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空母たちの仇は取ったわ! あの大変な島への輸送任務でも頑張ったの。
空母たちの仇は取ったわ! あの大変な島への輸送任務でも頑張ったの。
| EN0=I am a submarine born in Kure. In that battle of Midway, with the help of Hiryu's final attack I managed to land the final blow to Yorktown! Our carriers have been avenged! I also worked hard running transport missions to that terrible island.
| EN0=I am a submarine born and raised in Kure. In that battle of Midway, with the help of Hiryu's final attack I managed to land the final blow to Yorktown! Our carriers have been avenged! I also worked hard running transport missions to that terrible island.
| Note0= USS Yorktown was disabled after the battle of Midway and was being slowly towed back by destroyers. I-168 managed to get in firing range and fired four torpedoes, two of them hit Yorktown which was sunk the next morning. I-168 also participated in transport missions to Guadalcanal in 1943.
| Note0= USS Yorktown was disabled after the battle of Midway and was being slowly towed back by destroyers. I-168 managed to get in firing range and fired four torpedoes, two of them hit Yorktown which was sunk the next morning. I-168 also participated in transport missions to Guadalcanal in 1943.
| 秘書クリック会話①=司令官、慣れてくれた? イ・ム・ヤ、だよ?
| 秘書クリック会話①=司令官、慣れてくれた? イ・ム・ヤ、だよ?

Revision as of 05:38, 14 January 2014




No.126 伊168

Kaidai Class Submarine

Health HP 10 Firepower Firepower 2 (7)
Armor Armor 3 (17) Torpedo Attack Torpedo 24 (59)
Evasion Evasion 15 (39) Anti-Air AA 0
Aircraft Aircraft 0 Anti-Submarine Warfare ASW 0
Speed Speed Slow Line of Sight LOS 9 (29)
Range Range Short Luck Luck 10
FuelFuel no data AmmunitionAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
22:00 1
Stock Equipment


I-168 Kai

No.126 伊168改

Kaidai Class Submarine

Health HP 15 Firepower Firepower 7 (11)
Armor Armor 11 (18) Torpedo Attack Torpedo 38 (69)
Evasion Evasion 35 (49) Anti-Air AA 0
Aircraft Aircraft 0 Anti-Submarine Warfare ASW 0
Speed Speed Slow Line of Sight LOS 19 (29)
Range Range Short Luck Luck 10
FuelFuel no data AmmunitionAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
Lv50 Remodel 2
Stock Equipment


Event Japanese English Note
伊168よ。何よ、言いにくいの? じゃあイムヤでいいわ。よろしくね。 I'm I-168. What? It's hard to say? OK, just call me Imuya. Nice to meet you!
Library Intro

あのミッドウェーの大海戦のあと、飛龍が最後の力で深手を負わせたヨークタウンに留めを刺したのよ! 空母たちの仇は取ったわ! あの大変な島への輸送任務でも頑張ったの。

I am a submarine born and raised in Kure. In that battle of Midway, with the help of Hiryu's final attack I managed to land the final blow to Yorktown! Our carriers have been avenged! I also worked hard running transport missions to that terrible island. USS Yorktown was disabled after the battle of Midway and was being slowly towed back by destroyers. I-168 managed to get in firing range and fired four torpedoes, two of them hit Yorktown which was sunk the next morning. I-168 also participated in transport missions to Guadalcanal in 1943.
司令官、慣れてくれた? イ・ム・ヤ、だよ? Commander, are you used to my name? I'm I-MU-YA, you know?
私、今は浮き輪に乗ってるけど、ホントは潜るとすごいのよ! I'm may be riding on a float right now, but I'm actually really good underwater!
あっ、後ろから見てたの? スマホとかで遊んでたんじゃないからね。 Oh, are you looking at me from behind? I'm not killing time with a phone or anything!
司令官、イムヤのこと嫌いになったの? Commander, do you hate Imuya?
Show player's score
司令官宛の報告があるみたいよ。 There seems to be a report addressed to the commander.
Joining a fleet
さぁ出撃よ、伊号潜水艦の力、見ててよね! It's time to deploy, I'll show you the power of a Kaidai-class submarine!
やだ、私どんどん強くなっちゃうわね! Whew, I keep getting stronger!
司令官が望むなら、これもいいかな……? If it's the commander's desire, is even this alright?
ワオ! 大漁大漁! Wow! Good catch!
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
はい、補給いただきました! OK, I've got my supplies!
Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP
Ah... That helps me a lot.
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
This wound is nothing major! ...i-it doesn't hurt much...
Ship construction
新型艦が出来たわ! どんな艦だろう? A new ship has come! I wonder what she is like?
Return from sortie
作戦終了、艦隊が帰還したわ。 Operation complete! The fleet has returned.
Start a sortie
敵の船底に、大穴開けてあげるから! I'll make a big hole in the bottom of an enemy ship!
Battle start
さ、いらっしゃい! Come on!
Air battle
魚雷1番から4番まで装填、さぁ、戦果を上げてらっしゃい! Load torpedos in tubes No 1 to 4. Let's get a win! I-168 had 6 torpedo tubes. 4 of them were in bow and 2 of them were in stern.
Night battle
夜は私たちの世界よ、仕留めるわ! We are the night! Taking you down! At night, it's hard to find periscope or trajectory of torpedo, so Submarines are advantageous.
Night attack
密かに近づいて、確実に沈めるの。 Stealthed approach, certain kill.
やったぁ! 海のスナイパー、イムヤにお任せ! 正規空母だって仕留めちゃうから! I did it! You can rely on Imuya, the sniper of the sea! I can even sink an aircraft carrier! In the battle of Midway, I-168 sunk an American aircraft carrier, the Yorktown.
Minor damaged(1)
No way! I was noticed!?
Minor damaged(2)
This is bad... crash dive! Hurry!
≥Moderately damaged
Oh! My swimsuit got torn!
ああ、もっと太陽を浴びていたかったな…。海の底はもう…飽きたよ… It's a pity that I couldn't bask in the sun any more... I've had enough of... the bottom of the sea...
Time Japanese English Note
マルマルマルマル。夜12時よ。 0000. It's midnight.
マルヒトマルマル。深夜よ。明日の仕事とか学校とか、大丈夫? 0100. Night-time. Will you be okay at school or work tomorrow?
マルフタマルマル。ホント夜型ね。 0200. It's really late now.
マルサンマルマル。大丈夫? ホント明日予定とか無いの? 0300. Are you okay? You really don't have anything planned for tommorrow?
マルヨンマルマル。イムヤ、もうしーらない。 0400. Imuya dosen't know you any more!
マルゴーマルマルよ。え、イムヤの声聞きたかったの? 0500. Hmm, did you hear Imuya's voice?
マルロクマルマル。司令官、思いっきり朝だよ。 0600. Commander, it's morning before you knew it!
マルナナマルマル。さ、働くわよ。 0700. Come on, time for work!
マルハチマルマル。私って、結構朝強いんだから! 0800. I'm pretty strong in the morning, you know!
マルキュウマルマル。さぁ、お仕事お仕事ぉ! 0900. Let's get to work!
ヒトマルマルマルです。お昼までは全力で行きましょう! 1000. Let's go with all our strength to lunch!
ヒトヒトマルマル。頑張ればきっと美味しいランチが待ってるわ! 1100. I'm sure if we work hard they'll be a tasty lunch wating for us!
ヒトフタマルマル。美味しいランチ、ゲットです! 1200. Tasty lunch, get!
ヒトサンマルマル。司令官と一緒のお昼、嬉しいな! 1300. Lunch with the commander, I'm so happy!
ヒトヨンマルマル。さあ、午後も頑張って出撃よ! 1400. Let's sally forth to the afternoon!
ヒトゴマルマル。三時のあなた……あなたの惨事……きゃぁ、なんか怖い! 1500. The 3 o'clock you... your third face... it's somehow scary! 三時 /sanji/ 惨事 /sanji/ lit. 3 o'clock you; your disaster. Looks like a play on words.
ヒトロクマルマルよ。もう夕方ね。 1600. It's already the afternoon, huh.
ヒトナナマルマル。司令官頑張って! 1700. Commander, do your best!
ヒトハチマルマル。御飯作るよ!ご飯! 1800. Let's make dinner! Dinner!
ヒトキュウマルマル。あたしカレーしか作れないけどいーい?じゃあ一緒に作ろっか!一時間後、一緒に食べようね! 1900. I can only make curry, is that okay? Alrighty, let's make it together! We can eat together after in hour! Curry was, and is, the default menu for Fridays on Japanese naval vessels.
フタマルマルマル。ちゃんとカレーできた?それじゃ一緒に、いただきます! 2000. Is the curry ready? Okay, all together, lets eat!
フタヒトマルマル。なんか晩御飯食べると、お腹いっぱいで眠くなる……。 2100. Somehow after eating dinner and getting full, I get sleepy...
フタフタマルマル。お風呂入ってくる! 2200. Off to the bath!
フタサンマルマル。司令官、今日も一日お疲れ様でした! 2300. Commander, thanks for a another day's hard work!


Voiced by: Megumi Nakajima

Illustrated by: Shobon (ショボン)


The submarines share the same costume, consisting of a white and blue serafuku top with pink scarf over a classic blue school swimsuit.

I-168 herself has long red or pink hair, in a ponytail with a hair ribbon on a strand on her right side.



  • 2013 August event special map E1 completion reward
  • Sunk on 27 July 1943 by USS Scamp (SS-277)

See Also