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|scenario = Introduction
|scenario = Introduction
|origin = Hi、私がStatesのBig Seven、Colorado級戦艦一番艦、USS Coloradoよ。あなたがAdmiral?悪くないわね。私にしっかり付いてきなさい。返事は?
|origin = Hi、私がStatesのBig Seven、Colorado級戦艦一番艦、USS Coloradoよ。あなたがAdmiral?悪くないわね。私にしっかり付いてきなさい。返事は?
|translation = Hi, I'm one of the Big Seven from the States, the 1st ship of the Colorado-class battleships, USS Colorado. So you're the Admiral? Not too shabby. Make sure you stick real close to me. What do you say?
|translation = Hi, I'm one of the Big Seven from the States, first of the Colorado-class battleships, USS Colorado. So you're the Admiral? Not too shabby. Make sure you stick real close to me. What do you say?
|audio = Colorado-Introduction.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Introduction.mp3
Line 17: Line 17:  
|scenario = Introduction
|scenario = Introduction
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = Hi、StatesのBig Seven、Colorado級戦艦一番艦、USS Colorado、配置に付いてるわ。Admiral、今日も私にしっかりついてきなさい。返事は?OK!
|origin = Hi、StatesのBig Seven、Colorado級戦艦一番艦、USS Colorado、配置に付いてるわ。Admiral、今日も私にしっかり付いてきなさい。返事は?OK!
|translation = Hi, one of the Big Seven from the States, 1st ship of the Colorado-class battleship, USS Colorado, arriving on station. Admiral, make sure you stick real close to me today too. What do you say? OK!
|translation = Hi, one of the Big Seven from the States, first of the Colorado-class battleship, USS Colorado, arriving on station. Admiral, make sure you stick real close to me today too. What do you say? OK!
|audio = ColoradoKai-Introduction.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-Introduction.mp3
Line 24: Line 24:  
|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin = 私がStatesのBig Seven、Colorado級戦艦一番艦、USS BB-45 Coloradoよ。そう、New York生まれ、太平洋艦隊、真珠湾に配属されたわ。でも、本国で入渠中に奇襲があって…まあ、いいわ。Big Sevenの力、存分に見せてあげるわね。覚悟してて。
|origin = 私がStatesのBig Seven、Colorado級戦艦一番艦、USS BB-45 Coloradoよ。そう、New York生まれ、太平洋艦隊、真珠湾に配属されたわ。でも、本国で入渠中に奇襲があって…まあ、いいわ。Big Sevenの力、存分に見せてあげるわね。覚悟してて。
|translation = I'm one of the Big Seven from the States, 1st ship of the Colorado-class battleships, BB-45 USS Colorado. Yes, I was born in New York and assigned to the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour. But, I was in the dock back home when the attack happened...<ref>She was undergoing repairs at Puget Sound Navy Yard when the Attack on Pearl Harbor happened.</ref> Oh well. I'll show you what a Big Seven can really do. Just you wait.
|translation = I'm one of the Big Seven from the States, first of the Colorado-class battleships, USS BB-45 Colorado. Yes, I was born in New York and assigned to the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour. But I was under repair back home when the attack happened...<ref>She was undergoing repairs at Puget Sound Navy Yard when the Attack on Pearl Harbor happened.</ref> well, nevermind that. I'll show you what one of the Big Seven can really do. Just you wait.
|audio = Colorado-Library.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Library.mp3
Line 73: Line 73:  
|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = Admiral?このringはなに?…えっ、私に?So beautiful!あ・り・が・と!ずっと大切にするわ!
|origin = Admiral?このringは何?…えっ、私に?So beautiful!あ・り・が・と!ずっと大切にするわ!
|translation = Admiral? What's this ring for? ...Eh, it's for me? It's so beautiful! Thank~ you~! I'll always treasure it!
|translation = Admiral? What's this ring for? ...Eh, it's for me? It's so beautiful! Thank~ you~! I'll always treasure it!
|audio = Colorado-Wedding.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Wedding.mp3
Line 85: Line 85:  
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|origin = USS BB-45, Colorado-class nameship, Colorado. 出るわ。ついて…きなさい!
|origin = USS BB-45, Colorado-class nameship, Colorado. 出るわ。付いて…きなさい!
|translation = USS BB-45, Colorado-class nameship, Colorado. I'm heading out. Follow... me!
|translation = USS BB-45, Colorado-class nameship, Colorado. I'm heading out. Follow... me!
|audio = Colorado-Joining_A_Fleet.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Joining_A_Fleet.mp3
Line 128: Line 128:  
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|origin = ちょっと休暇をもらうわ。何?あなた、なにか文句でもあるの?
|origin = ちょっと休暇をもらうわ。何?あなた、何か文句でもあるの?
|translation = I'm going to get some rest. What? You got a problem with that?
|translation = I'm going to get some rest. What? You got a problem with that?
|audio = Colorado-Docking_Major.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Docking_Major.mp3
Line 147: Line 147:  
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|origin = 太平洋艦隊旗艦、戦艦Colorado、出撃します!みんな、いい?私達で蹴散らします!抜錨!
|origin = 太平洋艦隊旗艦、戦艦Colorado、出撃します!みんな、いい?私達で蹴散らします!抜錨!
|translation = Pacific Fleet flagship, battleship Colorado, sortieing. Is everyone ready? We'll drive them before us! Weigh anchor!<ref>The phrase she uses "蹴散らします" is more accurately "scatter them" or "rout them".</ref>
|translation = Pacific Fleet flagship, battleship Colorado, sortieing. Is everyone ready? We'll put them to rout! Weigh anchor!
|audio = Colorado-Starting_A_Sortie.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Starting_A_Sortie.mp3
Line 153: Line 153:  
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = Enemy in sight!さあ、始めます。蹴散らせ!
|origin = Enemy in sight!さあ、始めます。蹴散らせ!
|translation = Enemy in sight! Now, let's get started. Crush them!
|translation = Enemy in sight! Alright, let's get started. Crush them!
|audio = Colorado-Battle_Start.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Battle_Start.mp3
Line 177: Line 177:  
|scenario = Night Battle
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = 全艦、私についてきなさい!この夜で殲滅します!
|origin = 全艦、私に付いてきなさい!この夜で殲滅します!
|translation = All ships, follow me! We'll annihilate them at night!
|translation = All ships, follow me! We'll annihilate them at night!
|audio = Colorado-Night_Battle.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Night_Battle.mp3
Line 209: Line 209:  
|scenario = Major Damage
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = Oh my God!この私が?今に見てなさい。
|origin = Oh my God!この私が?今に見てなさい。
|translation = Oh my God! I've been hit? Look at what you've done now.
|translation = Oh my God! I've been hit? Look what you've done!
|audio = Colorado-Major_Damage.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Major_Damage.mp3
Line 232: Line 232:  
|scenario = 01:00  
|scenario = 01:00  
|origin = It is 1。まあ、そういうことね?
|origin = It is 1. まあ、そういうことね?
|translation = It is 1. Well, something like this?
|translation = It is 1. Well, something like this?
|audio = ColoradoKai-01.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-01.mp3
Line 238: Line 238:  
|scenario = 02:00  
|scenario = 02:00  
|origin = It is 2。陸奥は「ウシミツ」って言ってたわね?
|origin = It is 2. 陸奥は「ウシミツ」って言ってたわね?
|translation = It is 2. Mutsu said it was "ushimitsu", right?<ref>"Ushimitsu" (丑三つ) is the "hour of the ox" and refers to 0200-0230 in traditional Japanese timekeeping.</ref>
|translation = It is 2. Mutsu said it was "ushimitsu", right?<ref>"Ushimitsu" (丑三つ) is the "hour of the ox" and refers to 0200-0230 in traditional Japanese timekeeping.</ref>
|audio = ColoradoKai-02.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-02.mp3
Line 244: Line 244:  
|scenario = 03:00  
|scenario = 03:00  
|origin = It is 3。さすがに眠いわ。お休みしない?
|origin = It is 3. さすがに眠いわ。お休みしない?
|translation = It is 3. Even I'm getting sleepy. Shall we get some rest?  
|translation = It is 3. Even I'm getting sleepy. Shall we get some rest?  
|audio = ColoradoKai-03.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-03.mp3
Line 250: Line 250:  
|scenario = 04:00  
|scenario = 04:00  
|origin = It’s 4。まだ頑張るの?Really?
|origin = It’s 4. まだ頑張るの?Really?
|translation = It's 4. You're still going to keep going? Really?
|translation = It's 4. You're still going to keep going? Really?
|audio = ColoradoKai-04.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-04.mp3
Line 256: Line 256:  
|scenario = 05:00  
|scenario = 05:00  
|origin = It’s 5。もう朝になるわ。仕方ない。私がcoffeeを入れてあげる。あなたも飲むでしょう?
|origin = It’s 5. もう朝になるわ。仕方ない。私がcoffeeを入れてあげる。あなたも飲むでしょう?
|translation = It's 5. Morning is almost here. I've got no choice then. I'll make some coffee. You'll have some, right?
|translation = It's 5. Morning is almost here. I've got no choice then. I'll make some coffee. You'll have some, right?
|audio = ColoradoKai-05.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-05.mp3
Line 262: Line 262:  
|scenario = 06:00
|scenario = 06:00
|origin = Good morning。It is 6。さあ、艦隊総員起床をかけるわよ。はぁー、んー。いい朝ね。
|origin = Good morning. It is 6. さあ、艦隊総員起床をかけるわよ。はぁー、んー。いい朝ね。
|translation = Good morning. It is 6. Now, let's go wake the fleet up. *deep breath* Nngggh. It's a great morning.
|translation = Good morning. It is 6. Now then, time to sound Reveille. *deep breath* Nngggh. It's a great morning.
|audio = ColoradoKai-06.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-06.mp3
|scenario = 07:00  
|scenario = 07:00  
|origin = It is 7。Morningを用意しておいたわ。卵はscrambleでいいでしょう?はい、どぞ。
|origin = It is 7. Morningを用意しておいたわ。卵はscrambleでいいでしょう?はい、どぞ。
|translation = It is 7. I've made breakfast. Scrambled eggs are fine, right? Here you go.
|translation = It is 7. I've made breakfast. Scrambled eggs are fine, right? Here you go.
|audio = ColoradoKai-07.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-07.mp3
Line 274: Line 274:  
|scenario = 08:00  
|scenario = 08:00  
|origin = It is 8。さあ、海に出ましょう!今日はどんな艦隊運用?えぇ、長期入渠?却下よ。
|origin = It is 8. さあ、海に出ましょう!今日はどんな艦隊運用?えぇ、長期入渠?却下よ。
|translation = It is 8. Now, let's head out to sea! What operations will we be doing today? Eh, long-term docking? I refuse.
|translation = It is 8. Now, let's head out to sea! What operations will we be doing today? Eh, long-term docking? I refuse.
|audio = ColoradoKai-08.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-08.mp3
Line 280: Line 280:  
|scenario = 09:00  
|scenario = 09:00  
|origin = It is 9。あっ、Mary?そうね、また会えると思うわ。あの子達、ああ見えてしぶといから。
|origin = It is 9. あっ、Mary?そうね、また会えると思うわ。あの子達、ああ見えてしぶといから。
|translation = It is 9. Ah, Mary? Yes, I feel like I'll see them again. Those girls tougher than they look.<ref>Referring to her sister Maryland.</ref>
|translation = It is 9. Ah, Mary? Yes, I feel like I'll see them again. Those girls are tougher than they look.<ref>Referring to her sister Maryland and the other members of Battleship Row during the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Most were from older classes but survived and returned to service.</ref>
|audio = ColoradoKai-09.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-09.mp3
|scenario = 10:00  
|scenario = 10:00  
|origin = It is 10。あぁ、この艦橋構造?私はきらいじゃないんだけど。あなたはいやなの?ん、OK。
|origin = It is 10. あぁ、この艦橋構造?私は嫌いじゃないんだけど。あなたは嫌なの?ん、OK。
|translation = It is 10. Ah, the shape of my bridge? I don't dislike it. Do you not like it? Hmm, OK.
|translation = It is 10. Ah, the shape of my bridge? I don't dislike it. Do you not like it? Hmm, OK.
|audio = ColoradoKai-10.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-10.mp3
Line 292: Line 292:  
|scenario = 11:00  
|scenario = 11:00  
|origin = Elevensies。そろそろランチにする?まだ早いかな…今日は私がlunch boxを持ってきたから。
|origin = Elevensies. そろそろランチにする?まだ早いかな…今日は私がlunch boxを持ってきたから。
|translation = Elevenses. Shall we have lunch soon? I guess it's still early... I've brought a lunch box today.
|translation = Elevenses. Shall we have lunch soon? I guess it's still early... I've brought a lunch box today.
|audio = ColoradoKai-11.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-11.mp3
Line 298: Line 298:  
|scenario = 12:00  
|scenario = 12:00  
|origin = It is noon。さあ、開けてみて。どう?Colorado特製sandwichのlunch box!豪華でしょう?どぞ。
|origin = It is noon. さあ、開けてみて。どう?Colorado特製sandwichのlunch box!豪華でしょう?どうぞ。
|translation = It is noon. Come on, open it up. Well? It's my special sandwich lunch box! Isn't it grand? Help yourself.
|translation = It is noon. Come on, open it up. Well? It's my special sandwich lunch box! Isn't it grand? Help yourself.
|audio = ColoradoKai-12.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-12.mp3
Line 304: Line 304:  
|scenario = 13:00  
|scenario = 13:00  
|origin = It is 1。食後はcoffeeでいい?OK。
|origin = It is 1. 食後はcoffeeでいい?OK。
|translation = It is 1. Would you like some coffee after your meal? OK.
|translation = It is 1. Would you like some coffee after your meal? OK.
|audio = ColoradoKai-13.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-13.mp3
Line 310: Line 310:  
|scenario = 14:00  
|scenario = 14:00  
|origin = It is 2。さあ、午後は演習でいい?
|origin = It is 2. さあ、午後は演習でいい?
|translation = It is 2. Now, can we do some exercises this afternoon?
|translation = It is 2. Alright, can we do some exercises this afternoon?
|audio = ColoradoKai-14.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-14.mp3
|scenario = 15:00  
|scenario = 15:00  
|origin = It is 3。あら、Nelson!Fine?
|origin = It is 3. あら、Nelson!Fine?
|translation = It is 3. Oh, Nelson! Are you doing fine?
|translation = It is 3. Oh, Nelson! Are you doing fine?
|audio = ColoradoKai-15.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-15.mp3
Line 322: Line 322:  
|scenario = 16:00  
|scenario = 16:00  
|origin = It is 4。そう、複縦陣…そうね、梯形陣も侮れない気がしない?正面、そして舷側方向に対しても。
|origin = It is 4. そう、複縦陣…そうね、梯形陣も侮れない気がしない?正面、そして舷側方向に対しても。
|translation = It is 4. Right, double line... But, don't you think you shouldn't ignore echelon? You can face both forwards and broadside.
|translation = It is 4. Right, double line... But I don't think you should just ignore echelon either. You can face both forwards and broadside.
|audio = ColoradoKai-16.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-16.mp3
|scenario = 17:00  
|scenario = 17:00  
|origin = It is 5。夕日が海に沈むわ。きれいね。このmagic hour私は、好き。あなたは?
|origin = It is 5. 夕日が海に沈むわ。きれいね。このmagic hour、私は、好き。あなたは?
|translation = It is 5. The sun is sinking below the sea. It's beautiful. I like this magic hour. What about you?
|translation = It is 5. The sun is sinking below the sea. It's beautiful. I like this magic hour.<ref>See [[wikipedia:Golden hour (photography)|golden hour]]</ref> What about you?
|audio = ColoradoKai-17.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-17.mp3
|scenario = 18:00  
|scenario = 18:00  
|origin = It is 6。さあ、dinnerの用意をしましょう。MenuはNew York cut steak。待っていて。
|origin = It is 6. さあ、dinnerの用意をしましょう。MenuはNew York cut steak。待っていて。
|translation = It is 6. Now, I'll go get dinner ready. The menu will be New York cut steak. Just wait.<ref>New York cut is more commonly known as [| strip steak].</ref>
|translation = It is 6. Alright, I'll go get dinner ready. The menu will be New York cut steak. Just wait! <ref>New York cut steak is more commonly known as [| strip steak].</ref>
|audio = ColoradoKai-18.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-18.mp3
|scenario = 19:00  
|scenario = 19:00  
|origin = It is 7。さあ、steakが焼けたわ。冷めないうちに召し上がれ。飲み物はbeerでいい?
|origin = It is 7. さあ、steakが焼けたわ。冷めないうちに召し上がれ。飲み物はbeerでいい?
|translation = It is 7. There, the steak is done. Eat up before it gets cold. Is beer fine for your drink?
|translation = It is 7. There, the steak is done. Eat up before it gets cold. Would you like some beer?
|audio = ColoradoKai-19.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-19.mp3
|scenario = 20:00  
|scenario = 20:00  
|origin = It is 8。食事中だっていうのに、港が少し騒がしいわね。3rd Squadron?…あっ、出撃した。
|origin = It is 8. 食事中だっていうのに、港が少し騒がしいわね。3rd Squadron?…あっ、出撃した。
|translation = It is 8. We're just having a meal, but the port is a bit too noisy. The 3rd Squadron? ...Ah, they sortied.
|translation = It is 8. Isn't the port a little busy for mealtime? The 3rd Squadron?<ref>Presumably referring to the First Striking Force, Third Section aka the Nishimura Fleet.</ref> ...Ah, they sortied.
|audio = ColoradoKai-20.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-20.mp3
|scenario = 21:00  
|scenario = 21:00  
|origin = It is 9。あぁ、あなたは確か…山城?えぇ、Wee Vee?ここにはいないわ。あぁ、そう?OK。
|origin = It is 9. あぁ、あなたは確か…山城?えぇ、Wee Vee?ここにはいないわ。あぁ、そう?OK。
|translation = It is 9. Ah, if I'm not mistaken, you're... Yamashiro? Eh, Wee Vee? She's not here. Ah, is that so? OK.<ref>Yamashiro was sunk by ''West Virginia'', nicknamed "Wee Vee".</ref>
|translation = It is 9. Ah, if I'm not mistaken, you're... Yamashiro? Eh, Wee Vee? She's not here. Ah, is that so? OK.<ref>Yamashiro was sunk by ''Colorado'''s sister ship and fellow Big Seven member ''West Virginia'', nicknamed "Wee Vee".</ref>
|audio = ColoradoKai-21.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-21.mp3
|scenario = 22:00  
|scenario = 22:00  
|origin = It is 10。ううん、大丈夫。山城はああ見えて、姉思いのいい子よ。私は嫌いじゃない。
|origin = It is 10. ううん、大丈夫。山城はああ見えて、姉思いのいい子よ。私は嫌いじゃない。
|translation = It is 10. No, it's fine. Yamashiro might not act like it, but she's a girl that loves her sister. I don't dislike that.
|translation = It is 10. No, it's fine. It might not seem like it, but Yamashiro's just a girl that loves her sister. I don't dislike that.
|audio = ColoradoKai-22.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-22.mp3
|scenario = 23:00  
|scenario = 23:00  
|origin = It is 11。もうこんな時間。明日?明日も色々手伝ってあげてもいいわ。…あっ!仕方ない…わね!
|origin = It is 11. もうこんな時間。明日?明日も色々手伝ってあげてもいいわ。…あっ!仕方ない…わね!
|translation = It is 11. Look at the time. Tomorrow? I'll help you with whatever you want tomorrow. ...Ah! I... I've got no choice then!
|translation = It is 11. Look how late it's gotten. Tomorrow? I'll help you with whatever you want tomorrow. ...Ah! Because... I've got no choice!
|audio = ColoradoKai-23.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-23.mp3
Line 377: Line 377:  
|scenario = Colorado Special Attack
|scenario = Colorado Special Attack
|origin = Colorado戦隊全力斉射!各個目標に砲撃開始!一気に殲滅する。Fire!
|origin = Colorado戦隊全力斉射!各個目標に砲撃開始!一気に殲滅する。Fire!
|translation = Colorado Squadron, full broadside! Open fire when you've confirmed the targets! We'll destroy them in one shot. Fire!
|translation = Colorado Squadron, full broadside! Open fire when you've confirmed your targets! We'll destroy them in one broadside. Fire!
|audio = Colorado-Special_1.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Special_1.mp3
|notes = Special Attack Line
|notes = Special Attack Line
