
Availability: Furniture Shop

"6th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 426.png

Furniture Picture 426.png

Furniture Reward 426.png

ID: 426 「六周年記念」掛け軸
"6th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll
N/A 遂に艦隊はまさかの六周年デース! 第三改装を迎えた何者かの手による掛け軸です。 6th Anniversary and...Burning Love!
The fleet has finally reached its sixth anniversary! This hanging scroll was created by someone who is currently undergoing the third renovation. 6th Anniversary and...Burning Love!
Released the: 2019/04/22
Availability: SB45 reward
Special Feature: Clicking on the photo shows the full picture.
Notes: Writing: "?" by Kongou Kai Ni C

Stained Glass with Floral Ornaments

Furniture Full 430.png

ID: 430 花飾りのステンドグラス
Stained Glass with Floral Ornaments
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
海と艦艇をモチーフにした新作のステンドグラスに、華やかな花飾りを付加した装飾です。 なんとなく部屋がさみしい…そんな時に!
This new stained glass window has a sea and naval motif, and is decorated with gorgeous floral ornaments. For some reason I feel lonely in my room... At times like that!
Released the: 2019/04/22
Availability: Furniture Shop

"Reiwa" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 433.png

Furniture Reward 433.png

ID: 433 「令和」掛け軸
"Reiwa" Hanging Scroll
N/A 時代の節目、平成から令和を迎える鎮守府のために、海防艦姉妹がよってたかって書いてくれた新時代を迎える特別限定掛け軸です。
This is a special limited edition hanging scroll created by coastal defense ships sisters to welcome in a new era, marking a turning point in history as the Naval Base transitions from Heisei to Reiwa.
Released the: 2019/05/01
Availability: Log in gift
Notes: Writing: "?" by the Etorofu-class

Kanmusu's Special Rainy Season Decoration

Furniture Full 436.png

ID: 436 艦娘特製の梅雨飾り
Kanmusu's Special Rainy Season Decoration
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
艦娘たちの手作りによる壁飾りです。 雨の季節も提督と楽しんで暮らす気持ちと工夫の詰まった艦娘特製の梅雨飾りをどうぞ!
This is a wall decoration handmade by the ship girls. Enjoy these special rainy season decorations made by ship girls, filled with the spirit and ingenuity of enjoying life with your Admiral even during the rainy season!
Released the: 2019/06/25
Availability: Furniture Shop

Fresh Hydrangea Flower Arrangement

Furniture Full 441.png

ID: 441 紫陽花の生花飾り
Fresh Hydrangea Flower Arrangement
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
紫陽花の生花をふんだんに使った豪華な生花壁飾り。 てるてる坊主もアレンジされています。 紫陽花には毒があるかも?ないかも?
A gorgeous flower wall decoration that uses an abundance of fresh hydrangea flowers. The Teru Teru Bouzu dolls have also been adapted. Are hydrangeas poisonous? Or not?
Released the: 2019/06/25
Availability: Furniture Shop

"Haguro's Protection" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 446.png

Furniture Reward 446.png

ID: 446 「羽黒の護り」掛け軸
"Haguro's Protection" Hanging Scroll
N/A 仲間や護るべきものの盾となる優しい力。 ある重巡が新たな時代への願いと祈りを込めて作った掛け軸。 姉の狼さんも手伝いました!
A gentle strength that acts as a shield for friends and those who need to be protected. A hanging scroll created by a certain heavy cruiser, filled with hopes and prayers for a new era. My older sister, Wolf, helped out too!
Released the: 2019/07/18
Availability: B138 reward
Notes: Writing: "Haguro's Protection" by Haguro and Ashigara to commemorate Haguro's launch.

Type 19 Big Catch Flag

ID: 453 一九式大漁旗
Type 19 Big Catch Flag
N/A 秋刀魚は残念ながら不漁ではありましたが、大丈夫!鰯は大漁です! そんな令和元年の海を記念した大漁旗です。上々ね!
Unfortunately, the catch of pacific saury was poor, but we had a great catch of sardines! This is a large fishing flag commemorating the sea of ​​the first year of the Reiwa era.
Special BGM: On the Dawn's Horizon (inst.ver) (暁の水平線に(inst.ver)) Special BGM
Released the: 2019/10/25
Availability: SB49 reward, 21Fa LB03 reward (choice)
Special Feature: Clicking on the flag giggles it and shows the full picture.
Notes: Writing: "?" by Akagi and Kaga

"Yubari New Year's Greeting" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 459.png

Furniture Reward 459.png

ID: 459 「夕張迎春」掛け軸
"Yubari New Year's Greeting" Hanging Scroll
N/A さらさらさらと試してみてもいいかしら? そんな鼻歌交じりに少しワクワクした表情の小柄な軽巡が作った特別な迎春掛け軸です。
Can I try it smoothly? This is a special New Year's hanging scroll created by a small light cruiser humming and looking a little excited.
Special BGM: New Year Greetings from the Naval Base (迎春の鎮守府) Special BGM
Released the: 2020/01/01
Availability: SB55 reward
Notes: Writing: "?" by Yubari

Special Type II Wooden Relief

Furniture Full 464.png

ID: 464 特II型の木製レリーフ
Special Type II Wooden Relief
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
特II型駆逐艦がモチーフの木製レリーフを中心とした落ち着いた雰囲気の壁飾り装飾です。 艦娘から贈られた花とチョコも一緒です。
This wall decoration has a calming atmosphere and is centered around a wooden relief with the Special Type II destroyers as its motif. It also comes with flowers and chocolates given by the ship girls.
Special BGM: Special Type Destroyer (特型駆逐艦) Special BGM
Released the: 2020/02/07
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Represent the Ayanami-class

Valentine Wall Decoration

Furniture Full 466.png

ID: 466 Valentine壁飾り
Valentine Wall Decoration
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
手先の器用な艦娘が提督のために作ったバレンタインの季節にぴったりの装飾。 チョコ仕様の額縁にハート型の薔薇アレンジメント!
A decoration perfect for Valentine's Day, created by a skillful shipgirl for the Admiral. A heart-shaped rose arrangement in a chocolate frame!
Released the: 2020/02/07
Availability: Furniture Shop

White Day Wall Decoration

Furniture Full 473.png

ID: 473 ホワイトデーの壁飾り
White Day Wall Decoration
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
改装を待つ主力オブ主力の駆逐艦娘が用意した壁掛けの花瓶飾り。 ホワイトデーには、薔薇の生花を飾るのも素敵です。
A wall-hanging vase decoration prepared by the flagship destroyer girl awaiting refurbishment. It's nice to decorate with fresh roses on White Day.
Released the: 2020/03/13
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: By Okinami

"Offshore Waves" Personal Belongings Shelf

Furniture Full 474.png

Furniture Reward 474.png

Furniture Full 474 B.png

ID: 474 「沖に立つ波」私物棚
"Offshore Waves" Personal Belongings Shelf
N/A 遂に改二改装を迎えた主力オブ主力の駆逐艦娘の私物小物棚です。 季節によって、内容が少しかわるかもしれませんね。
This is a shelf for the personal belongings of the most powerful destroyer girl, who has finally undergone the Kai Ni remodel. The contents may change slightly depending on the season.
Released the: 2020/03/19
Availability: B142 reward (choice)
Special Feature: Changes with the season (see here).
Notes: Okinami Kai Ni's belongings.

Scandinavian Ship Girl's Personal Shelf

Furniture Full 475.png

ID: 475 北欧艦娘の私物棚
Scandinavian Ship Girl's Personal Shelf
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
そうなの?提督室に私達の私物とか置いていいのね、早く言ってくれればいいのに… とかなんとか呟きつつある艦娘が設置した家具。
Is that so? So it's okay to leave our personal belongings in the Admiral's room. I wish you'd told me earlier... The furniture was placed by the shipgirl who was muttering something like this.
Released the: 2020/04/23
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: By Gotland

"7th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 479.png

Furniture Picture 479.png

Furniture Reward 479.png

ID: 479 「七周年記念」掛け軸
"7th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll
N/A 艦隊の七周年を記念して、ある駆逐隊の四隻が密かに準備した特別な掛け軸。 この日のために新調した私服で記念撮影しました!
A special scroll secretly prepared by four ships of a certain destroyer squadron to commemorate the fleet's seventh anniversary. We took a commemorative photo in our new clothes that we had bought for the occasion!
Released the: 2020/04/23
Availability: 7thAnvC1 reward
Special Feature: Clicking on the photo shows the full picture.
Notes: Writing: "?" by Oboro, Akebono, Sazanami, and Ushio

"Ogasawara Fortress" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 487.png

Furniture Card 487.png

ID: 487 「小笠原要塞」掛け軸
"Ogasawara Fortress" Hanging Scroll
N/A 小笠原諸島防備強化のために構築された小笠原要塞をモチーフにした記念掛け軸です。 ※島嶼防衛強化作戦記念
This commemorative hanging scroll has the motif of the Ogasawara Fortress, which was built to strengthen the defense of the Ogasawara Islands. ※Commemorating the Island Defense Strengthening Operation
Released the: 2020/06/26
Availability: Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E4 Easy+ reward

Tanabata Decorations Off the Coast of Goto Island

Furniture Full 489.png

ID: 489 五島列島沖の七夕飾り
Tanabata Decorations Off the Coast of Goto Island
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Full Price:
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
+1Item Icon Furniture Fairy.png
ある潜水艦娘二隻が祈りを込めて手作りした七夕飾りです。 晴れた七月の夜には星空を見上げてみるのもいいですね。
These Tanabata decorations were handmade by two submarine girls with great prayers. It's nice to look up at the starry sky on a clear July night.
Released the: 2020/07/03
Availability: Furniture Shop

"Kaga Cape" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 490.png

Furniture Reward 490.png

ID: 490 「加賀岬」掛け軸
"Kaga Cape" Hanging Scroll
N/A ある全通甲板を持つ大型艦が自らの大規模改装を記念して作った渾身の掛け軸。もちろん、あの曲を再生可能。 では、唄います…っ!
A hanging scroll made by a large ship with a full deck to commemorate its large-scale renovation. Of course, you can play that song. Now, let's sing...!
Special BGM: Kaga Cape (加賀岬) Special BGM
Released the: 2020/08/27
Availability: C46 reward
Notes: Writing: "?" by Kaga

"Whale" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 497.png

Furniture Reward 497.png

ID: 497 「鯨」の掛け軸
"Whale" Hanging Scroll
N/A 令和二年度十月に進水した新たな「鯨」を記念して、ある潜水母艦が制作した掛け軸です。 新たな鯨たち、頑張って!応援してます!
This hanging scroll was created by a submarine tender to commemorate the new "Whale" that was launched in October 2020. Good luck to the new whales! We're rooting for you!
Released the: 2020/10/16
Availability: B156 reward
Special Feature: Clicking on plays a voiceline.
Notes: Writing: "?" and voiceline: "?" by Taigei

Chestnut Ink Painting and Autumn Display Shelf

Furniture Full 499.png

ID: 499 栗の水墨画と秋飾り棚
Chestnut Ink Painting and Autumn Display Shelf
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
秋月型駆逐艦たちが余暇で作った艦娘手作りの飾り棚です。 彼女たちの誰が描いたのか、栗の水墨画もちんまりと飾られています。
This is a handmade display shelf made by the Akizuki-class destroyers in their spare time. There is also a small ink painting of a chestnut on display, but it is unclear which of the women painted it.
Released the: 2020/10/16
Availability: Furniture Shop

Year of the Ox Naval Base New Year Decorations

Furniture Full 511.png

ID: 511 丑年の鎮守府新春飾り
Year of the Ox Naval Base New Year Decorations
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Full Price:
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
+1Item Icon Furniture Fairy.png
新年あけましておめでとうございます! 新しい丑年は良い年になるように、職人が作った丑年の新春飾り! 職人ダイナミック割引可!
Happy New Year! These New Year's decorations for the Year of the Ox have been made by artisans to ensure a prosperous new year! Dynamic discount available!
Special BGM: New Year Greetings from the Naval Base (迎春の鎮守府) Special BGM
Released the: 2021/01/01
Availability: Furniture Shop

New Year's Hanging Scroll Heading Towards the 8th Anniversary

Furniture Full 517.png

Furniture Reward 517.png

ID: 517 八周年に向かう新春掛け軸
New Year's Hanging Scroll Heading Towards the 8th Anniversary
N/A 新年、明けまして、おめでとうございます! 八周年に向かう艦隊の迎春を祝って、第八艦隊旗艦の手による新春掛け軸です。
Happy New Year, everyone! To celebrate the fleet's eighth anniversary, this New Year's hanging scroll was created by the flagship of the 8th Fleet.
Special BGM: Sea of the Reiwa New Year (頌春令和の海) Special BGM
Released the: 2021/01/01
Availability: 2101 LQ4 reward
Notes: Writing: "?" by Choukai

Etorofu-class Doll's Festival Wall Decoration Shelf

Furniture Full 525.png

ID: 525 択捉型桃の節句壁飾り棚
Etorofu-class Doll's Festival Wall Decoration Shelf
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
桃の節句といえば海防艦。 そう主張する択捉型海防艦姉妹が家具職人の皆さんにお願いして作ってもらった桃の節句特注飾り棚です。
When you think of Girls' Festival, you think of coastal defense ships. This is a custom-made display shelf for the Girls' Festival that the Etorofu-class coastal defense ship sisters made at the request of furniture craftsmen.
Released the: 2021/03/01
Availability: Furniture Shop

Yahagi Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 533.png

Furniture Reward 533.png

ID: 533 矢矧の掛け軸
Yahagi Hanging Scroll
N/A 伝統の精強水雷戦隊、その旗艦を受け継いだある軽巡がその覚悟を込めて書き上げた掛け軸です。 先輩方の想いと戦いを継承します。
This hanging scroll was painted with great resolve by a light cruiser who inherited the role of flagship of a traditional and powerful torpedo squadron. We will inherit the thoughts and struggles of our predecessors.
Released the: 2021/03/30
Availability: B168 reward
Notes: Writing: "?" by Yahagi

"8th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 538.png

ID: 538 「八周年記念」掛け軸
"8th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
艦隊の八周年を記念して、第八戦隊のある航空巡洋艦娘が書いた力作の掛け軸。 八周年を祝して、第八戦隊から提督に送ります。
A masterpiece hanging scroll created by an aircraft carrier girl from the 8th Squadron to commemorate the fleet's eighth anniversary. To celebrate the eighth anniversary, this is a message from the 8th Squadron to the Admiral.
Released the: 2021/04/22
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?" by Tone

8th Anniversary Balloon Decoration

Furniture Full 539.png

ID: 539 祝八周年バルーン飾り
8th Anniversary Balloon Decoration
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
艦隊八周年を提督とお祝いするために、艦娘が手作りしたバルーン飾りです。 九年目の海も、艦娘たちと共に元気にいきましょう!
These balloon decorations were handmade by the ship girls to celebrate the fleet's eighth anniversary with the Admiral. Let's have a great time at sea for our ninth year together with our ship girls!
Released the: 2021/04/22
Availability: Furniture Shop

2nd Fleet's Small Items Wall Shelves

Furniture Full 542.png

ID: 542 二水戦の小物壁棚
2nd Fleet's Small Items Wall Shelves
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
第二水雷戦隊を精鋭部隊に育て上げたベテラン軽巡が日常使いしている小物棚。 一部駆逐艦は尊敬と畏怖の念で出撃前にお参りする。
This is a small accessory shelf used daily by the veteran light cruisers who developed the 2nd Torpedo Squadron into an elite unit. Some destroyers even offer prayers before setting out out of respect and awe.
Released the: 2021/06/22
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: By Jintsu

Kure "Yamato" Gratitude Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 548.png

ID: 548 呉「大和」感謝の掛け軸
Kure "Yamato" Gratitude Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
大和型戦艦の一隻が提督の皆さんへの感謝を込めて、書き上げた感謝の掛け軸。 本当にありがとうございました!感謝申し上げます!
A hanging scroll of gratitude written by one of the Yamato-class battleships to express gratitude to all admirals. Thank you so much! I appreciate it!
Special BGM: The Combined Fleet Departs (連合艦隊の出撃) Special BGM
Released the: 2021/08/04
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?" by Yamato

Yamakaze Accessory Shelf

Furniture Full 551.png

ID: 551 山風の小物棚
Yamakaze Accessory Shelf
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
構わないで…といいつつ、最近提督室によく来るようになったある可愛い駆逐艦の壁掛け小物棚です。 姉妹専用の私物コーナー付き。
Don't mind...I said, but this is a wall-mounted accessory shelf of a cute destroyer that has been making frequent appearances in the Admiral's room recently. There is a corner for sisters' personal belongings.
Released the: 2021/09/28
Availability: Furniture Shop

Cake Display

Furniture Full 552.png

ID: 552 ケーキディスプレイ
Cake Display
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Full Price:
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
+1Item Icon Furniture Fairy.png
艦娘たちがそれぞれ作ってくれた自家製ケーキです。 ホールからプリンまで国内海外出身の艦娘たちが腕によりをかけて作りました。
These are homemade cakes made by several of the ship girls. From the chocolates to the puddings, they are all made with the utmost skill by ship girls from Japan and abroad.
Released the: 2021/09/28
Availability: Furniture Shop

32nd Destroyer Halloween Personal Items Shelf

Furniture Full 554.png

ID: 554 32駆ハロウィン私物棚
32nd Destroyer Halloween Personal Items Shelf
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
This is a wall shelf made by a craftsman for the ship girls belonging to a destroyer squadron of the Yūgumo-class destroyers to use as storage for their Halloween costumes and to organize their personal belongings.
Released the: 2021/10/15
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: By Hamanami, Fujinami, Hayanami, and Suzunami

Type 21 Big Catch Flag

ID: 555 二一式大漁旗
Type 21 Big Catch Flag
N/A 頑張りましたね!大湊から出撃し、三陸沖、そして… 北海道根室沖での新秋刀魚奇跡の大漁、おめでとう…ございますっ!大漁です!
You did a great job! You set off from Ominato, off the coast of Sanriku, and then... Congratulations on the miraculous catch of new Pacific saury off the coast of Nemuro, Hokkaido! It's a big catch!
Special BGM: Glimmer of the Coast of Nemuro (根室沖の輝き) Special BGM
Released the: 2021/10/29
Availability: 21Fa LB03 reward, 22Fa LB03 reward (choice)
Special Feature: Clicking on the flag giggles it, shows the full picture, and plays a voiceline.
Notes: Writing: "?" and voiceline: "?" by Souya

Xmas Home Port Music Box

ID: 556 Xmas母港オルゴール
Xmas Home Port Music Box
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Full Price:
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
+1Item Icon Furniture Fairy.png
聖夜の母港。クリスマスの季節と艦娘たちと提督。 その時間をメロディで彩る、特製オルゴールです。 職人ダイナミック割引も可能!
The home port on a holy night. The Christmas season, the ship girls and the admiral. This is a special music box that will add melody to your time. Dynamic discount available!
Released the: 2021/12/10
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: Clicking on the box animates it making it play the music "Fleet for the end of the year" (Fleet for the end of the year).

Take Flight! New Year's 5th Carrier Division Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 557.png

Furniture Reward 557.png

ID: 557 飛翔!新春五航戦掛け軸
Take Flight! New Year's 5th Carrier Division Hanging Scroll
N/A 実力ある晴れ着姿正規空母がその愛妹と共に準備した新春の気合を込めた掛け軸です。 飛翔、令和の空に二羽鶴が羽ばたきます。
This hanging scroll depicts a capable aircraft carrier in formal attire, dressed in her finest attire, and is imbued with the spirit of the New Year, prepared by her beloved sister. Two cranes take flight in the Reiwa sky.
Special BGM: New Year's Talisman (新しい年の護り) Special BGM
Released the: 2022/01/01
Availability: 2201 LB04 reward
Notes: Writing: "?" by Shoukaku and Zuikaku

"9th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 567.png

ID: 567 「九周年記念」掛け軸
"9th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
三隻の潜水母艦と第六艦隊で九周年! ということで、艦隊の九周年を記念して、第六艦隊のある潜水母艦による提督への掛け軸です!
9th anniversary with three submarine tenders and the 6th fleet! So, to commemorate the fleet's ninth anniversary, here is a hanging scroll dedicated to the Admiral by a submarine tender from the 6th Fleet!
Released the: 2022/04/23
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: Writing: "?" by Jingei

9th Anniversary Balloon Decoration

Furniture Full 568.png

ID: 568 祝九周年バルーン飾り
9th Anniversary Balloon Decoration
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
艦隊九周年を提督とお祝いするために、艦娘が手作りしたバルーン飾りです。 十年目の海へ、艦娘たちと共にまいりましょう!
These balloon decorations were handmade by the ship girls to celebrate the 9th fleet anniversary with the Admiral. Let's go to the sea for the tenth year together with the ship girls!
Released the: 2022/04/23
Availability: Furniture Shop

Decorative Shelf to Enjoy the Rainy Season

Furniture Full 570.png

ID: 570 梅雨を愉しむ飾り棚
Decorative Shelf to Enjoy the Rainy Season
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
ある睦月型駆逐艦が中心になって準備した、雨がちな梅雨の季節を愉しむための小物飾り棚です。 雨の季節も元気にまいりましょう!
This small display shelf was prepared by a Mutsuki-class destroyer, and is meant to be enjoyed during the rainy rainy season. Let's stay healthy even during the rainy season!
Released the: 2021/09/28
Availability: Furniture Shop
Notes: By Minazuki

15th Destroyer Squadron Summer Decorations

Furniture Full 572.png

ID: 572 十五駆の夏飾り
15th Destroyer Squadron Summer Decorations
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
南方での激戦を潜り抜けた第十五駆逐隊。 彼女たちが夏を満喫するための、特製駆逐夏飾りです! 夏の海へ彼女たちとご一緒に!
The 15th Destroyer Squadron survived the fierce fighting in the south. These are special destroyer summer decorations for them to enjoy the summer to the fullest! Go to the summer beach with them!
Released the: 2022/07/13
Availability: Furniture Shop

Type 22 Big Catch Flag

ID: 578 二二式大漁旗
Type 22 Big Catch Flag
N/A 獲れない秋刀魚は…ない! そんな意気込みで参加した鎮守府秋刀魚祭り及び秋刀魚漁支援成功を祝うある部隊による大漁旗です!
There is no saury that can't be caught! There is no saury that can't be caught! This is a large fishing flag hoisted by a unit celebrating their participation in the Naval Base Saury Festival and their successful support for Saury fishing!
Special BGM: This Moment (未来(いま)) Special BGM
Released the: 2022/11/09
Availability: 22Fa LB03 reward, 2311 B3 reward (choice)
Special Feature: Clicking on it makes Mogami, Fuso, and Yamashiro appear and plays their voices, and a Zuiun takes off.
Notes: Writing: "?" by Shigure, Michishio, Asagumo, Yamagumo
  • Voicelines: "?"

New Year Greetings! Yahagi of the 2nd Fleet Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 581.png

Furniture Reward 581.png

ID: 581 迎春!二水戦矢矧掛け軸
New Year Greetings! Yahagi of the 2nd Fleet Hanging Scroll
N/A 最精鋭水雷戦隊、第二水雷戦隊。 その旗艦を預かる阿賀野型軽巡「矢矧」がしたためた令和五年迎春掛け軸です。 よろしくどうぞッ!
The most elite torpedo squadron, the 2nd Torpedo Squadron. This is a hanging scroll celebrating the New Year in 2023, written by the Agano-class light cruiser "Yahagi", which serves as the flagship. Nice to meet you!
Special BGM: Prayer (祈り) Special BGM
Released the: 2023/01/01
Availability: 2301 B4 reward
Notes: Writing: "?" by Yahagi

Ranger's Single Ship Personal Liquor Store

Furniture Full 584.png

ID: 584 Rangerの単艦個人酒保
Ranger's Single Ship Personal Liquor Store
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Full Price:
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
+1Item Icon Furniture Fairy.png
米国生まれのある正規空母が個人的に運用している棚です。 リーチインクーラーも完備した単艦個人酒保! 割引も可!
This shelf is privately operated by a US-born aircraft carrier. A single ship private bar equipped with a reach-in cooler! Dynamic discounts available!
Released the: 2023/01/20
Availability: Furniture Shop

"10th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll

ID: 589 「十周年記念」掛け軸
"10th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll
N/A 遂に遂に艦隊は、十周年! 艦隊の十周年を記念して、主力オブ主力の駆逐艦たち第十駆逐隊の面々が用意した記念の掛け軸です!
At last, the fleet is celebrating its 10th anniversary! To commemorate the fleet's 10th anniversary, the members of the 10th Destroyer Squadron, the most powerful of destroyers, have prepared a commemorative scroll!
Special BGM: Sallying Out for the Fleet's 10th Anniversary (艦隊10周年の抜錨) Special BGM
Released the: 2023/04/23
Availability: 2304 B3 reward
Special Feature: Clicking on it makes the fairies dance.
Notes: Writing: "?" by Akigumo, Yuugumo, Makigumo, and Kazagumo

Shigure's Personal Belongings Shelf

Furniture Full 597.png

ID: 597 時雨の私物棚
Shigure's Personal Belongings Shelf
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Full Price:
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
+1Item Icon Furniture Fairy.png
ある改装白露型駆逐艦の…あれやこれやが収められている改装駆逐艦の私物棚。 あまり生活感はないかも…ですね? …実態は如何に!
The personal belongings of a certain remodeled Shiratsuyu-class destroyer... are stored in the remodeled destroyer's personal belongings shelf. It doesn't feel like much of a place to live, does it? ...What is the reality?
Released the: 2023/06/14
Availability: Furniture Shop

Amatsukaze's Nice Personal Storage Shelf

Furniture Full 601.png

Furniture Full 601 B.png

ID: 601 天津風のいい風私物棚
Amatsukaze's Nice Personal Storage Shelf
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Full Price:
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
+1Item Icon Furniture Fairy.png
あなた、いい風きてる? そう、よかった…じゃああたしの荷物、ここに…置いとくからね! そんな駆逐艦娘の私物棚です。
Are you feeling good? Okay, that's good... Then I'll leave my luggage here! This is the destroyer girl's personal belongings shelf.
Released the: 2023/07/07
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: The Amatsukaze's uniform changes to her Kai Ni one when Amatsukaze Kai Ni is secretary.

Kiyoshimo's Personal Belongings Shelf

Furniture Full 604.png

ID: 604 清霜の私物棚
Kiyoshimo's Personal Belongings Shelf
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Full Price:
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
+1Item Icon Furniture Fairy.png
ねぇねぇ、清霜、強い?強くなった? 武蔵さんの次…位に強くなったでしょ? そんな少しご機嫌な駆逐艦の私物棚です。
Hey, hey, Kiyoshimo, are you strong? Have you gotten stronger? You've become second only to Musashi... as strong as ever, right? This is the personal belongings shelf of this smug destroyer.
Released the: 2023/10/11
Availability: Furniture Shop

Naval Base Sweet Potato Stockpile Altar

ID: 605 鎮守府お芋備蓄の祭壇
Naval Base Sweet Potato Stockpile Altar
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
某白露型の一番艦が収穫の秋に備えて密かに準備したお芋備蓄棚です。 祭壇仕様になっており、何故かその秋冬私服も…
This is a sweet potato storage shelf that was secretly prepared on board a certain Shiratsuyu-class ship in preparation for the autumn harvest. It is set up as an altar, and for some reason, her own autumn and winter clothes are also included...
Released the: 2023/11/02
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: Click to play a voiceline and make is bounce.
Notes: Voice: "Sweet potatoes, delicious!" by Shiratsuyu

Type 23 Big Catch Flag

ID: 607 二三式大漁旗
Type 23 Big Catch Flag
N/A 艦隊十周年の秋刀魚祭り! 第十駆逐隊の面々と歴史と経験を誇る艦娘による大漁と鎮守府秋刀魚祭り成功を祝うめでたき大漁旗です!
Fleet 10th Anniversary Pacific Saury Festival! This is a fishing flag celebrating the bountiful catch made by the members of the 10th Destroyer Squadron and their shipgirls who boast a long history and experience, and the success of the Naval Base Saury Festival!
Special BGM: Sallying Out for the Fleet's 10th Anniversary (艦隊10周年の抜錨) Special BGM
Released the: 2023/11/02
Availability: 2311 B3 reward (choice), 2411 B3 reward (choice)
Special Feature: Clicking on the flag giggles it, plays a voiceline, and shows the full picture.
Notes: Writing: "?" and voiceline: "?" by Asahi

No. 101 Hanging Scroll

Furniture Full 612.png

Furniture Reward 612.png

ID: 612 謹賀新年!第百一号掛け軸
Happy New Year! No. 101 Hanging Scroll
N/A 着岸擱座上陸を得意とした戦車も揚陸可能なある輸送艦がしたためた令和六年の迎春掛け軸です。 謹賀新年着岸安全です!はい!
This is a New Year's hanging scroll celebrating the year 2024, painted by a transport ship capable of landing tanks and specializing in beached landings. Happy New Year and safe docking! Yeah!
Special BGM: Momochi and a New Morning (ももちと新しき朝) Special BGM
Released the: 2024/01/01
Availability: 2401 B4 reward
Notes: Writing: "?" by Momochi

7th Destroyer Squadron Personal Belongings Shelf

ID: 614 七駆の私物棚
7th Destroyer Squadron Personal Belongings Shelf
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
第七駆逐隊メンバーの私物や装備の一部を置く特注の棚です。 七駆のペットたちもお気に入り?季節ごとに少しだけ変わる…たぶん!
This is a custom-made shelf to hold some of the personal belongings and equipment of the members of the 7th Destroyer Squadron. Do you like the Seven Drive pets? They change a little with each season...maybe!
Released the: 2024/01/25
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: Changes with the season (see here). Giggles and plays a voiceline when clicked on.
Notes: Oboro's crab and Sazanami's bunny are there.

"11th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll

ID: 618 「11周年記念」掛け軸
"11th Anniversary" Hanging Scroll
N/A 艦隊はまさかの十一周年! 艦隊十一周年を記念して、第十一駆逐隊のメンバーが用意してくれた、古くて新しい記念の掛け軸です!
Fleet's 11th anniversary! To commemorate the fleet's 11th anniversary, the members of the 11th Destroyer Squadron prepared this old and new commemorative scroll!
Special BGM: The Combined Fleet Departs (連合艦隊の出撃) Special BGM
Released the: 2024/04/23
Availability: 2404 B4 reward
Special Feature: Clicking on it makes the fairies dance.
Notes: Writing: "?" by Fubuki, Shirayuki, Hatsuyuki, and Miyuki

Coastal Defense Ship's May Decoration

Furniture Full 619.png

ID: 619 海防艦の五月飾り
Coastal Defense Ship's May Decoration
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
鎮守府の家具職人たちが腕によりをかけて制作した特注の五月飾りです。 小さな艦娘たちが強く大きく育つ祈りが込められています。
These are custom-made May decorations, carefully crafted by the furniture craftsmen of the naval base. It is filled with prayers that the little ship girls will grow up strong and big.
Special BGM: Blue Wind Blowing on the Sea (海に吹く碧の風) Special BGM
Released the: 2024/05/01
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: The plushes change with the secretary (see here).

Inagi's Personal Belongings Shelf

Furniture Full 622.png

Furniture Full 622 B.png

ID: 622 稲木の私物小棚
Inagi's Personal Belongings Shelf
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Item Full Furniture Fairy.png
八戸の盾と言われた雲霞のような敵機から街と人々を守った小さな戦士の私物棚です。 さらなる改装後の艦の配属で、少し変化も!
This is the personal belongings shelf of a little warrior who was called Hachinohe's Shield and protected the city and its people from the clouds of enemy planes. With the further refurbished ships being assigned, there are some slight changes!
Special BGM: Weigh anchor! Ukuru-class Coastal Defense Ship (抜錨!鵜来型海防艦 ) Special BGM
Released the: 2024/05/29
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: The set changes when Inagi Kai Ni is secretary, featuring her seagull.

Hatsuzuki's Personal Belongings Shelf

Furniture Full 626.png

Furniture Full 626 B.png

ID: 626 初月の私物棚
Hatsuzuki's Personal Belongings Shelf
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
味方を護る…そんな武人のような心を持つ防空駆逐艦のあまり私物のない私物棚です。 改装後も……大きく私物は増えない模様です。
Protecting allies... This is the personal belongings shelf of an anti-aircraft destroyer with a warrior-like heart, and contains very few personal possessions. Even after the renovation...it doesn't look like there will be a significant increase in personal belongings.
Released the: 2024/06/27
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: The set changes when Hatsuzuki Kai Ni is secretary.
Notes: Hatsuzuki's Choujuusenchihou is there.

Naval Base Shipboard Shrine

Furniture Full 631.png

ID: 631 鎮守府艦内神社
Naval Base Shipboard Shrine
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Full Price:
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
+1Item Icon Furniture Fairy.png
鎮守府提督室に分祀された艦娘の艦内神社です。 艦娘の安全やその無事の帰投、そして作戦成功を祈念するため、安置されます。
This is a shipboard shrine for ship girls, enshrined separately in the Naval Base Admiral's Room. They will be placed in order to pray for the safety of the ship girls, their safe return, and the success of the mission.
Released the: 2024/09/27
Availability: Furniture Shop

Fleet's Halloween Decorations

Furniture Full 633.png

ID: 633 艦隊Halloween飾り
Fleet's Halloween Decorations
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Full Price:
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
+1Item Icon Furniture Fairy.png
秋南瓜祭りの季節。 仮装の準備に余念のない艦娘達のために、職人が特注で用意したHalloweenです! ※ダイナミック割引可能!
Autumn is the season for the pumpkin festival. These Halloween decorations were custom-made by a craftsman for the ship girls who are busy preparing their costumes! ※Dynamic discount available!
Released the: 2024/10/18
Availability: Furniture Shop

Type 24 Big Catch Flag

ID: 634 二四式大漁旗
Type 24 Big Catch Flag
N/A 十二年目の海、その秋刀魚漁は最上型の出番ですわ! 最上型重巡四姉妹が大漁と五穀豊穣、艦隊安全を祈願する、くまりんこ大漁旗!
It's the twelfth year at sea, and saury fishing, the Mogami-class comes into play! The four sisters of the Mogami-class heavy cruisers are praying for a good catch, bountiful harvest, and the safety of the fleet, with the Kumarinko fishing flag!
Special BGM: Naval Base Saury Festival Kai Ni (鎮守府秋刀魚祭り改二) Special BGM
Released the: 2024/11/08
Availability: 2411 B3 reward (choice)
Special Feature: Clicking on the flag giggles it, plays a voiceline, and shows the full picture.
Notes: Writing: "?" and voiceline: "?" by ??

Happy New Year! Heian Hanging Scroll

ID: 639 恭賀新年!平安掛け軸
Happy New Year! Heian Hanging Scroll
N/A 刻をこえて......令和七年の現代も横浜港で静かに海を見守り続ける姉を持つ、潜水母艦が平安を祈る、迎春の恭賀新年掛け軸です。
Beyond time... In the present year of Reiwa 7th, a submarine tender prays for peace for its sister who continues to quietly watch over the seas at Yokohama Port. This is a hanging scroll to welcome the New Year.
Special BGM: Sea of the Reiwa New Year (頌春令和の海) Special BGM
Released the: 2024/01/01
Availability: 2501 B4 reward (choice)
Special Feature: When clicked on, changes style with an animation
Notes: Writing: "?"
  • References Heian Maru praying for her sister ship Hikawa Maru.

Ooi's Super Personal Belongings Shelf

Furniture Full 644.png

Furniture Full 644 B.png

ID: 644 大井の超私物棚
Ooi's Super Personal Belongings Shelf
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
Full Price:
Item Full Furniture Coin.png
+1Item Icon Furniture Fairy.png
This is a shelf for a certain shipgirl's personal belongings. If you make her your secretary after the Kai Ni remodel...she's a little wary, but maybe there will be a slight change.
Released the: 2025/02/13
Availability: Furniture Shop
Special Feature: The Ooi's belongings change to her Kai Ni one when Ooi Kai Ni is secretary.